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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I’ve barely paid attention to Trump and Vance, but even I can see all the heat going the VP hopeful’s way lol
You can’t be vice president if you suck on weiners
A man, a couch and a dolphin walk into a room…
Kamala posting astroturfing campaign
Kamala is a nigger jeet who humps pillows
Is there any proof he’s a sword swallower? He’s got a wife and kids
Incredible digits
Vance is soft
>trump supporter
>I’ve barely paid attention
Only MIGA trannies refer to themself as "Trump supporters" here
hes obviously a glownigger or mossad controlled asset or some kind of globohomo faggot pulling the "HELLO FELLOW MAGAPEDES" routine
hes YoungPence
he is a gun to Trumps head
Im convinced Israel made him pick this guy via assassination attempt
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>But whatabout the Democrats!!!
>Democrats are bad too so akshually is ok if republikikes suck Jew cock
How would it benefit Israel tho? Wouldn’t Israel want someone like trump in power?
Listen to him speak he is a faggot
He married a poo, faggots love poop. He is pushed by faggot Peter Theil. The Israelis love him because he is easy to blackmail.
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Any questions?
I haven’t met a single person that likes him. He’s alienating to every group, anyone supporting him is coping because they’re trying to convince themselves he’s good because the opposition hates him
>gays don’t like him(in the closet + hates gays)
>women don’t like him(childless woman hater)
>straights don’t like him
>evangelicals don’t like him
>Catholics don’t like him
>hillbillies don’t like him
>non-hillbillies don’t like him
>racists hate him
>anti-racists hate him
>atheists hate him
>religious people hate him
>neverTrumper RINOs hate him
>anti-RINOs hate him
>his own state hates him
>national voters hate him
>Trump hates him
He needs to go
The Constitution accomplished this by only allowing land owning males the right to vote.
>Implying you have to fuck a roastie to own land
Pretty much this.
He’s scaring the hoes, gotta just tell him to stay quiet and bring his wife with him everywhere to minimize the incel accusations
No idea, but all the right people seem to despise the guy.

1. Trump is a white guy, and Vance is also a white guy, yet both of them are cucks about white people, so the Trump/Vance ticket gets all the negatives of an all-white duo without any of the pro-white positives the right would hope for.

2. Vance is not well-known on the right, and he isn't attractive or well-spoken enough to be vaulted into this position.

3. He wears guyliner and thought (thought?) he was gay as a kid. He seems to be pro-LGBTQ like Trump, so despite having 2 white males we have 0 anti-lgbtq.

4. The things he has said only appeal to a small part of the party, and most of those people are already firmly on trump's side. He simply doesn't appeal to anyone who was undecided. Meanwhile moderates and democrats don't like the stuff he says at all, so he's driving independents and moderates towards the Dem side
The obvious implication was if you are successful enough to own land you would attract a woman to marry. The point still stands only land owning males should vote, if you want to stay single or your wife dies you would still qualify.
Trump married a slavic womand and vance and asian woman.
Yeah, what's with the eyeliner shit? I'd expect something like this from Trudeau.
He is more shabbos than even Trump
see his views on Iran, Palestine, and Israel and get back to me
Yes, it’s a low IQ interpretation of “voters should have a stake in society.” People that agree voters should have a stake hate this position, people that think there should be no limits on voting(most voters) hate this position. Vance is wrong about everything I have seen him speak on. He was disqualified in my mind when his first impulse after the shooting was to blame Biden personally

