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How did this tiny shithole island chain conquer the world? My guess is the English language, but idk.
>island nation good at building boats and water stuff
it is a mystery
German blood
kikes you idiot
you think the native brits had anything to do with it other than being cannon fodder?
English language is absolutely shit. They didn't need a land army there's your answer.
the uk was the first country or state to give the keys and full control to the jews to do what they wanted and you got a dominant power out of it, but now you're getting the ass end of that
Naval dominance.
Control of shipping lanes = control of commodities trade.
That's also how US controls the world today.
it's like a smaller, less smarmy America then
>Complete naval supremacy in an era where sea navigation was important
>Started the industrial revolution, giving them a big population boom and headstart over other countries
>Sheer ingenuity and brilliance. In that brief 100 year period we were responsible for almost every invention and discovery
The Native Britons are known today as "Welsh"
Celts are not the native inhabitants of the British Isles.
True, blacks are
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Who was there before the Celts?
I always assumed it was cultural and genetic cultivation of a people set on conquest, after hundreds of years of native whites fighting over it like some king of the hill (not the show). I really only follow military history though, so my perspective could be off. I never really understood why so many generations of whites fought over some shitty weather islands.
Giant natural moat mean they never had to worry much about land warfare, and could focus on navy and reaching far away "for free".
Meanwhile every other nation on the continent had to spend most of their budget being ready for a possible land invasion at any moment.
Cheddar man , aka a black man
Why didnt Japan become asianic equivalent of England?
>German blood
Dont insult Brits please, you country lost every war
Cause the women and food is shit
Same way the city of rome conquered all of Europe, one step at a time
japs aren't White, just honorary
They were, then ww2 happened
what language do you think youre speaking?
You mean danish? Saxons were the peasants of Anglia
the world was filled with sub human retards, not that big of a feat. Note they didn't conquer developed places but undeveloped lands. And it didnt last long and they ended up being self genocided so i'd hardly call it conquering.
It entered the game hundreds of years after Britain the competition was much tougher at that point and of course they fucked up by attacking anglos in WW2.
Thankfully not German :)
They were in the process of that.
Non-jap Asians still seethe about imperial Japan to this day.
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Two wars basically soloing three colonial giants that we almost won
old english was a german dialect
That island was the naval base for an ancient empire that moves around and re brands itself on occasion.
Its shit yet easy, thats why its really the “dominant” language, its so easy. Ill give the brits that.
>that we almost won
>muh language, muh dialect
Who cares, you are loooooosers
does that mean you're mom is a brit?
Learned how to sail and conquer from the Vikings
Imperial Japan bro. Unluckily for them, they had a credible naval rival in the Pacific so their unchecked expansion got checked.
It's democracy, individualism, protestantism, great geographical position, white people. These gave them the ability to explore and loot.
Lord Miles is a rare englishman, who still has this imperialist mindset. It's very rare these days.
compared to whom?
It's full of inconsistencies that's why you have spelling competitions while here they would be pointless because every participant would get 100% score every time.
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Most answers are going to be self-serving bullshit like "we are the greatest race ever" but the true thing that gives them an edge against other people/nations is that they are the greatest liars the world has ever known. When it comes to deceit, twisting the narrative, gaslighting and falsifying the truth, nobody comes close to the anglo. They like to blame everything on the jews now but that's merely a projection of their own nature. "Nation of shopkeepers" indeed.
Inbreeding and kike's money
> My guess is the English language, but idk
Up until the 1950's the international language of diplomacy was always French.
English didn't become a widely spread common language until the Americans dicided they would become world police after world war 2.
t. Language nerd
Their boat tech was dogshit
Have you even seen their boats? Like giant shoeboxes without sails
They did some good work pirating Chinese vessels, ending up with China looking at them like the West looks at Somalia, but otherwise Japan may as well have been a landlocked country
If it wasn't for whales to murder they never would have invested in boats that can go beyond the shoreline or shallow waters
The real answer is that we were the first to solve the problem of child immortality. This led to a sudden increase in population who were then able to go out and colonise
The industrial revolution started here. The reason for that is probably mostly that we had good engineering minds. I think it was a close run thing, and could have been Germany. French are/were clever too, but less practical.
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we have northern germanic blood. for some reason, germans and us anglos have always had a rivalry, when we should yearn to unite, germans and the english are kin, and we have been told to kill and hate each other by the jews.
>t. my genetic makeup
annoying women
Combination of Roman, Celtic, Anglo Saxon, Danish and Norman supremacy. It’s an island fortress filled with the blood of conquerors and warriors.
Boat building and not being on the European mainland so they had to deal with less Euroshit
it was out stiff upper quip and general attitude of fuck off and carry out which enabled our domination of the browns and blacks
yes bro we unite!
Is this actually true kek
Theodore Roosevelt really liked them, but other Euros were cunts and seething that they fucked the Russians hard in the Pacific.
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>an ancient empire that moves around and re brands itself on occasion.
Take a bunch of hardened serfs, put them on a boat, get them half pissed and then tell them they can get completely pissed if the subjugate a bunch of savages. It's not difficult really
Yes Jews have done everything
Whites are actually niggers
Jews are the only people who have ever done anything according to this fucking website
Civilisational autism preventing them from leaving their island
how did you fail to notice that thet didn conquer any white people?
they’re not annoying as women, bong women are, almost latina tier annoying
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They didn't, just half the world. In the same way as the Spanish, French, Italians, Portuguese and others did. Follow the pattern.
we have true germanic blood, a union between germany and england would be a return to a natural state. blood needs to stay with blood.
its 100% true
they were the first to remove all restrictions on jews in their society
the fucking puritans that started america were jews too
in the sense that English is a 1984 style engineered language meant for the slave class? then yeah probably
The Japs did quite well, they just didn't have the opportunity to industrialize their conquered territories to their fullest extent before having to deal with the industrial might of America.
Man all north Euros are the same people yet the French and English hate each ofher
no white country has ever achieved anything in the modern world without the direction and leadership and financing of the jews
that goes for england, germany, it goes for croatia, poland, russia, etc.

you're all out of your minds, these are serf table talks we're having, don't lose sight of reality
>poo talking about english language
go back
You are clearly an eminent scholar.
Yes and who enabled the Jews?
The retarded aristocracy forbidding Christians from being bankers
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The British King is the King of Judah, they conquered the royalty of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales long ago, they've always been jewish, including King James, the King of Judah scapegoating the goyim

Chevlei Mashiach- Birth pangs of the Mashiach

We are destined to face a series of escalating catastrophes.

