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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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not caring about politics means youre an incel now
>modern women
not even once
as a witch, was that her last words from the noose?
This is only ever applied to guys they see as lesser, which already means you're at a severe disadvantage. If she wants you, politics aren't even relevant and you can say whatever you want. So just be hot or really charming I guess.
Having beliefs doesn't make a person political. Is she retarded?
>talking politics with a lower life form such as a woman
This they are a complete lost cause there is no fixing stupid
Facts. Women don't care about a mans politics unless they want a simp.
>dating tip: if you're dating a girl who isn't amish, she's useless and there's a thousand just like her right behind. if you can get one date with a vapid roastie, you can get ten more, so who gives a fuck if they don't like your politics
I've actually found the opposite to be true.

Being the most commanding, racist, right-wing, asshole in the room makes these liberal dipshits wet.
>2019 ragebait will get 400 replies
"I'm not political" is code for "I won't talk to you about how much I want to kill politicians on DOTR"
She knows me so well bros...
>implying I care what a woman thinks of my political position
Hope this hag enjoys pegging her basedboys and then wondering why she cries herself to sleep every night.
I will slap my beliefs right on the table and she can either accept them or fuck off.
I am the prize, not her.
And they wonder why they keep getting some limp dick that cant even carry their groceries.
I'm sure this definitely happened, which is why this tranny has no fear of talking about someone they dated in the public square.
I really really really like the education meme. Can't lose from there, if you don't reach my conclusion is because you didn't take enough courses about african lesbians in college.
>here some tweets from a terminally online roastie from 2019
>feed mad?
>feel demoralized?

Listen up, anons:
I told my wife on our first date that I was unvaccinated, don't support abortion, own guns, and hate feminism.
We have our first kid on the way and have the best relationship.
This has always been my strategy with women.
They respect it, and the liberal ones will want to fuck you for being confident and blunt, and the conservative ones will immediately start trying to get you to put a ring on it.
Only the most mentally ill ones will try to debate with you, and at that point you ask them questions about their relationship with their dads and they fly into a rage. Why? Because you never debate emotional retards.
>your normal beliefs will be conservative unless you (((educate))) yourself
I just say I’m libertarian. Most the time they are too stupid to know what that means.
Anyone else miss the days prior to politics getting force infused into our daily lives?
Outside of the idiots sitting in a room to discuss trivial things, like toalettpapper.. you knew they were there but you rarely saw them until they had something important to reveal..
Aah I miss the days before they forced themselves to be like fucking rock stars that is the center of attention no matter what you do or where you go.
You can't escape them in society anymore so I guess to get back to peace and quiet we have to either dethrone them or just flat out move into the woods and they can run what's left of society by themselves. FUCK POLITICS!
Do you think you could carry more groceries into your house if you trained your boner to carry the weight of the bag(s) of groceries
Imagine going back through 5 years of tweets to find this shitpost and bring it here to shove in our faces like some kind of desperate for attention retard.
Maybe the bread or chips.
if a woman cant stick around after your drunken rant about hitler being right and the jews being a plague on humanity, then she isn't the one for you
>uh oh, they're on to us
Wait till these whores find out that most of the guys trying to get in their panties are lying about being liberal.
incel thread, you cant breed
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That tweet is half a decade old lmao, update your fuckin scripts you lazy shill trashboat
>If she wants you, politics aren't even relevant
More than that. Women will shift gears and parrot whatever the guy she is with thinks no matter what she said before.

Women have no actual beliefs or opinions. Everything that comes out of their mouths is meaningless garbage. On a basic level they know this even if they can't verbalize it. That's why they hold anyone who agrees with them in absolute contempt. If you are low enough to agree with what they say you are trash by default.
It requires walking a different way too I suppose.
I wonder what the tradeoff for walking normally with groceries in your hand vs crabwalking with an addition grocery load on your boner would be
I learned this when I went to China. I was basically like "why don't you retarded chinks rise up lol the CCP sucks" and even the super brainwashed ones still sucked my dick. Though nowadays I like life too much to risk disappearing.
Everything a women says revolves a hole.
a woman who was horrified by something racist i said was sucking my dick 4 hours later. a woman's views DO NOT MATTER.
Dating tip: if the woman you're dating isn't morphing her political views to yours, that means she doesn't care about you romantically.
I don't give a shit about what women think.
I've fucked feminists after telling them that men can't be feminists and that those that claim that they do are beta males that just look for female approval.
I know plenty of guys who have fucked lesbian women.
Showing that you care about how a woman thinks is the easiest way to make her dryer than the Sahara. They only care that you care about how they feel. VERY DIFFERENT. Understand this difference and pussy will be ez pz.
women are losers
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>erika heidewald

that's the most nazi-sounding name since wolf blitzer
the amount of women who have taken "if you voted Trump, swipe left" out of their tinder profiles says otherwise
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>"dating tips" from women
Remember you don't live in the same social universe as these people. Nothing they say about reality applies to you.
I usually just say I'm a pro abortion (niglets in particular) socialist (of the nationalist variety) and if they're good enough quality I'll be able to bring them around to my way of thinking eventually
I knew a woman named Ivana Stuffeminderoven.
You say the words in parentheses?
Women are fucking wonderful.
You’re either a well-poisoning jew or a turbloser beta.
Either way, take your tears back to your home >>>/r9k/
No, I leave the race stuff for last and make my case for nationalism implicitly by talking about how socialist states need borders or they are vulnerable to exploitation
You need to educate yourself
Enjoy the alimony payments retard
I am going to single handedly kill every women in the world so we can finally get the chud ethnostate we deserve
bullshit. Women don't want faggy liberal men. Every girl I've ever dated was a liberal until she started getting dicked down properly
I had this happen Saturday. Whiskey has been the best and worst friend I’ve ever had.
Heil Hitler and suck my cock you stupid bitch. That's the correct response
I told my girlfriend I'm extremely anti-government. It's no lie.

That's what bitchass men do. Real men tell their dates exactly what they think and then fuck the woman into agreeing with them. Pretty much works every time. You can tell a married couple never has sex when the wife is a raging feminist and liberal.
she's right though. the only ones who would answer that way are "nice guys" which means they're beta fags anyway.
>everyone does if they haven’t taken the time to indoctrinate themselves
why would i date a brain damaged white woman when i can just go far east?
My girlfriend was raised by a conspiracy-tard (the "don't wear socks because they put mind control dye in them" sort), and he is not held in high esteem by her. So I had to feel the whole situation out before finally laying out the holocaust shit to her.
Turns out, she had some pretty hard-core German grandparents on her mother's side who weren't afraid to tell the truth. When it finally came up, we were already on the same page.


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