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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Trannies with beards are dancing every 5 minutes. They are literally putting in propaganda every 5minutes among flag bearing.
I like the opening ceremonies so far. France knows how to put on a show.
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>I like the opening ceremonies so far.
Did you catch the skinny bald guy in a dress after the lebron coco interview?
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I don’t know about France as a country but Paris is a tragedy. My first visits there you’d see couples hanging out at cafes, women dressed to the 9s walking their designer dogs, even a few guys in berets- I was surprised at how true the stereotype seemed. That was only about 25 years ago. My last visit, about five years ago, I said to myself, “This is no longer Paris.” Muslims and Africans seemed to far outnumber the native residents. Perhaps they did not, but it sure seemed that way. I heard little French spoken. Streets lined with trash, flyers plastered all over the place, even in the metro there was mold and crumbling parts of walls. Most of the actual French I encountered were older and running the shops. Designer fashion stores with hijabs in the window displays. No more fancy women walking their dogs. No more berets. Just sad.
I don't care about the Goylympics
France + NBC

The two most pozzed organizations on Earth forging an unholy final boss of trannyism is not surprising OP.
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European culture
Can anyone explain what a gay pride parade and a drag queen show have to do with athletics?
Not going to watch a single minute of it. It's better to keep the electro jew switched off.
>Can anyone explain what a gay pride parade and a drag queen show have to do with athletics?

There's a Stonetoss reset in there somewhere. I'm somebody here has the pic.
You mean kike culture that they try to project into others?
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The Olympics games should be banned from being held in the West. Only China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia should be allowed to host them.

It has to be AI generated. Right?

It's the only hope for this historic event's continued existence. As the West has clearly fallen.
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they are so brave
Exactly. The absolute state when the world's premiere event is reduced to a meme.
nice fat booty on this one...would
As an American I was going to watch the rerun version later. Is it really that bad?
very nice tits, i would show them too
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I hope france is proud of this
This is not accidental this is a humiliation ritual proving France is subservient to US.
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i dont understand people who watch the olympics. its just a few dozen millionaire pro athletes pretending to they arent getting paid and a bunch of sports nobody cares about.
and the whole thing is extremely jewish and corrupt, sorry to repeat myself
It’s the modern religion
Imagine waiting for your country to come up and it gets cut off to show a bearded tranny gyrating.
Don't blame us. You snail eaters brought this on yourselves.
It's done on purpose. Trying to subvert wholesome paki families who are probably watching with kids.
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guess it makes me feel better
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Good grief
What the fuck is that


KEk how can whites be simultaneously cucked and a threat
THE LEFT COULD NEVER do this anywhere with normal whites

La goblina de España
Globohomo anthem Imagine like at Tokyo
Fucking act ten we are on, here is my question WHAT ABOUT THE AFRICAN NATIONS WHICH OUTLAW GAY THEY ARE IGNORING THEM!!!
I dont watch the fag olympics. that was the whole point of the simone bile controversy.
Wait am I watching the wrong Olympics? Is this a ceremony for the Gay Tranny Special Olympics? What IS that
Basically all the athletes are perpetual children trying to please their parents too
Ah yes, feels like Eurovision. This is what Europe has been reduced to.
Where are the Jihadis when you need them? Sleeping on the job. Fucking USELESS!!
I think it might be time to murder our ruling class.
I can take them stealing from us but shoving this degeneracy down our throats is a little much.
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His first time skating?
What part of revelation are we in today
>Gay marriage allowed
20 years later
why is there so much shit to do with water?
are they going to make the rivers and seas rise?

>waterworld here we come
>also captcha is "WARJ" kek
Finland, lul

They don't subvert anyone anymore.
I'm starting to feel like my 100% normie colleagues are turning into literal fascist in the last few years. The moment it will be socially safe to come out of the closet, the whole continent will turn right so hard, even the nazi larper anons here will shit their pants. It's not funny anymore.
Clearly it supports the Muslim agenda.
in paris now can confirm this city is gone
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Do the trannies and queers not realise they won't be a client group under a majority muslim occupation?

Genuine question.
They are your only hope to stem the tide at this point. Europe should elect one of those ultra dark blue black African generals who would start setting things straight.
good to hear
Never liked it
Why would muslims blow up their biggest benefactors in the west?
2024 Trannies Olympics
This is peak edgy for normies. What are you complaining of?
KEK I didn't believe you but I checked and there he was with a bunch of dancing faggots
>singing imagine theres no heaven
>some pale horse

what did they mean by this?
Are you trying to convince me to convert to Islam?
This is very sad bro I am watching and I'm orthodox Christian this is absolute nonsense, we need a new crusade I can't BELIEVE THEY are making the french military play along and all

I always studied military history and thought paris syndrome was a joke


Please stand up for yourselves in the future.

