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what level of clownworld are we on even?
The poor thing is depressed, catatonic even
Fuck, thanks I need that smile
Anxiety isn't real. I have epilepsy and when I have seizures in public I don't get anxious after crashing to the ground and having everyone stop and stare at me.
Pharmaceutical companies are vile
Leave the cats alone you freaks.
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Anxiety is absolutely real
What are you doing in greece carlos?
What catalyzed the depressive state?
It's a sign of the times that I recognize that prescription
I don't take medicine any more
OF COURSE it's spelled like that too
Prozac (fluoxetine)
>reddit posts are so interesting to talk about
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>Anxiety is absolutely real
Yes and it is caused by ssris
I shill purebred cats to eggless roasties and lonely old ladies. Kek. I make a KILLING annually off these people. And my business grows and grows every year, ss the number of childless cat roasties increases, and former customers come back to buy even more.
Prozac is one of the biggest pharmaceutical scams that has existed. The more it gets exposed as ineffective, and even harmful, the more the company expands it's use
I've literally had old women follow me home and knock on my door after I had a seizure walking home from the party store down the block. The women get more anxious about me having a seizure than I do. What does that say?
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You don't suffer anxiety
Where is that video where an owner trooned out the cat and the cat is in shock when it cannot see his own benis anymore?

Does anyone have this video?
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Anxiety is the result of never having left your comfort zone
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Redpill me on cat breeding anon.
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vets will make up any kind of bullshit to hock pills at you too. They're like doctors but even worse because animals have no rights, you just need to coerce the owner or lie to them. My parents fall for this bullshit all the time
My cat is the chillest and laziest motherfucker I know. If your cat has anxiety, you are doing something wrong.
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>tfw your owners lobotomize you because a jewish vet said so
My mom was a (human) eye doctor but she occasionally operated on dogs as well (because vets can't do eye surgery).
She got paid 4 times more operating on a dog than doing the exact same procedures on humans.
Try l-theanine, turns out my 10 bout of severe anxiety and random almost daily panic attacks was a glutamate intolerance. It took microdosing mushrooms that sent me into a world of terror to figure it out. Now I don't have anxiety and I can take more than 0.10 of gram of mushrooms. I even pulled a gun on a hammer welding nigger recently, no problem.
I believe you. They're always trying to bullshit my parents but somehow when I would bring my animals in there was never any problems because they knew I wasn't going to pay for their bullshit. It's a racket like any other.

sad times
you are either totally autistic or sociopathic since you cant understand other people feeling different, no theory of mind. or possibly, alternatively, you have very low iq
she can't even spell her own name correctly either
>Cat lady gets cat.
>Cat does cat things.
>Oh, no, furbaby is acting up! Needs meds!
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That's prozac. I believe it though. Poor guy is probably miserable because of his fat bitch wife
If you're literally defending ssri's for cats fins the tallest cliff near you and fly off it
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Cataclysmic proportions.
Isaiah 41:10
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Breed them at a site thats not at your house and use a forclosed house as your cattery registration address. I use my deceased uncles empty corpo owned house for the addy. Mail goes there, I have my uncles neighbor (my friend) pick it up. For the cattery’s real location I use my boat in the marina, I shit you not. Thats where I keep them. The reason is that crazy antifa type people try to doxx you and call the cops on you and report you once they set up meets to buy cats from you. Cops come to your house to search for the cats and there are none to be found and they might just leave. This also lets you sue the city for false investigation and emotional damages and shit. Make sure you try to report as few sales as possible on your income, try to be cash only (but accept cards if people say they cant pay another way)

Its a dangerous business but pays huge buxx. I sell eat kitten for 3k minimum. Sometimes I pawn then off for more if tjey are show quality. I sold a cat to a 70 year old lady for 10k, all in cash, I never reported the sale kek.

You do have to go to cat shows, but I do this mostly to keep up an appearance of legitimacy and for instagram pics/reels.

