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Did they lie to us?
Atlanta gives Georgia back to Sista Harris.
If Kelly is her VP pick she wins Arizona.
Outside of Harris getting caught in a major scandal, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania shift back to close wins for Harris.
Screenshot this.
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She's losing all of those
1-5% spread while elections are still months away is literally nothing.
Notice how everyone already memory-holed the assassination attempt.

Americans are no longer political as a society, the brain rot was so immense, all they do is vote for their favorite action figure on stage, while also having the memory of a goldfish of what happened or was said yesterday to and by said action figures.
The fact that Kumbaya edging so close to Trump so early in the race is already a very concerning trend.
Harris scandals would be buried by the friendly media until after the election.
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>the election is defined in these few states

why are American elections such a joke?
It's even worse in reality. Polls are biased against Trump and he's STILL winning.
For now, yes. But she's outperforming what I was expecting from her when Biden dropped out, and things seem to be starting to trend in her favor now that the initial shock has worn off.
She's certainly polling better than Biden was this time last week. It's gone back from a guaranteed win for Trump to a competitive race.
The fact that Trump not only hasn't seen a post convention bump, but hasn't seen a bump after an assassination attempt is very interesting and flies in the face of conventional political wisdom.
The other states are free to vote for whomever they want, they just usually decide to support the same party.
The polling aggregates aren’t bad at viewing the situation. At this point in 2016 it was basically tied and Biden was up 9-10 points at this point in 2020. Blumpf has unironically never polled as well as he has since the beginning of the year. Kamala is basically doing the same margins Biden had for the last few months aside from his collapse post-debate because the majority of people are already decided, that’s why the final gambit for them is to push to get as many nonwhite women (many are zoomers) to come out by forcing her into popularity. It’s anyone’s guess if that’s enough though, most voters are decided and have been for months now. The only reason Biden fell post-debate was because Democrat voters were signaling he needed to be replaced due to his age, in other words they’re fighting for a small amount of voters in swing states who either aren’t decided or don’t usually vote
Kamala = black = Atalanta and Pittsburgh = 35 EV

That's 261/270

Her VP is likely gonna aim for AZ, WI, MI or NC.

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Lmao MAGA is freaking out.
It's been a week and she's already trailing Trump closely. Have fun crying in three months.
Btw she's picking Michelle as her VP. Screen cap this. Barry doesn't want to support Kamala until he arranges some sort of power sharing arrangement for Michelle.
Utterly delusional.
This is the correct map based on current trends and 5-way polling. Head-to-head isn't gonna be accurate with third parties being in the mix.
>in other words they’re fighting for a small amount of voters in swing states who either aren’t decided or don’t usually vote
Actually, the real key is democrat turn out. The GOP base is energized, they'll all turn out due to the attempt on Trump's life. Hell, Harris making the race "close" may be precisely what dooms her by making sure 110% of the RNC shows up.
The DNC, especially the activist base, is not energized and diverges from the party's official line on key points. A good portion may stay home, or more likely vote for West or Stein as a protest. Meanwhile, their border constituencies in states that are socially red but politically blue do not like Harris and never had. Those people will split for Kennedy or maybe even go Trump.
The long and short is, the DNC is running the exact opposite campaign they need to run right now. YAS KWEEN SLAY may be funny for trolling but it does not play well in the heartland or rust belt.
PA seems to be increasingly leaning red like Ohio, she could pick Shapiro but I don’t think a Jew from Pennsylvania is helping her in the Midwest. That said, I’m of the belief that the VP isn’t that helpful anyways unless you pick someone so unbelievably stupid that they tank you. On that note, someone in Trump’s campaign should stop trying to make Vance the next Trump and just keep him off the camera until the debates.
Harris is getting a honeymoon bump and a "thank God we don't have Biden as our candidate anymore" bump. Even with those, Trump is ahead. Also keep in mind Kamala has a history of people initially getting excited over her (the thought of a black woman president is really appealing to the left) but as people get to know her they like her less and less. This exact scenario happened in the 2020 primary.

I'd say if she hasn't made significant gains in the next month (aside from a temporary convention boost) she's in trouble.
The last 2 weeks has been so insane that I don't know how people are not aware of how fake everything is. The distancing from Biden by the media and pretending to be shocked by his condition is so fake. The rewriting of history about kamala. Them installing a candidate with the delegates backing over a week. Biden referring to the nancies and shchumers of the world as elites and that hes not going anywhere only to drop out the next day. Truly eye opening shit that I have a hard time believing that even common people didnt notice how fucky all of this is.
Texas is gonna turn blue, just watch.
Polls have been mixed even with including Stein and RFK. Some show they take more from Harris, some from Trump. Claiming it only hurts trump is incorrect.
She does better in their mind
I'm looking forward to liberals committing suicide if Trump wins. Let's face it though, I don't care about Trump at all he's a Zionist puppet.......... but if he wins liberals commit suicide.

