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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Watching scenes coming out of the Olympic Opening Ceremony taking place in France has left me with a sense of dread. We've gone beyond a new threshold that should terrify you all.

This is the cheapest and most amateur high-level event I have ever seen. Gone are the days when they would choreograph or make spectacle. They can't even do that anymore.

They're not even trying to dress up their propaganda. Staging was off, lighting was off, no sense of costume design or colours. They don't even feel like trying. Even the ones that put on this horror show are decaying.

It's over.
the demoralization is working on (You) then
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Something at this scale has no business looking this cheap. I'm demoralised more that they can't even make a show of the decay anymore
It's time for your handie, chud.
Anon, you are correct. Formality and order have been long since destroyed and after a decade of decadence and degeneracy we have finally slipped of the slope. The west is finished.
Go home and fuck your girlfriend, eat well and enjoy what little peace time is left. War is coming.
What's happening in france on october 7th?
>he cares about a literal circus
they made Paris look worse than London
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I just want to stop this madness
This is pretty kino
>They don't even feel like trying
Why should they? This is globalist jews telling the world they own you, you're their bitch. They'll humiliate you on the international stage and you won't do anything. The West is a series of pathetic conquered nations ruled by jews, that are voluntarily going extinct. A more ignoble fate, the world has never seen.
That's how you know its winding down and decaying you dumb fuck. How is that bad? Stop crying.
Good. Accelerate.
It's very strange. There's lots of actual humiliation rituals, but at the same time there's genuinely beautiful moments. The flying balloon cauldron is pure French audacity.

A very weird mix of black pills and white pills. Honestly, I can't see the US matching the lows, or the highs.
I am proud that the last 4 openings. In London 2012 I had a grudge with Danny Boyle because of that fucking Slumdog Millionaire, in Rio 2016 I got pissed with those funkeiros crap and went to play Pokémon Go, in Tokyo 2020 I was sleeping and now I was walking with my dogo.
>watching olympics
>caring about sports on tv while shitskins rape and kill our children
Pathetic, the Irish are doing it right. Burn it down and kill our enemies.
Accelerate towards what? Nobody is going to do anything. Stop pretending. White people are going to simply go extinct without a fight and everyone knows it. That's why the sharks are closing in.
Paris is still the most beautifull city in the world. Fuck America.
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Accelerate towards and past OP’s doom post.
I enjoyed it
The Irish disagree with your assessment
i bet you did you tranny lover
So like I said, towards what? Towards nothing.
>The West is a series of pathetic conquered nations ruled by jews, that are voluntarily going extinct.
Quote of the century
The Irish burn construction equipment instead of politicians. They're losing too, and the recent chimp outs haven't stopped anything or removed even one colonizer.
Better than anything the Germans would have done. I bet they'd give Tusk a blowjob and burn a Polish flag.
you've had a good run
Go outside Deigo, touch some grass. Have a burger. You’ll be alright
I live in Paris. It's an overrated shithole. Even brussels looks better.
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Y-you got any room over there for me, Russia bro?
Read the post again you fucking pleb. There are defined boundaries
Fuck the Germans
American here
I admit that Paris is still a fucking beautiful and amazing city

You francs can do something right. If only you can do other things right too
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What are people in your circles saying about this opening ceremony
kek, nice ID the system gave you.
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Their demoralization psyops only strengthen my hatred for these satanic monsters.
You think you're saying something profound, but you're not saying anything at all.
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Is there any themes this year?
Did they choreograph a nuke or something
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Looking back at the London 2012 opening, and what that foreshadowed.
What's gonna happen in '32 bros? I'm scared
Good luck out there anons
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Cuck to the world
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Should have boosted this year, covid deniers.
Then fucking stop responding, faggot
after watching the opening ceremony, are there any trans athletes in the games?

>The Olympics in the French capital is set to make history as the first gender-equal games, with 50 per cent of the medals going to women, a first in the history of the event.

