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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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A FORECLOSURE in my hometown is going for nearly $300k. What's the cause of this? Chinese investors picking up all the houses? Because that's what I've heard around town. Shit, even me looking for a room for rent, it's damn near $1000 a month for one single room in a home. Make it make sense.
Anyone have tips for living in the woods, technically homeless?
Property deeds are meaningless if you occupy it by force.
Yeah, don't. I know things are tough right now, but living in the woods or being homeless might not be the best idea. It can seem like a quick fix, but it comes with many problems. You'd face extreme weather without shelter, struggle to maintain hygiene, and deal with wildlife and pests that can carry diseases. This lifestyle can also lead to isolation, depression, and constant stress about basic needs like food and safety.

Long-term, it’s hard to find a job without a stable address, and accessing healthcare becomes nearly impossible. Instead, seek help from organizations that offer temporary housing, food, and support. Look into government or non-profit housing programs and don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or community groups. There are resources and people ready to help you find a safer, more stable situation. It’s worth it for your health and future.
enjoy mosquitos and poverty..
Biden basically said "fuck yall, you own your own"
Yeah I’ve done this. For one you have to realize that you have to be FAR away from civilization to get away with it. Too many hiker fags and yuppies. You could always kill anybody that finds you and feed them to bears, but are you ballsy enough for that?
Trump and Biden (mainly Biden) printed cash to pay for COVID. 30% of the total money supply was added to circulation, and thus we get 30% jumps in the cost of most goods/housing. The housing crisis will not be solved by any politician because the retirements of many people depend on the value of these homes (not just individuals, but massive pension investment groups.) There will be no solution until boomers start dying at a rate the home market will not be able to absorb the flood of homes for sale.
Kek, it’s impossible to find a job eben WITH an address. Recruiters are picky as fuck. Havent worked ever and you’re 30? You’re fucked for life, treated worse than a capital murderer
I don't give a fuck about boomers, anon. I had a landlady that's Chinese who owns literally like five homes in Newark, Delaware. Rents them all out by the room.
The government wants people to constantly struggle so their families are never stable enough to stand up for themselves.
No it isn't, you fucking retard. Pad your resume with gig economy jobs and have ChatGPT write it for you. Are you some kind of autistic loser though?
As opposed to enduring constan bullying, mob beatings, assaults w/weapons, stalking, and never ending daily harassment? I think I’ll pick the woods again. I just need to prepare better this time.
Shut the fuck up nigger living kike no one wants what you're selling
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Then go be fucking homeless, retard. You've never not lived under your mommy's skirt.
The Fed setting interest rates to essentially zero for 15 years after 2008 to prop up all the banks and corporations that should have gone bankrupt then.
>gig economy jobs
Kek, I have never had a job in my entire life. Can’t get “gig” jobs without experience, FUCKING BLACK GORILLA NIGGER
I will not pay jews (You) taxes. I will not be drafted. I will not buxx the roast. I will not support pissrael.
I live in a condo fag, I also work at a bank fag. I just don't want to any more and I'm tired of money, I don't want to deal with it any more.
Do you know what "foreclosure" means?
It does not mean "shitty house with no value".
It means the previous owner could no longer pay for it.
Go live in your car for one night in a truck stop. You won't last the night.
I lived in the woods for 4 months until little niggers ate my plants
But reddit says that this is a federal crime and that they’ll arrest me
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Therma rest air mattress, 3 or 4 sleeping bags you can wear over each other, platapus gravity water filters (at lest 2), thousand feet of paracord, 4 large tarps(camo. brown, or green). Toothbrush, luco medical tape, sewing ket, fishing line and hooks. Floss. Waterproof tape, duct tape, rod and striker, steel pot set. Shovel.
Based as fuck. Return to forest.
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It's not

You're just scared of black people
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Why aren't you taking the car camper pill
>FREE roof over your head
>ZERO rent
>ZERO goy normie boomer neighbors, niggers or spics
>ZERO crime when you live in a white state
>PARK your car rurally and don't spend any money for 7 days if you want
>Get to camp with other like minded RVers and make good friends and banter on your travel
>Or you can just be a NEET and stay inside shitposting and playing vidya all day.

