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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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60%+ of marrying age males worldwide now single
Number much higher (likely close to 90% now) for males under marrying age as well.

Males will revoke women's rights and force them to marry and give children to every single male in less than 5 years.

Males will not accept working for nothing.
Knock it off with your porn addiction and we can start talking like adults.
I'm just going to play video games because the pairbonding is fucked

Says the hypersexual woman who can only stay in a monogamous relationship for life, if she is forced to by male laws.

How many different dicks did you hop on this week alone? Males don't have addictions - male with addictions can't work, and they fail at society.

It's women who have a sex addiction, and they are letting civilization tank and taking us back to tribalism because they can't overcome their addiction. That scrawny boring guy at the basement? He is the only one with intelligence to make the iphones you like so much, and the tiktoks you like so much, and airplanes, and all other technologies.

You have to breed with him, not the "interesting" dumb fuck guy at the gym

You women can't even support the things you like and need, you have a garden but you are letting all the flowers die.
Lol women aren’t adults to begin with. We aren’t equal, that’s why they depend on us for resources.
Uh women are more than fine with letting you die. This is the consequence of letting them in the workforce. They all want Chad and hope you die if you aren’t him. That’s it.

I guess women could do real work if their lives depended on it, they just don't want it

pro tip: HR, consulting, having meetings, are not actual jobs. Secretary is a needed function, but not actual work either.

In work you create/produce something
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Here's my first and final proposition:

>male with addictions can't work, and they fail at society.
I've met some hard working alcoholics before.
I really don't care what jews think we should do with our women

Show flag, nigger-lover
This, I do not want modern women.

Those are walking on the borderline. It's hard to be consistently productive and never mess up ( which is needed for most jobs ) if you have addictions

There is no "modern women", there is no "traditional women". They are all the same.

Women in the past acted the way they did because they were the property of men, and they had to act as men dictated.

What you are saying, is that you don't want a free woman. You want a woman who is your property and acts as you wishes. There was never a woman who acted like a man would have wanted if she had the choice (freedom )
I didn't say that they never messed up.
I said they were hardworking and alcoholics.
Maybe but all women my age are ruined so what gives

Real men work with what they are given, and they fix and improve things.

If you are given a barren desolate land, you'll do your best to cultivate it, grow food and trees in it, until it is good again. The same with women.

They are ruined now because us men let them go, now we have to fix it and tend to it again
No thanks but good luck
JD Vance will do that next year
I’ve seen this memeflag before. Imagine treating doomposting like a full time job.
Men are just as bad
I was ride or die for one who dumped me with a tryst with some ugly jew whore
I still love him but i wont take him back to spite my face
>the same with women

Wrong. There is a reason why many ancient religions and cultures had rules and regulations when it came to women, because since the beginning of time men have known the nature of a woman, she must be disciplined so that she doesn't whore herself out, when we gave them free reign, they destroyed the family unit and men's well being in general. You cannot turn a whore into a pure woman. gtfo cuck faggot.
Oh yeah? Got any muslim friends? They do what OP says NOW in YOUR country.
You were the weak, useless child all along
> women could do real work if their lives depended on it
actually they can't, it's been tested. 2 guys get lost in a forest = they get out or learn to survive. At worst they get mauled by some bear.
women get lost in a forest = they're dead of starvation in 2 weeks. They literally cannot do any useful task with any determination. Even women in the military that see action tend to quit because they see for themselves how they're a liability for the men. And that's the 1 in a million that can pass training. The IDF ones showing their asses are literally there for propaganda.
You can't turn her pure, but you can fix her daughter and marry her.
Watch alone or other survivor shows. There are some phenomenal outdoors women out there, but most are absolute dogshit at it. Even on naked and afraid some of the women are more liability than benefit.

Modern women have almost nothing in common with their pioneer women ancestors.
>Men are just as bad

You women only go for men who are hypersexual sluts like yourself, because you are physically attracted to cheating men

So shut the fuck up prentending that men are just as bad, when it's a minority of men. You just happen to like that minority precisely because they cheat

Nothing dries the vagina of a woman more than a man who would love her forever and never cheat, and because women cannot feel love nor have feelings, all they have are vaginal sensations
Lots of incel threads.

