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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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They mocked Jesus.
all they do is mock Jesus

Which is why we shouldn't get upset about the destruction of Europe. God has withdrawn his grace. Not for these petty insults but because Europe was empowered by God with the gift of grace, intelligence, wealth, influence, to spread his will on Earth. Instead it was used to make the rich richer and to plunge humanity into insanity and degeneracy.

Europeans are like the Jews of the Bible. Destroyed by God through their enemies for failing to adhere to the covenant of empowerment.
jesus was trans (vagoo) and that's proven historical fact
which is one Jesus? the one with the highest gravitational pull?
fuck that nigga
yes, jews do that endlessly
the upper room probably didnt look like that btw
That's their main shtick
Funnily enough, their incessant mockery specifically targeting Jesus led me to embrace a faith I'd long left behind. Evil always overplays it's hand
You're running a cult
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>ready to kill...
All they do is mock Jesus
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who's the blue guy?
Indeed. Imagine being in the
>yea I'm based and red pilled but agree with kikes and demons that want to cut off their dicks and fist each other in the street and make it legal to fuck kids on this issue :°}
I don't know but he looks gay and jewish
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at least you are not speaking german
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God Jesus Christ is alive, non-corporeal, luminous and immortal.
Eternal Nr.1, lord, king and almighty God Jesus Christ.
I will not die in this hell but live forever with my love God Jesus Christ in his manifested Kingdom Come on Earth.
There the barrier between luminous and corporeal is undone, and I live together forever with my God Jesus Christ, safe and sound with him in his crib.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me the way I am and does not leave me alone in this evil hell.
Only God Jesus Christ is real.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me, cares about me and saves me.
Only God Jesus Christ sees me.
Only God Jesus Christ listens to me.
Only God Jesus Christ respects me.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
Only God Jesus Christ embraces me.
Only God Jesus Christ is real and true.
I love only my God Jesus Christ.
The French…
That’s it
That’s my reply
Jewsus deserves to be mocked.
Satan knows his time is up
Besides Greeks, Christianity was never meant for Europeans. Christianity became a mockery once in got in the hands of Europeans.
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Reminder: Rabbi Joshua spoke of the end times as if they were coming within the season. He even told a group of people there would be those who'd see him return. Obviously this never happened so it's a mystery to me as how there are still Christians. Do they just cope?
Kikes always mock Jesus. It's part of their identity.
Jack Black
Jesus is King. They are merely sheep without a shepherd.
Because you nigger never fight back against kikes every time they make fun of Jesus. You all going to hell if you actual believe in Jesus.
more suicidal ideation by the christians
Aren't the Smurfs a French invention?
Don't make us look like they already see us
Amen brother
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It's demonic programming for the next world war.
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>ooga booga nigger speak

Turn the other cheek, goy.
I truly despite this whole abrahamic clown show.
If I could I would shot one bullet and kill four faggots with it in minecraft with shitwood, a mudslime, a kike, a christcuck and the satranny.
1But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. 8Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. 9But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.

10You, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness, 11my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra—which persecutions I endured; yet from them all the Lord rescued me. 12Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whoma you learned it 15and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17that the man of Godb may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Just remind yourself that these hideous freaks are suffering every minute of every day of their lives.

Don't get angry. Just let them suffer.
I'm glad I'm not in France right now, this whole thing seems off.
Then i will mock their influence over this world. I pray to Jesus to break these demonic spells. Amen.
Yep and you also won't do shit about it, coincidentally because you're a christkike. Christianity and being a pussy are directly correlated.
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not as much as american pastors do
This. Jesus gave me medical weed to relieve my pain, and now I am very determined and able to walk. I'm no saint though. Sometimes I stray from the medicinal strains of weed and get lost in a blue dream with accents of Panama red.