You are mentally ill if you need a big piece of land or big house. A small van is enough for many people and if you're a NEET you definitely can live out of a small car if you take out backseat and passenger seat. If you are scared about what people think about you, then you should just pay $1000+/mo for rent, you're obviously not cut out if you can't make food on a little stove camper on the backseat of your trunk

Just live out of your car until the collapse and stack silver whenever you have extra money and go pick it up at the post office. Never have a real address, always use a PO box.
Just live near national parks and occasionally drive into the city like billings or helena montana to actually make some money for the month.

There's zero reason why you should be paying rent.

This is politicial because its an economic problem in america, and this is the way to solve it for men. Free living, no goy address needed.
They don't want you living in your car, less money for jews and their whole system collapses.

the houses are not expensive, the dollar is just worthless
Thanks anon you're the only one that's actually given real advice
Yeah I'm no outdoors man but I also want to stop paying taxes and dealing with money. I figure if I can find a hill close to a pond or a lake I can build underground and have drainage to the lake/pond without having to worry about flooding if it's done right.
they look like fight ckub house
Chinese people wouldn’t invest fuck all into your shitty little town bro, only the swank major cities
I've been getting calls and texts from people begging for me to sell my house for the last 2 years. They even send me letters now, since I blocked all their numbers. I told them many times, they're all blackrock kikes and I'm not selling a house that has been in my family for 100 years in a market where buying a new "starter" home in a non-nigger area costs 1 million.
They bought the neighbor's across the street and spent 2 months renovating it and a family of mexicans moved in that play their degenerate music all day. It's bad enough.
Who's gonna know? My cousin lied about his work history and now he works from home making six figures. Fuck it, who cares?
Interestingly the niggerBNBs are priced similarly to regular housing, maybe a hundred dollars more per month.
You voted for that leftie, the more immigrants are coming the higher prices you see
Not afraid at all, there's no infrastructure in Detroit. My sister lives out that way. No good hospitals, niggers every fucking where, everyone's poor as shit. You can just as easily move to West Virginia or Pittsburgh and get a cheap house.
This is a bot
You sure about that, you zipper headed faggot? All of Delaware is Asian. Literally all of it.
I didn't vote for fucking shit. I voted for Trump twice, little cucktifa bitch

same reason education is so expensive, banks need every last dollar they can get from you, they want you to be their slave for life
>Long-term, it’s hard to find a job without a stable address
Who says you need "a job" to live?
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This. One home in my neighborhood is owned by some kike lawyer in Virginia. He went AWOL after the vaxx in 2021. Since then the house is inhabited by a homeless family with 2 kids. They are essentially camping indoors, no utilities in order to stay off the books. I keep my mouth shut and watch their asses for them because I want more eyes and ears on my side. At this point it's all of us together against ZOG, no mercy for snitches.
had a squatter takeover a house and destroyed the fuck out of it. the police wouldnt' do shit. Needed a court approval and 500 bucks renting the Cops in California to remove them.

