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it is
>kill with death
was JOhn retarded?
Do these jesus freak retards ever stop to consider their belief system is whacked when they predict the apocalypse for the 3rd time this decade and nothing happens
Nah, it wasn't pale but silver. Looked like a knight.
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>Do these jesus freak retards ever stop to consider their belief system
>Do these jesus freak retards ever stop to consider
>jesus freak retards
>ever stop to consider
You answered your own question.
What’s the most white Christian country that allows the least gayest shit?
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It was the white horse. That’s why they did the wings. Daniel’s 70th week is about to begin. Pic related. It spins counter clockwise. The first horse is the one I circled in yellow.

> 2And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

The corona/crown is the sun on the tip of the arrow.
Last times it was some quacks with unfounded schizoid ramblings

This time it’s the real deal prepare for famine stock up food
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Golden calf
The apocalypse/revelation was fulfilled with the destruction of the temple 2,000 years ago. This is the orthodox Christian belief. Anyone looking for the fulfillment of revelation nowadays is mistaken.
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1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
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>3And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
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>And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

What is the daily sacrifice?
> https://youtu.be/DnBjyzohOVg?si=zS2ifB4KRk8eNtsx

It’s the blood of Jesus Christ sitting on the mercy seat of the ark of his testimony under neath where he was crucified on the skull mount in Jerusalem.

Prepare to receive “knowledge of the truth.”
so every time someone rides a white horse the apocalypse is coming?!
somebody better tell all the 1950s western movie directors
>this Olympics has signs of the ends times!
>...no wait, this Olympics
>no, THIS Olympics
Two more weeks
So when nothing happens just like all the other times people predicted the end times are you going to ignore it too and then just go onto saying the next thing is the REAL proof of the end times? It's been like 2000 years it's not happening because it's made up.
i feel bad for you people
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Remember Edomites hate you.
They are not the chosen.
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You always say that pedro
The creation of the catholic church is one of the horse man
Daily reminder that Jews are beyond saving and have always been
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>And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name th-ACK
Even Revelations wasn't woke enough to have a girl rider
Huh, what a rather Godless sentiment
Really disgusting. So obviously meant to take the piss out of Christians, it's crazy, bumping for hope people get boycott Olympics on trending or something similar
Wow where or when as this!?
holy shit I've never seen a horse attack someone like that
In the same manner the Jews have undermined the civic nature of their host countries, they undermine every aspect of a non-Jewish peoples culture including their (idolatrous) religion.
Revelations 18.. AGAIN!!
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRdT7p-gdwM
Hey there friend. I recognize your signature. Much love to you. I think that was for the white horse.
The French have long been anti-christen commies.
From what I understand in Orthodoxy, Revelation isn't fully fulfilled, most of it happened in 70 AD though.

Want some more spooky?

Paris Olympics are the 33rd Olympics.

The Lord Jesus Christ passed away at the age of 33.

The 33* Free Masons exist to echo this idea.

Today in the Olympics they show a satanic inversion of the last supper, Christs last meal with his apostles before the end.

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And by that, I mean the Olympics ceremony.

For them it represents their messiah and his very soon arrival. Christians who support edom think their messiah is Jesus. He is not.

He is the man of perdition. The rapture is about to occur and knowledge of the truth will soon be revealed.

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Have a blessed weekend, brother.
maybe a mule...videoquality too bad to say for sure.
I guess a mule wouldn't be above dishing out some violence b/c of donkey genes
>create narrative
>produce production
>look guys, just lke foretold
please just stfu
Nope. A prediction of the end of the world is always followed by the world not ending and then them gaslighting and pretending they never said the world was ending, until the next time they say the world is ending.
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Somewhere in Brazil
Never heard of a horse biting? They can toss humans about like sacks of shit.
Embarrassment would be the best case scenario in the face of a self fulfilling prophecy. Sick and crazy people who see no need for the rest of us to persist if they are about to check out to live forever in heaven.
>Do these jesus freak retards ever stop to consider their belief system is whacked when they predict the apocalypse for the 3rd time this decade and nothing happens
The only retard here is you, who thinks that because there is no devil that there are no devil worshippers.
>How could there be priests if there is no God?
I don't think the rapture will happen fren, that's nuchristianity. We all will suffer gleefully as the devil seethes and stomps his hoofs.
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>spectral figure riding a skeletal horse on water
>nothing to see here goy, just meaningless pageantry created at great expense for no reason whatsoever
They are celebrating the genocide in Gaza. It's also described in Revelation how the people laughed and mocked the dead who were left 3 days on street without allowed to bury them. And then God revived them and make them ascend to Heaven while their enemies watched. Then they will get destroyed and thrown alive in a lake of fire
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That's not a pale horse. The light is reflecting off it.
>light is reflecting off it.
It wouldn't if it was Black, therefore it is Pale.
pure satanic shit I bet jews are behind this
Really makes those man eating horses from Hercules seem a lot less silly and a lot more terrifying.
of course it does. this whole thing is retarded...le spooky horse, its nothing.
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>is that person on a light colored horse?
How exactly did biblefucks completely overrun the right in less than 5 years
christianity is jewish tho
>you were here, born in time, events throughout your life to this moment: to witness the last supper turn is now the big supper
France puts the F in Faggotry.
> Black on White horse
I'm growing tired of (((them))).
London Olympics predicted Covid.
No one knows exactly when the world will come to an end and anyone who claims to know is a false prophet. That's the summary of what's told in the bible regarding the arrivals of Armageddon and Judgement Day.
We're cooked chat
>there is no altar in jerusalem yet there is a state of israel in which judah returnes first in unbelief
Wait for:
1 an altar and subsequently it being defiled by the abomination which causeth desolation thus halting the evening and morning sacrifices
2 the euphrates river dries up completely, its drying currently
3 the mark of the beast which is a financial instrument and economic singularity, research the digital pound foundation and realize that tptb want to digitize everything, real estate in the form of nfts when the reset is ready following infrastructure protocol