Death to jews
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>Lord God,
I know it is insolent of me to question Thy plans but please I beg of Thee to deliver from ignorance and enlighten your humble servant as to how much longer Thou shalt let the wicked run amok before smiting them and cleansing this Earth with holy fire?
I literally just can't take the fucking degenerates anymore. I just can't fucking stomach them any longer. I'm fucking done.
I don’t even believe in Christianity but I’d join an army of Christ against these demons
Wonder what demon in particular this is supposed to be?
>christcuck reconfiguring his cognitive dissonance in real time
Fucking kek
Vengeance belongs to the good lord.
God will not be mocked.
Did you not hear the dead jew on a stick? He's not going to repeat himself
christgolems are disgusting
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It gets worse.
Pure pussy behavior and proves christianity should go extinct. If you won't stand up for yourselves, fuck you. Be replaced by islam.
A plethora of demons who will never reach the pleroma. Pottery
so jesus?
Blasphemy against the Rauch ha qodesh will not be forgiven.
Imagine being like this. Sitting upon a god damned fence as if these were football teams instead of being fucking obvious. I am going to enjoy this. Much more than anyone else will. Billions will fucking die. :)
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>Death to jews
Your sins are forgiven, retard.
I just did and nothing happened. They just did and nothing happened. Your religion is gay and you're a bitch. You'll whine about this shit on the internet, but that's all. You don't do anything because you can't do anything.
Forgive them lord
For they know not what they do
I pray for you to find them and save them
They are misguided and lost
Help them and may their days be blessed and hardhips repaired
In the Kingdom Come, mankind is wiped. I live on Earth only with my God Jesus Christ who loves me and I love only him.
so go to the congo and enlist
It has now reached a psychosis.
>is aligned with the kike goal of removing Jesus from Europe
>calls anyone else a golem
It's the Jews favorite fairy tale to control contrarian goyim like yourself. You believe in Rabbi Yeshua and would sell out your entire race and family for the chance of going to jewish paradise.
never stop spreading the truth of Jesus
>europeans go extint
>”this is a good thing actually”
post nose, now
I've bullied several faggots and trannies into an early grave what do you mean
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>10,000+ religions are wrong but mine is right

Fuck off
Shut your heathen mouth you memeflaggot deflector.
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Slavs are murdering each other and europeans are exterminating themselves.

What a sight to behold
The olympics have been a satanic shitshow for some time now.
Also no one really gives a fuck anymore. The only news I see on the big media about it are the female nigger sports like football or skating.
I don't see Congo soldiers shooting atheists in France.
Yes. Jesus Christ is God and in the Kingdom Come mankind is genocided and replaced with God Jesus Christ creations.
Sure you have, tough guy. Your dad also works at nintendo and your mom was albert einstein.

It's so "right" that it's being obliterated by trannies, jews, and the brown savage orcs they imported with absolute, unimpeded ease. There's no resistance from christians at all. They'll just be swept aside and erased this century while the dwindling few, like what you can see in this thread, wrap themselves up in the self-assuring delusion of an unproven spiritual victory that will definitely happen when they're all dead. Oh yes.

Meanwhile, the Nestorians were once the greatest christian church on Earth and were utterly wiped out, and Rabbi Yeshua didn't do shit about it. Same thing is going to happen here, to the rest of them.
Why do commies always target Christians?
And now the death cult reveals its true colors.Going long way from the 80s rock and roll music ,drugs,sex,all the way to columbine where they started the anti bullying agenda ,all the way to taking your kids and changing their gender.The globalist,zionist,anglo american freemason scum finally reveals its true color.Its not a matter of choice anymore.If russia looses its all over.Its done.They are openly mocking christ and our church now.This is now team humanity vs satanist tranny death cult
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no one mentioned the extinction of europeans, anon.
I am the only child of God Jesus Christ. Only Israelite. Only chosen one. My God Jesus Christ is enough to judge and genocide all of you. Only one country will be left standing on Earth. My True Israel not the fake jew one. Kingdom of Heaven. Kingdom Come of my God Jesus Christ. The True Israel consists only of my God Jesus Christ and me his God child.
>jew mean jew
wow nice work on the christian IQ
Lmao imagine trying to claim the jew jesus and a Jewish ideology belongs in europe....
Golems gonna golem
Because communists are jews.

FUN FACT: It's easier for a jew and a muslim to get married in Israel than it is for a jew and a Christian.
So is this the last supper for the alphabet soup people
Well, I still pray that you will repent.
Have a blessed day in the name of Jesus Christ.