That's your Commufornia you speak of. Homeless and druggies (Have Nots) fuck (Haves) over. why people like Newsome and Pelosi make billions like Oligarchs and tell middle class to go fuck themselves. Now Newsome is cleaning up California homeless problem because well.. it's an election year. He and Pelosi also had a crowded lunching at "French Laundry matte" in Wine Country outside of NAPA with no masks while they mandated it on the rest of California. Pelosi "Didn't have to wear a mask" getting a haircut and her hair stylist ratted her out with video and had her Shop destroyed and accused of being a Republican setting up Pelosi and all of Pelosi's Army of thugs Harrassed and trashed her San Francisco Salon.
then there was Boudin. until he went to far so they removed him to save face.
Who the fuck's gonna pay your bills, boyo?
>homeless family
what race are they?
Spent some real time in the woods, it sucks but it's better than living around niggers. Having a good source of water is key. My secret spot was located by a mountain spring. Don't have fires during the day. People get curious and will investigate to make sure a forest fire isn't going on. Even in spots you are legally allowed to people are fucking retarded of national forest laws and will call the park rangers to fuck up your shit. Those rangers are feds and they can ruin your life before you know it for sneezing on some fucking endangered flower. Make sure your fire isn't easily visible at night either. If you are going to make a run into town shave your face and wear clean clothes so if you run into people on the way out they just think you are some hiker. XL ponchos are nice and gaiters for the legs are recommended if you live in areas with poison ivy or something.
Im so glad i panic overpaid for my house is 2021 instead of waiting because its worth double that now and i couldnt afford it
Take the converted van pill.
Mass deportations would solve the housing "crisis"
They don't think. They just figure "hey that's better than getting fucked by jews!" then realize it takes hard physical work and some starter money to make it work.
I have a brother-in-law who is a braindead veteran and thought he could do the camper life with his two kids. That was a year ago and since January he's squatted at my in-laws family lakehouse and is selling the camper for $20k less than he paid for it.
if you haven't worked by age 30 the state should just kill you
House is an investment instrument.
They think living in a fucking half a million dollar RV that their daddy helped buy them is "being homeless". These faggots wouldn't last half a night on the streets.
based? idk
A few retards already fell for the bot reply kek
You niggers better get good at spotting fake content otherwise ngmi
March-June 2020 QE: This was arguably the most significant in terms of inflation impact. 18 months after that you had inflation, was Biden ruling back then?
Biden did a close enough number but spread over an entire year instead of an instant shock over a few months during the pandemic disruptions.
thank you chatGPT
sell it NOW, It takes 2-6 months to get a house sold on average. Don't get left with the bags after the big dump coming up.
For what purpose
there's always demand for money, especially in housing speculation when any retard can flip one for a generous profit - banks are the only money creators so don't blame them, blame the regulators
But then where will i live?
Took my sister and I not even a month to sell my mom's house after she died. Do it now, fuck it. Probably will have like 10 buyers.
to not be influenced by globohom-trained algorithms you braindead pajeet
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I've lived in an RV for over 7 years traveling the US, for me living in an RV was a step up, before that I was living out of my backpack traveling the US

it cost less than 2k to buy, title, insure, and 4 new tires.
>after the big dump coming up.
why the hell would Blackrock and Vanguard ever let that happen? The reason they are snapping up residential property is so they can keep the bubble inflated. There is no big dump of real estate. That would actually make it affordable and let the little guy create wealth again. If you have real estate you should be hodling. Dump your equities, those are fucked
Should I buy an RV? I was thinking either that or renting a room somewhere.
In a honda element or honda fit, outfit it for living. It would take like $3000 USD at most and that's decked out completely with the works.
Or just get a fucking Sprinter that they used for Amazon delivery, and fit it out to be a little apartment.
Foreclosed on homes are still listed at market value by the bank ya dingus. Why would they list them at a lower price?
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No, you specifically should probably just learn to suck dicks well because you're a stupid little bitch.
Sleeping under a bridge doesn't require any money.

They are paying $1M in my area (the Mid-Atlantic) for teardowns. It is out of control.
neck yourself commie
Oh really?
Yeah if you want to try and get a foreclosure cheaper you have to get in on the foreclosure auction
30%?? LOL nigga it was plus 350% at least, M1 jumped from $4T to $18T during 2020.
I meant what is the purpose of the bot but ok sorry to bother you with conversation
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Yeah I heard about those
Na ill stay in my house
Oh sorry. IDK it seemed like he was too lazy to answer so he used chatgpt.
Beaners are buying up properties left and right
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You have people buying multiple properties to rent or to airbnb, you have the Chinese buying up as many properties as they can get, and you also have large investment firms like Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street buying up every home they can get their hands on.