Its really a sinple book, the bible, to understand; few have the knowledge or insight to be consistent, many want to hear the sound of their own voice rather than be obedient unto God
Many are grasping at straws because they fail to study prerequisite prophecies that occur in a certain order before the final 3 1/2 years of great tribulation, such as ezekiel 38; which is arguably being formented given the gaza war and iran tension as well as the gathering host ehich comes against israel has already begun manifesting its outward appearances, houthis and northern african states for example

Watch the following for a precise lecture of what to follow/expect in phrophetic fulfillment for the end times

Seriously if you have an hour to spare, get the entire tldr of major prophecies and how to practically approach the end times

Very few condense such subjects into practical wisdom as this is done
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They will provoke Russia do do preemptive nuclear strike, their obedient vassals will die a horrible death while they have their bunkers ready.
How does it feel to die for Zionists?
Luciferian servants of Moloch have to tell you what they're going to do to you through symbology before actually doing it so as not to reap the full karmic blow-back from their actions.
Do not consent to them.
I do not consent this.
we're right on schedule...
They are doing what they always do.

"Showing" people what their plans are. It's part of their doctrine, they just show their plans to the public. They like to do this in a vague sense, like this display.

At some point, they are required to show their plans in much more specific ways. This is why there are so many weird coincidences involving 9/11.

It's part of their occult magic horseshit. At this point I have no idea how people do not believe this. Footage of multiple ceremonies at Bohemian Grove exist.

This is LITERALLY our politicians dressing in robes and worshipping a fucking owl statue while doing a mock sacrifice. Somehow, normies absorb this information and shrug it off.

>no one knows exactly when the world comes to an end
Except thats false
God States that unless He were to Intervene and cut those days short, no flesh would be saved
The Day of the LORD is spoken throughout Scripture, consequently after 5 months of perpetual darkness with locusts torturing those that took the mark of the beast, there is reason to believe no man would know the day or the hour: having been in darkness for 5 months straight distorts your calandar keeping

To that extent, Jesus gave multiple discourses in the gospels and in revelation and throughout the prophets: prerequisite prophecies that must needs be fulfilled before the end is yet come

One of those is the budding tree to know the time is nigh, and that waa the creation of the state of israel in 1948, the last generation hitherto, and we just had a typified mark of the beast scenario with the funvaxx

Oh mind you
We need 1/3 of the population to die in a year when the euphrates does dry
Gee i wonder
Could it be?
Injecting yourself with mrna poison, alongside a host of other judgements like famine, pestilence, war, and the like; might those very well be interlinked to the final purposes of God?
Many are called
Few are chosen
They are trying to start the apocalipse. They think God's hand can be forced. Jews never learn
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i really dont care about the bible anymore because its so heavily edited, choppped, and jews fake prophecy and will use project jew beam to fake revelations

call me when the evil people are actually dead and i can fuck off from this planet back into non material bliss
They do this shit to fuck with christcuck schizos and get more attention/views. You fall for it every time. What is this like the 125th concert you're finding "hidden meanings" in?
That's the last supper for 43% of the men in the photograph
>nothing happens
good goy, ignore all the trannies, negroes and jews acts
Why was he horsing around like that?
Preterists get the rope for having misled the massea into thinking we live in a new heaven new earth scenario
Pray tell point to Jesus Ruling out of the temple and where exactly did my promises of no wars, no animal violence, no tears etc decide to forgo all that was Said

Idiot for believing any of that gatekeeping garbage

The daily sacrifice is when the priesthood recites the psalm over a lamb every eving and morning, saying, THE EARTH AND THE ABUNDANCE THEREOF IS THE LORDs
As soon as you transgress that by STOPPING IT, you have an abomination which causes desolation
With all the anti israel sentiment, imagine un resolution 666 to condemn muh animal sacrifices coming down the pipe, and wayward christians admonishing the fact

Then two witnesses show up and the very same groups start accusing that these are allegedly the false prophet and antichrist!
Itll be quite the sight to behold when the iron does not mix with clay in THOSE days

And yes, the Blood of Christ satisfied the mercy seat and God Almighty
When the veil was rent in two, the Holy of Holies overlooking the altar wouldve seen the Son of man raised up over the burning altar in a transpositional point of view
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why are we suddenly against shitting on christcucks? this is based
No, but you see God and the devil aren't real and there's no such thing as magic, so therefore these people can't actually be performing grotesque occult rituals to bring about the end of the world. They are merely pretending, and we're just going to die in a nuclear armageddon ironically. I mean we'll certainly be dead, but it's all just perfectly reasonable and harmless performance art and in no way the product of an occult agenda.
JESUS CHRIST IS THE KING OF POLAND. Your days are numbered German
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>all the superstitious retards ITT
you are really no better than tribals living in the jungle
>superstitious retards
We're not the ones that spent hundreds of millions of dollars to perform an occult ritual.
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Fake Masonic Yid revelations.