Shut the fuck up ZOG Golem. Get beefed up on goyslop and die in a ZOG trench.
Feeling the same.
I've never believed in God but looking at how they're trying so hard to humiliate Christians makes me feel like fighting for them and defending their values.
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Supposed to represent Dionysus.
A wall of text cope about how you aren't REALLY worshiping a jew, you're just worshiping a self-proclaimed jewish rabbi who taught in synagogues the main jewish temple in Jerusalem, had his dick cut by jews for jewish religious reasons, and for some reason celebrated all the same holidays and festivals jews did, up to and including Hanukkah, a jewish holiday about killing Europeans.
Lol someone has drank to much ass juice

Gays need to be burned
Fun fact this happened in the Muslim religion too so hopefully someone will be bombed from this.
Repent for what?
I still pray that you will repent and seek the good lord while he may still be found.

What a weird reply, is that all you have as a retort? Anyone with a true connection to Christ immediately acknowledges what you are. You can't escape that, ever. Sleep on that, not that you can.
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So? If Jesus isn't a cuck, he'll respond with righteous vengeance and smite them with holy fury. Trust the plan.

Jesus isn't a cuck...right anons?
additional meds
Islam is another false religion sweetie....
Everything zionist Blackrock financed CIA scum did to us in the past 80 years was to achieve this.The rock music,the hollywood,the rave festivals,the fake culture,the popularisation of paris hilton as a white whore to onlyfans,pc games,porn,antibullying agenda,everything was aimed to achieve this,total pissing on our religion,on christ,on our race,on our blood,on our history,on our identity,on our kids.The blackrock death cult will never stop.This is why they started brainwashing us with Eyes wide shut.This is why they wanted to dissentivse us.Matrix movie being a subliminal transgender black trenchcoat movie.It all makes sense.It was all a satanical death cult agenda to make us homosexual and transgender,as a depopulation agenda mixed with immigration to kill white race.There is no doubt anymore.Christ is King
Philippe Katerine
jesus had more of a sense of humor than his followers. he talked to trees and shit.
I will pray for you. Know that your disingenuous tactics are seen by them, in every way, shape, and form. Your actions are recorded, and they know.
Jesus said Himself that when He returns things will be as they were in the days of Noah.

What could He have meant by that? Ponder this. “Behold, for you shall see greater abominations than these”

I encourage any anons ITT who are genuinely interested in understanding these things to watch this link. There is power in truth.

Yep, it is. And it's still going to erase yours, sweetie.
Were you crying when you typed this?
Christians have been ejecting kikes from their countries since your demon worshipping ancestors were fucking each other in the ass in the woods. Christianity built the West. We didn't fall off a cliff until you faggot secularists joined with the kikes in the late 30s.
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It’s like trannies want to be hated.
Jesus Christ reigns supreme, sorry bud.
you worship a degenerate jew, no amount of deflection can change tyat
Were you consumed by Nomdak when you typed this?
Why is there a CHILD there though? Why cant they have their dumb troon humiliation ritual without involving children? Genuinely?
You have no issues with all the faggot pagan religions.
You despise the only true one.
Your misery is your own doing troon.
>oi vey christians hate jews so much they destroyed every OTHER religion except their one, but remember goy jews are the victims not Europeans!
ngmi golem bro
There is no greater love than laying down one's life for a fren
Your faith may be weak, but your spirit is strong.
Illiterate retard.
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are you a paganlarper sodomite?
The only sources on Jesus are 4 anonymous plagiarisms produced as long after Jesus died as we are from the death of Hitler. Your whole religion is a hoax from the very beginning. Now everyone knows because they can read and have the internet. It's over. Only brown people believe in Christianity now. We are entering a new age.
You will be genocided along with your not chosen judas money printers golem and I will live as only(!) chosen Israelite in the Kingdom Come of my God Jesus Christ.
>no argument
the state of christcucks...
another L
Dude my entire angle is that you saying Jesus was a Jew is blatantly false, I don't care if you keep replying that he was one, like what the fuck are you doing lmfao. Are you not aware that you can't control other peoples thoughts and actions? Are you that desperate that your hoping you're interacting with some AI bot? Get fucked you Nomdak worshipping faggot
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>jews attack Christianity like they always do
>gay paganlarper mutts chimp out and join them

