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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Too many shitskins shitting the place up

If you want smoother curves when counting votes, don't gerrymander your districts so heavily.
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Stay strong anon!
Christ is kang!
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>You missed
>the god emperor lives!
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Migamania! Make israel great again!
Dumping Biden kills the 2020 was stolen narrative completely
If they already stole the election once while Trump was in the White House, why would they need to replace Biden when they control the White House and the Senate?
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>keep voting
>trust the plan
>trump will save us all
>two more weeks
Lmfao nothing but seething sandniggers reeeeeeing about jews. Fuck this faggot place
-Gabby Giffords, gun control advocate.
Cheating isn't a button that you just push. They need to produce hundreds of thousands of ballots, make them believable, avoid detection, and keep any leaks contained. It's a last resort.
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>"zog east" will save the "white race"
>putin is based and trad
>trump and putin r friends
>its 5d chess guys!
>zog west has nowhere to run now!
>FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT, goyim! there are dangerous people in this country, they shouldn't have guns or drones. You wouldn't want a repeat assassination attempt on your beloved WWE reality tv star presidential candidate, would you, goyim?
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Oy vey the goyim know, the clown world circus is losing effect. Quick we need to up the tempo for the KCU(Kike Cinematic Universe)! Get the blue vs red and zog east vs zog west saga ready!
Have a bump OP. I've heard rumblings that this is some kind of federal registration thing for all the wetbacks they imported the last 4 years, but I honestly don't understand what I'm looking at or how it works. Shills racing towards image cutoff tells me you're on to something
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Come white man it’s time to make your voice heard. You have a choice ahead of you. What choice you ask? Two candidates. One path. One is senile another orange. They only think of you. No need to doubt democracy. There is no elite, no shadowy class that eats the fruit of your labour. From the tv shows and movies. You have learned of a hero. It only takes one man to make a change. Not your responsibility. The voices whisper. Just sit and watch. Don’t lift a finger. You need only cheer for the hero. The music blares and your acquaintances urge you on. Follow the trends, don’t question, don’t read and don’t speak. Lest you make a fool of yourself. Never stick out. Keep your head down and follow the herd.
It's a way to register people who don't have an ID and only requires the last 4 of a social security number. I can't effort post it for you right now but if the thread is alive when I free up I'll dump what I've found so far or I'll bake new bread

Post proof of election fraud
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Half of them never really believed that the election was stolen and the other half feel that trump has the thieves on his side this time. So no one fears that it will happen again.

I'm sure you will diligently sift through these various examples of everything from unusual cases of poll impropriety to straight up cases of fraud and come to a well informed conclusion about the irregularity of 2020. Reminder that the virus that absolutely officially did not originate in a lab in wuhan according to experts* in April of 2020 is now officially confirmed to have originated in a lab in wuhan according to the same experts in 2024
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Plenty of people talked about it back in 2020 when it happened.
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Man you did it. You humiliated me into voting for Kamala Harris. Just kidding haha lol still voting Trump
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Based anon. Keep up the good work! Gotta get all the q drops!
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>Lmfao nothing but seething sandniggers reeeeeeing about jews. Fuck this faggot place
>Screeched the golem as commanded by his master, the Jew. The golem never refused an order from his hook nosed master. Always loyal and obedient. Having never experienced his foreskin, he remained ignorant of what the jew had robbed from him and was easily able to worship and support his master.
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>ultra giga based
Huh, Blue got cancelled, guess I gotta go with Red.
It was memoryholed and the people who were willing to do something about it were all jailed. The entire nation was gaslit to the fact BIDEN IS NOT LEGITMATE NOR ARE ANY POLICIES HE ENACTS
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>bro just vote

lol lmao!!!
Really? They're both jewish? Well jeez, if that's the case, might as well vote for the one I like the most. That's gotta be Donald Trump. I like that guy, he's alright.
What's the argument against spending 5 minutes to take a walk and say I like the people who pretend to like the flag instead of wiping their ass with it while celebrating a crackhead? It doesn't matter right? So why is all (((effort)))posting on /pol/, patriots, tranycords, plebbit etc currently based on convincing people not to vote at all?
The right is blue always has been

