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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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glowniggers detected
violence is bad optics
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The optics game is over
only feds say this
we're done caring about optics. no one is still "on the fence" about mass migration. you either support it or are against it. optics are irrelevant at this point
retarded cuck detected
Has the IRA found their balls again?
the superior race can't even spell
do you like to watch your girlfriend get fucked in the ass by nigger immigrants?
>addressing traitors within your society
that's how you do it
I'm afraid you are looking at the wrong image. I don't see any violence, all I see is a few words scribbled onto a wall.
That's the European spelling, I think Canada used that spelling for awhile also but dropped it in favour of the American version which looks less French (and therefore less gay). Same logic applies to the former metre.
it's bait, disregard
It's called the metric system, not the meteric system.
Either a political revolution a physical revolution or massive protest/riots in a few months
Shit skin detected
>Speaking at the European Political Community (EPC) summit last night, Sir Keir Starmer announced his plan to stop the crossings at "source" by putting £84m into health and education initiatives in Africa and the Middle East, helping prevent people wanting to flee their homes in the first place.
My country is a nation of cowardly retards.
This guy is the exception. The least cowardly Brit
>less gay
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don't pop a vein over it, nafri shitskin animal
And it’s just that easy, kids…
People are threatening to dismantle the economic migrants shelters
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Violence is the only solution for problems since you are born, you're mother knows it, the system knows it. If you're serious, better educate yourself on the reality of this world. If not, get ready for violence.
that dibble is called aaron balcombe and he's a kike from prestwich, despite what you'll hear in the press.
Where is this from?
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Indeed, merely reading any history should prepare you for what is about to come.
We cannot be weak, but we should also not be needlessly cruel, we will do what is necessary for the survival of our people and our rightful place as the rulers of this world.
The US needs to do more than just publicly condemn this behavior.

Sanction Ireland to literal stone age, punish anyone working with them or bypassing sanctions, pressure EU and the UK to cut them off from any business ties, bar flights from coming, going, refuse Irish passports. I want to watch ireland burn and consume itself...and not with migrants, I mean the sniveling rat racist nazis there.

You call Ukraine nazis but they never do shit like this...Ireland...I could give a fuck if they were all invaded and killed, skinned alive or burned. You are fucked.
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>violence is bad optics
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>The US needs to do more than just publicly condemn this behavior.
>Sanction Ireland to literal stone age, punish anyone working with them or bypassing sanctions, pressure EU and the UK to cut them off from any business ties, bar flights from coming, going, refuse Irish passports. I want to watch ireland burn and consume itself...and not with migrants, I mean the sniveling rat racist nazis there.
>You call Ukraine nazis but they never do shit like this...Ireland...I could give a fuck if they were all invaded and killed, skinned alive or burned. You are fucked.
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No shit. Don't understand why people who loathe those NY judges or DAs or whomever just do the dew.
Not to me
That's English faggot.
>cut them off from any business ties
we're an important corporate tax haven, that'll never happen kek

Muttburger moment
No that's fag talk
violence is the only solution out of this
>use workwomen instead
Checkmate chuds.
...they write on the walls.
I want your nation to fail so fucking bad. You people deserve it almost as bad as "Palestinians"
>imagine you have no word for volk
not so fast demo shill
We discussed this last night. Anon that lives close sez it's a homeless druggy encampment and not immigrant housing.
If I were do that here in the US, I would be told on by all the other "men" quick as shit due to their childish cop fetishes.
Just withhold potatoes from them.
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Hey jew, how does it feel knowing you are losing the battle for the minds of the masses?
Alcoholic gingers never have balls, only gaping axe wounds the English should have completely axed.
what is 'welcome centre'? Why are free repairs in their neighbourhood bad?
>immediately creates Israel
i can hide coins in my foreskin
this should happen to all politicians supporting shitskins
Macallan goes down the waste bin, faggot
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Fuck yeah, let's go. Burn 'em all.
Kill yourself you rat fucking kike. Fuck you. Fuck your family. Fuck you and every last kike rat faggot hook nosed nation destroying parasite like you.

