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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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for gooning to her deepfake porn.
Nice job losers. Now you can't even masturbate to imaginary shit.
I'm white and charming. She wants to fuck me with her big fat ass but I would never let that happen. My heart is for someone i love.
A broken clock is right twice a day. Porn addicts aren't people.
I hope that if there is a civil war in USA, someone turns her into a sex slave.
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Who exactly is being harmed?

I beat my meat to AOC deepfakes on multiple occasions. Is she going to make it illegal to think of her in your mind, to make images in your imagination?

Its not my fault she has nice tits.
"nonconsensual deep fake pornography"

i guess it's now considered rape?

great now i have a new fetish.

post moar big tiddy choco nipple casio pics pls.
This is unconstitutional and "aoc" should be killed for treason
Even ai cp is protected.

Give a full list of sensors by state

Updated name mentioned and removed this post, see above text
From the text of the bill itself:
>(9) Because of the harms caused by non-consensual, sexually intimate digital forgeries, such digital forgeries are considered to be a form of image-based sexual abuse.

Should people in Congress even be allowed to use their position to legislate a personal crusade against something?
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You can’t stop the signal, Mal.
Womem would absolutely make it illegal for men to jack off while thinking about them if they could
show the real ones then
you whore
She didn't mention AI, only deep fakes. COOMERS UNITE!
She should be flattered that i spooge to her deepfakes, fuck that bill
I had a good fap to her yesterday, can't wait until AI makes it easy for people to make porn of whoever they want
AI is loosed on the world. You can make fantastic deepfakes on a typical home computer. Even easier to upload them anonymously to a plethora of free file sharing platforms. How exactly is this bill going to do anything? This is like gun control bills: they only stop normies who obey the law. There will be big titty AOC porn online from now until the heat death of the universe.
I mean we could still write shit like i wanna slap her saggy tits so hard that they would went over her shoulders and clap her booty?
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Don't care, still gonna do whatever I want.
The bill allows the victim of the deepfakes to sue the creator for $150,000 to $250,000.

They're making it a civil crime to discourage doing it. That's the point of the bill. Don't be a Redditor typing ignorance and read it for yourself >>475773531
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Public painted whores have no rights to privacy.
i didn’t create it, the AI created it. I also did not distribute it, the website did
Women politicians in Australia just forced this law through. If you make deepfake you are basically a rapist and going to jail for a very long time
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damn, when did tay tay do that photoshoot ?
Just look at this fst braphog pig. I would make her eat from a trough then rape her from behind while she eats her slop. Hey, it's parody and protected under free speech. They can go fuck themselves or pay me a hefty settlement if they try to prosecute me.
Then this law also should be applied to framing and other crap. I mean it is rather clear cut here but then again dont the laws say after you are a public figure or something of public interest your laws of privacy are revoked?
>Women are going to talk themselves back into the kitchen non-consensually again

This is why even if women weren't hopeless retards, matriarchy will never last. All they can do is nag until men say "fuckit" and slap a bitch.
>Taylor not so swift
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She's an uncontrollable slut that does this for free.
its bullshit and just shows that they want to legislate things that cant really be legislated

that said, AI is not the same as deepfake. True AI uses a non-existent person. If a deepfake uses a public image as it's basis then I don't see how they even legally could regulate it...if it uses a private / stolen / hacked / copyrighted image then they have something to legislate, but we already have existing laws for those situations.
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Nice. She's a fucking whore.
>oey vey goyim, we need an extensive police state
>to make sure .05% of the population isnt looking at teenager vaginas

