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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You VILL NOT ask for compensation. You VILL NOT ask for work-life balance. You VILL work like ze bugs back in India. You VILL sacrifice your time and health so our Jewish imported Hindu aryan kweens can slay at tech companies. You VILL work for nothing and you VILL be happy.
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How do you do fellow kids? As a Hindu-American, asking for a raise is just so cringe, fr fr no cap am I rite fellow zoomers?
>I can't imagine working for somebody and saying my pay is not enough
Probably never actually did work.
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According to Hinduism, working is for low castes only. The higher caste you are, the less you should degrade yourself by working. That's why jeets refuse to get any kind of manual labor job, and even when they get into an office job, they try to pawn their work off on everyone else.
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Welcome to the nu-west: a collection of business zones where Jews running each economic zone (formerly known as a country) compete with each other to see who can turn it into India and Indian living standards as they race to the bottom.
It's so funny seeing chuds talk about wanting poojeetas. As a jeet let me tell you, our women are evil psychopaths.
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Based and saffron-pilled. Your entire race needs to be wiped off the face of this planet, women and babies included.
Go gobble goat spooge
My dad was right. India is a problem. They came here to the states bringing their caste system with them. We should have nuked their country first or divided it in half like Korea before letting them come here. Indians are worse than Mexicans.
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They destroyed the last industry that the west has, big tech. Imagine taking the last source of good high paying jobs, and allowing Indian Hindu shitskins to take those jobs with all their benefits and big salaries. And to make it worse, use the job as the excuse to allow permanent infestation into the west, and chain migration when it imports its endless jeet hordes from India to rape white women in the west.
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>Spend the last 20 years debasing your currency to pump the tech industry
>Achieve dominance
>Ruin it with infinity jeets
Of course. The other Indian anon was right, Indian workers are highly value minded, they are skilled at seeming friendly on the surface but are so fast to backstab or throw you under the bus it will frighten you. The only explanation for this is bad culture from a lack of wars.
>Divest from Pepsi and Squarespace then. Understood.
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And Boeing, Crowdstrike, Intel, etc. Jews are systematically replacing themselves with Hindu shitskin rape rats to rule over white civilization, while they continue to own everything behind the scenes. Look how many poos are circling the US presidency like vultures.
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The Indian mentality makes perfect sense when you understand that they were bred to be slaves over thousands of years by steppe gigachads. Sadly the ruling caste disappeared. Even the so called "Brahmin" today have more in common with the slave caste genetically.
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>Sadly the ruling caste disappeared

lol no. They simple got outbred by the shitskins and then the modern day inbred Hindu roaches took over everything. Now we're just repeating the same process in white countries and expecting a different result.
> We come from India
> You no get raise!
> You no get pay!
> It Indian way!
> Sleep under bridge pee in street be at work on time!
They also mixed with them because the Gita complains about it and some of the Brahmin have lighter skin tones which means they are mixed race mutts.

Vivek ramaswamy is a snake. So is that Nikki Haley. They are pros at comping Americana, ashamed of all things Indian, and completely self serving. They behave just like kikes, because they are both evil. It's just that the kikes are in power, but the doggedness of the Hindu is at full display as he tries to join the kikes ranks. He will do anything.
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It sounds like a shitskin cope to me. Even under all the sanctions in the world, Iran is light years ahead of India in every possible way. Aryans simply retreated back to Iran and ceded India over to the shitskins. Jews obviously studied this and realized that mass importing them into white countries would do the same thing because Indian Hindu shitskins are like kryptonite to absolutely any form of civilization they are allowed to infest. It took them less than a decade to completely destroy the best tech companies staffed with the most intelligent people on earth. Imagine what they will do to nations and governments.
>It sounds like a shitskin cope to me
Okay but why do some of them have lighter skin tones and why does an ancient text complain about race mixing? The ones that carry the Aryan blood are still shitty slave stock, so it's not a mark of superiority.
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It's not just Vivek, it's an all out poo infestation now. This is just the poos running for president:

- Tushi Shittard
- Pajeeta Harris
- Vivek Scammerswami
- "Dr" Shiva (meme candidate but still)
- Nimrata Randhawa aka Nicki Haley

Am I forgetting any?
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They are rape babies of the original aryans. But the most important genes that make aryans who they are deal with brains and personality development. It's what allows civilization to flourish and grow. Go watch some vlog videos from Iran and then India and compare them, it's night and day. You could give Indians all the white-passing features in the world and they would still be subhuman savages who destroy civilization.
>They are rape babies of the original aryans.
They also probably fucked their slaves when they ruled India.
>important genes that make aryans who they are deal with brains and personality development.
Agreed. That's why the "Brahmin" are the same as the dalits. Just a bunch of brownoids LARPing as Aryans and living in a corpse of a society that the Aryans left behind.
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The so called "upper castes" are even more subhuman than the dalits because in India they are used to being able to rape, murder, scam, steal, and behave like subhumans without any consequences. That chimp-like savagery has been bred into them and concentrated with inbreeding. That's why even in the west, they have enough intelligence to infiltrate these tech companies but zero abilities to control their impulsive mindless chimp-like behavior. The real problem is that Jews love these scum and are mass importing them straight from the most subhuman environment imaginable into CEO and PM positions in the ultimate humiliation ritual.
Dark times ahead for humanity.









Obviously this is just a few links but this is not only considered normal behavior by those subhumans, but is encouraged because "its karma". These are the "upper castes" that we're supposed to believe magically become humans when they set foot on western soil.
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I'm predicting mass strangulation of jeets in North America in the near future. For legal reasons, I'm not advocating for this or making a call to action, but I do think it's very likely to happen and that it's a good thing.
No refunds :)

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