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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>singlehandedly ruins India's reputation worldwide
>inb4 saars spam "he fakes his videos!!1!1!"
he fakes his video by making them say “Saar”
>tourist forgot about designated shitting streets
Good goy
I've hated jeets for well over two decades.
he didnt ruin anything
the indians did that themselves
He announced on stream a while ago that he does not like how his videos have been used to promote racism. Instead, he has stated he wants to focus more on scammers outside of India and leave the legal action to the police as scam baiting was supposed to be about having fun and not racism.

He cucked out
>superpower by 2020
Self-righteous and likely spook who refuses to see that scamming is a consequence of Hinduism.
Buy an advertisment lazy fuck
Haha. Pol on suicide watch. Billions of more honorable whites like him for us take advantage of and squeeze the shit out of their pathetically miniscule population
yea bro let me protect a reputation that pays a minimum wage of 677 euros netto

you're out of your fucking mind
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The eternal christcuck simply cannot keep his proselytizing in check
and steals 30gs from me and fucks with me at every step and calls me a bosnian
fuck croatia, fuck your reputation
poverty shit hole, poverty in the mind and the income
fuck all of you
>also created his own spamware to bait old people into paying for some bloated protection software
Came to read this.
I've been getting "Hellooo saaaaar this is John from IRS and the government needs your informations" calls in disgusting shitjeet accents for years, way before this guy even came to prominence. He merely highlighted some of the subhuman ways of the abominable creature known as poojeet
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India’s reputation has always been curry, shitting in streets and gang rapes. What is there to ruin?
Perhaps one day you'll manage to become dalit; meanwhile, my steak is thawing.
fucking bosnia with a coast
oligarchy fake fucking nation
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I gotta grab a kebab too. And I am a brahmin, mlecch subhuman.
It was Dhalsim, Apu and Boom Shack-A-Lak at some point.
Doesn't even like his chat being racist to dotheads
Fuck him. Scammerpayback is better.
Brahmins are dirty weak scum
The british officers wrote how their foremost obstacle and source of troubles in India was brahmins, how all rebellions were begun by them.
We are 60 million in population yet manage to generate enough seethefest from almost all groups
And we ruled you with 10,000 men on your soil at its peak.
No one is seething about you. You are dysgenic impotent cowards who fell from priesthood down to money hungry backstabbing devious creatures of evil. You are finished.
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Twitch is going to ban him. I know he's been around for years now, but they will give into the poos and take him offline, I guarantee it.
The one and only man on Twitch doing something good for the world.

>wastes scammers time, pulling them away from scamming real people
>brings awareness to scammers and the steps they take to trick vulnerable people
>gets scammers bank info and reports them
>reports scammers to the remote desktop software they're using
>publicly calls out companies who ignore his reports of scammers using their software to scam people
>designs software to limit scamming and warn people about it

They will still ban him. The day is coming, I just know it. Amazon is too shitty of a company and would rather get rid of this noble man to save their reputation of Indians. Even with chat rules saying you can't mention the scammers location, ethnicity, or accent. Even with Kitboga doing skits where he still won't use an Indian accent when he's pretending to be a scammer.
Kinda hard when scams and rape so strongly correlate with pajeets. Just the other day I was left an unexpected voice message with a disgusting poo accent urging me to call back and I immediately found it suspicious. I googled the number and - shock - it had been reported multiple times as a scam.
So, you're a Jew?
>And we ruled you with 10,000 men on your soil at its peak.
You needed Indian soldiers to rule. You needed indian soldiers in both world wars. Your officers were terrified of a mass military revolt post 1857.
Today your country is an unofficial indian colony, and it would have been worse if british rule continued
>You are finished.
Nothing can finish the brahmin. No force in universe exists
I am the antithesis of semitism. I am everything yahweh, abraham and his progeny fears.
how tall are you?
We didnt need your soldiers kek, we needed your food so we starved you and turned you into pot belly freaks.
There will never be an indian colony here. You come here to be among us, but you hate each other. Fucking shitskin
>Nothing can finish the brahmin. No force in universe exists
Its already happening. You will mix more and more with dalits till you're wiped out. Again, you're not the priesthood.