>oey vey goyim we need to restrict use of this new ai technology
>to make sure .05% of the population isnt looking at a politican's vagina
>o-wait a second.... are you trying to trick me again?
Just because it's her face doesn't mean it is her though.
What if I'm pretending that it's somebody who looks exactly like her but isn't her?
All women are whores.
>those pixels are illegal!
This is just big gov trying to lay the foundations of a new alphabet agency so that they can control the new phenomenon that is the predictive algorithm. They'll still get to use it against you however they want, but you can't do what they do.
sounds like a violation of the first amendment
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Plus all my emma watson big boob porn
Porn addicts aren't people.
Tell her: "If it offends you, just don't look at it".
the extra fat on the face highlights how unattractive she actually is
Okay who has the copypasta of her gangrape fantasy on January 6th
>Civil actions
Oh so that's the play. Reaaaaally trying to skirt the 1st on this one
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Is this considered "porn"?
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I imagine her at a ringed iron post trying to relax and stand comfortably on a street of hard Belgian block. I am exiting a pub and burp discretely as I exhale. With vigilance she raises an glistening eye my direction. For a moment I stand there still in the growing moist of the coming night. And remembering I had a small apple in my pocket, I now roll it between my fingers and palm. As I withdraw my hand from my pocket both her eyes meet me. She appears intrigued as I raise my fist to her lips. She raises her neck in a graceful whip, and as I produce the golden fruit she then returns to my palm. First to sniff and then gently pluck the apple from my bare hand. She twists her neck suddenly to center the apple in her jaws and begins chewing. The first crunch echos off the cobbles as her teeth go to work. I run my hand from her now firm jaw down her neck and across her shoulder. With a shared contentment to end the day I begin walking home down the darkening street as the dew settles beneath my boots.
Yeah this is probably not gonna last on appeal. They just waste time and tax money and then do cocaine and fuck whores and children after hours.
DC being swallowed whole by the Potomac suddenly rising 50ft during the height of residency for the federal government would be a net benefit to earth
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Later: They killed me, Mal.
Weak glutes.
It is already illegal in Denmark. A young man got sentenced to jail for making a deepfake photoshopped porn pic of a tv show host.

Also, google 'AOC Jewish'.
The law is blatantly unconstitutional.
Another woman too stupid to realize everything she has in life is because men want to fuck her.
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I will make it porn
This is because real sex tapes of Kamala are about to drop. They will say they are fake and imprison the leaker/s.
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Luckily, the Dignify Project is here to protect women.

heres the bigger question, why would kikes pass this law, how does it benefit them and or israel?
did they pass this cause fake porn was affecting their child trafficing industry?
AOC is just a puppet being used for stuff like this
Oh I get it. Like she is a horse.
Because she has a horse face

I see, so she is a fascist
If they just banned all porn then this would be based. They aren't going to be able to enforce this law at all.
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It also just says they can sue people over it. It doesn't make it illegal.

In any case, it's unconstitutional. Especially when it's done with politicians.
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It is. Parody is 100% protected by the first amendment. No different than hiring a lookalike porn actress to be Sarah Palin in a porn or writing a satirical article about LBJ sticking his dick in JFK's bullet hole wound (both actual examples). Nothing actionable to be done without breaking the first amendment so AOC and every other celebrity can go fuck themselves. And if they don't, I can make AI where they do.
>Taylor Sloth
Man, I wish I had free speech...
Damn this one is real looking
>jews tie porn to free speech
>shabbos goy politicians outraged when technology gets advanced enough to make good deep fakes
Oh well, you faggots made your bed, time to lay in it.
Not obscenity.
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Also kek
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So it's literally toothless and unenforcable?
Oops, looks like those deepfakes were all uploaded anonymously, it's impossible to ever prosecute someone civilly LMAO
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What if dictators are a turn-on?
>A broken clock is right twice a day. Porn addicts aren't people.
The real target is deep fake satire/political commentary. Then eventually they can prosecute REAL video claiming it was deepfaked, you get arrested and have to PROVE your innocence.

Very dangerous legislation. Durbin is the same fuckwit that put forward legislation requiring EVERY vitamin and supplement be required to get FDA testing and approval before being allowed for sale.
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>What if dictators are a turn-on?
Would this be legal under the new law?
Some Russian's going to make a shitload of cash off of making deepfakes of them now, hell Putin should do it himself.
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Incorrect. See: Hustler vs Falwell. Try to define obscenity vs parody in court.
>Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell centered on a parody advertisement (Figure 1), and whether or not the First Amendment protects offensive parody when it causes emotional distress to a public figure. In 1983, the sexually explicit magazine Hustler published a parody advertisement featuring popular Christian minister Jerry Falwell, satirizing the well-known Campari advertisements of the time5. The advertisement, carefully offering a parody disclaimer at the bottom, suggested that Falwell had lost his virginity to his own mother in an outhouse.

