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you wont do shit
Tim's a faggot
>another twitter retard running his mouth
You won't do shit.
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You better, I'm going where it pops up first I want my skull throne already.
I legitimately can’t do another 4 years of this. I already bought a place off-grid and an rv, I’m done with society if Trump loses.
someone, somewhere, eventually always does shit so you're both kike faggots and objectively wrong.
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We probably won't anon. This country is so lame. We'll be the HR department country in no time I guess
A civil war means Israel dies. Anybody that tries to lead will get taken out by mossad, cia or fbi.


Newer FBI agents “do not bother to conceal their distaste” for traditional political or religious views and openly identify themselves as “woke or liberal,” the head of a multi-agency task force said. Hired on the basis of “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI) guidelines, they are “completely worthless” and “the worst batch of people,” the whistleblowers said.
Jesus Christ Germany, living in a glass house much and if you really think Americans "won't do shit" at this point, I have nothing more to say to you
shut the fuck up. when we win we're going to patrol your surburb to make sure you chud fucks stay inside. we have to babysit you fucking morons because you always chimpout. stay out of the streets or meet my boot.
what a great idea to announce yyou're going to commit terrorism in twitter
He's so gonna be killed by the fbi by tomorrow
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i wonder if it's better to start it during the russo-ukraine war or after
palestine chose during and is being genocided
china seems to be choosing after
might be best to start it during the war with iran / china, and declare independance

just make sure to pick a state housing nukes and soldiers who know how to use them

that way you'll be protected after ww3 from zog and communist china
every ounce of hatred they bleed online is an ounce they don't spend irl preparing or acting.
these are people that are scared of misdemeanors making themselves out to be hardened people capable of violence lmao
Come here I'll hire you before it pops off and pay you well. America will be where we win or lose. Everything cultural is downhill from us unfortunately.
damn straight
What makes you think Americans will ”do shit” now?
Haven't they been "preparing for a bloody civil war" since Waco and the Oklahoma City bombing at bare minimum?
any day now it's all gonna pop off!
You are paid to post this here.
Fucking hilarious. Lets keep baiting and calling the feds lmao
wise on china's part. every bomb dropped in Gaza or Ukraine is one less to be dropped in the pacific.
You won't do shit.
Remember cities have lolis... orphaned lolis grow up to be loving wives
2024 is ours chud. STAY INSIDE.
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Shut up chink I am GOOK NUKEM

electoral history map
The only reason that American has not had a proper civil service s because unlike most British or European countries, there are 1 billion guns here. We Americans know absolutely what it will look like after that first shot and it will be horrifying. The only reason Americans have sat on their hands this long is that it takes a little extra push to be willing and ready to MURDER your fellow country men in mass. I feel those final pushes are coming
All typed from within the firm but cozy grip of a society beyond the point of no return.
You won't make it out of the city.
You won't do shit.
You won't do shit.
just like all conspiracy theorists it's just a realm where various incels and failures end up, i don't think they even really deep down believe any of it, it's just become a sort of support group for them, the underlying theme is just lonely humans using whatever as a medium to not feel lonely anymore.
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>I'm jus bussin and lookin for frens

What the ever living fuck? Ain't nobody uncomfy enough to start plugging busters, bro. GS-9s funny now
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I cannot wait to see you out there. I'm literally shaking with excitement
Well Peter, you're waiting for a puppet controlled by jews to save you from them.
Can it be, I didn’t think it was possible….. a Bulgaria flag?
Civil war aside, the great depression did happen. If it happens again, it will be mad max because shitskins and commiefags.
your coup already failed. kamala is going to DESTROY trump
Imagine ever putting some shit like this in writing. What a fucking dumbass. Stop building an incriminating online footprint
You cannot even setup a rifle let alone an offensive
>Literally queefing