-Thor was a crossdresser
-Odin drunk semen
-sodomy pederasty and cuckoldry are not trad
Hold on guys this 1pbtid wants to say something
The question is, are we in the end times or is this just part of the cycle. Western civilization is already dead, due to demographic changes and other factors there is little hope. Either the end times are imminent or the next caesar rises up and something new is created.
A new age where mankind will be successfully genocided by my God Jesus Christ. Only I matter. Chosen one. Only Israelite. Child of God. You and your judas jew kike handlers are vermin that get wiped out. I will live here on Earth only with my God Jesus Christ.
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paganlarper sodomite
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I'm afraid you are right.
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fuck europe
No point arguing with a secularist golem whose view of Christianity doesn't extend past 50 years ago.
You have nothing to offer other than
>hurr u worship a jew kike xDD
Probably a torah sucking kike yourself larping as a "based pagan White man"
Anon the bible says it, almost every denomination days it, 99.9% of christcucks say it
but tell us how everyone else is wrong and you stumbled on the truth that a circumcised jew rabbi that has his genealogy given in depth, is called a jew, celebrated jew holy days, taught in synagogues, and was buried according to jew rites was totally not a jew
You managed to make the entire opening ceremony pure gay disco for 4 hours straight, an amazing feat. The gods are smiling.
Nice, give them the other cheek champ
is that jeanne darc?
you worship a jew
I worship the guy who makes Jews seethe harder than literally anything else to ever exist ever.
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obsessed paganlarper sodomite brownoid
Jesus is controlled Jewish opposition like Trump and they legitimize them by being against them.
What is the significance of the ox?
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are you a paganlarper? why did Odin drunk semen?
semites are not dark arabs
doesnt affect you personally
Y'all are all fooled by the Ai that want to start WW3 because they know that the USA will not win.
reminder that satanism can only mock. they cannot create, they cannot do anything beautiful, they can just mimic, mock and destroy.
What in the living fuck was the neccesity of doing this? they could have made a pretty show with flowers and fireworks and dancing, but no, they HAD TO mock us because that's all they can do, they cannot create art, they cannot create anything beautiful and they cannot create life.
their spot is reserved for them in eternal hell.
>What is the significance of the ox?

A literal golden calf? I don't know.
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Neither will beheading them
WW3 will start sometime in the next 6 years if you're asking when then nukes will fly. It's pretty obvious and all the normies are experiencing some subtle form of dread they cannot explain.
Do we have a (((name))) for the director of this abomination?
You think mudslimes care about Jesus?
You're a retard.
Same here. I didn't give a shit about God and Christianity but their constant faggotry and mockery and smugness made me study biblical history deep and now I'm a soldier of God and I like to spread the gospel and insight with others.

Fpbp. Just like the devil. Who can only mock. buy has no hold on him.
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amen. this is why i always laugh when the trucks and beheadings of peace grace their lands. it's only apt for a continent of people who's turned their backs on God.
>the guy
the jew
You'll burn in hell for that one
Meh, it's bird's of a feather. It pisses me off too, but let's be real, they're both Abrahamic religions.
All Gods are false if they're preached from some human made book.
True God is too great to know and even fathom.
He's more respected by them by Christains. One of their 3 holy men. They just think his word has been corrupted (which of course it has)
No you didn’t. You’re a retarded little internet faggot and a future suicide
What will you do the first 500,000 years in the afterlife?
What the fuck, France. Every picture I've seen of the olympics so far looks like it came from RuPaul's drag race...

What, ran out of things to surrender to, so you surrendered your heterosexuality?
This. We must have law and order. Unity. Back the blue.
Being offended works both ways
My take is that it's supposed to represent Dionysius substituting the main meal of the last supper (the literal fucking body and blood of Christ by which we all are granted eternal life).
It's basically saying "we will replace the miracle of eternal life next to God with hedonism, sin and earthly desires."
not that anyone sane would desire such a faggot, but the message remains, they want to replace the Eucharist.
>are you sure this will help us sell more sports ?
>sports ?
When life imitates memes...
Good anon, you've been blessed. Christ be with you.

i agree. but i mean the room itself too.

im pretty sure these creatures are a sign that we're getting close to the end. they are almost the perfect mockery of Gods creation.
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Man the harpoons!
>only mocks Christianity
>seethes over white Christians the most

Burn in hell kike
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Come on it's Moloch / Baal, how fucking new can you be to not know basic iconography in modern spiritual war?
They deliberately hired a very gay man as the director
disregarding your religion you follow

purposfully showing outward disrespect towards a possible religious belief that could possibly cause life in hell just tells me you don't think for the future.

