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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Wants to take away political rights from single men
>52% of single men are Republican voters
>66% of Gen Z and Millennial males are single.
he want to take away voting right for single women too right...right?
The vice president doesn't actually do anything
if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary...
maybe thatll entice them to figure their shit out and not be single.
retard alert retard alert
All the seething proves that he was the right choice
how so? i agree with either giving family units money or tax breaks. its a common stance.
why do you hate jesus?
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He's finished. Trump must be begging him to find a reason to resign right now.
if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary
you dont think powerful interests arent just scouting?
If we cant vote we shouldnt have to pay taxes
Republicans always scheme how they can rob everyone except the Jews. I hope this kikesucker goes down in flames.
>Wants to give votes to newborns, but before voting age that vote goes to their parents
>Welfere queen niggresses now have 20 times the political power
>Airport baby illegals now have stronger political power then Asians and whites
>they hate him because he’s right

I’m good with that. Let the place burn because of the gibs voting bloc: groids, brownoids, trannies, and roasties.
Oh oh but there you're wrong he wants you to also pay even MORE in taxes than you already do!
Same reason everyone hates stalin right migafag
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>Can't vote
>No pussy
>Get drafted for WW3 with Iran anyway

I kinda thought never owning a house and 70% of young men being incels couldn't have been much worse. Apparently, it does get much worse.
Why does he look like he has eye liner on?
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vance married a pajeeta and has two faggot pajeet invader scum kids. he should count as having negative kids.
not true. remember vp biden controlling aid to ukraine? remember kamala being border czar? remember the part in the constitution that says if there's a tied vote in the senate, the vp can cast the deciding vote?
So basically turn us into serfs?
>80 threads an hour about a vice presidential candidate
Boy, they really don't like this guy. They know they could potentially be dealing with him 4 years from now.
Yup. He's a tyrant and his career needs to be destroyed. He is not a Republican. He's a Communist.
But it's so much fun to mock him.
Awful pick, should've went with Gabbard or Burgum at least.
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That's fine if he makes it so unmarried women beyond the age of 22 are sent to jail. Mary or go to prison.
This particular VP candidate is going to make sure Trump isn't going to get elected.
Options field.
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why does he wear that stupid eyeliner?
No he does not you fuckin apes, he wants to incentivize starting a family, reestablish the nuclear family model, shit like that. Essentially rewarding people with families, not taking anything away from those who don't have them. And that's a good thing anyway, he's absolutely fuckin correct about middle aged single women and I'd say middle aged single men are also absolute tools. The only thing they do is sustain themselves, they don't give a fuck about anything else, let alone the future of the United States
they have to frame it like it wouldnt be aligned with the /pol/ approved belief structure they have manifested in their reprobate minds and attach specifically those angles. its funny because they have to larp as /pol/tards calling people niggers and disagreeing with their own ideology.
But the truthers are so excited don't ruin it for them
He literally said that people who don't have kids should have less of a say and that people who don't have kids should pay more in taxes than they currently do.
>Bachelors taxes le help you goy!
Fuck off retard
and whats wrong with that its kinda true. wont be an issue if we cut nigger welfare and deport 30million illegals tbf.
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Lol yes, they spend a decade making wojak memes and talking about a time when white families held actual buying and political power and now that that has a fighting chance of happening again they don't like it because in all reality they are not cut out to be a father/husband. Bunch of dickbeating mouthbreathers.

Shut up you dickless fuck no he didn't you're phrasing shit the way your outrage mind wants to hear it
No it's not true and I won't support this Communist faggot.

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I want Trump Daddy to strip me of my rights and boss me around. In bed.
Bitchless "man" from Canada has an unsolicited opinion with no backing to share
Idk I read that as "JD Vance said parents should have more power than people without children" not "people without children should have no voting power"

Also in that other article you sent: "If you are making $100,000, $400,000 a year and you've got three kids, you should pay a different, lower tax rate than if you are making the same amount of money and you don't have any kids. It's that simple."
-JD Vance

That sounds like giving parents a tax break, not taxing single people more. YOU ARE A RETARDED FAGGOT, GO VOTE FOR HARRIS THEN YOU COMPLETE MORON. You can't even read articles. Did you even read them before you sent them to me?
Of course I did you are just on copum. He hates single people, both male and female, and is also an Israeli cocksucker with a Pajeeta wife who hates poor white people and blames them for their misery after he got lifted out of the mire by Peter Thiel to be a Venture Capitalist because he was a moldable fuckboy.
they will only ever attack these things in the most hysteria driven hyperbolic gaslighting chant possible. as to cause division and confusion, if not just mockery and demoralization.
you won't do shit
im in no need to. id assume neither are you right. this shouldnt matter right?
Don’t care still voting trump
please re-read what I said >>475785124

"Shut up you dickless fuck no he didn't you're phrasing shit the way your outrage mind wants to hear it"

Tax breaks for parents and more political power for people with a stake in the future are not "taxing single people more and taking their voting power away"

I'm not on copium I'm reading the words in the articles you sent, and they do not reflect what you are saying, objectively.

