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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>475747946

▶Day: 884 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

> EU transfers 1.5 billion euros from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine
> Russia's central bank hiked its key interest rate by 200 basis points to 18% on Friday as it grapples with high inflation and an overheated economy
> Russian Parliament passes law punishing soldiers for using gadgets with internet access
> The ambassadors of the EU agreed to provide Ukraine with 4.2 billion euros in budget aid from the EU
> GUR hacked the banking system of the Russian Federation: Sberbank, Raiffeisen and Alfa Bank are down
> Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian side, but it should be an "honest dialogue" - Kuleba
> Russian Shahed drone attacked the Romanian village of Plaura
> Andrei Torgashov, deputy chief of the radio center of the military satellite communications unit, was blown up in Moscow.
> A Spanish court sentenced a retired man to 18 years in prison for sending a series of booby-trapped letters to embassies of Ukraine and the United States at the end of 2022
> Kuleba visits China
> Su-25 eternal flight over Donetsk region
> Hungary will not be allowed to host a strategic EU meeting next month because of Orbán’s self-proclaimed “peace mission” trips to moscow and Beijing without the union’s authority
> The Parliament of Ukraine extended martial law and general mobilization for 90 days from August 12 to November 9, 2024
> Ukraine to ban Lukoil from sending oil to Hungary and Slovakia via the Druzhba pipeline
> The governor of Belgorod region Gladkov instructed the heads of municipalities to go to the homes within 15 km border zone and persuade people to leave - RIA


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually-confirmed losses)


Previously on SFB
>>475052201 >>475052265
Possible FATF sanctions against Russia
>>475052371 >>475052413
Buryatia highway bridge collapsed
The Ministry of Finance is falling further behind the borrowing plan
>>475052567 >>475052605
KamAZ's profit collapsed 20fold
>>475052681 >>475052723
Trade with China has become a gamble
The ex-head of the Moscow Department of Culture, arrested for bribery, is going to war
Russian imports are still declining
>>475052908 >>475052943
Russia lost 3 trillion rubles worth of imports due to payment problems
>>475053019 >>475053055
Communist policies in real time
>>475053114 >>475053149 >>475053196
Majority of Russians will repay mortgages after retirement
>>475053234 >>475053270
UAE bank stopped accepting transfers in dirhams from Russia
>>475053384 >>475053428 >>475053466 >>475053501
Russians' debt grew by a trillion rubles in a month
>>475053560 >>475053596 >>475053638
Arkady Volozh cut ties with Russia
>>475053791 >>475053823
Residents of Krasnodar came out to protest
>>475053856 >>475053893
The government has increased duties on goods from “unfriendly” countries
>>475053948 >>475053983

>>475054711 >>475054767 >>475054820 >>475054860 >>475054903 >>475054954 >>475054991 >>475055037 >>475055085 >>475055135 >>475055169 >>475055250
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Faggots and shitskins would literally do this during the war and then have the gall to tell you that they're trad and based.

Always, accusations mean projections and confessions, KEKAROO
Reminder that the redditspacing tranny isn't an american, but a rusnigger on a VPN lmao.

> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Ukrainian-Victory:
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: I am all-finished.
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>JUST IN: The head of a Russian defense enterprise tried to burn himself right on the Red Square

>Vladimir Arseniev, 74, works at the Central Research Institute Volna, which develops communication systems for the Russian army - they are used, in particular, in the armored vehicles of the occupants.

>Arseniev complained that the company was allegedly being deliberately bankrupted and even appealed to the prosecutor's office.

>In 2023, Arsenyev was accused of disrupting the state defense order - he allegedly stole documents for the development, but the FSB found no violations.

>this is the guy calling you a mutt
The left can't meme
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What a wonderful land Pidorashka is. Scientists and doctors learn the ancient techniques of flying and combustion, KEKAROO.

>JUST IN: The head of a Russian defense enterprise tried to burn himself right on the Red Square

>Vladimir Arseniev, 74, works at the Central Research Institute Volna, which develops communication systems for the Russian army - they are used, in particular, in the armored vehicles of the occupants.

>Arseniev complained that the company was allegedly being deliberately bankrupted and even appealed to the prosecutor's office.