>The guidelines require transgender women to have transitioned before the age of 12 to be eligible for the women’s category, to prevent any potential biological advantage from male puberty.
What was the fucking deal with the random black dancer in front of Tour eifel for 10 minute ?
Why was the women producing this losing her mind at the exact moment about "that exactly what we imagined for 2 year"

Whats with these faggots and their blue color obsession?
Parisians organisators pocketted most of the money. many of the promissed renovations were just fences put around buildings and never touched again because of "covid"
You really can't help yourself but to constantly tear down Germans due to your inferiority complex can you? You're like fucking Indians in that regard.
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Why would you watch that shit?!
>Claim to be sporting event
>Throw-out soothing sports
>Have breakdancing
>Don't have NASCAR
Get fucked eurotrash and your eurofaggot games!
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The old white man passing on the flame to his nigger replacements is probably the takeaway
They are getting messages from the past lol.
Whatever may happen in the coming years, I wish all in this thread the best. See you on the other side, perhaps.
It had a weird atmosphere, lots of demonic and gay shit, music was bizzare too. Crowd looked dead throughout, sad really as it highlights the West in decline.
That's to moke the last supper btw
it foreshadowed nothingburgers kek
Correct, there’s no going back. If you don’t like it, you’re welcome to rope yourself, as you so often encourage others to do.

Celine Dion was phenomenal especially if you know her story.
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White people invaded Africa first. YOU chose contact.

Massive incompetence crisis, DEI shit.
Africans invaded Europe first thoughever
The opening ceremony in Beijing signaled the end of the West
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At the bare minimum at least I'll know WHY I've ended up in a ditch somewhere, compared to the unthinking around me that will wake up one day and notice everything is gone
They should have stayed in their resourceless shitholes and pretend the middle ages were better.

They made the red on the flag pink too.
Literally all niggers, lmao. This is the funniest thing, and very intentionally done
The worst part is when you go outside that's exactly what you see, boomers and niggers.

its over
Well they didn’t, they’re here now and here to stay, get over it, or don’t, no one cares and that’s why you’re whining on the sewer of the internet.
all the women saying it was the best thing ever...
fucking end me
im angered and demoralized and disillusioned. fuck niggers and fuck kikes and fuck trannys and fuck muslims. enjoy the Olympics
No gives a fick about the Olympics and it's not like we can talk ours was fucking embarrassing
yeah, we have some room. but enough with the retarded psyops, not only they are not working, they're hurting you at this point.
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I'm sorry but you will never come back to pre-Zion Don election times. Sure all the tranny and inclusivity shit will progressively fade away, but mankind it's never gonna rewind to 10 years ago. Corporations will step further, and far more degeneracy are coming next, to the point that you will consider fags and trannies a joke.

The world is going to accelerate, and it's gonna be a wild ride until the climate change will burn us all.
France is an embarrassment. What a load of shit that was lol
>incompetence crisis
I tried watching the start of it, but the BBC had the audio description as well as two or three commentators talking over each other at varying volumes. Absolutely pathetic.
I dont have cable
London 2012 had some cringe moments but it wasn't this bad. This was a new level of open, in your face degeneracy. It was fucking disgusting.
I meant the Europeans, Replacement is good. A lot less faggots.
Nah, they will be fine, they are going to be run through a hell of a gauntlet first, and what comes out the other side is going to be very different what what they are now, but that’s the way things go.
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This was broadcast globablly.

Cables in shot, water droplets on the lens, lights directly flaring out the camera, bargain set design
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I only read that everything is fucked but no one even offers a solution. are these threads for demoralization? at least the Irish try to defend their country from globohomo.
France was always the cancer that was killing Europe. Every evil ideology came from France, starting with communism, ending on feminism and lgbt. I will watch with pleasure when muslims start beheadings on Pigal plaza.
Good catch
Wow thats blatant
Yeah it's kinda sweet to acknowledge whites passing the baton
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Niggers and Native Americans were already waging war between their tribes by impaling each other's buttocks with spears, the Sandniggers enslaved blacks and whites in the Mediterranean and invaded Spain for 800 years and even went to France, the Mongols went as far as Poland. Why do you leftoids take a human phenomenon and put the notion of "good" or "bad" on it when you did the same thing but not on the same scale because you were not technologically advanced lol
Oh you know just an apocalypse skeleton horseman on a pale horse leading all nations of the worlds towards a bull figure of Moloch Baal, nothing to worry about goy.
I didn’t say anything about good or bad. I said that you have no cause to complain about white populations being replaced.