If you had basic reading comprehension skills you wouldn't be arguing the way you are right now. Or maybe if you'd ever been laid in your entire life

>JD Vance pajeet wife
Where's your fair-skinned tradwife anon? You seem like the exact type of guy he's talking about you fuckin doomer, go do something with your life.
If the government feels it isn't getting enough taxes, they will raise the tax rate. It's the same thing.
Married couples already pay less anyway due to tax laws.
He literally said that people with more kids should have more votes. Are you a Peter Thiel shill or something?
AND I AGREE WITH THAT. There'd be a lot less bullshit degenerate garbage in our school systems and better tax allocations and such if the people with kids got their fuckin way for once. Sorry you hate Peter Thiel so much for having a family and money, but no I am not a shill for Peter Thiel. Are you one of those sexual liberation socialists? I don't get why you hate capitalism and nuclear families so much.
You're the one who thinks the government should tax people more for not marrying a roastie you fucking communist. And by the way Peter Thiel is a notorious FAGGOT BILLIONAIRE.
What do you not understand about "Tax breaks for parents"

You just keep saying "tax people more" like we haven't already covered that that is not even remotely what he said.
Vance is just insurance for Trump in case they try to assassinate him again. He's just a decoy.
>hates people with money/anticapitalist
>hates people with families
>hates incentivizing families
>never had sex in life
>you're a communist!!1!111!
If we can't get a single anti-israel candidate who is truly for America and Americans we shouldn't pay taxes. No taxation without representation.
>now that that has a fighting chance of happening again they don't like it

You don't get it, nigger. They're encouraging the growth of families because they've finally hit their quota of illegal shitskins flooding across. It's a proven formula that mudshits+gibs=population explosion. They're driving the final nail in the coffin on white demographics.
except, none of this has happened.
Sounds like we should all just throw in the towel then. Shit guys it's over for us white men. We're finished.
This he's simply our generation's Spiro Agnew
I've had enough clinically retarded doomer rhetoric I'm gonna go outside and feel the sun on my skin
Wow this JD Wentworth guy is a couch fucking asshole. That does it I'm voting for a commie poo in the loo pajeet / sheboon hybrid that wants to flood our country with subhuman beaners and fleece Americans to subsidize unlimited goblino breeders of 60 IQ.

Hope they pay decent for working this hard on a Friday night.
People who do not have school age children attending public school should not have to pay for public schools. Most of my taxes go to public schools and stadiums owned by billionaires. I want fucking monthly updates tracking exactly how my money is being spent. I don't want to pay for assholes to watch variations of Play War and I don't want to pay to brainwash children into believing personalities are "genders" and I don't want to pay for them to be lied to about Zionists. I agree that it's crazy for daycare and even diapers to be as expensive as they are. I think people who want kids, should pool their money, buy land, build a few houses and set up sustainable communes/compounds. Except in cases of rape in states where JD Vance is in charge, choosing to have children is a choice. It's not the same thing as illness or accident, or even aptitude.
But you don't understand anon, we owe him shit because he has kids.
He'll come out after inauguration day and the the first trans VP in American history and it will drive the liberals insane
It's much less likely that Trump will be assassinated with Vance as his VP because there's no way Trump can win the presidency with Vance as his VP. If you had a country full of just Matt Walsh clones, he could win. But thankfully that's not the case.
>>hates people with money
Aka jews.
>>hates people with families
>>hates incentivizing families
Familyfags are annoying, obnoxious and cultish as lgbt faggots and are goyest of goys prime material.
And i suspect shitskin families are okay in your book, race traitor.
>>never had sex in life
Either imbecilic conformity cultist or subhuman driven by instincts.
You just come off as retarded background noise.
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he didn't used to
ok nevermind i didnt look close enough maybe he did kek
>Uses no bitches as a pejorative
Congrats on proving my point dumbass. You hate men without gfs. You also lost all rights of shit talking another man's masculinity when you decided to defend a man wearing eye liner.

Do you also put on pink lipstick to match?
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"If you don't marry a poojeeta and make mutt creatures you are not a real man"

- VP Vance

shoo Nigger shoo
i wish i got paid ngl, if you glowniggers are hiring me find me on twitter next week when im unbanned for telling a commie to jump in front of a car.
Holy shit its that bad...
>Shills got full in that Kamala is winning
>Shilling for day, no one buys it
>Quick! Shill against Vance!!!
We have over 20 anti Vance shilling threads. You faggots aren’t fooling anyone but tourists and other shills.

HH: Herb and Hide
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If only you realized just how good things could've been.
He's not a threat to anyone
Their rhetoric has no ideological consistency. Parents should get tax breaks subsidies because it's expensive : people hundreds of thousands in debt from college should die hundreds of millions in debt from the interest. Free Speech Warrior, unless I personally disagree with your speech. Both sides are engaging in "identity politics" with their candidates and both only believe in the law when it benefits them. I hate hypocrites.
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he's worse than spencer.
Familyfags want to make it sound like we are the ones who have to choose between two bad choices but we can just not vote and they get to deal with the consequences with their kids. Haha fuck em.
White incel loser vibes
I'm literally incel though. Unless the government issues me a gf i will stay single
what a chud
Yes, let's give niggers, spics, poojeets and other assorted shitskins even more votes and disenfranchise white men
That's right, go and try to prepare yourself for how that oven we'll throw you in will feel.
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Trump had the election the bag the moment he dodged that bullet. 72 hours after, we get the RNC degeneracy thanks to Trumps ties to Larry Fink and his DEI initiatives. Then we get the worst possible VP selection. I’ve never seen an election that was so certain slip away so fast. There’s a message here. Dance with the people you brought to the dance. Trump sold out white men. Fuck him and the couch fucker.
not at all. i got an 'informed, intelligent and thinks for himself' vibe. then you just repeat 'durr incel! durr loser!'
then you wont get the tax cuts and will be supporting american families thru taxes. as it is now. oh no.
>He literally said that people who don't have kids should have less of a say
He's right. Why should a genetic dead end have any say whatsoever?

