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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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They understand that the volume of murders is. not shown by "per captia," and they're correct. All they are paying attention to is the fact that if you count up murders per capita doesn't change the fact that a lot are done by whites.

They do not understand just /how/ racist we are. Per capita is making the argument that niggers are much more violent than white people and that having them in our societies /at all/ is therefore unacceptable.
>per capita has never been a good measure for crime
Source? Where is the source for this claim? Get me a fact checker.
>per capita has never been a good measure for crime
Oh? Why is that? And let's just pretend for a second that blacks don't also commit the majority of violent crime regardless.

Niggers still commit the most murders by raw numbers.
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someone post that list of beaners identified as white.
>we know what it means
>demonstrates that he obviously doesn't know what it means

Imagine if I pointed out a statistic showing that per capita, red poison dart frogs killed more people than any other kind of frog, and this nigger got all mad and said "OH YEAH? Well guess what, racist? Per capita isn't an effective measurement for whether or not something is dangerous! Turns out that regular green frogs are responsible for more TOTAL DEATHS planet wide! Checkmate, idiot!" as if that somehow then proves that it's wrong to see touching red poison dart frogs as a threat. Like oh man who knows, regular green frog from my backyard or an dangerous poisonous frog, I have no idea which one is more dangerous to be around. Niggers crack me up, man.
They don't understand per capita. They my read the definition and even memorize like you can memorize 2+2 = 4 but they don't understand the implication of it.

The bigger their population becomes the more violence there will be simply because a larger portion of them are violent.
not beating the 70 IQ allegations huh
>We know what it means
>proceeds to explain how he doesn't know what it means
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its worse than you think..

i think it's about time americans stop blaming niggers for all of their problems

niggers are the only ones in american society violently standing up to the government while you all just passively allow your government to skull fuck the entire country but also large parts of the rest of the world, and worse yet, some of you braindead manlets vote for these people and donate money to their campaigns

a nigger wouldnt do that, a nigger has dignity
So... he doesn't understand what it means, then.
>lots of whites
>crime but not really any signifcant risk of death
>small number of blacks
>incredibly huge change of death
What a puzzle. Truly a puzzle to never be solved.
>white people are 74% of the population in America
Clearly demonstrating not understanding what per capita means kek
The inability to understand really is an intelligence bottleneck
If they don't believe in per-capita is a good measurement of anything, why do leftist use it for "Police brutality", discrimination etc shouldn't they also recognize that's a non issue, compared to the amount of Black on Black homicides.
>74 percent of the population
Wildly inaccurate. European Americans are roughly 41 percent of the US population. It's why crime is skyrocketing.
Everything is bullshit. Blunt weapons kill more people than guns, nurses kill more people than cops, school teachers molest kids more than priests.
nope, nuh uh, your tax evasion is just as heinous and worthy of scorn as jamal murdering his girlfriend and her 3 year old kid
>imagine believing in muh racism
>remove niggers (let's ignore the fact that it's absolutely impossible to do that in modern america)
>gun murders fall down a bit

>remove guns
>gun murders fall to 0
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Hispanics are considered white on census data. if you were to extrapolate Hispanics from the white demographic, the numbers would be very painful. For you.
If you have to fuck men and women

You are not really monogamous
>Just because a higher percentage of our population commits crimes doesn't mean we commit more crimes
Exactly. The math agrees with that. That's not the point. The math also says you're statistically more likely to commit crimes than other races. that's what per capita is pointing out.
>But why
Because you want to do the ignorant nigga shit tptb convinced you to think was cool. All the major record execs bought stocks in private prisons back in the 80s, and started pushing degenerate behavior on the masses. You got fooled into acting shitty and having a victimhood complex because some rich white guy wanted to fill up his privately owned prison that receives tax revenue based on the amount of inmates they hold. Profit motive and mk ultra tactics are behind the degeneracy.
>remove guns
i don't think we can erase the very concept of a device propelling a projectile at an intended target
Let's cut off everyone's limbs and put them in stasis chambers, then ALL crime will drop to 0!
remove guns
>gun murders don't change because criminals won't follow this law
i hope you aren't this stupid about everything
those mexicans are lighter skin than most people from Spain
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No, he's not.
He doesn't understand ratios.
This is an important factor that is often disregarded since the control freak faggots running everything don't see the difference. White people "crimes" are mostly stuff like tax evasion and vehicle modifications Karens dislike. Nigger crimes are rape, robbery, murder.
kys flaggot
No, he's right. The green frogs cause more damage overall and are worse for society than the red frogs.
Look at it this way, what was a more pressing concern to cure? Smallpox, a virus that had a mortality rate of 30%, but was highly endemic and killed hundreds of thousands of people a year, OR
some rare virus with a mortality rate of 100% that kills a mere fraction of the people that smallpox does?