I'm not demoralized.
The pendulum will swing my friend. And with all the more energy.
kek that was the best part. i can't wait to get some bbc when im in paris.
>DEI poster

Wow. Interesting.
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>The pendulum will swing my friend
two more weeks, am I right?
Yep, very symbolic of "This isn't my nation anymore, it's yours!"
Kek. Revolution incoming. One bad winter and crop failure and the heads will be rolling
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Last time I checked we expelled the Germans and ceased our lands back. We also won the battle of Berlin. They lost. Germany is a pathetic evil country filled with horrible Satan worshipping men and whore women. Poland is a nation of Christ. Our King is literally Jesus Christ. You're an American so you're probally some assmad German mutt whose grandmother was raped and brought home by GI. Let me break you the bad news, the land will never go back to the Germans. We Poles will continue to win. CHRIST IS KING
Much longer than that unfortunately. Good times created weak men
Women are gay, mate, ignore them.
>that kid there
You just know what's the message here.
Tokyo 2021 was the last time we saw the Olympics. And the 90s and 00's kid in me loves how they used video game themes as the intro music for the introduction of nations.

These lizards aren't even pretending to be subtle anymore with these trannies and other bullshit in Paris' opening ceremony. If you told me 20 years ago in Athens that this would happen, I would've laughed my ass off. Now it's a reality.
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only violence and fire will end pedophile rule
Only Powder wigged French fucks would be so arrogant to claim that they invented Human rights. At least the sandniggers came with God given rights. You tried to condition the world in your good/bad paradigm and now its fucking you over. Own it faggot
Why doesn't he. He wasn't alive hundreds of years ago slaving anyone, you retard.

Why do you leftoids and niggers carry this concept that someone else is always a stand-in. Whether for your own failures - someone else is to blame, or when excusing nigger behaviour, it's someone else's crime that caused a crime to an innocent.
That's exactly what you're doing. "U need to be replaced cuz colonization", we're back to the same point, now reread what I wrote.
In the french broadcast there was a journalist that was literally crying of joy means having mini orgasms every time there was a tranny or black on screen, and she kept ranting about diversity and equity
This, it's incredible that with 120-130 millions of euros the show was so shitty (special look at the horse). My country is dead, despite massive budget all they were capable of producing was a low-tier ceremony.
>it's incredible that with 120-130 millions of euros the show was so shitty
Money laundering
The women look really weird too.
The BBC headline page is the perfect compliment to this wemb
Leftists cannot create
2012 London opening ceremony was the best IMO.
I'm beyond sick of people who don't know what demoralization means.

Bro it isn't fucking cheer camp or sports teams. Demoralized means you become an a-moral tranny faggot like liberals. The idea is the KHB (Jews) demoralizes the population because it's easier to control someone with no God.
The answer and in the image that I posted in fact, it is written in French so for the translation, it is a French minister of the Left, who said in 2006, "that we must hide the Arab colonization so that the young Nafri do not carry on their backs the misdeeds of the Arabs". This is literally my first redpill, when I understood what leftism really was, white hatred

There was a reform of the colleges also in 2015, absolutely no one has heard about the Barbary corsairs at school for example. Everything starts from there, from school we put a feeling of guilt on young whites while the conclusion is that it is just "a game" with winners and losers but the school narrative is to say that there were young peaceful -Africans who were going to build Wakanda, pick flowers and suddenly whites from hell came to reduce them to slavery when it was already the case. When you debate this with a leftist who has nothing else to say about it because it is only common sense, he tells you that war is specific to white people, leftism is a mental illness, nothing more, nothing less. They are humanists when it suits them lol.
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It makes me feel totally alienated from human race. I think people like us are a different species. 99% of whites see nothing wrong with this. I see news of white kids dying and I no longer feel anything, realizing that I have nothing in common with them. I have no "people", I belong to nowhere.
Generational karma. You’re reaping the benefits of your ancestors, you must also reap the consequences.
We need White Etnhostate... like Israel, but for the White people
No one gives a fuck anymore man.
Russia could've been that.
An hero now, faggot. Yes i know it s bait but who cares an hero anyway.
As I said in another thread, I have vowed to be way more fascist IRL. Wearing sharper clothes, having an utter disdain for faggots and all non-white races and redpilling normies even more. I've already been naming the Jew every day for 18 months and it has changed the people I interact with
The Palestinians are reaping what the Arabs did in the past, so Israel should continue to bomb them until they are extinct, so stop crying 24/7 pls. Its called karma too
Nobody told you that the Barbary Corsairs were made up for the most part out of spanish refugees that were kicked out of their country for being Muslim. They were out on revenge on the Christians for kicking them out of their houses. Nobody teaches you that the reconquista of Spain was a civil war. Because you are to stupid to do some real research thats why you are repeating racist white rhetoric from the previous century. Have I already called you a faggot?
All I saw was a naked guy with his cock and balls out pained blue called "The Blue Scrotum" or something like that and I decided to not pay any attention to anything else involving the olympics this year.
This country is falling into globohomo too
On the contrary, your seething inspires me to continue on.
It would have been a great opening ceremony if they had some guy with a flamethrower come out and light these abominations on fire and then lit the torch with one of them. Missed opportunity for sure.
Yes the human race is all poisoned and retarded right now, my advice is to stay sober and fit and healthy and make sure your family survives this age
Can anyone find the clip with the blue naked guy with the vegetables?
The biggest enslavers were the arabs do they need to face generational karma as well or this bullshit is only when it concern the demographic you don't like ?
Try again.

