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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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We British are stinky and smelly and stupid
We don't have many teeth by the age of 16
The romans expanded into Engerland and the only reason they stopped and didn't try to conquer Scotland was because Britons were disgusting enough. When they peered their heads over Hadrian's wall, all they seen was a people TWICE as fowl and smelly, and stupid, running around in bog in the nip painted in blue. Nothing but feral savages and bog. And so they said "fuck that, this was all a mistake". And they eventually just packed up and left

Our language, our accent's, our slang, our customs, our culture, it is repulsive and disgusting. When I think of Britain, I think of a poverty stricken housing estate footpath plastered with chewinggum and cigarette butts with a used condom laying on it. With a forever grey sky that reflects the misery of the land. That's Britain. That's our country. That's all you need to know innit
The lower stratum of society is universally ugly everywhere, not just in the UK
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Also, you're Indian.
We British are naturally a filthy dirty retched people. It's just how we are

Nope. Wrong. I'm British. I'm simply being honest
Try leaving your council estate and have a look how the real people live you little scratter.
So when are you going back to India?
India isn't really much worse than Britain, really

And I'm not actually Indian. I am white and I was born in the UK. I am indigenous to my region. There are zero lies in this paragraph I tell you now
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>India isn't really much worse than Britain, really
>When they peered their heads over Hadrian's wall, all they seen was a people
Who do you think built the fackin wall, you plank?
This is the average briton

It's true. They are both full of dirty rotten scum
Filthy dirty rotten teethless junky dysgenic stupid disgusting scum. That's what we are. And our traditional culture is gay and faggy. It's literally jumping around like a pansy banging sticks together and waving hankies. How gay is that?
Can't even speak english properly. And it's our own language
Jeremy Kyle Show. Watch it. That's the British people
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British Humour. It sucks. Really, really bad. We are an unfunny people. I don't know why we keep ripping on the Germans when we make posts like this
There’s no such thing as “British”. You can be English, scottish, welsh, Irish, etc, but there’s no such thing as British.
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Irish are not British. Some of them like to pretend they are, God knows why. I wish I was irish because then I could be proud of my blood. Instead, i'm a stinky, dirty, scummy, smelly, wretched Britbong

But yes, British refers to the English, Scots and Welsh. We are all a very grotesque people. It cannot be understated
maybe op should find peace in paki not euro
>Blahdee 'ell oi got noh teef! awll da bettah fow sacking Muhammad's dong!

That's the average fellow brit. That's what they sound like. That's what they say
Rome held 30 miles north of the antoine wall before losing by combat all the way to solway.
You should read more the same people took until the 1600s to be pacified by England and Scotland .
Your a dark skinned paki got it.
not true, peasant Ukrainians can be gorgeous
Nope. We're dirty rotten heathens. Simple as

an indian typed this.,./
ill fuck your ass up bih
Wrong and wrong
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i know im right i can tell youre a hijab wearing somali
You think you're right but you're actually wrong. I'm actually native to the UK. I'm white. No lies here. I'm telling you the truth and you can't accept it. WE Brits are a filthy people and that is a fact
Good morning sir
Post hand liar.
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post hand
I take it back, that does sound like me
With what? I don't have a phone, i'm not a phone faggot. But I am indeed white. I am native to the UK, my ancestors have been here for thousands of years. It's true. You can cope all you like but the truth remains the truth

Exactly. You're just being honest, as am I
Shut up baljeet
You're a Jew. Nothing could be worse. If I were jewish I would actually kill myself. Being British isn't quite as bad in comparison

Not a jeet :)

I'm actually white and native. haha
>With what? I don't have a phone, i'm not a phone faggot
That sounds incredibly convenient for (you). Write something in welsh.
You're Indian

Well it's the truth. I never got a phone because phones always disgusted me. Peak normalfaggot shit. But after looking for a compact camera and realising they don't make or sell them anymore because of fucking smartphones, I have finally conceded and I am going to get one. Just so I can use a decent enough camera and so I can call people if I am down the local lough and I get stranded or something

I'm not welsh tho
Idk, googoogahgah gwdylldidu

You're literally a Jew
dos i chwarae efo dy nain paki!
You're just wrong. I'm actually not a foreigner. Being honest, no shitposting. There are actually subtle clues that have been left. Didn't want to but I know brits and our colonies are too dumb they will miss them so it doesn't matter

Anyways, I am actually a brit. And we are dumb and stupid and smelly and also gay
>With a forever grey sky that reflects the misery of the land
The worst part about British weather is that it's not even bad even if you guys are always complaining about it. It's like a national sport. Even on vacation you find ways to shoehorn complaints about British weather in every conversation.
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I get all of my knowledge of British lore from these threads.
I like watching the clouds and the rain pass by in the distance. It is beautiful. And the sound of the rain, and dull days. I hate the sun. I actually agree but it wouldn't had been an authentic british post if I didn't complain about the whether
Why do most Brit’s look like rats? They look very similar to Jews
>anglo kike
Of course a kike is mad, anglos are like their masters.
You’re also a pajeet projecting.
Norf FC memes are an accurate depiction of Britain. That's the sad, bitter truth behind the memes. They are funny, yes. The roman ones are probably my favourite

Nope! Oi'm Bretesh Oi am!
You have no foreskin, stfu
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Beady eyes, ANGLO lies
Muffled Aryan women's cries
Aryan children, big and small
Bomer Harris kills them all
Left, right, right, left
ANGLO sows the seeds of death
Not a stone is left to stand
When ANGLO flies across the land
After starting World War One
The ANGLO's work was still not done
So joining with the Pole and Jew
He made a knew one: World War Two
To sate his thirst for Aryan blood
That he wanted, that he got
Now Dresden is devoid of cheer
Hans have fear; the ANGLO is here
Ok I have to go to bed now. Good night, smelly brits

Éirinn go Brách
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oh cheer up nigel

you can still easily redeem yourself by nuking the nigs and chinks

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