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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>(sneak preview at first story back from July holiday. Enjoy!.....? I'm hoping to achieve the same "strong opening" that February's PSYOPerBowl had. No, I am not thinking of harm to self or others, I am just exploring topics not for the weak-hearted.)

The air in Butler, Pennsylvania, was charged with anticipation. The crowd gathered early, eager to hear from the man who had become a lightning rod for controversy and a symbol of defiance against what he called "unfair lawfare." Donald Trump stood at the podium, the July sun casting a harsh light on his face. His demeanor was resolute, his gaze unwavering. This was not just another speech; it was a declaration, a final stand. The stage was set in a large, open park, with hundreds of supporters and media personnel crammed together. The atmosphere was tense, filled with a mix of hope, anger, and fear. Large screens flanked the stage, broadcasting Trump's image to the crowd and live to millions watching across the nation. As Trump began to speak, his voice was strong, but there was an underlying current of sorrow.

"Ladies and gentlemen, fellow Americans," Trump began, his voice echoing through the park. "I stand before you today not just as a former president, but as a man who has been relentlessly pursued by those who seek to destroy everything we have built together." He paused, his eyes scanning the crowd. "In April, in New York, I was slapped with fines so astronomical they would bankrupt any ordinary man. They have thrown every possible legal challenge at me, not because I am guilty, but because I dared to challenge the status quo. They call it justice, but we all know what it really is: a coordinated attack, a modern-day witch hunt."
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Trump's reference to the April cases in New York was pointed. He had been charged with numerous financial crimes, with fines exceeding hundreds of millions. The media had covered the trials extensively, portraying him as a villain. His supporters, however, saw him as a martyr, standing against a corrupt system. "As I stand here today," Trump continued, his tone growing more somber, "I reflect on the words of R. Budd Dwyer. A man who, like me, was hounded by the so-called justice system. Dwyer once said, 'In this nation, the world's greatest democracy, there is nothing they can do to prevent me from being punished for a crime they know I did not commit.' Those words resonate with me now more than ever."

The crowd fell silent, sensing the gravity of the moment. Trump reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a stack of letters. "These are letters to my family, to my friends, to those who have stood by me. I want you all to know that I love you and I have fought for you with every ounce of my being." Suddenly, there was a commotion at the back of the crowd. Trump's security detail tensed, their eyes scanning for threats. Trump raised his hand, signaling them to stay back. He pulled a small, black revolver from his pocket, and the crowd gasped.

"Please, please leave the area if this will affect you," he said, his voice calm but filled with an unspoken pain. "I do not want to hurt anyone. I only wish to make a statement, one that cannot be ignored."

Several people in the audience cried out, pleading with him to put the gun down. "Don't do it, Mr. President!" one man shouted. "We need you!"

Trump shook his head slowly. "This is the only way to show the world the depth of the injustice I have faced. I hope that my sacrifice will ignite a fire in you all to fight for what is right, to demand a true justice system."

He looked down at the letters one last time, then back at the crowd. "Joanne, Don Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, Barron—I love you all more than words can express. I am doing this for you, for our country."


Israel shot Trump


?? Must be Dwyer.
everything you are saying is bullshit but am saving the ong because sieg kaiser reinhardo

I just saved it because it's an anime version, I'm not familiar with the characters.

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