You deserve to be genocided.
How many food banks did you scam this week, jeet?
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Irish for the Irish, shoot all anglos and refugees
damn latvia got brains wtf
Can I just take the time to brag that I am an Irish-American.
Bow before me, the rest of you pussey dregs.
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>violence is the only solution out of this
Nah, just kidding. We all know the PvP server is going to open soon. This country is a freaking powder keg just waiting for a match.
absolutely based. need to bring back car bombings

Are those his teeth flying out? This should be the future of all non-Europeans in Europe.
I spoke to the Manchester Airport police today, on the phone, about a separate subject but still had a good laugh about that
Based micks.
new pakistan
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and people on this board told me irish arent white
fucking hell
holy based
Faith n' begorrah, Ireland for the Irish
The fire rises!
Imagine what 10 guys could do with 10 of Pic rel
Imagine caring what a group of inceluous shut ins think.
nigger we spell it like that too
I spell metre and centre like that too
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Goddamn, I love the Irish. Stay based.
Bless and god speed!
So, so salty
I think we should do that in America
We are so back
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violence is kino
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Fuck I hate pigs, especially Bong police who spend 99% of their time investigating facebook "hate crimes", but if they actually did this to invaders more often, they'd start getting on my good side.

Is this an example of "the system will start backing down"? pigs deserve hate for being traitors, but this video was nice to watch
Death to all invaders
Hard to tell, but it looks more like air pods getting knocked out of his ears.
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Haha imagine still caring about optics.

Race war incoming. Lefties wont make it.
lol Live in fear shartskin/faggot.

The White man waketh.
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Ireland still knows how to party
Damn this is one angry kike
Well the Venn diagram of that is probably close to a circle
That's not lord Rothschild and Balfour
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This is you
>all these retards falling for this 'bate
found the kike!
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There is no Political Solution.

All Political Power emerges from the barrel of a gun.
hi schlomo
you are right to fear these violent reactions to your kikery
the worst lies you tell about the holohoax will seem like a mercy by the time the real one comes around, entirely justified
its not like you welfare parasites have integrity, so maybe you can mitigate it somewhat by changing your approach now and worshipping whites and the integrity of the borders of the countries that tolerate you
Imagine thinking this the being dead lol
Keep a very close eye on Ireland /pol/.

It’s close to becoming kinetic.

This little island nation will shock the world.
The party hasn’t even started yet mo chara.

Stay tuned. Share whatever you can to whomever you can. The media and big tech are in overdrive to blackout all operations. They can only do so much. We need people ti share share share
God bless
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More like get out ye blacks and trans
Dia duit, a chairde
>get out ye blacks and trans
I’m using that one kek
60 years ago we would habe murdered that nigger on the spot, now faggot avoid eye contact and smile, what a fucking pathetic race we have become
Shit, Ireland can get stuff done when they channel that alcoholism properly
>fucking pathetic race we have become
lmao fuck off kike
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Ireland has a serious housing issue. Natives living there for generations can't find housing for their kids. Then the government comes in and imports foreigners and building housing for them using the natives money. Countries in the west right now are being invaded by their own government using refugees as a proxy. I applaud and respect all violence to fight back against this.
Its all yours for another one of these: >>475766900
check btw
I'm so fucking jealous of you wild Irish bastards
this line of thinking is why nothing ever happens and nothing ever changes
>violence is bad optics
Hello fellow white civilians… i mean friends! Let’s be peacful and give away our country.
You are a moron. Ireland would just push all of the foreigners into the sea and go back to living the same way they did 200 years ago. The sanctions would only make it impossible to support the foreign parasites. Making people poor and uncomfortable just makes them a lot less tolerant and hospitable.
Optics cucks get the ROPE.
Go back to India poop clown
I can't tell if the entire Netherlands suck or if this is just their version of Obama Leaf. I miss that little nigger like you wouldn't believe.
glowniggers did this
Many, many, many more to come fren.