The only people who should be voting are net tax payers who have at least three children and it should be one vote for the household as a whole.
Women without children should have their resumes automatically sent to the bottom of the pile
Have fun losing faggot.
>it’s about winning and losing

Maybe for a retard like you.
Trump losing after being shot omegalul
Trump sold us out with his fake staged assassination as well, with his Gabby Giffords "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" gun control slogan that deliberately went over the heads of the attendees at the rally.

he also sold us out with operation warp speed and doing nothing about the voter fraud.

He only sells us out. that's what he does. that's what he always did.

when has he come out and backed the second amendment since the staged attack? he hasn't because it is part of his Giffords initiative.

they'll get the guns one way or another unless Americans decide to actually exercise the right, which probably will happen.
I’m okay with this.
Roasties like to say “men shouldn’t be voting on/making laws about women’s bodies,” so I say “childless cat ladies and manchildren shouldn’t be voting on/making laws that affect children or people who have children.”
a married couple without kids shouldn't get a tax break as a couple. simple as.
because genetic "dead ends" also contribute to society you stupid idiot.

Why should people that produce parasites have any say?
He's just another fake person actor propping up the corrupt status quo.
yeah lets just vote for kamala instead :|
This cracka lookin zesty. This cracka lookin moist
We need these fucking weak zoomers to man the fuck up.
Good times have indeed created the weakest men imaginable.
They are the backbone of society and you're a total misantrhope if you consider children parasites. People like you should just be locked in an insane asylum, I'd be benevolent and let you goon your life away.
Hmm Trump is still ahead in polls. Anyone I talk to is warming up to JD Vance as they listen to him more. Harris is literally a joke of a candidate who will not get the center right moderates to vote for her.

What's the problem here doomer?

This is also black-pilled conspiracy bullshit. What are you even talking about? Who has called for gun control because of the assassination, for Trump to say something?

You are afraid of your guns being taken away by the govt? You are the one who is holding the gun faggot. You can refuse to give it up.
being a middle aged single man I completely disagree. I don't only think about sustaining myself. I didn't get involved in a relationship because there weren't decent women I wanted to marry and the cost of living is too high for me to get marry. Insulting someone because they are single is just idiotic. You're making an enemy out of someone just because of a responsible choice that they made. If i had children i'd probably need to be on welfare, burdening the system. and i wouldn't have time to properly raise the children.

but now you want to say that many well meaning responsible people that do contribute and can contribute are somehow a problem even though my taxes go to fund people on welfare. you make zero sense. I am not exempt from taxation because I don't have children. I have to pay just like everyone else. And if I had children I would probably not be contributing. I made a responsible decision based on my personal life circumstances, which are unusual.
Shut the fuck up glowie, we know you're just trying to poison the well by repeating the same fucking lines in every few threads word by word. Get a new script faggot, it's literally getting stale if we're starting to recognise it. Fucking DEI hires, I swear.
do you call children parasites because you see yourself as a parasite to humanity?
I swear they sit down in their dark basement office rooms and come up with stuff that right-wingers "might" say.
tbf they repeated over and over that joe biden would drop out and he did, so they probably think that memetic will chaos magick just always works.
You're literally Malaysian. Fuck off.
Was it Eric and Don Jr. that were the saboteur niggers all along, not Kushner?
No you have a white incel loser vibe, nothing matters everyone is le bad but me I see the truth

Is it even possible, you give easy solutions to white incel losers and they generate 100 excuses.

They really just need to die in a pointless war gor israel
>This is also black-pilled conspiracy bullshit. What are you even talking about? Who has called for gun control because of the assassination, for Trump to say something?
>You are afraid of your guns being taken away by the govt? You are the one who is holding the gun faggot. You can refuse to give it up.

It was obviously staged photo-op. its apparent.

And yeah I personally can refuse to give my gun up but that doesn't mean everyone else will, "faggot".
For chaos magick to work, you need kek on your side.

While the best meme they could come up with is brat.
Probably kushner's plan in the first place, let the dolts fuck them out of a WH role and he takes back control. Eh's basically Matthew MacFayden's character
>front for Peter Thiel who's CIA
>peter thiel funds both political zoomer grifters like red scare dasha and sam hyde
>peter thiel unironically wants to send zoomers to die in wars so he can profit
You're literally shizo dude. Nobody knows about this fight fight fight meme.

People associate Sandy Hook and Alex Jones more with gun control than that.

It's literally such a dead meme that if you google "fight fight fight gun control" nothing comes up.
>do you call children parasites because you see yourself as a parasite to humanity?

When they grow up to be criminals and rapists and drug dealers, yeah. as do you, so cut the crap. obviously you're wrong. not everyone is going to have children. that doesn't mean they're "parasites" especially if they pay taxes that feed the precious children you talk about.

We don't need more people. anyone that thinks we need more people is an idiot. We need fewer higher quality people. not everyone just reproducing because guys like you shame them into doing it.
I'll die helping Best Korea string up the Samsung CEO from mount Paektu and free your shithole from chaebol hell "Chang"
lets nuke india then we can breed more how about that. KYS faggot.
this idiot will lose trump the elections
We don't have to pay taxes.
Either way we should still nuke india
He makes software for US mil so chinks can't come and take over.
I'm not schizo you're just very ignorant. The whole event was clear staged. for example why did his ear only bleed under the podium? then it stopped? it was jsut staged bullshit for the cameras just like sandy hook, just like gabby giffords' shooting. it's all nonsense. but people like you eat it up. you can't see things at a deeper level because you're terrified of losing your sanity.

as they say, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!"