Here's the PROOF directly from CHABAD

The British coronation stone

yes pal, europe for white christian europeans!

stop the bants
Learning Russian for a while on Duolingo really made me appreciate just how straightforward English is. No genders, 2 grammar cases (and they only effect pronouns), only 6 vowel sounds (Russian has 10, French has 19) and yet infinitely more expressive.
>Japanese women
>not annoying
They are the living image of every stereotype about gold-digging harpies
no, the franks were a different people to the angles, jutes, saxons and frisians. out of interest anon, do you refer to people from the british isles as brits or do you refer to them as where they are actually from, ie: english, scottish, welsh
We have way more than 6 vowel sounds m8
too easy for women, that’s why english makes them more annoying
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Pic related
>Spreading across the globe = superior
Anyone concerned about the coming Indian imperialism?
The Welsh aint English
Trade winds, Necessity, a tine paranoid ruling class and inventiveness.
The country was a shit show till Spanish gold and Silver started flowing into Europe from Mexico and Colombia. The ships left Europe to the Canaries and then over to the America’s but the route back was to northern France and - because the boats went into Flanders, through the channel. Lots of pirating opportunities.
If England didn’t keep up with the bigger powers it would have been swallowed up.
Tiny, paranoid upper class had deep relationships with the French and Belgians through the wool trade and they were very disciplined about how they managed their country. They were clever diplomats and they had a very disciplined society. Unironically because the English were very religious.
Inventive. After the civil war in the 1660’s they spent a LOT of effort on inventing new ways to measure time, distance and location. That made them extremely capable as sea farers. The small upper class had loads of money so they could afford to invest.

Some money came from piracy, more from Slave trading - nuff said

It’s pretty impressive.
They had to walk that back in like a week because they made it up and the descendants of old Cheddar man were super white and mostly eastern European. And they didn't give the DNA analysis of any of the other skeletons in that cave because it's almost certainly not in favor of the shit narrative they were pushing.
Angles, Saxons, Frisians and Jutes are genetically the link between Scandinavians and the other Germanic peoples.
that isnt what i am asking, as an american do you refer to us 'brits' as british or do you differentiate between us english, the scottish and the welsh?
They didn't conquer the world. They conquered a bunch of irrelevant shitskin brown shitholes full of inept mindless apes.
A thorough answer, but not funny enough
denmark was not always scandinavian, it was germanic at 400ad-ish. scandies moved in after the celtic subhumans begged for help
Pfff all ze good partz cum from Français
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Most Americans don't differentiate. The ones thate have some ancestral connection that they keep track of will often associate with England, Scotland or Wales, though. You often run into the plastic Scots on here seething at the English.
You've clearly never been to Spain. All those Deanos need is a captain, a daily rum allowance and some choco to kick the fuck out of. We could have an empire again.
Brits were a bunch of swamp dwelling goblins when the Romans first discovered them. Even if the Brits reverted back to bog dwelling retards in recent decades, other races have no excuse to follow their example.
yeah i know that anon, i just wanted to ask some burger. i presume you're scottish?
We sent all our shit to america first.
It goes like this…
English here are Americans and it you say their Brit’s they get pissed.
Scots are proud Scot’s but they would still say American.
Irish are Irish American because fuck the English.
Welsh just wanna shag.

White Americans a generally very aware of the differences between the countries in the UK/Ireland.
“Superior” glowie groups.
>Angles, Saxons, Frisians and Jutes are genetically the link between Scandinavians and the other Germanic peoples

Without those people there would be no Europe. The Slavs and Celts were dumb nigger barbarians that would have allowed Europe fall into tribal slums.
The Irish and Slavs are nigger same south Italians, Spaniards and Balkans. Europe is more than one race
anon, i want to agree with you but you have a memeflag? take off the flag for one post and i will embrace you as a brother, otherwise you're either jewish or a jeet.
Bullshit. Bongs had and have the most sophisticated glowie groups with the most demonically “exquisite” kike tactics.
This inironically… paranoid and ruthless.
We are also really good at eugenics.
Went all in on navy so they could go where they pleased and control the flow of goods across the sea. Then sailed around accumulating resources by conquering primitives across the world. Shipped said resources back home and put them to use.
You are all like cavemen scratching at the back of a PC case. The bookshelves groan at the weight of thoughts and reasoning on the reason for pax Britannica. It would take to long to expound on them all, but the guy who posted the Dutch ship being blasted into space got the closest so far... Only my edit would have the VOS bank in the background.
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The island was and is the headquarters of the most sophisticated glowie organizations in human history. Nobody can kike like the anglo scum kikes.
You mean all the gay fluff words the middle class use to sound clever. Most the solid every day grug words Baz uses are German.
During the rein of our empire, there were other empires.
The French, The Spanish, The German's, The Italian's.

>How many successful nations can you name that came from British colonies.
Now do the same for the other empires.
>There is a reason for that.
We actually used up all our own resources to build the rest of the world.
We wuz builders n sheeit before yank-ee stole it!!
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Spanish and Portuguese were massive Empires once with comparable navies to the British and French.
If you are a zoomer that doesn't know history before WWII, it is understandable that you don't know this.
It was the Age of Sail.
Britain rules the wave and we rule the land together. What part did you not understand??
>the world would be a better place and everybody knows!
That is real. But you made shitloads first but then it turned on you.
Empire doesn’t last long … because the profits turn to losses pretty fast.
In 16 Century, There was this world war prequel the "7 Years War", British won, They seized the colonies of the losing countries and took control of trade routes of the world at the time, the endless flow of resources led to the industry revolution
Cosmic karma is a real thing. You’ll pay for the sins of your fathers. What your glowie scums do to the white world won’t be brushed off.
Collective punishment awaits you all.
we wuz pirates n sheiit.
Like those Johnny Depp movies?
We did use you as mercenaries for most of the Empire, but you became obsolete with modern warfare and we helped you go out with a bang.
You wuz and iz the original glowniggers.
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more like yellowbeard
island so surrounded by water, so boats are a nice hobby, boats can be used to sail to distant lands
The common folk here were no different to others, but our elites were the absolute cream of human intellectual ability in the sciences and engineering.