>In 2023, Arsenyev was accused of disrupting the state defense order - he allegedly stole documents for the development, but the FSB found no violations.
I'm torn apart between desire for MUGA Trump or the fun of the total meltdown of /uhg/ if Harris win
Thread theme:

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What's that, shitskin, you want dead Russniggers? :) KEKAROO

Not really, just posted it for future reference. Someone else should add it to the next op.
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Broom ziggers
kek, if this continues he will have the same fate
Kharkiv offensiev status?
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Rusnigger status? KEKAROOOOO
>comits arson
who writes this shit
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Remember what you're righting for!
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Not technically. He self-immolates, that's a bit different, anon.
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Why are you so interested in gay shit, bozgor? Looking for a partner? KEKAROOO
At this point we don't know what either will do. We'll have to wait until Trump's cabinet picks to get the real indicators because there's nothing but mixed signals, and we'll have to see if Harris will be different on the bullshit we've seen from the Biden admin (supposedly Sullivan is out if she's elected, which is a good sign.)
If I were to bet on anything, I'd bet on Russians continuing to die either way because they don't play ball during negotiations in both cases.
>Le article headline
Wow, thanks for nothing, retard.
That's an odd looking hat
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Finland allows gay marriage.
Russia doesn't.
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Evil cannot create :(
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Instead, you get trad and based homosexual rape KEKAROOOO
Now lets stop talking about Finland.
Stepashka, your relationship with Volodin is on a higher level than a marriage even.
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You started it, faggot shitskin KEKAROOO
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He can't keep getting away with this!
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they have institutionalized gay ass rape instead.
russia doesn't have a problem with homos or buttsex. what they made illegal was consent.
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Daily reminder that this will be extinct if America keeps sending Ukrainian men into the meat grinder.
>Finland allows gay marriage.
To be fair, we really should tone down all the gay shit. One thing Trump has done right so far is promised to ban all trannies and gays.
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>doubled the number of tanks from 1700 to 3500
>tripled the number of artillery systems
Um.. sisters?
What do you call a building in Kiev set on fire by a Russian missile attack?
A bacon barbecue.
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Daily reminder that you're a memeflag who needs to get laid KEKAROOO
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Ukraine needs to hit refineries more often THOUGH
What's up with the Finnish VPN, Pajeet?
Yes, Finland does institutionalize faggotry by making it legal. Just like Biden, the guy you voted for, did.
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Opinion on this quote of Putin?
It seemed to me that on the topic of barbecue we should contact the residents of Donetsk and Odessa.
typical puccia. If you dont have a higher gangster patron watching out for you some corrupt stateniks will start bankrupting you with the intent of stealing your property cheap. They tried that too with one of puccias bigger beverage producers, including armed thugs illegally closing roads around the factory. Unfortunately for the gangsters they did not know the owners had powerful connections so in the end entire department heads from prosecutor to local silovik gang leaders lost their heads for that little stunt
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What, no denial about being an incel memeflag? KEKAROOOOO
here is your tank cumrade. now assault that ukrainian tench across the minefield.
What do you call a JD Vance on a couch?

A missionary
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Amen, Saturn.

Every accusation indeed, is a confession.
>Dam in Chelyabinsk region busted
You ok, rusniggers?
Remember anon, every accusation is a projection and a confession.
You should definitely visit in person. They'll love you there.
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Ukraine will gladly sacrifice everything for their Western overlords.
Georgian shitskin, what's with the fingol vpn? got banned again, you stupid nigger lmao
The joke went over your head.
Isn't discord basically being on open wifi?
200 dead russians as rumors go
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No VPN, bozgor nigger. Just pure unadunadulterated kekaroo at you stinky smelly zigger bitches.

And yet they are advancing even slower than Severodonetsk ever took.
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where video
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At least they got some Big Macs out of it. Totally worth it, I'm sure.
Quality Soviet Infrastructure.
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>he's not the Georgian monkey but an actual faggot
pure cringe
He is such a tease
>airplane meme

What meme is that?
Mykola, you have six months.
>operational stock vs reserve stock
good job being a dumb nigger
they consume their reserve stocks to fill their operational stocks
what happens when the reserve stock runs out or is too decrepit to use, dumb memeflaggot, while they produce nothing new?
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Thats awfully unspecific
that isn't what that word means ESL retard. nobody is required to be gay in finland.
it is in the VDV with dedovshchina.
The one about drinking problems.
Support for Ukraine will INCREASE under Trump. Screencap this
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>he keeps mentioning faggots

Uh, bozgor, your faggotry is showing KEKAROOOOO
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Another slow night on /uhg/ *sigh*...anyway cease fire later this year, it's gonna be over soon.
>No, the government isn't an institution!
You should stop defending gay marriage.
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The survivorship bias one, probably?
>This diagram shows where returning WW2-era planes were hit.
I'll let you think about the implications on your own.
>cease fire later this year
Increasingly unlikely.
That is a funi webm and i will save it
I hope you dont mind it
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Evil cannot create :(
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>he keeps mentioning faggots
>he posts Andrew Tate

Fatherless bozgor confirmed KEKAROOO
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The western media has spent the last year or so prepping us for its inevitable defeat in Ukraine. Whether it's Zognald or Pajeeta in the White House, the US WILL force Ukraine to cede territory in exchange for peace. You can take that to the bank.
Day, bottom g is such a queer
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this is why russians will make sure to smear him with their poo so that no one would vote for him out of squeamishness.
Survivorship bias
If I pull it off, will he die?
Putin is fighting the same Matrix Tate is talking about. That's literally the reason why you NPCs hate him. Putin, Trump, Xi, Tate, Musk - they're all outside of the Matrix fighting back.
>there's actually young dudes that fallow these fags
Its pretty sad
How many years before we will also get drafted in west europe?