I'm mentally strong so immediately can perceive the truth, whereas your mind is half baked, weak, imprecise, can't identify patterns, so you need a media story (all media lies, why would they ever tell the truth?) to tell you what happens.

Trump is pushing the Gifford's initiative. Gifford's husband is a fake NASA astro-not Notice the blood pattern on Trump's face, it is the nasa "snake tongue" because Trump, just like he hisses and read the snake poem, is literally telling you he is a snake. He tells oyu he is a snake, he shows it. He even acted with fake blood in WWE, he literally is an ACTOR LITERALLY. but you just CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. you mentally cannot construct the truth in your brain because your brain is mush.
>66% of Gen Z and Millennial males are single.
What percentage of Gen Z and Millennial females are single?
this should just become a how to lower indias population thread.
>zoomers to die in wars s

Lmao, if that gets rid of a few million white incel crybaby parasites hurrah!
I don't understand why you ended it with a KYS faggot. Yeah I agree overpopulation in third world countries increases the problem. But there is no reason I should kill myself because I do work and put money into the encomy and am a willing participant in society. Why I would be obligated to reproduce? that's just nonsense.
>59 percent of Married men vote Republican
>56 Perfcent of married women vote democrat
you won't do shit because you can't
let me be clear, you're incapable of doing it
Wtf is this, why this people vote like cattle?
I'm sorry gook, if war pops off you will get nuked by comrade Kim.
your anti-natalist sentiment, you should just kill yourself, bam - one less person.
Tits or GTFO + sage
>Elections are fake and gay
>Take the vote away from a majority of normies
>Nothing ever happens
Lmao, you white incel losers won't even leave your basement to save your own countrt
I'm not voting for an Israeli cocksucker.


He can go to hell for all I care
yawn, nigger youre in ireland, you literally cant do anything in regards to this. whats the point of your "im a badass" comment you look like a retarded faggot.
>Is a moonfaced kike
This should explain it all very clearly for you.

Lma a friendless white incel loser is a powerful group

furthermore, note what Trump was saying when the "attempt" on his life was occuring. He was talking about how there are "dangerous people" coming into the country, while being targeted by a "dangerous person" from WITHIN the country. This is staged. An intelligent mind (possessing HUMAN intelligence) immediately can see this scripted pattern. Because there is irony. Irony is detected my intellect, stupid people can't see that because they can't interpret reality beyond sense impressions.

If you want to be smart, and not stupid, you have to HANDLE the truth, and not be afraid of what others say or being called schizo.
you really shouldnt talk south korean.
It's probably not a South Korean desu.
because they are cattle. And the only people opposed to legal accessible abortion are inbred mutts.

Imagine if GOP wasn't anti-abortion. We'd already had all the dems and shit libs exiled to the gulag in Mars and be living in eutopia.
I'm not anti-natalist. I said we need more higher quality people. what if one of your children decides not to reproduce, do they deserve to die?

see how you're being idiotic?
probably not but the flag means they are a retarded insect incel from south korea. their people.
Hawk tuah girl must be a huge threat then
high quality people fall out of the mass of shit.
The biggest victim of shitlibs has been liberalism and the idea of individual liberty. And your right to decide for yourself if you want to start a family or not, without being shamed by a conformist society.
Cool, more wood for the kindling.
Hes a closeted bisexual.
>look at me im not gay i have a wife and had sex with a woman before!
Completely mentally insane
I love how you gentile faggots cope with seeing the Jews. A group that has managed to keep their culture and community intact.

I do agree they look ugly and disgusting though.
really? how many high quality people fall out of the slums india or china or New York or Los Angeles?
idk his pajeet wife seem to like him a lot.

Maybe you are projecting
Go back to bed old man
>Childless people can live tax free as long as they tacitly agree to die alone
>Parents get taxed but all that tax money MUST be spent on public schools

Not bad tbqh
>Pajeet wife
Marrying a poop person is basically an admission that you don't really like women but just needed to grab one so people will believe you're straight.
>culture and community intact
depends on what you define as culture and community. I mean if you consider culture and community to be infiltrating other societies and forming conspiratorial networks to parasitize off of and gain leadership over that body and then suck the life out of it until it dies, then yeah they are a really resilient "culture" and "community".
i said we could nuke india tbf.
Why, because I hurt the feelings of a white incel loser who wants to nuke India because he's afraid to ask a girl out?
He has a mutilated dick this whole thing is a huge cope the kids are probably artificially inseminated.
My bad I meant married women vote Republican
yeah he actually looks like Richard Spencer. He also reminds me of a homosexual that I went to high school with. The guy hid it but he came on to me more than once.
>what if one of your children decides not to reproduce, do they deserve to die?
If they decide that any biological imperative is something they "don't want to do", they die. Deserve has nothing to do with it... it's just reality. My love won't save them from lack of oxygen, water, or nutrients. It won't protect them from inhospitable temperatures.