>More than 60% of males worldwide now incels
>uhh, lots of incel threads hu

you think?

It's just the most important topic of the century ever since women were given freedom, and it affects the vast majority of males in the world now.

This is now the biggest and most important subject in current society. The truth is that, for some reason, we don't have enough incel threads yet. I think most men are still coping with "I'll find the one eventually" They are slowly realizing that is not the case, year after year. Which is why I believe within 5 years the situation will have changed completely as most men became by then aware they will be alone for life unless they change how society works
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this is always the response when the liberal/woke/lgbt/feminist side is presented with logic that basically dismantles who they are at their very core. It means we are right and have been right about female nature and what faggottry/feminism has done to the world.
In Brazil 56% of women are single already and this number is growing by the day, only the bottom 20% most retarded men are marrying and this is not enough men for the women to settle, at least 80% of them will end up alone soon enough and I will not try to fix a thing, I will not try to save no women, I will not reproduce and as far as I am concerned they can all rot and die alone and I'll only take a sadistic pleasure in seeing them get wrekt

Reminder that 40+ single women take 10x more antidepressants than any other demographic
no such thing
its all man made horrors preventing whites to have babies!

>feminsm was a mistake
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>Males will not accept working for nothing.
Can't tell
Fuck em. They're all crazy anyway.
Roastie shill detected
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it is not feminism, it is just women being women, they destroyed every single civilization there ever was, they're the sole reason why every empire falls.

men create civilizations, women destroy them, it has been this way since the beggining of times
it is not kikes even tho they're bad
it is not niggers even tho they're bad
it is not faggots even tho they're bad.

it is biblical, humanity is suffering for eternity because of Eva, even Adam the son of god the first men get wrekt because of a women, if even him could win while dealing with women I am not trying either... same goes for every single chad/king/conquer etc etc that ever played this game

Men are followers of god
Women are followers of the devil
First, we need to get rid of videogames
polish Lithuanian commonwealth. 15th century. poland had womens suffrage first in the world by about 400 years. serfs had no voting power obviously. noblewomen had more rights than male serfs. they could own properties and all the amenities that came with nobility. that was a hundred year golden age for poland. they had tradition hence why its called traditional women. they knew how to act because they were educated by proper men. ethnic purity and unification. camaraderie and nationalism. there was tranquility.
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Imagine being such a hopeless incel that you feel the need to enslave women so that they're forced to like you. What a crybaby faggot you are.

Take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue. Go pay for pussy if your that desperate, might clear your head.
shut up woman
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Not a woman, just a man that likes women. You're a shoot faggot. Have sex.

My worth is judged by men, not by women, nor by those like you who have submitted to women's ideals and values.
shut up woman
Sharing and talking about this dumb thick latina zoomer bitch i know with based women hating anons

Anoyzesy on disc or jerstenz on kik
>Males will revoke women's rights and force them to marry and give children to every single male in less than 5 years.
Modern Feminism comes from the Freemasons who worship the "androgyne." They are female supremacists. All waves of feminism, rigged family courts, LGBT (especially trans) all come from the Freemasons. They intend America to be "the whore of babylon" or an unrestrained female spirit as spoken about in the bible. Epistemological evil that can be disproven by the most simple reasoning.
anyone who responds "incel" has no argument/is a liberal cuck faggot. Don't worry we know we are right and it makes you seethe that we are so well aware of female nature/bullshit , we will never be fooled or controlled by the liberal faggot feminist hivemind.
You sound entitled, lazy, unaccountable and unfuckable. You're probably fat, too. Good luck with all that.
see >>475792305
No, read >>475789717
Why does she look like a sheboon troon?
>Brown Muslims Males will revoke...
ya'll too busy jerking it to BLACKED porn to do that
False. Women are being enabled and led by masonic/jesuit pagan femdom enthusiasts.
this and bump
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no women are the devil themselves

women are far worse than jews, without women we would already get rid of kikes a long time ago
Judaism is a female centric religion. If male Jews woke up about their religion being an ancient female worship cult, they might be able to get saved.