May God cleanse them of their evil
Suicidal people raging against heaven don't think about things like that. They just want to inflict maximum damage and ugliness before they expire.
Why so much water?

Enema worship. Unironically.
China held the last Olympics and it was a colossal failure.
I will never forgive my past countrymen for "liberating" France. I knew it was bad but... fuckin hell frogs...
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Paris is degenerate?
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literally man... slippery slope bros were right all along
I have lived in most east europe
Islam is satanic as Muhammad just talked to a spirit in the desert he says

There is TONS of historical evidence of Christ etc

Unlike reading into islam and how is 9 year old wife washed semen off his clothing or how the shiites smash their backs every year over abubakr nonsense


JEWS hate it so much they even denegrate themselves, HE WAS JEWISH

aha wrong
Forgot pic
Booooo USA
Jetais la I'll y a 10ans.... There were homeless sleeping under bank terrace near sene and only Arabs were found on 1 street of Saint Pierre.

How much worse did it get?
I never understood
>God gave them over to their desires
At least for homos, I think I get it now. After so long ignoring the smell of shit as a medical risk, and smearing it on their pee hole and sucking it from another man's penis, they've lost the ability to sense danger, which means they cannot sort right and wrong anymore.
Good. Demoralize and kill all goyims. They won't fight back anyway.
Let me see from my Talmudic translation chart:
>I hate Christ
>I want to remove whitey

There we go. Solved the mystery. It's a Jewish producer who wants genocide.
I really really don't like this drag trash the elite insist on shoehorning into so much stuff nowadays. It's almost as bad as nigger racemixing propaganda, almost.
“France” is a dead country with an even more dead culture. The thing is that it died a long time ago. Modern bugmen that maintain the name have pretty much nothing in common with what made France great
Humiliation ritual
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Tranny jumpscare
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It's still the 1936 games for me.
Lots of hooded figures

they are bring death with them
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NPCs don't "think". They ae billboards programmed with narrative talking points. They have no expectation of future consequences beyond talking points that they have been explicitly been programmed to repeat.
At what point does it get overwhelming? Like is there a point where something flips in the brains of retard normalfaggots and they think "Wow, this is getting kind of weird"
>China held the last Olympics and it was a colossal failure.

How so? Other than the relentless smog. The opening ceremonies in China were pretty based from what I remember. They must be 100% unironically laughing at the West rn.
What the fucking hell? LMFAO
Why put anyone out there if they can't skate?
Isn't this supposed to be about the athletes?
white people painted black
Why held in any country? IOC cunts can create their own floating, self sustained city and call it a day.
At the moment of penetration.
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what being pedophiles is to do with Olympic games?
The host county pays them. It's a massive under the table grift. Like HUGE.
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Everything in China is a failure and everything in the West is a success. They're constantly collapsing and we're progressing to democratic utopia every day.

How did you miss this message, chud? Get with the narrative.
you're a faggot if you watch the Olympics it is the same thing as watching gay porn
"very modern Paris", ie. very full of niggers
Asking a normie to do the sneedful is asking the normie to get their fat asses off the couch and away from the goyslop. They just can't fathom the idea that they are the recipients of genocide because their religious leaders tell them that it's not a genocide. They are more concerned about looking at token minorities on TV and pretending to not be racist.
Anon, it’s
>people of the world dancing and dying
>singing imagine on a burning piece of rubble
>death rides a pale horse
Basically the elite’s plan has always been to kill a ton of people and use that to bring peace to the world. Alan Moore thoroughly and correctly dismantled this line of thinking back in the day, but they still plan on doing it. No matter what world they produce, there will always be conflict between men.
I hate normies so fucking much. All media is nothing but trannies fags and niggers 24/7 yet the normies still buy into the muh oppressed and marginalized bullshit. They will keep telling you they're a minority right until you're completely wiped out.
that was first time I hoped not to be Fingolian
Watching the opening ceremony to laugh at France is fine
there are gangs of muslim and african men everywhere 5 of them raped a women last week in pigalle. the city is totally segregated, you'll leave a white pocket then boom you're in fucking africa.
lmao true at least we didnt get cucked by disgusting trannies
LOL. Poor Finland.
Not bad but hat's not the Stonetoss I was looking for here.
Honestly it is funny in an absurdist kind of way, the same way they take some jungle nigger who's clearly not even human and shove them on a stage they take some dude who's clearly not a female and shove him on a stage.

