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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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If trump drops JD Vance which will be a woman, our vote goes to RFK. Trump finally gets a based conservative with our views and now wants to replace him with a DEI hire.
No Vance , no vote for Trump
He's not going to drop him. There's a massive spam campaign against him from boomer CEOs who outsourced all their shit to China and are now shitting themselves.
I can't believe they decided to go with two soft handed, makeup wearing fat guys as their ticket.
If trump really wanted to shake things up hed get Bernie on board as vp
Not voting Trump unless Vance is replaced even by Haley
Trump picked Vance primarily as an insurance policy. He wants someone people hate and fear even more than him.
Trump is not going to drop Vance.
Still voting Trump
Still voting JD
Still supporting israel
Still killing muzzies

>with our views
I hate jews.
JC Penney fucks couches
Vivek is the only option
>a based conservative with our views
Fuck off, JuDe Vance, I don't shit on white people while racemixing with poojeets and simping for kikes. Kys faggot
Its not a spam campaign. Its organic. JD was a shit choice. You could see the reaction on the convention floor in real time. Vivek or Tulsi would have absolutley annihilated Kween Harris' campaign.

Now were stuck with a VP who literally adds nothing to the ticket other than the same rural voters who were already all-in.

If you lose the urban vote, you lose the election. No urban voter gives a shit about a hillbilly trump knockoff
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>Its not a spam campaign. Its organic.
I promise Trump never considered him for one single minute
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Funny you say that I refuse to vote for a ticket with him on it as a bachelor.
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>Its not a spam campaign. Its organic.
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i was not even paying attention to this burger election yet as soon as I smelled this I just had to join my fellow shitposter-in-arms
I don't like Vance, but I'm pretty sure that he's as establishment as they come. The first thing I ever heard from the guy was saber-rattling toward Iran, and then about how he came out to his grandma as a homo, and then some more pro-israel bullshit. Do the math, leaf. The kikes own this dude.

If Trump wanted a real insurance policy, he would have gone with someone they really hate more than him. I'm voting Kennedy out of spite.
rfk has a woman vp too retard
This guy is a real chasid with his wanting to give people more votes for popping out babies.
And who pops out the most babies at this time? Votes don't pay bills, and until we have some major economic reforms, whites are being outbred here. Blacks in urban shit holes already control several states, let's just tighten their grip even further on our collective future. Great plan, boss.
Yeah people are mad on women's behalf but the real victims are Neets. They're trying to take your vote away.
Nothing stopping me from voting Trump
Literal based take. If you don't have a stake in the future, you're no better than Boomerfags.
My stake in my future is myself you fucking faggot.

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