Clean your sweaty undies and take a breath
>if Trump loses.
if you think trump is going to do a single fucking thing besides send all white men to die in some fucking meatgrinder i have a bridge to sell you.
You won't do shit.
Bro, maybe you are confused. We are talking about people getting shot in the face. Not "I'm gonna vote super hard this time"
I wish bro
shut the fuck up then?
i think a reset would do us all some good. reset everyones bank accounts to zero, property ownership becomes no longer about piece of paper but what you are capable of physcially defending. can't defend it? then it just became someones elses property.
Do you think this election could lead to that final push perhaps? Honestly I still think things would have to become even worse before something like civil war happens. But who knows the right spark could ignite something big
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The parasites will be shaking in excrement on Nov 6th.
I remember 2019 my dogs were eating salmon and steak with 2% inflation.
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*Deep breath in
*Smooth exhale out
Go to Iran and fight them
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so somewhere around the dekotas seems like a good spot to declare indendance from
idk if a border with canada is a good or bad thing. probably good overall for business

i hear texas has a history of wanting to leave, but i also hear it's getting kiked in there

not sure how you should sell it. maybe a "we're going back to the constitution, as the founders intended" is safe, fags get death penalty, no women voters, and no nigger voters. it's plausibly deniable that you're "not racist / sexist" it's "just how the founders meant it so we're just going back to it". ofc it's also good not to cuck and just behonest you want a white ethnostate, but you'll make lots of enemies quickly that way, and are less likely to win over the military and their nukes
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You have no power here
Anarchy is not the answer anon.
you won't do shit. if you were going to do shit you wouldn't be telling the fbi
There are always white people preparing for a race war, that isn't new. Crazy people have never been new
>thinking that trump won't be on the side of the browns and jews
You lost the race war before it even started.
No we're not
We're preparing to defend ourselves from roaming hoards of butthurt golems belonging to democrats
they have already started the war drums when biden's social media handler called out a cop for shooting a black woman who tried to scald him with a pot of boiling water
this is how they round up the troops when the troops are DEI
yes i understand everyone wants a less kiked economy but will that matter at all if he just does everything the kikes tell him to?
if Trump loses, the entire world is getting thrown into the fucking meatgrinder. I would bet ten thousand dollars we get into WW3 under Kamala
whites are so pathetic

you literally cant exist without sucking the dick of the first jewish grifter you come across lmao
Well, I actually lost an argument against my wife when bringing civil war after this November's election up. Doesn't happen often, but she said something I haven't considered yet.
I told her that tensions between Democratic and Republican ideology are so high, that not only 2020 will repeat itself, but increase in severity up to maybe civil war.
She told me that this time Biden is in the White House, not Trump. He will absolutely call the feds and even the military if necessary to squash any gatherings around voting centers or outright right-wing dissent, most likely with lethal force in some instances. He will also not allow anyone to come within 2 miles of the capitol during vote certification in January.
Any attempt at starting a civil war this time around will be met with extreme force.
Imagine fighting a civil war for this con man.
A mere two weeks ago a 20 year old kid with no formal training very nearly brained a former head of state under high security protection. Do you know why the democrats that fomented the radicalization that led to that assassination attempt came out so quickly to condemn it? It’s because they are scared, krautanon. Congress members, and lobbyists, and immigration lawyers and on and on, do not have secret service protection details. It scared them.
You can't build a successful civilization
A spic bought land next to mine and they’ve cleared a ton of my land in an attempt to claim it as their own, I bought the fencing material today and will work on putting it up tomorrow, I’ve told them multiple times to their face and they keep at it, hired a lawyer even and had cease and desist letter sent a few weeks ago, so yes broke down and spent a few thousand in materials for the fence today

Before all that I had work today and while driving into work this morning a nigger with a suspended license side swiped me, whole side of my car is fucked, it’s 2011 and I’m betting the cost to repair the absurd amount of body damage is going to be more than it’s blue book value, I’m also going to assume the nigger bitches insurance is no good, I filed the claim and have the police report with her at fault but god damn what a headache

I’m so fucking sick of non whites, my ‘preparation’ is going to consist of leaving, moving wherever these uncivilized apes are not, I’ve never given it real consideration until this week with all this shit skinned antics
Conservatives historically never do shit. The Nazis were a liberal workers movement that openly mocked and opposed the conservatives in Germany. Read Hitlers book ffs.
Glowies not even trying anymore
This post is peak Twitter larp and let me sum up why
>I am done, after we democratically elect our favorite president, then we do a coup
>I have nothing to lose.