To give an example, even the goddamn pitched road you drive on is British creation. And that's just a very minor contribution compared to many others.

All of these holistically led us to dominate the sea and the modify the economic structure of the worl to our benefit. Hence, then Empire. But it was simply a construct enabled by being first into the industrial world.
In England the people who owned the factories were responsible for paying for and building the infrastructure. The people owned nothing. I have the feeling the whole world is going back to that.
>How did this tiny shithole island chain conquer the world?
that "world" they conquered was pretty much deserts, jungles, or niggers who never saw a horse and thought its a god on 4 legs.

britain has to be the biggest historical meme ever.
Didn't their first super submarine sink?
I'm not too worried
You fucking illitterate plebs, Anglo-Saxons and Jutes were not Scandinavian. They were Germanic tirbes, and don’t listen to krautnegers trying to we wuz the entire thing, there’s no such thing as a collective Germanic identity, the essencenof being Germanic is to thrive in diverse Germanic tribes.

Lookup the Tribe of DAN from Danites (not Danes) whose influence always persisted in the British isles amog the Picts, Welsh and Gaelic inhabitants, and coincidentally among Anglo-Saxons and Jutes.
>boats can be used to sail to distant lands
And transport glowies to foreign shores to kike nations from within. The great Satan will pay in full.
we just like tea ffs
I'm from Scotland, a district of England, which is part of the United Kingdom, itself a province of Great Britain
There's a part of me that prefers the German and French attitude of: "fuck the odds, I'll take them all on". It's honourable. It's ballsy. And when you don't pick a fight with the English it actually tends to work.

But it has failed both of your nations numerous times. It's massively preferably to the very 'Roman-esque' scheming, dividing, bribing and withdrawing-until-we-have-the-advantage method that my kin have pursued. Yet undoubtedly, that approach my kin took was better.

Germany should never have tried to take on the entire world. Nor should France. I respect your military prowess and your honourable approach to combat, but please stop being such bloody idiots.

In the modern day, our enemy, that is the judaic authorities, are reliant on us acting stupidly and being ballsy and brazen and getting caught out when we do not have the ability to actually win. They are relying on the general white man to approach politics the Germans and Franks of old. Yet, we must not. We must be cunning, we must be smart, we must use the other factions to our advantage; and when we strike, even if we have lost every other battle, we must strike so hard and so decisively that we win the war despise losing every other battle. That is the British way. That is the Roman way. That is the way that works.

We are not enemies anymore brother. Perhaps we never were. Let us be sensible and seek victory for our people, both mine and yours, for our destiny is intertwined. Deus Vult.
Kike what? There was fuck all in India until we got there.
There wasn't even tea in India until we planted it.
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I'd walk that plank if you know what I mean.
all you did was help yourself out of history!
>good job lad
Lul, anglos are as german as their language (about 30%)
>There was fuck all in India until we got there.
Not true.
There were elephants and tigers.
unironically they're worse off now than when we ran the place. should have sterilised more of them.
At least we have a history that doesn't just involve getting your arse kicked by us.
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Not to diminish their achievements but they built good ships to travel far away from Europe where conquest was on hard mode and took close to empty land where savages with loin cloths lived, did they even have any hard battles with non whites? Never heard of any desu
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It was ok when you did it to subhumans. The experience you gathered is now implemented to kike white nations. Fuck you and your satanic nation.
Sadly, I think you’re right that the big boys want to put us back to a form of debt bondage.
I read a book about the end of WW2 where the Americans were paranoid about the Brits and their empire so they wanted to hold them into the center of power but weaken it too.
They were shocked that England let India go so fast in 1947. Turns out the empire was a huge financial drain that Britain couldn’t afford in the end.
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>by us
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because of a few good kings
* edward 1 expelled the jews for 400 years
* henry viii prevented england from becoming a habsburg country
* james printed the first complete accurate Bible in any language
today the kjv isnt needed anymore because anyone who cares can translate the mt and the textus receptus into any language with ai. but for several hundred years english was Gods vehicle for promulgating His holy word

europe made a faustian deal with the devil stupid retard
it gave them advantage for a while in exchange for a bad future instead of hampering yourself for a while in exchange for a good future
We didn't have that many ships and there was a shit load of fuzzy wuzzys.
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>They didn't conquer the world. They conquered a bunch of irrelevant shitskin brown shitholes full of inept mindless apes.
hey that's no way to talk about americans
well lad (((you))) didnt do shit!
now suck a paki
Sorry mate, we can't help it if we did everything on Earth so you had to pretend to got to the moon
daft bastard. you think we didn't fight the dutch, the french, the spanish ? even the russians kek.
Almost all genealogical tests done within the isles have consistently shown that the majority (60%+) of British people, and yes, English people specifically, trace their heritage mostly back to the original Britons.
There was no ethnic genocide of the natives in England, there was a cultural genocide yes, but not an ethnic one.
English people are majority celtic britons, the idea that they are Anglo-saxons is entirely cultural.
I don't understand how there can be so many debates about this subject when there hasn't been a single study that goes against this.
In general, this state of affairs is actually the case almost everywhere in the world, ethnic genocides were actually exceedingly rare, because they were virtually impossible to pull off before the modern era, cases like the colonisation of the Americas and the native american indians dying off are the rare exception, not the rule.
Peoples are usually assimilated, not annihilated.
The Brits love anarchy, it's you Germans that aren't going to be able to cope.
UK was the pre-eminent naval power for a long time, nobody could really compete exept Spain early on but they got smoked too, its not necessarily the amount of ships but the quality of them, lot of that stuff is very impressive to this day like HMS victory, imagine what people thought when looking at it in 1760
thought you love your monarchy
but whatever makes your boat float
>peace pal
>Anglos are German
Germans are not an ethnic people, they are a collection of Germanic tribes, Bavarians always wanted their own nation, so did Prussians.
We were good at cannons, the Spanish were Spakkers who needed close enough to board our ships.
I've always said this, the germanic larp is just embarrassing
English are as germanic as the French are
You did everything to stop us going to the moon and when you failed you did everything to discredit that we went to the moon.
Fuck you and your monarchy.
We loved the Queen, fuck the rest of them.
It's actually more like 20% lol.
The average "Anglo" is between 60-70% Celtic.
This cunt >>475776129 puts it better than me.
>How did this tiny shithole island chain conquer the world?
People will be asking the same thing when they look in history books and see you mystery meat fuckers kek.
If you could get to the moon we would have done it instead of doing something real like Concorde which looked more capable of getting to the moon than anything you ever built.
Anglos larping as Germans is as embarrassing as the Turkish larping as Turks.
British are retards, but for some reason these subhumans just knew how to sail a boat. The genetic defects in the British must allow them to see wing or something.
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Yeah you did all the time and didn't take any of their clay. conquering Europe is very hard work. bongoloids learned that in the hundred years war
and yet, we created your country. how many countries have you created? 0.
>didn't take any of their clay
topkek. cyprus? gibraltar? how much of UK does spain or cyprus have?
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The Brits love sucking royal cocks. Lords, sirs, barons, dukes, earls… you name it. Bongs will slurp on anything with a “noble title.
>and yet, we created your country
no, we took your colonies and made a country out of them lmao
>we wrote on a bit of paper and that means we created a country.
The nobles are their own little club, they do all the bowing and scraping to each other as your Megan found out.
Yes it's at least partly thanks to the language. English is a stone age caveman language. Anyone can learn this shit. It's easily adopted and that's why there are so many thirdworld colonies who'd never invented anything that speak it now. Try learning Vietnamese or Polish by comparison.
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fair enough

