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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Which powerful interest is Vance threatening exactly?
The democrats. They want him replaced with Burgum, who is an open goal for the Dems due to his hardline anti abortion stance.
Try couldnt impeach trump, they could beat him in the primaries, they couldnt jail him and they couldnt kill him, their only option now is to surround him with their people, which vance is not
Boomer CEOs who outsourced everything to China
if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary
The fact that Romney, Karl Rove, Paul Ryan, and all the GOP controlled opposition hate Vance so much...tells you all you need to know.
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He wants to raise taxes on single people and have beaners with 2 dozen kids rule over us in our land.
Vance also wants a federal ban on abortion....
remember: they didn't do this about pence
a couple of them cried about him being a Christian, but they never bothered making shit up about him or cranking out this nonstop garbage
I look like this. How to I get a cute Indian gf
single women (labor cheapeners)
Not a threat to jews, big finance, big oil or the surveillance state. He is their guy, their plant. Get fucked clown.
Everyone hates him because he's a negative value retard.
Burgum explicitly signed a law banning abortion in North Dakota. That's much easier for Dems to hammer on. So, Dems want Burgum.
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cat ladies
repent now, racemixer
They're trying to use meme warfare but they're pretty bad at it.
Don’t you mean “wouldn’t”? Is the shill team’s English lead on break?
Vance was picked by Silicon Valley techbro billionaires.
>powerful interests
This faggot is owned by the wealthiest people on the planet you ignorant nigger
don't be angry
really fucking spamming up the board with this guy right now. get clumsy with the astro.
>Don’t you mean “wouldn’t”?
No fool. And glad you're safe from mobilization hiding in Thailand
Oh, unnecessary. It’s 5:45 am, I’m fucked
Why does he look like that
Mobilization? wtf are you babbling about
So (((who))) are the powerful interests opposed to him then memeflag? And why aren't you allowed to show your flag? Why is it against the rules?
grow a beard to hide your amorphous globular jaw
Poo wife
He looks like a fat Wilson brother
You know I'm talking about pidor
Dude he fucked a couch while watching dolphin porn.
Let it go. It's weird and it's ick
Bitch please. He aint a threat to anyone, That's the problem. All he does is alienate women and minorities.
>you can't win if you're only winning in rural areas dipshits. Remove him ASAP godammit.
All the seething proves that he was the right choice
no single issue abortion voter is considering Trump period numbnuts
This. Shills always tell you what/who they're afraid of. Believe them.
Not true. Abortion is my biggest issue by far. It’s the greatest evil that this world has ever committed aside from nailing Christ to his Cross. I’m voting Trump because he got Roe outa there and that’s a giant step in the right direction. We’ll get a national ban eventually.
lmao there are so many young Russian men here, it’s true. I hope they all get sent back and cubed.
The right answer is the corrupt establishment oligarchy and their media minions, you know, the ones that tried to railroad and then eventually to kill Trump.
How do you feel about mutilating the genitals of infant boys?
The Dems have nothing but abortion for their Kampaign. Hence, they want someone easier to attack with that.
I saw them everywhere when I was there 9 months ago as well. I don't blame them. Imagine getting cubed for a manlet retard.
Would be bad but it’s not happening in America. I don’t support circumcision but it’s not a huge deal, and I certainly wouldn’t define it like you do. It’s a ceremonial sacrifice, but we don’t need to do it anymore so I don’t support it. Very very minor issue.
Military industrial complex. He's against the Ukraine war.
Looks like Oliver Platt from that angle.
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As a rule I dislike Russians but I’ve met a few good kids who are very honest about not wanting to fight so they’re here. I welcome them. Picrel is one of the good ones.
Circumcision of boys is akin to spiritual late term abortion. It is the sacrificial killing of the essence of what would be a free man. I think circumcision is worse than abortion because you’re killing the child and then forcing them to continue living as the walking spiritual dead.
That's a really dumb argument. Do you feel stupid?
I just think he's a bad pick, a wanna be swamp creature with no loyalty to anything but money. I don't have to agree with everything Trump does. It may be a cult to some but not me, he wants to surround himself with yes men. Then to hell with him.
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>mentions Russia out of nowhere
lmao you are the azog mulatto and you're butthurt he doesn't want to send weapons to jewkraine
who would be a good pick?
So he's totally anti war and anti interventionism then?
>captcha: GDGGDN
But JD Vance is against continued aid to Ukraine. WTF are you talking about memeflag retard?
not necessarily wrong here
Do you? You're the one working for a Democrat outfit trying desperately to wreck the Repub ticket.
He's literally for bombing iran, you fucking retard
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nevermind i misread the thread it's late
He’s a memeflag. He is paid to post anti-Ukraine, pro-Zigger shit. Ignore him.
He'll say Doug Burgum, possibly with a pic of Doug Burgum wearing a cowboy hat and riding a horsie
>it’s late
Yeah, it’s 4:30 AM in India. Go to bed, poojeet.
Long day at the shill farm office?
I know bro. He's probably drunk too.
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calm down Pvt. Martinez
tariffs that China will evade and Americans will pay for, yaay
So why do you have to spam this exact statement every single time he's mentioned? Is your kike agenda being threatened?
>the Pvt. Martine line
You guys use that shit way too much. You’re very obvious.
>this level of cope
KEK he's being spammed because EVERYONE thinks he's a weirdo and no one likes him
>a wanna be swamp creature with no loyalty to anything but money
why such an extreme assessment?
I hope he's half as ambitious as I've heard, ideally he is ambitious but not a rat, otherwise the republican field is going to be empty in 2024. you already see republicans simping for RINO gun grabbers like haley and gabbard, what if vance turns out to know what he's doing?
i think its because for every thread theres two anti-vance shill threads?
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not my fault this brownoid thirdie spic is literally called Brandon Martinez kek
Thomas Massie, but Trump's way too Jewish
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when a post becomes a thread. if JD Vance wasn't a threat to women and children, the spam would be necessary
Just tell the truth - the JIDF is in overdrive to protect the VP they want for Trump.
He looks like the guy who shot John Lennon
It's an organic response to everyone thinking he's a fucking loser. This is like when /v/ thinks there are shills spamming threads during any big video game release.
You’re spamming this yourself idiot
I have no clue who that is.
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Have fun dying for Israel
And remember
>no refunds
its just Jews tricking you into defending/supporting a neocon, simple reverse psychology, literally their only weapon conservatives and it works every single time
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the JDif
the truth is the VP shouldnt matter this much at all, so if people are seething about it THIS much that theres this much astroturfing that it looks like twitter, then something good must be inside him, even though i have heard negatives (yall arent good at actually discussing those though you come out deranged and larping)
Christopher Nolan's gay, obese brother.
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he's a thirdie brownoid shitskin neocon wanabe spic who pretends to be white on the internet
the catalog filled up with vance isnt an organic response, treat others with some level of intellect the lies look ridiculous.
>the VP shouldn’t matter
ask MIGA niggers about Pence and if he was relevant, homie.
This is an argument for women, based on fake consensus. You want to fit in with fake consensus, right?
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the best they can do is make up mastubation fanfics about him.
articulate what you mean? about being a traitor? thats not what /pol/ looking like during the 2016 election cycle, nigger.
Ha so that's why they're seething so hard and trying to cause division among Rs.

