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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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If the guy was really scared she was going to throw the pot at him, why the fuck walk up closer to her right within splashing range? Retard handled the situation super poorly putting himself in harm's way for literally no reason except to swing his dick around. Even if she was a schizo nigger who was seriously about to throw the pot at him, he shouldn't have been close enough to where that shit is an actual threat.
And I'm 99% sure every fucking police academy teaches cops to BACK THE FUCK UP when a suspect pulls a short range weapon like that, not walk up closer so you get less time to react if they actually try something.
Can cops change a battery in a smoke detector?
>back up 3 feet
>nigger chases you while still holding the pot of boiling water
>could trip
>could lose your shot
What then? He was in a good position to take a shot at someone threatening him with grievous bodily harm. It was perfectly justified.
I'm sorry that this happened to a paranoid schizophrenic who just didn't know how to process the situation, but an attack is an attack.
>back up 3 feet
>nigger chases you while still holding the pot of boiling water
And then you get to shoot, have more time to line up your shot, and you're not in the wrong for it, you fucking retard. Approaching the woman makes him the aggressor who escalated the situation no questions asked, why do you think they IMMEDIATELY threw his ass in jail for it?
>buh buh what if i TRIP?
Good thing you have your buddy standing right next to you who can also shoot.
why cant niggers just not call the cops, let them in, chimp out and not attack them? hmm seams like the best way to not die like dumb nigger chimps.
>Tell her to get the pot
>Back up 6 feet
>She mumbles some shit about jesus
>Freak the fuck out
>Threaten to shoot her in the fucking face
>Draw gun for no reason
>Tell her to drop a scalding hot pot on her feet
>The same one they told her to get 10 seconds ago
>Advance on her like some lunatic
>Nog has no choice put to dump water in front of her.
>Get domed
>Wanna use a medkit?
>Nah don't waste it

Cops were absolute retards. Fuck these simon says faggots.
>Approaching the woman makes him the aggressor
>Let a person who was just threatening you out of sight behind cover
Sounds like a great idea, you should write police policy!
>why do you think they IMMEDIATELY threw his ass in jail for it?
Because juries can be emotionally manipulated and are subject to public pressure. It's just like the George Floyd trial.
And this is such a meaningless appeal to authority/popularity. If he wasn't convicted by a jury you'd just call it racism.
>Good thing you have your buddy standing right next to you who can also shoot.
Great, my buddy can shoot a woman with boiling hot water who's now standing on top of me in a much better position to give me serious burns even if she falls.
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Do you have any idea how they see cops in prison? In prison you can do alright if you are part of a group, always divided by race: blacks, Mexicans, whites etc. These are not specifically gangs, gangs have their own hierarchy and fraternity inside of the ethnic groups. If you are good with your ethnic group, you can do your time relatively hassle free as long as you stay away from any real gang disputes. This dude is a cop, the worst case scenario for anyone inside, literally considered a leper or an outcast an par with pedos, and even the pedos protect each other. No one will protect him, not even his own race, and will be an easy mark even for other solos let alone other groups. They will beat his ass nightly, they will take his food trays, shake him down weekly for any commissary. Any books, toiletries, clothes, or outside help will be stolen on a daily basis. He will eventually wind up so deep in debt that yes, someone will end up screwing him up the ass. This dude is beyond fucked. Head shotting a nigger is not worth it in this case. It's not just hell, he will be a bottom bitch in hell.
>incarcerated for two years

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