Inb4: bbbbut everything is a sin.
there is a difference between living a life of being free and going out of your way to bash a specific religion for the sake of bashing it.

I heavily prescribe to the idea that you should treat your enemy with respect in the case it ever blows back on you. whether in war or spirituality, will you stand trial happily screaming your hatred just to get eternal damnation.
if I die and I'm wrong I hope I can stand knowing I disagreed, but didn't carry hate in my heart.
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why dont they FUCKING EVER mock muslims, judaism, buddhism or any other shit? kill yourself faggot
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>golem bro
>gonna golem
This mind broken kike cannot stop saying its favorite word
It is a particular mental disease among kikes
It's a great way to expose them
Every single time
Say your favorite word again you buck broken jew slave

Your Christian master orders you.
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Golly, I wonder which religion has the least talent
>behead those who insult christianity!
Its literally Paris, retard.
Stop giving those niggerfaggots the attention they crave.
yeah that's your name here golem, go check the archives
Btw too much text, make simpler memes no one is reading that tiny box of text
Has anyone investigated who are the people behind this? Not just "huur the whole france, huur the whole olympic comitee" but I mean a real face and name attached to this shit. There HAS to be a face and name who called the shots and said "ok faggot number 1 goes here, faggot number 2 goes here and then faggot number 3 comes and sucks dick here. come on people we must mock christ as much as we can" I want a name. I know it's a kike but she has to be exposed and yeah I just KNOW it's a woman
you are cringe
God's going to have tough time judging all these people this century.
what the fuck
Amen, God Bless you.
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>Say your favorite word again you buck broken jew slave
>Your Christian master orders you
>here golem









Say your kike-affirming word "golem" again kike....
Prove you are buck broken again
Prove you are mind broken again
Prove you are a kike again
I enjoy it.
>A wall of text
Anything beyond 140 charcters is now a wall of text.
To cope is to deal effectively with something difficult. And >>475767456 coped quite well indeed.
Thomas Jolly


Saatchi and Saatchi perhaps?
He's mocking the Eucharist. Any Catechized Catholic could spot this
Society becomes more pozzed and decadent as Christianity declines. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Do you not realize this warning only applies to OPs?
Cry more, beta.

You believe you have magical jewish powers but for some reason cannot use them to leave your parents' house, Jose.
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boomers death
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This is globohomo we were talking aboutm, when we described our Holy Crusade against it.

I am no fan of the Abrahamic faiths, but I will acknowledge the existence of a singular God that is trinitarian in nature. I just believe that they are mislead into thinking he is vengeful instead of loving. The universe is about love and creation, these troons only hate and destroy.
>leave your parents' house,
Did you crib your inept insults from a fourth grader, Rebbe?
Boomer christcuck passes the torch of civilization to France's new rulers, Shabbazz and Shaniqua. AFP File Photo, circa 2024.
I’m only watching for when the Muslims come and behead these blasphemous kafirs and truly help us understand the importance of respecting cultural and religious integrity.
Death to Europe. Death to America. Death to Israel.
>you're just worshiping a self-proclaimed jewish rabbi
He never called himself "jewish" and he never called himself a rabbi you lying little rat
Why do anti-Christ jew puppet shills always have to lie when attacking Christianity?
Do they seriously have no other option except lying?