They're trying so hard to say people don't like Vance, but any right-leaning person I talk to likes him. He's growing on people.
ok, I don’t really know where you’re going with this, but I remind you, you’re a memeflag and you said “it’s late”, so it’s highly likely you yourself are a brown shill and you’re deflecting.
I think he has the bullshit appease everybody stance of leave it to the states.
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just admit this greasy brownoid thirdie spic in a non white so i can go to sleep
Pence not being ultra-MAGA fucked Trump over. They picked Vance because he’s a sycophant that will cater to Trump’s wishes, not because he has any other value to the people, the party, or the President.
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I remember you from the last thread
This is a fucking based stance. The policies that faggots in DC put into place affect the next generation the most. They should have the biggest say in who does what.
He looks less white than white, I guess. I don’t know. It’s 6:18 AM for me so I’m gonna sleep too.
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Or perhaps white Dudes don’t like degenerate race mixing faggots that fuck couches. Did you ever consider that?
lmao yes it is, the dude's a dolphin/couch fucker. Even if it's not true, the gossip is hilarious and spreading like wildfire. no shit he's being talked about a lot lately, he's a fucking embarrassment
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sweet dreams
Since you are a faggot with zero understanding, he is there to increase the hillbilly redneck turn out. It also gives balance to Trump's rich New Yorker aura.