You will never be a woman, don't forget.
Karma is indeed cruel to all of us. But we shouldnt complain in 1st world countries regardless
It did look cheap though probably cost a fortune. What is the kid doing there btw?!
It was probably the Bacchus cosplay
Is it any wonder why they call the French surrender monkeys?
Good man, carry on.
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Buckle up buckaroo, the ride has just barely started.
>The flying balloon cauldron is pure French audacity.
Yes, that was actually nice.
Currently getting raped at the post ceremony parties.
Karma is universal.
It is indeed over. I haven’t even watched it and I’m depressed. Just gonna hit the gym bros.
you are Europe's toilet. Shut up faggot.
The consequences of showing the rest of the world civilisation do need to be rectified. Thier sin of existence for a start.
You sound like a huge faggot that wishes for nuclear disaster so you can stop doing chores for your parents
Go touch grass. When Christ returns you will burn forever in the lake of fire. CHRIST IS KING, LONG LIVE POLAND!
it's because the competent people are doing certain parts and the degenerates directing the rest
dude wtf is that shit, glad I didn't watch, I'm going to ignore the entire vile and godless thing
>don't watch the GAYlymics
>don't care
It's literally that easy.
After SHTF, we can run them again where eugenic White people compete in the sports immortalized in human history
So the people advocating for genocide and replacement of population should be careful, noted.
What dont you get exactly?
This is a brave (and stunning) new world, and it hates your guts chud. Better sleep with one eye open
Found it, enjoy:

Everything is over. Look at Eurovision in Sweden this year. The most boring shit I've ever watched in my life on TV. At least you Brits had some humour hosting that gay shit.
Thank you.

Oh yes I should say, everyone ITT needs to have a total boycott on non white businesses right now, obviously Americans are exempt because they can't give up goyslop, but anyone else is a race traitor
memeflag with an anti-white narrative? No way.
Poles always ignore how they got ethnically cleansed from the entire East of their country by the Soviets at the same time. You actually lost more land than you gained off Germany, though the German land was more developed than the area you'd been sitting on.
>flames directly below a hydrogen balloon
what could go wrong?
Fuck jews. Fuck em to hell. They are able to make me forget the hate i have for ww2 allies countries. A fascist hug for you, my european friend. My heart Is broken seeing this stuff happen to you.
ok, France confirmed the gayest nation in Europe by far.