>Despite the parody disclaimer, and listing in Hustler’s table of contents that the advertisement was fictional, Falwell sued the magazine. Falwell’s initial lawsuit was based on privacy invasion, libel based on the content of the advertisement, and “intentional infliction of emotional distress”5. Of those, the jury awarded Falwell damages only on the final charge of emotional distress, with Falwell awarded $150,000 in damages.

>Hustler Magazine, Inc. appealed the ruling to the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Hustler Magazine, Inc. argued that the parody, no matter how outrageous, was protected under the First Amendment.

>SCOTUS ruled on the case in 1988, in favor of Hustler Magazine, Inc. and support of parody based on the First Amendment. The unanimous court ruled that the protections of the First Amendment trumped protection by the state for public figures against offensive parodies, provided that the parody could clearly not be taken as truth and that the offensive speech did not contain false statements of fact featuring “actual malice”8. The ruling only covered public figures, such as Falwell, and did not address parodies of private citizens.
how the fuck do they plan on regulating this ?
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How many times do you think she absolutely power sanded her clit thinking about half a dozen burly Huwhite men kicking her office door in, seizing and binding her and then semi-violently ravishing and inseminating her?
At least 30 times is my guess.
Her poor clit probably looked like a raspberry from being finger grinded so hard with the thoughts of such a delicious forcible copulation and impregnation
You are not anonymous.
Not obscenity. There are plenty of unconstitutional things, and you defend many of them yourself.
I dont get AOC one days shes based the next shes lame.
With deep fakes abound, which only the most bottom-barrel loser could purposely jerk off to, women have plausible deniability when their nudes leak, and every woman in the world has nudes because they're all self-obsessed whores.