And the truth of the matter is, my children won't choose this. My daughter tells everyone how she wants to be a mother, and soon. Our friends (who also homeschool), one of their daughters tells everyone how what she really wants to be is a grandma (she loves her grandma, and that lady is something else too...). Good role models, lack of contagion from public schools, and good values. Nothing more is needed.

> I said we need more higher quality people.
You don't get to have more higher quality people, if you're murdering them before you can even tell who they are. Up to 1 million abortions per year at its peak, still up around half a million a year even at this late date. Not all of them high quality, but more than a few, dead before their eyes ever opened.
i want to nuke india due to their dysgenic animal nature. as poster said above im an old man and based on thread theme and info provided i havent had these issues youve mentioned. sry wannabe gook.
You sound like an incel yourself.
Nah not everwhere. that's just in the more rural areas. For example in the Northeast usually the married men vote democrat. the women wear the proverbial pants and the men conform with whatever they want. think Connecticut suburbs.
I don't mind them or Israel. I just want them to govern their own country and stop influencing mine with bribery and corruption
This VP pick is to show the "global elite" that said he is going to be the next president that he still supports green card immigration for college grads as Trump said and his "crowd" is now downplaying. You know, the very reason they faked the assassination attempt: to regain failing support. Choosing Vance after that debacle just goes to show that Indian immigration into the US as "legal" will only become Cananda 2.0. It's also the situation that Indians hate muslims, so de facto support the wars in the Middle East for destablization. And since the religious right is starting to waver, they current PTB need these general sentiments to manipulate, while continuing a DnR on the homefront. This time, Chrisian v. Hindu and jeets as the scapegoats for failing cities, as they begin chain migration.
biological imperative? if you don't want to do something it isn't an imperative.

there are plenty of people. billions of them. There is no reason for all of them to reproduce. In-fact, it is IMPERATIVE that most of them DO NOT reproduce.
as long as the vast majority of those abortions remain brown, Im pro choice
Even white babies aborted arent that much of a loss, sad as it is. Being raised by a roastie is not a formula for a healthy, smart, strong member of the aryan race.
God forbid that the Hindus become masters of our destinies. Down with this plant.
Lmao, you white incel losers get so triggered by facts you lash out in impotent rage and low iq racism
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imagine being a single virgin male that is completely romantically unsuccessful and now you even have to pay more tax because of that
Lmao, the white incel loser hates the rich sex haver,,,,very predictable
Are we winning yet Vancesisters?
>can't date because bad genetics and I have autism
>one day go outside to get my mail or whatever
>police officers suddenly pop out of nowhere
Lmao, is there anything more dysgenic than a white incel loser? Nuke urself crybaby
hey quit lashing out getting all triggered at me
>this is how you sound.
You're Indian stop disgracing the Taegukgi pajeet.
You're talking to a member of the race literally shitting up your nation, leaf friend. Korean flag is a jeet.
yes there is, a korean incel loser.
the hillbilly will be replaced. the hick needs to drop out on his own and negotiations are underway, but it's going to be expensive.
oh if thats the case then,
indian jeet incel loser*
>Be monk/priest
>Pay more tax for being celibate for God
Vance is in the right, if you can't breed you shouldn't be able to vote, I hope he goes one step further and just enslaves all you childfree incels, you are lesser than cattle.
>You sound like an incel yourself.
Guess again, nigger. Father of two.
>biological imperative? if you don't want to do something it isn't an imperative.
Whether you, tranny, want to continue breathing or not, it is still imperative. If your wants contradict the imperative, that's evidence of profound mental illness.
>there are plenty of people. billions of them.
All of them are above the age of reproduction, nigger-brain. Fertility rate's the only number that matters.
>as long as the vast majority of those abortions remain brown, Im pro choice
I have bad news for you. The vast majority are not brown. While they are brown out of proportion to demographics, at the current rates you'll see whites extinct too... I guess you get to take the untermenschen with you, that might make you feel better in your very last thoughts before oblivion. Gives me no comfort though.
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it's genuinely pants on head retarded, but guess that's what you get when letting oligarchs like peter thiel call the shots
Eh, not gonna happen so why you shilling this shit op?
Okay zoomzoom. Go fuck your ass some more with a big black cock
Get fucked, incels.
Ok Langley
>yes officer, this person right here.
>and what crime did he commit?
>apparently he was socially awkward in high school
Because I refuse to tolerate this faggot. I will alog him until the end.
>Whether you, tranny, want to continue breathing or not, it is still imperative. If your wants contradict the imperative, that's evidence of profound mental illness.

i think you are the evidence or "profound" mental illness. If I make a rational choice not to get married and have children, that's my choice, not mental illness. It is more mentally ill to force yourself to have sex with someone you don't like just so she squirts out babies you don't want in order to satisfy some formula rotting in your brain.
A good concession if we get faggots and women not to vote
Lmao, white incel losers are so gullible, believe whatever jews tell them no matter how ridiculous
rabble rabble, if it makes you feel better bro. gotta be tough out there.
>at the current rates you'll see whites extinct too
infrastructure collapse will occur before that happens. worldwide population of browns will fall by 70-90% without modern farming and global shipping, i.e. without whites.
Abortion is inherently evil, but as it currently sits in relation to all other forms of kikery going on im not too worried.

those with a lower level of consciousness cant understand the value of anything in reality unless its directly related to cooming
Incels are parasites and destructive to the white race, put them in camps, mulch them, cannon fodder, anything lmao,
based. if you're not in a marriage raising at least 1 kid you should have zero say in the future. go play video games and jerk off.
>infrastructure collapse will occur before that happens. worldwide population of browns will fall by 70-90% without modern farming and global shipping, i.e. without whites.
>Abortion is inherently evil, but as it currently sits in relation to all other forms of kikery going on im not too worried.

