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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Praise the lord mary jesus it's a miracle the shot and perforated ear is healed as good as new it's a pre-Christmas miracle and a sign Trump was shielded and saved by the unseen hand.
Israel shot Trump
Hands that have never seen or experienced scar tissue typed this post.
No surprise its Australia.
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I did question the authenticity, I did ask myself why, I did have doubts, but now I know Trump's ear is proof of an unseen force that works mysteriously.
photo source
>close up is clearly from a different picture
Does someone really fall for this shit?
>grainy original photo
>perfectly clear closeup of grainy original photo.
Must of heal fast from all the Adrenochrome and baby fetuses he was givien
Take your fucking meds already
> no apostrophe s
>no s at all because you can't figure out when to use the apostrophe or which side of the s to put it on
They aren't falling for it. They're making it the fuck up.
It was a staged assassination and WWE tier acting.
ears heal after 2 weeks
kinda how it works
especially when you have the worlds greatest doctors at your disposal who are ready to do surgery on you
Is it not plausible theyre using some type of fancy bandage us plebs dont have access too? Looks like it to me, there is clearly a spot with what looks like putty or something. I know they have some pretty nifty new styles of bandages, just cant remember the keywords to look up links and shit. Its possible the stuff i "remember" seeing was just more "new studies show" type kikery.
First time i saw it and the crisis actors were so bad that i laughed at it. And somehow still heavy narrative control showed up online. Sloppy job, glowniggers
or you know he was never wounded at all because nobody fired at him and it was all a bunch of crisis actors and just staged bullshit
You speak lies as you are born from the devil. My penis was cut and scar tissued as I lay as a helpless baby previously ignorant to the horrors of this world.
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Staged by who and for what purpose?
its a tiny little bullet wound, he had the hole properly sewn together and it healed
it literally happened 13 days ago
tiny wounds like that heal fast
That or it's just makeup. Not hard to hide a scab with makeup.
Ok yeah he staged it what the fuck
It's also not hard to hide a perfectly normal part of your ear with some shit to make it look like you're covering up a scar
glowniggers that stage everything else that you see on the news, like mass shootings etc.
>for what purpose?
to keep you engaged in the politics circus.
Still Revelations 13:3
did you mirror a picture of his left side? be honest
yea OK retard
Y'all are all fooled by the Ai that want to become Skynet.
You speak as if he had a tiny ear piercing. You deny the true power of the miracle before your eyes. We are men not goldfish. We can remember events of more than two weeks.
A multuple people were shot and one was killed, are you saying mass shootings are fake?
Oh ok.

SO let's roll with this theory. Nobody tried to kill Trump, is that what you're telling me, Blueanon? OK. So, a guy in the audience just randomly had his head expload and CNN was correct about the "loud noises" It wasn't gunshots though.

And that lady just quit for no reason. and the FBI is just totallly lying about finding shell casings. And, ignore that dead body on the roof that had a gun too. Yeah, crooks/yearick... doesn't matter... doesn't exist.

Nobody got shot. You're right. Faggot.

>Trump ear is perfectly healed

I thought the lighting set up in that meeting was odd.
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his ear looks fine, its just covered in blood
You know that picture is from before he was shot, right?
Looks like he has a chunk missing from that outer rim part of the ear.
All I ever wanted was the truth of Trump's ear. I prayed for many days to finally witness it. I too cannot believe what I've now seen. But that's how unexplainable miracles work.
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Anon, it's next level mirroring of the bible manifesting endtimes controlling the game.
Freemasons rule our realm.
Retarded conspiracy theory aside Trump likely knows the best plastic surgeons in the country so it's not unrealistic to think they could get it looking like nothing happened, personally if I were Trump I'd leave it looking mangled so anytime you see it you're reminded he survived a assassination attempt which is badass
it looks whole*
they are having a day off from being flerfers, best just to let the tread die now
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chad tier reply
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God, he fucking sucks.
Bro you can see the spot right at the tip of his ear
Israel "shoot" drump
But targeted the people right besides him
Also the ear wound was fake
And the other people didn't die, they were crisis actors
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you can clearly see here is where it was re-attached, its split the top of his ear. Fuck off with your misinfo
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It's so tiresome