Want to know a big secret? People cant tell similar-looking cats apart, believe it or not, like at ALL. You can swap out which kitten they’re buying and as long as its the correct sex they wont know shit.
I never put down animals unless they look at me and ask me to (with their eyes). They know when they are ready. Not jewish vets. Many animals fight till their last breath. This is the way. I am there with them, fighting too.
Most cat ladies are loons.
Lmao. He’s found the same finger pointing that his shirt is doing.
Do you have nakey cats? I’m in the market for one.
Theanine really does help with anxiety, can confirm
I took it for two years and now I don't really need it anymore.
Can you elaborate on the antifa types that harass you? Like do they come from some Peta anti-pet motivation or what?
My cats are drug free and happy.
That's actually the older spelling, what appears in the KJV.
Those are antibiot-no wait what the fuck enhance
WHY IN GODS NAME ARE YOU GIVING A CAT A FUCKING SSRI. What the fuck man no vet would do this holy shit take their fucking licence away. What kike monster gives a cat fucking prozac.
Bless you anon
I quit this shit cold turkey and it was absolutely wild I'd say "don't do it" but I think you should actually because now I fully appreciate the "biological computer" inside my head.
if you were a cat and was being raised by a redditor i bet you would be begging for a 9mm round as well
That's terrible abuse holy shit...
>My indoor cat just lays around and only get up to eat and go to the bathroom
Better give it some mind-altering chemicals every day
And the cure for anxiety is to stop being a bitch and confront the world. I'm scared shitless of getting on airplanes. But you want to know what I'm more scared of? Sitting around my house for the rest of my life being a bitch afraid of everything. So I get on planes and go to Japan and Spain and all kinds of badass places.
>“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”
Don't let fear rule you.
Cat people have always been mentally ill
The poor animals can't even tell the owner if they feel horrible on the meds, or are going through a withdrawal, and the owners that do this to their pets are usually too stupid to notice.
My buddy just took out a credit card to pay for his ancient car to have some surgery. $3500. He has two of them, his house smells of piss. I cannot go there anymore. $3500. I had another friend that paid $6000 over two years because his dog kept eating rocks. The third time he put it down.
>giving a cat antidepressants

>$20,000 for my cats surgery?
>”sorry mr sparky but your 13 years old”
lol what the fuck
putting cats on ssri?
that is vet sanctioned animal abuse
Let me guess you catch your rats yourself?
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animals are like people in that the only thing that really kills them is hunger or sickness and they don't encounter either very much when living with humans/civilized
pretty much they will be fine as long as those two things are solved, only needing a doctor when the problem is serious (and real)
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If you dont catch them yourself you dont get the experience of stunning them before feeding them to your dog

I would shake the box to stun them so they couldnt run but felt bad and began freezing them. . . Until one didn’t freeze to death but had its eyes frozen and kept making horrific sounds

This most likely contributed tome suffering from horrible nightmares. . . I mean its not like the mice stopped coming
literal animal abuse
Only a retarded cat person would think having an endless stream of rats to catch means the situation is under control
>not even their cats are allowed to touch grass
oh my
You know how some people respond very badly to SSRIs? Like they become more suicidal or become school shooters? What happens to the cat if it has a bad reaction?
it's a catastrophe
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That is why I don't go onto reddit any more. The people are so fucking demoralized and depressing that even the fucking cat has to be on meds.
Ba dum tish.
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I don't get it.
can someone provide a reason to be on any drug other than alcohol or weed (and nicotine/caffeine of course), unless you have some kind of (real) medical condition?
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Jej I love this, please post gif with wojack having ears too loud and cat freaking out on bed with motion and wojack gf mad at him and frog driver is happy please
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because much like alcohol, weed, nicotine, and caffeine, there are OTHER chemicals that do and make you feel all sorts of different things.
people like feeling different and feeling good so they try lots of different things that make them feel different or good.
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Edit: My first gold is on a comment about my girl and her depressed cat. I can't believe it, Reddit, you always surprise me. Thank you kind stranger for the gold, and thank you kind strangers for all the upvotes! I didn't think when I woke up today and found out my mom had super cancer that I'd actually be smiling today but you guys changed that. Thank you. When I had to put down my dog a few minutes ago I had tears in my eyes, I still do have tears, but now they're tears of joy! Thank you Reddit for all of these upvotes and the GOLD!! Wow I still cannot believe it. Hey, maybe we can push for platinum??? I've never had platinum before and would love to see what it does! My dad before he had his colonoscopy told me to "Try and live each day like its your last... And also get platinum on Reddit" and I don't want to let him down! I want to show my father that I'm strong and capable of overcoming impossible odds (those odds being getting platinum haha!). In conclusion I just want to thank each and every one of you guys for the hours of entertainment I get on this website, I love each and every one of you wonderful people, each and every one of you is unique and special and can do whatever you want!! I love all of you! Thank you so much for the gold and the upvotes!

