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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Everything was going good until he fired Otto Von Bismarck and decided to challenge Britain's navy.
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That retard got what he deserved.
You don't challenge BRITANNIA.
funny that the allegedly "right wing" nazis did not want him back on the throne, even when he wrote to them and offered to come back.
how is that funny?
Wilhelm II was a fuck up.
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You guys really don't know what's going on, huh?
because the right wing of euro politics favors the restoration of the monarchy.
can't you
>want a monarch
>but not want a fuckup of a monarch
at the same time?
Apparently not you dumb mutt
you could, but you would still be restoring the monarchy, and you would, in cases of extreme necessity, select a new monarch from some other branch of the family.
I was watching the movie Bismarck (1940) and I loved the movie. It only covered the events up to 1871, but man it made me feel so much longing for a past I never knew, in terms of the glory of Europe's past.

I'm normally against monarchies. I'm not a neo-monarchist. But on the other hand monarchy/empire has been the governmental system for whites for thousands of years.
This "democracy/republic" stuff is rather new and obviously it isn't working.
But I can bring myself to support monarchies either because who is to say that the royal family won't be a bunch of race traitors cucks?

There is nothing inherent about monarchy that says that it has to protect it's ethnic nation from invasion/replacement. It's purely just about for the glory and wealth of the royal family.

I don't know, just thinking out loud here, I guess. What are your thoughts?
>so much longing for a past I never knew,
and by that i mean "a past I never experienced"
I knew about the history of German unification.
But I never experienced the beauty of a white nation with actual culture and history.
pretty similar - you've put your finger on the flaw of monarchies, there's no guarantee you'll get a good ruler, and getting rid of a bad one is very hard and casts doubts on the whole system, so the elites tend to just put up with a bad one as long as they can. And the longer they go on, the more family members there are to support, so you get lots of minor royals being put into positions to support them. Sort of like England now.
And democracies have they're own problems as you've noted - really no guarantee on who gets in, and there's always the danger that once someone gets into power they won't want to leave. The US was very worried about this, and that's why we had the tradition of not prosecuting former presidents - the idea is that if they know they can leave office and not fear for their safety, they're more likely to go quietly. But that's gone now.
I suspect the real answer is that there is no system that will guarantee good results, it all relies on the citizens insisting on good governance and being on their guard. Once that goes, it's a short hop to any variety of despotism.
Cough senates

Since ancient greece to this days
He was smart he was right he was good guyband he shiuod burndd heretic after they came out of the sewer
I thought Hitler was kind of neutral about the whole thing and then Wlhelm got butthurt that the Nazis weren't begging him to come back so he decided to stay gone.
fucking british nigger, stop usign the austrian flag already
An emerging power always falls into over-confidence caused by its own growth of power, it is inevitable.
Go back, faglo
more like the decliing power should have sailed into the sunset
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>there's no guarantee you'll get a good ruler, and getting rid of a bad one is very hard and casts doubts on the whole system
and dynasty struggles for succession always bring destabilizing spats that aren't beneficial.

>I suspect the real answer is that there is no system that will guarantee good results,
I would say that Ethnic Nationalism would give you the highest rate of success.
It must be baked into the cake that the state's purpose is to protect and promote a certain ethnic group.
And in terms of voting, it should be men, over 35, who are married and have children. Voting rights aren't given but must be applied for. So Literacy and motivation, as well as the other qualifiers are the barriers to entry.

I believe that would give a much better quality of politician.
Just giving voting rights out like candy to every retard, parasite, childless loser with no stake in the future, and non-white gives us candidates that we've been getting.

Yes no government is perfect, but some are better than others.
Genuinely asking, what do you think of this post?
eh, I don't think so, but I don't know if we actually have his thoughts on the matter. I can't see him being excited by being number 2.
I do think he used the loss of the ruler as a good speech line, but he didn't want him to come back.
monarchs are fake, if you want to become monarch you need to take it yourself
like George Washington could have become king after winning the war
I'm pretty rusty but I think I remember reading that he was personally writing congratulatory letters to Hitler about the early military successes hoping that they would eventually invite him back but Hitler was just lukewarm about the whole thing and didn't really care one way or the other. Honestly he was so old at that point that it must have been like getting messages from Joe Biden or something.
>I thought Hitler was kind of neutral about the whole thing
I'll look up what he said in mein kampf about it.