Welcome to the end stages of captialism, where everyone is a serf for their corporate oligarchs.
>a kike lawyer went absent without leave after the vaxx in 2021
what the fuck did you think this sentence meant when you typed it? it's nonsense.
>What is the cause if this?
Government and banks are run by criminals.
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Moving drugs and pinestraw
>don't blame the people who bribed regulators, just blame the officials who took the bribes
It is completely unsustainable.
Well done anon, I remember you from another thread stating how much fucking rain you'll have to deal with as a hobbo. What's up nowaday?
I-95 corridor. It's full of niggers and housing vouchers drive up the price. Even rentals, if the landlord knows they can get higher rental assistance checks from the state they will drive up the average market price in the area. I got the fuck out of there
Ur poor. Hope that explains it. Try making more money
>interest rates to essentially zero for 15 years after 2008
This, our post-1970s global economy is Financialized and gigacasino of most of that wealth segregated entirely from Real Economy of goods-services-commodities

post-1970s Financialized autofac created brand new, never-existent-in-human-history speculative instruments, derivatives, CDOs, options that confect 'money' and 'assets' out of *NOTHING*
After 2008 'capitalism' no longer exists, none of us would even be here posting or internet servers existing without endless supplies of debt note fiat currency from private central banks.
Remember that the Aug-Sept 2019 overnight repo crisis of the WS investment banks being unable to cover their overnight transactions,
was the beginning of our current economic collapse.
from Sept 2019 to Jan 2020 almost $1 trillion in bailouts were 'printed' to prevent a 2007-style credit freeze (what would've occurred without <--that bailout) happening and instant Mad Max at your local grocery store and bank.
Elizabeth Warren herself was on Capitol Hill "what the F is going on here"
magically, though in January 2020 along came covid :
and with it $13 trillion more in 'liquidity' for HNW entities, investment banks to continue their Financialized artificial casino entirely removed from the Real Economy of goods-services-commodities which we all subsist in.

Must watch : what is 'money', how is it created —

The Money Deluge —


a few recent threads where (You) can all learn more about how the global economy *actually* works, post-1970s Financialization, and central banks :




Century of Enslavement : The History of The Federal Reserve
the rich are rich as fuck and there's not unlimited housing. if you have < 8 figure net worth at this point in time you're left behind.
Beware winter.
Easy to run out of food and be trapped by cold.
I wouldn't expect people who make houses to be a thing in 2024
thats why he won't answer
fuck the woods.
unless your dad raised you in them you will die or get sick very quick. band up and take over shitholes and price the scum out.
>the rich are rich as fuck and there's not unlimited housing.

That's part of it. There's a house on my road that got sold recently for like $2 million. The previous owners bought it for a fraction of that and they saved their entire lives to buy it. The new owners bought it months ago and they've never even shown up to look at it. Its a beautiful house and yet over the past month or so they've been having workmen tear out perfectly fine parts of the house to replace it with even more expensive shit. The owners apparently own about 4 or 5 other mansions.

The gap between the rich and even successful middle class people is absurd at this point.
Cuz whites think money grows on trees.
Bought in 2020 and I don't regret it one bit. Love the house, neighbors are chill and rents for less than half the sqft is more than my mortgage+property taxes.
>t. Over 40 now and ZERO callbacks for 60+ jobs iv applied
>cheapest singlewides in a $1200/month park are $200k
>missing cartilage in my joints

I'm fugged but iv given up on owning a house and have embraced a travel trailer on BLM lifestyle and it feels gud
>This lifestyle can also lead to isolation, depression
I wanna die
We need to bring back company towns where the company you work for pays for housing. There are a few jobs that do this, but we need more. Would also help males get into the workforce and out of their parents basement.
Gas cost would be more expensive.

Honda fit gets like 28mpg and element gets 23 average. Gas matters
Honda Fit isn't that big, is it?
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offer 50k. if they don't accept move onto the next one.
I'll give them 3k
you realize it does have some intrinsic value. just not 300k worth.
>let in 1m legal immigrants and 2m+ illegals per year, every year, forever
>don't build 3m more houses per year
Why indeed.
It's worth realistically about $150k. I lived in the area for over 30 years.