dont bring that crap up swen
yes but its damn wrong
our national hymn is about sticking together for the greater better

"The tune was adopted by nationalist poet and university professor August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben for use with a new set of lyrics that he wrote in August 1841, urging unity for the crazy quilt of German polities. Although Hoffmann’s song gained steadily in popularity, it did not gain official status until August 11, 1922, when the Weimar Republic adopted the song and its first verse as the German national anthem:

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
brüderlich zusammen hält,
Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
von der Etsch bis an den [Little] Belt,
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
über alles in der Welt!

Germany, Germany above all,
above all else in the world,
When it steadfastly holds together,
offensively and defensively,
with brotherhood.
From the Maas to the Memel,
from the Etsch to the [Little] Belt,
Germany, Germany above all,
above all else in the world.
Cringe cunt.
Literally had more boats than everyone else which made them succeed in the colonial age. Now kill yourself OP
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It really cannot be stated too often: there isn’t a landscape in the world that is more lovely to behold, more comfortable to be in than the countryside of Great Britain.
Which is smart, the quality of the crews is also very important, imagine how chaotic a battle like that would be, you'd shit your pants when the first cluster shot from a cannon splits somebodys dome right next to you without extremely disciplined crews who know what to do at all times
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>if you could
>Turkish larping as Turks.
Yes that's another fantastic example or how over time a cultural identity can blend together with an ethnic identity and the lines become blurry.
>nazi rocket engine

They made a large advancement in sailing boats. I forget what exactly, like adding another mast in front or clipper ships or something. Brit dominance was borne of tech.
>but for some reason these subhumans just knew how to sail a boat
Most importantly they knew how to kike.
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Fuck off you bong piece of shit.
Hey, that's no way to talk about americans.
>English people are majority celtic britons, the idea that they are Anglo-saxons is entirely cultural.

So will you and those useless ginger cunts north of the border stop fucking whining about "muh opresshun"? Further, krauts are mostly celts as well.
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We created our own country, limey faggot.
We also beat your asses 2 times.
As far as creating countries: we created the USA and many more countries. We also destroyed your shitty little empire and made you our bitch without firing a shot.
>even got a fat bird in the shot
Didn't they create that bastion of civilisation Liberia?
>only 6 vowel sounds in English
Is that a fucking joke? Like, seriously? English has crazy amounts of nuanced vowel sounds; you just don't realise it because you're a native speaker. Consider all the ways you pronounce the letter 'a' in these words:


Fucking hell, in 'orange' it's pronounced more like 'ih'. And you think English only has 6 vowel sounds? How young and ignorant ARE you?
Is that one of the Russian rockets you bought to fake the take off, or one of the crap ones you built.
english is 100% germanic language
>fuck the rest of them.
If William did actually beat the shit out of Harry, then he's good in my books
>fat bird

OK virgin boy.
you and France?
>we created the USA and many more countries
you renamed a bunch of colonies. And which other countries then? provide list.
>We also destroyed your shitty little empire
thanks bestest ally.
They benefited greatly from being conquered by the Romans and Normans.
That island got bred by NorDICKS
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>They didn't conquer the world. They conquered a bunch of irrelevant shitskin brown shitholes full of inept mindless apes.

Same difference. That's what the world was mostly made of though.
Cyprus was leased to the british empire and Gibraltar was barely even manned by the French empire when the brits went there though, now compare the two examples you gave to the amount of land you got from the savages in loincloths, Europe was hard mode, not saying it was a bad thing though, it was smart
eh this is a semantics question. they didn't really create it as we would think about creating a country like how UK created Rhodesia or South Africa etc. It was founded by mutt freed slaves though that's true. Better let them have that one though, what an utter delight that country is. kek.
High IQ until the kikes flooded us with shitskins
Do you not see how that's a porker?
Why would two groups having similar origins stop one from being able to have power over the other? (And thus be capable of mistreatment)
The western germans fucked over the eastern germans upon reunification and they were literally a part of the same country a few decades prior.
I'm afraid I'll need you to explain the logic here.
>Cyprus was leased to the british empire
I was referring to Akortiri and Dekelia which are British sovereign bases and are not "leased".
Rome contributed nothing as rome conquered celts that were replaced by anglo saxons, vikings and their empire was conquering 3rd world shitholes

the english language didnt become mainstream until internet and because of USA before that UK was nothing in terms of power in the western world or they wouldve obviously conquered france, germany, scandinavia etc but they werent able too
Don't try to tell a yank that everyone's speaking a German origin language. They're too stupid to understand.
europe was fine playing in its own backyard
jews are the ones who keep jerking off to shitskins and ruining everything
imagine traveling halfway across the world just so you can help grow the population of streetshitting sewerland
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Excuse me? I think you phonefaggot had some sort of autocorrect going on there and meant to congratulate me on my exellent mastery of the english verbiage
top bants mate
they are truly to dumb
>exellent mastery of the english verbiage
>you phonefaggot had
oh dear.
Besides what others have said, this also contributed:

They had an ever-growing gentry who were amongst the most well-educated class on Earth and were the backbone of the professional circles whether law, military, medicine, bureaucracy, etc.