I agree, but replacing Vance following all the negative coverage plays heavily to Trump’s advantage, it satisfies literally everyone, turns the focus from Kamala, and sends the message he is willing to listen to feedback. All he has to do is pick a woman that can’t be attacked. Manchin would be a strong pick I think, but it would be better to choose an accomplished woman
It's the faggot groypers. They like getting raped by muslims
Where in the constitution does it say that? Protip: It doesn't and never did.
Trump was pushed by Peter Thiel in 2016. You've been spam Thiel everywhere since Vance was named and absolutely none of you disingenuous faggots would acknowledge that historical fact.
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he's white and is concerned about the interests of whites
Historically you needed children to work the land unless you were rich and cold afford slaves.
The problem with Trump's VP process is that he seems to only pick based on two factors, loyalty and the (lack of) ability to outshine Trump himself. There's way better canidates out there for sure but they have to be nothing but loyal to Trump and they can't be TOO competent either to outshine him. He can pick a good VP canidate but that'll require letting go of his ego to do so and that's gonna be really hard.
this is correct thoughever.
voting should be per family, where 1 vote = man+wife and 3 children.
not married, no vote.
married, 0.25 votes + 0.25 per child
>Trump married a slavic womand and vance and asian woman.
damn trump married all three? He really his our little lgbt+yrant
He puts his dick where it doesnt belong and brags about it.
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>kamala astroturf
do you polcels ever NOT cry?
>someone disagreed with me! It must be a conspiracy
Shut up chud, people are turning over to Mala
Mala is brat
Mala is brat
Malais brat
Politics is downstream of culture, which is a large part of why people excuse or even accept Donald Trump's oddly-phrased statements or slightly-out-of-mainstream shtick. Trump had a a pre-existing, multi-decade relationship with everyone via popular culture. JD Vance comes out of nowhere, and so the only thing people know is the weird shit. He has Trump's foibles, but without putting in the the 40+ years of work to become Donald Trump in the eyes of the culture.
A classic mistake.

Personally? I neither like nor hate him, but I think it's weird that he changed his name twice.
The first time, I get: his father was awful, and he was rebelling against dad and tradition.
So I understand that. But a second time?
I wonder if he'll change it a third time when he is kicked off of the ticket?
You're a thirdie.
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The whole #brat thing was an existing marketing aglo manipulation program. And mildly successful. And then this childless slut needs to suck it off and use it as a stepping stone. She distilled and displayed her entire career in only 34 hours of her campaign. It is an embarrassment, Joe works hard for 50 years and gets pushed out for this.
You're an idiot. Thiel is Vance's handler and #1 financier. There's a world of difference between being backed by someone, and someone being your master with a leash around your neck
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He did great. But his job is done now
Vance is hated by the Republican establishment and terrifies the Democrats largely for the same reason. He is anti neocon (to a point, of course he says bizarre shit about Israel and Iran- go figure) and he is also an economic populist, he want the top to stop sucking money out of the people. He is also staunchly anti immigration. Trump could be surrounded by much worse like Pence, Pompeo, Haley, or even that Burgum guy who is total neocon and buddies with Bill Gates. They want to get rid of Vance and replace him with somebody like Haley.
He also hates single people because he's a psychopath.
Why? he probably would have coasted to victory. Why didnt they have an actual primary then?
>”I am a never Trumper”
>JD Vance
The D is for ‘Deepstate’
no one cares
it's a disinfo campaign to try and gaslight voters, very simple
pro-democrat grassroots groups are pulling out all the stops because they know they're in deep shit
Kammy HaHa cannot win this election on her record so it's gonna be astroturfing everywhere until November
remember: they do it for free!
The vp's job on the campaign is to stand back and have small money raising campaigns where you talk about the president, his agenda and how you're planning to help him fulfill it.