in short what affects more people is worse, pretty fucking simple and obvious if you ask me
>remove cars
>all car crime falls to 0
Full house!
Literally no one ratio’d him
Most white crime is just drunk assaults and traffic violations.
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>its worse than you think..
All we'll get are favela style makeshift firearms made from pipes and shit. Gun violence won't go away. All of this is a deeper issue

First off, personal choice: it's time to realize most people who turn to a life of violence made a personal choice to do so. They can turn away at any time, but choose not to
Second reason, economic opportunities: all this shit started taking off in the 70s/80s when all the good paying factory jobs were sent overseas
Third reason, fed meddling: to break up the Black Panthers, Feds started getting them to do infighting and dealing drugs/weapons. The the CIA started selling crack in the 80s to fund projects without a paper trail. Then you also have the re-legalization of privately owned prisons who's investors happened to work in the media and knew how to push degenerate behavior
one nigger affects more people than a dozen whites, so I'm glad you agree that the nigs gotta go
>I cannot read
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Never reveal this info
>remove guns
>your ex-prime minister still get assassinated
Sure didn't work out for Japan, did it?
Shitskins can't understand averages.
He is right.
i'm sorry to hear that
also you appear to have some kind of jaundice that's turned you green
Division is too hard for niggers. It simply shows them that math for them stops at there
Came here to post this.
its worse than you think..
>niggers are much more violent than white people
Piafet studied this with kids. And he noted that some although kids are able to think in ratios by the time they are 12 years old, there were some who will never reach this stage of development.
I am pretty sure he meant niggers.
No need. What they meant to say is that living in all black neighborhoods will not mean anything to the odds you will get mugged, stabbed, or both.
Per capita is the only way to fairly compare to different sized populations. Even outside of crime we use it to look at poverty, disease, education. Would black people want us to focus more on white people because white people greatly out number their poor people, their sick people and their educated people? Do they want resources to go 70% to white people and 14% to black? Then why cry about cop shootings when blsck cop deaths are a fraction of a fraction of shootings of whites by cops?
Honestly, everyone ignores per capita when it makes them look bad but it's a useful tool

why do jews have own free health care in USA?
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Of course they don't like per capita. It shows how prone to criminal behavior they are. If the populations were reversed and the negro was 70% of the US pop, the place would be an absolute warzone. There would be like 1,000,000 murders a year.
I live in a city with lots of blacks. And blacks just steal stuff. They don't even blink an eye, have a second thought, hesitate to come up with some justification for themselves.
They yoink like it's breathing or blinking. It's so weird.
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>Of course they don't like per capita
We did it, Reddit!
>Women not understanding POV
I don't get this one. QRD, anyone?
Like everyone didn't already know.
whites in america are more violent than asians per capita therefore whites should go back to europe
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I guess foids always have to be in the shot and don't quite get if it's pov out of her eyes, then the silly cuntwhore shouldn't be visible
He's wrong because blacks regardless of the population commit the most violent crimes in America. And it's not close.
I don't believe that for 1⁄2. Asians are criminals At their core.
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>blacks make up 13% of the population
>yet do 52% of the violent murders
>13% of 333.3 million is 43,329,000

