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Official laugh at France thread

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I like France, I think they're cool, and they helped us out a lot back in the day. I will never laugh at France.
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At least they
I want to die
wee wee wee wee wee
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Shouldn't be hard to do, just head towards any Olympic venue.
Keep crying chudcel lonely bitch, 1789 won.
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lmfao @ France


You can thanks us to organise this kind of clowns show . You will laugh during 2 weeks for free !
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Yes very strange again with all the political and social issues being used. All so gay. Boring too
am I right bois?
If the "evil Nazis" had won it would have been LE TERRIBLE
What a shitty country, Lol
jews won, and the French are gone
There aren’t even any French at the Olympics in Paris. Let that sink in
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Imagine living in Hitler's Fortress Europa and not having all these wonderful people.
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>where the fuck did all my olympics gear go
>have down's syndrome
>get robbed by nigger
French experience
Germans even made cartoons about it
90 years ago, they already knew what would happen if Jews win
No wonder Germans fought so hard even though they were pushed all the way back to Berlin and situation was hopeless
Because they knew if the Jews win, and they lose, the world would be lost
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Hitler prophesied that this would happen, yet there are still retards out there who don't think he was right about everything.
On a more whitepilling note, at least there are still some French left willing to fight
>Opening ceremony just a bunch of niggers arriving in boats.
What was Jupiter thinking?
I don't even know what a France is. There is supposedly such a European country but I have not seen any evidence it exists.
>just head towards any Olympic venue.
you need a qr code to move around Paris , it looks worse than South Africa
I'm really really hoping for a bomb of peace to go off
That wasnt part of the ceremony, just a daily occurrence
French are so badly cucked it's not even funny anymore. I used to laugh at them now I pity them, even when they are so pompous and think they are better than rest of the Europe.
you just know those guys are barely scraping by on gibs and low level jobs in absolute poverty for european standards
let them have their moment of fun
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When they make beautiful European cities look like this it's not so fun anymore for anyone
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Berlin is totally unrecognizable compared to only 30 years ago
true but im pretty sure they will get kicked out by the millions in the near future
they act like they won and conquered europe but theyre the dreg of society and easily disposed of once action is taken
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opie est un faguette, non? ohn ohn ohn ohn
أنت على حق، التحدث بالألمانية سيكون أمرًا مروعًا

France's peak was in the 1930s afterwards all downhill.