It's probably the most aggressive move they can make, or close to it. The only thing that could really top it is them literally dressing up like satan or having gay sex on a livestream, those are the only things I can think of that would be more absurd than dressing up men and telling everyone they're normal.
>he took the left hand path.
We’re so fucked.
muzzies are the biggest downlow fags in the world, trannies will thrive under islam
if no one watched this shit it wouldn't exist
vanha juttu joku transu kävi ryssimässä jossain titoluistelukisoissa.
>The negrification of France has done it so brilliantly while still being recognizably French.
>It has felt very modern Paris rather than cliche Paris.
>Kelly Cates - BBC presenter - Not French at all

Is this satire? I can't even tell.
To be fair tho today I have learned that Paris has a big river flowing through it.

Also they're using the river so the didn't have to build a stadium lmao
The F*rench everyone.
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It's the culture of Westohomo dumb faggot, ritualized affirmation of their beliefs.
It's a complex of EU-NATO-US GOV
It's inseparable.
It's called GLOBOHOMO for a reason.
Dumb tourist.
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>The French getting ready to raise their flag
I hope for terrorist attacks
and what does the giant bull statue do there?
I just wanted to see cute French girls. And all Macron wants to deliver are some combination of faggots, trannies and niggers.
the balkans have woken up

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34
Allah indeed has shown His hatred for the infidel
We are colonizing them with faggot shit, it's literally that simple.

They know that there are countries out there where they don't like fags so they took the most important sports event in the world and used it to colonize their values of nigger and fag worship onto some small africa tribe. This is why they're doing it primarily, this will be shown in every country in the world. Almost purely a political move.

The upvote/ downvote ratio is funny
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>Raising the flag of your country in front of trannies gyrating and Africans twerking. Colorized 2024.
>Proud to be French.
the balkans have woken up

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34

We stand with you brothers, we WILL STOP THIS, I had no idea it was this satanic there
>No black Jewish disabled trans midgets

I don't feel seen.
I have never wanted someone to die more than i do now.
The Olympics are eurovision tier now
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Chris Is King
>Why put anyone out there if they can't skate?

Helloooo...have you not been paying attention. What part of DEI do you not understand. it's the box that matters. Not the job.
yuros are all fags
Can’t wait for nuclear war. Humans need to sit things out another twenty thousand years to get shit figured out.
It's for Jews sacrificing children of course. Moloch.

So basically:
>we hate christ
>kill whitey
>sacrifice children to giant bull because oy vey
This is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen
Blackrock and the Rothschilds and the Jewish press in France wants you to eat bugs and bang Africans/trannies. That's all you're going to get.
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Now shilling for refugees lol
He just came out and break danced
how much did that cost and who are these people? Are they even french?
Thanks for making it that way, Moshe. Way to force other people to celebrate Jewish culture.
>break danced
You mean gyrated his hips in front of children like Jews normally do.
I stopped watching when when the last flag went away
Really they were fucking annoying
Christus Regnat in Aeternum
Regnum Christi Sempiternum
Christus Rex Saeculorum
In Aeternum Christus Imperat
Explain how only US controlled governments push homosexuality trans-sexuality and niggers?
He came out on crutches and the gay energy spontaneously heald him. Not joking
Nobodies asking for trannies but they're putting them everywhere as visibly as possible, I'm starting to think it isn't a Russian psyop aimed at destroying the fabric of society.
fucking degenerate cultists
they must pay
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We used to be great
I thought the Olympics was about perfection
They won't interrupt that
Yeah maybe the muzzies have a point
did they do the big satanic opening ceremony thing yet?
>Olympic games?
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It would be too funny, the universe won't allow it
Even gayer
That's what they're doing. If you've seen one you've seen them all. They're the exact same thing every time.
YOU still are brother.
They are MOCKING YOU, that does not mean they ARE YOU.
We can see that, only the lost and evil cannot see or think those with eyes to see cannot.