nobody sees the humor in there?
Yeah yeah. And all that "hurr we will do shit" boils down to a retard shooting up wallmart or his localchugh school, achieving nothing in the long run. So, despite all the shit you do - you won't do shit.
uh buddy the rightoids condemned it too
and last I checked it was one of you guys that tried to kill trump (and from all we know about the guy, it seems he was mostly a schizo who wanted to take out anyone famous)
Get used to it, nothing will change.
>This is a race war
Sorry but you lost the race war when you surrendered your entire messaging apparatus to astroturfed jews because they were owning the troons. Lol. Great priorities white boi
>Demonize white males and actively try to destroy the civilization they created.
>White males get demoralized to the point they have nothing to lose start murdering people in power.
yeah i'm not denying that. i'm just saying to not expect much better besides a slightly better economy but still completely and fully owned by jews.
It's not for anybody but the people themselves, asshole. Fuck Zion don, fuck commie harris
It was staged.
I've lived in several countries. USA is next on my list to live in
braindead take
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big talk no substance
Hugs. I'm on your side. Just relax
>Any attempt at starting a civil war this time around will be met with extreme force.
less than 2% of the US is any kind of law enforcement position that includes paper pushers. they're vastly outnumbered and would have to utilize a foreign force that is in no way allegiant to the USA to be marginally successful.
Trump is surrounding himself with Vipers again and is going to go to war Iran on behalf of Israel. I have never been so blackpilled in life as I am now....
(he’s getting hired as border patrol)
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why are amerisharters so stupid and still buying the lies of the fat zogbot commander? What is drumpf gonna do? Spam "LAW AND ORDER" on twitter when you get stabbed by niggers? Kiss the wall when you die in iran for pissrael?
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Trump's assassination is obviously fake. As you can see from the ear, no visible damage is done to it. That is not possible even from a "graze" with an AR15 bullet. If he was truly hit by a bullet, a sizeable chunk of his ear would be missing, which is not the case here. This video gives a believable prediction on how it could be staged:

Another factor proving Trump's assassination was staged is the croud. The crowd does not move or even flinch at the sound of AR15 bullets. The is highly unusual as any sane person would start running at the sound of them. The crowd does not. AR15 bullets do not sound like firecrackers. If you believe that then you are retarded.

A third and final proof is Corey Comperatore's body. It is clearly a mannequin and this proves it:
https://x.com/toxicpaul61/status/1814484749106204776?t=qXRRbTL7X-fs2ozYlKtYPQ&s=19 (Handle on leg)
https://x.com/toxicpaul61/status/1814722445808415112?t=pVQtxuxLWt1B5dUNOl1f0g&s=19 (nose does not match up)
https://x.com/toxicpaul61/status/1814389789837406460?t=eAsNq2CCFm2CRzOnhhtSOA&s=19 (arm size not the same)

This is conclusive proof that the Trump assassination is staged.
For sure. I didn't take your comment as an attack. Just being a little cheeky. But I am pissed off as all hell
Report and move on
>There will never be another election
Same talk as in 2020. And if they commit a fraud like in 2020, you will do nothing.
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This is a troll and a slide thread, but it's not wrong. If the leftists steal another election, America will erupt. The tension is almost palpable now.
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have a look at revolutions / civil wars in history
tyranical state responce only emboldens them
on paper trump could run again in 4 years even if they steal it again
but if they succeed in assassinating him, and his successor is just as passionate as him, it could lead to a civil war / declaring independance

idk if his VP pick would tho, he might be too young and hopeful that the system can be reformed
You won't do shit.
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Eliminate all amerimutts
the Nationalsozialistes were the most socially conservative party that any European nation has had in the last century you retarded fucking nigger.
Ireland will be cooking off first, either I'll meet you there or show up when shit starts to heat in the US.
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Why are MIGAtards so cringe?
>my identity revolves around my Zionist puppet candidate who never even kept his promises to his voters in the first place
>thinks jews don't run france
Who do you think pushes for muslims to rape your kids?
Nothing will happen, even if Trump was killed nothing would've happened, whites are done. Move to Latin America and fuck brown pussy and try to have some moments of sanity before you die. USA is done for, it's basically Latin America but hyper expensive so why not go where it's cheaper
They said the same thing right before Manassas and right before Concord and Lexington.
Those are foreigners with dual citizenship
schizophrenic faggots groomed on discord by kike glowniggers such as yourself has nothing to do with us.
>White people are preparing for a bloody civil war
And we win every. Single. Time.
They won't do shit.
Fed post.