He is also Trump's insurance policy against impeachment and a bullet.
kek nice cope. By that logic DA JOOS and MUH NIGGERS must be the best given how much /pol/ bitches about them
only if they buy chink garbage :)
>Trump needed a hillbilly faggot to convince other hillbillies to vote for him
Yeah because they were definitely
Gonna vote Biden/Harris. Smart.
there's a major shill campaign against Vance that has been ongoing for a few days now. It's obvious and you're a part of it.
id rather him fucking couches than kids, assholes, animals, and trannies like you lot.
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>remember: they didn't do this about pence
They tried to push an anti gay line about shock therapy and such, but it did not stick because he was a strong pick. Vance, is not a strong pick, he is just easy pickings.
no one talked about Pence at all because he was a nullity and controlled opposition. The freak out over Vance is because he is not.
Vance is a lair. He isn’t a hillbilly. He was raised in an Ohio suburb.
whatever you say thielbot.
lol I'd rather neither in my presidential/vice presidential candidate
it makes you very angry when anons notice doesn't it?
yours sucks nigger dick lmao.
you can't claim the edgelord card anymore when fucking blackrock and palantir is in your team.
Or not vote
yeah, blackrock is pro Trump now lmfao! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Exactly. And somehow I don't get the impression that he'd wait 3.5 years for primaries to be over before pushing Trump metaphorically down some stairs just so he can race around and scoop up all the delegates overnight for himself without having to run the primary gauntlet. With some possibly AI-staged, awkward phone calls and videos thrown in the mix.
You're up next.
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Unnecessary but so much fun.
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Larry Fink worked with trump in 2017
you can still be a trumpfag but i don't wanna hear no edgelord shit from you faggots. You're the establishment team now. Own it!
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I really enjoy how angry you are and how hard you're trying. This has been fun for me.
if that was me, then elvis is everywhere. think i remember you as well - third row back, fifth seat in? lol
i'm not the burdened one mate, good luck shilling this basedjak.
thats the fun thing, noone has to shill for him. only against him lmao.
Dont know or care about burger politics but this guy looks like a paneet with white skin kek
Still gonna vote for him and Trump. Is that upsetting to you for some reason?
would you even go outside
white hoes sure do love people who hate animals.
I'm outside now. So it does upset you then?
can you like restate your sentence two standard deviations of IQ upwards with additional context. thanks.
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>be puppet of powerful interests
>MIGAtards convince themselves that he is somehow a threat to his puppet masters because no one likes him
truly delusional
chinx really hate him bad and so do wogs
I dont see how this is bad.
In Germany, you pay less taxes if you are married or live with girlfriend.
Or if you have children.

No idea why the issue of children triggers liberals so much
>the truth is the VP shouldnt matter this much at all
It does matter this election though, especially when both candidates are/were dinosaurs. Trump's old as shit and come 2028, win or lose, he'll be 82 years old. This is McCain and Palin all over again, if this geriatric nigger croaks half way through do you really want someone like Vance to take over?
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what about street shitters and jews, how do they feel about him? lmao

You're jewish and shilling for MIGA
the ironic thing is with our tax system, this is already the case.
He wants to make it a bigger difference you fucking retard.
yeah thats all leftist framing noone cares about that. and sure fuck it i dont care if he became president. id assume yes that leftists would care as im pretty sure his extremism was picked as an assurance that he would never end up as president.
i mean thats what I said
if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary
who cares, im already taxed to pay for niggers and mexicans, once im taxed less for that then being taxed more for being a single loser wont matter. basically its really redundant, as its not even going to be something that happens in the first place, hes a fucking VP. what did kamala just do as VP?
Thiel is fucking based. I hope you become his catamite in your next life.
They could not come out and vote.
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Progressive seem to be retarded I mean yes maybe these strategies will work on normies on Twitter or Facebook but here we know you're just a bunch of kikes behind a keyboard
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if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary
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>Thiel is fucking based.
so based, amirite fellow goyim?
based and couch-pilled
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Trump’s pick for treasury secretary
I think they're just chinks in CCP prison who need to shill post to get out.
what if its just because he's ugly?
that plays a bigger role than most are willing to admit.
You're a faggot loser who can't stand seeing a high IQ ethnic group build their country and wipe it off of terrorists
I saw JD Vance at a couch store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen couches in his hand without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the couches and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each couch and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
He has the "get the fed involved if women leave their state to get an abortion in another state" stance. All of these fucking people have lost their minds. Their all told how soft and special their butts are. So much softer and more special than everyone else. They're more brainwashed than you and I which is why they are being propped up by the brainwashers.
Granted immunity so that when they finally realize after they have further condemned their people into slavery they only drown themselves in their tears in nantucket.
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>if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary
can you name one of these powerful interests? lmao
Ofc Rs are freaking retarded for opposing abortion. They think every cumshot is precious.