I hope we inspire Germans to join us and fight back against the invasion.
nice try fedboi
Based paramilitary guerillas did this. Seethe, cope, and die, kike.
>do crimes so we can arrest you!
>yes goy, share this news so we can track who to round up.
Will you still call us feds when the guns come out and IPAS centres are being bombed?
My friend burned this building down
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I hope you get murdered.
not in ireland, they dont have that much advanced apparatus
><> j
>you won't do sh-AHHH IT BURNS
Violence works.
always mutts posting IRA shit cus they think the world is a comic book movie
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Good luck trying. The occupations system will collapse in spectacular fashion, in a way so fast and so violent you won’t know what hit you.
800 years of genocide, displacement, and terrorism could not break the supernatural constitution of the sons of Eirú. This time will be no different.
We are not the same.
>pls dont resist, goy
If migrants had to worry about this sort of outburst from every single native in the country they'd probably not want to come to our countries.
Man look at the shock and fear in your ancestors eyes, it's like she never expected an uprising against her people.
What a pathetic cunt, hope they raped her violently before ending her.
Yeah they are 100% going to total comms blackout Ireland if it starts to kick off for real
They CANNOT let the rest of the goyim know the power they could have to fix their sabotaged societies if they would only nut up and start taking direct action.

You gotta start setting up mesh networks and other avenues of getting info, news and video out to the rest of the world. The world needs to see that they CAN fight back.
you wont do shit mother fucker.
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Call for aid and I will come, I will do anything you ask no matter how grimey and horrible, but I expect you guys to accept no half measures.
They literally are and they are filming it to inspire others to do the same.
Cope harder, jude.
The operational command is in safe hands, I assure you.
A centuries worth of unbroken guerilla warfare. We know what we’re doing. Trust.

On another point, many communities are actively participating in making these invaders unwelcome. This is causing migrant men in many of those places to become hostile. Casus Belli.
This is a very very important point
Wont ever see that in "MuriKa
I feel bad for the Irish. 800 years of oppression and now you guys gotta deal with this shit.
Media and big tech have no qualms about actively involving themselves in direct attacks upon individuals. They will lie, they will cheat, and they will collude. We want them too.
Give them enough rope, and they will hang themselves.
I have to be careful and choose my wording. But operations are conducted with a high degree of professionalism. Please try to understand.
Wouldn't be surprised if he got suspended one day later.
He should not be let go so easily. Anybody who advocates against white interests deserves no mercy, no forgiveness.
Make us proud Patrick. Stay safe but above all have fun
The eternal struggle for liberty, my American brother.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
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...you feel bad for them? ... when it starts to ignite, then in ireland ...
It won't go anywhere, that's what they trained me to do in that situation.
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Not their loved ones no matter how innocent.
Often they don't get the security detail and is a safer bet for extreme demoralization affect.
Labour drones quit in droves after Breivik, they where handicapped for 5 years until Jew NGOs pushed them in 2016.
based and a half
keep it up!
I'm gonna apply to Airport Police asap
Dont get arrested. Kill the individuals attempting to arrest you as they havr made it abundantly clear they serve child raping satan worshipping kikes attempting to genocide the native inhabitants of Ireland and deserve every last bit of violence they receive.
I am sure that at some point down the line, we will extend a hand to other Europeans. This fight goes beyond what is happening in Ireland. When we are victorious, it will be short lived if we don’t see it happening all across Europe. This is your fight just as much as it is ours, and vice versa.
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We're approaching the stage where Sakoku might be a rational policy for Ireland. A lot of what those Swiss guys say is starting to make a lot of sense.
I always get a kick out of the corset and girdle with garters. How many support garments does a female kike need to make her shape look human? Not to mention the cost of her expensive undergarments alone could have fed a family of six for a week. You can be sure she had the best of everything. Can you imagine how her day began? A underpaid goy maid laying out the finest clothes money could buy. A long leisurely breakfast. And then suddenly reality shatters the kike play world.
And the Irish anons tried to tell /pol/ that it was unorganised
>dole merchants
>unorganised teenagers
>thugs just looking for a row