>but but but but but 74% are wypipo and commit the most crimes!
>74% of 333.3 million is 246,642,000
>and yet whites do less crime
once again, per capita isn't very well understood for blacks, among other things after skipping out on school too many times.
>We know what it means
I do not think it means what you think it means.
You think a lot of whites tax evade? Jews yeah. Its a national sports to them
>fall down a bit
they drop drastically
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>whites in america are more violent than asians per capita therefore whites should go back to europe
Leave a country my ansectors found and help develop from nothing? Yeah no.. now fuck off back to india sukdeep
niggers are so stupid they think a smaller group committing the majority of crime somehow makes it better rather than worse
>niggers are so stupid
Per capita is the only useful measure of crime, since EVERYONE KNOWS you can go into a White neighborhood and not be robbed or killed, whereas if you go into a black neighborhood, there's a very high chance you will be. Whites commit more crimes as a raw number because there's 220 million Whites. Meanwhile, nearly ALL blacks will commit a crime, to the point 1/4th of them are felons in some states.
>remove guns
>gun murders fall to 0
and if the west banned alcohol again every alcohol merchant and citizen with alcohol in their homes would totally pour it down the drain and not immediately hoard this suddenly very valuable commodity, nuh uh!
This. Problem is that when you break it down, 13/50 is really 2-4/50 and that's unacceptable.
It doesn't matter if whites are "73%" when we're looking at a percentage below 5% committing fully half the murders, and violent crimes. That's 5 vs 73. But let's break that down even more: 73/2 = 36.5. That's the male population. We can probably conclude that 7-8% is the white male population that commits that demographic's share. So 2 vs 7. Then you add in all the hispanics that are made 'white.'
When you also consider that whites are far less likely to commit crimes over all, it could really be 2% vs 2%. That 2/50 is really 2/56 vs 2/44. Where per capita comes into play is that blacks are a significantly smaller population than whites, yet overtake whites in crime.

Niggers really are this stupid for not realizing it. You couldn't even show them crime data that shows the richest black neighborhoods commit more crime than the poorest and whitest (and poorest in the nation for all demographics) parts of Appalachia, and by a wide margin at that. They just dismiss it as 'racist police being mean to the black man.'

There's no communicating with them. That's why we must be separated into our own communities and nations.
that some kikes getting shanked?
kino af
True. If you accept that reasoning, you also accept that westerners produce more CO2 and garbage per capita than China and India, even though they produce much more as a whole. Can’t have it both ways.
>basic stats are le racist
cool. why does anyone even care what retards sperg about
I think it's instinct.
I was driving a coworker to Wawa once, to get some lunch and head back to work. We paid for our sandwiches and headed back. We started eating and he pulled out a water bottle, and I asked him if he stole that. Of course he stole it; I asked why. He had more than enough money to buy a bottle of water, he has a decent job and little debt. He said he didn't really know, he just took it because it was sitting there. He didn't even really want it, he just stole it because it was there. He didn't even drink it, he drank the soda he paid for. He stole a bottle of water he could have easily afforded, that he also did not want or need only because it was just sitting there.
should have made him call an uber back to work
White people not spic or jew are 58% of the population.
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He acts like he understands it, but his explanation proves that the meme is real.
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Yeah it's fake news favelabro
>top record execs
>rich white guys

Oh anon
>Per Capita isn't a good measure.
It works for most other groups, Asians, South Americans, why is it suddenly wrong now.
>It makes niggers look awful.
Then maybe niggers should stop being awful.
I didn't know he took it before we got back to work. I don't even know how, it didn't look like his clothes were baggy enough to hide a bottle. I never drove him anywhere after that though. I'm not getting banned from a store because my nigger coworker has sticky fingers.
What's this women don't understand POV meme? I've not heard this one.
Why do you even ask for a source
The claim that 'per capita' "does not work" is so absurdly retarded that only a nigger could come up with a thought like that
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POV (point of view) was originally a caption on TikTok to show a first-person viewpoint. Women started overwhelmingly it with videos of themselves saying things like, “POV: trying best to look sexy”
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bad example of webm because it shifts to really being POV
the way the video starts is how many women film "POV" videos
if you use front facing camera and you are in the picture it is not POV (point-of-view)
it is like filming a car and calling it a boat
It is crazy that Santa Monica Ca has worse crime than the poorest counties in Appalachia.
>so yeah, I might be ten times as likely to shoot you than anyone else in the room. but there's only one of me so why don't you worry about the others?
I know a white family who moved to Nigeria for about a decade and when they came back they were all kleptomaniacs. I guess it's just a part of African culture (and maybe also genetics)
Post child rapists per capita. Post animal fuckers per capita. Post incest per capita. Post molesters per capita.

