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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How is Syrian president Bashar Al Assad still in power?
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Jew is not a race. It is a religion within the Syrian Race. All Kikes (fake Jews) must bow to Assad, King of the Syrians. They also believe in Flat Earth.

And thou shalt speak and say before the Lord thy God, A Syrian ready to perish was my father; and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous:
Deuteronomy 26:5 KJVAAE
Because he is a badass and took aleppo
Because jews have grown weak
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the funny part is, he is not
He won the elections in 2012, 2016, 2020 and this year.
Can't mossad the Assad
Anointed by God.
Mossad Proof
didn't he send half of his country to Germany? he literally did ethnic cleansing kek
He’s a Jewish puppet. Iran is greater Israel. The Shah was the last anti-Jew leader of Iran, he was toppled by the freemasons and kikes. Russia is world police working with America. All of these countries have a Rothschild Central Bank including Syria, Russia, and Iran.
What is
for 400 Alex
Alawite religion is highly filtered with IQ due to the Jizya making it unaffordable for poor, stupid people to maintain their minority religions, making them a natural elite group with a high IQ surrounded by low IQ Sunnis that were assimilated.
Turkey opposing iraq iran lebanon and Jordan zog and unit gains the great satan and Pizzrael and the other factions in the regions and ita us we leaked that shit
He keeps switching timelines. I remember him getting bombed and dying in the news at least five times since 2010.
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The power of wholesomeness
Because Assad is probably the most based head of state that exists in this entire world currently.
And the reason why he still is in power is Russia.
I'm no Russia stan, they are extremely kiked too, but in this case they did absolute favor to the world by going against Israel, albeit they did it entirely due to their own reasons of wanting to keep their Mediterranean access through their leased port of Tartu but that's beside the point.
Israel and the Jewish infiltrators in the USA government tried hard to push for USA to level Syria and topple Assad just like it had done in Iraq and Libya.
But because of the Russians on the ground defending Assad's government, USA could not put boots on the ground and risk direct conflict and war with Russia, no matter how hard kikes pushed the generals in U.S. Army wouldn't budge.
dumb idiot. alawites literally all lived isolated in the mountains. Basar's grandfather was literally an illiterate pleasant who sucked the French dick to get into power.
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What do Iraq, Libya and Syria all have in common?
They were/are Ba'athists, which means secular Arab National Socialists, not too much unlike an Arab version of the National Socialism of NSDAP Germany.
The problem with National Socialism is that it makes too much sense, it prohibits usury and is outside the Jewish system of international finance, they print their own currency debt-free without interest unlike the system that Jews have installed in the West that currency is created by lending it from the Central Banks, which are in reality (((private))) and (((independent))) organizations, fronts for a cartel of private Jewish banks.
The currency is still created from thin air just like in a State Bank, but the governments are on hook to the Jews for it, it's created as debt with interest.
This ridiculous economic system is where the international Jew derives all its power from - we have handed over the power of currency issuance to the Jewry.
And this is the power the Jewry will do ANYTHING to protect, including using Jewish infiltrators in the USA government to make the Army destroy sovereign nations like Iraq and Libya to destroy their Ba'athist system.
The problem with such National Socialist systems existing is that at any point people could figure out that the systems are lot better than we currently have, that there is actually no need to "loan" the money from the Jews when you could just print it yourself, free of debt and interest.
If nations figure this out and everyone moves to a State Bank system from a Central Bank system, the Jewish international finance stranglehold over the world collapses.
Everyone will be better off, except of course the Jews.
So Jews will massacre people in foreign lands to prevent it form happening.
He made the right alliances. Shows how important and powerful smart diplomacy can be if done correctly.
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thank you mr. putin.
saviour of europe.
we should stop supporting ukraine and allow him to send even more sandniggers to europe.
so based
Who must go?
Mandate of heaven
It's because he has the best theme song:
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Of course Israel still tries to topple Syria by indirect means, it is funding and arming every Jihadi and separatist group there no matter their political alignment just to sow chaos and discord so the country would fall apart.

When you look into the Syrian civil war, you'll notice that its anything but civil and almost every external power from Israel to USA to Russia to Iran to China have some sort of stake in the mess and the list of different armed factions is literally 10 pages long
It would probably take a year and and PhD in international conflicts to unpack what the fuck is even going on over there, who is allied with whom and what exactly the different factions even want.

In any case Israel is the incorrigible corrupter of humanity yet again and they just want to people to die and the country to fall to chaos so they could take over even more territory than the Golan Heights they already took over earlier.

Israel really need to be nuked and all the Jews exterminated from this world so all the bullshit genocide and war in this world could stop.
Because the west fears the mighty Russian bear. Gaddafi was a loser who alienated everyone, even most of Africa didn't like him. So no one came to help when his enemies came to fuck him up.
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Putin is a kiked shabbos goy and has stolen Russia from the Russian people with his merry band of Jewish oligarchs but kikes always think of themselves first and the international Jewry/Israel second so even though they are protecting Syria for their own interests, it is still based that they fend off Israel from destroying Syria.
Best posts on /pol/ at the moment.
Everything in this post is false. The Shah was Israel's closest Muslim partner and his son is a fervent Zionist.
Gaddafi's problem was that he knew that Jews assassinated Kennedy and wasn't afraid to tell the world about it
And like pointed out before he had to be wiped out just like Iraq because the (((international financiers))) can't have any countries of the world having even National Socialism-adjacent ideas of extricating themselves from the debt-slave usury of Jewish international banks.
That is where the Jews draw their power, if every country in the world wasn't making interest payments to them on debts that are never supposed to be paid in full, Jews would lose unimaginable amount of power immediately and all the people would become more prosperous at the Jews expense.
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based take for a finn
Wtf? Where do you ameritards come up with the explanations?
As a group, even NOW, alewite are the poorest people in the country.
Notice the Baphomet Sigil behind him?
That's all you need to know.

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He choose his superpower ally wisely instead of trusting the United States satanic Jesuit government. Unlike Zelensky he is a wise man.
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>Jesuit government
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lol. Not heard that in ages. Assad is based and blessed.
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It was literally an earrape.
You are two nonwhite invaders in UK jerking each other off?
I can't imagine an Englishman wanting to listen to that shit even for a laugh
remember when they tried to blame him for the gas attacks on his own civilians to justify what they did to Syria
BREAKING: on July 26th, 2024 Italy was the first Western nation to appoint a new ambassador to Syria, hinting at full restoration of diplomatic ties.
Assad is Bassad.
We have to let him think about what he has done for at least another generation

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