With each day that passes, quite literally, I am vindicated.
I told you lads the fight was here.
Reject the Blackpill.
Reject the demoralisation.
Get active.
Your country needs you.
We are the in the most defining point in Irish history since the rising of 1916.
Yeah and we need to swarm to where it pops off first to ensure victory.
ISIS style, it would be a good place to get some experience for the greater campaign.
My uncle supplied your PIRA with AG3s and 12.7s during the 80s, unguarded military caches in rural north god I miss the gullible old Norway.
Based. God bless. Sieg Heil.

Get it done lads no matter the cost because it is coming for us all. If we are to be victorious your nation will forever be remembered in the history books as those who first fought back against the legions of bolshevik pedophile kikes.
I'm glad you noticed her expensive clothes, makes it that more satisfying seeing the starving gentiles in rags chasing her to a painful, humiliating death.
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It just wouldn’t be feasible. We would end up something like Cuba for the last half of the 20th century. This was the vision for Ireland that the Trotskyist “republicans” wanted. We need to support the populist movements across Europe if true victory is to be achieved. The coming war will not just be against the traitor globalist puppets who have infested our governments, it will be extended to the worldwide apparatus that is at war with every nation state. The current revolution is merely the infant stages. There’s a bigger picture at play.
I hope they raped her first. To be raped by a gentile means spiritual death to a jew. It basically means to them they are now so impure God will not let them into kike heaven. To them we are not human so imagine this spoiled smug rich kike woman who thought she was a queen on her back, her pretty things all ruined, blood gushing from her broken kike nose, violated by what to her are literal beasts over and over violating and destroying her sacred jewish purity. I bet a few of those kids chasing her where ones she probably mocked in the streets at one point. I hope she suffered the death of body and soul. These people want no less for you and the people you love. Never forget that.
Would you trust us with a nuclear weapon?
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Not glowies, they are nativists fighting for the existence of their people and their progeny.
So proud. You shills woke the dragon
I salute your grandfather.
You can organise locally. Find the others. Meet regurlarly. Organise demonstrations and campaign for assembly, petition for change. Your greatest strength lies in the sentiments of your community. Grass roots movements have birthed every true revolution in history. Do not fall for the demoralisation or black pilling.
Extend your hands to the disenfranchised people, particularly the youth. No cause is hopeless.
The power that every European nationalist has is many orders of magnitude greater than what is needed to defeat the enemy.
You need only believe, and act.
Fuck that rapey sand nigger you nigger loving faggot
That welcome centre is not a "refugee" centre btw. It's a charity to help homeless men. The locals are pissed off because there's been an influx of junkie subhumans committing crime and behaving indecently, so some enterprising lads decided to take matters into their own hands.
Weird.. Anyways.

I get it. I just hope whatever happens isn't too rough on the people of Ireland itself.

I've done a lot of reading and watched a lot videos in regards to ireland and it's history, old and recent. I'm Irish/Scottish/Welsh so I'd like to visit at least once before I kick the bucket.

Good luck I guess, I may not condone everything that could happen in the future, but I would not cast judgement upon you.

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat
What's a knacker?
oh no no no no
Didn't help Derek Chauvin
Dont forget buissnesses that hire imigrants. Not all of them are asylum seekers.
Éirinn go Brách
Reject the naysayers and seething >fucking plastic paddy

True nationalists love our diaspora. You are more than welcome mo chara. While I agree there’s some cringe around how some Americans come across with the sentiment, but it is undeniable that your ancestors were forced out of here under eerily similar circumstances. If your lineage goes back that far it is.
Regardless, the diaspora is more than welcome here.

