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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This is the future for white people across the world in their homelands.
Well, yeah? Where else are the jeets supposed to escape to?
>3 current memeflag threads about Ireland?
Slow day schlomo?
I would take a thousand samoans over a dozen of this spy creeps collecting psychecks visiting whore houses
Not my problem. The Irish infested English cities since the famine and we have an enclave of feral scum known as Liverpool to thank for them.
that older child does not look like his son, he's full black.
wife was def fucking a nog, Saji got cucked
OP is a dianetics fag
Because the anglos were genociding with that famine. Not only did the Anglos worked to make the famine worst in all aspects, but there are rumors that the anglos started it.

The establishment was doing it to them. English still get blamed for it including the millions of bongs who have dysgenic Irish DNA. The English miscegenated with the Irish over the last 200 years it's hard to avoid their descendents.
The english establishment sold out the European race to money hungry jews
So colonialism was bad because Whites did it, but when browns do it to Whites, it's good?
Yeah but what's the point in repeating this over and over again? It doesn't change anything. England was rotted through immigration since the 1800s plus we legions in Pakistan and India with some returning with their wives. Irish immigration fucked England up but nobody is willing to talk about that.
It's hard to find a proper English man these days and not some ponse who's grandfather was a disgusting Mick or Paki. They are all subhuman scum in different orders.
Only the Anglosaxons, French, and Muslims had colonies.

The Hispanic Empire had ZERO colonies, and the murder and slavery of autochtonous people was FORBIDDEN.

Queen Isabel proclaimed after the Inventio of America, "Españoles casense con Indias, e Indos con Españolas." This proclamation started the Golden Age of Humanity (Hispanic global hegemony, the first global hegemony).
Wow, someone should burn it down
They should enjoy it while it lasts. It won’t be long before they’re sent back.
The Irish population was already decimated and its culture and language wholly replaced. Ireland already ended hundreds of years ago
The Anglo Saxons made England England.. It was the Norman kikery that infested and replaced the Saxon system that caused the fighting between nations.
If we had just remained Saxon and avoided the Norman kikes England today would be more like Denmark in culture and language. It would be nice to tell the Irish, Scots and Welsh to fuck off I have time for those retards anymore.
We may get to a point where there are more Irish in the US than ireland. kek
Wait, the normans were kikes?

I know the Norman invasion was a bunch of different people, so it wouldn't surprise me if kikes were there too.
They're probably cooking something right now that's smell is seeping into the walls and will never come out.
And those irish americans are already mixing their blood with local hispanics, italians; etc
They weren't kikes but they had kikes finance them. We pogromed the kikes and they were expelled from England.
Norman's were Scandinavian, french mix.
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kvetching kike lmao
What are they escaping from?
Why dont the people just start killing the police and immigrants

At this point the government is completely going against the population.
I no longer care if kids die, burn it down
way too based canadians could never
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It's afraid. You're going to burn on this earth and after. Ireland will always belong to the Irish.
700 million whites vs 1.4 billion Raju Kumar Singhs
I think it's clear who is going to win here
>1.4 billion Raju Kumar Singhs

Smelly rats. All it takes is releasing one virus targeted at these rats and it's bye bye. Why do you think we have bio weapons labs sandniggers?
Can confirm. Irish, Italian and German mongrel here. But Ireland can always take advantage of people longing for their muddied roots. Irish diaspora in America were instrumental in getting arms to the provos. While people generally fling shit on this site at mutts or Europoors, any break away movement could get help from their flavor of burger if they simply asked for it. WN in America wants the entirety of Europe liberated.
my city council is holding an emergency meeting because a petition went around to cancel a homeless/migrant shelter and use the money to build something fucking productive for once.
They're going to have this big fucking meeting and hear a lot of reasons why not to do it, and they're going to do it anyways. I can tell this is going to happen because the council members are complaining about using some of the emergency budget on organizing the meeting, behaving like they know full well it's pointless.