Suddenly /pol/s narrative falls apart. Reminder the largest child grooming gang in the UK was all whites
>Reminder the largest child grooming gang in the UK was all whites
Do they classify Arabs as white or is it just because they ignore the muslim child traffickers?
Muslims are the worst offenders for each crime you noted.
I understand a Brit will go to jail for protesting the Royals and Muslim grooming gangs abusing your children. Instead you make up bullshit about America.
Fix your own shit Brit.
>women don't understand POV
what does that mean? yes I know POV means point of view
>They understand that the volume of murders is.
But it's not. A straight-forward majority of murders are done by this one small subset of the population.
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They can't help themselves.
74% of the population...? Still????
>all these people not knowing how women and zoomers are butchering POV
have you guys been living under a rock the past five years?
I knew what was going to happen like 2 seconds in.
Stop #GUN crime!?
Tiered capitol offence for ANY violent gun crime.
Fast sentencing
Public execution
Perp family complicit? Lose family home
Watch gun crime STOP

Humble respect at ones ability to kill is CHARACTERISTIC OF THE CIVILIZED. To enslave fellow citizens by oppression of crime MUST be categorized as barbarism as a direct threat to civilized society that MUST be constantly resisted.

Stop gun crime? A solution all law abiding citizens can love.
>Separate Firearm Body of Law.
>1 year to prep US citizenry (only) for the change.
>Tiered Capitol Offence for ANY violent gun crime.
>Fast trial and sentencing
>Public execution
>Perp family forced to watch and receive death bullet & certificate of the crime
>Family complicit? Lose family home.
>Watch gun crime STOP!

Stop gun crimes?
That's not REALLY the goal now is it?
Disarming civilized humans and leaving arms to barbarians is.

Lose Civilized Christian 2A RIGHT vs executing Uncivilized Godless Barbarians?!?
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Do you realize how many guns are in America? It would be easier, by far, to de-nig that it would be to de-gun. Go back to your Warsaw uprising where you kill like 12 German Soldiers total and then tell me you don't need guns.
Pakis have a fuckload of genetic defects from having kids with their cousins. Over 60 percent of them marry their cousins in Pakistan.
literally what the fuck are you talking about, just explain
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>removes 12% of population, crimes go down by 50%
>removes the other 88% of population, crimes also go down by 50%
What's easier anon?
As 2A God Given Right of Self Defence of person and property is the great emancipator for all civilized men:

1) Characteristic of the civilized man is humble respect at ones ability to kill.

2) A civilized RIGHT by definition CANNOT BE ceded to barbarism

3) Cede to the state the right to do violence except in self defence

4) Literate and able to communicate and understand in general society

5) Strategic thinking beyond immediate needs of the stomach and ego. Ex: long term consequences and commitments, education, family and society.

6) Personal responsibility to objectively appraise ones behaviour and own it.

What is a BARBARIAN? It's a real word, not just a slur. Barbarism is existential threat to civilized society. Oppression of crime MUST be categorized as barbarism. Execute ALL violent gun criminals as barbarians.

1) Reserves right to violently oppress fellow citizens for coercion and crime.

2) Illiterate and unable to two way communicate outside of tribal micro culture.

3) Impulsive thinking limited to stomach, lusts, immediate present affect only upon oneself.

4) Incapable of personal responsibility per believing in logical fallacies of three blaming lies

a) Failed Authority: What YOU didn't do, made ME do.

b) Fault the Victim: What you DID, made me DO.

c) Act of God: Anything not #1 or #2, MADE me do.
How fucking retarded are those women? Is that a cash register drawer sitting there next to the register? Literally retarded women.
Barbarism's dangerous & dehumanizing belief that others "make you" act in any kind of way, denies human 'Free Agency'. Denial of personal responsibility forfeits human free agency by lies of blame on others to escape earned natural consequences. Perception of self as an instinct compelled response animal without free agency agrees with cynics, an incompatibility with civilized humanity. That requires controls and sequester. Lower those by neglect and integration, civilized society give way & falls as it is today.
Welcome to the plantation.
What was "stolen" from nigger slaves? Lmao
It is not racist to point out the fact that a minority should not logically have a justified reason for committing more crime than the majority and neither is it defending the portion of the majority that does commit crimes. All niggers should die, and by niggers I do not mean black or brown people but criminals.
niggers shoot each other outside of gas stations. what the fuck are you even talking about?
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