Off topic I know. But I feel the need to state it regardless.
is it true that whatever the fuck the current IRA calls themselves are now drug traffickers that kneel for George Floyd
Chav or pikey. Synonymous with pikey.
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they already did kike. coming soon to an america near you.
First of all, this is the UK, Northern Ireland isnt part of the republic.

Second, lmao, get fucked.
if you fags are just gonna act like rapey serbian thugs against people who can'r defend themselves then I don't care if you get fucked over by glowniggers because you deserve it.

I know you'll just double down on the shock value but I don't care. You're just a white nigger. Worked real well for the balkan nigs that you apparently seek to emulate. Fuck IRA commie micks too.
maybe glowniggers should stop being violent then
Incorrect. There are many different factions of nationalist paramilitaries. Some are far left. When some paramilitaries and volunteers decommissioned and became political, their children adopted a scatter brained globalist sponsored form of leftism. There are some very confused youths out there.
For the most part the active paramilitaries are based. Even the inactive old timers are seething at how things turned out.

Tldr; It’s just faggot lefties that do not reflect general sentiment
From a local, whats the best eras to visit? Also off topic, but I'm not really a 'go to most popular tourist location' kind of guy.
Shouldn't have invaded then
Or something like that right, NAFO troon?
Depends what you’re looking for. What are your interests?
>800 years of genocide, displacement, and terrorism could not break the supernatural constitution of the sons of Eirú
the gods favor the irish
the true chosen ones
Did you post that from walmart ?
Seems we triggered a jew. Only a jew would care about some rich kike bitch dead in a ditch somewhere 80+ years. You people always out yourselves. You think that well fed fat jew witch in the photo ever gave a damn about the gaunt hungry children now chasing her through the streets while she lived in opulence? Of course not. Your a fucking jew. You think your entitled to live better than the rest of us.
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Oh won't some one please think of the poor rapey genocidal invader golems!!!!
meh the brits should have just finished the micks off. I've grown to gradually dislike the Irish and even though I'm of their extraction I thank god my ancestors americanized, adopted anglo names and converted to protestantism. America and England is better than any shit continentals and seething subjects of the crown come up with anyway especially whatever nazbol pol pot tier FC club faggotry by shitskins pretending to be white that /pol/ has devolved into these days
Those poor defenseless people with the protection of the state. They know what they are doing. They are not complete retards, are they anon? This conflict can get uglier than the troubles.
I really liked Galway and the west Coast of Ireland absolutely gorgeous, go in summer and see the Aran islands as well. Limerick is terrible don't go there
The Ukraine-flags completes it
this is the same logic hatians used when they raped and chopped up the french with machetes you psychotic nigger

All anyone sane sees is people sexually assaulting a frail middle aged woman
You sound like you enjoy being sodomized by niggers
meh the kikes should just finish the whites off
You see how stupid you sound?
yeah I was thinking this as well when I saw the posts about the armored water cannon vehicles they brought down from the north today. If that's what they are doing in the open, there is mi6 heavily involved now.
I'm not really a big city guy, so probably wouldnt want to spend an extended period of time in Dublin or anything like that. Probably something a little more on the remote side with some sight seeing.
Fucking BASED

What’s happening cannot be stopped. You jews are in way worse position than in 1938
>He doesn't know about what the kikes did during the juedo-bolshevik reign of horror
Ignorant faggot
He was suspended the next day kek
nah I just hate irish nationalists because they're faggot larpers.

