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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You malthusian post-modern machiavellian demon of malcontent. You are supposed to jump inside the belly of the beast like in Pinocchio and save your ancestral father from the dissolution of suffering. Because what is more greater and more certain than pain? Suffering. This reminds me, I had a dream once where my grandmother put her pubic hair in my face. But where was I? Oh yeah, these people are psychotic gerrymandering slobs who need to make sure their room is cleaned and their house is in order before they follow my other 40 something steps. Buy my book. People think I’m a Nazi so they made me look like Red Skull from Marvel Comics but.. b-but it’s not true… I-It’s not true.. please give me money
Suffering is not the enemy is just there, you can release the from suffering with evil and misdeeds

Won't make it ok
Buy an advertisment faggot
I think he acts like a pussy to make women think he’s nice and sensitive
So is this rich guy trying to help people or is he just a rich guy being rich
Big if true, proofs? Keep me posted.
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What is Juden Peterstein ranting about now? Israel again? Begone, deviled egg
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Terrified pedos

Currently running for president mind you
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HH Brother
He's telling young men to not be shitheads and people today are too fucking stupid to understand that they should do that anyway.
>clean your room (because this radiates outwardly in your life and you will experience more order in general by routinely doing this)
>take care of the people you love that are close to you (because what good is living a life with nobody meaningful to share it with)
>make an effort to not be a fucking loser (otherwise you can't help others or yourself)
>you should probably stop doing drugs and drinking alcohol
>have a family (gives meabing to life beyond yourself)
>don't be a selfish prick (because youll win, but be alone in the end)
>be as manly as possible by being capable of being dangerous and choosing not to be dangerous
>the world owes you nothing
>be on time to shit
>dress sharp
That's all he's saying but in a 140+ IQ vocabulary way. People, young men especially, have no idea about any of this because they were raised by faggot liberal weak fathers or no fathers or the public education system which places no importance on any of these things. They can't even piece together basic morality and just sit around and mope all day and do drugs and then wonder why their life fucking sucks dick. The fact that Peterson is so wildly popular rather than just being another guy proves how far our society has fallen. People look at him like he's some sort of genius savior when he's really just an above average intelligence dude advising people to do basic things that they should just fucking know by the time they're a kid. It's fucking sad dude. Peterson isn't even a particularly good role model, but people latch onto him anyway because they're 20+ year old boys that never grew up and Peterson is the best that society at large has to offer when it comes to advice on how to just be a decent man.
Never trust a Jew and always try to find a Father figure.
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Really? Hmmm. Did he explain who is organizing those blackmail rings? In other words, did he name the jew? I'm going to guess a big fat no
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Drop some more Hulkster memes on me brother, I need to beef up the file
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> iiiiif I saved them Brother, I'd give them to ya, ohh yeah
Sry, fren.
He profiled them is enough for smart detectives, seriously
More 4D chess? He only pretends to suck jew cock, like trump, but he's really double-secretly working to subvert them? Hahaha ok

Captcha 44HH

Dig it! Ooh yeah snap into a slim jim
I never understood the fascination with Jordan. He talks a billion words about really basic things

>stand up straight!
>clean your room!
>make something out of your life!

It's easy when you pay pajeets to make your engagement seem authentic
kek he's back bros

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