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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Bang/coc/ Dangerous
Canada is collapsing.

>canadian immigrants will be used to enforce tyranny using the CAF, because they don't give a fuck about canadians
>we will see a hindu-sikh proxy war in canada soon
>population of canada is actually 60 million
>all canadians are addicted to drugs, SSRIs, etc
>gubbermint subsidized immigrant wages

Israel shot Trump
Why do whites lack empathy
You have jobs
We have talent
You have vacant lands
We have families

I think it is
No human should suffer if excess resources are there in others hand s
Fuck, my bad. Previous thread:
Check your stale pasta before you re-post it.
You're missing half of it.
Now Google that headline and even include daily mail in the search, amd see just what happens. Tell me there isn't an organized effort to genocide whites lmao

Let me guess, google has delisted the page? I use Yandex for 98% of my searches now. Google and the Media are working together to gaslight us into being complacent until it's too late. It may already be too late.
>No human should suffer if excess resources are there in others hand
Excess is relative. Negro sees you've got some nice tools, lots of them, he takes half. Now you cannot do your job, you go out of business, your family starves.

It also completely ignores the fact that SOMEONE produced those excess resources, and giving them to someone who could not, will lead to increasing population of those who CAN NOT support themselves, like Africa today. A large percentage of food is imported into Africa, paid for by Western countries foreign aid. All it's done is increased the demand/need for even more foreign aid.
>>canadian immigrants will be used to enforce tyranny using the CAF, because they don't give a fuck about canadians
Based Alberta is presently seeking to directly hire immigrants into police officer positions.

>gubbermint subsidized immigrant wages
Roughly 1/3rd of Canadians work for the government so that may help explain why there's always a solid base of 25% supporting the dumbest pro-totalitarian ideas that have something like a rainbow or a no rednecks sign painted on.

Works on my PC. However the Google filter bubble is a real thing that exists and quietly whispers lies to you in its own way.
Reminder that it was other white people who caused this to show off how not racist they are.
>Based Alberta is presently seeking to directly hire immigrants into police officer positions.
Based Danielle Smith is a fucking Boomer tier civnat who will need to unfuck herself posthate.
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>Reminder that it was other white people who caused this to show off how not racist they are.
Mostly with Vaginas.
>Israel shot Trump
And he liked it.
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>Why do whites lack empathy
If Whites lacked empathy, we wouldn't have this mass immigration problem now, would we?
What would happen if Trudeau got shot?
>Roughly 1/3rd of Canadians work for the government so that may help explain why there's always a solid base of 25% supporting the dumbest pro-totalitarian ideas that have something like a rainbow or a no rednecks sign painted on.
30% of Canadians work for the Government. 10% of Canadians are on welfare. Trudeau won with 39.5% of the popular vote.
Just want to say, incredible gem posts in these past 10 threads.
Proud of you anons.

Can a fellow anon make up a few /coc/ OP pics, in the style of pic related?
Decent memes:
>canadian armed forces
>slums / India
>toronto cesspit neighbourhoods
>various drugs (fentanyl, meth, crack)
Everyone will just vote in another liberal dictator. Leafs act like they hate JT but always run to his defence when it comes to the shit he does like open borders and tranny crap
>What would happen if Trudeau got shot?
I want Trudeau to live to be 100 years old, having to make guest appearances on Canadian game shows and local festival dunk tanks.

He is such an embarassment that his wife left him and his children will likely NOT keep the last name Trudeau because it is so shameful. I cannot thing of a more appropriate life sentence for a narcissistic bipolar perfumed prince, trustfund bastard.
Cucknadian pigskins are the most cowardly retards on the planet, snarky little cunts as always, never to someone's face though, interestingly enough. It's part of the identity crisis that comes with not having a single distinguishable characteristic like history culture language or religion that identifies you as uniquely Canadian besides a shitty flag, corporate meme, or a footprint of any sort on the world.
>someone produced those excess resources
Funny way of saying your people swiped them from others.
You're using us in a miscalculated attempt to get cheap, exploitable labour; just like you exploited and stole from us all those years ago. It's going to backfire and we WILL get payback, just you wait.
Justin Trudeau convoy of carbon burning SUV webm
Swiping from swipers is no different than pissing in the ocean, building an empire out of a settlement is the realm of god emperors Nigel.
That’s not a Nigel. It’s a Muhammad

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