If anyone comes back it’s gonna be Jesus with an army of Mantid crafts to fry these faggot reptoids and Jews off this planet and then leave niggers and white people alone for another 2000 years so black people can evolve a soul.
Find a real occultist and I promise you, you'll learn what's real and not real.
If you follow the occult ritual and ignore the sensationalism; its essential in their playbook to revelation of the method their intentions

London 2012 was for coof almost 7 years later as other anon said

Negatory, shes the whore presiding over many waters in which many are drunk off the wine of her fornication MYSTERY BABYLON, MOTHER OF HARLOTS
that mother is a mother to you orthodoxy, to you prodestantism, to you mormon jw and other cults
Multiplication by division: because everyone else is wrong but me!
And to that end they shall bear the reward of their iniquity, COME OUT OF BABYLON, be not partakers in her sins
Oh and what sins they are, if you cant figure it our, remember the Commandments and DO THEM as Written not as interpretted by some corrupt theologian
so the bad voodoo somehow cursed the world or what? there were some masonic symbolism perhaps but it is to be expected in Paris. btw the Olympics is a pagan ritual.
>Olympics is a pagan ritual
Please elaborate
"Pale" in the context of Revelations is a green horse. That is a white horse. Which is still in Revelations, ridden by War.
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Here is a better shot from the ceremony.
I don't care one way or the either about the Christianity aspect. What I care about is it is child raping transgender "satanists" that are being paraded around by the fucking elite and I want all of them brutally murdered on public stage in the same fashion they broadcast this kike trash.
you fucking faggots have said this for every olympic ceremony

>3 the mark of the beast which is a financial instrument and economic singularity, research the digital pound foundation and realize that tptb want to digitize everything, real estate in the form of nfts when the reset is ready following infrastructure protocol
This is happening right now. There is a new stock market being created in Texas by blackrock, it will be powered by Blockchain technology, specifically Chainlink oracles and DLT by R3, probably. It's in production right now. Within a decade every single thing which is able to be bought or sold will be tokenised and tracked on the blockchain.
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Edgelord nerd
>so the bad voodoo somehow cursed the world or what?
No, the actions of evil men cursed the world. It's really not complicated, you don't need to believe in voodoo for the witch doctor to cut your throat.
my dude the Greeks started the games in 776 BC.
>he didnt read about mystery babylon

So begs the question; when there exists open hostility against the Creator God and His Son, Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour: how then do people continue to shut out all of it in favour of their bold extrapolations and outsourcing of thr Divine?
Wanton retreat inti their sin foe their heart is vile, wicked, and full of corruption

They hated Him because He cast light on their darkness, and they preferred their darkness and sin rather than repent in the face of the Living God
And yet His Mercies which Endureth Forever have to suffer the indignation which is mans pride
You know what happens when people suffer and are in dire need? They turn to God
And believe you me, there will be multitudes who do turn to Him in those days

Nothing is by accident nor is it coincidence

It is being created and rolled out as we speak, for insights the easiest thing to grasp would be the digital pound foundation because it contains all the key players on the site
And by that i mean read any WEF, BIS, IMF, UN publication on the coming cbdc era etc. And the 5th industrial revolution, internet of bodies, and they all tie their way back to the same groups of chosen winners and losers

Chainlink is not it, its misdirection, but yes blockchain is the new way forward in implementing this biometric / dna financial instrument

Even the horse got fed up with all the debauchery, trannies and faggots.
Pedophile bolshevik kike rat.
You know that's a a man and a prop right? Fucking religion tards are so easy to rile up. You don't understand that you were programmed and "signs" are the triggers that they will use to make you unwittingly make the whole thing happen, self fulfilling prophecy.
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This is what a Jewish dominated society looks like.
The new world order, the one world government, it’s all just code word for Jewish global communism.
Jews believe the last 6,000 years were the 6 days of creation, and they must work extra hard at the end of the 6th day (modern times) to bring about the 7th day of rest (global jewish domination)
Do climate change alarmists?
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People are really starting to lose their minds
men were always evil, that's why they crucified Christ.
Kek isn’t this from Elf?
the first olympics was in antiquity, Greece 776 BC
the Greek religion was polytheistic (Zeus, Poseidon, etc.)
thats how it started, anyway

im more concerned about the number of fags and nigs in france than pale horses
>The last supper but a morbidly obese drag queen ate all the food
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i mean, this is the correct thread to post it, and i havent had a chance to post this image in a while. you know the feelin'
Every day i grow to hate schizo christkikes more and more, they are the worst fandom ever even worse than bronies or fnaf. Nobody cares about your jewish book
>One non-denominational church of 30 people in Sneedlefart, Montana get high off cow dung fumes and proclaim the end is near
These fucking giga kiked ceremonies, what does this have to do with the olympians, what does this have to do with sports? Every god damn time.

It's so transparent, might as well take the torch bearer and have his heart carved out of his chest on live TV.
>Chainlink is not it, its misdirection, but yes blockchain is the new way forward in implementing this biometric / dna financial instrument
Checked. I am afraid you are incorrect about this. Chainlink is at the forefront of all of this. Believe me I know more about this than you, I have been following Sergey and his team since the very beginning. If it is misdirection it goes beyond anything I have ever seen, and nobody involved is in on it. Chainlink was king made. You don't get mentioned in Schwab's manual for the new world before anyone knew anything about it without being created for a very specific purpose.
At least the YouTube channels I watch are going to be kino all week.
>someone rides a horse at an event
>christians for 2000 years
Read ezekiel 20, and understand that God has a plan to refine us like silver in the furnace of affliction
If you underdtand the metaphir during silver smelting, there came a time in the ancient ways of doing such where you could see your reflection like a mirror, you then knew you fully removes impurities from the silver

Likewise the rapture happens just prior to the Day of the LORD, which is also Christs Judgement set forth to cleanse the remaining rebels in the space of an hour world wide

There is no get out of jail free card with pretribulation raptures, or midway through
Most of these misunderstandings are due to poor theology and poor eschatology being taught to the masses and lead them astray
Scripture is very straightforward that these idealisms were never the case, its going to be more like coming out of egypt with the children of israel except worldwide
Jeremiah refers to this in the Scripture; when we refer to the exodus in the Kingdom, it will be of coming out of all the nations to be gathered by the LORD

watch the vid i posted itt
They do this every single time. Since before 2012. Do you know who’s been suffering? Not me or my family. Sure things have been gay and normies have been going crazy making things inconvenient. But really the ones who mock God and defy nature are the ones who have suffered. I’m not saying I’m not affected. There are members of my extended family who were tricked into getting the poison shot, tricked into supporting degeneracy, tricked into all sorts of sick shit. But they are in the same category of people who chose suffering instead of the path of Jesus Christ and God.
And it will continue no matter what rituals they play at, no matter what threats they make, and how they mock God. God is on our side and will not be mocked.
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Apparently it's a mistranslation and should read green horse.

