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Zoomers are absolutely brainfried.
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>april 21
old news
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>The warrant shows that the 17-year-old boy was then seen in a 1996 Buick Park Avenue before setting up his camera. A tripod was set up near the crossing just four minutes before the train derailed, investigators wrote
Back in my day, it was a lot tougher to get a warrant.
>the boy said, "obviously a switch was flipped the wrong way,"
I'm sorry.
>Da Alphabets constantly try to honeypot retards into domestic terrorism.
>Tiktok is more successful at it on accident.
just some autistic train spotter who is smarter than the rail workers
The ad revenue on the video probably earned him five times as much money than if he wage slaved for those seven years, in clown world, this is based and redpilled behaviour.
What a stupid nigger.
Rail infrastructure is surprisingly fragile and open, but I guess it isn't surprising because so is every other infrastructure in North America.
I would definitely have beat the shit out of this guy.
t. rail wagie
The zogbots just picked him up to get their whitey quota. Cant hold shaniqua responsible for fucking up
>Money made from commiting a crime
The state will take everything. Any account he has is already frozen by now.
post the video you fag
>just some autistic train spotter
They're called foamers
>who is smarter than the rail workers
lol lmao even. no
>Rail infrastructure is surprisingly fragile and open
Because it was made for countries with white people. You don't have to bolt everything down and hide everything in a white country. Sadly this is a brown country now so everyone just does stupid shit when it occurs to them to do it.
he's just being entrepreneurial and pulling himself up by his bootstraps
how else did you think the West was won?
No. He maybe switched tracks to crash into a single car on the other line.

Really awesome when at the exact moment anything might possibly be happening, the faggitor cameraxir chooses to drop out of frame on the only thing if importance. Also grateful I don't have to listen to any audio.
yes, that's true and a good point. 100%
>seen in a 1999 Buick Park Avenue
>7 years getting your arsehole blown out by Tyrone all to capture some completely mid footage.
How are zoomers such retards? This must’ve been orchestrated so he could access Tyrone’s bbc in jail. There is no other reasonable explanation.
>Faces 7 years
That's all? I would've thought the law would be harsher on fucking with trains just like they don't want you fucking with the mail.
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I always think to myself can sharts be anymore retarded and then this happens

jews have made your goy brains into mush and you have completely lost touch with reality, this is what life is like with no foreskin
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Was it sebastian deyoung? He's already on the radar for fucking with switches.
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Derailing trains is a common right of passage pass time activity for those growing up in rural areas. It is usually preceded by a cow tipping phase and followed with the bumper skiing on gravel roads phase.
Yep, need to bolt everything, put locks on everything, serve food behind bullet glass screens.

Cant just expect to walk into a store, pick up items as you choose and then pay for them, thats horrifically outdated
Rape isnt that common in prison, its a myth
This wouldn't even get that much views/money. Maybe like 10 million views but you won't get much money from that.
They could probably throw on some domestic terrorism charges as well from some unpublished patriot act secret statute.
You forgot the fuck your sister phase.
>>Money made from commiting a crime
>The state will take everything. Any account he has is already frozen by now.
So what you're saying is he generated a profit for them? How is that a crime?
>camera turns away just as it’s about to derail
Gayest thing I’ve ever seen
That’s pre cow tipping, and I will never forget it.
YouTube doesn't pay out instantly and the terms of service prohibit illegal behavior. He's not getting any YouTube money from this but still will have to pay the consequences. This isn't like robbing a jewelry store and then hiding the loot until you get out.
Well then this zoomer fagman is going to be disappointed then ey.
this, holy shit, imagine causing a train to derail and all you get is some footage of the dust cloud billowing around 50m away
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>american infrastructure literally crumbling in real time
>quick lets blame zoomer tiktokers
nice try, glowniggers
This is profound and unprecedented levels of mental retardation. I kneel.
so was it a nigger or a spic claiming to be white?
ah yes i'll be telling all my friends to see the hot new video of fucking nothing of interest happening at all
>please, i beg of you, buy my children, i must get a ticket to see the metal machine skid around a bit

That "11'8" bridge" channel gets better footage without lifting a finger
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This is become shockingly apparent but normies still think diversity is our strength
Holy shit dude, how much money do you think youtubers get?

$35,000 absolute shit salary
$245,000 for seven years
$1,225,000 for five times as much

You seriously think these dipshits make that much of a video?
I always laugh when people claim some of these are locked up because they just hate black people being able to buy things. Convenience stores hate using this shit because it's expensive and a pain in the ass to deal with when someone actually wants something out of it. They only ever get used when there's an absurdly high amount of shrinkage for a product(shrinkage is just lost product/sales. it can be due to faulty or damaged product, something getting lost during delivery, or for these places most likely theft).
I was going to ask why the tweet didn't mention if anyone was hurt but this is fucking nothing
my expectations for an epic video were severely harmed
I've still never seen this in person.
I'm not denying it exists, I'm just surprised how common people think it is. I guess I live in a nicer place than I thought?
>Money made from commiting a crime
>The state will take everything. Any account he has is already frozen by now.
You've been entered in the competition for the /pol/ anti-semite of the year award
Based let it collapse and dance on their corpse
Death to america
His sentence should be the restitution plus 365 days of rail labor including the derailments. Have him pull spikes with a crowbar, shovel ground for tie replacement, place plates and start line side spikes. Tamping is done by spoon and has to fetch any and all tools and hydraulics. No operator options either, just 365 days of on the ground labor by hand and any days taken off will have to be made up until the 365 has been completed.