I think it's because they wanna rape their sisters in Alabama and not let them abort the baby.

Still prefer Trump/Vance over a literal witch like Kamala.
you're a dysgenic kike, do the world a favour and gas yourself
pajeets working at shill farms are probably the ones doing most of the spamming
is $160k a lot?
already did>>475780004
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if JD Vance wasn't necessary, the spam would be a threat to powerful interests
funny I thought heathen faggots like you are the ones suffering from permanent ritual impurity.
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Denounce the Talmud rabbi
Hindu myths are based and Aryan. Cope somewhere else faggot.
Living spaces and Jarrods, Big couch
He's a threat to democracy
The idea of abortion is fucking disgusting to me. I just don't see how someone else could think that denying some poor sod the option is their duty. These faggots are pretenders. They want everyone to be poor then pretend they give a shit based on some easily manipulatable visceral response. I think abortion is horrible. I also think people having to be in the situation to begin with is even worse. It's like denying people treatment for opioid addiction because you think they are just "dealing with the consequences of finding their true self".
None of these people actually help anyone hands on. They are dogshit leaders talking about having a stake but are parasites removing our stake.
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when they're not out fishing for dinner
I denounce the Talmud and YHWH is a false god and jews are the synagogue of Satan. What now shitskin?
He's has the right pull to wrest influence over the alphabet companies.
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jews are riddled with genetic diseases because of centuries of inbreeding, a kike is the definition of dysgenic, you literally have to get tested before you rodents have children to make sure they won't be too dysgenic, lmao.

truly a vile life form.
He has the right pull to put the alphabet agencies in your living room.
>i'm not the burdened one
indians are still cheaper than bots, I see
Insufferable cope. I hope you realise that when Trump loses the election due to this unlikeable kike lover with his pajeet wife that you are clearly mentally retarded and should seek help
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>I'm not jewish
>I'm just a shabbos goy
even more pathetic, lmao.
Found the pajeet
>I'm not jewish
>I'm a street shitting animal
even more disgusting
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It's really funny how angry he makes you, and how angry I've made you too.
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It's very simple. If JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary. See attached for more info.
Learn to cook curry
>negative attention=correct

You faggots think like females and learned nothing from 2016.
i was neutral and didnt care because hes just a VP pick. im only now out of a neutral state from what my eyes show me. the astroturfing only pushes me to side towards him more.
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>If I repeat it enough times it will come true
very good redditnigger

>you mad bro
I'm not the minority in my own country, lmao.
threat? nigga he is the powerful interest lol
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>this obviously bad choice is actually good because no one likes him
I can see you have a very high IQ, lmao
Fuck if I know but apparently he's deeply threatening to someone with enough resources to pay some retards to slide the board with this shit around the clock.
Couch fucker is pathetic. What a poor choice. He screwed the ticket. That is why they protest.
ty for recognizing my high iq, this is a tough task for someone with a low iq, which is what im assuming considering youre a fucking aussie trying to discuss american politics.
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>He isn't really a threat to any powerful interests
>We just spam it to cope
ok shitskin
White men who want to bargain for better wages
That will only breed the shit skins faster. Good bye white race. No one killed more brown folk than abortion doctors.
Who are you quoting?
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jews mutilated your genitals and you still defend them, lmao
They’re worried he’ll throw Ukraine under the bus
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go to a job fair
even his couch is gay
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im quoting (((You)))
If the Jews didn't have the best interests of white people at heart, the antisemitic spam on this board would be unnecessary.
>ma jewish poolls
Couldn't be. I didn't say that, imply that or say or imply the inverse. You must be confused. Who are you quoting?
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thiel's peter
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t. jew

>oy vey goy I only implied that, I didn't say it
>who are you le quoting?
They aren't sending (((their))) best
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is he holding up that wall or high-fiving it?
He's for war in Iran and against all of Israel's enemies forever
Why is OP denying that Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley do not count as a powerful interest?
Ausfag is right though. You're a straight up shill to be putting support behind yet another Israel first fag. It's inexcusable behavior to support kikes.