Many of us are watching from the balkans in anger for you, not at the French people - there is no way this was not done by the collective satanic elite in the west
You never did fag.
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Grosse lesbienne !
I don't know I don't think the "gay energy" healed him. I think his Jewish brain defaulted to Epstein-tier thinking when he saw children and magically all his problems went away because he's no longer thinking about scamming goyim out of their money in his "charity".
>goblino de espana
No that's just Jewish culture on display. Let's be real. The Rothschilds own France.
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Have you spotted the golden bull head on stage when they sang the olympic hymn ?
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Who wore it better?
James Alefantis dream this fucking ceremony
My boomer dad refuses to watch it even though it's only the next room. He read about it and says Lady Gaga insulted France and there were people in blackface. No mention of trannies, he didn't believe me because the media says differently
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I am still in shock how the average french is ok with all that.
I already told you the plot. It is so easy to understand what the Jewish bastards want to do that even a dumbed down version can be stated.
Only kid was a little Chinese girl and raping them is for plebs
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The 21st century will bring the most human deaths to the glory of Satan
confirmation that UK > France
No it's literally upside down. The yellow ring is below the blue.
blue is up, yellow is down.
Honest question. Do normies really enjoy this? I feel so disconnected from modern culture and society i genuinely do not know.
Based noticer. Everyone here knows what is going on.
watch the podium. its
>blue - black - red
>- yellow - green -
The average Parisian is.
They're cowards remember
was going to be a bad joke about ukraine. fucked it up so...
Beat me to it
>u.s. controlled

*jewish bankers
The normie mind is a completely opaque surface, more mysterious than the center of a black hole, no one knows what happens within.
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It's truly, and I say this without any hint of irony-posting, the most shocking thing I've ever seen

Everything looks amateur. Gone is the pretense of at least to make their fag shit 'artistic'. This is just pure degeneray in every sense
God made ARs for a reason. Why are we using them in schools instead of the obvious spots?
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Golden Calf incident?
I have seen so much satanic symbolism I'm shocked this made it to the world stage.
Even the trannies, many nations have this banned yet the west wants to EMBARRASS France...

This is a bigger wake up call than they realize even old people here are very angry with bearded sodomites

This will not go nowhere these "elite" cabal satanists will face retribution.
Get me out of here jeff
Yeah that's it
Philippe Katerine is based.

>I'm not a hero. I'm closer to a zero. But zero is nice, when there are many zeros.

It's the Jews, anon. Simple as. The Kabbalah openly promotes the 1 trillion genders and Torah openly talks about tranny shit.
how did this get funnier and funnier every second?
almost looks like a bit
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That too, I thought they would do gay shit, but as the hours have dragged on more of us have seen why you all in the west truly are compaining but you MUST REVOLT against this
The Average french have been heavily replaced

This is all of the west's "elite" not one is innocent at this point
>Even the trannies, many nations have this banned
That's exactly why its there, to throw in the face of muzzies and other states that have banned these people from existence.
What stops a Jew from child abuse anyways? Their Talmud openly endorses abusing any child under the age of 12.
muslims were right.
Trust Macron to put his favourite rentboy in there...
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I love it
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when is the country of troon land taking part of in the olympics ?
how does troons manage to look even more ridiculous than the parodies made to make fun of them? it almost looks like a falseflag sometimes
It's worse than My Sex Junk but if that's a 5 I'm not sure what this is. I think that what saddens me the most is that it was a choice to create something this ugly, it's not like they lacked resources and had to settle.
I remember this shit, I got second hand embarrassment somehow

To add, this can never happen again
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the popes were right this degenerate pagan festivity should be banned ASAP
well at least he's better than me kek
Think about it this way. You're dealing with Jewish cultural values, and there is a large portion of them who think it's completely normal.
>pagan festivity
It's Jewish, dumb ass.
the torch is being passed, first zizou and now nadal... not bad not bad
checked and kek
Worst opening ceremony in history.
fuggg >:DDD
This is antisemitism. A rabbi will be at your door soon.
France just surpassed India in my most hated countries list. I hope you fucking proud you cocksucking niggers i hope you fucking proud.
you goys did a great job
even in France, I doubt the average person is ok with this. Same as all the faggy shit coming out of the US. Jews don't give a fuck about what people think
This ceremony has cost 10s of millions too
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I don't watch TV, I'm litterally discovering this shit thanks to you.
I want to kill myself, genuinely.
I can't stand living in such a disgusting country anymore. I have enough of the globohomo, of niggers and trannies shoved down our throats 24/7.
I just can't stand it anymore bros...
This is how I feel. Absurd hell world.
Media is giving out controlled opposition and saying it was ruined because of rain
Only the White Man. That's why they want us gone
Zionists only pick on those brainwashed enough not to fight, send them to our doors ahahhahh
Right now they would be beheaded in our area

almost all older and younger here cannot stand this shit
It just keeps getting worse
Watch them light the thing and it turns into rainbow confetti \
>$8 million into the hands of Israelis
>$1 millions to trannies
>$1 million for the tranny bosses.
Did they really do a hard cut from Pakistanis to a tranny? There is no fucking way.
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Because no fags, no trannies, and no women are allowed? Promising, but I'm watching Nolympics this time.
That thought also crossed my mind lmao
They got Gojira to play at the opening ceremony? Fucking sick
Do not brother, do not LET THEM WIN
They are fools, it is written they will fall - satan is NOTHING.