Hail brittania. Only America has the right to throw shade at the Brits. All other nations should have been brought to heel under the crown
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Based Irish. This is the only authentic, righteous and entertaining thing going on in the world currently.
I can't wait to hunt you.
He was, even want to get him criminally charged.
It's like that slater fuckwit, they'll pretend this muzzie is an innocent dindu nuffin
You jews are going to die
This is fucking beautiful

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>if you fags are just gonna act like rapey serbian thugs against people who can'r defend themselves
Yes I intend to.
>then I don't care if you get fucked over by glowniggers because you deserve it.
I intend to target their families too

>I know you'll just double down on the shock value but I don't care. You're just a white nigger.
Don't care that's war.
>Worked real well for the balkan nigs that you apparently seek to emulate. Fuck IRA commie micks too.
Zogmerica will have it's hands full keeping the peace domestically, good luck mobilizing white men for such a campaign in the 2020s

Look your grand uncle
I see a member of the tribe who is responsible for everything from the death of Christ himself to the lonely death of the dauphin of France to the murder of the Romanov's, the destruction of the arts, the bastardization of everything good and beautiful and the ruin of everything that took centuries to build. Frail? Spare me. That fat kike bitch would spit on me if I asked for help from her. Your all disgusting monsters.
You need only look at Drew Harris to understand who is dictating the response.
I have posted over and over in the previous days that Irish nationalists MUST NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE IMPLICATIONS OF THIS.
MI5 are controlling the response to the rise of nationalism in this country.
And it isn’t even anything in relation to the tensions in the occupied North.
This goes far deeper than most realise my fellow Fenian. We are up against more than just the weak puppets in Leinster House.
Anglos are the true enemy of the white man. Because they sold us to the highest bidders
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I'll move there and help you unironically. I'm 40% Irish :)
Holy based
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Already working on it can't divulge further, won't come alone to put it mildly.
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That would work out about as well as it did for Serbia. Your just a unhinged psychopath who belongs in prison
>they are nativists fighting for the existence of their people and their progeny
so, why are you using the gif of the cuked piece of shit then?
anglo saxon culture is superior to all other cultures in the world save maybe for the Japanese.

Suck my uncircumsized mick cock you know I'm right
If you like fishing and hiking and what not there’s many beautiful, scenic locations all over the country. Tourist traps are mostly in the capital, sparsely in the other cities. I would encourage you to do some research as I am not a tour guide. Plenty to see and do if you want to experience the magic of peaceful and serene rural Ireland. A lot of historical routes and tours to take and a good education on the struggles and strong characters of generations past, with much to do along the way.
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We lose when we defeat our enemies
He deserved it for being a foreigner.
Exquisite bait
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Enjoy your diversity night terror faggot
Good lads.
Go díreach a chara.
All civilian lads at the protests sites should start leaving their phones at home for a start.
>That would work out about as well as it did for Serbia
So really well?
Oh well I guess they'll have to import more working men then kek
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>violence is bad optics
>states commits violence at will
Salute, my Norwegian brother.
Never give in.
>Police brutality is le good
Sorry anons that's not about race, it's just a schizo psychopath and that kid on the ground could have easily been you
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Doubt it
He would of done them same to a native teenage girl so I don’t have a problem with this
>American version which looks less French (and therefore less gay)
So why would Canadians want to use it
With what fucking army, you kikes duped your pawns into dumping their arsenal into pissrael and Ukraine.
The days of NATO intervention is over, like I said good luck mobilizing white men in the 2020s, all the zoomers are way worse than me.

Look another relative of yours, he was beaten to death.
fucking bigots
i thank protestant jesus every day that my ancestors had the shameful potato bog nigger taint washed off of them by the grace of a nation built by british culture.

Plastic paddy's who lionize the IRA are scum. The SAS and British military should have just interned every suspected partisan in North Ireland and shipped chavs in to colonize t
Except no one cares about the Irish except the Irish so you’re wrong this time
you already did by fedposting you dumb nigger
honestly, anyone in ireland can put me up? i will wage a one man war for you.
Disposed off like the parasite trash he was, spared the world of 500 kike descendants being born probably.
God bless Hitler.
>and people on this board
You got to outnigger a Bolshevik when fighting them, it will kill your soul but it has to be done. i'm talking about raping their screaming children in front them. Because that's what they did.
uhh fukkin based much?
Imagine if white Americans took things as seriously as Irishmen do.
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Hahaha look the crown loyalist boot licker has an opinion