Edit: phone formatting

Edit: Spelling

Edit: Grammar

Edit: SILVER???? THANKS kind stranger!

Edit: Spelling on stranger*

Edit: punctuation

Edit: appropriate capitalisation

Edit: spelling of appropriate*

Edit: spelling of edit*

Edit: ANOTHER SILVER?? Okay guys, this is epic. But can I get a platinum? Also, my daddy is having a second colonoscopy, 1 upvote = 1 prayer.

Edit: more punctuation

Edit: colonoscopy* spelling

Edit: Guys, I feel a little sick my eyes burn

Edit: showerthoughts are just thoughts but never in the shower

Edit: To all the jerks out there who say I'm a pretentious little brat, go and find a hecking platinum and prove me wrong, I have more shinies, you mongoloid
i get that, other stuff can be pretty fun
im really talking about the desire to be on rx like in OP when the problems those claim to solve can be handled via introspection and attitude
I have epilepsy too. Get meds retard. Also you don't feel much of anything besides your brain getting curb stomped and a chewed up tongue. Emotions don't seem to work much post seizure. People freak out when people have seizures, they can be really scary looking.
My dad always said that veterinarians did not exist when he was growing up. Whenever his dogs would get sick he would just give them children's medicine kek.
There are definitely abused animals that would benefit from anti-anxiety meds. I mean some behaviors just don’t go away. Like my dog during a thunderstorm. If he was like that 70% of the day instead of once or twice a month I’d probably get him some meds.
If anything these meds work WORSE for humans lol
Had to put my dog down in the last year because he couldn’t eat food anymore. I took a week off to stay home and forcefeed him gruel to keep him alive but he just keep eating less and less. The whole process is so bleak. I wish I could’ve just shot him in the head to get it over with like in Of Mice and Men. I still think about how scared and confused his last moments must’ve been and tear up.
Idiots in this thread don't realise that anxiety has physical symptoms.
Aaand she's Jewish too. Checks out.
Anti fungal?
My cats take zyrtec and so do I actually. We have seasonal allergies.
kek this holy shit
alright my cat needs adderall and opiates and maybe some medical marijuana then
This scheme smells incredibly jewish
>Cat lady gets kid
>Kid does kid things
>Oh no! Baby is acting up. Needs meds!
Cat lady is a mindset.
Intredasting it means I don't need to pay for doctors anymore? I just need a cat or dog to get a prescription "for the animal" kek lmao.
what do these people think animals died prior to humans intervening and shoving ssri down their throat?
did they aimlessly wander in depression for millennia?
My thoughts exactly. Veterinarian malpractice at its finest. Even prescribing to a human is bad enough already.
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Is she one of the medicated cat ladies JD Vance was talking about?
well their owner is a redditor
wife needs them too
seems terminal
My liberal mother gives her dog Prozac
I don't know about your wife, but we finally developed anti gravity cat!
not even placidusax can take on him!
dude my sister has her dog on 5 to 7 different psychoactive medications on any given day. ambien at night, gabapentin all the time, valium and prozac daily with klonopin for breakthroughs and at least 1 or 2 more irregularly. it's some fucked up combination of munchausen by proxy, Trust-the-Scientism, Dog Mom millennial angst/dislocation from traditional gender-community roles, and pharma cultism