I'm only shocked because we don't watch this shit ever, olympics whole world watches, and to see a former strong nation bend down to this is sick
You're one of them, you just can't see it from where you are
Palestine is in this olympics?
The Olympics are for niggers, trannies and faggots so it is very appropriate.
i already knew this would be some baal lovin' shit

i just want to know how much """symbolism""" they managed to stuff into the ceremony
Meanwhile trump is sucking netanyahus cock today at mar a Lago. It's over.
did this really happen are you guys trolling this can't be real
Actually, there is a super brief aerial view snippet between them, they know what they were doing
The Eiffel Tower going dark was a representation of the planned grid collapse that they’re going to pull
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Literally a celebration of the Antichrist taking the reigns.
The sandniggers were 100%
Kill a politician or journalist instead haha only joking don’t kill your self bro it is not the answer, also violence is not the answer so don’t kill anyone else, though I definitely wouldn’t blame you for killing any politician or journalist responsible for pushing this stuff, but you definitely should NOT do that, I’m just saying it would be understandable that someone would want to do that sort of thing is all, you know?

I don’t think everything is black and white. Some good people do evil things. Some evil people do good things. I don’t think anyone necessarily deserves to die for their role in all this
Some people are just sick
Some are demonically possessed
Though to be fair many journalists and politicians do seem to be quite evil and devoid of humanity but maybe they aren’t all demons some of them could still be human
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i'm looking forward to see giant trans muscular men looking like Zangief from Street Fighter competing against small women
it would complete this irl South Park episode
why wasn't the world cup in qatar this pozzed? the even were citing things from their holy book, meanwhile this is just blasphemy
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Even libtard women are screaming fucking niggers.
The average normies is going full 1488
Flame going to be lit at the louvre pyramid, classic freemason ritual shit.
Yes, they cut away from pakistan straight to bearded tranny dancing on a bridge. It happens every 5 minutes to teach kids tolerance and inclusivity.
Here's a vid with sound
By far.
Just Weimar things.
Please rate my schizo theory
>It's not funny anymore.
It never was
Does it really matter when the only people who will cry "this is Satan and Illuminati" are schizos? This is like looking at an African who makes silly hand gestures and thinking there's more to it than the African simply saying he will kill you. Jews aren't that far from that level of pointless symbolism. It's their version of the silly hand gestures, when all they're saying is "we iz gunna genocide whitey n sheeit". It doesn't matter how much theatrics they put into it.
Agreed Qatar hosted the world cup a few years ago and it went well with no faggot shit.
Maybe a 6/10, it is a light show after all and rest periods play a part as with music. Rate mine before they do it >>475771006
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Remember when Sodom and Gomorrha were described as "Biblically evil"?

What in the fuck. We're nearly there.

Even Hitler didn't think it would get this bad.
calling french people gay is not a strong enough word for what french people are

we need a new word for gay people to describe this insanity
You know it's artistic because one of his balls is outside.
What has happened to society
I'm baffled
In a thousand years when people read history of today and of its collapse, which is soon to come, they will read of epic levels of degeneracy that contributed to societal collapse.
You aren’t the problem, they are. Don’t let them win.
Weimar wasn't nearly this bad
Gay marriage collapsed society in less than 20 years.
Don't care.
Still not watching the Olympics.
Ah fuck they've left it now, seemed such a safe bet as well
Be realist. The best thing we can do is shitpost on this board and other like-minded websites. Then it will naturally percolate upwards into the deep state. You seem very adamant to suggest killing politicians and state it's just a joke bro™ in the same move. To glowies reading this anon's post: I'd be more concerned by renegade groups in your own ranks.