This compliance became really disastrous, however, when it determined the sole form in which the monarch could be approached; that is, never to contradict him, but agree to anything and everything that His Majesty condescends to do. Precisely in this place was free, manly dignity most necessary; otherwise the monarchic institution was one day bound to perish from all this crawling; for crawling it was and nothing else! And only miserable crawlers and sneaks-in short, all the decadents who have always felt more at ease around the highest thrones than sincere, decent, honorable souls-can regard this as the sole proper form of intercourse with the bearers of the crown! These ‘most humble’ creatures, to be sure, despite all their humility before their master and source of livelihood, have always demonstrated the greatest arrogance toward the rest of humanity, and worst of all when they pass themselves off with shameful effrontery on their sinful fellow men as the only ‘monarchists’; this is real gall such as only these ennobled or even unennobled tapeworms are capable of!
For in reality these people remained the gravediggers of the monarchy and particularly the monarchistic idea. Nothing else is conceivable: a man who is prepared to stand up for a cause will never and can never be a sneak and a spineless lickspittle. Anyone who is really serious about the preservation and furtherance of an institution will cling to it with the last fiber of his heart and will not be able to abandon it if evils of some sort appear in this institution. To be sure, he will not cry this out to the whole public as the democratic ‘friends’ of the monarchy did in the exact same lying way; he will most earnestly warn and attempt to influence His Majesty, the bearer of the crown himself. He will not and must not adopt the attitude that His Majesty remains free to act according to his own will anyway, even if this obviously must and will lead to a catastrophe, but in such a case he will have to protect the monarchy against the monarch, and this despite all perils. If the value of this institution lay in the momentary person of the monarch, it would be the worst institution that can be imagined; for monarchs only in the rarest cases are the cream of wisdom and reason or even of character, as some people like to claim. This is believed only by professional lickspittles and sneaks, but all straightforward men-and these remain the most valuable men in the state despite everything- will only feel repelled by the idea of arguing such nonsense. For them history remains history and the truth the truth even where monarchs are concerned. No, the good fortune to possess a great monarch who is also a great man falls to peoples so seldom that they must be content if the malice of Fate abstains at least from the worst possible mistakes.
Consequently, the value and importance of the monarchic idea cannot reside in the person of the monarch himself except if Heaven decides to lay the crown on the brow of a heroic genius like Frederick the Great or a wise character like William I. This happens once in centuries and hardly more often. Otherwise the idea takes precedence over the person and the meaning of this institution must lie exclusively in the institution itself. With this the monarch himself falls into the sphere of service. Then he, too, becomes a mere cog in this work, to which he is obligated as such. Then he, too, must comply with a higher purpose, and the ‘ monarchist’ is then no longer the man who in silence lets the bearer of the crown profane it, but the man who prevents this. Otherwise, it would not be permissible to depose an obviously insane prince, if the sense of the institution lay not in the idea, but in the ‘ sanctified ‘ person at any price.
Today it is really necessary to put this down, for in recent times more and more of these creatures, to whose wretched attitude the collapse of the monarchy must not least of all be attributed are rising out of obscurity. With a certain naive gall, these people have started in again to speak of nothing but ‘their King’- whom only a few years ago they left in the lurch in the critical hour and in the most despicable fashion-and are beginning to represent every person who is not willing to agree to their lying tirades as a bad German. And in reality they are the very same poltroons who in 1919 scattered and ran from every red armband, abandoned their King, in a twinkling exchanged the halberd for the walking stick, put on noncommittal neckties, and vanished without trace as peaceful ‘ citizens.’ At one stroke they were gone, these royal champions, and only after the revolutionary storm, thanks to the activity of others, had subsided enough so that a man could again roar his ‘Hail, hail to the King’ into the breezes, these ‘servants and counselors’ of the crown began again cautiously to emerge. And now they are all here again, looking back longingly to the fieshpots of Egypt; they can hardly restrain themselves in their loyalty to the King and their urge to do great things, until the day when again the first red arm-band will appear, and the whole gang of ghosts profiting from the old monarchy will again vanish like mice at the sight of a cat!
If the monarchs were not themselves to blame for these things, they could be most heartily pitied because of their present defenders. In any case, they might as well know that with such knights a crown can be lost, but no crowns gained.
Hitler could have turned it around, but he made a fatal mistake...he trusted the anglo
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I mean, can you blame him? Only the Brits and we are human.

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