The left is grey, they owned the slaves parties never switched
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You are a hero!
That vote will change the world forever!
What's your answer, inbred?
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No, it’s time to start asking why we are still living like this.
Why do we tolerate the genocide of our people?
Why do we tolerate the propaganda?
Why do we tolerate the indoctrination centres?
Why do we give consent by voting?
Notice the jump in both parties vs only one?
you're being played. look at Trump he even has the fucking NASA logo on his mouth. And lo and behold, look who Gabby Gifford's husband is? he's in the linked video. he's a NASA astro-not.
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All of these happenings are part of the political theatre. Left vs right, blue vs red, east vs west, man vs woman or old vs young. They are all distractions.
Clown world circus needs a steady stream of happenings to stop you from thinking about the ongoing worldwide replacement genocide of ethnic Europeans and the complete lack of political representation for our people.
I will mock every politician that doesn’t fight against the genocide of the European people world wide. If you defend these zog puppets, I will mock you too. It’s that simple.

Every time you vote or hope for change via some puppet. You are tightening the noose around your neck.

I don’t recognise any of the politicians or the legitimacy of a government which is supporting the replacement genocide of the European people.

Why do we recognise any of these meat sacks on tv? Are they supermen? Are they deities?

No they are old men and roasties that are given power because of the recognition that you give them.

You give recognition to the system. Instead of mocking it everyday you are giving them more power. You have a rope around your neck but you keep tightening it.
If I don't vote can I stop paying taxes that fund my enemies? Which party lowers taxes and regulations which will allow me to better fortify a future for my children via resource acquisition?
Demorats and their left wing cult are too brainwashed for it to matter. Joe Biden proves that 2020 was rigged. They intentionally put forth a terrible candidate... a guy so corrupt, and vulnerable that he could never have gotten past any primary on his own.

They are playing games... They've proven that it doesn't even matter who is president. They prove the deep state. And they can't handle the truth. The DNC in any legitimate system would be dissolved. There's no room in this political game for people who cheat in every election.
>Reddit spacing
>Teenage angst RATMposting
we already know those things, faggot. It doesn't change the fact that if libertarians had voted for Trump he would have won and we wouldn't have gotten Biden. Have fun voting for whatever gay pokemon yellow candidate you want, if that person ever gets popular then surprise, now thats the distraction too. If that's too depressing to think about then just kill yourself, should be easy enough.
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This is a battle between massive multicellular bodies aka ethnic groups. I think that if you keep looking at the world in the way that (((they))) have taught us, you will be unable to grasp the overall situation. Until you realise that humans have social hierarchies and specific biological roles for the benefit of the ethnic group as selected for through competition. You will be led by the nose.
The vast majority have no idea of a leadership class despite the fact that nobles and a priesthood has existed in nearly every European ethnic group for the past five thousand years. The disappearance of the ethnic European nobility is correlated to their replacement by jews.

The biggest problem for Europeans is the lack of an ideology, the lack of a moral framework, the lack of a leadership class, the lack of an ethno-centric religion, the lack of a priesthood and the lack of a leader.

The power play is to fill in the blanks. We will never have our own nations free of parasites without filling these blanks.

Let go of the normie world framework. Disregard it to form a new framework.
Work from the new framework and make it grow by creating content and raising awareness.
The creation of content is the most important activity for a noticer.

Red pill pastas, infographics, poems, political ai images, short videos, political essays, music, drawings, memes ect.

polling would've defected fraud if this was in fact fraudulent.
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>muh voting
>muh teenage angst
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>>475767777 <--bump it
>Copy paste vomit
Answer the question camel fucker
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The reason you hate Trump is because you crave picrel simple as. You want the whole world to be like this.
not always, sometimes the reds jump alone

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