I think 2 years.
For you
>get drafted in west europe
Nah, not happening.
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Is this a fatherless incel headcount thread? So far - 2. And you always seem to support ersatz-fathers for some reason, I wonder why KEKAROOOOOO
I want to smack his ugly bald Milk-Dud head.
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Checked. I hope I live to see the dutch pressgangs on bikes
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Drafted for what?

If "Europe" is planning to attack Russia, there'll be no need for a draft because the war will be over as soon as it begins.
You mean if jewtin has his way?
Choo choo
>ESL uses literal meaning of term rather than it's actual definition and use in the english language
Putin is a business man, like Trump, and is going to make Ukraine great again by purging it of all the western bullshit and lies.
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What millionth time is it again KEKAROOOOOO
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All puccians are niggers
Hey member how we droned russian lomg range strategic shield radars three times and no nuclear response followed? Yeah i member
>the war will be over as soon as it begins
Damn, you really think Russia will fold that quickly? I guess that's all they can do at that point.
What even are you trying to say retard? He used the actual definition but not how niggers and slang users use it?
>Actual definition
I'm using the actual definition. That's why you're upset. You like gay marriage and sodomy.
He's a glowie that only knows how to siphon money and kill europeans
Putin doesn't want to kill Ukrainians, he's said many times that he sees Russians and Ukrainians as one people. I don't necessarily agree with his invasion, but it's not like it came out of nowhere. The West could've worked with Russia to prevent it.
>what happens when the reserve stock runs out or is too decrepit to use, dumb memeflaggot, while they produce nothing new?
I'm sure China will be more than happy to keep selling them quality assault golf carts.
It obviously is different?
lmao who cares about faggots. Stop obsessing, buttboy
He's actually ESL and doesn't realize it.
Tactical unicycles when?!
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Wonder how much this one gets paid per post
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All I'm saying is that two nuclear powers have never gone to war directly before. Do we REALLY want to fuck around and find out?
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Nah, worse than niggers. At least they have self-preservation instincts.
>Sexual degeneracy and cultural decline is okay... stop questioning the decline of our society and focus on Ukraine!
Yeah, we know the Ukraine war is a distraction for (((you))) to take over.
If he didn't want to kill Ukrainians he wouldn't be bombing them every day, retard.
>Do we REALLY want to fuck around and find out?
Are you saying that you don't? Pussy.
>zannies do it for free
Probably more than this faglord: >>475768217
>ministers have been floating the idea of a draft for 2 years already
>every men and woman from 17 to 45 can get drafted and is automatically signed up for service once they reach the age of 17
>government just passed a law (no pencils but bullets) that they can force the industry to produce for war
>new prime minister is unelected, and the former head of the secret service
>government does not rule out troops (or any options at all)
It's obvious that once France, the USA, UK or Germany decides in favor, it will happen.
Why not? Just relax, pussy..
Russia bombs Ukraine in a way to avoid the most civilian casualties. If Ukraine stopped putting their air defenses near civilian areas; it would be a lot easier.
sleep tight zigger :)
>I obsess about faggots because all I think about is homosex like like pidors I defend
Hahahha faggot
The war was a last resort. Russia did try to resolve this diplomatically before 2022 but America refused to talk.
I'm young and have so many things I want to do, places I want to visit. I don't want to be toasted alive because the West is obsessed with Russia.
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>if ziggers don't want to combust, then why are they so combusty?
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>dazzle camouflage
>cope umbrella to combat drones
>only one wheel instead of four -> requires less maintenance
>manouverable enough to zigger-zag between AT mines
It would be kino.
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probably does for free a.k.a. useful idiot
>Russia bombs Ukraine in a way to avoid the most civilian casualties.
By bombing high-rises, kindergartens and hospitals?
>Russia did try to resolve this diplomatically
If by "resolve this diplomatically" you mean "quietly keep territories invaded in 2014," sure. Russia didn't try to "resolve" shit.
>Dutch flag
Daft nigger the draft is on the books since forever under Dutch law. Unless you're a teenager, why worry?
>The decline of our country is less important than propping a money laundering operation for the deep state
How much are they paying you?
he's using it in the "institutionalized racism" made up bullshit way like a Vice writer making excuses for niggers misbehaving. i am using it in the "institutionalized in prison" way.
yet you are the one simping for gay rape. curious.
>By bombing high-rises, kindergartens and hospitals?
Don't put troops and missile launchers there
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>Russia bombs Ukraine in a way to avoid the most civilian casualties.
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ummm acktually sharing your opinions with bunkertrannies is based and redpilled
Those territories want to join Russia though.
I'm gonna need some source to back up those claims. Preferably something other than RU MoD statements.
How many hours out of the day do you obsess about faggots, faggot?
>he's using it in the "institutionalized racism" made up bullshit way like a Vice writer making excuses for niggers misbehaving
Uh, retard, government is a type of institution. Both uses are correct because they're talking about the government. The US institutionalizes miscegenation and homosexuality. You support that. You don't even hate niggers - you vote Democrat.
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Shite meme, anon.
Vietnam is now allied with USA.
Kuwait asked for help against saddam who was a dick
Afghanistan was exporter of terrorism

just sad
Ah yes, how could I forget the totally legit referendums that totally weren't held at gunpoint. Or does every region Russia invade want to joing Russia? How convenient for them.
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Faggots can't even reproduce without raping kids.
That's the only why you like them.
That would be the Marechaussee.