you should have watched it to harden yourself against our Weimar world
Americans don't realize the fat fucking L they have for being retarded nazis. Christ is King. You will burn in the lake of fire.
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Reminder: There is no political solution a jewish problem.
>They're not even trying to dress up their propaganda.
This is a symptom of a decaying empire.
Truth is only a matter of perspective for those who can not recognise it or attempt to rape it. The future is colored face it.
Kek, okay.
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he believes in you, even if you don't believe in him
God is giving you a chance to wake the fuck up.
>watching Olympics faggot
Yeah, the level of amateurism is mindblowning.
Most people in the allied countries were deceived. If they could have seen what the world looked like today they would not have fought.
WW1 started 2 years after the Stockholm Olympics of 1912
WW2 started 4 years after the Berlin Olympics of 1936
so if this trend continues, WW3 will likely break out in 2027
this feels like the opposite though, if they wanted to completely disenfranchise anyone who would remotely fight for Europeans within the next 10 years, they are doing a fantastic job
My mum was saying it looked crap.
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EU is controlled by Antichrist
You may be a cuck but I 100% agree. We won't do shit. White people will become a relic of archaic colonizing evil people for the rest of history. Hell here we are already mixed euros with questionable ancestors (whores). Ill be dead then so fuck it. Just like my boomer parents. I got mine
Africans invaded Europe first. Specifically north african moors, along with some black slaves who fought with them.
Colonization was justified: it put an end to north african pirates who harassed and enslaved Europe, and civilized barbaric, immoral, violent races.
Karmic processes do not work generationally but on an individual level.
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axis loss was end for white civilization. nothing can be done anymore.
Dancing like it's SARS-CoV-2. This fascination with (((modern))) dance is creepy. People are dancing like tribes of cannibals on a pacific island. It's not normal and it's not cool.
Thats why that pic is complete schizorambling, no one would fight for nor Europe or USA rn given the absolute state of clownery
we fight for our race, not nations. I still feel greater affinity to a French man than a brown New Zealander
Faggots supposedly mock a picture of a middle eastern man painted white pictured 1500 years after he walked the earth in an era without camera's. Muslims dont have this superficial problems you create yourself.
Well, the ones who fell for the mindvirus that is
kek you're kidding right?
The US marines put an end to the barbary corsairs. You are again talking shit.
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Can't you genetic dead ends just try and contain yourselves. Go and dilate or something
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Poland put an end to the Nazis
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You were going to get colonized one way or the other, that's the nature of power
Pajeets were under muzzie domination for 1000 years before we showed up, and it only took 15,000 men to control all of India for 200 years
Sucks to suck
couldn't be more obvious
Kalergi plan in full force
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>Don't bring up the arab-muslim slave trade for which the "young arabs" "don't carry the weight of arabic crimes one their backs"
controlled opposition story, why don't they talk about the bearded transexual?
this is funded by the Olympics? wtf? these drag show faggots have literally no talent, they dress like shit, paint themselves like clowns and all have the same dance moves and mannerisms.

How can there be such a high percentage of the population that is perfectly fine or fully supports this shit?
I don t know, man. It s though to let go of the hatred. Everybody spits on fascist italy because we didn t do well in war, but at least Il Duce saw this coming and did the right thing. We were on the right side of history. We invented something great. And now it s all gone. We will suck anglo balls forever. It s a nightmare.
Well congratulations my Polish friend. At least you didnt capitulate like the French.
me"? I wasn't born yet
pretty sure a bunch of aristocrats did, probably the same bunch whose descendants are now pushing our extinction
Romanians have no sense of art
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>White people are going to simply go extinct without a fig-ACK
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>Poland is a nation of Christ
>ACKSHUALLY I enjoyed that Satanic faggot ceremony
You'll get what you deserve, and you are
Even in this dire state, most whites are still coping civnats. So, despite your ID, I can only agree with the fate of the race at large.
Stop arguing with a pajeet
Force is the endgame here, all that matters is putting your own people's interests first and fuck everyone else
Brownoids don't bother with appeals to morality when they argue with each other, they just brag about who killed whom more
They don't actually believe any of this bullshit, they just know it works on you
>high percentage
On youtube, few hundred views on the rare videos. Most Live show nothing.
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> 2 data points
> trend
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Checked but Idk there should be 12 of them
Any group of people behind a long table/desk looks like the last supper (picrel)
I'm sure freemasons love to mock Jesus but it needs to be more specific
What do you wish I enjoy? Some german worship where nazis burn Polish flag and destroy Polish heritage? France is the cutting edge of art, you clearly don't understand Avant-garde. You only under avant-garde. You're most likely the grandson of a german warbride taken to england to dilute the genes of the UK. Disgusting and sad. Your german genes prevent you from enjoying culture. We Poles understand culture, art, music. Sad you will never be as good as us
Don t feed the polish shitcleaning schizo tranny
>fuck your girlfriend
can we get the war rolling earlier
>satanic perversion of the last supper
>there should be 13* of them
I've struggled with that feeling for many long years now.
How can any true Frenchman live with themselves after this. I am dumbfounded
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they are demonic
> France
Nobody takes France seriously nowadays. They're gay and stupid.
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To be fair and accurate all your territorial gain are thanx to Soviets/Russia and now you're their enemy,
If there's any kind of justice in this universe you deserve to lose it, we'll see what happens
you are from a poor country that is brown. Poland is white and holds up the EU. We should be paid for our hard work defending you from Russia
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May I compliment the exquisite taste in arts and culture of the Poles. Specially in the "Stealing car parts" and "Human trafficking" genre
hahaha, your nation barely has a history, no culture. Nothing. You are not noteworthy. We Poles saved Europe. You were a stepping stone of the Turks. We, time and time again, saved you. Now look at you. We are strong, you are weak. CHRIST IS KING.
Look at this and tell me these kikes and race traitors aren't just taunting us.
If you faggots are the last white people on earth we are so fucked.
That's part of what makes it horrifying. They leaven the degeneracy and the vomit inducing diversity with the few elements of beauty and culture left. It makes the disgusting brew go down easier.
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And the EU grows more godless every hour. Lol.
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its more demonic mockery than anything
They pocket as much of the money as they can, fill the stage with all sorts of fags and freaks to attract attention so that the media can spend all their time fawning over them.
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what is this demonic shit
what a stupid reponse, kys cuckboy
You mean it’s just beginning.
Just French faggots doing their thing.
EU is germany and Satan, Poland (a nation led by CHRIST) will not succumb to that. We are strong germany is weak. CHRIST IS KING
Isnt that blue guy supposed to symbolise Bachus the gayreek God the Christians actually whorship with their Lawlessness.
>do you get it yet
fat women will bring on the eschaton?
As an autist I didn't feel represented at all.
Too much people, noise and lights and shit.
This is simply discrimination
At this point the elite WANT fascism, right? "Satanic" is trending rn. Obviously people are gonna look to the far right for answers. Idk bros.
most european jews live in france after ww2
its okay. back white athletes. nobody cares about the institution of the olympics, as evinced by the publics reaction (or lack thereof) to russias HSR sabotage.