fuck France and fuck you too mutt
Whiter than you, Abdul.
Cookie cutter loser. Get a real job.
you won't do shit, you will just post harder and practice shooting in the middle of nowhere
Why are foreigners with dual citizenship ruling you, jailing you if you say no to niggers, raping and eating your children, pushing troon surgery on your kids, opening your borders and erasing your culture?
Why is it that the only thing amerutts are doing to fix this is VOOOOOTING?
About time
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MIGAtards are brainwashed NPCs and cultists
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literally soviet union tier
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It's a big ship and it turns slow but when it does..
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>civil war
this is a Holy War.
>Lives in a third world shit hole
>That choice of memeflag

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Peter Rex is based
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notice how the shitskins can feel the hatred? Its not even 1% yet. They are getting scared.
>says the tranny globohomo mutt country

silence golem
Trump would literally be unstoppable if he didn't suck jew cock
WRONG. I won't do shit
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Oh no someone’s pointing out Trumps own words and actions, they must be a SHILL or a tranny. You’re such a faggot lol. If Trump wins and starts telling people it’s time to go after Iran, you would be here making excuses supporting it.
The first two are demonstrably factual
Go back to getting fucked by foreigners. Ireland is make fools of you guys
It's getting rigged for Trump, he's going to draft you to die for israel and you will comply because you are a bootlicking pussy
Based. MIGAtards are so effeminate and whiny
>everything is rigged and unfair, everyone who doesn’t support our zionist boomer candidate is a tranny and a shill
I don't really have anything to guard so if it pops off I know which neighborhoods I'm going ape shit on first, there are onky so many fire trucks in each city
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You know what happens to the cultists when it's over, right?
Can't disagree. I'm not a Christian but do understand that evil is real
he'd have never been allowed where he is if he didn't. see Ron Paul, JFK, etc.
I want a world without kikes, niggers, faggots, and leftist scum so much.

Just after I wake up every morning I remember that these vermin exist and it jolts me out of my natural happy demeanour. I walk down the street sometimes and fool myself into thinking that these scum don’t exist and that we’re living in a world without nigger filth destroying our culture and society, without kike parasites crippling every white mans nation with debt, and without repulsive faggots spreading their disease.

For a moment I feel how good life could be without them, and then when I remember that they do exist, I want them all gone for good.
Look guys, if yall actually do shit and start a civil war then im happy to help all the way from here if not outright go.
Not because i care about the US surviving ofc fuck yall your govt funded a coup here letting our dirty war happen, but because i fucking hate commies and always wanted to join a military movement and maybe even be a merchant of death :)
This is a good way to get on a watchlist
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Israel officials openly endorsed Trump because they say he will give them the support they need to go after Iran
These boomers are so brainwashed, but it’s hard to feel sorry for them because of the way they act to anyone who calls them out on their bullshit
Brother if you are on this site, I got news for you
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those of us that have jobs know that based biden and the DNC have been cooking lately
Go back to getting fucked by jews. Trump is making a fool of you.
How migaboomers think jews react when they line up to vote in the next election: >"STOP HIM, HE'S MAKING A RUN FOR THE VOTING BOOTH NOOOOO OUR SATANIC PLAN IS FOILED"
what the Jews actually think when they see them:
>"ah nice, the cattle is leaving the pastures to mooooo at the passing electoral train"
I see I found the nerve
>conservatives never do shit
>except that one guy that shot an ex president
You can’t even keep you shilling logically consistent for two posts. Go back to Turkey, Akhmed
>verification not required
lmao rightoids think that wars are fought by individuals, they are incapable of any kind of organization. Stockpiling guns and ammo and cans of beans isn't preparing for shit except credit card debt.
Fuck Zion don, fuck commie harris. This is not about left right, that is why you are lost in this conversation
there will always be lunatics
(you) however, both you personally and you in the sense of "the general right", will not do shit
Wherever you can move, they will too. There’s no more tactical retreating from here on out anon.
Cringe boomer shit. Fuckin loser is literally living his life for an orange lardass goyslop enjoyer.
You're now a caliphate, you french faggot cuckboi. Your meltdown is glorious to watch. Hitler was right about all of you.
to be fair its bolshevik shills vs people who think Trump *might* make life bearable for 4 years and unironic zionist shills.
Race wars start all the time. Just takes the right situation.
The Major of people in this country don't vote but are about to and not with a ballot box
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Those who announce what they are going to do never do anything.
lol Germany is much better off politically than the US, you are delusional.
Lmao it’s like fake wrestling entertainment for these boomers
its always hard to tell if these people are false flags or idiots who dont understand that this kind of repulsive extremism will just make their side lose
No Whites will. Including you. You're all cowards.
>fellow country men
You fucking nigger they ain't our country men .. if they were we wouldn't want to shoot him in the face..