that dog is Fuuucked up half the time, just laying there comatose with its eyes rolled back in its head. it would be funny if it weren't so sad. and my parents are like, "wow she's so good with that dog, she handles its anxiety so well"
I'll fucking say it pussies
yup cats and dogs are heavy on SSRIs now it is a real thing
animal pharmaceuticals are projected to grow at an above-market rate from now until at least 2030, a major growth market for big pharma. this is fully intentional and veterinarians like my sister are heavily encouraged to prescribe psychoactives in addition to the traditional physiological treatments.
>The global companion animal pharmaceuticals market in terms of revenue was estimated to be worth $14.4 billion in 2022 and is poised to reach $19.6 billion...
Thanks anon. I'm gonna try it.
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>she handles its anxiety so well
yup! 100%.
in fact the entire SSRI class has been revealed in the peer-reviewed academic literature to be ineffective and absolutely chock-full of horrible side effects (SSRI withdrawal is horrible, for one)

and yet! and yet!
This incel blog is the ssri equivalent for white incel losers,,,,lmao
m. night shyamalan
>son darketos
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>when the problems those claim to solve can be handled via introspection and attitude
it's just a matter of time management and personal philosophy.
kind of vehicle maintenance and repair they want to outsource to someone else to just give them the quick fix. but UNLIKE vehicle maintenance, you actually can't look under the hood when it comes to someone's central nervous system. and so we're left in this awkward place where there's no way for an outsider to look in, and apparently no way for the driver to make sense of their interior enough to find and act on faulty components.
i feel the same way when people complain about the heat or the rain, or fatigue whatsoever.
it's literally just your nervous system.
you control that.
just change the feeling it's not hard.
I work at a pharmacy and it's not uncommon for pets to be on antidepressants for nerves. I actually like filling for pets because I don't have to deal with insurance companies' bullshit.
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Says you're a faggot that suffers from Main Character Syndrome.
Do you expect a random person to know who you are? What you suffer from? Before even meeting them?
You met a good person with a good soul that went to check up on you. And instead of being grateful, you mock her.
You're a zoomer aren't you? I doubt you even have seizures because you'd realize how lucky you were.
You'd even realize how scary it is to see someone experiencing a seizure, even if isn't the first one. You never get used to that shit.
Kill yourself NIGGER.
no no he was talking about humans. i think these medicated cat ladies are female cats on valium and prozac absolutely laid the fuck out in a puddle of sunlight in the guest bedroom
4chan is arr i have...the only blight spot in my rife...and you wourd take this flom me? stop judging me, you burry
They started prescribing SSRIs (like Sertraline aka Zoloft) for Erectile Dysfunction lol.
I gave a tiny little dose of that shit to my cat because he is stressed and the vet advised me to do it. I should have never done it, because it drugged him, he was all weird, barely able to walk, falling all of the time, looking extremely distressed. Fortunately he was better after a few hours. I threw that shit away right after. I will never give that shit again to my cat, and I would never ever think of taking it myself.
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>Where's my meds? I'll go meshuggah if I don't get them. Is that what you want?
yeah i thought that post was weird too, kind of a non-sequitor. sometimes i wonder if this site has bots that make comments with a specific scenario or emotional valence to track how people respond to them, maybe gathering data on human group dynamics or training AI or something idk. if you think about it, 4chan would be one of the best places to get data like that because it's anonymous and uncensored. even besides all the political psyops and meme war testing ground stuff
>fuck it, the FDA will approve anything, we're well-connected there
Cats and humans are obligate carnivores. Feed cats raw meat and feed humans enough meat, raw or cooked, and you have good nutrition and the elimination of modern diseases.
I shitpost for fun and to kill time.
I already assume everyone is a bot lol.
Dead Internet Theory.
That’s Prozac btw
It's caused by all the poisons in our modern world
You will not cure it with more poisonous pills
You must strengthen yourself
reminder that those drugs are mostly flouride.
Why are you telling lies? SSRIs cause sexual dysfunction. Bupropion a different class of antidepressant is sometimes prescribed to alleviate SSRI induced ED, but SSRIs absolutely do not treat ED, have never and will never been labeled for it, and are not prescribed by anyone for that purpose.
This. If you've never puked from being stressed the fuck out, you don't know anxiety.
Sharia soon christkike
You give them gabapentin, or a little lorazepam, temazepeam, or low dose xanax for acute anxiety, not a lifelong dose of SSRIs. Being scared of thunderstorms is normal for animals fucking idiot. You give them something temporarily to calm them down. They even make thunderstorm blankets. Look up what corporation owns the VCA? You think they care about our health? Kys.
Reading comprehension L.
Cumming too fast (Premature Ejaculation) is also considered as erectile dysfunction my dude. That's what they prescribe SSRIs for.
Im not sure how that proves anxiety isn't real?
>anxiety isn't real anon
>the women that followed me home had anxiety
>watch OPL thread
>haven't in months
>don't watch TV
>pet medication is the new largest category of advertising on top of people medication
100% guaranteed israel flag
Americans declaw their cats then keep them indoors forever. No wonder the poor thing is depressed.
Yeah if you are a fucking loser. I used to have high level anxiety to the point of panic attacks and chronic depression due to various childhood traumas. I was totally crippled by it, I tried to live normally but it affected everything I did. I didn't like to talk about it but the few times I mentioned it to someone close to me they either made fun of me or told me very disparagingly that I had to get over myself.