take from it what you want. dunk on niggers irl. be at peace.
It's an tried and true formula from Hollywood. Things like Roots (kunta kinte) or the 13-in-a-dozen holocaust torture porn movies are fed to our children always implying that the white christian European man is the embodiment of all evil.
Wasn't this supposed to be Voldemort?
A bit odd he's fighting NHS instead of Harry though.
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cant make this shit up
They're the palatial guards of the elite's money hoard. Faggots, nigs, troons are the only ones retarded enough to do "the right thing." Except in this case doing the right thing is preventing true justice from be wrought upon the upper classes that created this shit mess in the first place, the old nobility and kike bankers
blahblah i wont even bother reading your word diarheaa fucking mutt spic
Frances institutions are extremely philosemitic, but the public is j-woke.
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that thing was running for like 5+ minutes too
The bull is Zeus. Zeus raped Europa.
there are also people who openly hate nigs in france.
The camera work and direction was atrocious
:( based and truth-pilled.
They tried to save face so bad yet they only came across as faggot nonces. They could’nt even have a real live audience for the opening ceremony its pathetic. Admit defeat and say
>sorry we can’t hold the olympics too many niggers and terrorists.
Sweden is bad too but damn France either revolt or just give it up
No one supports it. No one is viewing it. The money used to fund this is all from human trafficking and other dark money sources. It's being black holed to push an agenda. Fiat is fake faggot kike shit, propaganda paper. These trannies in the video just took their earnings and gave it right back to the fashion labels and pedophiles who just paid them...a "virtuous cycle"
actually "interpretations" like these are exactly what justifies violence
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Support Toyota 100%
Literal thralls of satan's dimensional body
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Very satanic, indeed
We can only hope. The so-called Far Right needs to clearly formalize an agreed-upon ideology and response to deal with the current times. We're still too fragmented.
The fact remains that Soviets saved you in WW2
You didn't even fight
All your territorial gains are a gift from Soviets
And now you want to destroy Russia
You deserve to lose that territory

There's some dissonance between your decidedly plebeian expectations, ie. instant gratification, and the image you attached. Please remedy.
>The flying balloon cauldron is pure French audacity
it´s disrespect, why the fuck taking that flame and putting as a second party presence with a baloon? thats disrespectful, the flame is the portagonist, it should be, this way its a thing that moves another thing, i hate french faggots, they ruined the ceremony with a lot of shit.
Who will get it, Norway? Finland? Haha
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>one notable gaff
>everything else was completely fine, merely "unapologetically French"
I missed that part lol wtf is that why is their media silence on this shit
Nigger why do you think the reconquista happened?
You are an American colony, just like you were a Soviet colony before that. You can't stand on your own and your belligerence is exclusively reserved for when an actual power (US, UK, USSR) is backing you. Germany curbstomped you and mercifully allowed your people to live, even going as far as to put Polish jews into work camps and stop them from being parasites on Polish society.