I mean one thing you gotta give credit to him, he really is outstanding.
Another miracle. The ear is not only healed but perfectly restored with intact old man bumps. It was brought back to the state of before as if it was never shot in the first place. This is true power.
you realize ear wasnt the only damage done on that rally fucking idiot?
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
You're as smart as your dumbass Führer was.
Purpose is to greet major support for trump, which has already begun. That kid isn’t the shooter he’s the patsy. He got tricked or MK Ultra. Start at 48min this video goes over a lot.
Going incredibly fast. It doesn’t poke a piercing hole, it removes tissue. Half his ear would be gone.
Shouldn't you be learning Russian?
It was a tiny graze. You can tell by how little blood there was even several seconds later. Head wounds squirt out blood like fucking fountains.
and you know that because youre a gun expert?
>as it were wounded to death
>Deadly wound
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I have a picture of Hitler. That means he's still alive!
>reddit logic
Soft pale hands typed this post.
genius kojumbo does it again
Trump can afford health care simple as
ooh look it's the same ACTBLUE faggot from yesterday posting photos of trump from months ago and claiming it's current

Hey American

What you are referring to as grain is actually digital noise. Cheapo press DSLRs are incapable of soulful additions such as grain or retaining highlights. Look at the nuclear horizon at the edge of trump boys fridge and you will see that this is digishit of the highest order.
Please, never, ever comment on photography issues again unless you post with your LF rig.
>It doesn’t poke a piercing hole, it removes tissue. Half his ear would be gone.
Have you ever shot a living creature with 5.56? The entry wound is a hole.
>but what about x guntuber doing a video on it?
Ballistic gel is not an accurate representation of cartilage you moron.
Knowing him he'd probably wear makeup over it in public anyway
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“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
>T. Never touched a gun
Bro there literally isn’t even a hole visible so you are wrong either way. You think .223 is like a pellet gun or something? That close to the head is going to cause much more harm not even including the tissue damage to the ear.
Kiwi posts someone no fucks given....kiwis

Go get your shine box bitch
>>T. Never touched a gun
the fact that you write this out proves you have no clue about "guns"
an actual gun enthusiast wouldnt lump all guns together because not all guns act the same, the gun that thomas crooks had is a piss baby crappy gun from his father's closet, at 120meters that would be way less potent especially if you miss like a moron and only catch like 5% of the ear with the bullet
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Stay strong anon!
Christ is kang!
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>You missed
>the god emperor lives!
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Favorite leftist redpill meme
old photos

If voting doesn't matter why are you so invested in shilling, rabbi?
1 min too the sec from op.
Kill all bots.
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Migamania! Make israel great again!
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Again, you prove you never touched guns. We know that, you live in Germanistan. 120 meters is well within the effective range of a .223/5.56. Especially you need to consider the fact that it wasn’t a straight hit through the tissue but came from the side so the damage would be even more than a hole punch. Even the captcha agrees with me lol. AR 2A
>to keep you engaged in the politics circus.
its all politics all the time here, has been for the last 10 years. dumb kike
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>muh rabbi
>muh shilling
>keep voting
>trust the plan
>trump will save us all
>two more weeks
Might be time for some of you to look into bpc157
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>trump likes jews therefore jews like trump
Found the flaw in the logic
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HH Brother. Trumpamana is running wild on these pussies
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>"zog east" will save the "white race"
>putin is based and trad
>trump and putin r friends
>its 5d chess guys!
>zog west has nowhere to run now!
>be me
>wife in hospital for good reason
>some dude next to me gets free plastic surgery after using dirty needles to inject drugs into his hand
>be Trump
>Le billionaire
>gets shot in the face
>no plastic surgeon for you buddy
desu I would have rathered there be a scar but whatever...
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Are you a jeet? Do you just spam random things you've heard here?
Lol at those pictures. Why is the top one such a piece of shit then the cropped one is so much clearer? I saw his ear 2 days ago and it was bruised as shit with a small piece missing.
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why are you sharing a tweet by a flat earther?
>Bro there literally isn’t even a hole visible so you are wrong either way.
You can see the scar where a chunk is missing on the upper corner of his ear. Are you blind?
>You think .223 is like a pellet gun or something?
>That close to the head is going to cause much more harm not even including the tissue damage to the ear.
No, it won’t. Assuming the shooter used M193 ammunition it’s a 55 grain round going 2786 f/s with 984 J of energy at 100 yards, less at the distance Trump was shot from. It’s not taking your ear off it it grazes you like it did Trump. It’s going to pass right though and continue on like nothing ever happened because the round is designed for speed. You are actually fucking retarded. You’ll hear a crack and that is about it. If it actually hit him the round would have tumbled and taken off the back of his skull because M193 is designed to tumble when it hits significant mass. Thankfully it didn’t.
U can literally see the scab where it grazed. Then the zoomed in one is an older pic
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>Oy vey the goyim know, the clown world circus is losing effect. Quick we need to up the tempo for the KCU(Kike Cinematic Universe)! Get the blue vs red and zog east vs zog west saga ready!

