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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why does pol cope so fucking hard about Indian American IQ?
so a survey done on the small subsection of smart Indians that fled India long ago is meant to be a comparison to the flood of shit happening now? not how that works buckaroo
Now do India
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This is true. You aren't getting average pajeets, you can only get the pajeets that were smart enough to leave their disgusting shit hole.
>Canada is America
There is only a flood of trash in Canada. Not here. Coping pigskin. Its great how even a tiny chunk of our trash easily conquer your underpopulated shithole. Lol. However it takes a bit more skill and intelligence to wrench the subhuman mutts into their place up here. Slowly but surely
Thats not a real IQ matrix test retard, jeets have 76 IQ average.
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Faggot OP can't. He went outside to do the survey, and slipped on some of his neighbors street shit, fracturing his ankle
average Indian IQ is 76.24

Statistically there should be some smart indians since theres 1.5 billion of them. Most of them realise the absolute disaster of a country they come from so flee abroad. The issue being they are now bringing the horde of spastic rapist countrymen with them and getting them into positions through nepotism which will just further collapse the west under a tide of brown people.
The conquering would be so much easier for you if you guys didn't stink and drag all your retarded kin with you.
You might even be welcomed here, as a ruling class, if it weren't for that.
Nobody is coping it’s the same exact thing with chinks
if you have literally a billion people you’re going to get some good eggs. There are even intelligent niggers that were born in Africa... you would obviously not say that niggers are smart though. Same exact thing with poos and chinks
indians are disgusting. YOU are coping by trying to up-sell your intelligence.
>hey poo what is your IQ
>bloody bitch boobs now 130 bitch bobs
no one believes this you dumb poo nigger
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The delusion on these disgusting freaks...
India has an average IQ of 80.
>Same exact thing with poos and chink
Wrong. Niggers and niggers alone are the only race on the planet with universally subhuman IQ. And that's uncontestable FACT
>they are now bringing the horde of spastic rapist countrymen with them
They primarily reproduce via gang rape. Think about how it works.
>Be grotesque literal shit eating freak
>Women uninterested
>Only those who reproduce survive
>Solution: (Gang) Rape
What happens now?
>The women is impregnated with the sperm of the most aggressive gang-rapist
In effect, the offspring of these creatures, if male, is likely to be even more successful at rape.
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Oh look another Hindu shitskin rape rat infesting the west, infesting our 4chan, and trying to subvert our boards so its fellow cockroaches can keep infesting and destroying. Why is it never Muslims and Chinese, but always Hindu rape rats and Jews doing this shit? Because they are parasites.

Everything you need to know about Hindu IQ you can tell by looking at India. You cannot have a high IQ and follow the shitskin pedophile rapey subhuman cult known as Hinduism. Being a Hindu is proof that you descend from low IQ subhuman monkeys.

How many tech companies were innovated by Indians that are not just outsourcing and H1B scams for Hindu rape rats? ZERO.

How many contributions did Hindus make to civilization? ZERO.

How many cities in India do humans want to live in, compared to Dubai and Istanbul? ZERO.

The only way to make the inbred Hindu rape rats useful to humanity is to slit their throats and turn them into fertilizer.
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The most important evolutionary history of humanity has to do with aspects of their genome which are INVISIBLE: genes coding for intellect, aggressive behavior, etc...
It's most likely going down. We used to vet them but now it's basically anyone can come in. Also 112 is a shit average for an imported Elite class.
>Living 20 people to a basement all working Uber Eats and airport customer service is "conquering"
The average Indian IQ is 70 and this post is more proof of it
>AI overview

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