Maybe a nuclear war wouldn't be all bad.
Why can't modern journalists spell? I understand that the IQ/competency crisis is hitting at full-speed but it's just not that hard to do a spell check.
Weimar problems need Weimar solutions.
Conservatives remind me of like a curse from an Ancient Greek play or something.
Doomed to be right about literally everything, decades in advance, put powerless to stop any of it.
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This is nightmare material
Place du concord, there's an egyptian needle?
we will never let you forget this, frogfaggots
Good bet we’ll see

I'm sure all the Pakistainis watching loved that.
Gave up paying any attention to the Cuck Games 25 years ago. Anyone who sits there and fawns all over this deserves the brainwashing they get.
yea that's your role lol have fun

the thing is you are bugs and this is what god wants. it's the end of the world, strap in (or don't)
So France is blacker than us Americans?
It would be mean and transphobic to do practice and dress reheasals, of course. "You're so strong and brave! You don't need to practise, cuz you're so strong and brave!"
Duh duh duh duh duh duuuuuuh wooooaaaaaAAA
Why do you guys still get off on attacking each other?
You really believe the ceremony would have been any different if it had been in Germany? Really?
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that's like any budget for any city or government project
Nothing represents sport better than a fat dude in a dress shaking their ass.
>2 niggers get to light it
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Just put the Jewish star in this image and it reflects reality.
LMAO based. Fuck Paki's
He is likely trying to divide us all, maybe an American working on a military base that is a sodomite or a kike from germany.

You will see
Eh, everybody loves picking on the French. What are they gonna to do, mime angrily at me? Threaten me with an accordion?
Almost every main performer was a nigger too. Wtf.
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Best part was when they threw the Mona Lisa into the water right before the nigger sang the french national anthem kek
fiery but mostly peaceful balloon lighting



Nah that was cool
I wasn't even trying to watch but it was on at the place we ate lunch. Every five minutes? Literally every other person walking was a man in some form of dress. Maybe not as bad as your pic related but as far as I saw every other person was a man, and literally every single one was wearing a dress or skirt.

And this is what pisses me off. One in thirty something people are gay, but TV makes it out like it's more like in One in Three. Tranies? It's one in over a thousand. But the electric jew makes it like it's at least one every fourth person.
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More fascist than I was 2 hours ago.
Making the tranny ugly with a beard is just the Chef’s Kiss to the globohomo agenda.
It just makes you sound like a boomer. Like it's a sign that you fundamentally don't understand the times you are living in.
I taught they wee gonna give it to the old man but nooo globohomo symbolism had to be implemented. Old man dies and 2 niggers take his place.
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since 1896...
You think this gay shit is anything new?
Do you even know any frogs?
One can dream...
Gay marriage doesn't make any sense. I believe you're correct to an extent.
Chinks really mogged everyone with their opening ceremony
dully logged. We'll come for this very post.
>He is likely trying to divide us all, maybe an American working on a military base that is a sodomite or a kike from germany.
Yeah you're right.
It was lit between the needle and the pyramid and now floats above the illuminated eye, not bad
Why is the right so spineless?
I wish I could support the right but they make it very difficult. Between my teens and early 20s (before 25) I was a hardcore lefty but now I'm much closer to a rightoid. It's just so hard to throw my support behind them because they're nearly identical to the left.
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cruelty, just fucking sadistic
>Only 6% of white women are with black guys
>Why did Israel Cohen want to depict 100% of white women with African males on TV in 1912?
>Why are 9 in 10 advertisements of white women with African males?
Literally someone’s faggot grandpa decided to do Icecapades and no one had the heart to tell him no. That fat fuck can barely skate too like what’s the point other than a humiliation ritual for everyone forced there to see?
We remain united under Christ my brother, they will never win. This has awoken the spirit of many here.

I am sorry we ignored your media, it was thinking if we ignored it the sensible would handle it, but it appears too many of the sensible have left leaving those few behind alone with these degenerate satanic sodomites.

No longer ignoring this shit, it will NEVER COME HERE and we must help the remaining there.
Lol same, this has really changed me, I'm vowing to be unashamedly fascist IRL now
Best was 1936, that terrified the world. It's still very watchable today
This is pretty much Hunger Games style Capitol elite display of power
Bismarck should raised it to the ground. No matter, our future generations will see it done.
What's wrong with that cats eyes?
I knew it would be bad. Yet I'm still in shock.
This is the prettiest and top finnish female figure skater
>Does it really matter when the only people who will cry "this is Satan and Illuminati" are schizos?


the stuff that i dont recognise as """symbolism""" is either nothing or symbolism i dont know yet, and i wondered if there was any i am not aware of
Ouch, that's gonna need some ice
That bit was Kino ngl
I thought it would be worse. No other country on Earth would do a worse job than that
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but the mona lisa its not even french, that would be like the english bringing mummies out during their ceremony kek
People are killed for less, he is a moron ignore it.

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