But they hate Jesus anyways. They love their hermaphrodite parent Satan, and hate the father God/Jesus.
Wtf is this psyop
What are they trying to slide?
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>porn addiction
It's not an addiction if it's a substitute good for a deprived necessity. Now show bobs and vageen.
I miss her bros. She was a evil whore who cheated and lied but I still miss her. How do I stop thinking of that evil bitch?
You’re going to get shot
You don’t know anything about pairbonding, star chasing the red flags, work them out, you’ll get all the pairbonding you need
The thread on 4chan's /pol/ board discusses Russia's decision to raise interest rates for the sixth time to combat inflation. Here are some key points and opinions from the participants:

Anonymous (ID: 5r0Xmff4): Mentions the increase in interest rates and sarcastically comments on the situation in Moscow, implying no panic.
Anonymous (ID: ZJJE4abG): Diverts the topic by making a controversial statement about Israel and Trump.
Anonymous (ID: U7I3n81E): Suggests that the interest rate hikes are a distraction from economic issues in Ukraine and the West.
Anonymous (ID: FN+e29h3): Believes the rate hikes are more about defending the ruble against the dollar due to China's actions.
Anonymous (ID: 5r0Xmff4): Compares Russian and US economic indicators, sarcastically suggesting that the West is collapsing while Russia is fine.
Anonymous (ID: U/oU3dZ6): Points out that high interest rates in Russia mean high returns for bank deposits, indicating no panic.
Anonymous (ID: U/oU3dZ6): Argues that Russia's economy is overheating due to a flood of internal investment, leading to the need for higher interest rates to control loan issuance.
Anonymous (ID: +bl7BM3M): Agrees with the view that China's internal credit crisis is influencing the situation.

Determining the "most intelligent" participant is subjective and depends on the criteria used (e.g., economic insight, logical reasoning, etc.). However, participants like Anonymous (ID: FN+e29h3) and Anonymous (ID: U/oU3dZ6) provide detailed economic analyses, which might be considered more insightful in the context of the discussion.
Did you ever consider that maybe you were the problem?
I think you might have gotten lost on your way to Plebbit or Twitter, I hear they use the term incel there unironically still, you'll fit right in.
oh yeah I live in the most disgusting time in history and it is all about me, I am probably richer and more influencial than everyone hahaha I am responsible for the state the US and the world is right now, a huebro, the mighty and powerful huebro, the problem was me all along
I have a girlfriend. Get gud faggot.

>A woman values me, that means I'm valuable

not how it works.In fact, most decent men being single and you having a gf should be a wake up call to how bad you must be as a person, and probably low IQ as well so women can relate to you. If you were good, and valuable( to men and civilization ),you would be single

Also australian,so you are probably a criminal, and women like that

tl;dr getting a woman doesn't mean you are gud, quite the opposite
And this matters how exactly with anything I just said?
Don't worry. Islam will fix the problem.
I mean he talks and argues like a retard, so yes, you can pretty much tell he's exactly at the level a woman would comfortably engage in.
tell me this is not rěddit spacing
>I can't get a girlfriend because I'm simply TOO decent of a man
Maximum fucking cope. Woman Derangement Syndrome.
Incorrect, see:
1pbid memeflag shill

Without PORN, due to so much hornyness, we male incels will try flirting with the ladies, the ladies will call the police and accuse us of harassment, and we will end up in jail. And we might end up raped or killed in jail.
There really is someone for everyone. Just try harder
See: >>475790556
NTA, but statistically there are going to be people who never fall in love. There are going to be people who were never loved ever. That's just the way the cookie crumbles. If you can't have an open and honest conversation about a glaring red flag for the future of our country without spewing platitudes, you're a part of the problem.
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Knock it off with your social media/instatokbook addiction and we can start treating you like a human, roastie whore.
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>Nothing dries the vagina of a woman more than a man who would love her forever and never cheat

This is the ugly truth about roasties.