If I didn't have a wife and kids depending on me, I'd be one of the first to chuck some napalm on their construction equipment.
>WN in America wants the entirety of Europe liberated.

You are all mutts fuck off. I hate Americans
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If anyone could unify a fraction of 700 million, they would be an unstoppable force. If pajeet collectivization was equivalent to whites they wouldn't be immigrating here at this volume. Before you say anything about European immigration, the country's euro's left behind are still jewels of the modern world sought by third worlders. And there is a hell of a difference between early American settlers building societies out of nothing on the frontier than some street shitter getting a job from a fellow pajeet and being let in by corporatists trying to undermine the native labor that built the society now sought by parasites.
My point exactly, but first let me see your flag.
migrants fill out paperwork and go through the process
invaders storm the border and break in, undocumented

sickens me seeing an invading force labelled as some kind of peaceful settler
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I'm so tired of this
I just want my nation to not be destroyed. I don't want to have to worry about this. I'm so fucking tired of it. Every day it just gets worse and worse and no one seems to give enough of a fuck to simply vote these SCUM out. That's all it would take. JUST vote them out. But everyone is so politically ignorant and DUMB and STUPID

Literally every person that I know opposes this replacement and knows what is happening. But they still think SF are great. They really don't get it. They haven't a fucking clue and they won't fucking listen. Then when SF do something anti Irish they are shocked. WHY ARE NORMALNIGGERS LIKE THIS? WHY? So fucking stupid. SO frustrating. I'M SICK OF IT

Democracy is a disaster
I wish I 2as there, I would have taken those materials home.
They'll become real estate agents? What a horrible fate
I wire up houses for a builder who buys dilapidated places and fully repairs them. Every single one has gone to Indians. I used to leave my phone number with pride on the switchboard (something electricians rarely do because you take full responsibility for your work) but now I don't because jeets ring me up wanting to work for them
Anon, we are not voting ourselves out of this. No one is coming to save us, the only one who can rally your community is you. The French had a small majority vote in favor of the milquetoast right so center left and far left unified to fuck them.
You forget that other countries are disarmed
McGowans have always been the worst
Themselves. Unfortunately as you may know, it's not possible for a jeet to run away from a jeet society, just like an eagle will always do as an eagle lol
Indian women have the highest rates of turning their men into cucks, whether the man knows it or not
There goes that neighborhood
Indians, our Aryan brothers. I welcome them. Jai Shri Ram!
even what they now call traditional clothing was mandated on them by the English
I know
And it’s based
You deserve what you tolerate. Nothing more, nothing less
what city? Irish example of handling migrant centers needs to be followed
They are Indo-Aryan and therefore White.
Eye in the sky is always watching, that includes your phone if you're trying to peacefully protest. That may be obvious to some but during the summer of love a lot of people got tagged from their phones as a drone would follow them home. Interestingly though, anyone with no cell phone is automatically tagged from such systems as a person of interest/suspicious, however they would need to maintain constant line of sight to the target.
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Open borders for Oireland, the Jewnited Kingdom, and the Jewnited States of Israel.

I have not a single fucking pity for any one of you.
Ireland is the easiest country to move to. It's very easy to get a visa and even if you overstay nobody cares. Same for IPAS, only 11% reject rate and that's per county. So if you are rejected in one county, just move and apply to another. The government and NGOs will be taking good care of you. You will not just get money but you will get free food, free brand new phone and free housing.

If you are interested in moving I highly recommend daly khurshid solicitors they really are the best for getting your visa approved and they will teach you how to stay. The irish will be mad but we're playing by their rules. They are just jealous of foreigners doing better. That is what we have it.
>The French had a small majority vote in favor of the milquetoast right so center left and far left unified to fuck them
Yeah... I know

But no one will listen to me. And i'm an autistic sperg not meant for the public eye. What can I do? Nothing. No one seems to be able to do anything. It is so demoralising

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