Live with your parents. The extra cash would probably help them out too. 'They' make doing this seem shameful and embarrassing so that you won't do the smart thing.
Jews get loans to buy rental property, the loans come from banks who print money to grant the loan, and this causes inflation. The demand caused by jews buying property with money stolen from you through inflation raises the price of all property because of increased demand, in addition to the price spike caused by inflation. You're a slave and your chains are invisible.
I did, my mom died and my dad's too retarded to get a house.
It's enough to sleep and live out of. You can live out of a honda civic coupe, if you're crafty enough and take out the passenger and back seat. Not saying it's a big space, but it's definitely doable with custom storage and maybe some wood boxes to lay down some twin mattress
It's expensive because it is desired by many people.
Why the fuck should anyone HAVE to do that shit though?
its simple supply and demand. the amount of houses isnt rising at the rate of immigrants needing a house.
its only going to get worse and worse because we are too pussy to fix the issue.
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>I wanna die

Because we're back from covid and as greedy as ever!
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Foreclosure or not the lender isn't looking to take a haircut. They're going to list in line with the market and see where it goes. We aren't back to the old days of cheap foreclosure properties. Been gone for nearly a decade thanks to nearly free fed money.
Wonder what they owe on the fucking place.
Because it's $800-1000+ a month cheaper than renting a goy apartment.

Pretty big incentive. Also you can just do nothing all day if you really wanted to
>cheaper than a goy apartment
What are you, a kike?
Check the local register of deeds. If nothing there will be a deed of trust from the previous owner with the initial loan amount and term. May only be a substitute trustee deed for the foreclosure, but you never know. Place local to me is listed as bank owned and there are docs listed showing the loan originator bought off the lien holder.
I knew quickly that this was written by a bot, but I guess a lot of other people still can't recognize it. Don't count on the AI being able to prop you up forever. I hope you responsibly prepare for the future. Just thought I'd give you a heads up. You talk like an ass, but I can see you're trying to help other anons.
Nevermind. I knew Delaware was fucktarded but this is next level. Paying to view public records digitally is jewish as fuck.
its called capitalism anon. owning private property is an investment. houses are investments, not places for people to live
buy picrel and build a shack
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>giving apartment kikes money gives them $13,000-20,000 a year in free money

So are you so adamant on giving money to jews why do you want to give jews thousands of dollars of free money per year while they do zero work and do no real labor? Explain it rabbi.
I got a solution but it require 5 stones and a glove
Imagine the stench...
Come get me rabbi
Good idea
I want a fucking roof over my head and to not have to piss and shit in a truck stop bathroom. Being frugal makes you the kike, not me. Stop being a fucking spendthrifty little bitch
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>Why is Housing So Fucking Expensive?
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Why is Housing So Fucking Expensive?
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Consider the aroma...
(((invisible enemy)))
I don't think they allow homeless people in the woods. For whatever reason. You can be near a parking lot or whatever, but I don't think the federal officers allow homeless people to live deep in the woods.
But I have heard of some black communities that do it in Georgia from the news, so who knows. Maybe.
Ponder the fragrance.
no u kike
All the people selling the houses need to do their due diligence and sell only to fellow Americans with families or married couples. Americans have no one to blame but themselves for causing the housing crisis. The fucking Boomers fuck us yet again selling to the Chinese and corporations. If I was selling my house, I will make sure it's going to a young couple or a family. No more corporations buying up all the housing. This shit needs to end already
If you're local it may be different if you go to view at the register of deeds office. But if it's by the page still that's absurd, considering it isn't unusual for a deed of trust alone to be 20 pages of legal/contract bullshit. One for my county is completely free and has everything digitized back to the early 1800s and it's buttfuck nowhere.
Lol. People don't even recycle, and you think some boomer nudniks will do such things? Hah
money printing + subsidized loans + big money using housing as a financial asset and not housing + jews
>Pittsburgh and get a cheap house.
My house is a 70 year old dump and is worth like 250-300
Because you worship the free market. Lay in the grave you created for yourself.
The big banks bribed regulators and solely to kill the small banks.
The big banks won't give you credit but the small ones will.
There's nuance to it.
People pay $0.00 for movies, tv shows, videogames, and music so they have to get their money somewhere. Housing, medical, and food.
Immigration, corporate investment and foreign investment in single family housing. Also inflation and raising the interest rates.
The thread on 4chan's /pol/ board discusses the high cost of housing and various opinions on the causes and potential solutions. Here are some notable points made by different users:

Anonymous (ID: Oyl5tArb):
Initiates the discussion by highlighting the high cost of housing, even for foreclosures, and speculates about the role of Chinese investors: "A FORECLOSURE in my hometown is going for nearly $300k. What's the cause of this? Chinese investors picking up all the houses? Because that's what I've heard around town."