Are you seriously retarded enough to believe the clown world circus?
trump looks like the u wot m8 guy here, ginger power
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Lmao can you tell by the pixels? Holy shit you faggots are so fucking retarded. This is hilarious
You can clearly see that the cropped picture is not recent or shopped.
Why aren't there any wrinkles like in the zoomed out picture?
I'm not even a trumpfag I just hate liars and scitzos.
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>his ear looks fine, its just covered in blood
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Clearly some of Trump's policies run directly counter to jewish plans.
Not sure how you'd reconcile this?
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It's not a hole, the very end has a groove in it.
Why the fuck is the post countdown timer on now?
good thinking but the flag pin looks right
>he doesn't have an ear injury because I looked at a sourceless dogshit picture on the internet
The pictures look like shit. The zoomed out picture is a wrinkly old ear with a drooping lobe. The cropped zoom in is totally clear, no wrinkles and different shaped lobe which is probably an old picture or shopped.
razor blade slice.
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Uh uh

Come white man it’s time to make your voice heard. You have a choice ahead of you. What choice you ask? Two candidates. One path. One is senile another orange. They only think of you. No need to doubt democracy. There is no elite, no shadowy class that eats the fruit of your labour. From the tv shows and movies. You have learned of a hero. It only takes one man to make a change. Not your responsibility. The voices whisper. Just sit and watch. Don’t lift a finger. You need only cheer for the hero. The music blares and your acquaintances urge you on. Follow the trends, don’t question, don’t read and don’t speak. Lest you make a fool of yourself. Never stick out. Keep your head down and follow the herd.
Trump is a Messiah. He is here for God's people, Isarel and those who are grafted into the tree.
It's shopped like a fake tranny hole is fake.
I used to ignore them but now I hate them.
don't forget how he convinced that supporter to get shot in the head
Or shrapnel or a bullet. Lol.
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Shut up leaf faggot.
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>always do the opposite of what jews want
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again you shills need to think about
>if it was fake, why?
something you never think about
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Hell no to the no no no holly Spirit
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Jew Yoker here.

I lived in nyc my whole life. I got attacked by a bum one night. I have a fake front tooth, and screws with metal plates inside my jaw. I had to get nose surgery too. If you saw me you could never tell any of that happened. Even my tooth looks real as fuck.

