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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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There is no recovering from this when it's open bragging. It means the end has come. I'm so demoralized, I want to commit suicide. There is zero hope desu
Israel shot Trump
This is expected.
What's worse is the IRL low-T failure to thrive men who actually think their ancestors were bad guys.
They say this enjoying major supply lines from train and truck, HV/AC, plumbing, electricity, and wi-fi.
These are generally men who don't know who their own father are though so it's half expected.
No matter what, it's just impressive how they've turned the European man into hating his own people.
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I recommend you stop being such a pussy
would be funny if every white person just started identifying as jewish in open rebellion to this diversity crap.
Yes, wypipo bad, and here's why IT'S A GOOD THING
>I want to commit suicide
I say trust your instincts OP
Me dying would be killing off our already tiny numbers. Frankly I don't care. We deserve to die off. It was inevitable anyway
Yeah, your people only make up 1-2% of the US.
NDST3 gene does make you prone to severe mental illness. Maybe you should just do it.
God put it there for a reason.

This article is almost a decade old my dude, modern clown world makes this look like small potatoes.

In 2015 the left wasn't even openly in favor of Trans Kids yet.

Now there are states where they'll literally come and take your kid from your custody if you're not on board with trooning them.
>white genocide is wrong
>the demoralization makes me want to kill myself
Something isn’t adding up here.
Funny you mention this, story thyme.
Got mi wife and kids out of the nation, they're in a nice prosperous mountain country.
Most people don't have internet, they're a place where nomadic yurt life is common.
There are absolutely zero faggots anywhere.
Weird how that works.
Think it's related to the internet?
>I'm so demoralized, I want to commit suicide.
Reminder that the power to end your own life is identical to the power required to end someone else's.
He loved them too much.
Why kill yourself? You are a White Man made in the image of God. The world hates you because you are better than it. If they want you to be a monster, perhaps you should oblige them.

It turns out that having the whole world vs white men is not, to us white men, a matter of danger or demoralisation. It is a chance for glory. Let us boast for all time how THE ENTIRE WORLD could not stop us. Every hurdle they present is to us a chance for yet more glory.

Their mistake was that they never understood us. They thought us weal because we fought among ourselves, not realising that it was the thrill of the fight the we found exhillirating. They thought they could single us out and that it would bring us to our knees. Nothing could be further from the truth. By singling us out, by setting everything and everyone against us; they gave us a challenge that could bring the sort of honour and glory that we thought we lost to the pages of history. We were struck by malaise because we thought purpose and power was something consigned to distant ages.

But they, in their boundless foolishness, have created for us a crucible where honour of the sorts that we craved from youth might be ascertained. Glory brothers. Glory is everywhere. The whole world is against us, we need not worry about striking friends or hurting bystanders; they have set everything against us.

They outnumber us a hundred to one. Then it is an even fight. The world will tremble once more. But we? We will smile. Let us loose. Finally, we are let loose. The constraints of polite society gone. Finally. FINALLY.
((( )))
I always wonder what makes Jews think their golems can tell the difference between a pale kike and a normal white? They'll get genocided along with the rest of us.

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