Where's Conquer at?

Fucking hell wot a right cunt that nag is.
Fucking accelerate
I can feel it
Total war and total death
Upon all of us
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>For you know that you were not redeemed from your useless [spiritually unproductive] way of life inherited [by tradition] from your forefathers with perishable things like silver and gold, but [you were actually purchased] with precious blood, like that of a [sacrificial] lamb unblemished and spotless, the priceless blood of Christ. For He was foreordained (foreknown) before the foundation of the world, but has appeared [publicly] in these last times for your sake
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Because of this God will send upon them a misleading influence, [an activity of error and deception] so they will believe the lie, in order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe the truth [about their sin, and the need for salvation through Christ], but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness. - 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
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>God will send upon them a misleading influence, [an activity of error and deception]
going too deep into symbolism is a bit cringe honestly. You can make anything mean anything
Okay that's it the Satanic Kikes have to go.
ENOUGH. They've lost their minds, they want to end the world so their " messiah " can return, and they're not going to stop.
>you dont get mentioned in schwabs manual
Again i kindly invite you to scrounge every publication and source i oreviously mentioned involving financial affairs and not tunnel vision onto a single outdated mechanism of action

Chainlinks premise is already outdone by variius other blockchains, some noteworthy, others not but superior
It matters not when they pick winners and losers at the end of the day, the writing is on the wall as far as integration, incorporation, and adoption go for the singularity of financial sorts
There may be many walled gardens but only one interlinking them and i assure you that is not chainlinks primary value; as a vector of on demand liquidity or as an oracle

Again, the answers are out in the open hidden in plain sight
It blows my mind they took the Olympics and turned it into something incredible cringe and gay.
Doesn't matter whether jesus or god is real or not, they clearly like to use the symbolism to rub their future plans in the faces of the people. whether or not they notice.
χλωρός (chlōros)
Adjective - Nominative Masculine Singular
Strong's 5515: Green, pale green. From the same as Chloe; greenish, i.e. Verdant, dun-colored.
Huh, go figure.
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The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.”
They're just working a gimmick to get you talking.
I'm far more concerned about the volcano imagery used at one point that they danced upon
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always an enjoyable
combo to read
when on /pol/ its specially rare sometimes
Christianity was bastardised the moment they started bringing paganism into it.
It's like they're trying to start an apocalypse like it's the fucking third impact these satanists are so god damn gay
All of this has to happen. The thing about books with happy endings is you need to read all the way to the end.
>19Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet; 20And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. 21I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; 22Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.

>23Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. 24And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. 25And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 26But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. 27And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

Sometimes I can't believe how worn out I am.
It doesn't matter what new technologies come about. They have their timelines and Chainlink was chosen in 2014. It's not organic in the slightest. Whatever you think about new, faster, better blockchain tech is irrelevant. They work with who they know on what they demand in a way that is wholly and completely controlled by them. This is Chainlink. Nobody else has come close to the integration happening with Chainlink right now. I'm not here to argue with you, anyway. We'll just have to agree to disagree. You clearly understand what is going on in general, I just think you should reconsider this one specific part. Not that it matters which tech they use. Best of luck.
lmfao sodom and gomorrah is trending
That's a very good point.
Great, another Christian who hasn't read the bible!
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All too well. Been dying to post pic related and this Olympics satanic shit came around. Still no idea what it’s from
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How does this coincide with the red moo moos?
The average voter is a stupid fucking moron, you think way too highly of them. You might as well ask why the niggers continue invading europe and the europeans being "powerless" to stop them, or why the europeans continue taking on more debt and inflation, even though it will obviously end in tears for everyone at some point later down the line. The answer is that people are greedy retards.
My brother, it hasn't even started yet. Its going to get so much worse. You'll need to figure out where you stand.
The sun is in Virgo that day dumbass
reminder that these posts are create dby jews and exist to make christians look retarded, and none of this is any way associated with what christians believe.
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I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

I kneel for she
It's the book of Revelation. No s.
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They are trying to force GOD's hand but no Human is capable of that.
Woe unto them the Synagogue of Satan.

They cannot force the prophecies of the Book of the Revelation of the LORD Christ Jesus penned by John.
Remember this.
Christ Jesus authored that book on the isle of Patmos while John penned it at HIS feet.

No man can force Yeshua's hand.
Especially those of that brood of vipers.