>bring back tar and feathering
The ones doing the important work are well proficient at opsec. Information is of course compartmentalised.
I wish I could post more. But opsec demands tight lips.
If you haven’t already gotten active in some way shape or form, please do so. I CANNOT stress just how important nationalist activism is needed right now across the board. Every Irishman has his part to play.
Fuck off nigger, violence is the answer.
Voting doesn't do shit.
they would just make porn of it
nah, American exceptionalism bitch. The Brits should have gone gloves off with everyone else though
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>I want your nation to fail so fucking bad. You people deserve it almost as bad as "Palestinians"
JIDF shills getting nervous
Maybe. I need to relax.
the irish military and police are an illusory organization. people in ireland are just nice to each other, nobody actually enforces any laws because nobody needs to. (shocking i know, especially if youve lived around nonwhites your whole life) therefore revolution is possible without a 100% garuntee of permanent jailed isolation therapy
Gonna need a new Ballad after this. The Foggy Poo sounds about apt.

antifa tier larping
The Japanese? Asian monkeys? Fucking hell lmao. Go fap to your cartoons you subhuman weeb faggot kek
You have to go back
kill the traitors first, then your enemy
lel thats like a left right hook against a jew.
Astroturfing, well poisoning, glowniggers are posting here to clonflate honest nationalist posters here.
They are hoping a court case will somehow emerge from posters like myself who are in the know, and that they might be able to use posts like above in a court of law and media campaign to undermine nationalists.



violence is always the answer
The Irish and White people everywhere are not doing enough to defend themselves from invaders and the jews shipping them in.
Éirinn go Brách, doing God's work
just fucking kill yourself glownigger
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le optics
I see nothing that self incriminates this Scandinavian.
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Man you're just desperately going through every post in this thread aren't you?
You think it will help?
You think we feel demoralized?
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>Loves America
>is actually an neo colonial revisionist
Anon I…
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but le optics

Because optics has gotten us so far
Retard it's Germans that brought them here. I'm sick of faggots blaming irrelevant useless Jews instead of the EU's leadership. In it mostly Germany tries to force us and Poland to accept brownies like the faggots in Scandinavia and Western Europe.
Shameful. Grow up and burn your local politicians and any migrants lodging or agency.

Rodger that.
Beannacth le bua.
hatred for kikes and invaders of European and European founded countries isnt fedposting you retarded kike faggot.

that is and always has been the natural state of /pol/
Listen to this. Written a long time ago, but more relevant now than every before.
They're muslims, they have no humanity, no compassion, no soul.
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stupid tourist go drink another buckfast tonic and pass out in a gutter you council housing estate hick
Keep calling it a larp, pretty soon you won’t have any choice but to call us a fed-lead controlled opposition lol.

We are going to shock the world.
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Another one thought he could slide right in this thread and kvetch.
I know better, i'm just tired and angry. I should just keep my mouth shut until it kicks off.
Who controls Germany you filthy kike?
Muslims volunteering to kill off Muslims?
How does that work?
Let me guess you saw pics of your fellow parasites I posted and reading comprehension went out the window?
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when i wrote this, i hadnt even considered hitler, but the fact that it applies to hitler, tells me he was never our guy.

with these people you can actually witness the war occurring inside of their souls. he has the same aura as alex jones when he tries to say its not the jews. but the fact that hes had three jewish wives, and all of his children are jewish, its no longer about what is moral or true, he has to commit to that position because not doing so puts his family at risk. and that battle within his soul becomes pronounced, a sort of unspoken body language. and that same process occurred in hitler, and was especially evident in the later years. when himmler and rosenberg came to him with more and more evidence, he was there to cushion the blow. just enough to ensure the jewish virus spread.