Literally France in the 1930s was amazing for that time period. More beautiful than it is now, cleaner and extremely modern while still extremely artsy but art made with skill not modern shit.
Wait why are we laughing at France I've been at work
What's happened?
Olympic niggers?
what are you gonna do? commit suicide from fear of death? kek get your shit together anon and relax
Not at all. France was always a shithole of pretentious assholes. Their bullshit spread the many other countries setting them back several decades to try to please their elites and always got flipped off at the end.
French. Not even once.
and an allah snackbar to you, too, al Kabong
Imagine the smell.
Total Frog Death
What the hell? The drivers don't lock up the storage compartments in Europe?
>why is the alt-right rising in France?
>the nigger is wearing the Pokemon hoodie
>not the retard
Here is your new french flag
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They look so thrilled to represent France.
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at last smurf sexual body positive transvestites get some representation
>then one day for no reason at all...
I can't even laugh at this shit anymore
it's just sad
yes the two genders, Smurfs and Hutts
Like this
I went to Paris in 1989 and I thought the people were very rude, the city was filthy and there were alot more blacks than I even imagined there would be. Don't believe it could've gotten better since then.
OK faggots.
What's of point of having professional military if they can't even secure the fucking railroad?
To stop a white uprising
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France seems like a cool place-I’d like to party there someday
you are correct, except there does come a point where enforcement becomes almost impossible, see bongland
> bri police
Classic french...even through the riots shall we deliver thy brie...
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mwaaaaaaaaahhh... the french..
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Where are the fucking jihadists when you need them?
I mean really, even our militia drunktard army can do a better job.
Olympic niggers, olympic troons, and a rare olympic troon smurf.
lots of it
>Laugh at Frogs
lol. go eat your goulash poor person
We had more whites on one boat than the entirety of London
Go watch your daughter get raped, Nigel
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suck my roast beef, filthy Anglo
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i don't live in, or care about london. you're poor and you look like turks.
ok ranjit
I spit. Those faggots don't even deserve a laugh now
Looks comfy as fuck.
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oh wait i m french ...........
i think it's haram to be in the presence of faggots so they didn't came
And they look so *French* too…
fuck off, roastie
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Behold a pale horse
France, I thought you were a straight country with mistresses and catholicism and shit. That was the GAYEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN.
I don't feel so sad for them anymore about the attacks 10 years ago
>helped us out a lot back in the day
Do you mean in serving the Jews during WW2 and destroying the only hope of the White people of the world?
What's happening now? Are they striking because baguettes got more expensive or something?
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oldfags get some preferencial treatment here
Drop it in the river you fat black bitch.
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That is what he meant. 1789 was (((French Revolution))) which by another name is the Jewish Revolution against the French people.
That was organized by the first Rothschild patriarch, none other than Mayer Amschel Rothschild himself, to kill the French aristocracy, privatize the Bank of France to Jewish control.
Napoleon put a stop to that mess but when he took back the Bank of France and then made his Infamous Decree, there was this one part
>Although its aim was to grant equal citizenship, it restricted Jewish money lending (Catholics were not permitted to commit acts of usury, that is, the charging of interest as profit on loans), annulled all debts owed to Jews by married women, minors, and soldiers, voided any loan that had interest rates exceeding 10 percent, and limited the residency of new Jewish peoples in France by restricting their business activities, while allowing work in agriculture and craftsmanship. The combination of these decrees severely weakened the financial position of once dominant rural French money lending Jews.
that obviously made Jewish bankers seethe.
"HONEST WORK, oh anudda shoah i am oh so persecuted again", obviously prohibiting Jews from usury and restricting Jews to honest work is obviously too much for them, so the Jew bankers financed 7th Coalition to topple Napoleon.
100 years later Hitler tried to save Europe from the Jews, but you know what happened to him.
jews did this...now you know why Hamas is the way they are.
It's actually gotten pretty good with the Effel laser show.