The eternal hindoo simply cannot keep his bowels in check
>We didnt need your soldiers kek, we needed your food so we starved you and turned you into pot belly freaks.
>There will never be an indian colony here. You come here to be among us, but you hate each other. Fucking shitskin
Objectively wrong on your own empire. Indian soldiers liberated Italy, helped across Europe in WW2. Britain would have been fucked over royally if indians rebelled during WW2 .
>Its already happening. You will mix more and more with dalits till you're wiped out. Again, you're not the priesthood.
It has not happened in 4000 years. It will never happen
Kitboga is the Chris Hansen of scambaiting. The world is a better place for having these two men in it.
God doesn't fear you, and neither do I. Notice you never addressed >>475771057, but deflected with false accusations of proselytizing. But it is hardly surprising given your chutzpah for deceit so brazen even a Jew would blush.
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I wonder how many jeets reincarnated because of him?
Kit knows he's on the chopping block that's why he's been trying to find non-Indian scammers recently.
>scammers outside of India
hohols? they've almost stopped calling thanks to bases russian bros tho
>God doesn't fear you, and neither do I
Yahweh fears Iron Chariots, I am far too formidable an opponent for that petty spirit.

>Notice you never addressed >>475771057 #, but deflected with false accusations of proselytizing.
Unsubstantiated claims are not to be "addressed"
Classic jewish arguing technique on your part
I'm sure Kick would love to have him.

From the Indian scammer's point of view, the American boomers have it so good and never had to suffer a day in their life and earned more money in a month and most indians make in a lifetime , so they see themselves as robin hoods
>ITT: OP seeks validation that the Twitch faggot he worships isn't controlled by Trannies (has a mod team full of them) and a complete liberal shill.
He's just bored of calling Grudupp for the 1.5 millionth time
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*Robjeets Poods
>Objectively wrong on your own empire. Indian soldiers liberated Italy, helped across Europe in WW2. Britain would have been fucked over royally if indians rebelled during WW2 .
No. Americans and Russians can claim it. Not fucking Indians kek. No one cares about you. you're irrelevant. We needed your fertile lands.
>It has not happened in 4000 years. It will never happen
Look in the mirror shitskin. Look at your dirty brown skin. The original brahmins were purebred aryans with white skin blue eyes and blood hair. Their genes have been muddied already. And now, you're not even the priesthood anymore. You are now greedy merchants. It's over.
I automatically don't answer from numbers I can't recognize. This has never caused me any problems and the calls have since stopped although it took maybe 18 months of never answering to finally stop getting them
>british officers
Speaking of whom: Charles Napier, in response to protests of the British suppression of suttee, declared
>This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.
>honorable whites like him
Who's gonna tell him?
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>ARE YOU MAD?!?!??!?!!
>he has stated he wants to focus more on scammers outside of India
Reminds me of that Jim Browning cuck who had the same sort of feeling. Now sure, scams obvious do exist elsewhere too and it's important to highlight them. After all, some people may not fall for scams with pajeet accents, but may fall for scams with a more western accent. But it doesn't change the fact that pajeets are such a huge fucking problem.
>Yahweh fears Iron Chariots...
According to whom?
>I am far too formidable an opponent for that petty spirit.
Look in the mirror and repeat that statement without crying or laughing.
>Unsubstantiated claims are not to be "addressed"
Why not? Is it any worse than your deflection?
>Classic jewish arguing technique on your part
What do you want me to do, learn to stutter?
It's a mixed bag of videos, some are good some are bad but there is one thing that he does which gives that good feeling.. A country that was already shitting themselves (literally) is now also seething.
Personally I prefer
>Jim Browning
As he's not about making a funny video and get as many to scream as possible but just factual attack on the scammers and getting them raided by the police as he lays out the case and have hacked the entire call center beforehand. You know to see RESULTS rather then jokes.
I let the ads play on his youtube videos with the volume down.
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kek, my god
it really is always the jews
He stole his entire shtick from a Scottish dude.
The problem is just all the dalits. Brahmin are descended from the ancient Aryans and are pretty much white. But all the dalits are giving Indians a bad name
i thought you go to sleep goatshagger
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I don't know who you are wigger but antisemites never sleep
Wait, not wigger, look at that shit English
VPN jeet

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