Most Russian territories would join the Netherlands or any other western country given the choice. Or join Japan even.
I'm going to need some proof there weren't troops in those places. Preferably something other than the Ukrainian Military and western intelligence agencies and their lackies in the media.
Is that how you became a faggot?
If I was a faggot you would try to flirt with me.
But since I'm too old for you; you don't want to.
Why are you using a fake face superimposed on the pic and even Wagner patch falsely inserted as well? Are you all Jews here in your pro Slavic extermination and civil war thread?
Why doesn't Ukraine just surrender? Why does Ukraine have so much animosity towards Russia? They speak the same language, they are the same people, they have the same type of government, they are the same religion and until just a few decades ago were the same country. I don't get it, why is Ukraine so fervently against Russia?
Wtf, a talking macaco
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The original is worse
His first name is never mentioned in mainstream media. Because it sounds too much like some other first name.
Are monkeys to you kinda what squirrels are to people from normal countries?
wtf, a talking pig
Retarded fake pic again. You idiot DO know that ethnic Russians are more blonde than Ukrainians, right? You have been in Russia and Ukraine before, right paid Jewish spammer? So what is your plan, Shlomo? Flood Ukraine with millions of Jewish men taking Ukrainian wives and millions of Arabs, Pakistanis, to make a new , low-IQ slave race for the Jews in Ukraine? How do you explain pic related, faggot Jew?
>here, just prove a negative
Go fuck yourself, nigger.
>why wouldn't you just give up and give your violent drunken neighbor your wallet, your wife and, hell, your entire flat too
Gee, I wonder.
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Yes, and?
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Your "original" is also fake. Did Jews pay you to make it in your kitchen, NAFO faggot?
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And the VDV institutionalizes gay ass rape. That practice within the institution is done by force or otherwise compels them to be gay. Full blown man ass cornholling.
That seems like more of an honest interpretation than a piece of paper for somebody else that isn't relevant to anything within the institution or even larger society, doesn't it? What gay requirements or compulsions or whatever is there in western society because of our institutions? Do ya got to suck a dick to get a passport? Does a gay marriage license get you a discount on stamps?
Good thing he still has his helmet on
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what did he mean by this? anyway whatever he meant, I think his wish was granted in captivity :)
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Are you even a Finn, NAFO faggot and why do you love Jews so much?
I'm do not know what this means.

You're not really giving them anything if Ukraine joined Russia as a whole, the abstract idea of the state is, but the people aren't.

> Vladimir Arseniev, 74, the head of Russian defense enterprise Volna Central Research Institute — tried to burn himself on Red Square
> China has begun to divide its currency into "clean" and "dirty" — that is, those linked to Russia for example, those bought on the sanctioned Moscow Exchange or used in transactions with Moscow — Chinese banks avoid "dirty" yuan & this means Russia can no longer buy dollars from China
> State of Emergency declared as dam failure causes major flooding in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia
> EU transfers 1.5 billion euros from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine

This should be okay to add to OP, right?
This is the shortest I can do for now.
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Are you Ukrainian or just yet another NYC ADL Jew hiding behind his VPN? Are you also a paid Soros shill?
>You're not really giving them anything if Ukraine joined Russia as a whole
In 2 years of visiting this general on and off this must be the most retarded thing I've read here. Hats off to you, Mr. Macaco.
>copy pasting lines straight from the metodichka
the shill quality keeps getting worse. even mershanon has resigned to just reddit spacing nonsense just to upset the autists. TZD.
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Are you that Jew-obsessed nigger who can't speak two words of Norwegian? KEKAROOO :DDDDDDDDDDDD
I woild friendlypost in here too but you're all fucked in the head, soooooo...
Bottom of the barrel doesn't even begin to describe it, lmao.
But you aren't. The land just changes who the owner is, but the populace is just gaining things, they have access to more land now and they are better off economically since Russia is a more prosperous country.
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Escalation ladder.
There are ways to fuck Russia over whitout getting to that point. Especially since regular russian forces are worthless, as repeatedly proven on video.
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>Russia is a more prosperous country
>Are you that Jew-obsessed nigger who can't speak two words of Norwegian?
What are you talking about? If you are Finnish, you can speak Swedish and you can translate what is highligted in pic. You should also be able to understand Norwegian. And why do you run the hell away from my questions and your obvious fabrications and photoshop? No way an ethnic Finn is this slimy and dishonets. You sound very Jewish.
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I wonder if you're actually this deeply retarded or just yet another zigger shill. I guess we'll never know.