Instead of standing with other Europeans against America's globohomo empire, you hold onto hate from something you didn't experience. I genuinely hope you enjoy getting raped by the niggers that America is going to flood your country with.
This is globohomo. Lowest or near lowest common denominator is to be extolled and seen as virtuous. Worship of the human form, we are all god. we are all satan
Germany or hopefully Russia
> you hold onto hate from something you didn't experience
Americans have no history and no culture. You'll never understand the suffering and hardships we poles endured due to Teutonic aggression. It's generational and something your tiny mutt brain cannot comprehend. Poles WILL be the center of Europe. Once we're returned our land from 1618 we will be the backbone of Europe and there will be TRUE JUSTICE.
It's Marie Antoinette (I think), that queen that was beheaded anyway
Australian wombat fucker doesn't know shit
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kill it with fire
Barbaric catholics thats the only reason. They destroyed something that was so sophisticated that it was a light to dark europe. They destroyed it with blunt force. You think there werent living Christians in al Andalus. Or blonde muslims for that matter. It was a civil war and the Muslims paid dearly for catholic barbarism.
Peak Weimar garbage, holy fuck my night is ruined. Thanks for the total disgusting jewish trash.
the guy is fucking trolling you retards
shut up, western pole. Go ram a dildo up your ass and sing the American national anthem if you like american cock so much
Well, at least you are not French.
Yeah I guess it was. Symbolic of their White past. Look what becoming a republic did to them now
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at least they're not speaking German
That is a blessing. Unironically the truth
how long before arabic is the official language of france?
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I'm surprised propaganda as cheap as this can break an anglo such as yourself. Your people's tolerance for kikery and diversity astonishes me.
The French soldiers raised the olympic flag upside down.
Is that a sign of insubordination against the event filled with dancing trannies, or does it mean surrender?
France actually has a culture and migrants adopt it. It's literally why the French foreign legion exists, retard.
This is just typical NWO disclosure, old world dies new world born blah blah blah
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>The West is a series of pathetic conquered nations ruled by jews, that are voluntarily going extinct. A more ignoble fate, the world has never seen.
The french already talk a mix of Arabic and French. Muslims dont have the tendancy to wipe out minorities like the catholics.
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What's more important is that France's Muslims have been sabotaging the trains immediately prior to the opening ceremonies, delaying 100s of thousands of riders:

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For reference the French is so insufferable cucked that our wikipedia goes out of it's way to mention anyone having any Jewish roots.
You and I both know why.
>France's Muslims
oy vey, you mean Iranian muslims
The degenerates will place their protection into equally incompetent hands until nothing can save them from good people.
Hahahahah yeah I've seen how all those niggers adopt their culture of acting like snooty assholes and drinking coffee while smoking. Such an amazing culture that might have been relevant 200 years ago. Now they're a culture of islamic rapists.
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ur president is literally a gay jew married to another man
Mutt, you've never left Arizona. Their culture is beyond your understanding.
plane vibrations gave her a semi
The EURO2024 was safe and secure by us
dont know why france let it slide that bad
u fag
>dont know why france let it slide that bad
The kraut doesn't understand art... typical day on the internet
that was the joke
You think culture = old buildings and some art made hundreds of years ago. They are no longer culturally relevant you polish retard. They are now equal to your country which has never been anything except a doormat to invading armies.
we dont understand ....
you filthy toiletcleaners have no sense for anything but shite
We admire what the French create. You only know how to ruin Europe.
>Go home and fuck your girlfriend
Uh, I seem to have misplaced mine somewhere.
>Muslims dont have the tendancy to wipe out minorities like the catholics.
Ah STFU you fucking kraut. You started two worldwars which killed more people then muslims ever did in 1400 years.
Flying the flag upside is seen as a distress call.
Many poles died in the wars. This is why god abandoned them
18 posts sperging out. no one is reading your retarded half baked thoughts
You got me

And somehow they still think they have some moral highground. The audacity
Now 20 posts of fervent truth. Go watch BBC trans femboy ladyman porn, faggot

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