This faggot can't help to be the center of attention, in less than a week he has sucked the air around Trump in the worst possibly way
they can't just come out and say "trump is bad and you shouldn't vote for him" even though that's what the tranny shills actually mean. so instead they have to pretend that the campaign has somehow been "soured" or ruined by vance being the vp nominee. even though, at worst, people are totally indifferent to this pick, and at best, like that he is an actually articulate and persuasive voice added to the campaign.
they think if they throw the word "nigger" or "kike" in their posts, they'll convince all of us to go along with what their social media managers want us to think.
it's not working
Lots of reasons
>Vance brings nothing to the ticket. Pence helped with Evangelicals. Rubio would have helped with Hispanics. Burgum would have helped with Haley boomers.
>Vance said "Trump is America's Hitler"
>Vance insulted childless women
>Vance said "people without kids have less of a voice than people with kids.'
So basically he is a net negative. He brings nothing to help, and he hurts Trump at the same time.
Because glowies fear him
Or people are single and don't want to be taxed more and be stripped of their political rights by this fatheaded communist faggot.
>Or people are single and don't want to be taxed more and be stripped of their political rights by this fatheaded communist faggot.
Bro, it's totally MAGA that you pay for while Shaniqua with 7 kids pays less. And with those kids she deserves a louder voice in America than you or me.
You has an ethnic wife and mixed race children, and he called Trump Hitler. Basically, he will just not be productive.
If he was a threat to MAGA, he wouldn’t be so shilled against.
He would be championed in the media
you already get a tax credit for having kids you stupid FUCKING NIGGER
So how is what vance is talking about different from the current tax policy in america
i'll give you a minute to check your word document filled with talking points
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You’re being just a little contrarian there comrade, could lead to divisiveness. The facts are that he stepped down (which is a good thing) and now Kamala has been presented to us. I assure you that she will continue the good work biden started, we appreciate your concern though. I’m gonna need you to stay on track here, you’re concerns are noted
Obviously disingenuous concern troll shill campaign
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He's a younger, more relatable version of Trump. They know he will inherit MAGA and he can carry that banner for decades into the future. Plus as a marine he has the military background to become the American Caesar they all fear. Having his own personal NSA by way of Palantir probably doesn't help either.
He said people who don't have kids should have to pay more in taxes than they currently do ON TOP OF THE CHILD TAX CREDIT.
THE REAL REASON is it doesnt matter who trump picked he would be hated and literally the worst
its that simple
the DNC knows that the only way to win is by cheating and scaring their mindless goyim
He is a Peter Thiel shill for the 1000th time you stupid normalfag.
All of the above and the fact that’s he’s likely a rat. He shit talked Trump all the way up until he needed his support for his senate seat. He’s effectively the a white male Kamala
He isn't inheriting shit you shill.
No taxation without representation, idiot. It's what the entire revolutionary war was fought over.
also gonna selffag here to post that hes trumps insurance policy now
if trump dies this crazy kike gets to be president
Yeah I hate how the Republicans do that not saying I'm not somebody who thinks in traditional terms but as a young male it's not effective messaging to put up some cringe nerd with ugly Indian wife as if this is what you have in store for me. Tulsi would have made the ticket COOL, this JD dude seems like an incel and is not a good public speaker, doesn't carry himself with assuredness.
ngl the guy is kind of weird
I'm starting to think there's something great about this guy if shills are that assblasted by him
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What a thoughtful and inspiring comment.
nice digits, checked. i wouldnt know desu it looks like he wears eyeliner but beyond that no idea, would have to ask the troons why hes bad.
Wrong order, the calculus for the parties who want war changed after the Vance pick, b/c he's already in the war camp. The pick itself happened because $$$ threatened to hit downballot races
Flies too close to the target
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Nobody cares about the VP, nobody.
Except when I voted for Sarah Palin. She was running against a nigger though.
People are asked to wear the silly hat when visiting holy sites in Jerusalem. It's considered courteous. The faithful and even the non religious seem to have strong responses to holy sites. Particularly if they aren't npcs. It can be a powerful experience and the memory can affect actions for a long time. I'll never mock a Christian for visiting a holy site in Israel. It's pathetic to attack them really. The only reason to defend Jewish control of the area is because sand niggers destroy everything that's not Islam.
>peter theil
back to r/politics faggot
gay + hick (you can be one or the other but not both), fat, numale beard, nevertrumper, big tech whore, Israel simp, 5'7 (probably not but it's sticking)
He's not. You're getting flooded with fed bot farms and NAFo faggots, deep state despises him
looks like he's wearing makeup, acts like a chud in real life (can only get away with this if you are a chad)
Nah, he's said some retarded stuff. Like being sympathetic towards federal action being taken to stop woman from wanting to leave their state to get an abortion. Limiting people's travel because you don't like why they're traveling is topretard and the dude can get fucked. Only a shortsighted pleb thinks that's sound policy and won't backfire immediately.