Lol there you have it, right directly on the nose.
>not 1988
Im already well aware of chainlink, are you aware of drip and nurture campaigns plotted alongside disinfo?
Partition the tribalism to something else, it doesnt matter here with what im telling you to go and look at on your own time
Script means ezekiel 38 needs to happen and the exiles are to return
If the bible is supposedly fake why do they have to reference it so much
There's a golden ox head and a white horse gallopping on water? Oy vey, the Minoans are back. It's these symbols belong to Poseidon.
>save mankind and soften Gods heart
>hurrdurr he no couldn't save himself!!!11
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that aang a cute.
If Christians had any balls, that disgusting picture alone would be enough to at least boycott this satanic clown shown
Gaza war was sparked due to incompetence on the islamist plotting as much as opening pawns moving in chess to test reaction times as much as uniting a country continuing to have its 6th snap elsction with no confidence amidst sedition and desertion rampant in their secular army

Oh yeah red moo moos
Did you know the leader of hamas justified their october 7th attacks (which is the closing end of sukkot btw, a high Holy Day Feast of God) and stated thatbit was due to thenpresence of red heifers in the land of israel?
Who woukdve though jealousy was the straw that broke the camels back, they were supposed to waait until iran and her proxies greenlight the shitstorm incumbant which is, stragetically speaking, overwhelming missle defences with constant continual saturation of bombardment and a northern invasion so that the idf is preoccupied with evacuation during the blitzkrieg

Unwalled villages and all

Then stir the discontent among west bank and what have you

Alas its all in ezekiel 38
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Somebody is paying attention at least.
That's because the elite are a bunch of retards that want to be part of muh alchemical seecrut club but don't have the talent or the skill to make compelling sacred imagery.
Kind of how Elon wants to be a 4channer.
>pure satanic shit I bet jews are behind this

No shit, Judaism is a Pagan belief system, they are closer to Hinduism than to Christianity.
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Matched Up!
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What is your favorite song referencing Book of Revelation?
For me, it is Vader - Revelation of Black Moses
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Jews are trying to act like prophecy is being fulfilled.

Revelation 13:3

One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.
That's just a frogfag larper
You can't tell by the lack of hell following him.
>Revelation is fake and John was a raging homosexual.
If environmentalists had any balls, the nuclear reactor from the winter in beijing yadda yadda blah fuckity blah blah

I am the one you speak condescendingly of, but i am just a guy, will you now recant your former thesis in judging one for all and all for one? Here i am, undivided
I hate the antichrist

Some people believe the fallacy of posters like >>475784551
Whereas the truth is in their idealation of the inverted hermenutic; and they hate the Truth because they love their sin
What does the Bible have to do with this?
you are correct, which is why this should at the very least be something that gets you to pay a bit more attention to what goes on around you.
People are now generally aware of some stuff like this. Judging by YouTube vids and the comment sections etc. They're just all so easily distracted by other things that give them more of a reward to think about. Thinking about what's really going on is not pleasant. The kikes know this and provide sports and reality T.V and celebs all that.
are you sure? their decisions regularly kill hundreds of thousands, what's one more up close and personal?
It's official boys , Warhammer age of sigmar end of times is here

thats irrelevant kike shit, lol
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with the beast of the earth
uh oh

bible says niggers are the beast of the earth
I like these two


Jonny cash got a gooder too

We are no where near that part or the revelation as a whole
We are still in matthew 24 waiting for ezekiel 38

There isnt even an altar in jerusalem yet
And no wearing a red hat saying maga doesnt allow you to buy or sell, much less the opposite etc.
Classic misdirection glowniggers upset their failed assasination attempt didnt work so now they have to attempt divide and conquer on trumps largely evangelical voter base
Or yknow
Just stuff those ballots full of fake votes again, get caught red handed again, im sure it will work again, shes the most popular candidate

All glowniggers must fucking hang
It's almost entirely finished. We had the 1000 year reign. (Byzantine). and now Satan is free for a time. (Everything since Byzantium)

Next is Satan getting tossed, which admittedly, I'm pretty sure happens after we die... meaning...

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Game over
What does a painting have to do with the last supper of Jesus, much less trannies emulating that cultural concept, much less majority of Christendom doesnt even keep the Passover IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME (see Christ Almighty), yet here we are, time is a flat circle eh?
>bible Says moses married zipporah and miriam his sister was stricken with leprosy for being raciss when both aaron and miriam made his wifes race an issue
How stupid are you to believe this garbage anon?
Did you actually read the bible?
It was a mixed multitude that came out of egypt the first time
Suprize suprize same thing this time around

God is not a respector of persons
who and what is the clip ?
how will they restore trust?
nice gets
so.. life as usual for most people after their mid 20s
The "French" revolution was not French.
philosemite dispensationalist leafkike is actually a filthy jeet, calling it
Pray tell when we had universal peace during the reign of byzantium, much less pray tell when the animals stopped slaughtering each other and were led by a child in hand: the lion the wolf and the adder them all with the ox eating straw
Im pretty sure people cried and died during that period you claim to behold as the millenial kingdom
Oh yeah and roman glowniggers of antiquity grew jealous and invented islam to displace the crumbling byzantines hold on the holy land
I dont know anyone that watches the Olympics.
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asha logos has a good video on the subject, and on Justinian's whore wife Theodora.
They'll just pretend like sky daddy and his jewish carpenter let you go again and maybe next time he'll be really pissed and actually destroy it all so you still have time to repent
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Oy Vey you antisemite
>the euphrates river dries up completely, its drying currently
In the Talmud the jews say the lost tribes of the house of Israel crossed the river Sambatyon, which is a mythological river of "no return". Josephus records that the lost tribes were sent across the Euphrates (which places them in the Pontic Steppe, and from there Bet-Khomri -> Khimmirai -> Cimmerians -> Keltoi/Celts -> Cymry/Wales).
The river Euphrates drying up in this sense would be the river Sambatyon drying up, indicating the return of the lost tribes of the house of Israel.