Deep fakes almost saved women from revenge porn. Alas, women are retarded. Either way I support their retard logic since it's diluting real porn and one day it will be impossible to tell the difference if you're cumming to a real person or some fucking GPU's machinations.
? Do you lose the thread of the conversation? What did you mean by your statement?
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Uh anon is says anonomoose right there in the name field
I'm posting this on a public library computer from tails OS on my flash drive, a library I walked 50 miles to get to, with a pebble in my shoe to obscure my gait, a mask, wig, sunglasses, and gloves.
I howled at this
You wouldn't get it. It challenges your pride.
I don't think it will get to the point where it's literally indistinguishable from the real thing, at least not anytime soon. Even HollyJew can't just put a whole naked person on screen using CG and make it look 100% real.
Fair enough, damned few people take that sort of precaution and most gooners won't be though
ill stop making deepfake porn of aoc for 39 minutes if she posts a video of her reacting to it and giving her thoughts about it
>The horror
lol, women have so much privilege it's unreal. This is a minor issue, just like everything else feminists complain about. Do women have any actual serious problems?
haha but what if AOC introduced legislation to force all men into chastity cages and their keys would go to their wife once they got married hahhaa!
I've made a ton of celebrities for the luls
She isn't stupid, making people worship her pussy is the first step the second is to make it a scarce resource even in the realm of infinite data creation. This is how women start cults/farm simps.
Supply and demand. The solution in this case is to simply not demand it. "MUH DIK" isn't the answer. Just bypass her and stop obsessing over sex (pornography included) in general.
honestly at this point if she dropped out of politics and started an Onlyfans she'd make so much more money
Well, all she had to do is to tape and release a real porn with her. That would end deep fake shit. Amrite?
Not going to make a difference at this rate. Cat is out of the bag.
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>how the fuck do they plan on regulating this ?
New DEI Supreme court Justices. Do you think the Santa Clowns would allow mockery of their Patron, Justin Trudeau?
>bothering to click every post in the thread
Are you an upset woman or something?
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>How many times do you think she absolutely power sanded her clit thinking about half a dozen burly Huwhite men kicking her office door in, seizing and binding her and then semi-violently ravishing and inseminating her?
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I prefer thick bush AOC
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>I dont get AOC one days shes based the next shes lame.
Most Women are unable to grasp of abstract principles. The decide things on an ad-hoc basis, determined by how they feel about it at that moment. Women have never faced evolutionary suvival pressures that required rationality. Giving women the vote was a terrible mistake, giving women actual policymaking power was suicidal. I can only think of one female politician worthy of high office, and she was far from perfect.
She enjoys it
Being deepfaked
>Mass replying faggot
Nothing will stop my love of latinas, nothing I tell you
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this is now a dark nipple latina thread
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mommy milkers
Russia and china will never allow aoc deepfakes to disappear from the internet!
Cum tributes are still legal. Every AOC post on every social media platform should be pics of her blasted in cum and chatter about how incredible it would be to see her hooked up to an industrial milking machine on the AY PAPI! suction setting. Semen extraction and milk production are the only things this latina titcow are good for.
True, fellow fapper, we're the innocent victims here!
Reminder they will continue to not put out while outlawing sexbots
lol all that airtime is just going to generate more and better fakes of her
Funny. That's actually the position.
Denmark is total fucking shit. It's a socialist hell-hole.
nothing personnel
1st person with the pockets to supreme court it will be legend
She wasn't even there
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I think the crux here is a parody "that clearly is not a depiction of the truth".
So if people know the fake is clearly outrageous parody - then it is protected
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More milk
>add "this is a satirical image" to every 'deepfake'.
>get sued in civil court under this law
>counter sue federal government for billions
holy shit, AOC + TF, a godly combination
How the fuck do they prove you made anything? Unless you’re an absolutely idiot it’s not hard to make and completely anonymously post things online.
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How is it any different from an artist doing a rendering? Of course they are trying to avoid such a legal battle by abusing our civil courts.
Civil courts need a far higher standard than they currently have. They are being used to ignore the constitution far too often now.
Digital ID fag, its coming.
I support this. If you're a famous person you should be able to control your likeness, you should be able to control how your image is used.

The internet is turning away from the old days where it was the Wild West and a place for weasel men to run their fuckin' mouths.
Everyday it just seems like every new law or policy is just another way to arrest, control or tax the people.
Years ago the actress Carol Burnett took a tabloid to court for stating she was an alcoholic. She won because it was not satire or parody. They were trying to state a falsehood as "truth".
Yeah, you can make deep fakes and just say it's a parody.
4chan incels don't love anyone, they are incapable of the emotion
Freedom of Expression, dick head.
Freedom of expression is a good thing.
Weasel men going on the internet and cowardly running their mouths making libelous statements and fake pornography of other people is not anything we should support.
That's a convoluted plan to get the headlines to read 'AOC deepfake AI porn'.
Yeah that's called libel and it has never been protected, the burden is quiet high and that magazine must have fucked up badly to publish something that screwed them. I am talking Rolling Stone not even checking if the bitch making up rape fantasy about being gang raped by frat boys had even gone to the school at the time, bad journalism tier
you said it yourself, its fake pornography
larry flynt already took this issue all the way to the supreme court and they ruled for the first amendment right to parody
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I actually don't think the celeb thing is the most dangerous thing about this technology. I'm old, I remember when facebook was new. I had a girlfriend I was deeply in love with and when she dumped me I saved all her pictures and I would fap and goon to her for hours a day every day. I was obsessed. I couldn't get over here, even after she moved on and got a new boyfriend. I'd jerk off to her pics. Finally, after about 6 months of this, I built up the willpower to delete all her pics.

I almost had the same kind of problem with another girl years later, but that only lasted a few weeks as opposed to months.