Yeah this isn’t the 1800s. You can get fucked up and be made to look totally normal again. Even my cousin that came extremely close to death in a car accident looks like nothing happened to him, and they literally took out a chunk of his skull to relieve his brain pressure. The only thing they can’t really fix are burn victims.
I feel honored that my post was capped
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>accept the puppet and later get surprised that everything has gotten worse
I was legit hoping he'd leave it fucked up so everytime we see his ear we are forced to remember the assassination
I even know who you are, where your home base is and that you're a Jewish pos faggot lol
low iq magas will never figure this out!
Everyone has lost their god forsaken minds. The only conspiracy theory that even makes any sense is that it was shrapnel that hit his ear. Shrapnel from the result of someone trying to shoot him in the head. All the "his head would have have exploded if it were a bullet" and "it was fake" or the best one "a sniper purposefully shot his ear" are the most retarded theories. Someone tried shooting him and missed. The rest is all scitzo cope. Im not even a trumpfag. I still write in Aaron Burr.
mange moi lcul tabarnac de Rabbin sale
it's spelled foreskin
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>where your home base is
It's a fucking command center!
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Based T. Rump is like the liquid Terminator.
The whole thing was fake, dude. Get over it
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>The whole thing was fake, dude. Get over it
They lied, it was actually tons of bullets
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I'm a teleprompter collector and glass cracks if you hit them with anything
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Ashli Babbit is still alive:
I sure as hell would have. Who gives a shit. It's an ear and he's 90 fucking years old. Everyone thinks scars are cool.
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Still waiting for you guys to release all the bullets that you found on the streets in Vegas
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Maybe, but no one has brought up any decent evidence. Saying it was fake based on nothing is fake and gay.
thats crazy
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It nipped the outer edge, it didn’t punch a hole through the middle
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It was ALL Fake. The dead fireman does not exist. All people behind Trump at ALL his rallies = ACTORS.
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Trump's ''assassination attempt'' was fake WWE garbage. Fake like Boston Marathon. Fake like Vegas. Fake like the death of Ashli Babbit and January 6th. Of course, Trump knows this. He's part of the fake jewish theatre called politics.
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Alright pol, which one of you homos is hiding the webm that shows a slown down, zoomed-in close up of Trump's ear the exact moment it gets nipped by a bullet? I know it exists, op's being a dirty, lying, decieving faggot.
You're lucky I'm not at my PC rn. I'd be dunking on all you bitches, proving you beta bullet-deniers wrong once and for all...
Shot by a paint ball
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You do understand what happens to a bullet when it hits a solid object, right? They aren't made of indestructisium, retard.
>old pics
>slide faggotry
>all fields
Crooks was firing blanks. SS fired the live rounds into the crowd. Trump razored his ear and the SS close protection detail made sure it looked good before they stood him up to pose for his photo. The SS wanted to artificially wound Trump’s ear in the dogpile but Trump is terrified of pain. No damage to his ear and get his supporters do not seem to care. It’s all so fake and fucking gay.
I'm glad you figured it out. Now if only you had some evidence to convince people.
magic digitals means he's in argentina lol
>SS fired the live rounds into the crowd.
no they didn't. The crowd behind Trump = actors. Trump did not use a razor blade. It was simply a blood capsule.
You can literally see where a piece of his ear is missing in the pic you posted wtf.
Trump would never physically harm himself, especially nowhere on his head or face. He is in incredibly vain and a huge wimp about discomfort.
From all the shills that started flooding this place after the shill checks started flowing.
This tells me you haven't actually read the bible and are just reposting things you saw posted in your troon discord that you think would trigger anyone here.
>wimp about discomfort
What do you base this on? He's a workaholic.
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You can clearly see the chunk missing. Tore through a bit of it like paper. It *should* be healed by now, assuming he's healthy.
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MIGA 2024!
More importantly it serves absolutely no purpose. It reminds of that scene in blow when Depp got gut-shot and cools everyone down to not lose their shit just to get it over with. No one is demanding for the heads of media to roll who have been fomenting all the insane "he's going to be Hitler and if you could go back in time you should kill Hitler" rhetoric.
Nothing has happened except scitzos losing their minds in disbelief of everything as usual.
Yeah they've never actually killed their political opponents before. That's a conspiracy theory.

Fucking shit eating retard.
Photography is for women
Ask me how I know this anon thinks a .50 BMG round can kill you just from flying past you lmao.
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>political opponents
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He looks so old. If he wins he'll be the oldest president ever elected in the history of the US.
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It's probably just a perfectly skin tone matched bandage. Which is just a regular bandage that the makeup artist paints along with the rest of his face to match.

If you think this is somehow impressive you've never had a girlfriend. Women are fucking Rembrandts with their makeup
isnt that the guy who lost his leg in the middle east who they re-used here?
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Donald kump
well he literally has a doctor in the limousine or whatever.
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My sides
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They might be too retarded to comprehend your point. If anyone ever asks why jews run our nations. Its because 99.9% of the population is absolutely retarded and is not willing to spend decades learning about politics nor do they have the will or ability to understand it. Even the ones that try to learn get sucked into the clown world circus and never come out.
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All of these happenings are part of the political theatre. Left vs right, blue vs red, east vs west, man vs woman or old vs young. They are all distractions.
Clown world circus needs a steady stream of happenings to stop you from thinking about the ongoing worldwide replacement genocide of ethnic Europeans and the complete lack of political representation for our people.
I will mock every politician that doesn’t fight against the genocide of the European people world wide. If you defend these zog puppets, I will mock you too. It’s that simple.