They will draft western European stock to fight in the war with Iran. This will culminate into Armageddon.
Fake Masonic end times real end times start in 2036
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entirely untrue

>You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material.
>You shall not let any of your semen be cast into a strange woman to cause her to be pregnant; neither shall you profane the name of your God; I am Yahweh.
>A mamzer shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
>The children that are begotten of them shall enter into the congregation of the LORD in their third generation.
>You shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all your days for ever.
>Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? There is not one.
>As you saw the iron mixed with soft clay, so they will mix with one another in marriage, but they will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with clay.
>With their flocks and herds they shall go to seek the Lord, but they will not find him; he has withdrawn from them. They have dealt faithlessly with the Lord; for they have borne illegitimate, strange, alien children. Now the new moon shall devour them with their fields.
>For they have taken some of their daughters to be wives for themselves and for their sons, so that the holy race has mixed itself with the peoples of the lands. And in this faithlessness the hand of the officials and chief men has been foremost.”
>nobody knows the hour
Except this guy here. He's special
christianity has been an end times cult since day 1
>Negatory, shes the whore presiding over many waters in which many are drunk off the wine of her fornication MYSTERY BABYLON, MOTHER OF HARLOTS

Isnt it weird that kikes follow babylonian talmud?
They are incredibly strong. Seen a yearling tied to a two horse trailer just send that bitch rocking as it bucked and kicked. They're wicked quick too, reflex wise. Faster than snakes and cats.
Well that's the thing, that semitic trash of the opening ceremony has no place in the Olympics 1000% jewish garbage.
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The river styx, the one crossed to enter the underworld
>its drying currently
it's drying up because the turks are damming it up

but they don't say in the bible how it dries up
>that i aware of
just that it does
where is the ox head?
it wasnt just the bible, they referenced canaanite and greco roman mythology too, you just dont get it cuz you are a christjew
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No; as in the literal river euphrates is literally drying up and when it literally dies 1/3 of the earths inhabitants will die the year it does, followed by another 1/3 in a month, and 1/3 again in a week, and then 1/3 again in a day, and finally another 1/3 in an hour

Nobody but you has the interpretations you posted, traditional rabbinic judaism teaches that those exiles which were part of the ten tribes which lost their identity in assyrian captivity will return AND with knowledge of who the Messiah is
Protip: messianic believers who are returning to torah are basically fulfilling this by having an identity crisis which then graduates to a spiritual problem and Jesus meets them in the middle, quite literally, by advocating the Law and His Lordship as their God

No other group or movement in history comes relatively close
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Jesus Christ is boiling in hot excrement for eternity.
be in retrograde
>Greetings, fellow Horsemen of the Apocalypse
yes, jews try to meme these things into existance. its all fake and gay. youre paying taxes to pedophiles because youve never sought out god and trusted the (((experts))) to tell you about him instead.
Based horse stops border jumping beaner from illegally entering the United States of America
theres a doomsday clock in new york with the date 2030 for almost a decade now.
>80-foot-wide digital clock installed on the face of a building on East 14th Street overlooking Union Square Park in Manhattan
not only that but more prominent mystical sources, theology experts confirm the same
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The ferry man of death at the beginning was the same guy riding the lazy horse at the end, right?
So who are the Jews that organized this display?
Youre a moron conflating terms and conditions of the covenant with the children of israel and imposing it onto your specified hatred without admonishing thr same Scriptures you just quoted
Youre not versed in anything you just pulled whatsoever and its evident by cherry picking out the contexta to suit your biases much less reqding whats there for what it is

Ever thus, you fail to rebuke miriams leprosy which instead you deflect onto other points of supposed tangibility without realizing youre getting lost and mixed withing the dos and donts of the Law

Mingling seed and cattle has nothing to do with man or woman
Bastards can be bastards regardless of race
The implication of cleanliness is completely lost to your dogshit mentality of discrimination
Iron and clay not mixed is an endtime prophetic stipulation involving the antichrist transhumanist roman revival and the sons and daughters of adam(which is being interpretted as CLAY for adam was FORMED FRON THE DUST OF THE EARTH AND GIVEN THE BREATH OF LIFE AS A CREATED BEING)
either rebuke miriams leprosy in the contexts given or stay silent

Because in ye olden times it took TWO WITNESSES from the sanhadren or elder priests to declare when the new month wqs beginning by observing the moon and sounding the shofar; clues are in the context and hebraic understanding if you know where to look

Isnt it weird that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God and yet here we are playing synagogue of satan which is being interpretted "assembly of accuusers" from the root of the words?
Curious that!

The vatican is a snake, take a googlemaps aeriel view or take the jonathan kleck pill

Precisely, inb4 globohomo clinate cult does their thing with euphrates and a host of other biblical disasters just to play damage control idolatry edition until they cant lmao

Takes a genius to figure this early life section out eh?
Horses only get like that when they're abused by shitskins.
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nah, daniel was fake and gay
we can actually pinpoint precisely when it was written because it recounts a bunch of historical information (claiming to be predictions of future events) then abruptly begins to miss every single prediction allowing us to date exactly when it was written.

if you didnt know this, the bible is fake and gay. old testament, new testament, all of it. yahweh is fake and gay, therefore his only begotten son jesus christ, becomes fake and gay by necessity. go read plato if you want to learn about god.
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Seems that way
>white horses bad

stfu nigger gypsy
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>Black Moses

btw vader is cool, litany is best.
They're just fucking with stupid christcucks
>Showing" people what their plans are. It's part of their doctrine,
Yes. For newfags, this is called Revelation of the Method. Also lurk. My grandfather said that back in the 1980s, the Grove,the cremation of care ritual, and its owl statue were considered absolute bullshit, on par with believing the moon landing was faked. Back then the Nixon tapes were he calls the Grove "the foggiest goddamn you can imagine" weren't available or known about. Back then it would have caused a major panic among normie Christian families. The fact that the Grove is entering the normie sphere decades after Jon Ronson accompanied Alex Jones to prove it exists, is probably revelation of the method as well. We're so close to the NWO's completion that they want their secret societies and occult collaboration to become mainstream.