He's a snake. I'm not voting for him.

I don't care what he says, because I know he can't be trusted. He's a traitor to his own. There is no point even listening to a snake.
For you it's in the 15th amendment
It's the same group of trannies posting "I'm a republican but I'm voting for kamala" posts. Their base of operations is /ugh/.
Vance is a self hating Israel First bomb Iran Palinter mole turbo goy Yale spook who was colonized by his Indian wife.

Palinter is a CIA front whose nigger jew CEO boasts about engaging in spying and political warfare operations to prevent White Europeans from getting the right wing governments they want and need because jews think they can dictate the way Whites live.

Vice president Palinter was a terrible choice as assassination insurance because VP Palinter is to the left of Trump and not an nationalist by any stretch of the imagination.

To remain in power, Trump should have picked someone further to the right than himself with no connections to USIC, Private "Intelligence" Contractors, or our greatest parasite Israel. Doing so would have eliminated any benefit for the cabal to hit Trump, again.

Trump will now be vulnerable to assassination and political warfare throughout his entire term. USIC is already priming the public for another Fentanyl Floyd negro grievance color revolution. So we're going to get the 2020 playbook of election fraud and South African style kill the Boer politics led by jews all over again.
do they realize like theres no one thats like that IRL? just like noone irl cares about vance. like we all dont just live online right? to push so hard to change the perception of online circles that wont matter in the end will be their folly.
The optics cucks fear JD because the left is saying mean things about him.

>OMG, he said childless middle aged hags are ruining our society, that means he hates all wamxn. Please get rid of JD, he's making us look bad.
That's actually a good policy. Parasites with no connection to the future shouldn't be allowed to ruin our country.

Also, dunking on shitty cat ladies was good too. The jewish psychological attack feminism has ruined the Anglosphere, Europe, and Japan.
the same reason kamala is "loved", because they're getting paid
they've learned attacking trump is counterproductive, so they're attacking vance
goal in this election has nothing to do with anything but making the libtards shidd and fard and piss themselves because le orange man will took dere freedums for four more years. that's it. everybody should be voting against those people specifically, and that means voting for trump
>Also, dunking on shitty cat ladies was good too.
All the optics cucks are freaking out over that because leftists are now saying that Republicans hate all women.
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He's a kike lover who bred with a shitgolem.
So it doesn't say anything in the constitution about only land-owning males being allowed to vote?
Also, I own land. More than 99% of the US population. My stake in the economy plays very little to do with that. Especially realizing that very few of my people (whites) will be able to own land in the very near future so all these out-of-touch policy makers can get fucked. Owning 1/8th of an acre in a subdivision on a mortgage isn't "owning land" and if we are going to value people's opinion based on land then gooks and billionaires will be the only people with a voice.
All of the comments the shitlibs are mad about are totally fine and a good thing. He is being rejected by pol for being insufficiently nativist/nationalist.
>asian woman
Shitjeets are neither Asian nor human.
Kek that pic
I think it’s that plus actual Trump supporters who lean towards Vance significantly hurting the ticket.
Because he doesn't add a single voting demographic to the ticket.
Yeah let's give blacks and hispanics the vote and strip it from whites and Asians...
what could go wrong
Btw from what I know:
>couch fucker
>raised by meemaw
>fat manlet nechbeard
>used to be against trump
>loves israel as much as trump does
its /pol/, and if thats the case so is trump. baby steps, yuri said it takes the same amount of time the conversion occurred unless you cull people. you seem suspicious, or overpassionate.
meant to be a use to make them more moderate
obviously pulls some salt
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Checked, he was a lib retard when he was younger and woke up after seeing the fruits of such ideology. Many such cases.
He's not Pence, and that's for sure and food.
Because Shareblue has a new script. And because dude wants war with Iran, on our blood, to Israel's gain.
>why Vance is hated so much?
He is apparently a big threat to them, that is why they have launched a 24/7 vitriolic attack on him. When they react like that you know it is because they are scared.
>the government needs to step in and ban people from traveling from their state to seek medical procedures that are banned in their state
>I think only people with kids should be allowed to vote
These are some incredibly stupid policies no who you are.
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>Voting for Trump
Not til he dumps Israel, chud
Only npcs need a reason to not trust a man whos face looks demonic and evil as this dude.
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>Can any trump supporter here explain to me why Vance is hated so much?