How the fuck are young guys supposed to deal with this now? I can take a picture of any of my ex girlfriends and make hot nudes of them with AI. It doesn't affect me much because I'm married and my ex gf's are from a long, long time ago, so I'm over them. But imagine you're obsessed with a girl and you're jerking it to literal porn of her. Dangerous territory, imo

Pic related, is my long-ago oneitus
I don't need ai. I just get her big beautiful mug up on the screen and a compilation of women dropping some noisy shits and I can blow buckets.
I wonder how legislation like this operates with regards to the United States copyright guidance from last year or whatever.
Basically said AI-generated content can't be copyrighted because it isn't considered to be the work of a human creator - but this bill holds a human accountable for AI-generated content.
Those are two irreconcilable positions.
How do bills/laws interact with copyright office decisions? Can this contradiction exist (outside of making exclusions for pornography)?
OH damn. Hell yeah
Punishment for distribution make sense, but not for reception. I get punished if I download a deepfake? What the fuck?
The normalization of porn addiction. It's in your pocket at all times now instead of at a stationary computer and during sex scenes in movies. Understand this and half of society's problems start to make sense.
I actually wouldn't even be embarrassed if I got thrown in jail for jacking off to AOC. I'm a flesh and blood man and she's a beautiful woman, of course I want to have sex with her. They would literally be arresting men for being human, they are the ones who should be ashamed in that case.
No, she went to her office instead of the designated safe area for her to go to. So some cop was assigned to retrieve her from her office and drag her ass to the safe area, to which he was probably pretty annoyed because she knew she was supposed to go there herself. So tried to play into the "I was afraid of the police" card everyone was playing around this time like she was afraid the cop was part of the Trump rebellion and was going to rape her.
This is a virtue signaling bill that has no legal standing. It's a clear violation of both the constitution and multiple cases of precedence.
>defiance act
why are americans like this
>implying itoddlers itoys aren't the most easy to track devices
damn, it's like we were calling girls in the 2000s 'whores' not because we were gay, but instead, because we foresaw what was to come. That's great

Yes, especially if you're just making things for personal use or for sharing online, not for profit.

If for profit, you get into image and likeness issues.

All this pushback is just old people and idiots who don't understand the technology. Using AI to make a fake nude picture is no different than drawing one by hand. It's just doing so with a new and different tool.
deepfake this plz
Kill yourself, Now. Do it nigger
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OK, now I'm going to masturbate to AOC deep fake porn out of principle. I don't even want to, as I find her to be an ugly, greasy, donkey-faced wetback bitch, but she's forced my hand.
Wait, is it going to be illegal to look/sound like somebody else soon? Will you automatically be in the wrong unless you're a privileged celebrity or politician?
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You have a way with words fren
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I love you bobs vagane
the sacrifices we make, brother
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I thought AOC was a woke porn starlet.
I unironically think chubby Taytay is best Taytay.
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This one is my favorite. Body proportions are extremely spot on, really looks like her. Great expressions too, guaranteed that is exactly how she fucks.
Chevron deference is how we got here. All it takes is one lawsuit and the whole house of fake and gay cards collapses.
Better hurry and make Senate deepfake orgies. ASS TO ASS!!
>This is a virtue signaling bill
Oh, that's clear. This is just a personal crusade from AOC because it's mainly of her and she can abuse her position for personal use.
Just wondering how this and the copyright thing will interact.
Laws around the world really can't keep up with technology and the old assholes legislating have zero clue what's going on.
It's all very interesting at least.
i do wonder how much of that is humble bragging
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Saved. Will fap to this later.
the problem will be being able to identify real from fakes. posting someones leaked sex tape isn't a crime, but if it's a deepfake it becomes one?
I think she secretly gets horny thinking about this stuff.
Supreme Court will overturn it.
She's cute Anon, but I'm glad you were able to move on to a better life.
>A federal bill that would allow victims of nonconsensual sexually explicit deepfakes to sue people who create, share and receive them has unanimously passed the Senate and now moves to the House for a vote.

Neat, you can generate a picture and send it to someone and then sue that person.
Anyone have Bezos' email address?