Every time you vote or hope for change via some puppet. You are tightening the noose around your neck.

I don’t recognise any of the politicians or the legitimacy of a government which is supporting the replacement genocide of the European people.

Why do we recognise any of these meat sacks on tv? Are they supermen? Are they deities?

No they are old men and roasties that are given power because of the recognition that you give them.

You give recognition to the system. Instead of mocking it everyday you are giving them more power. You have a rope around your neck but you keep tightening it.
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its a good filter tho at the end of the day fuckwits are ganna fuckwit!
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A .223 inch hole in an ear isn't that hard to stitch close dude.

You dudes are way crazier than Alex Jones.
This is the argument I make everytime a political discussion comes up in my family and they always look at me like I diarhea'd in their oatmeal instead of just dropping a solid protein log.
>stitch close
It's cartilage. You just glue it or let it ride like Evander Holifield.
But is a .223 inch hole traveling at 3,200 feet per second as easy to stitch?
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>a hole traveling at 3300 fps.
They hit jfk in a moving car from the moon with a surplus rifle, they can hire someone to peirce trumps ear while standing still at bootcamp range.
I want to know why nobody is asking what trump's going to do with his second term the glownigluminati just publicly gave the green flag.
>duurrrrr what's rhetoric

how well do you wipe your ass?
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this nigga speakin facks ngl
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That's true.
>the 5 frames of "ouch" face as his shoulder is detached and back snapped
lol i got my ears pierced as a dumbass skater kid 30 years ago and they still arent healed. I guess I should have shot a hole in them with an ar 15.
Freemasons are Satan's weakest in his army
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No, it’s time to start asking questions.
Why we are still living like this?
Why do we tolerate the genocide of our people?
Why do we tolerate the propaganda?
Why do we tolerate the indoctrination centres?
Why do we give consent by voting?
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Just tell them gang rape is the will of the majority.
I just lump all the retards and people pretending to be retarded together and don't care.
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>or you know he was never wounded at all because nobody fired at him and it was all a bunch of crisis actors and just staged bullshit
Kek your mom did that to you and no one else did.. if she loved and protected you, like my mom loved and protected me lmao, it wouldn't have happened to you. Sux to sux goy
the thought of schizos genuinely looking at Trumps ears more deeply than any woman is peak comedy
why don't you stare deeply into his eyes and kiss the screen like the bunch of fags you are
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>larping as anti-jewish

I have an extensive resume in media production. This is the ONLY "it was staged" hypothesis that could possibly be true. I think it was not, but this is how you would have to have staged it.
>can see the scar
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fuckin' how
healing the ear that well in 13 days is impressive for anybody
for a 70+ year old man with a stressful life, it's INSANE
Even if he had just been scratched in the ear by a glass shard it would be impressive.
It's gotta be some good fucking drugs or some kind of magic bandage
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LOL. cry more
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I am GOOK NUKEM tactical gook nuke inbound fuck you chink
Maybe, just maybe, it's a sourceless picture on the internet and you need to be a little more discriminate.
Trump has godlike healing powers confirmed
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Gook Nukem double tap

Gook nuke in bound
so how does this latest conspiracy theory from the democrats even work?

> trump wasn't shot, not even by shrapnel or glass, see his ear looks fine
> but we know there was a gunman so it must be the bullets missed trump
> trump after hearing the assassin's gunshots sprung into action
> he immediately pretends to have been shot and brings his hand to his ear
> he keeps a blood capsule in his pockets for just such an occasion
> he palms the blood capsule, brings it to his ear, and applies it in a way to fake being shot
> nobody in the crowd notices
> nobody with a camera notices
> nobody in the secret service notices
> his own doctor and medical staff is in on it
> it takes some genius on social media looking at pixelated photos with their superior knowledge of ballistics and medicine to uncover the truth

this is seriously more demented than the Qanon shit. and those guys were retarded.
Behold the power of taking care of your wounds instead of masturbating with it like a homosexual or Australian
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>larping as anti-jewish
Jews don't attack other Jews
Fake event
undated photo
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ever seen someone get an ear pierced?
that shit instantly heals

Obviously Daddy T's was worse, but it's been
>2 weeks
2 weeks
>2 weeks
2 weeks

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pedos will be nuked
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well. let's compare before, and rally. and then look at OP
That would imply people can be convinced, and after Covid it's better to let them drink radioactive water from the well
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Its second skin you fucking retards, now that the photoOP is over he has a real "bandage" on so his ear heals fully a properly. You think hes have an open wound with shitty gauze on it at his fucking age catching an infection and dying due to stupidity
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Social parasites run all European founded nations.
When you consider ethnic groups as massive metaphysical multicellular organisms and social parasites as literal parasites their behaviours start to make sense.

