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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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employers and employees are divided on the WFH question. who'll win?
Office 3 days a week, home 2 days a week
car guy suggests people drive more, I wonder if there's a connection
I don't even need a suggestion, I love driving my honda civic everywhere
America thinks funding private corporations through the state is Communism but there you are Elon.
There is a moral element to it, but I see no easy solution. There's a fierce battle going on at my university right now over remote work. It's the secretaries, the people working in the physical plant, in food service -the lowest paid workers of all- who are expected to come in 8-5, while department chairs or deans or whatever work mostly from home. You've got the people earning well below $30,000 a year saddled with the expense of transportation, parking, office attire, food, and other things like daycare. But the people earning $80k+ a year are the ones who get to stay at home in their boxers and not worry with these expenses. It's definitely NOT fair. I just don't know what the answer is.
company's who can afford to hire the best from all over the world without having them move to your city means they can hire the best from all over the world. company's forcing people to come into office will eventually only be able to hire people who either live close enough to the company or have to pay a lot more to convince people to move. the only people i've noticed who really want everyone to permanently get back into the office are either completely useless middle management who's inefficiency and uselesness was exposed during covid's wfh period or lazy, friendless, gossiping cunts who substitute their lack of social life and friends with chatting with coworkers in the office.
100% remote.
i've worked from dozens of different countries too, and nobody knows because I have a travel router that VPNs back to my home that everything runs through, and my mobile number is VoIP so it doesn't make gay euro ring noises.
that's honestly really fucking strange behavior
and as a fellow sperg you'd think he can sympathize with people that would want to work from home and not be bothered by fucking normies all day
He thinks people who work at home are wanking it to porn, playing vidya and going shopping with slack/teams etc on their phone. And he's right. But it's typical boomer mentality. As long as the actual work gets done, who gives a fuck ?
it's not fair that construction workers are outside sweating in the sun while office workers get to sit indoors with air conditioning - it is morally wrong. everyone should work outdoors in the middle of traffic.
The winners will be those with money.
Hybrid is basically the dame as saying "we're just making arbitrary rules to mess with you." If a job needs to be done on site, then you need to be there all the time. If face-to-face communication is really needed (hint: it isn't), then you'd need all the people you might need to "communicate" with there at the same time, not maybe two thirds of them if you get lucky. Hybrid shows you can do thw work remotely, but choose to make people commute.
hybrid only serves as justification for property speculation.
There's something to it I don't entirely understand. What you say would make sense for a company with big office real estate holdings. The only managers I've seen push it have no clear financial incentive to do so, and the company actually rents the space, so it only has downsides. They weren't really micromanagers who like to look over peoples' shoulders either. It seem like some kind of strange emotional hangup - maybe something about extroverts wanting to form herds.
Only reason to go back is the real estate jew
I don’t apply to jobs that aren’t at least hybrid anymore. 5 days in office is quickly becoming a thing of the past.
This guy gets it
I despise every last person that was even given the option to work from home during the pandemic while I showed up every day and worked for crumbs. Get your lazy, weak asses back to work, you worthless, soft sacks of shit.
>makes zero actual argument
what a fag lmao
I'm so much more productive when working from home, while also being able to interact with my family throughout the day. I always use the example of an 11AM meeting that lasts for an hour.

>get notification that meeting just started, join meeting
>get out at noon, take a piss, hop back in the office

In office
>meeting starts at 11, better leave my desk around 10:40 or so, stop at a friend's desk, chat for a minute
>get to the meeting a few minutes early, can't show up late
>meeting lasts an hour
>get out at noon, stop in the breakroom, chat with someone for a few minutes
>go back to my desk, "ehh, it's 12:10, lunch is at 12:30, better not get into anything
>waste 20 minutes bullshitting online
>go to lunch, come back an hour later
>get back to my desk, catch up with coworkers, waste time
>finally start working at 2ish

So in this scenario, I just wasted well over an hour compared to wfh. I realize not every job is able to be wfh, and not everyone can manage their own time, but I guarantee I'm no where near as productive and my morale is significantly lower as well.
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You've never operated above a basic level of communication or solved any complex problems.
Also I'm going to add that you get things constantly wrong, and that people should be there to constantly check your work.
complexity of a civilization's systems of systems towards doing work that does not produce value is a milestone towards collapse.
just become an CEO
Lol kill yourself
>normie is mad when confonted with the truth about useless social habits
Facial expressions and body language are not real communication. They're vague, ambiguous redundant holdovers from primitive times. Anything actually worthwhile to communicate is better to commited to writing or images.
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Commercial real estate vacancies continue at historic highs. Employers have started walking back their RTO dictates because only the shitty employees complied. The rest left for employers who didn't try to force them back into the office. This will continue until businesses who don't get the message are 100% the shittiest employees who have no choice because they can't get hired anywhere else. It's great for those businesses who are attached to physical presence because they're finding it far easier to recruit the best employees than ever.
City governments are also freaking out because commercial real estate pays lots of taxes. Parking facilities pay taxes. Restaurants used by employees working in offices pay taxes. All of that goes away when people work from home.
>But if you work remote, you'll just replace you with Romanians
The funny thing is that because this is a quality sieve, the only people the businesses can afford to fire to replace with Romanians are the shitty people who are coming to the office because they know they're shitty and can't work elsewhere.
If your job can be done remotely, it can be done by AI.
I'll die in my parents' basement before working in an office environment again
A bit disingenuous of him, people who come and fix your house charges you at least $100/hr for it, so it covers the extra expense of travelling.
Similarly factory workers get paid really good overtime rates, office drones get jack shit.
>It's the secretaries, the people working in the physical plant, in food service -the lowest paid workers of all- who are expected to come in 8-5,
Might be possible for some of the secretarial work to be done remotely but how do you propose that food service workers or the guys in the physical plant work remote? That's not a fairness issue, it's one of the laws of physics.

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