>the solution was removing people from the equation
Niggers stop being nice to the southern races of europeasants as if they are actually white. Remind them by spitting in their faces that they are beneath Niggers and faking their attempt at posturing and blending in to whiteness. The Ginny and Portuguese are not white. The hairy French and the Turks are not white. Smelly Greeks and everything east of Germany is irrelevant and not white. Fuck everything in the middle east with a grenade. Stab the bagpipe dress wearing scots in the kilt. Throw a bomb in their window while their children are watching television. Traumatize their children so it radiates across the entire family. The main different between Italians, French and the Moslems is the length of their noses. You can't get canceled by the truth. They are as hairy, swarthy and ridiculous in their blood and lifestyles. Quit acting like Italians aren't swarthy migrants. Quit acting like the French aren't as smelly as the Greek and the rest of the Mediterranean races.The Turks are basically red-mongoloids. They are just backwards in complexion rather than backwards in their soulless lifestyles. I would be dissapointed to find out the Olsen twins were mediterranean or french. It would also be shitty to find out they were irish. The only redeeming thing about irish women is redhair and there’s nothing charming about them otherwise. They’re basically white mud. Seldom pretty. Mediocre as a standard. Generally uglier than the dark-haired italians and (even though they can get very ethnic and close to medditeranean). Occasionally a french or italian woman has pretty features but that’s an exception and probably the result of mixing with more attractive races.
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ähläm sähläm to you too
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nog sogged
Petain did nothing wrong.
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We have all been Too White for a long time, literally thousands of years, take it easy, having to coexist with animals is a new reality for us.
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most likely he stole it
I will not laugh at my brother and father. I will laugh when those who dishonor it have their heads removed.
Wow, I mean I know my country is niggerfied, too, but France, your country isn't worth a shit. You have not only niggers, but muslims en masse. Goodbye, France, you're not French anymore, you're just nigger-kike globohomo. Guess what was left of France died in WW2. Any French faggot who wants to retort can chirp all they want, too, because they're not gonna do shit. Your country isn't yours anymore, your women are all Muslim and nigger-fucking whores, and they gleefully abort (written into their constitution) their actual French children. I don't even know what a French person looks like anymore, every time I see an "example" of them they look like some Moroccan or Bantu nigger. Fuck France, deserves to dissolve as a country, it is now rightful African and Muslim clay. It's gonna be wild to see more riots and more white French heads rolling in the streets (literally).
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>sacré bleu, look as zees little piggies, zey zink zey know da culteur, zey 'ave never experienced ze joy of zucking a black mans cock an zen letting eem fuck eez wife, merde incroyable, I spit on toi barbarians, zit back and watch incroyable émerveillement olympique, now if vous m'excuserez I must zit angrily at my tiny balcony and listen to zah zongs of rape in my streets, a ceembol of advanced society, good day simple little men *hwwaatooo*
They voted for this shit. Now, it's too late, no refunds. Now there are enough foreign shitskins in France that they can't vote themselves out of it anymore.
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Railroads are long, sabotage is easy.
The tactical error is not using the army to keep the nonwhites out of your country.
If the French just started strafing all the Jewish NGO immigrant boats with pic rel and send them to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea I bet they would pretty quickly stop coming
>Faggotinian laughing about France
Imagine living globohomo hellhole but still being poor as fuck lmao
Yeah, they can do it again for all I care
Absolute filth. This continent is done. There is no coming back from this.
Yurotrash didn't earn their nickname from being yuroclean.
So are there just random homeless camps in the middle of the streets? Like they just sleep out in the open, all together?
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Silence D&C kike
Your time is running out
What dielct is this English or French maybe even German?
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>I don't even know what a French person looks like anymore, every time I see an "example" of them they look like some Moroccan or Bantu nigger
That is why the kikes push their nonwhite propaganda in the media.
So they could redefine what different people look like.
They want to rewrite history.
Oh, you thought Isac Newton invented calculus? No, it was Prishna Rajeeshajeetpooinloo. Beethoven wrote the fifth symphony? No,no, it was Jaquuesha Wewuzwhitezowitz.

It's not like your country's situation is any better, your presidential candidate is literally a streetshitter who is married to a Jew.
Soon the Jewish takeover that was put into gear in 1965 is complete, and the Whites that built USA will be a minority and the nonwhites will fill the stops in USA govt that the Jews havent.
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USA used to be a White country - in fact it was founded as a White country, for "free white persons of good moral character" and all.
Guess who destroyed the White America policies? Jews.

USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965, for 189 years.
What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula (White America policy), and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions for migrants of European origin, effectively creating a policy of Non-White America.
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Northern and Western European races and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews themselves.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.

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Probably just temporary until Jewish NGO comes with a Jewish lawyer in tow whose salary is paid by the White taxpayer who then helps him to an apartment owned by a Jewish landlord with the rent paid by the White taxpayer.

>Even if you lack money, you can probably arrange to pay the lawyer in monthly rates with the social welfare money you get from the state where you seek asylum – it makes a lot of sense to invest this money. In other countries (for example France) lawyer work for free and/or are paid by the state.

Oh by the way who owns this "Welcome 2 EU" organization that facilitates movement of nonwhites to Europe?
Who else than George Soros
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This is all very French!
Zesty molesty - slogan of globoshlomo games 202X. sponsored by yours truly rabbi shekelstein.

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