Everything is determined by biology.
Parasites kill hosts. They destroy/compromise the immune system of the host allowing other parasites and ethnic groups to invade.
This is basic biology. Thinking, planing or the human consciousness are like a speck of dust when compared to the laws of nature.
The population of the social parasite does not grow in ratio with the population of the host.
Good times for ((())) mean a massive increase in population. But the host does not grow massively. Now you have a massive brood of parasites crawling within the body. Draining the blood of the host at an ever greater rate. So what is the result? Either the host dies or shakes them off with a massive immune system reaction.

A nation is its people. You cannot have a parasitic foreign leadership, a parasitic management class and a parasitic lower class while larping as Europeans. It makes no sense. It’s like having cancer spreading throughout your body and being surprised that you are dying.

>to keep you engaged in the politics circus.
Retarded as fuck, people are already forgetting about the shooting.
Why did you shoot Trump?
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>jewish parasitism
Also explains why they can never maintain a nation for more than 80yrs
It was a professional squib job. Triggered by the RFID implanted in his palm.
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The one that took out Biden?
The Spanish, who are only half Euro, are an example of what not to do. They took over more of the Americas earlier, and lost it all, because they only wanted to be idle, lord, and train to fight. The Anglo abilities tossed the Spanish because only the oldest got an inheritance, and a Lord who didn't "work" was shunned by others.
Now the US imports people who just want to be kings on the riches others have provided, and the jews have sold the idea of idle wealth and life to the Europeans via "counter culture." (which, perhaps ironically, the English helped sell too).
Trump spent the after having tea with Israel promising blowjobs in exchange for support.
>1971 again
there were no live rounds and the dead firefighter is fake and gay. its so much easier to make propaganda without really killing someone.
Photoshop? Nothing divine or magical about it.
It’s all part of the myriad of conspiracies and augmented reality the Right engage in.
What propaganda? What brand new policy is being implemented? What grand exchange is being had to lay the ground work for the erosion of rights based on Trumps fake assassination attempt? Can one of you faggots come up with anything other than "I don't beleive in anything anymore".
That is the exact mindset the propaganda was meant to have. "Don't beleive in anything. It's all fake. Even us stealing your birth-right. Just stop caring". Ffs.
You’re definitely the party of weirdos.
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That's what the 45 million from Elon were for?? Jesus christ. How does become a adreno harvester?
No one can prove that firefighter was even a real person.
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did they both bail already? >>475781223 >>475781485

Jew memes really are kryptonite to them
>Praise the lord mary jesus it's a miracle the shot and perforated ear is healed as good as new it's a pre-Christmas miracle and a sign Trump was shielded and saved by the unseen hand.
OP, show hand, last name, genealogy.
By THEM. You know, those people. The same ones that used to tell us to “go for it!”. Yeah. THOSE guys.
Mossad earpiece exploding fake blood confirmed.
Medbeds soft release
Stem cells are amazing
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Doesn't look it to me looks like scar tissue
There is only proof he was a real person and no proof he wasn't
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>No one can prove that firefighter was even a real person.
Prove you are a real person by showing up in the obituaries.
You have his full name go visit his hometown.
Do kikes really, lmao who believe this garbage

it not only healed. it also increased his hearing power .. HE'S posting on Truth Social about a faggot Aussie shill's abo mother is getting raped by a kangaroo and Trump can hear the plapping of bodies
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Globalists are bad, ha ha.
The bottom pic even looks like him lol
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is Waynel Sexton a real person?
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dance you fuckers dance! wake up sheeple!
OP puts no source for the image. I'm calling bullshit.
Neat deflection. I guess you don't have any evidence for your theory so we are done here.
you'll know soon enough
Why part if a grazing shot don't you understand
>Praise the lord mary jesus it's a miracle the shot and perforated ear is healed as good as new it's a pre-Christmas miracle and a sign Trump was shielded and saved by the unseen hand.
There are blood clotting first aid medications, that can heal skin, even with deep cuts, very quickly and effectively.
This stuff,


or something similar was used on my thumb tips after I sanded them down on an industrial belt sander during a University wood shop class.
The “school nurse” cleaned the gingers with saline solution, and then sprayed the thumb tips.
The skin had been sanded down to the really soft white layer underneath the skin.
The thumb tips healed back perfectly, and even way better than other skin injuries that I’ve had repaired by doctors in Emergency Rooms.