all the most famous anti-semites were jews/people working for jews to cushion the blow and to steer the damage. the cost of lives comes second to the wealth and influence. compare that to hadrian or anybody not jewish, millions of jews dead, fucking ezpz. no politics, no fucking around, no swimming pools, no consideration of the public backlash, just results.
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Hard to tell if troll Jewish or Jewish troll
no I'm just openly hypocritical and proud of it. What's bad for America is good for the rest of the former British empir
Write some freedom of speech into your constitution when you kick those traitors out and take the government over. That and invest more heavily in Gaelich
Your continuous posting of shitty cartoon soft core porn has led me to believe you’re one of two things
A.) 12 years old and still in your edgy phase
B.) an extremely autistic adult that has never touched a vagina
Will be interesting to see if it gets proper mainstream attention. It’s a tricky one for the kikes because they’ll want to paint you all as nazis but like some anons have said it could spark shit off everywhere.
Genuinely godspeed to you based potatoniggers. I love and am inspired so much by Irish/Celtic music that I am establishing my own session group to keep the tradition alive. Irish culture is my favorite in the world, and it would tear me apart if it were to perish from this earth. Well, far more than it already has. Truly an endangered culture.
If you are genuine, shape up brother. Your country has a dire need of you. Get involved. No matter how trivial or mundane the tasks to serve the cause you find are, take part. If you love this country, if you have children, if you oppose globohomo, stand up and be counted.
of course I haven't? anime weeb website you fag. You don't belong here.
> no I'm just openly homosexual and proud of it. What's bad for America is good for Israel.

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They can't stop all of us, and we're absolutely everywhere. 99% of people are terrified of making the first move, but once they see the first move has been made, and successfully, they will join in. Only a matter of time now.
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>If you're an anti semite you're actually a semite
I see right through you.
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Those apes love stripping off and returning to nature
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No no no.
You got it all wrong guy
(((YOU))) don’t belong here.
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everytime you fags chimp out irl you get curb stomped by the free world because you are ontologically evil

keep acting like niggers though it shows the world you don't deserve rights
Anglo saxon culture at this point is just authority worship and nigger worship
There is a wealth of Irish trad music to delve into. It is reminiscent of the ancient bardic Northern European warrior cultures who would sing and lament of their heroes sacrifices and write songs of inspiration snd veneration for warriors past and present. The valley of knockanure is also one that just makes my hair stand up and Instill a deep sense of pride and defiance in me on a spiritual level.
Fun fact. The US army can slaughter every single one of you. The only thing holding us back.....

I chose John Matrix saying a one-liner because he says 'wrong' and in that context Schwarzenegger is an actor playing a character, and the person I'm replying to is a subversive faggot that is sabotaging the notion that white people groups should take their own respective sides. Traitors should be defeated and invaders should be driven out. Is the order-giver to be hated so much more than the order-follower? Any common person that facilitates the invasion is more despicable than the ruler that invites foreigners to come and settle, and take.
lol post hand. Bro I need to see how brown you are
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>Anglos are the true enemy of the white man.
nazbol brownoid nupol is just shitskin soccer hooligans larping as nazis
Lament of Cu Chulainne is one of my favorite airs of all time.


Also the Boondock Saints opener gives me legit goosebumps too. Really gets that blood rushing while simultaneously filling you with ancestral wonder and awe.

i cant believe how many anons are replying to this seriously lmao
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It’s the same thing isn’t it
Also yeah, I 'm aware. I find a lot of my tunes on The Session. So much amazing music that just doesn't compare. Fun and beautiful to play.
fbpb and watch all the Irish Americans start the second American Revolution kike.
edgelords don't have emotional control surprisingly
Irish should never have been allowed in the country.
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Yes anon it always has been
not really. Wheraboo revanchists and slavic nazbol tankies push this like but everything good about the west with some superficial francophone exceptions is angloid in nature
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It's all fun and games until you lose control.
Still waiting on hand color
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Then you become the fun
There’s currently an underground revival of trad music slowly gaining traction. Makes me smile with pride.

>lament of cu chulainn
Never fails to inspire a wave of emotion. Excellent taste.

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