I will say that the Grove since the 1990s, but really the 1960s, is not extremely high on the NWO totem pole, especially compared to Skull & Bones and Bnai Brith, and for newfags, its owl is not Moloch, thankfully most known that now, it's likely adjacent to Minerva. Also the Grove is more open to normie famous people now including musicians who perform acoustic sets. Ever since Jones any legitimate occult rendezvous there have been redirected elsewhere to societies and clubs that are not yet known.
Have some courtesy:
They gunna FF this faggotry and blame Russia?
im pretty sure jews put this shit in specifically for this reason to distract schizos
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the moment someone decided it should be centralized and not distributed as it was for the first 300 years
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ban pibulshorsies nao
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theyre the same picture.
this is always what they were working towards. it was the entire purpose of christianity (after saving judaism from the brink of collapse)

Play jewish games, Win jewish prizes
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So because of (((their))) love of sin & hatred of The Truth they project their pressuposed inversion of The Truth as Truth.

The depths of our Sin has no bounds especially for the boundless ones that Synagogue of Satan!
Funny they never do this with muslims, buddhists, jews. Just a coincidence.
>Pale" in the context of Revelations is a green horse. That is a white horse
William Cooper's book cover would like a word with you.
>never mentioning the jew
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>synagogue of satan
also known as christianity (those who say they are jews, but are not)
You're still the first reply.
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lel it's neither

it's here
>(((third cousins)))
>all jews are 3rd cousins
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psa: this is exactly what happens when you worship a fanatical jewish supremacist as your god
My theory is that this is another trick on God.
I think they put warning out to absolve themselves of the sins they commit.
So it's kinda like setting out a bear trap, you put out signs warning people that there is a bear trap. Maybe even where it is. If someone then steps on it and fucking dies, if it your fault?
I feel this is why they do it. Putting out the warnings makes so that they can then tell God, "If they Goy didn't want to suffer, why didn't it heed my warnings?".
It's like the way they transfer their sins over to chicken and say they are sacrificing a wicked chicken, so they must be good for killing something so evil.
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and soon

>(((brazen bull))
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Ackshually to be precise that latter part where I typed Truth at the end of my first sentence should be "Truth" in quotations so as not to mock The Truth, the Living Truth, the LORD GOD Christ Jesus who was, is, and is to come...

Praise GOD!
Kill cygani
Kill Jews
Yes that means you
The gospels are all written after the destruction of the temple lol. Christianity is so fucking senseless and stupid. Literally Judaism adapted for goys.
If anyone seriously believes this crap you're a literal dumb fucking cattle
What makes one real?
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>A mamzer shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
pic rel
make sure you read it all now
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That's why I am a Messianic Jew yet ethnically a Gentile

That which has been stolen, shall be reclaimed.

Take back what's ours from those vile serpents who stole our inheritance!
th-ACK's a weird name for a horse but alright
France is ruled by satanic jewish pedophiles, this isn't news.
>Funny they never do this with muslims, buddhists, jews. Just a coincidence.

Because Muslims aren't cucks, Buddhists don't give a fuck and Jews would turn the whole media against any antisemitic manifestation.

Only christians are cuck enough to let others to mock them.
"You win when you lose!"
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He’s lucky he didn’t get stomped lmao
>Revelation of the Method
What's the purpose of that exactly?
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play jewish games, win jewish prizes
>just ignore it and they will stop
not likely
8 years between covid olympics and covid.
2024 is the apocalypse olympics, and 2032 is the predicted solar micronova.

Really makes you think.
Jews mean ones from Judea
And not everyone from Judea was a hebrew/Israelite. Caananites inhabited that place as well.
But you obviously know this.
You are a kike.
Kikes always do everything in their power to get people hate Jesus as much or more than Hitler like you fucks did.
I will give you this Wyrm tongue
You put in a lot effort for something so petty.
christcucks are like Justin Trudeau, the religion
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Do any of you really believe your opinion matters? You're just some nobody sat at a computer.
I'm Cacklin with Kamala
>I'm Cacklin with Kamala
I'm Cacklin with Kamala
>I'm Cacklin with Kamala
How long have you been waiting to post this lmao
>whore of babylon
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no one cares about your jewish nonsense or your made up nonsensical jew words kid
>Christkike bullshit
Please, just stop. Abrahamutts need to go.
that's leftism for you.
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You know exactly what the word means wyrm tongue
You're not fooling me.
Nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens.

I never get tired of laughing that pic.
The Matrix did it better.
Kind of. Kek

It looks even worse when you compare this opening to the Chinese one in 2008.
watch 2008 ceremony and cry.
the pale horse should be a light dull green you nonces
pretty sure it means "master" if it means anything at all.
why, what did jews tell you it meant? jew? lol
It's never over. The End Times started a ways back and we're just eternally living through the punishment we deserve.
Yet, the tribals who live in the jungle still live in the jungle and yet somehow the religion everyone is seething over is the only reason we are not in stupid tribal systems and advanced out of the stone age. It is clear as day for those with open eyes. Some people do not want child sacrifice, some obviously do. The war between good and evil continues.
it is an apopaclypse of the mind.
their psyche has been coopted by powerful symbolism. and use it as a basis the make sense of the world.
there are infinite apocalypses and infinite revelations happening all the time.
this is just how the bible heads come to grips with a reality that will not change to their whims but rather a higher power.
a single rider on a pale horse just flew over my bible
Is the opening ceremony happening right now or is it over yet?
My mom won't let me watch because she says its "devil stuff and the French and France are of the devil"
Someone please give a play by play?
So I just have to find a pale horse and ride it? You know there are single riders all over the world riding a pale horse? Just because this was captured on film doesn't make it any different. You faggots are dying to find these signs you'll take anything you can.
>fails to refute the central point which was miriams leprosy
>continues grasping at straws for bastard children
Have you even read the book of ruth?
Its easy to convert and have children who are muh mixed
Or yknow lut away the foreign wives like ezra and nehemiah said prior to the reforms
Idolators idolators everywhere, including you. Idiot