England had deep heritage of representative government. Not a true democracy, but ever since Anglo-Saxon times, they were great committee people and everyone had clearly defined rights and expectations of duties. Even during the Norman and Plantagenet dynasties, these rights crept back until even the barons assimilated these concepts (including a foreigner, Simon de Montfort) and paved the way for a constitutional monarchy via Parliament where even burghers could be given a voice alongside the chief nobles and knights.

After losing the Hundred Years' War and when Henry Tudor won at Bosworth, England went from being backward country to a truly modern nation in the 16th and 17th centuries by focusing more on maritime and internal matters than expanding territories in France.

Scotland was already a hot bed of innovation and scientific discovery. Once the Act of Union officially joined England and Scotland as a political union and not just a personal one under the Stuart kings, Scottish engineering and other innovations greatly contributed to rest of Britain.

Protestantism. No longer tied to Rome, Scotland and England were more skeptical and curious about the world. They would no longer accept anything with dogmatic tenacity without examining it through the scientific method. The Protestant work ethic contributed to Britain willing to go overseas and expand while experimenting with steam power and other machinery to circumvent human/animal labor.

Their finances. Their unique system of credit, issuing paper money in lieu of bullion, the government assurance in backing their debts to bondholders outspent their continental rivals in tax-gathering.
Western nations are extremely powerful that's why we still have borders and our own countries.

It took the entire world to bring down germany, western nations arent india or south america that u can just stomp with 12 ships with cannons or 300 men with rifles.

On international quality-of-life comparisons, Britain always does well.
Some nations are happier and some are wealthier, but almost none are happier AND wealthier.

If, for instance, a Brit is out walking and it starts to rain, like it does, they pull on their waterproofs and accept that that’s just the way it is.
Living in the British climate teaches patience and stoicism. I admire that.
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Yes we did it with the help of our Nazi brethren. We put it together, we did it, together we mugged the anglo scum.
We also on anglo filth when it comes to the size of empires: The Moon is American territory, so our empire is bigger than yours. Kek
Scandinavian blood

(which we btw also brought to Germany long before anglo-saxons)
My wife's friend was moving to Germany for work and I said oh it's easy you'll pick up heaps of words because it's basically the same as english. Told me I'm a liar and don't know what I'm talking about.
Blau blue
Grun green
Shwartz black
Braun brown
Weiss white
Simple you stupid fucking bitch
What the fuck is this post? It wasn't written by a native. Go back to whatever shithole you came from.
>together we mugged the anglo scum.
you sure there weren't any british scientists working at NASA in 1960s there buddy?
>The Moon is American territory
Insane thing to say, no language is 100% pure something
Line infantry and navy
From here on out you will refer to land as clay
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>scolds anglo filth in German silence
Get fucked king lover
>Living in the British climate teaches patience and stoicism. I admire that.
I think that also stems from the historical oppression that your Anglo-Saxon ancestors had to deal with from their Norman overlords. Post-1066, the Old English were treated quite atrociously by the French-speaking invaders. But eventually, the Anglo-Norman nobles assimilated to English culture and in turn had to respect the rumblings of their peasantry and surviving thanes, else they'd have a rebellion every generation. In turn, the Englishmen accepted his lot in life with a stiff upper lip and maybe not in his lifetime or his children's lifetime, but they held out that things would get better for their descendants.
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No, really. Jews. They funded their empire. It was all for trade and they made an empire out of it
>Go back to whatever shithole you came from.

You first, Mohammed.

Bell Beakers - another corded ware Aryan derived folk. Before them were early european farmers, who were a mix of anatolian neolithic farmers and the real natives, the Western Hunter Gatherers (of ehich cheddar man was one), they had uniformly blue eyes, darker skin than modern europeans, but they still were europeans with white facial morphology. Ofc modern (((soiyentists))) portray them as being snub nosed big lipped charcoal black wogs from africa
>Concorde which looked more capable of getting to the moon than anything you ever built.
>can't into aerodynamics
>doesn't quite get the whole 'jet engines need air' thing either
Yes sir, welcome to the flat earth and moonlandings denial group, you'll fit right in!
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they were jews before jews. Instead of fighting head on with European powers they used their navy and scheming to avoid conflict and have someone else fight instead. They also waged wars against niggers and natives that werent even wars but easy prey.
The moon is unorganized and unincorporated American territory, gayboi.
Shut the fuck up there isn't a shred of Stoicism or 'stiff upper lip' left in this country. You know how in early 2020 the UK government already had plans in place for what to do in a respiratory pandemic? And how the British population shit themselves in fear? And then the British government shit themselves in fear and decided to ignore the existing plans? Where was the stiff upper lip?
the outer space treaty you signed says otherwise
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we should unite and make peace for the better future!
stool stuhl
red rot
arm arm
ball ball
water wasser
nose nase
mouth mund
ear ohr
meant for the other anon perhaps?
The grammar and core of english is entirely germanic. Then it has a huge lexicon with words that has for example french origin but that's kindof like;

Hello over there is a giant Vasquesomedopele

"Hello over there is a giant" the core language is english despite having a word for fridge as "Vasques" or whatever.

I mean compare translations.

English: I'm going over to your house
Swedish: Jag går över till ditt hus
French: je vais chez toi
Italian: Vado a casa tua
Even if the tech was far superior it was still a sub-par performance from the jeets, I mean bongland had a population of like 4 million and they had a population of 200 million, its actually insane that it happened
Not enough iron and coal, plus their period of extreme isolation led to stagnation in technological development. They are honorary Aryans because they caught up so fast after being forced to open their ports.
>mutt thinks he got swag
keksimus maksimus
Try 30% at best. The everyday words are clearly Germanic, but at least 50% is Latin or French derived; usually dealing with sophisticated subjects. The remainder are foreign words from the rest of Europe, Asia, etc.