ANYONE Trump chose would be hated.
All anyone has done is repeat things he's said or supported. It's not like someone is lying about him raping them. It's not an attack on someone's character to play samples of things he's said or retype things hes written, fucknuts.
yeah its def only samples of exactly what he said and supported and not overblown hyperbolic hysteria and malicious brigade of outright lies and gaslighting.
better start learning spanish then
He gives women the ICK and Trump can't afford that if he wants to win the suburban voters he lost in 2020.
Lol. He said the things he said and all that is needed is for people that didn't hear the first time he said it to hear it now and the cringe flows. The guy is a fucking douchebag that thinks him and his buddies should be telling everyone what they need to be doing so they can more easily profit off us. Just like the democrats.
You can look up the exchanges yourself. It's honestly amazing that people support this fag. He will be axed in a week and you nerds will be like "yea I never liked him either". You bandwagoning dickhead.
The democrat party has no platform other than South African style Kill the Boer politics. They wouldn't even have a party if the republicans had prevented them from flooding our country with non-White and morons. The entire me-too and feminism movement is about empowering their coalition of demoralized childless cat ladies, anti-White anti-Christian jews, Blacks who hate White people, and Mexicans and various other aliens.

They are mining out everything Vance ever said that is bad about women so they can try to capture some of the share of the White female vote. To counter this Vance should talk about women being deprived of motherhood and crime against women driven by the endless invasion of aliens. These are problems that can be quantified.

The childless cat ladies would rather be victimized by crime and impoverished than vote for someone who once said something they don't like, they are part of the problem. The Trump campaign should not be pandering to their political enemies.
I swear everyone in this thread has stuck their dick between couch cushions or similar when you were 13. I’m pretty sure everyone has also seen that dolphin WebM.
They've been doing it for a decade to no avail. They're clearly brain damaged.
I want all of the blacks and Mexicans expelled from our country and kicked off of social services.
they got nothing anymore. hoping to cash-in on his faggot eyeliner and that's about it.
And you will eat solid poop and when someone asks why you're eating pieces if shit you will point to someone drinking diarrhea instead of just not eating shit like everyone else.
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>stuck their dick between couch cushions

No, I'm a realist. Trump has capitulated to the Israel lobby and the GOP. His first government was insufficiently right wing and his new government is explicitly zionist and israel first while telling his White voting base they want to bring infinity Indians and Chinks into the US "legally." The GOP will saddle the White man with the bill for their genocide and Greater Israel project while spitting in our faces. Our government has been completely hijacked on both sides by jews.
Because you are a horny middle school kid? I did all sorts of weird shit with my dick at my age and I’d be willing to bet you did too.
He said childless cat ladies don’t care about the future of the country
Protip: I hate both parties. They are both cancer.
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nice digits. he doesn't add anything that Trump doesn't already have, besides appealing to techbros. We need a VP that appeals to moderates, not one that turns them away.
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>I did all sorts of weird shit with my dick

I had cousins like every normal family does
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jews stole the idea of waring a kippah from Catholics in the 1600s and it became mainstream for them to blend in with the idea of them looking pious around serfs in Europe. before they only had head scarves until they did mental gymnastics to "loop hole God" more rather then using it as a show of respect.
>pic rel, the man who helped drive out the rest of the jews in Poland in the 80s
Catholics have been doing it for like 1500 years.
It’s funny because it’s true. Also, those people would never vote for Trump anyway, and the ones that would are going to regardless.
He's a racemixer. I vote for Trump because he's "America First."