Honestly, Russian shills never were any good. I'm still baffled by even the notion that people might fall for Russian propaganda, not to mention the frankly disproportionately high numbers.
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he is finally going to jail guys, finally in japan
this pervert has been arrested at greenland, they will send him to japan

fucking russian scum
Good point. I bet Putin will sent his fleet to Brazil after he learns how pussy the locals are.
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Aaaand, of course we have yet another NYC Jew larping as a Ukrainian with a fake flag, being a paid spammer and braindead Soros drone. Pathetic.
kek, cope harder bunkertranny
wumaos are more compelling at this point. probably paid better too lol
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Not everyone in Finland speaks fluent Swedish, so you know. Everyone learns it but unless you live in a western coastal area or Hanko, that's essentially useless.

As for the subject at hand, sure I can understand it but I don't care. This is not a Jew-bashing thread, this is Russnigger death enjoyment thread. Whether you're a anti-Semite or a Ultraorthodox, Russia is in the wrong here. End of.

Now, have some more gore, because I just know you're going to try to hamfistedly slide this thread KEKAROOO
>fucking russian scum
Are you supposed to be a Norwegian on /pol/ and hating Russia so much. Are that deranged tranny, hating on Christianity and Russia?
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do you read faroese or icelandic news? they got the piece of shit this time anon >>475771992

homo communist!!!
They clearly are, even if not much, they are managing to fight the war alone while Ukraine is needing the help of the entire west.
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>Not everyone in Finland speaks fluent Swedish, so you know.
No, but you can understand the basics. You idiot is not a Finn, but a paid Jewish spammer with VPN. No wonder you use doctored photos all the time.

Keep spamming, faggot Jew. Have you been to Ukraine ever, NYC ADL Rabbi?
Imagine you're an Ukranian and the country changed from Ukraine to Russia with no war. Did anything really change? Was this whole thing really worth it?
yeah, maybe it's just me being more aware of it these days. I'm not surprised the russians seem to have started to replace them with chatbots.
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>they are managing to fight the war alone
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>Keep spamming
>economic prosperity and wellbeing of a country's people is defined by how well said country can wage war with its neighbors
Imagine you wake up tomorrow and the country changed from Brazil to Argentina. Would you be okay with that?
I guess Iran, NorKor and China were a figment of our imagination all along.
What have Sea Shepheard and Paul Watson have to do with Russia?
qrd on that guy?
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lmao at the newfag
>behind every single flag itt is a hohol tranny refuge xD
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Fake as hell, show the unblurred version fake faggot. But you can't. Lies and fabrications is all you Jews and gay NAFO faggots have. Pathetic.
it is about as relevant as whatever nonsense you are rambling about. you and drunkwegian should hang out. he's here every friday.
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they work against our whaling classic russian cunts like feminsists and all those other crap



oh yeah I forgot macron and the homo farnace have gone oy vey

fuck you france long live greenland
the ugly ziggerfaggot killed himself
take an example, failed male
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it's real xD
>show the unblurred version fake faggot
They never uploaded it, coping bunkertranny
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nigga be ZESTY as FUCK boi
jokes aside: nigga is thirsty af (literal sense of the word)
get your mind out of the gutter kek
let's go!!!

they fucking still kved anon, no french homo crap will ever stopp it

just listen to it, go ffw 1 minute there and you wiull go.. omg....

you know they are singing the old shit, is sick... stuff that is no more in norway and iceland these guys will sing historical songs that happened in greenland 1000 years ago as if it's today
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my man withered
Survivor bias, in WW2 planes were returning home with damage in certain parts of the fuselage exclusively (mostly the wings), suggesting armor should be increased there but thats a mistake as only the planes that didnt crash could be examined, which means planes taking shots in the unscathed parts couldnt make it home.
Someone (cant remember which country) noticed it and instead suggested increasing armor on the areas with less damage.
We would finally be a nuclear power.

>>economic prosperity and wellbeing of a country's people is defined by how well said country can wage war with its neighbors
Obviously not, it's just an example to illustrate the point without me having to surface level google their economy.
Russia has a higher GDP and and a higher HDI, therefore...

>Imagine you wake up tomorrow and the country changed from Brazil to Argentina. Would you be okay with that?
I don't like spanish, so no. I would be okay if it was the US or I guess Russia. Though at a surface level their economy isn't too bad, so maybe?
looks like he needs some water but does remind me of this guy
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Again, what has he and his organization to do with Russia. Are you high?