The every modern English speaker can't read or understand Old English. I know German and Dutch so I can somewhat get a grasp of it, but even I have to use linguistic translators. The Norman Conquest and the Angevin/Plantagenet reigns mutated a language that you Scandinavians can have some mutual intelligibility with (given that Old Norse also influenced Old English back then) to something that I'm writing today. It's a real tragedy that outside of scholars, very few people can read Old English. I have a copy of Seamus Heaney's Beowulf and I fucking love how Old English sounds.
Yep, I dont always bother to check ID
I said that as a matter of respect toward you Anglo anon as a distant American cousin. Your forebears endured the Blitz with dogged tenacity as much as the brave men fought all day at Hastings (and unfortunately lost when it was about to turn dark) or the redcoats at Waterloo holding their positions until the Prussians could link with them.

Yeah you guys are losing your soul the last couple of decades. I'm hoping that maybe just maybe Britain will wake up and stop destroying itself.
I find Swedish easy sometimes
and sometimes it might as well be klingon.

He is right though. Old English was good and had proper Aryan grammar. Modern englisj had very simplified grammar, which limits the mind. Also it is getting worse, what with people now using "their" when "he" or "she" should be used, and so on. Trannynigfaggification of language to make it more suitable for negroasiatickalergimutts
Frogs did not create the USA.
You faggots came crawling begging the USA for help in WW2... and the USA told you faggots that your empire had to go.
Can you understand what's being said here?

Næs hie ðære fylle
symbel ymbsæton
ac on mergenne
be yðlafe
sƿeordum asƿefede,
ymb brontne
lade ne letton.
beorht beacen godes;
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All the paper signing doesn’t mean shit. As per the right of first settlers we have the god given right to claim the moon.
It isn't bravery when you're given no other option, it's merely survival. No western nation can improve because the good medicine tastes icky and we're stuck in a populist system that's sucking its dick to completion.
Yeah its the same for me with german, cant relate with english since i learned it from such a young age
guessing your old english was as complicated as our german

house haus
foot fuss
blood blut
beer bier
bread brot
sea see
This is actually a relatively good summary of the conditions that led to the industrial revolution starting in Britain.

The only thing I think it leaves out is that the weakening of the monarchy and the church also led to the growth of the urban merchant class. They provided both an outlet for the capital accrued by the landed gentry, and ensured that Britain didn't simply become inward-facing and only concerned with the agricultural sector.
If anything, France and Britain created Canada seeing how they've been a dual-identity nation since the 1760s.

It was in our best interests to help out Britain and liberate France. Yeah Roosevelt was anti-imperialist (though the US wanted to replace colonialism with their own indirect economic control).
You cunts can't even speak english proper
>ac on mergenne

i would guess this means something like

at the morning, but even though i can't make out the meaning of things the language is very similar to what im used too it doesnt seem very alien to me
Your language is ours.
Your political system is ours.
Your common law is ours.
You are us. Whether you like it or not, your country was created by us. No amount of cope from you will ever change that. Your first president was a British citizen. You seethed so hard about it you made it your mission to destroy your parents and build an empire of BLM and trannies and sucking Jew cock. So much so that you let them take your foreskins too and you send them your tax dollars to fund their lifestyle, their existence, and their free healthcare you don't have, while simultaneously polluting the world with your Jewish filth. You would have been better off remaining British.You seem to think that destroying our empire was a good thing. But all you did and all you have ever done is make the world a shitter place.
I'm fairly certain the British Empire + the colonisation of America started before Cromwell emancipated the Jews. Virginia was named after Elizabeth the 1st after all, and Jamestown for James 1st. I would argue Europe reached its cultural zenith in the thirteenth century, a period where all Jews were booted out, at least from England.
Was was thier sanpai for a wile when they industrialised and built a navy. Then we didn't notice them after ww1 and whent full notice meeeee.
Low IQ take. Most of the used vocabulary in English is Germanic, a few are loan-words from Norse and French the rest is just useless leftover Latin words without end.
Well yeah, I ran out of space and I sorta eluded to that with the growth of the gentry and Britain focusing more on commerce/naval matters.

Yeah, it's true when you're backed up in a corner, you gotta fight back to survive. But it sure as hell beats lying down and giving up.

Like I said, I respect you guys and hate to see get destroyed. You and France deserve better than the shitshow I've been hearing and seeing. I've never visited either of your countries and would like to one day. And preferably a Britain and France that still resembles itself.
thats a huge set of speakers
I strongly believe this is the case. I believe that all Imperial expansions are based actually simply on sheer numbers. Vikings were becoming numerous in the North because of the climate getting warmer, and thus they descent upon Europe because there was no room for them. The Roman Empire had to increase its numbers due the climate getting warm, a century summer or something the like. England had to be the same. They populated 2 entire continents (USA and Australia) with their folk. Probably these people had 8-16 children per family. The increase is exponential as the future generations have the same amount of children.
This is another key factor about recent immigration. it cannot be stopped politically, no matter how much deluded whitey is. Africans and Indians are pouring in into the West simply because they are over-breeding, they are too many. No defensive measure like borders or walls will stop them. The only way to stop them is to invade their countries and cull them.
shoe schuh
school schule
garden garten
finger finger
boat boot
rain regen
wind wind
ice eis
come over to europe. make a roundtrip everywhere, you are very welcome!
A lot of those words are still spoken in the norf with other dialectic words

House = hus
Bread = breed
Down = Doon
Go = gan/ganning (similar to German gehen)
Head = heed
Out = ut
You = ye

It was an era that boats and ships dominated. We are an island nation with no border worries besides the Scots but once we were united that was it really, we could fully focus on expansion abroad, while France had to worry about Spain or Italy (but still did well itself), see Portugal/Spains golden age when they made peace and decided to divide the world between them, less enemies over the border.

France did it before us with Charlamagne, Jews became Frances bank for 500 years, we didnt until Cromwell in the 1600s
I find Old English easy since I'm fluent in both English and Swedish which helps immensely.
Oi blimey mate, you fancy me being some Yanker drongo?