>Even ai cp is protected.
The PROTECT Act still exists and technically makes any image that one could confuse for CP illegal.
The FBI has been careful to not prosecute anyone under it but use it as an excuse to raid homes because they don't want the courts to strike it down.
A few months ago after Florida (I think that was it) had a case where they declared a man downloading pictures of children and using AI to make them nudey pics was guilty of making CP.
The FBI has now said they are using that as precedent to go after people, and want Congress to make a specific law that enables this so they don't have to use case law.
Even though as stated, the Protect act exists, they're just afraid of losing it if they get caught abusing it.
Nice 1st amendment you got there
Funny thing is, she could start an "AOC Deepfake" onlyfans and just make a shitload of porn money while claiming it isn't her, so there's no repercussions in her official capacity.
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Let’s meme her out of politics so she has to do onlyfans. It’s against the constitution to limit what we can goon to! It’s freedom of expression! Hopefully Thomas whacks her stupid law down with his BBC. Why does everything always have to get more shitty? And why are our freedoms always being eroded? These faggots should be giving us more freedoms, not taking freedoms away- especially if they’re guaranteed by the constitution.

Don’t like freedoms? Move to the UK or Cuba or whatever
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My favorite
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Hasn't she been the primary focus of deepfakes?
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Are we going to have to go in cemeteries to cover statues?
well I honestly think the fact that I gooned to her pics made the breakup that much worse. If deepfake AI had existed back then who knows how long it would have taken to get over her.
probably sticks her tongue out like that
The only human side is the series of prompts you give to a machine?
Perhaps they want this legislation to intimidate AI providers/ hosts into shutting down access to the public.

Would this image be illegal?
Open mouth, tongue out?
You realize it will get banned on /pol/ too.
Housing cost through the roof
The expanding divide between rich and poor
etc. etc.

Nope, this is more important to little miss pea brain.
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Cope harder boomer
Google knows everything about you.
Apple makes hardware.
Literally everyone who works at Checkpoint, the best VPN/Firewall company in the world, uses an iPhone.
this is a good point. What if an AI bot decided on its own to start generating deepfakes of everyone on the internet?
She deserves gravity-stricken flapjacks, with rolls partially obscuring herpes-stricken beef curtains for being such an insufferable cunt about fake porn.
Just ban all pornography, simple as
kek, we need more Sowell speaking 'wisely' in ebonics memes
They are trying to watermark all ai imagery
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I'm having trouble differentiating which one of the images are AI and which are the real thing.

Do you think AI has done some weird sex photo shoot and she wants to ban it as if it's AI?
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I want to weight her goodness in my hands like it melts into my hands and the meat wants to fill the cracks, but if i would have had four hands i would press them into that because they are so soft.
You belong to a dying race of cucked out cowards that have lost everything. Nothing you can say will ever top that.
btw it isn't a legal thing
They want to pass a bill that gives people the right to open up a civil case for the "damages"
How they would even come up with a number for the financial damage is beyond me
Them banning porn, could you image the cascade it would cause? All the coomers without porn? All that wild drive? We would be orbiting Jupiter in 50, maybe 25 years.
They need it for control.
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Too late for that.
There's too much tech available to be run locally on consumer grade hardware.
That ship has set sail long ago. Even if they tried right at the beginning, I doubt it would have stuck.

in other words every faggot (((republican))) voted yes over this absolute nonsense while they're all simultaneously working to take your guns away
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AOC probably drenches her panties watching this. She's embarrassed at how much it turns her on so she is trying to make it illegal kek
Literally impossible. Porn is what causes sexual arousal.
The problem is prevalence and addiction.
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You REALLY want to piss AOC off?, put her in a dress, with 7 children around her, looking at hubby Trump with love in her eyes.
need more of her and greta
need her in bukkake
i'd agree but assholes keep shopping Greta to look like at troll. we need less of that
Under current US law?
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I dunno we had a math teacher that was rather ment for university, his son also won a million euros on "schlag den raab".