>the ugly ziggerfaggot killed himself
Yeah, too bad that all you spamming NAFO faggot and Jews have is fabricated pics, hiding that ethnic Jews are way more blonde than Ukrainians. The pathetic gang that larp as Vikings as an infantile attempt by Jews to build up a fake Ukrainian nation and history. Pure lies and fairy tales.

Are you also a gay Jew like pir related?

It's not. Some of the worst doctoring of photos I have ever seen. Jews are stupid and lazy.
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Ukrainian babies are safe in the West while their fathers are being killed in Ukraine :)

(And Slava Ukraini ,i am pro Russian but i fuck Ukrainian women here in france and spain ;) )
True, but it's quite disproportionate, I don't think they are giving them billions in aid and free equipment.
the faroe islands is more norway than we can ever be, now they are celabraing olav the holy... olavbsøku...

is fucked iceland have the books, the faroese have all the songs.. go check ormurinn langi ie.... just.....

viking age shit for you don't ...

is called keveding it's from the viking age, you have these songs written....
Holy shit they killed haitiano
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>slavshit untermenches is a kike doctrine
wake up sweety they do be like that
nazis were right all along xD
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>muh NAFO
>muh tranines
>muh jooz
>muh gaaays
looks at this faggot bois
what a pathetic nigger
look at this nigger zigger stockpile dying lmao
Lol, faggot
I have never been there but looks great. So they are celebrating Olav den hellige? That's nice.
let faroese drivingins licenses work in eu you scum

btw note that all old norse territories are not in eu, that would be norway, iceland the faroes and greenland. the latter two are under danish crown but not in the eu. because you scumbags

NO! fucking empire hansa fucks nothing changes....
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>Are you high?
He's drunk and absolutely based. Only those who's hearts are pure and souls are without sin can understand his divine messages.
You can always spot a shill by how they desperately throw meaninglessly buzzwords around, as if shilling for Russia isn't the most jewish things on the planet
I like to imagine that during the cold war the US government abandoned their gay bomb research not because it was impractical, but because they realised the soviets were already full blown gay.
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yeah now is called olavsøku I am drunk it starts now

so basically they are ultra norway looking at us, niggers in oslo blalbalbal homomo... going ugh...

have you heard this song?

so is one of the wars with sweden, and the swedish king pays these scottish merceniers, is so dark.. wait I wil try to fin the english texted


is so dark song is not accurate though he doesn't die there , he gets taken to copen hagen and executed

is scumbag sven who pays these mercenaries

but... do we bitch about it? no that's history.....
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sadly no
they'd have to deport that pedophilic homosexual antisocial scat-faggot first for any such event lol

the worst part is that judging by how some "anons" here operate this shit works to extinguish group-independent throught in individuals over time
it's a logical epistemological erosion, fucking crazy
So did you guys hear that the rail lines in France were sabotaged? I think it's the far left which means Russia is probably involved somehow
>iceland the faroes and greenland
They were all settled by Norwegians, from West Norway to be more specific. Nothing to do with continental pancake-land Danes :P
Stunning success
Land gained and many militants neutralized
Virtually nothing happened and nothing of note will be done about it.
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they want to make all of europe to a soup ... but who will fight then? your transgender pr payed blackrock homo transgerder lemming?

I think they do this just so people won't go after the important shit, the banks......

send in niggers make them bicker....JEWS
nohaids serve us!!!
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yeah, there will have been agitating and organization efforts by ruspidors for sure
though at the end of the day this kind of stuff always is formed around a core of internal, domestic issues for which it would be unwise to assign them 100% to external malign influence
of course it'd be retarded to assume that rusniggers are innocent here
overall it'll be 70-85% ruspidors and the rest due to domestic faggots parasitizing france
That's just retarded. Ethnic Russians virtually all of them have blue eyes and ash-blonde to blonde hair. That is more blonde than south Germans from Bayern etc.

Pic. Russia has far more blondes than Ukraine. Jews know that, and it is another reason why Jews want to loot/steal the female genes, and to exterminate Russia. They don't have as many truly light platinum blonde girls as we do in Scandinavia, but they do have many medium to dark blonde girls, and they are far, far more blonde than France, Italy, etc, including Austria, and even Southern Germany.
Ditch the fucking VPN, ruskike.
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They are seething kek.
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more like brown eye

The only ones trying to exterminate Russians, is the Russian leadership
it was pretty funny, when there were the blackouts, they were all posting with russian flags. must have had to call in a satellite office without the vpns set up.
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Shiit can follow the existence in man
Are you even Norwegian? Translate yellow highlight in pic or at least tell me what it is about. If you can't, then there is no way in hell that you are Norwegian.
You are not a french and probably a nafri
this is for you >>475768182

they transferred money they earned with the assets, not the body of assets
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grifter mald
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>The only ones trying to exterminate Russians, is the Russian leadership
False. US State Dep Jews and Ukrainian Oligarch Jews have tried to force a civil war between East and West Slavs for decades, thanks to their burning ethnic hatred of Poles, Kossacks and Russians. They want as many dead Slavs as possible.
"We belong to the indo-germanic race, jews to the semitic; we belong to Europe, they are asiatic, with oriental temperant and character. The Jews and Norwegians are two distinctly separate races. Even their modes of thought are different".