You're one to talk. It's called divergence. Sorry we're not as posh as someone from Oxford or have a genteel background from some blue blood lineage. But what do you expect when settlers travel thousands of miles from their ethnic homeland? Your ancestors mutated the language too.

In all seriousness, I like you Aussies and I really dig the way you guys converse. I like some of your movies like Breaker Morant and The Lighthorsemen. Also grew up watching Round the Twist. Always wanted to visit Australia (and New Zealand) one day.
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The USA created almost all the countries in North and South America, Philippines , and a few more. Most importantly, after the USA liberated countries, then the USA made sure those remained countries.
British just fucked up Europe and the world due to their subhuman desire to play divide and conquer games with other people. British elite are all worse than kikes. The British public are just a bunch of no brain soccer hooligans.
glove. Handschuh (lol)
omg the torture of reading it and the likes of Shakespeare as a kid... old english is kino though.
Because we're fucking better than everybody else.
Why are you coping and seeking for any other answer? You're all inferior to the ANGLO. Even the jews are inferior. The Anglo WILL come out on top. We are the only race on this planet which has been perfected in all things, culture, science, athletics, courage.
If this was a game of Civilisation we won 500 times over about 200 years ago.
This world is ours, it belongs to us. You'll will all cower before our might before the end.
>their subhuman desire to play divide and conquer games with other people
america never does this
a e i o u
Thanks German anon and I actually visited Germany (and Italy) way back in 2000. Best time I ever had. Would love to visit again.

I wonder if you can understand Old English.

Fæder ūre þū þe eart on heofonum
hahaha GSNT was based
>Your language is ours
I speak American and not some fag ass version of limey nonsense. The only people that speak limey are the Australians with all of their baby talk and lazy slang.
We also do not have some faggot parliament. The founding fathers set-up the US Government similar to Greco Roman republics.
>I speak American
fr fr no cap. bussin.
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some of the words in english fits the northern german dialects some here my southern!
its fantastic when you think about how close we are!
nevermind your glovecompartment or bootcompartment/trunk...

come over again. whats holding you back?
Satan, pure and simple.
You should be incredibly proud of Shakespeare, although I understand what you mean lol.

Old English is so fkn kino, like the names Woden and Thunor for the Germanic Gods.
>Your language is ours.
>Your political system is ours.
>Your common law is ours.
>You are us. Whether you like it or not, your country was created by us.
NTA you're talking to but every American knows this and I'm goddamn proud to be an offshoot of British culture. I vastly prefer common law, I like the uniqueness of modern English being this Germanic/French-Latin hybrid, and indeed all of our Founders were once proud British subjects, but unfortunately Parliament screwed that up. Even George III wasn't a sore loser and was quite complimentary to George Washington after hearing he would step down from his presidency graciously or how he welcomed John Adams as ambassador.

As for the dismantling the British Empire, well that was bound to happen sooner or later because you can't be a liberal constitutional government on one hand, then practice colonial control over Ireland, India, and other territories. World War I weakened you and the other European powers and you guys also utilized your colonial subjects as shock troops against the Central Powers (and later Axis in WW2). It gave the Asians and Africans a powerful lesson in the fact that the white man was not invincible and it gave them a taste of killing civilized Caucasian powers like Germany. What's to stop them from doing it to British and French?
glovebox. where else do you put your driving gloves? what do you call the boot (referring to the car thingy here) ? Transportgegenständeraufbewahrungsabteil ?
>the US wanted to replace colonialism with their own indirect economic control
Nope, after WW1 and WW2 the Eurofags were broke and owed the USA tons of money. The USA propped up your faggots, so you could pay the USA back some of the money you owed Americans. BTW, French and British never paid back WW1 debts (not to mention the money the USA gave you yuro-poor "allies")... free-loading eurofaggots.
>english is 100% germanic language
yes all empires fail. you're ok man. you're welcome to visit any time you want. you seem different to the average american.
Work, taking care of my grandfather, and finishing my masters in information security. I visited your nation when I was in high school and would love to see Stuttgart, Bonn, Frankfurt, and Munich again as well as the rest of Germany (I only visited the western parts; only there for 2 weeks).
kek nigel
glovebox - hand-schuh-fach
bootcompartment/trunk - koffer-raum

come back for sure mate. amis and german get along well. and the language getting better!
Anglosaxons are guilty of SLAVERY, GENOCIDE, and COLONIALISM

The Hispanic Empire made slavery illegal in 1482 AD, NEVER committed a single genocide, and had Kingdoms instead of colonies.
The USA never created countries with the desire to cause wars and internal problems. Most of the small wars the USA fought from 1953 to today are due to Eurotrash, especially French's and British's scumbaggery.
>conquered indians without guns n sheeit and zulu nigs
so did the spanish
Nelson was a savage and the Royal Navy in his time was completely unmatched. The Brits drilled far more extensively than the other colonial powers, and it was clear in battle after battle. They'd engage with comparable ships, but after the initial volley Brits would be ready to fire again before anyone else, and the difference in firing rates would only grow greater as the ships were damaged. The French, Spanish, and Dutch hid their ships away at home, and captive European officers who had the opportunity to witness the British navy in action from a British ship were gobsmacked.
They game theoried the hardest and won
suitcase space? interesting. I like how practical your language is.

They did and still are. Island nation, massive overseas empire, society focuses on manners and etiquette whilst also hiding extremely dark, perverted and sadistic undertones, destroyed by America following the second world war. They truly are the Britain of Asia

In my mothers dialect (am half english half north east scot), a seeress or prophetess is a "spaewife" or "spaewifie", which I find cool, as the "spae" sounds like the end of the old norse "voluspa" (forgot accent marks), meaning "prophecy of the seeress" or something like that. "Scots" as opposedd to gaelic is an english dialect that preserves more vocabulary etc from old english slightly. (Doric north east scots and how they speak in the northern isles, not subhuman central belters who are irish descended anyway). Ps: no disrespect to the Irish, based high steppe ancestry Bell Beaker Aryan frens.
it is
where do you put your suitcase ?
in your suitcase space. easy mate
we lost an army to the zulu but then had a 150 vs 5000 victory at rorke's drift, but thats all i can think of for significant losses to natives or at least ones anyone remembers, the success of the boats is due to the abundance of oak we had
What do you think I meant by indirect economic control? We wanted all the trappings of an imperialist power without the upkeep. The US became the greatest creditor nation because of all the stuff we sold to everyone in WWI as well as the loans to the Allies. We replaced the sterling as the world currency and cemented our status as the preeminent industrial power since Germany got weakened.