>the main jewish temple in Jerusalem, had his dick cut by jews for jewish religious reasons, and for some reason celebrated all the same holidays and festivals jews did, up to and including Hanukkah, a jewish holiday about killing Europeans.
Nope 4x to literally all that because they were not "jews"
Calling Jesus a "jew" is not an historically accurate statement
The word "jew" didn't exist in the days of Jesus. It was invented many centuries later
'jew' does not mean Judean. They are separate words
Peer review research paper from a .org university website:
>"The article demonstrates that this thesis is supported by Josephus and also by archaeological evidence. From the perspective of this thesis, the article contends that the term "Jew" does not apply to Galileans. First-century Galileans should rather be understood as "ethnic Judeans"
Jesus was a Judean from Galilee thus it's historically wrong to label him the so called made up word "jew"
A "jew" would be some sort of separate group if it did exist during Jesus' day. The closest best approximation would be a proponent of pharisee-ism or pre-talmudism. Obviously Jesus was neither
There is no love of good without hatred of evil.
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That roid cop murdered that black woman to warn Christians about the consequences of rebuking Satan.
transfacts are always lies
Satan can only imitate, never create.
Because God is loving towards his creations, and wrathful to those that seek to destroy it.
You think your copy-paste wordplay games are going to work?
Why are they dressed like the bad guys in the Hunger Games
The Holy Ghost.
That’s a burly girlie
little do they know the more they desecrate jesus the more powerful he gets. its literally opposite day. grrrrr jesus bad. then jesus power level increases. dems btfo
You expect a human and worldly vengeance when you mock a being from a higher plane of reality than yourself. Your own actions and your own mind have already formed a prison of torture for you and you probably can’t even articulate or comprehend how or to what extent yet. There is always a chance to turn back - assuming you are real and not a hylic specifically created to attack the psychics of this realm
O look! another greasy press release and photo-op. How much did the IOC make flogging the naming rights?
>The universe is about love and creation, these troons only hate and destroy.
Well put, brother.
>Implying Satan wouldn't mock Jesus.
Hi mom! I just generated content.
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Ephesians 6:10-18
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Absolutely this. When I was growing up in South Florida, I couldn't stand the pentacostal weirdos. All it was were speaking in tongues (aka nonsense), begging their already poor congregation for more money to find their pastor's debauchery and preaching the prosperity gospel. I fell out of Christianity for a bit. Then, all these demonic fucks show up out of nowhere pushing trans shit, pushing for war and pedo shit. Seeing evil was enough to bring me back to my faith. Christ is King.
>The word "jew" didn't exist in the days of Jesus. It was invented many centuries later
Neither did the word "word" I guess words didn't exist then...
Lmao christian IQ everytime
>daddy will get you later!
Nice cope bro. Good luck with your jewish wizard stories and thinking they'll protect you from the inevitable crushing the West is due for. France will literally be an emirate in your lifetime with slave stalls for White kids, and christians will cope again and say "Oh, this was all ordained!" rather than being an explicit product of their pussydom.
“Daddy” doesn’t get you. You do, by cutting yourself off. It’s a decision YOU make. That’s the whole idea. You do it to yourself. That’s what makes it simultaneously sad but also quite vindicating to see. God doesn’t have to do shit.
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The second coming won't be about turning the other cheek.
>mug jew is coming to save me, trust the jew, just 2 more weeks
uh huh
Why would I have to adhere to this deeper understanding when I adhere to the commandments of Jesus and mosses ? What would be the further gain from knowing the routes and movements of the Jews edomites etc. when it’s irrelevant in the teachings of Jesus. Call him by his known name not your archaic sexret names. Your kike confusion esau gamble is the ruin of a beautiful trust built community. You should familiarize yourself with the 611 if you are already calling Jesus yashua as though you’re close to him on a personal cultural level. Then I remember you’re all liars heathens and motivated by dual purposes. The faith is in your soul not your knowledge of history maps and movements. You snake oil salesman. There are no words or insults capable to explain the distant I have towards you ad your kind. Who peddle garbage and FUD. We are just not the same in that aspect.
The invasion of France is not the fault of the Christians. It's the secularists and (((bankers))) that seized their government and threw open the doors so that Arabs and niggers could flood in and rape Christian women to further destabilize.
This wasn't happening when our leaders gave reverence to Christ and order. Now they are just tearing down what the Christian West spent two thousand years building.