Vance is not America First. Is he willing to deport his wife and children?
>All he has to do is pick a woman that can’t be attacked.
yeah you're done buddy
pack up the computer cause you're so far gone from reality that you've become a leftist

women can't be leaders
women have only ruined countries they lead
look at europe

if you want a female vp or president you should be shipped off to africa with the rest of the low iq niggers that are here
They why is it surprising that Vance is just another over-educated closeted homosexual that wants to rule from the shirt-rack of Peter Theil? Both parties are led by opportunistic assholes that pay lipservice to social issues they themselves created out of thin air through media-marketing. Neither side has kept a promise my entire life except for bush "we are going to war".
i mean if he would be vp yeah he and his buddies would and should be telling everyone what they need to be doing. i dont get your take it seems not from this community superstructure.
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>Vance is just another over-educated closeted homosexual
The purpose of the executive fucking branch of the government isn't to tell everyone what they need to be doing, niggercattle. Holy shit. We are the fucking bosses. They are the workers. Not the other way around.
Its his mothers comment. He is pulling the female vote out from under the demons hooves.
80% are lemmings, they need leaders and representatives to follow or they just create chaos.
There's something fundamentally off-putting about Vance, he comes across as a gay, terminally online millennial who's overcompensating, everything about him is literally fake and gay.

Trump is winning no matter what, it's already decided, at this point it's just a show.
Who cares if people are "lemmings"? That doesn't make any sense in the context of Vance being another ideologue that would further erode peoples rights for his misguided and intellectually flat-flatlined beliefs. All of these people always fuck up then say, after giving themselves immunity, " I tried". If you don't give them the power that isn't even granted to them to begin with we don't have to deal with their chaos.
a bunch of lefties larping as Trump supporters are trying to say we hate him
basically JD was supposed to debate Kamala, the VP. Kamala refused, since she knew he would out-talk her. Kamala is easily flustered. She feared him. JD isnt the most charismatic guy, but he can speak in the public and he is hard to fluster (mainly because the guy feels secure enough to be an open book about all his shameful lowpoints in live, pun unintended). So he would have ate Kamala for breakfast.
Kamala CANT fucking hold a public speech without fucking up. She is the Democratic version of Jeb Bush.

Now that Kamala will debate Trump (who feels neutered compared to his 2016 run), JD is no longer an issue. But because of Trump obviously winning the debate against Biden and surviving a murder, he is currently untouchable. Plus people are afraid of the immigrants and are sick of an apple costing 5$, so he is seemingly in the right.
Which leaves JD as the weak link, since he made his private life public to everybody. But cant be public about it since it would be seen as bullying. So Astroturfing it is.

Atleast thats my view as an outsider.
all politicians will do that i dont get your point, thats their job. arent you authoritarian centrist like the rest of this nazi board?
>/pol/ only has one opinion
After everything Trump went through his first term I thought we were going to get a more hostile further to the right punished Trump who is ready to wage total political and cultural war. Instead he appears to have sold out completely. He is going to be the less bad option and not much more than that, which will inhibit his own base from showing up for him.

Trump's jewish political enemies ruin our country at top speed and Trump responds by ruining our country at a slower pace while shilling for Israel, instead of directly countering his opponents and their policies and empowering his voting base. He is ever constantly ceding ground.