And in hindsight, we should've been more tactful in having our loans repaid. Part of the reason why the Great Depression mushroomed into a shitstorm was because the Western Europeans that owed us money tried to get it out of Germany, which had to resort to hyperinflation while everyone (including us) raised tariffs, thus nobody could trade properly and raise revenue and have balance of payments.

Thanks Brit anon. I'm not a single digit IQ moron like some of my countrymen and avidly read history and economics, thus why I was able to describe what lead to your nation kickstarting the 1st Industrial Revolution and being a major commercial power.

I'd love to visit Britain one day. Definitely on my bucket list.
You probably mean early modern english, old english is not very easy
memeflag nigger >>475779115
>English: I'm going over to your house
>Swedish: Jag går över till ditt hus
>French: je vais chez toi
>Italian: Vado a casa tua

Grammar and Structure:
Core Grammar: The fundamental grammar of English—such as sentence structure, basic verb forms, and syntax—is Germanic. For example, English shares many grammatical features with other Germanic languages, like the use of modal verbs (can, could, will, would) and the formation of plurals (e.g., foot/feet, tooth/teeth).
3. Basic Vocabulary:
Core Vocabulary: The most commonly used and essential words in English (such as pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, basic verbs, and everyday nouns) are largely of Germanic origin. Words like "mother," "father," "house," "water," "eat," "sleep," "go," "come," "day," and "night" are all Germanic.
Phonetics and Sounds: The sound system of English, including consonant shifts and vowel patterns, aligns with Germanic languages. For instance, the Great Vowel Shift that occurred in English during the 15th to 18th centuries is a characteristic phonetic evolution within Germanic languages.
Verb Conjugation and Tenses: The way English forms its past tenses (e.g., adding -ed) and uses strong (irregular) verbs (e.g., sing/sang, drive/drove) is typical of Germanic languages.
In summary, despite the substantial influence of French, Latin, and other languages on its vocabulary, English remains fundamentally Germanic in its origins, structure, and core lexicon.
>The USA never created countries with the desire to cause wars and internal problems
That's careful phrasing. See the United Fruit Company and America's regular destabilization of South and Central American nations.
Those "nations" were created by the Anglosaxons and their agents... Simon Bolivar was an Anglo-Saxon agent who created Venezuela
pretending the USA doesn't interfere directly in every nation state is major cope. It's even possible the USA started the current russo-ukraine war. It's not like we didn't, but denying it seems like cope. USA has directly interfered and caused conflict and division among many nations in the past and present.

Yes but I like reconstructed proto Germanic god names the best, e.g. Wodanaz and Thunraz. Also the transition between those and norse, e.g. Wodanar. Btw if Woden stayed into modern English and was subjected to the other sound shifts from OE to modern English, his name would be pronounced like "Wooden". Sound more mad to me, which is apt given the meanjng of "The Mad One" (I know it is more like divine frenzy, ecstasy, than just madness)
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That's Anglish you dumb twat


Modern English is a mutter creole language with majority Latin/French words

To purify English it must return into its Germanic origins.
No it's an entirely germanic core language with lots of words for things from other languages.

Iam going to that place in the morning before after i go up or down i will not be late at the etc its all germanic

That you then have 1000 words for let's say scissors, crane, pyramid or whateve rfrom french doesnt mean the core language is french u stupid memeflag nigger
>majority Latin/French words
don't forget Greek. Many of the words we use today in English have Greek origin.
examples (sorry not gonna do cyrillic tonight, i can , but .. effort )

periothiko = periodical
Tilefono = telephone
Filosofia = philosophy
Periodiko = periodical
Technologia = technology
eh duplicated one there. i have had some beer. it's friday..
I like Modern English as it is, but I would like to be bilingual in Old English.


Imagine singing this on the 1000 year anniversary of Hastings to honor the brave English and Danes (sent by Harold Godwinson's cousin Sweyn Estriddsen) that fought and died there to protect England.

Old English sounds so fucking aesthetic. No wonder Tolkien was a huge Anglo-Saxonboo and used it for Lord of the Rings.
there is a book about the expedition to take benin city its very intresting its called
>Benin : City of Blood
basically is detail of all the logistics to arrange to expedition and then the fight through the jungle to get to the city and the condition of the city which i wont spoil but the name gives it a hint

Boon is germanic (norse I think?) Cognate to the greek word phone

I wish we said waterstuff, sourstuff, coalstuff, instead of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, etc
Yeah no shit, it's no surprise that the 500 most common words are of German origin. It's only natural that Germanic people would retain their essential vocabulary while borrowing less crucial words from other languages.


Only 6%
did not know that one.
funny isn't it. it's like something a dude called Fred came up with. I need to learn more languages. I speak 5 of them but only to a very basic level.
yeah me too pal
all good anyway, nobody cares
After all, the fucking race doesn't always compensate for the mass of weapons, so the ships of the bong and dutch colonial fleets sank to the bottom of the sea under the attack of the Japanese Navy.
There are a lot of romantic people in /pol/ who think that one fucking one Chad Aryan can kick the shit out of a thousand peasants, but when the peasants build a wall of spears, it's a different story.
Spoiler: the wogs were doing massive "human" sacrifice and cannibalism rituals
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prost prost kamerad
What is it you fail to understand.

Its a germanic language with a huge lexicon.

It is not 30% germanic 30% latin 30% french.

The core language is germanic

Core Grammar: The fundamental grammar and sentence structure of English are Germanic.
Basic Vocabulary: Essential everyday words (e.g., pronouns, basic verbs) are Germanic.
Linguistic Classification: English belongs to the West Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family.
Verb Conjugation: English uses Germanic patterns for verb conjugation and irregular verbs (e.g., sing/sang).

If i write. Det var en gång en liten fisk som hade en "baguette"

Omg sweden uses the word baguette! Its a french language!

stupid fukin retarded low iq memeflag nigger
ah interesting. thanks for that. I thought it was more (greek). Latin I could never wrap my head around

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