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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The Wall Street Journal reports that Russia is 'losing a battle' against inflation, as increased military spending and a record labor shortage mean 'working-age men go to the front or flee' and in turn have 'fueled wages and pushed up prices'.
who gives a fuck
2 more weeks and ruzzia collapses
sounds like projection
orc here
russia should nuke the ukraine
I give it 2 more years actually.
no, russians are docile retards.
it takes longer
The kike rag says what
Not like you, ahmed
everything that is reported about Russia is literally just projection on Ukrainian problems at this point
>please mr. putin please turn on our water
if russia wants to invite me to come live in an english speaking area where i can work a night shift id be glad to move
go back ivan
Russians endure the most inhumane living conditions for years.
This is the bred slave mentality.
>The Wall Street Journal reports
>Russians endure the most inhumane living conditions for years.
>This is the bred slave mentality.
in your imagination, rent free
Have you ever seen a purple ork?
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Russia collapsed decades ago retard. There is no coming back.
Um excuse me NAFO tranny based Russia beat all sanctions and is a perfect economy also the west will collapse in 2 weeks
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>two more weeks until the new sanctions destroy the ruZZian economy just wait and see

nigga it's 2024
> The Wall Street Journal reports

Into the trash it goes! Russia is winning
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of course
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what caused this amerimutt meltdown?
I feel the bigger long term problem for russia is the massive amount of brain drain.
Why don’t your people demand political change by organizing protests? Also what are chinese vehicles like?
there was a reason why your family left this hellhole.
now you can be a twink in europe sergay
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>Russian GDP grew 5% in the first 6 months of 2024

Are you losing a battle against inflation?
What's better, more dakka or bigga Choppa?
> Why don’t your people demand political change by organizing protests?
Can't win against an organized, armed and motivated army (all kinds of feds are basically putin's army). Too few people can act, almost everyone is either scared or just a vatnigger.
Real activists are either jailed or dead.

> Also what are chinese vehicles like?
>we will all just burn
sounds like an opportunity to me. simple timed release ballons with thermite impact fuse.
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>Can't win against an organized, armed and motivated army (all kinds of feds are basically putin's army). Too few people can act, almost everyone is either scared or just a vatnigger.
>Real activists are either jailed or dead.

I can't relate at all.
Yeah the prices go up and up. Luckily I earn like 10-15 times the median salary in my area, but regular people are getting fugged.

Waaaaagh Mr. Bond.
> I can't relate at all.
I know
it grew because of war production
but war doesnt create value
once this is over one way or another russia will have lost their future not only because people who could have created value went to war instead and resources have been spent for war but those people go die and will never create value again and the resources are literally blown up
Are you surprised? It's literally the only thing the media does anymore, lies, projection and gaslighting.
>Russia is 'losing a battle'
bread has doubled in price in the last four years
who is the US losing to?
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this is lolbergtardian amerimutt bullshit.
bruh this is not even complex
use your brain for a second and you will realize its true
it would be something else maybe if russia just had a big baby boom but theyve been demographically fucked since WW2
this is their last spasm
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you're an amerimutt and you follow amerimutt jewish lolbertarian views
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That's it, I'm defecting to inflation
Lina or SF mid?
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zug zug?
lmao this
2 years ago my potato chip pack was priced at 1.37 eur
every grocery here did a solid x2
i wonder who are we losing to when we are not even at war
is that all you got mr big brain memeflag?
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yes lolbertardianism is an alien amerimutt anti white jewish ideology and /pol/ rejects it get over it muttoid
no those are simple and basic economic facts
its just too complex for your simple mind even though its basic shit
why dont you take off your memeflag?
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nigga you're an amerimutt i bet you look like handsometruth
why are you evaluating the facial attractiveness of men?
youre getting weird now lmao
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i'm evaluating his race. this guy is incredibly considered white in your thirdie shithole amurica
let that sink in are amerimutts even human?
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Propa ork 'ere

Zog yer kwestins, dun't reply ta me.
will i be allowed to join your military no questions asked even if im not in perfect shape?
>"why don't you just protest like based BLM"
>lets Biden steal the election
We don't even have a democracy but you have the gull to complain about Russia not having a "based" democray. Kill yourself liberal.
>prices go up, wages also go up, so nothing changes
>this is bad for some reason
if you consider russians white than that guy is a norse god faggot...
Wall Street Jewrnal is gaslighting and projecting what is actually happening to the Gaynited States onto Ruzzia
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nigga you're an amerimutt do you really wanna lecture /pol/ about whiteness?
>russia is rolling in shitty shit
The only source for economic statistics on Russia is the Russian government. Everyone else ultimately gets their data from there.
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the IMF makes independent forecasts and is based in Washington DC the heart of ZOG
1). Why aren't you in a trench?
2). What's going on with youtube in russia?
3). How fucked will my PC be if I download adobe acrobat from 'tracker?
all those things are happening in canada we're not even fighting in a war
Go take a look at what's going on at the Olympics right now and maybe you'll understand how a corrupt shithole run by a borderline treasonous westaboo manlet with a terminal case of aspergers is able to keep his economy going just fine and is able to slowly but surely win in Ukraine. All our leaders care about is raping kids and slowly conditioning our societies to believe that this is acceptable behavior so that they can do it blatantly in the open in the future. That's literally all they care about. There's pretty decent evidence Trump was raping underage girls with the Epstein 'massage' appointment leaks, and not a single media outlet has used this information against him. They don't even have to accuse him of raping anybody, just put it out there and make insinuations, but they won't. They have a literal killshot on the Trump campaign, but won't take it because they all rape kids and it's probably one of the few things they consider a positive about Trump.
...yes, it's in a wartime economy. Germany's economy grew by like 30% between 1938-1945 due to massive borrowing to increase GDP. Interest rates are like 15%, once this war is over and done with they are going to be in a world of hurt. That's totally forgetting that the growth here is expressed as a percentage, not as an absolute figure. If Russia were to grow 5% and America grow 3%, the amount they're actually growing by is not at all the same.
They are building a new gas pipeline to China which is supposed to bring them the same profit as Nord Stream. I wouldn't worry about them too much, it seems like the people responsible for the economy there are not stupid.
>bunch of goatfucking muslims are the whitest people of russia
lol lmao even
Inflation in USA is even worse. Maybe Russia is doing the right thing by raising them interest rate to 18%.
>Russia hasn't been in default for two years already
>Russia doesn't have higher interest types than Ukraine
Russia is winning.
Russia was upgraded to a high-income country just last month, nigger
The fact that the "Russia is losing" narrative is reduced to "their economy which outgrows all G7 countries has inflation like we do" is kinda sad

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