I want revenge for summer 2020 and woke culture and those faggots pushing the shots onto everyone - even if they had sickle cell anemia and religious preferences. I hope to see liberals die en mass very very soon. Liberals are probably the dumbest people on earth on top of their desire for tyranny, a recipe for murder. If liberals don't commit suicide I hope that people round them up and open fire at them. They're child groomers and fucking faggot tranny fucks that want to destroy the west. I would put a gun to a liberal's head.
Been watching this fuckiness for decades. Shits fucked but it probably always has been
It’s banana republic tier this year, but they keep proving how stupid the goy masses are for not doing anything about it
It's over! Trump will win!
Nothing a few truckloads of ballots in the early morning hours couldn't fix.
It doesn’t matter. Their only play was to take Trump off the board, but they missed and now he has security up the wazoo. Harris owns all the fuck ups of the Biden administration in addition to being a nigger and a women. She will lose bigly and legacy media will kvetch about muh racism and muh sexism.
>Their only play was to take Trump off the board, but they missed and now he has security up the wazoo.
Anon Trump is part of them.
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She's taking the moderates.
The silent majority has always been moderates and Trump is too fucking moronic to realize his rhetoric scares them off.
>vote tied at 999-999 with 1 person remaining
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where are you guys even finding these polls where trump is winning?
jew stewart actually see's the bullshit
>Stewart pointed out how one day headlines read that Republican candidate and former president Donald Trump “smells victory,” and then just days later called him “pathetic Trump already trying to weasel his way out of debating Kamala Harris.”
they're going to meme their dreams into reality
according to allan lichtman harris wins
Eventually this model will call one wrong, and an election in which we have a Grover Cleveland and the incumbent deciding not to run is the perfect election for unpredictability
trump is going to say it's rigged when harris wins

he's going to use the polls to claim he

he doesn't know about the 13 keys
Keys 5,6, and 13 are laughably out of touch. Literally everyone I know is complaining about the economy, there was a full blown strike because the company I work at did another 1% raise this year.
If Trump doesn't go to the White House next January, then the evil party stole the election once again. Let's hope that the GOP and its supporters won't be caught flatflooted this time.
Kamala is absolutely not winning Arizona. The people there are fed up with all the illegals coming in.
He considered GDP to be the economy but the key system was made in a time where GDP increasing was still translating to gains for employees everywhere.
he goes by data, not by how people are feeling. he explains this in that video

there was no recession under biden.
>vooting matters! really!
Total boomer death
Ahh makes sense, so he's an out of touch like.
>there was no recession under biden.
The price of everything doubled. EVERYONE I know complains constantly about money, the economy is in the shitter if you're not some rich kike
Still voting Trump
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Post foreskin
LOL maybe in France but no in USA
wtf? Biden redefined what a recession is to avoid calling it that
Flip Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.
Same. Same.
The difference is that this one person can be ANYONE but with EC it's always the same few states
I know...UGH! I know. It's just I'm still voting Trump, that's all hahahahahahahahahahaha
>Notice how everyone already memory-holed the assassination attempt.
except that's not reality tranny
gdp decreased during both the first and second quarters of 2022, that's the textbook definition of a recession
>inb4 "there's no inflation either"
this is her high water mark. Now she has to speak and take questions. Being anointed the nominee didn't make her a better candidate then when she came in last place during the 2020 primaries....."FWWWWEEEEDOM!!!!" lmao. Is all down hill for her from here.
You are dealing with people who may or may not believe that if they say something enough, reality will literally alter to conform to that spoken desire. BUT the horde of morons they are steering absolutely do believe that even if it's only on a subconscious coping mechanism level. And they will burn the world down around them if they experience the cognitive dissonance that reality says otherwise

It's quite religious really.
No it isn't. Trump leads in 5 of the 7 swing states according to recent polls. Cope harder.
Um ackshually inflation is just preordering wage growth chud
>Why did they tell us Kamala would do better than Biden?
no one ever said that.
they said biden would lose,
ran a coup on him,
and in retaliation biden endorsed harris,
which is now beyond their control, lol.
harris does worse than biden in all polling.
it his last great "fuck you" to the people that ousted him.
>A good portion may stay home, or more likely vote for West or Stein as a protest. Meanwhile, their border constituencies in states that are socially red but politically blue do not like Harris and never had. Those people will split for Kennedy

The absolute cope. We want Trump to lose more than we want Harris to win. Turnout for her will be high.
You aren't the activist base. You are a partisan. Those are very different things. I'm not even dismissing you with an insult. You need to realize that nothing you say will change the facts on the ground.
She was picked because donations were drying up and they needed to keep money grift going. I cant see her having any momentum. The cringe videos are everywhere
you are atypical.
We'll see.
>he goes by data, not by how people are feeling.
Measured consumer sentiment IS data.
Negative threads about our next president are not allowed.

Reported for racism you chud
You deeply underestimate how much people with normal chromosome counts loathe Donny Dipshit.
538 and RCP. Two the biggest polling aggregators lmao
you deeply underestimate how strong misogyny actually is in this country.
kamala harris is extremely disliked.
Her choosing Kelly as her VP plus all the California will absolutely swing Arizona blue again
>t. Living here
Trump will also probably win Colorado as there are no senate seats up there to cause a national campaign spending.
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>normal chromosome counts
The left is compromised of envious ugly dysgenic retards who try to one up each other with their lists of disabilities and mental disorders.
Pick Kelly as VP and she loses Pennsylvania.
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>The left is compromised of envious ugly dysgenic retards

The absolute fucking projection
Doesn’t matter, Georgia will go blue for a black president
barren hags, whiny eunuchs and zoomers who've been groomed to believe that the world is going to end in 2 more weeks
>Screenshot this.
Oh I have lmao
two more weeks

black men don't vote for black women,
they definitely will not vote for a larping poojeeta
They will if welfare is their primary concern
You overestimate kamala's appeal by blacks. She's a former cop and blacks didn't like her in the 2019 primary.
>welfare is their primary concern
why are democrats such racist, nazi pigs?

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