Once there was an equation on the board, the only ones that saw a certain rhythm in that was a nerd that really stunk, a playboy, and me.
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Homie, every woman born after 1980 has copious amounts of nudes.
Say what you will about porn
They doing their best to make sure we keep our guns and free speech.
I think she needs a bit more recognition in some professional sense, i like bernie sanders.

I would fuck the shit out of her. I like interesting women.
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You can tell this is posted by a faggot or a woman/hag, because the entire premise of the post is that that a man is somehow worthless if he is not giving a female attention.
Nothing you say can top the fact that niggers are inferior and always be and nothing you can say will top the fact that faggotry is wrong, fags are pedophiles, women don't belong in politics and Jews are inbred idiots pretending to be smart when in reality there no different than conniving sand niggers
>He said, when there have been numerous breaches of security from all fronts and companies.
You are the blackest gorilla nigger there has ever been. Saying apple is safe is like saying the screen door on the submarine is better than none at all.
They sell you the illusion of safety.
>T. Posted from templeOS
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>what is a cock cage
Those boobs belong there, you cant rip them off. They will slowly make everything else better.
Imagine if they deepfaked your mother. It's easy to understand.
She is like the substance from where a weight class is defined.
I would say that is a goat in rather her own terms or his terms. You either become the thing or you are not innit.
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this bitch got an OF?
I didn't think anyone would care faggot.
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Fuck you ((((alien)))). It was done out of information age warfare.
Rest Assured.
Gross fake tits
This is a dangerous precedent because it opens up the capability of false accusations to happen that would need 0 proof in a civil court, it also opens up the possibility of feds locking you up and being "unable to show the evidence"
>The Defiance Act would give victims the ability to sue anyone who creates, shares or receives nonconsensual sexually
So if it gets posted, and you save it...
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checked and literally burned orange man
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>"unable to show the evidence"

OR tossing out all images and video "evidence" because it can be proven to be easily faked.... with AI, images and video SHOULD NOT be admissible as evidence
why i would want to see some jewess naked
sounds like torture
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They're rock hard, she even presses on them and they don't move
>anime poster is fucking retarded
many such cases
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Stand in my way if you dare.
Not an anime poster, but a vtumor poster.
Most people here lack almost as much introspection as blue team.
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Uhh yes because that is literally rape.
No this is mental illness
>Today the supreme court ruled bans on "deep-fake" pornography are laughably unconstitutional.
>In other related news, so called "Loli" deep fakes...
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Sharing and talking about this dumb thick zoomer latina bitch I know with based anons who wanna abuse AOC

Jerstenz on kik or anoyzesy on disc
>stop sexualizing women
>delete my face
women are cunts jus be honest
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>going to jail for jerkin' off to fake porn
>We just got one step closer to finally being able to jail you for thought crime.
yay... thoughts are dangerous you know...
I have hundreds of gigs of deep fake porn, including 3 videos of AOCs face super imposed on Eva Angelina's body while getting deeply assfucked by big white cocks. I'll just spam that shit all over her X accounts if this retarded law actually passes.
suck my dick, man.
>Women most affected
You know emma's folder is big titty emma porn is like several times larger then yours friend.
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>tag the cattle
what is a stampede for 100, Alex.
>Now you can't even masturbate to imaginary shit.
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>Uhh yes because that is literally rape
In the eyes of the woman, it sort of is. While they do physically enjoy sex with gigachad, to them it is mostly still a transactional act. They'll deny that they're whores till they die but they'll happily fuck some ugly ass Danny DeVito looking motherfucker if it means they can profit of his millions of shekels. Same principle with OnlyFans, entire tribes of women have no problems with jeets and neckbeards gooning to their content as long as they are financially compensated for it. But take away that compensation and that's when they would consider a someone just *thinking* about sexing her as literal rape.
shoulda gave her a fatter clam
it's weird because I always assumed this would be classified as sexual harassment or harassment in general. the way they classified it is a little strange.
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>In the eyes of the woman, it sort of is
That's the joke
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so how close can you get
>Stick figure with an arrow posting to it that says "AOC"
>Photorealisitc deepfake