Everyone is hoping for a leader to emerge that is going to do what is right before the system collapses but it doesn't look like that is going to happen.
>can any Trump support explain the non stop shilling I am susceptible to even though I know it exists
are people really this dumb I just assume it's more shilling but you never know
tbf you are the delusional one for thinking that you would get some meme like punished trump ever with any outcome. timeline is way longer than that. liek 40-60 yrs
Half of my boomer family are glowniggers and even they are disenfranchised. Our politicians don't represent even themselves anymore. It's so out in the open what is going on. Playing into these "better by association" games presented to us is wearing thin.
I've been on this shithole site and other boards since I was in HS and at not point was there this amount of faggoted lock-step shilling by anyone before the ecelbs started carrying water for MSM directing the lemmings here and to other places.
The idea of self-determination is defunct in the current zeitgeist and all of these politciand are the media men sportsball-posting the landslide and ARE NOT leaders at all.
They told him who not to pick too:
>Thomas (Massie)
>Matthew (Gaetz)
>Crooks (from Crooked with love)
It's very obvious. Combined with the whole "staple visas to college degrees" rhetoric, they intend to import all of India. Sorry, just not voting for that.
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>>couch fucker
>if you are successful enough to own land you would attract a woman to marry.
>he doesn't know
He isn't. It's just the usual plants and other assorted morons on here posting demoralization threads
When Trump capitulates and fails to apply the mandate his supporters gave him in 2016, 2020, and 2024, it's going to further disenfranchise Whites to the extent that our country will probably never recover. You're going to see a total rejection of the federal government coming from a large share of the political right unlike anything our country has ever seen. This is the demographic that fights and wins wars.

If you want to see where the country is at, track the White Male military recruitment numbers to see if anyone is buying into your bullshit. They are going to continue to go down even if Trump gets elected.
He's not that hated, stop believing everything you hear on CNN.
Obama let slip by him the mechanisms in which we are currently reeling from. Hope that was dashed.
Hate that was fake.
Healing through coercing people to get a fake vaccine.
Grow a spiteful division
Couch your surprise that nothing changes.
checkd. i heard he is pro russia so fuck him
good lets do it. i just dont see an explosive moment, so instead it will take 2 generations. there is not 1 leader right now that could provide what you want there.
>Shills got full in that Kamala is winning.
>Shilling for day, no one buys it
>Quick! Shill against Vance!!!
We have over 20 anti Vance shilling threads. You faggots aren’t fooling anyone but tourists and other shills.

HH: Herb and Hide
You're the tourist if you think voting for some big tech-cia aligned closeted homo is a good idea.
better than a woman lmao. kys nigger
couch > vaccines
ok kike
says the nato memeflaggot.
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On a practical level, he's going to destroy whatever tool the DNC has available install as VP and they know it.
Physiogomy. He doesn't have the look of a leader, he has the look of a jewish cretin that's going to subvert you with his populism angle, but just another Israeli servant.
There are a lot of good people in USIC who are aware of what is going on but the upper ranks are always polluted with stooges. The demographic war on self determanitive governance is obscene and ensures conflict and a total breakdown of the country. We're inside of the collapse. All of the systems are failing. This could be turned around though political means but no one has the will to do it.
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
>Hooray, Jewish feudalism
He's not, the left is shitting themselves over how based he is and have spent millions trying and failing to convince others he's not popular.
wasted digits but checked