I completely agree with this. brown populations are mostly dependent upon white infrastructure. when that collapses so will brown populations.

And i'll add that in my opinion china will also collapse. all the talk of china being the next superpower seems like fantasy. they're essentially a glorified work camp for the west and when western economies fall, so will theirs. In fact it already is. So any war with china will probably be mostly staged.
>If I make a rational choice not to
If you make a rational choice not to breath, you're not being rational. Calling it a "choice" doesn't change that. Something neuroticized you, something traumatized you. There are animals that just sit there, refusing to eat, yanking all their fur out, biting at their own flesh and bleeding. Did they rationally choose to do that? It's not a lifestyle choice. Just mental illness.
>It is more mentally ill to force yourself to have sex with
Sure, if you had to force yourself to do that. But if you found the opportunity, you wouldn't have to force yourself. You hear this shit with all mental illnesses... anorexics talking about how they have to force themselves to eat delicious things.
>just so she squirts out babies you don't want i
I wanted mine. Granted, I'll forgive someone if they worry that something will be wrong with their kids... but that's uncommon anyway, it's not a rational worry.
>in order to satisfy some formula rotting in your brain.
That "formula" is (in part) called the mind. If your "formula" is different in this particular regard, then it's your formula which rots.
are you korean?
you're totally over-intellectualizing free will. that's a sign of mental illness.

If a person doesn't want ot have children, that's their business. idiot.
>infrastructure collapse will occur before that happens.
Infrastructure will collapse, to some extent, because of that happening. When there aren't enough people of working age to sustain civilization, it will falter. While we do have other problems, this guarantees collapse. On my "the world ends" bingo card, I don't have a square for "people were too neurotic to fuck and have kids"...
who gave you free will?
and he said to multiply.
or are you just an animal running on your own programming on your own will? thats why you should kill yourself btw.
He's actually a faggot communist but doesn't read books so he thinks he's based and conservative.
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>you're totally over-intellectualizing free will.
I didn't say it was free will. I liken it more to your software malfunctioning. You're only dimly self-aware.
>If a person doesn't want ot have children,
This phrase is semantically empty. It's like saying "if a dog doesn't want to be an oceanographer"... dogs aren't capable of wanting or not wanting such a thing.
Reproduction is the meaning of life.
its its sole core function. to turn against that would be mental and spiritual illness IMO.
Yes, this is the core tenet of neo-feudalism.

He is Trump's successor, deal with it.
What I dont get is why pick some literal who from bumfuck Ohio? A flyover state full of southern rednecks, bears and west virginia incest cousins as neighbors. I never been to Ohio and never will, sounds horrible there. I also saw a video of driving through east cleveland on YT and it is run down by complete white flight (white people took the tax base from east side and moved west away from blacks and gentified it, pricing native blacks out, resources went to those areas leaving crime on the east. One of the most dangerous cities in america.

We gonna let some failed state congressman to be vice president? If he fucked up by making tractor filled Ohio a dangerous area then imagine the horrors he will do as VP.

I understand. I understand that I am a socially awkward incel loser. I understand that I am a subhuman scum who's inferior to you in every way, and I know that I will never be your equal. I understand I'll never get a gf due to autism and social awkwardness. I understand that I'll forever be a basement dweller playing video games and jerking off. I'm sorry I was born.
I hope he runs on those policies, then he will lose
just reproduction?
thats nigger tier thinking
The Aryan man is the energy and matter of the universe realizing itself through a consciousness. Despite the fact that consciousness remains largely a mystery, to say that physical and emotional development has no part to play in the formation of a consciousness is retarded. If you have Aryan offspring, it is a sacred, universal and eternal duty to make every effort and sacrifice that your sons and daughters are raised to achieve a higher level of what we might call spiritual awareness. Ideally we would create and cultivate a culture that holds this continuing process as its highest aim, its sole reason for existence.
Wantonly strewing your seed, casting pearls before swine, is immoral on a personal level. On a spiritual level it is niggerdom.
Should the Aryan race falter in the destiny, the spark of life and consciousness, the ability for the universe to realize itself, may very well be lost in this galaxy.
But yeah, fuck all that and cum in some roasties bro!!
Determining the "most intelligent" participant in a discussion can be subjective and depends on the criteria used for intelligence. Here are some possible criteria and corresponding users from the thread:

Analytical Insight:
Anonymous (ID: y2bo+Tl7): This user provided statistical data about single men and their political affiliations, which adds a factual basis to the discussion.

Critical Thinking:
Anonymous (ID: Je5WUX6o): This user questioned the consistency of the proposal by asking if the same logic would apply to single women, demonstrating critical thinking.

Strategic Perspective:
Anonymous (ID: rggHvOYI): This user suggested that the opposition to JD Vance indicates he is a threat to powerful interests, showing an understanding of political strategy.

Behavioral Insight:
Anonymous (ID: QJkuPIYs): This user proposed that taking away political rights might encourage single men to change their status, which reflects an understanding of human behavior and incentives.

Religious and Ethical Consideration:
Anonymous (ID: saj8F6UA): This user brought a religious perspective into the discussion, which can be seen as adding a different dimension to the debate.