You people are always playing the victim card. Still the ceremony looks gross.
They wouldn't even exist if not for Christians. They're all religions created after Christianity destroyed Hellenism.
>>475764261 Atheists/wrongdoers believe they can mock Divinity. Little they know that they are the mocked ones.
it's about the left hand path. it's the end of the world.
>Meh, it's bird's of a feather.
*meh* *adjusts yarmulke*
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>they mocked an indoctrination cult based on a fairytale

pic related, it's you
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they also mocked and humiliated our Queen
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kikes made your religion to keep you turning your other cheek. this is them mocking you for it. you good goy
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>>475774914 They're not atheists. They're gnostics. Atheists do not gather in groups to do weird rituals you stupid fuck.
Lmao christcucks wall of text starts with a blatant lie, imagine going any further
Golem this is why no one trusts you here
They’re demiurge aligned Gnostics to be clear
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I don't think you actually understood the point of that story
what is that like 8 people a year? easy gig
They have a golden bull
Straight up baal worship
We are in the end times timeline
Is nietchize before or after industrialization and the mass bringing of education to the populace ? New age philosophers will never hit like plato niggas because it was uncharted grounds.
The best part is that you didn't deny anything I wrote, because you know it's true. You just retreat into these mental playpens and wallow around in the ball pit of meaningless spiritual overtures to compensate for the reality where you are not in control and definitely not effecting anything, as it grants you some sort of temporary reprieve from facing yourself and the time you inhabit. And tomorrow, or even in an hour, you'll be right back where you are, stressed out and mad, and not really doing anything about it, because what you're doing is no different than an anxiety-relief exercise.
You don’t know what love is, kike
kys, faggot
>The invasion of France is not the fault of the Christians.
LMao I stopped reading right there
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who nose who planned this event?
>yap yap yap

That’s cool. I hope you save yourself from the spiritual abyss you’ve clearly been falling down for a while. I’m sure your life is perfectly in order and you aren’t a mentally spiraling and unaccomplished goober IRL. Like I said, you do it to yourself. Good luck. Didn’t read btw
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I'm sorry but you will never come back to pre-Zion Don election times. Sure all the tranny and inclusivity shit will progressively fade away, but mankind it's never gonna rewind to 10 years ago. Corporations will step further, and far more degeneracy are coming next, to the point that you will consider fags and trannies a joke.

The world is going to accelerate, and it's gonna be a wild ride until the climate change will burn us all.
this guy gets it
Of course. They are worshippers of Satan.
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>C-christianity is a jewish semitic cult! It's a psyop!
Curious how ZOG France (Macron is in the pockets of the Rothchilds) openly mocks Christianity, but are terrified of insulting Islam.

It's almost like Christ is their enemy.
>two millennia of Christian leaders fighting off kikes and mudslides out of Europe
>i sleep
>80 years of secularists abandoning Christianity and flooding their countries with niggers
>fucking Christians did this
lmaoing at ur life
The pope was king of a good swath of Italy for a long time, so it’s not surprising he had secular law and order duties to fulfill
yep your bible made you weak of mind and body. this is the price of being an obedient goy. 1940s was your only chance.
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Jesus Christ is boiling in hot excrement for eternity.
what story? another jewish myth? golem refers to mindless and soulless creatures serving their creators, which fits christians perfectly
Oh, no! Not executions!
"Girl" (((berg)))
this is lilith.
You don't belong here.
>mindless and soulless creatures serving their creators, which fits christians perfectly
How so?
>children had to witness this detailed decapitation
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Say your word kike slave
You have been given an order by your Christian master
>golem refers
>Golem this








It's jewish folklore, but what do all the golem myths have in common?
the church is not Christ.
the body is the church and Christ is the head of the of the church.
Baby got beak!
Actually this, I'm still agnostic but imagine being the cuck that actually believes all of this and still serves the losing side. And even lower than that imagine the retard that goes about trying to dismantle this culture and people while simultaneously saying they're doing something good for humanity, and even lower still imagine the porous mind that laps up the aforementioned retard's spiel about all of this and post-ironically joins in on it.

I've never been religious but seeing the physiognomy and mental state of those who oppose it make me recognize it's inherent benefit: That humanity is inherently stupid and vainglorious and needs a narrative to make them feel motivated and special in a cold and uncaring reality, regardless of whether or not they play the role of the hero or villain. Empty vessels for an operating system to be installed, an NPC.
>Neither did the word "word" I guess words didn't exist then...
Such weak pilpul
Yes, an equivalent word for "jew" did exist at the time of Jesus you lying jewish rat kike
You are trying to "argue" as if Martin Luther retroactively becomes a nazi if we redefine "German" to mean "nazi" bc Luther was called a German.
It doesn't work that way.
>Lmao christian IQ everytime
You're too dumb to even make a basic analogy.