because he's a CIA plant and can't be trusted and that's by DC politician standards
wait, is that blue October?
damn. forgot about them
The systems aren't falling. They are evolving into what they were designed to be. The U.S was a temporary safe-haven from this elitist machination. They bombarded the country with economic warfare from the 1600s to 1913 when they finally won. This seems like trite conspiracy theory but Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton over it. Jefferson wrote about it. Etc.
The systems aren't falling. They are coming to fruition.
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fucking checked
>why Vance is hated
he thinks single mothers who have 12 kids with 5 different baby mamas should be in charge of our country. And he insulted childless cat ladies which isn't bad but he should have been more subtle about it.
>everything is racist
>even the democrats call my mountain dew racist
>hahaa now laugh
>only land owning males should vote
>single mothers who have 12 kids from 5 different baby daddies should have 12 votes
idk I don't think it's the same
I agree with you toothpaste about Kamala being a jeet but if you like that faggot Vance so much you take him, we are sick of his shit in Ohio. Only Pete Thiel keeps him relevant.
Cause he's pulling sweet pajeet poon while the rest of the miscreants can't pull shit.
Name one thing you like about Vance other than him sperging out on libs. One policy he’s put forward that wasn’t AIDS. He’s a fucking plague in Ohio.
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yep she was the big brain pick so of course it didn't happen. lame ass timeline
Can anons explain why they continue to ascribe Trump's perpetual selection of shitty personnel to incompetence? Can you clarify that you genuinely believe Trump possesses a damn bear tragic/comedic blindspot in his decision making?

>John Bolton - the most blatant gentile neocon, yet Trump bitched "he only wanted to go to war," and promptly published a book trashing Trump

>Pence - unprecedented backstabber selected by Kushner for VP, literally betrayed Trump before he even left office, and yet Trump chooses Vance, who could easily be worse

>Bill Barr - Trump demanded Barr join admin to investigate Epstein even *after* Barr resigned due to conflicts of interest involving his father heading the school that hired Epstein; Barr became huge critic

>Nikki Haley - hired and fired MIGA bitch in first admin, yet welcoming her back, and now she's rumored to maybe replace Vance!

>Lindsey Graham - publicly demanded "the book be thrown" at any Trump supporter who attended J6, who is now booed on stages with Trump; literally recorded saying he hoped Biden wins on J6; and like Vance, Lindsey was a rabid Trump hater prior to McCain dying

>Alan Dershowitz - the most inexcusable and nefarious pick, Epstein's lawyer and mentor, embraced by Trump as spokesperson after Epstein was murdered

>Mike Pompeo - literally MIGA CIA boss who distanced from Trump as soon as J6 happened

>Sheldon Adelson - demanded Jonathan Pollard be freed; biggest life regret was serving in US military rather than Israel's; was huge lobbyist for "hate speech" laws on college campuses

>even Trump's mentor Roy Cohn was a sadistic pedo who personally overdose underage blackmail ring and had ties to Murder Inc. tier mafia

>Jared Kushner - lied that Assad gas attacked babies and kids to goad US into war with Syria

>Mark Milley - praised gay Milley as military badass only to get shitted on by Milley to this day

If incompetence he's unfit for office. More likely sabotage to prolong martyr grift.
There's no way Trump is this incompetent. He's been atop the NYC business world forever. He's outlived the most ruthless and biggest sharks of sharks by being a badder shark. He was trained in politics and power by Roy Cohn, a sociopathic mastermind who even impressed J. Edgar Hoover. How many C suite business people has Trump personally hired in his lifetime as a hustler? Dozens or more.

Trump chose Vance because he pocketed a huge amount to do so from Peter Thiel and perhaps others. He knew beforehand that Vance was weak as shit. If we *all* can see it, if even boomer ladies sense Vance is untrustworthy and unappealing, then Trump 100% can. As another anon said, Vance is the embodiment of "the ick" and even dudes agree.

Trump selected Vance to pocket a lot of money and now he's going to replace him, which drums up free headlines and momentum.

Trump is replacing Vance with Nikki Haley, because now the narrative will be: he needs to select a woman following Kamala's campaign themes, and "Well, Nikki isn't as bad as Vance so it's an improvement." This means Trump is intentionally trying not to win, or that we war against Iran is on the 2025 menu.
>I wonder if Vance will change his name a third time when he is kicked off of the ticket?
Yes, to Jacqueline Bowman.
>He knew beforehand that Vance was weak as shit.
I refuse to believe this. I don't think Trump team vetted any of these candidates. The vet would have shown all these red flags. Trump still wants to win.
Go back, you're not 18

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