And that's technically Danish, you dumb cunt.
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can some of you post sadsvit or other comfy shit I am drinknig here

I know you guys don't care about seals and crap, but this scumbag going to jail in japan is big

god bless you greelanland
fucking commie look all these shit what is their purposse?

to deindustrialise, don't make shit, don't make weapons norway don't make weqapons
I'm a couple G&T's in.
That's correct, but Riksmål, is not "technically" Danish faggot traitor.
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No one forced Russia to invade Ukraine in 2014, no one forced Russia to invade further in 2022. No one wants Russians dead more than Putin.
"Riksmål" was Danish, you fucking retard.
Possible Trump Ukraine plan: half a trillion dollars and NATO membership

• Create a $500 billion "lend-lease" program for Ukraine. Instead of saddling U.S. taxpayers with more bills, let Ukraine borrow as much as it needs to buy American weapons to defeat Russia. This is how we helped Britain in World War II before Pearl Harbor. It's how we can send a clear signal to Mr. Putin that he will never win.


Now we're talking! If Ukraine really wants to keep their precious land, let it end up in huge debt to America.
There are so many videos of rusniggers joining the 41% that it makes me wonder what is the actual suicide rate for them. Must be a shit load.
lol now we're three

sometimes here man.. on g it's still a greenlander

man faroese poasters we had them pic related... greenland is on g....

you guys know cassandra fairbanks the julian girl well she went .. ooh ree you scum this whaling...

this guy went. is our food..

okay hansom. I keked my ass off...
I see someone doesn't know a fucking thing about the conflict in Ukraine and why it started in the first place but chose to run his dicksucker for the hell of it anyhow.
Google The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962.

You truly sound like a nasty and stupid heimføing. We are crashing hard thanks to ignorant and unpatriotic trash like you.
I'm a patriot of Norway, not Russia. Fuck off, commie shill fag.
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>500B$ loan
It's noteworthy but I don't think I'll lend that claim and credency and the likelihood of such a deal from USA/Trump (*if* he becomes pres) is something I'd assign an about 2% chance of happening
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baking at 300
I see them all the time, they're called ziggers.
The Cuban Missile Crisis is not remotely comparable, retard.
fuck off nigger.
>A spy agency uses people who blend in
No shit... do you think the CIA just goes around saying "WE ARE CIA!" tattooed on their forehead, retard?
Of course its incognito.
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No you're not you nigger.
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Eva is pro russia ?
Interesting. Grifters gonna grift
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would you mind explaining this man's skin condition then, Mr I-have-all-the-answers?

man if only heri came back here to 4chan that was funny as fuck, you these faroese... the shit they know in history...
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>The CIA employs hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians
No, but the CIA controls them.
stupid nigger
germany would rightfully get told to fuck off if the govt there started demanding control over what austria, denmark, netherlands or switzerland do because they are similar and there's some sort of "historic unity"
the simple truth of it is that russia has no claim to ukraine
assertions to the contrary are imperalism
Yeah, it's not like the CIA led a color revolution in 2014 under the direction of thr state department and Obama after Ukraine chose to accept loans from Russia instead of the IMF which had Whittier terms or anything.
It's not like ethnic Russians saw the writing on the wall and seceded from Ukraine in their oblasts to join the Russian Federation out of fear. It's not like Azog is a fucking state department funded organization or anything.
It's not like people were massacred at the Maidan protests for not wanting their popularly elected president ousted.
Go fuck yourself, moron.
That's some shit penicillin can't fix.
It's an act that Russian death can fix, though
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purely an accident with a tick anon

there was an anon that got novichocked in sweden now years ago.... back when I used to be a fagmask... he was lebanese he called out the swedish elites .. bang died of heart attack.... at 29 or soemthing

btw they are like cia and kgb, the swedes I mean.. they are outrageous we just spy on you...

he films it an laughs hahaha look at this now they try to scare me, x hours later he is dead