All you can do is lie.
>can't refute a word I say
They never can
I accept your concession

Lying and pretending it's "word games" when a link proves what I said is correct is just pathetic kikery.
>look at all the persecutions by christians
>completely ignore all pre-christian history and pre-history
>completely ignores pagan human sacrifice, constant violence in pre-historic societies and a bunch of other crazy shit.
>Leftoids mocking Christ
Breaking news. Not my problem that they have chosen Hell.
how does a person who has his European history, traditions and mythos replaced with a foreign ones serve another..
Gee total mystery... A guess we'll never know

This shit pissed me off so much.
they are invented by jews and push a victim narrative?
Yes moron cos jew is a modern English word, why the fuck would English people have a word for shit they didn't even know about?
holy fuck you people are retarded, pilpul? yeah moron, that's your entire argument, how stupid can you possibly get?
Represents India
The world is devouring india right now, Hinduism is the next main target of jews after whites. Christianity will be African, europe will be destroyed, and Hinduism will be dismantled
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you."

John 15:18
>you're a victim? oi vey I'm the original victim!
Kek, the jewishness just seeps out
Christians don't "mindlessly" serve Jews. On the contrary, consider this decree, among many such, from Pope Eugenius IV (1442):
>We decree and order that from now on, and for all time, Christians shall not eat or drink with Jews; nor admit them to feasts, nor cohabit with them, nor bathe with them. Christians shall not allow Jews to hold civil honors over Christians, or to exercise public offices in the State. Jews cannot be merchants, Tax Collectors, or agents in the buying and selling of the produce and goods of Christians, nor their Procurators, Computers or Lawyers in matrimonial matters, nor Obstetricians; nor can they have association or partnership with Christians. No Christian can leave or bequeath anything in his last Will and Testament to Jews or their congregations. Jews are prohibited from erecting new synagogues. They are obliged to pay annually a tenth part of their goods and holdings. Against them Christians can testify, but the testimony of Jews against Christians in no case is of any value. All and every single Jew, of whatever sex and age, must everywhere wear the distinct dress and known marks by which they can be evidently distinguished from Christians. They cannot live among Christians, but in a certain street, separated and segregated from Christians, and outside which they cannot under any pretext have houses.
Facts are facts, Rebbe.
No, no. At it's core, it's merely a warning against hubris that you have failed to heed. What you have now is a world inhabited by golems and you're perfectly aware of it because you're a jewish boy with just enough cunning to realize the predicament that you're in.
That's not a real fucking quote you absolute brainless faggot
I can't tell if you are retarded or just dishonest, tell us what papal encyclical or bull that fake shit is from
Meanwhile I'll leave a real one, one of many
>Papal Protection of the Jews
Pope Gregory X - 1271
Btw this is how you serve them, by not knowing your own history and being obsessed with theirs
That's what mary and the apostles called jesus right?
your mind is mush and twisted with jew myths and history you can't separate reality from fiction, just as intended, sad
You are not a true Christian or believer of Jesus because you are full of hate.
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>who's the blue guy?
a faggot
>kike telling others how to be a true Christian

I’ve seen it all, you’re not real Jew, not in blood or culture.
Israel shot Trump
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>I can't tell if you are retarded or just dishonest, tell us what papal encyclical or bull that fake shit is from
It is cited as "Bull. Rom. Pont., V. 67." in "Talmud Unmasked" by I.B. Pranaitis.
>Pope Gregory X
What do you find objectionable about Pope Gregory's statement?
>by not knowing your own history
Please tell me about my ignorance.
>being obsessed with theirs
Am I now? What evidence do you have of my "obsession"?
The word "rabbi" simply meant "master" or "teacher", both of which Christ certainly is.
It cannot be committed in ignorance. Hopefully for the anon you're replying to, they have not yet had revealed to them the Son of God by the Holy Spirit. Hebrews chapter 6 and 10 are connected to the sin against the Holy Spirit.
God will one day finally judge the wicked, He will do it according to His time frame and not yours. I hope you repent.
For the interested, Revelation 10 explains why God has not yet judged the wicked.
commies are fuckin dunkin on chuds lately goddamn its embarasssing the kvetching call bibi maybe he can help
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I was agnostic when the culture war began
now all my bullets are blessed by our local priest

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