Theres literally a copy pasta itt describing it for you, let alone you can research the keyword term anywhere nowadays, ffs even tiktok esoterics are waking people up to the luciferian satanist abundance
I ain’t watching that trash even
Never annoy something that outweighs you six to one.
The abomination that causes the desolation was the covid 19 vaccine that contains luciferase. The third temple is the human body

The mark of the beast was the vaccine and pcr nasal swab which goes up the forehead.
Yet you dont do shit
This is why everybody pushes you around
Start killing people or continue being mocked, your choice
How is that stuff going to become mainstream if it's only being reacted to in terms of
>look at what these evil freaks are up to
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>pretty sure it means "master"
Rabbi means master. Your words are slipping wyrm tongue. Go slither back to your father of lies.
This is the last (you) I'm giving you.
Nope. They'll go on and on for another two THOUSAND fucking years s saying it's the end every day and long after.
I didn't find the horse & rider as provocative as the obvious mockery of the last supper with trannies. That shit is disgusting. One COULD see the horse and rider as a knight in shining armor, angelic even... but the same people that did the other pieces did this, I assume? The was also a golden bull... which is never a good look.

My rating for the Paris Olympics 2024 Opening Ceremony: 8/10 evil
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Okay so drag queens did an impression of the last supper. You realize France is the birthplace of the whole Cabaret thing right? There's a legitimate historical reason to show it in that city. And the blue guy was clearly Dionysius who was the god of festivity, fertility, and wine. Hmmmm I wonder what those three things have to do with Paris...... don't think too hard now....

Clutch pearls somewhere else
>every single action of God
>forgets the flood
>forgets the scattering of the exiles to the four corners
>forgrts the transcendence of Christ into Heaven
>forgets joshuas long day, aka the sun aka the celestials
>forgets the prophecies involving the entire world, celestials, and heaven and hell
Lol thats alot of places not in the circle smartass

You have to go back

Animatrix was spooopy and aheqd of its time
>The End Times started a ways back and we're just eternally living through the punishment we deserve
yeah no fuck you fuck that fuck the archons and fuck the demiurge.
Isn't a pale horse in the Bible actually green though?
Thay would be War, not Death.
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ah, the symbol from your master's brother's church. fucking gotem.
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Go suck an aids infested dick homo
>High speed rail sabotaged
>800K tourists affected
Somebody is doing something at the very event we're discussing. Mainstream media blames Iran. I'm not so sure...
Does anyone actually watch the Olympics? Shit's so gay
I'm not gay or trans, just not ignorant of basic symbolism.
Reminder that it was Hitler with his Aryan will that reincarnated the Olympics. Be sure to give him plenty of praise online and make sure the left and anti white right know the Olympics is an homage to Hitler.
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ah yes, the flood myth ripped from the sumerian kings list and the four corners of the flat earth
Yeah, the Messiah and Apostles who were tortured to death for refusing to blasphemies surely had fear!
Nvm. I'll just sneak and watch on yt ltr.
what's this supposed to mean?

it'd had veen one thing if it didn't look like CGI, etc., but was this even visible to someone witnessing this irl?

seems like a poorly added CGI
Except thats wrong because we are 2020+4 and there is still no altar, no ezekiel 38, euphrates still has water, and no witnesses
Try again retard

>you need to heckin murder to change the triad of puppets
Lemme know how that works out french revolution
Or do you also share the power to blackmail bodybag and bribe your will to power
The absolute state

Via the cataclysms of God waking people up out of their sleep? The repugnant evil becomming obscene, moreso than this current walk in the park

Just read the bible bro, tells you the who what where when why how easily
Ah yes the same flood myth and flat earth cosmology repeated in almost every single ancient culture somehow defeats the fact that it happened and the hebrew account as to the why rather than sumerian plagerism muh gilgameesh

Try the trey smith pill

Dont forget to donate to the smithsonian institute
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not yet.
but soon
look at that sea of fucking hylics
i thought her name was le pen plase dont tell me she got married i wanted to have sex with her
baste what else you know

>All races (ethnos) will be assembled before him and he will separate people one from another as the shepherd separates sheep from goats.
>He replied, 'Any plant my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.
>The axe is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."

>For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
>I am with you and will save you,’ declares the Lord. ‘Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you, I will not completely destroy you. I will discipline you but only in due measure; I will not let you go entirely unpunished.’
>And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.
>And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God.

>For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise: and the prudence of the prudent I will reject.
>Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

>I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

>Men will faint from fear and anxiety over what is unleashed upon the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken, and at this time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things have come to pass, stand, lift up your heads, and look up for your redemption draws nigh.

>Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.
reminder that beast of the earth killing people is speaking of niggers
>why are we suddenly against shitting on christcucks? this is based
>Vax in ID
2012 was the Gregorian
calendar year associated with the “last great day”. Jewish messianic symbolism associated with 9/11 and several happenings over the past 20 years should have told you that zoom zoom. NASA kikes we’re literally censoring angles of the sky so you wouldn’t see the dragon (archived)
>Okay so drag queens did an impression of the last supper. You realize France is the birthplace of the whole Cabaret thing right?
Retarded. Le cabaret. That's fine; make excuses while you can. When future Olympics hang trannies, if effigy of course, we'll revisit who is being dramatic.

I always find "art" that intentionally mocks Christianity to be extremely juvenile and hateful. Seems like faggot butthurt gone wild, to attack the last supper during an international event.
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Guy was dam lucky
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Everything in revelations is happening right now in real life, In real time.

You are blind to the truth. Turn to Christ while you still can. Reject this Jewish BEAST System and return to God.

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