Anonymous (ID: 6MTO1as/):
Asks for tips on living in the woods, indicating a level of desperation due to high housing costs: "Anyone have tips for living in the woods, technically homeless?"

Anonymous (ID: gKqAP/R5):
Makes a provocative statement about property rights: "Property deeds are meaningless if you occupy it by force."

Anonymous (ID: Oyl5tArb):
Advises against living in the woods and suggests seeking help from organizations: "Yeah, don't. I know things are tough right now, but living in the woods or being homeless might not be the best idea... Instead, seek help from organizations that offer temporary housing, food, and support."

Anonymous (ID: h1it/y8C):
Responds sarcastically to the idea of living in the woods: "enjoy mosquitos and poverty."

Anonymous (ID: /P8vvrnn):
Criticizes the current administration's handling of the housing crisis: "Biden basically said 'fuck yall, you own your own.'"

Anonymous (ID: jfKut2YK):
Shares a grim perspective on living in the woods: "You could always kill anybody that finds you and feed them to bears, but are you ballsy enough for that?"
Anonymous (ID: 3IJ/6uCr):
Provides an economic analysis of the housing crisis, linking it to COVID-19 relief measures and the money supply: "Trump and Biden (mainly Biden) printed cash to pay for COVID. 30% of the total money supply was added to circulation, and thus we get 30% jumps in the cost of most goods/housing... There will be no solution until boomers start dying at a rate the home market will not be able to absorb the flood of homes for sale."

Based on the content, Anonymous (ID: 3IJ/6uCr) appears to provide the most comprehensive and analytical response, linking the housing crisis to broader economic policies and demographic trends. This user offers a detailed explanation that considers multiple factors, making their contribution likely the most intelligent in the context of the discussion.
Get a storage unit and access to a gym with a shower. That's the first step to being homeless.
Isn't Newark one of the most nogged up places in the US? For a house to even go for 50k in that shithole is beyond crazy.
You think I'd want to live with my parents with my future wife?
>You think I'd want to live with my parents with my future wife?
Why not? If you plan on having children the grandparents will be happy to help you out and babysit.
Offer them 150k they will most likely sell it to you.
Nah, he can't buy it now or else he will have pre-doxxed himself.
I live near here. Those lots used to be $100 but you can still get some that cheap in tax auctions. The problem with building a shack here is that these still require a permanent foundation. Some allow trailers. But there are city ordnances so people don't build shacks. Otherwise they would have been bought by now.

Nobody wants to build a nice house in a dying town except the occasional retiring boomer.
it's shit either way, housing was already too expensive and shitty. I already tried being homeless and it actually worked out not too bad at all but yeah truck stop shits suck. Trying to be homeless sucks. It's hard enough if you wanted to go out innawoods forever but trying to make homeless normal is hard. Best scenario would be someone letting you park and shit at their house but you're just using someone to shit haha

so, you can be sleep in your car, live in the attic of crazy people, or go live in the actual middle of nowhere
Funny how most of us on 4chan, while being "sane" in the head are acting and thinking like antisocial schizoids.
We all want to run in the woods, most of us are NEETs, we're parasitizing on the love and care of others... while otherwise being normal people that can always pull their strings or could've chosen well in life but no one is ever looking to heal, admit it and so on, this place is like the perfect NEET bubble of feel good.
perceived value
was hoping the defund the police and squatting would take off to crash it but oh well
the violence will be worse the longer it takes to resolve
That's a nice shack to make gay orgies.
You just doxxed them. Feds finna swoop in.

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