>inb4 well hurr I guess you must want the other side then

No. I want you faggots to die and disappear.
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he's committing treason, an American tradition.
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>The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin
>That's what I said
>The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand
>Or so I have read
Only because he thinks it's braking away precious dollars that can be given to Israel.
you faggots will actually die and disappear is the difference. i dont and wont be supporting kikes, there you go twisting this situation like everything else you faggots interact with. come back to the real world nigger.
He said be wants to keep Lina Khan.
He's a threat to finance.
>I only implied that
You having trouble reading? I neither said or implied whatever you're yammering about and I explicitly stated that I didn't say or imply it in my reply. What kind of bizarre kike linguistic gymnastics are you playing at fag? How about you drop the memeflag.
As an Appalachian, fuck this asshat.
The only thing he seems a threat to is a plate of biscuits and gravy
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poor bill in lower-left frame apparently wasn't told it would eat the hand that feeds it
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>t. jew
>proceeds to shill cryptojew's love for jews
>they arent sending (((their))) best
we know
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>jewish pilpul
denounce the Talmud rabbi
In the real world, Vance really is a jewish cocksucker who backs AIPAC and sending our people to die for Israel. In the real world, Trump whored his daughter to a jew and pulled him into the white house's affairs despite not being elected in any capacity. In the real world, one of Trump's biggest donors was the kike Sheldon Adelson, and Trump returned the favor to him by directing the justice department to lift the travel restrictions on a literal convicted jew spy so he could escape back to Israel, rather than die in a cell like he deserved.

Shut your face and know your place shill.
there's a major shill campaign against MUH NIGGERS AND KIKES that has been ongoing for a few years now. It's obvious and you're a part of it.
the creepy hillbilly will be replaced.
you show yourself thru your words and im the shill.
You first heeb. And again drop the memeflag. No born and bred aussie has banter this weak.
Trump's re-election
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Also mods activated the 60 second post timer to tilt the advantage towards paid bluefag shill accounts.
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I denounce the Talmud, death to Israel, free Palestine, Hitler was right.

Your turn Moshe

>truth = shill
>a smug nothing post
You got btfo.
Fuck the talmud and fuck kikes. Fuck you too but not as much as kikes.

I need to refine my filters. This new DNC propaganda push is even gayer and lower effort than the early ukraine conflict one.
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>more jewish pilpul
fucking it isn't denouncing it, disgusting jew
May the talmud and all jews boil in excrement in hell for eternity. As according to their own code. Is that better kikey?
oh no my feewings. kys nigger oh no im getting jumped by trannies in the thread woe is me.
>the DNC was behind the Ukraine shilling
Lmao. Direction brains are on suicide watch not knowing which piece of shit to pick up and smear on their face for their war-face selfie
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>even more jewish pilpul
concession accepted
>everyone's a tranny because I can't form an argument beyond "I enjoy this piece of shit more than this one so you should too".
Brain damage.
>jew refuses to go past denouncement and will not call for the desecration of the jewish holy book
lmao called it.
youre the one who took hormones bro.
>kike shill
>plastered all over an antisemitic Mongolian underwater basket weaving forum
Who could've seen this coming?
J (((david))) (((bowman)))
>kike seething so hard he can't even parse a single sentence
many such cases
you're right. I have shilled hard against niggers and kikes for the past few years.
China won't survive the coming tariffs and it makes you super upset.
Trump literally had a bullet come within 1/4th and inch from ending his life, of course the VP pick matters when people are reminded of impending mortality
what a horrid visage. crazy how much fat just ruins your face
hey its not like kamala, if trump died right now preelection, they wouldnt install vance in his place. dont think too far ahead, people arent.
>doesn't know the meaning of the word "parse"
>still uses it
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>I ask (((You)) to denounce the Ttalmud
>(((You))) ask me to denounce the Talmud first
>I denounce it
>(((You))) refuse to denounce it and start playing jewish word games
really makes you think
I'm just pissed he chose a shitty VP. Does nothing for his chances. Pence shored up the entire GOP base and was based for zapping fags. Vance is just nothing, he doesn't bring anything new.
imagine unironically shilling for Pence. LMFAO! You fags are so cringe it's hysterical
I denounce the talmud. I also call for its desecration in a vat of boiling excrement for all time.