One year of sun up to sun down rail labor in 4 seasons and he'll have a whole new perspective on life.
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not for you, ugly
>train derailer


keep up the sabotage of american infrastructure
he'll have the same "fuck whitey, he a slave driver" opinion because these people are incapable of learning
Yes, you mustnt know the nature of niggers
It was a nerdy autistic white kid.

I live in a historic train city, there is a depot there and every day I drive past there are boomers, young people, just sitting on lawn chairs recording teribytes of trains because they are autistic. We call them foamers.

Fucking weirdo will probably be hated by his fellow weirdos for hurting the pwesious twain. Fuck trains, they are always blocking crossings and are a deregulated industry. They are loud, blare at all hours of the night and delay emergency services.
>up to 7 years
Should be summary execution.
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One more thing. I don't know shit about trains, how was this kid able to get control of the tracks? Is that just out in the open like the lever meme?
are the dicks black? that'll weigh in on my decision
abort because all 5 of those cocks are about to have intercourse with me and I only do bareback
Where the fuck did the kid find a 1996 buick in operable condition
Why do you fucking niggers blaspheme so much when you can simply use cuss words? Fucking dumb amerimutt cunts.
I don't know why but it's ingrained into american culture

>G*d damn, h*ly shit, oh my fucking g*d, j*s*s fucking chr*st
why the fuck are they called foamers? sounds like my secret nickname for my ex's pussy (she had rabies)
Internet should be banned for anyone under the age of 30.
What's the worst thing you can do to a zoomer? Cringe.
Sentence is 'Death by Cringe.'
He will be put into the cringiest, most embarrassing situations to a zoomer until he offs himself.

Everyone does dumb shit as a kid. But if a kid's version of 'dumb shit' includes stuff like we've seen Zoomers do for social media clicks, then we don't need these people in the gene pool.
he gets his freedom when he out-drives that damn technological behemoth they call Machinery. John Henry will not die in vain.
Really need to up this to the death penalty, youtubers are subhuman and capital punishment needs to be dealt out in this case.
The real question is, "What race is the fetus?"
If it's black/brown, then run it down.
imagine defending the retard who did it and was there 4 minutes before the derailing
trick question, a fetus left outside like that won't last long anyways, if it's even still alive, so pulling the lever accomplishes nothing except cockblocking 5 random people for no reason. So the obvious solution is to pull it.
>5 minute video
Could've easily made it into a 1h documentary about train safety. Idiot! Ngmi
>The real question is, "What race is the fetus?"
>If it's black/brown, then run it down.
Well maybe but what if it's 5 black dicks vs 1 black fetus.
zoomers playing GTA irl now
Because they stand at the tracks and foam at the mouth when a train comes by in awe. Autistic as they come. Terabytes and hours of footage of EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TRAIN.

Rivet counters. People who are obsessed to an unreasonable degree with trains. The “when will they restore xyz” crowd
>G*d damn, h*ly shit, oh my fucking g*d, j*s*s fucking chr*st
Only jews type like this.
also we should start calling them j*ws
>risking up to 7 years in prison for that
Maybe I just don't want to burn in hell
same for jews, whitey never expected jewry in first place, thats how jews won
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>when your position is so obviously wrong the only way to make it seem logical is through contrived impossible thought experiments
Post the one about test tube babies in a burning IVF clinic while you're at it.
That's what the chicken's for.
We have them at our local stores. Chocolate and laundry detergent locked up
Become ungovernable. Why do YOU care if the train doesn't derail?
Hair products, baby formula, condoms, make up accessories like nail polish
Anything nigs and women think they’re entitled to, it’s locked up in our local store. Annoying as absolute shit waiting for a wagie to come and get me my allowed 2 cans of baby formula all because women and nigs
Has anybody checked to see if there are warrants out for the arrest of any of those black dick havers?
Zoomerniggers will do literally anything for 5 seconds of fame. The little faggot should get the harshest punishment possible.
>Zoomers are absolutely brainfried.
Skin colour?
He has to wipe the ass of every senile boomer until the last one passes away. The youngest boomers are 60. It's gonna be a while.
That is so lame, holy shit
That's a Russian or Iranian
Brown people don't rip up their own railroad tracks lmao
You're less than a nigger as an american, literally baboon monkey tier subhuman
Man he's gonna get his bussy reamed on the inside fr
I understood that reference.
And this is quite literally going to be the highlight of his life, too.
3800s run forever.
>>Da Alphabets constantly try to honeypot retards into domestic terrorism.
>>Tiktok is more successful at it on accident
I think you made all this shit up.
>autists don't exist
really man
>drives a 96 Buick
I feel for the parents, they’re not rich but god damn did they try and fail with this one
Checked and blessed.
Lmao quite the opposite. Most of the rape victims don't talk about it or report it
Or you could just shoot him, and upload it to the new Government Capital Punishment Tik-Tok account and tell Tik-Tok if they remove this account then their employees in the USA will be killed on the new Government Capital Punishment Youtube account
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>Ruin your life for this dogshit footage
>this is the most exciting video redditors will have ever seen in the internet
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You know, even if nobody (fortunately) got hurt, and the footage taken is relatively lame, this is still a pretty insidious look into the zoomer brain - doing anything for views. If they start to detail trains just for attention, then who knows what might be next?

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