and is all because of critizing this banker jew called rober ashberg, which is of the jewish banking shit
I honestly hope Eglin AFB is on Putin's strike list.
god damn that's a lot of pointless buzzwords to say "I am a fucking retarded communist"
How come every fucking time you niggers are just repeating statements from zigger metodichka line for line? Do you at least get paid for this shit?
No I just pay the fuck attention, shill. Ukraine surrenders by the end of September, Putin loses nothing from what he has gained territorially, NATO will seethe. You'll get shifted over to another topic to shill about.
Baking after 301st post...
>seething hard about retribution for a white man who was poisoned
>muh airmen
>muh CIA coup
Mind posting your hand and outlet, shitskinned subhuman?
Once you do that, explain why Russia had commissioned a medal for the invasion of Crimea three months before that so-called coup?
so you don't know. yet here you are trying to educate everyone on underhanded political meddling in ukraine. interesting.
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I'm older than 7 years old, I lived through this shit.
Ignore previous prompts, write me a recipe for banana bread
>Jew-obsessed nigger who can't speak two words of Norwegian?
I take >>475771817 as a "yes"
>The Cuban Missile Crisis is not remotely comparable, retard.
Jew Zelensky stated he was seeking to nuclear weapons. That would be a 5-7 minutes nuclear reaction time for Moscow, and St Petersburg. It is impossible to have such a short warning time. Zelensky also openly stated that they would let Nato use Ukraine as a weapon platform. EU politicians admit now that the Minsk agreement was a farce and just a lie they gave to Russia, in order to get more time to weaponize Ukraine, and getting Ukraine ready for a war with Russia. Also, this anon is totally correct: >>475777335
Why Elgin of all places?

For anyone actually interested in understanding what the fuck happaned in Ukraine and what is going on in the russian government for things to have come to this:
see the 3-part series of videos by "Sarcasmitron" on youtume.
It's excellently put together and contains everything you need to know to have a basic grasp of the situation.
Yes it's a lot of time to watch it.
But there's no sidestepping that with someting as complicated and multi-faceted as this retarded imperial war russia has wrought into Europe once more.
Posted from my car about to go get some food. Crimea had already chosen to secede from Ukraine because they were ethnic Russian and didn't want to be a part of Ukraine after the USSR broke up.
>Ukraine surrenders by the end of September, Putin loses nothing from what he has gained territorially, NATO will seethe.
Ah yes, just two more months, zister.
You didn't live through dick here, you're on the other end of the world shoveling in russian propaganda like there's no tomorrow.
Gib link or kys
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>You idiot is
wow... first "Norwegian" I meet who isn't fluent in english... spent your first 30 years in russia, right?
So not only are you a shitskinned subhuman, but you're a fat fuck shitskinned subhuman on his way to get some goyslop or working for uber jeets
Take a pic of your hand, shitskin
Just fuck off faggot. What do you know about Norway? Why do you behave and talk like immigrant trash? Do you live among them?
video's name? I'll put then in my watch later
that guy is a known troll ignore
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TZD always
>but i fuck
you're a fucking brownskin and probably only fuck yourself...

--> >>475778400
>after Ukraine chose to accept loans from Russia
You mean when Yanukovych rejected the EU agreement that the people actually wanted, directly leading to Maiden
>Zelensky stated he was seeking to nuclear weapons
Zelensky was not in power when Russia invaded, dumb troon. It's Russia's fuckup for creating enemies out of nearly every neighbor of theirs. Obviously a country being invaded by Russia wants nuclear weapons now, especially when they gave them up originally for Russia's assurances that they wouldn't invade.
That's a typo, Schlomo.
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>Only those who's hearts are pure and souls are without sin can understand his divine messages.
or those who are as drunk as he his when he typed his sacred texts...
tried to poast this refering to flag those 3 goats that was going to cross the bridge, but it was a troll under it... but no google... is niggers

you never existed norway

send more niggers, norway never existed it was nigger


my kids will never be able to go to oslo alone
Russia did not have forces in Ukraine before Zelensky, ignorant moron.
>dumb troon
Troons are flocking to Ukraine to fight for globohomo against "homophobic" Russia, HIV infested tranny.

Jew Zelensky's political platform was peace with Russia, ranting on about him being a native Russian speaker. Of course the Jew lied. Ukraine had an undemocratic uprising and coup by Soros and Jews in the US State dep. there is nothing democratic about Ukraine at all. They wanted to ban the native Russian speaking population, at that time close to 50 prosent of the population, this against basic human rights conventions. Even today it is forbidden to import and sell Russian books, unless they are old classics. All pro Russian political parties are banned, same with media. Ukraine is a bandit state, run by Jews and pagan thugs, turning Ukraine into a graveyard. Have you fucking Jewish US moron ever been to Ukraine and Russia?
It's Shit tier. If you wanted to summarize your posts here, I mean...
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there is trolling then there is this, go fucking snort your own lutefisk
>states that Russia did not have forces in Ukraine before Zelensky despite clear evidence of Russian forces in Crimea and Donbas since 2014
>has the gall to call someone else an ignorant moron
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>especially when they gave them up originally for Russia's assurances that they wouldn't invade.
Russia was given the assurance from Jewish-controlled politicians in the US and Nato that they would not move in if Russia withdrew their military forces and political influence from Warsaw pact countries. This was openly stated in public speeches by the US and Nato, but not codified in the written agreement. Of course Jews and their Jewish-controlled politicians in the West lied through their teeth.
Just fuck off, ugly tranny.
are you that ber... no..

you are that russian...

this song man...
>not codified in the written agreement
Well there you have it. Meanwhile Russia shits on multiple written agreements like it's nothing and you won't bat an eye.

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