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Those familiar with Jouvenel's theory on power might recognize that Cromwell is one of the few men in history who managed to outmanoeuvre the castle and beat the game.


What can we learn from this great man?
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The guy was a shit bag. He is guilt of regicide and killed a great man and a saint. He cost Britain thousands of lives and plunged a kingdom and people into chaos. He is a demon from hell and he returned to hell.
He was put into power so that the Jews would be readmitted to Britain. They completely took over the country by 1670 thanks to him
He laid the foundation for the British empire. With Cromwell England would have declined into a backwater that would have been subjugated by France or Spain.
After the Jews returned to Britain they caused the great fire of London in 1666 so they could buy up the entire city for pennies
Swedish Jew

Like Sweden?

Sweden was not a colonial power and was better for it, nor did it become a backwater.

And England would not be currently overwhelmed by mass immigration. Imperial England is largely the cause of WW2 and the cause of the mass immigration colonial backlash currently destroying all of Europe.
Didn't he allow Jews back in England?
>a great man and a saint.
Every single Stuart king was completely fucking incompetent. Elizabeth left behind a golden age, and they completely spaffed it up the wall
> He cost Britain thousands of lives and plunged a kingdom and people into chaos.
Cromwell didn't start the civil wars, you fucking retard. he wasn't one of the Five Members, he didn't draw up the Grand Remonstrance, he wasn't in the Committee of Safety. He was just a Literal Who at the outbreak, a random MP who took charge of a horse regiment and rose to prominence over the course of the wars by sheer martial prowess
Sweden was European backwater after the decline of our empire. We were able to reinvent ourselves during the industrial revolution, largely thanks to the good statecraft laid during and before the imperial era.
found the Pope

You need an education in British history. I never said he stared the Civil War so take your strawman elsewhere. He is largely responsible for the execution of the King. He staged a military takeover and massacred many especially in Ireland.
Cromwell let the Jews back into Britain. He was a piece of shit. Just like Napoleon.
European colonialism was good. What are you, a shitskin? Jews and Americans are the cause of non-White immigration into Europe. Amerisharts love niggers and shitskins and worships them.
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He deposed and murdered a king to essentially become king himself for a few short years. After his death Charles son was instated and things went back to normal. Cromwell's body was exhumed, beheaded, publicly displayed in chains and thrown into a pit. His head was stuck on a pole outside Westminster, where Charles was tried, where it remained for twenty years. It should still be there.
>You need an education in British history
"Let me tell you about your country," the eternal battlecry of the Amerimutt
>. I never said
Cope walkbacks
>He is largely responsible for the execution of the King.
Cromwell was just one of the 59 Commissioners. Cromwell was initially a vocal advocate for forced abdication, and only changed his position to pro-execution when it became clear Charles was not going to stand down the Royalists in Ireland. The wars could not end until Charles was dead. It was that simple
>He staged a military takeover
The military purges started well before Cromwell took over, and were the natural result of a civil war (one side loses, they need to be swept out of the institutions by the victor)
>and massacred many especially in Ireland.
It was a war. People die in war.
i miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
he was truly the last saxon sovereign of england

>"Let me tell you about your country," the eternal battlecry of the Amerimutt

>Only I can have an opinion about my nations history! Never mind British history is also American history.

The eternal battlecry of the castrated pub flag nationalist.
Didn't this faggot let the kikes back in?
>He deposed and murdered a king
Charles was, simply, a bad king. It was his duty, constitutionally and morally, to summon Parliament and hear his subjects' petitions. He refused to do so. It was his duty, constitutionally and morally, to defend the faith as head of the Church of England. He failed to do so, driving a rift between himself and his subjects and triggering the Scotch Covenanters to invade England. He was bad for England, and he had to go.
>After his death Charles son was instated and things went back to normal.
It didn't even take 30 years for the Stuarts to be deposed by Parliament again
>Cromwell's body was exhumed, beheaded, publicly displayed in chains and thrown into a pit.
I believe the present term is, "humiliation ritual"
>He laid the foundation for the British empire
is that supposed to be good?
the british emprie was a piece of shit
>Only I can have an opinion about my nations history!
These aren't opinions, they're is basic facts about the events which occurred, not your retarded version of events assembled from fucking image macros and greentexts or whatever
Yes. He needed the money.
He let the Jews back in.
Cromwell was a kike lover that opened England up to jewish takeover, and probably a kike himself. He is NOT based, and he deserves another death.
Cromwell was scum who murdered 35% of the population of Ireland, and enslaved and sold of another 20%+. The ones he let live he drove off the land they'd inhabited for more than 2½ millenia. Because they did not abandon the Catholic Church.

So fuck off.
The British Empire is the City of London banking cartel and it's the driving force today behind the push for world govt.
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>He was bad for England, and he had to go.

Who are you to decide this? It is pure hubris and, in the parlance of the day, Satanic. Some pleb thinks he is the equal of the divinely appointed King.

Bad for England? HE IS ENGLAND. Your identity as an Englishman is your loyalty to the crown, given by God for the governance of His people. What is an Englishman without the blessings of God? It is the abandonment of God which has caused the dissolution of the very idea of an Englishman, now it is simply someone who holds a UK passport, be they from Pakistan or Nigeria or any other enemy nation.

He had good reasons to argue with Parliament as they were infringing upon his royal prerogative. The root problem is the insane Puritans like Cromwell hated him for marrying a Catholic.
he was successful for a minute and then they rug pulled.