Each of these users contributed in a way that could be considered intelligent based on different criteria. If you have a specific criterion in mind, it woul
lol wtf AI gibberish is this?
Why bother posting it?
just confining intellectual drivel. the purpose of life could just as easily be to love others, or be happy, or seek God.
sorry retard, the chatgpt bot said none of your posts were intelligent
yeah Ohio is often called "the asshole of America". I worked there for a while and where I was it was very flat and only consisted of strip malls and fast food restaurants.

I'm sure there are nice parts of Ohio but picking a representative from there in a time of crisis didn't seem like the best political move.
Jew licker's going to be president soon
>checked what the chatgpt bot said because he couldn't decide for himself
hey i didnt check, im not that egotistical desu.
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Parenthood should be incredibly affordable and anyone saying otherwise is your enemy. Being a bachelor has nothing to do with this. They are still your enemy.
Your kids aren't a combination of you and your wife, retard. Take a biology class.
>Your kids aren't a combination of you and your wife, retard. Take a biology class.

lol what? yes they are. that's how selective breeding works.
if youre shrimp you need to go kys.
>misses everything I said
your reading level suggests you have plenty of melanin to go around.
an hero
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>will be supporting american families thru taxes
That's it anon, beg government daddy to tax young people harder. Surely an increased tax burden will revive the fertility rate, and won't just be yet another funnel for niggers and spics to breed
his actual stance was to decrease tax burden on families, if you look at your statement, we already have to support niggers and spics, and will more so outside of fixing the white population demographic issues. if they receive the welfare, im fine.
You think finding this perfect Aryan queen will determine how your kids turn out. Your kids will have a combination of genes from both your ancestors -- ancestors that were probably nothing like you. Your Aryan queen could give you a faggot kid.
Could be assassination protection in that if you do bump off president Trump you've got him waiting in the wings.
>just confining intellectual drivel. the purpose of life could just as easily be to love others, or be happy, or seek God.
It actually can't be any of those things. If those were primary imperatives, and reproduction wasn't imperative at all (or lower priority), then humans would cease to exist and there would be no humans left to "love overs", to be happy, or to seek God. Survival must always be the first imperative, and for an organism like humans, survival requires there be a next generation, and one after that, into the far indefinite future. If they forget to seek God or to love, or even to be happy, another generation will eventually discover those things again... but only if there is another.

If you enjoy living in our civilization and our society, if you derive benefit from it, then you are morally obligated to do your part in creating it anew through reproduction. There is no other way.
I've not been following, what political rights does he want to take from single men?
correct its a diceroll, and whatever pops out of the pile of shit can turn out to be its own pile of shit or a golden nugget, sure theres some science and stats that allow you to try to determine when itll be shit and gold, but its basically randomized. like two poors can make a rich successful person.
The vote apparently.
>no source
that's how you know OP is making things up.
Whites aren't having children due to hyperinflation, because we have enough future planning skills to not spawn children into the world when houses are $600k. Tax cuts for white families in isolation would be wonderful, the main people who will jump on this will be browns that are more inflation resistant, while it doesn't even put a drop in the bucket of deflating the economy.
>Your kids will have a combination of genes from both your ancestors -- ancestors that were probably nothing like you.
This is one hell of a cognitive defect, even if you were a nigger. How is it that the kids can be like your ancestors, but are unlikely to be anything like yourself? Wouldn't you be just like your ancestors, from the same principle, and wouldn't your grandchildren be like you since you're their non-parent ancestors?

Jesus fuck you're a retarded faggot. You just argue in whatever direction you need to arrive at your pre-determined conclusion, regardless of whether there is anything resembling logic between origin and destination.
he wants to double the voting power of single mothers
IT's all that's been posted on this board for days retard.
dont talk for whites, i dont think like that. thats weakminded fearful individuals. children are cheap.
CIA/Palantir/Peter Thiel candidate
Why is it that closeted faggots are the most adamant about harassing everyone to have kids so the line on the graph goes up? And its always a quantity over quality approach with no regard for race. Methinks they want a bigger population of potential children to groom while the business oriented among them want more debt slaves to buy their slop.
Damn he's pretty.
You better get straight married before Vance conscripts a wife for you, anon.
>If you enjoy living in our civilization and our society, if you derive benefit from it, then you are morally obligated to do your part in creating it anew through reproduction. There is no other way.

if that society requires that I reproduce in order to survive (it doesn't) then that societ would have the imperative to provide the necessary conditions for me to reproduce (it doesn't).