They destroy every good thing happening to them and then blame men for it.
Not everyone is like you bro... some of us literally just don't like women and want to spend time with them, id pay to not have a wife nagging me all day lmao.

>In work you create/produce something
women produce men. men produce literally everything else
>Any man that is against dating or marriage is a porn addict
I see that the new NPC talking point has dropped
Fuck you bitch, it is almost a guarantee that EVERY adult women HAS or WILL be in a pornographic film OR is simply a whore who will get gangbanged and have videos from that circulated on instagram. And you expect ME to look past that? No, Even worse, you want to make ME seem like the bad guy! Fucking cunt, FUCK you! The fucking nerve , the audacity you manipulative cunts have is off the charts, fucking unreal in the most mind boggling absurd way imaginable. Women should be forced to wear a hijab FOR WHITE MEN. Fucking bitch. You owe me BIGLY! We're on the verge of A CIVIL FUCKING WAR, that YOU were complicit in manufacturing. When we win, and we will, you will have the shit raped out of you. You don't know rape culture, but you will.

You willingly made the porn because you wanted to have "fun" and "find yourself", you created the weapons of mass destruction that have led to the demise of many young white men. You will pay for your misdeeds against good men. Polite, moral, good intentioned white men who you deliberately led astray and destroyed. You will be judged for your evils, witch.
I have come to the conclusion that only men with addictions work.
>60%+ of marrying age males worldwide now single
Chinks and poos existing doesn't validate your basement dwelling lifestyle.
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>Males will not accept working for nothing.
They've forced us to be like this for decades.
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>In Brazil 56% of women are single already and this number is growing by the day, only the bottom 20% most retarded men are marrying and this is not enough men for the women to settle, at least 80% of them will end up alone soon enough and I will not try to fix a thing, I will not try to save no women, I will not reproduce and as far as I am concerned they can all rot and die alone and I'll only take a sadistic pleasure in seeing them get wrekt
>Reminder that 40+ single women take 10x more antidepressants than any other demographic
60%+ of males worldwide are non-whites
Das rite. White countries are simply brimming with birthrates and healthy marriages.
we wont do shit
That's what women want, to destroy civilization. But actually women's rights is an important part of civilization. Don't give women the satisfaction of removing their rights.
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Are monkeyzilian women specially bad? I've grown up seeing my mom badmouthing my dad to other people, cheating on him in an absurd way (will not go in details cuz you'll say I'm lying) and eventually divorce semi-rape him, but I've choosen to stay with my dad cuz I was 14 yo. I was redpilled from the start (it was also over ever before it begun), always knew that my mom was under the "muh stronk independent wom*n" spell. Anyway... And they wonder I've never gotten a gf dispite being a handsome fellow lel.
If you want to fuck it its good.
I really don't care.

Women are utilized by modern governments to get men enslaved and output work for them.

It's built around male explotation. Women are barely sentient creatures and just do what the state/media tells them to.

I refuse to deal with either party.
Preperationd for war are underway.
A loophole in the draft law of the bible states that newlyweds get a 1 year exemption from battle. Zoomers wait tp get married until the war to dodge the draft.
>You women can't even support the things you like and need, you have a garden but you are letting all the flowers die.

>actually cohabitates with women.

They can't do shit.
But I start work at 9am sharp even though I get nothing from women.
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Sincerely we are heading towards a future where government-mandated breeding-barns will be a thing and men collective just pick up women at age 18 and toss them in and locking them up an they can leave when they are 22 and pushed out 2-3 kids which will be conceived through state-mandated rape. Because the stupid selfish fuckers are killing society.

I mean seriously I do realize how this sounds but this shit is heading towards societal collapse like a Siberian freight-train with broken brakes into a fucking mountain-wall...

At some point someone will say "Okey thats it we are going to have deploy drastic changes or will die!" And that is going to be the solution.

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