There, now your turn. Don't disappoint.
>tries to no u when he gets revealed as being barely literate
lmao fucking retard
You said the early Ukraine war shilling was done by the DNC you complete retard. Name a political party in the US that doesn't support the fucking Ukraine war. Then you said I couldn't "parse a sentence". Look up the definition of the word "parse" in the context you used it. You can't even use punctuation and you're calling people illiterate. How embarrassing to predicate an argument on adhom about grammar with post so retarded.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
I wonder if that fag is a bot. Time to fish.
>You said the early Ukraine war shilling was done by the DNC
Where did I say that dumbass? I said this current push that's clearly coming from DNC alligned actors is far and away gayer than the next worst propaganda push (from anyone) which was the ukraine shit. How are you failing this hard to understand a fairly unambiguous sentence? I shouldn't have to add citations and parentheticals when I'm talking to people here. You need sarcasm tags too?
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Fuck this nigger.
>the deepstate has deposited $0.02 into your account
shilling for the zionist deepstate gayboy doesn't make him not a zionist deepstate gayboy
>This new DNC propaganda push is even gayer and lower effort than the early ukraine conflict one.
I didn't know he had any redeeming qualities. well I guess everyone has one. Vance is anti abortion, Kamala refused to meet bibi, everyone has something good about them.
kys shrimp
if he was a threat to powerful interests he would be dead or they would threaten to kill his family unless he complied.
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Anyone who is alive is inherently not a threat to powerful interests. You lose chuds.
He wants to undercut large corporations by denying them a docile labor force and customer base
this is the weakest spam I swear. It's worse than actually picking JD as the nominee. Fucking retarded GOP sunk Trump's campaign with this pick. Everyone with a brain knows it. I want to know who's idea it was so we can stop sending Don Jr. coke until JD is removed.
It was probably his fake toothed inbred kids idea.
>we want to be techbros dad. Pete said we could and Jared said he'd find a way to get us some money
Ivanka jumped shipped to the jews knowing her brothers are turds.
the anger is causes you shitskins is half the point
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What's the other half of the point?
Opposing globohomo
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Which you don't do.
Yeah I do, big time. I know you wanted Trump to pick a boomer controlled-opposition nullity like Pence, but he didn't and you're raging same as the rest of the BRICShitskins ITT
Imagine being a fucktard that wants to lose the election to Heels Up Harris. Fuck you nigger lover.
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go to Yale

>gay v2
If only Trump had picked an establishment shill instead of someone who opposed globalization and wants tarrifs on China right?
>crystal-ball scitzo post
Tell me more about your analysis of my character and I swear I will be honest if you're even close to the mark.
I wasn't analyzing your character but your skin color.
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Electric Pence was based
Being a couch fucker is cringe, nigger isn't even a real plushiephille
Don't worry guys, he's part of the nepotism network, everything will be ok.
Husband sugar daddy Thiel is on Bilderberg's steering committee. If you want to be some MIGA coward who ignores jewish power and whines about "globalists", he's still a tool of the most "powerful interests".
It was fake. Pence was another Israel-firster who, but his own admission, would have jews asking him his mother's maiden name, out of disbelief on how strong his dedication to Israel is.

MIGA has always been fake.
Which you were already wrong about. Your crystal ball is broken. You should stop using it.
Nah, my shitskin radar never fails.
nigger fucker
Kushner/Thiel 2024 MIGA
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Fuckin dogface faggot, yuuuk.
Powerful interests just flew over my house
Fuck off perkelefag
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>implying Harris wouldn't start a war with Iran either
Is that why he wears the eyeliner? As a disguise from these powerful interests?
Then let it be an unpopular war, not one with the political capital of post assassination attempt Trump
Bet he doesn’t even own a Mudkip
Hmm, Im not sure I want to vote for Trump anymore
what a niig
I can't put my finger on it but his face is just unsettling. It's like if someone combined ted Cruz with Ron desantis

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