Exactly. The King, despite his faults, protected his people from the influence of pernicious enemies and foreigners.

What was the British Empire after all, the mercantile class selling their people for profit. Look at what it has brought England to today. The nation has been completely overrun by foreign enemies.
yeah and they had married and bought into every major family and business prior to the formation of the empire
>roman catholics

fucking romanpopery faggots. also who fucking cares about potato niggers
>Who are you to decide this?
I didn't really get to decide it. Parliament did.
>Some pleb thinks he is the equal of the divinely appointed King.
Definitionally, not plebs.
>Bad for England? HE IS ENGLAND
>He had good reasons to argue with Parliament as they were infringing upon his royal prerogative.
It was the exact fucking opposite, he attempted to expand his executive powers via increasing abuse of the Star Chamber and attempting to extract effective taxation without Parliamentary approval
> insane Puritans like Cromwell
Cromwell was relatively tolerant of non-conformists fwiw
> hated him for marrying a Catholic
The issue wasn't just his marriage (although that was a legit concern, given his clandestine correspondences with Louis XIII), it was his continued patronage of Arminians
Roman Catholics were a fifth column. They had, in living memory, attempted to blow Parliament sky high. A generation earlier, a Catholic despot was burning Anglicans at the stake. Charles' own brother-in-law had been forced into exile by Catholics. Playing nicely was not an option
>the british emprie was a piece of shit
*checks german empire
GFOL was about record destroying too.

He was loyal to jews. Its because of cromwell that your girls get raped by pakis.
>Jouvenel's theory on power
Shitlib spotted, stopped reading


>It was the exact fucking opposite

Nonsense, the fight was over the Kings prerogative to appoint Bishops. Cromwell was a radical Independent (Seeker) who rejected all human authority in religion yet who hypocritically believed he was divinely inspired by God to overthrow the tyrannical King.

If you dislike Americans you would really hate the Seekers. They were like radical Evangelicals, most akin to crazy Zionist Christians.

>Playing nicely was not an option

How did that work out for you?

In retrospect whose position was more rational, Presbyterian tolerance and communication with the Catholic world or radical Protestantism?

Ironically Cromwell demanded tolerance for Independent Protestantism but could not tolerate any détente with Catholicism.
decent bread.
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In fact Cromwells position was radical. The majority of Parliament was on the side of Manchester. He wanted war with the king but only to the point of negotiation, not to overthrow the monarchy and certainly not to kill the king. l.

Charles was an Episcopalian. He was the supreme governor or the Church of England and it was his God given right to appoint Bishops and determine ritual.

Manchester was a Presbyterian. He simply wanted church members to appoint Bishops and determine ritual. He could find a compromise.

Cromwell was a Seeker nutcase who believed God was talking to him personally and granting him to the right to kill kings and commit genocide in Catholic Ireland. He hated the King because he hated Catholicism and saw the King as a quasi Pope.

I will grant you that Charles had the opportunity to compromise but also rejected it which was a mistake in retrospect.
cromwell oli kirjaimellisesti homoseksuaali
Charles was the radical and the Parliamentarians simply wanted to maintain the status quo. He wanted a return to an absolute monarchy, something that had been foreign to the island since the signing of the magna carta.
He looks like the epitome the distilled vessle of something that rather treats its kind and only engages and its fair peers, and also likes to also engluf itself in the fruits of the fair maiden that are dropped from a tree, but sometimes you have to pick those, but using a ladder is despicable and only for the goys, then if those very ripe apples appear in sight, mostly, they have to be brought to him like a dish more of that complextion and more of that too.
Cromwell is literally responsible for the Jewish world order. He doomed us all by letting the kikes back into England. Fuck this rat dog crypto-kike. One of the worst human beings of all time.
Are you a puntabear that eats a lot of bamboo?

Are you from thaiwan, like lots of dirty monkies here.
He had a kike funded army to kill white people, he was a kike loving traitor.
>And England would not be currently overwhelmed by mass immigration. Imperial England is largely the cause of WW2 and the cause of the mass immigration colonial backlash currently destroying all of Europe.
Even without colonies, England would still need fresh-off-the-boat laborers to make the imaginary GDP numbers go up always and forever. The free market creates the demand for migrants.

This is not true. Charles was an Episcopalian. He believed he had the right as King, the head of the Church of England, to appoint Bishops and pass judgement on Church ritual.

Parliament was demanding the King renounce his role as head of the Church, and as Commander and Chief, and his role in taxation. Charles did renounce his role in taxation and gave that right to Parliament. But he refused to renounce his God given rights as the head of the Church and of the Army.

Parliament over stepped their bounds and was trying to turn the Monarchy into what you have today, a figurehead with no power.

Charles was protecting his kingdom and his people, which was his duty as appointed by God. Or so he saw it.

This was a religious war between Episcopalians, Presbyterians and Seekers, who were radical anarchists. The Seekers under Cromwell won a military victory and captured the King.

True but Capitalism never would have taken control of government if a Monarchy was still ruling

>Parliament did.

Polite reminder that Cromwell not only overthrew the Monarchy but overthrew Parliament. He was a religious fanatic who orchestrated a military coup and took over the country.
You have to see it this way, a king wants a good enough standard and by good enough i mean like some really good shit.
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Overthrowing the monarchy for a parliamentary government with separation of church and state is such a Revolutionary idea. We should totally do that! ...oh wait
>.t seething Hibernian papist

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