You're over intellectualizing it. It isn't an imperative to reproduce because it isn't an imperative that all humans reproduce. humans have many functions.
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How does he want to take rights away from single males? I’m single but don’t follow everything that’s been said.
>dont talk for whites
It's called fertility data retard. Whites are below replacement everywhere. Enjoy Jamarius and Enrique paying for your pensions, I'm sure the 60IQ horde will hold up the system
He wants votes to be based on the number of children you have. Yes really.
Bachelor's tax. NPNW is unironically starting to make the system buckle
From the sounds of it he wants the vote to be reserved for married couples with children, so no political representation for either single men or women. A vote for Trump/Vance is a vote to never vote again for most of you.
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What the fuck is wrong with his ear?
>you pay full tax as single male
>Tyrone with 5 kids pays less
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do retards like this just expect dudes to settle for fat mentally ill chicks because they themselves are trapped in a roastie relationship? all must suffer?
Just thinking about this shit makes my blood boil. Down with this fucking tyrant. Lock him up.
>if that society requires that I reproduce in order to survive (it doesn't)
It actually requires this, just on the aggregate level instead of the individual. But even ignoring that, if you're going around spreading volunteer antinatalism propaganda, you're straying pretty far out of the "I have no individual responsibility" because you're encouraging this same behavior in many people. At best, you're a mooch, but I'm not inclined to be generous. You're anti-human and anti-life when you do this. I'd call you satanic if I were religious.
>then that societ would have the imperative to provide the necessary conditions for me to reproduce (it doesn't).
This is a fair complaint. We do have obligations to try to arrange society to make this easier, and we've done the opposite. There are those of us desperately trying to fix it.
>You're over intellectualizing it. It isn't an imperative to reproduce because it i
Quite the opposite. I view humans as animals (which indeed they are), not as some nearly transcendent beings who are above their own biology. This stuff's brainlessly simple, and you're just plainly wrong.
everyone is beyond niggers, followed by pajeets. even the asian influx is dying out and going into replacement territory its not a white specific issue.
This is why I have never voted. There hasn't been a truly pro-American candidate in my lifetime and I'm in my mid 30s.
dont settle or just dont receive the tax benefit?
kys shrimp
>Enjoy Jamarius and Enrique paying for your pensions,
What, with their street corner crack sales that they don't pay taxes on? Oh, wait... even that part of the economy will be in decline, when there just aren't enough crackheads to support it.
>Pay more taxes because you are alone
No, I don't think I will. Enjoy losing the election.
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*smacks lips*
>Yall be sayin I gon get mo monies for bussin mo of dem nuts?
>So das where da "niggaz fo trump" mah homies was been sayin be comin from
>sign ma ass up
you wouldnt pay more, you just dont get a deduction. dont be so sneaky, kike.
by such logic George Washington would be unable to vote lmao
>You don't pay more you just end up with less after

>you don't pay more, everyone else just pays less
yeah he's the one being sneaky here
It's literally over. Send this tyrant to Israel.
you're really just overthinking and over-intellectualizing it. not everyone wants to or will reproduce and trying to force everyone to reproduce under conditions where it won't benefit them or society is just stupid.

yeah you're free to your opinion but acting like a person is somehow taking advantage of you because they aren't injecting unwanted unloved children into your dystopia is just stupid. as though people that work and contribute to your life and pay taxes and install your internet etcetera are somehow bad because they don't want to burden themselves or the world or their children with existence in a world that already has plenty of people, is jsut stupid. Humans aren't like animals, we can see when overpopulation is happening and cull ourselves without reproducing (if we're smart). if you're stupid then we will overpopulate because we turn off higher reasoning faculties.

This argument is empty because you and I both know you don't want everyone reproducing. so why claim you do?

if the conditions were right, yeah, i'd reproduce. conditions aren't so therefore I won't. and that's that.
its like how you dont own a house and get a tax credit for that, nigger it literally already works this way with children/family taxes.
Vance said "punish the bad behavior" (not having kids).
The Child Tax Credit has been around since the 90s. But clearly that wasn't enough for Vance. He wants to lower the rate of rich people with kids, and make sure that if you don't have kids it either stays the same (or worst case increases)
>figure out how to meet female standards
Just grow an attractive face on top of your face haha. And be over 5'11
These tax deductions leave a hole in the budget. How is it being filled?
i will not be a serf to a venture capitalist hillbilly breeding program. I'm not voting for Vance and if he gets his way I will rebel.
you dont need an attractive face and you could probably get away with 5 10. you have to figure out how to deal with your own inflated standards.
>You must lower your standards or pay taxes
Fuck you commie.
here in america we just print money, arent you aware.

Is Trump gonna axe him already? Jesus christ he is a disaster. Get rid of him and it will be forgotten about by the time of the election especially if he picks someone better
nah not a commie, the other type of authoritarian ideological regime sir.

the progression was

Mire - to Yale Law - to Thiel

Yale Law is impressive and I don't see the rich people helping him get that.
>its like how you dont own a house and get a tax credit for that, nigger it literally already works this way with children/family taxes.
You're retarded. Nobody is against TAX CREDITS but lowering the tax rate is fucking insane. Tax credits to buy an electric car= good. Lowering your income tax rate if you own an electric car = BAD.
Money being a thing you can just produce in unlimited amounts with no issues is a schizo myth.
You remind me of my pathetic brother who is literally the plap meme. His wife is a fucking insufferable moron miss piggie. You and JD Vance can go to hell.

if you don't vote, you shouldn't have to pay taxes.
that shit dont work retard. you look retarded and its a tell of your ideological takes.
You are literally advocating for plapjaking to pay less taxes. You are a pathetic worm.
yawn. go get the best women does that help you. idc.
You know "just deal with it" doesn't fly when you are trying to court people's vote. They will deal with it by not voting for you.

Larry Fink is a huge Democrat.

Trump is tied to him, in part, because they both live on the same planet.

Larry Fink worked with Mayorkas. To kill Trump. John Hinckley Jr was tied to Reagan because he shot him.
im not courting anyones vote we are in a /pol/ thread. none of this actual matters retard lmao.
4chan made Trump and if he's saddled himself with somebody who wants to disenfranchise most people here it will sink him too.
its not 2015 anymore.
Thanks for that John Oliver. Anything else?

They could just raise the personal exemption for kids. From whatever number it is now, to a higher number.


Having kids already gets you money.
>second beast
nigger fucker

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