As for Trump, the injury isn’t perfectly healed as the photo shows, but at most there might be a slight “scar” and maybe a divot in the ear cartilage.
absolute cope.
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>Jew memes really are kryptonite to them

lol lmao

Migatards are something else. There must be a massive overlap with christcucks and q tards.
it's been like 2 weeks do we still know next to nothing about the shooter?
the elites have us staring at a fucking ear, meanwhile they are living in fully automated space communism, provided by our labor which is no longer needed. primo cocaine, any kind of entertainment they wish, healed from all disease, aging, genetically perfect child slaves to fuck, full on Westword style parks to live out their wildest fantasies. they also convinced you God is real and not a psyop to keep you enslaved through morality for you, not for them
Probably plastic surgery. Pro wrestlers got that on occasion if shit really went fucky on them. Or when Shawn Michaels got beat up by 10 marines, lol
Is Kamala's asshole still blown out from all the cocks it has taken?
>...Anonymous (ID: 4n8N5y78)
>07/26/24(Fri)16:10:38 No.475770798
>>>475768627 (OP) #
>Retarded conspiracy theory aside Trump likely knows the best plastic surgeons in the country so it's not unrealistic to
Pal, we know you and the op and thebfirst few replies are the same. It's called well poisoning. You present a false premise mixed in with the truth to tun anyone just barely smart enough to detect the falsehood against the truth.
God, you fucking retards are such a joke and I'm as tired of you as I am of liberals.
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The joke is Sneed's Bead Need to Treed, the former owner was named 'Wigger'
Are you blind?
>I want to suckle on his ear so bad.
It probably won’t heal because you have aids since you are enough of a fag to get your ears pierced
>be trump
>ask melania what he should do to get more Gen Z votes
>she says get earring it will look cool and trendy
>he goes to Claire's at the mall to get price
>they quote him $35 for one piercing
>he balks at this
>comes up with complicated plan to leave himself exposed at next outdoor rally so someone will try to shoot him
>turn his head at the perfect moment so the bullet grazes his ear
>get ear pierced for FREE
>also get lots of good publicity
>earring no longer needed

this is why he's a multi-BILLIONAIRE and potential US president (again)
if its the news, its jews
now you know
>The evidence: jewish kids soil their beds.
>Not a globe
Seems trustworthy.
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dont forget to worship jew
lol is this young fat JD Vance?
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btw this is the only explanation that makes sense. the alternative idea, that SS, cops and his own security detail somehow left that rooftop completely unsecured, is just too ludicrous and raises too many uncomfy questions.
Shut the fuck up you sound like Alex Jones. Can we sue you for a billion dollars?
Trump is the antiChrist
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same. would have told the doc to cauterize the blood vessels and leave it ragged. wear it as a badge of honor. wouldn't even have bothered with the stupid ear pillow he wore at the convention.
A fascist, who fancies themselves as god, saying this about anyone. The absolute irony.
Is Trump's?
Trump got shot in the ketchup packet.
Plenty of ear surgeons are often asked to repair the damaged ears of people who regret all their ear piercings
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Chud shot at Trump and Trump's head swallowed the bullet an increased his power.
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Meemaw took a dump in those couch cushions before you Vance fucked the couch.
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I saw HHH and Rick Flare come from the side at the last moment and slice him. Then Adam Lanza popped up and Spiderham and Yogurt stopped him from hurting more chilwren.
Then everybody clapped.
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i wouldn't be surprised if the doc used dermamesh. Its like a couple grand per strip, and trump's got the money for it.
Even if that was the case, it would be retarded to not try to simulate a scar over the next days. So... you're just being retarded right now, Moshe.

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