That is your lot in life as a man and guess what, I just did it. I learned to not use my miserable life as a psychological crutch, and I unlearned the negative habits and thought patterns that I got from my surroundings. Now I am neutral to happy all the time and barely ever get even the slightest bit stressed or annoyed. People typically comment on my easy-going demeanour, whereas before I was a bitter neurotic loser. Another important point is I moved myself away from undesirable surroundings and shitty people who were dragging me down, but I had to pull myself out of my mental hole first to even realize that I should do that.

This is part of the reason women and soi-men never develop emotionally. They go straight to the meds and never get to the heart of what is causing their issues both internally and externally. This is part of the learning and growing process that all people should go through, but increasingly society prefers to avoid the pain and live like a fucking loser in a chemical induced daze.
>and my parents are like, "wow she's so good with that dog, she handles its anxiety so well"
This is what I can't stand, you can't reason with these people.
>The dog should not be on all those meds, its clearly fucked up
>Oh my GAWD you think you know EVERYTHING you should have SEEN what it was like before it was like CRAZY don't you think the VET knows more than YOU
The answer is no, the vet does not know more than me, neither does a doctor, because I literally know everything in the entire world.
>> Rebekah

Yahoo Answers -- The Person ...and their kahat AaTTlass
Anxiety is a normal human response.
It only becomes a problem when it starts affecting every single day of your life for months and years on end.
The weirdest thing about anxiety is that you can experience it without any actual reason for it.
And if you've ever actually had a panic attack, for no discernible reason, you actually feel the adrenaline pumping, your heart pounding ... It's what I imagined what a heart attack would feel like.
You go through all that nonsense only to end up at the hospital and be told that it's all in your head.
That's some Grade A Gaslighting.
I personally believe anxiety is just the body's way of telling you need to make some big changes in your life.
I want to decapitate that evil whore
Yes they are PETA or vegans etc. animal liberation terrorists is a catch-all term I use for them when I file police reports or lawsuits against the city. I have actually made money via lawsuit in this regard because there isn’t any due diligance with the investigation prior to the home search. No warrant either.

these antifa people are very organized and usually find you first via social media. They concot elaborate ways to fuck woth you too and are an ever-looming threat. My wife keeps a rifle in her car at all times because they might try to jump her somewhere. They’ve followed her home from work before. They are ultimately just regular antifas pretty much. But yeah their motivation is that “it’s NAZI IMPERIALISM to breed animals for profit, and PEDOPHILIA to breed animals on their second heat (lol)” so they have to hunt me and my family down. Same old story. At least they get arrested when they’re caught.
Sometimes you have to beat the jews at their own game, anon
a very high one considering how comfortable you niggers from reddit have become on this board.
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That one's a gooden.
He's on vacCATion.
Cats and dogs do need pain medications though. The amount of dogs and cats with arthritis and muscular atrophy is high. Also they get hurt like we do and need pain relief.

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