How close can you get before it becomes illegal?
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Lad's I don't think I'm racist anymore
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is this illegal?
If not, what point between this and a photorealistic depiction is still legal?
I can't believe you'd rape a politician like this you sick fuck
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I hate this cunt
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"look at that latinas fat aaaass, look at that big juicy bootyyy"
I have hundreds. Come get me bitch.
Wrong nigger. If i look at my clock twice in my entire day working, once near lunch time around 11Am and it says 12PM and i take my lunch early on mistake, it was fucking WRONG. If i look at it a second time when i think it's time to close up shop and close my shop at 4PM instead of 5PM and miss an entire hour of last minute walk in rush sales and revenue, THAT CLOCK WAS WROOOOOOOONG AGAIN YOU STUPID NIGGER!!
This is a cucked and leftwing position. I dont look at deepfake porno at all and still agree that it’s a forst amendment right. Lets hope this law gets challeneged.
>stable diffusion fakes BANNED
>photoshop fakes are fine
lel, clown world. How does this stand up in court?
She absolutely knows liberal commie simps are making this ART
We will have Kamala getting anal from 4 DJTs in ultra 32k HD XD
Don't care. Porn addicts aren't people.
when are you transitioning?
that means you are wrong, not the clock...
AI bankrupts the porn jews retard
>entering part of timeline where to ultimate act of rebellion is posting porn.

I just knew I had a special destiny!
what a bitch
It will be struck down in the courts. Fight for your right to coom to fake pictures, and then use the money you gain from the lawsuit to mass-produce exclusively AOC porn

They tried this with parody porn back in the 80s too
I make a tool, to do one thing. If it fails to do one fucking thing, it fails not me. My tool is MEANT to always tell the correct time for WHEN I LOOK AT IT YA DUMB NIGGER.
Aw man I really like that one where they use the chick with the livestream format... was well done. RIP mrdeepfake
>We can't have fun things
I'm not a porn addict, so I won't be.
you sure do think like a woman though

She can certainly try.
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What if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
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Let's play the broken clock game. You pick a time of day, write it on a paper, i come over with a gun, and if it doesn't match the time i arrive at, i get to blow your head off because you, a broken clock, weren't right.
I have never met anyone so retarded they didn't understand how the statement makes sense. You must be a nigger
I call out porn addicts. It's more like I'm an adult.
"No the machine's the hospital were using are not defective. The machines that were keeping the plaintiff's son alive came back on twice. After the child died."
Tell me what tools you use that you allow to fail. Ever used jack stands? Do you allow those to fail? Do you allow a safety harness to fail?
"My retarded great great great great great grandmother said some stupid shit and now everyone says it so it must be true".
Get fucked nigger. Your line of thinking is where the term nigger rigged comes from.

If Trump wins I hope he gets this image put on the $20 bill.
I hope this is the one she saw.
I don't think her ass is that big
The only reason women seethe over deepfake porn is because they aren’t making money off it
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Make all males in deepfake porn Black, so when they complain how "Ugly and dehumanizing' it is they will be accused of being 'racist'
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king post
trying to get us shut down I see
black and jewish, just like my hentai
>fentanyl epidemic getting worse
At least they can admit womens' only value comes from their clothes being off.
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Reminder that this is NOT a fake.
>AI generated nudes are the same as child porn
>1 eye staring at the camera breaking the 4th wall
>Other eye staring 180 degrees at the floor
>google knows everything about you
>shills and even more closed off ecosystem

You are just pretending to be dumb right?

Standard Android is a privacy nightmare but IOS is even worse because you can't change almost any of it.

With Android you can replace the OS or at least change many settings to be more private.

With IOS you get nothing.

>inb4 viruses

Nope now there are tons of viruses for IOS, you are only safe through competence and that works just as well for android.
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Do you think she likes to titty fuck?
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top jej
This is literally just all the politicians, as a class, retaliating against the people. Every single last one of these people is a worthless piece of shit.
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