You pussy boomer, kys
>This is a race war
Silly rabbit. That guy is either stupid or glows. This isn't just about race. Only nu /pol/ thinks that. This is about class, bloodlines, and intelligence. This is about what your level of capitulation is with the governing bodies of this world. Just being white isn't enough to save you from the bullet to the head which you deserve.
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Just remember, you're not dodging the draft, you're fighting the war at home.
Go onto one of the Coolock thread and tell the Irish that. I think they forget
like on jan 6 right lel
Timmy better hush
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You have to go back now.
Can you read you brown mutt?
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This is mostly PSYWAR nao. And both "sides" havebers the shuffle back and forth between political positions and then back to "CFR", "TLC" &c &c.
Both followers of either "side" are equally stupid. Any kinetic action would be carried out by political operatives and paid idiots woth nothing better to do.
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I don't know if you guys remember, but after Bolsonaro lost we saw many protests in front of military bases asking the military to recount the votes because our digital voting machines are closed source.
I had to do my mandatory service and years later I had to go to work inside some military bases and I knew for a fact nothing would come from those protests for a simple reason: The military is too comfortable.
When the average officer got a McMansion and a Camaro with his salary for doing nothing all day, there is no reason to do anything crazy. I remember I had to put asphalt inside a military base because people had Ferraris there and they disliked the uneven asphalt the soldiers were putting in the place.
The same goes with America.
Yeah, maybe you're not rich, but a civil war requires millions and millions of people with nothing to lose and ready to die. Keep in mind you're fighting against the side that gave its members a nice life and this requires the system to stay around while your side can sell enough fake hope to become a big podcast on youtube or whatever.
Also, good luck making the autoshop owner and his helper down the street to believe your side is right when he's getting bombarded with pro-government propaganda and the jit logistics is suffering with fucked roads and raids.
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Lol, yeah, 'class'

Thanks, rabbi
*have members
Imagine relying on an infographic that intentionally covers up the bullet wound site to say it was a hoax. Put out the image without faggy overlays if you want to claim it was a hoax.
>retarded fucking mutt opinion with a comical childish view of the world
woah I didn't notice macron's government was Arab and hostile against Israel thanks for keeping me informed brown mutt
niggers kikes spics poos and commies are not my countrymen
>remember 2019 my dogs were eating salmon and steak with 2% inflation.
You mean when kikes had the money printers turned on to max capacity? And Trump cheering it on? How fuxking dumb are you? Shit was far more expensive in 2019 than 2009. The trend continues, it doesn't matter who is president, kikes are devaluing your dollar with federal reserve notes. Lurk more.
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you're being replaced
i think quite a few of us certainly hope so. i havent voted since 08.
> if you fight your enemies they win
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I just wanted to live a normal life.
My gosh, everyday i see dozens of people on 4chan alone that belong in gitmo.
Hell, we've been preparing for that for YEARS.
He's right though, being white doesn't mean shit. As a matter of fact, most liberals and libs are white.
>Imagine fighting a civil war for this con man.
Imagine being (YOU) believing that we'd actually be fighting for this shabbos goy .

Are you fucking retarded.. you clearly are fucking retarded.. calling the National Socialist Party liberals
Holy fuck you're stupid
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Ukraine wont do sh...ACK!!
Then I will stand on my porch and make you cry like a bitch.
yep me to all the jew rat shills, bolsheviks and israel firsters by literal definition they are

T R A I T O R S.
White incel loser FED vibes
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>biroliro president good
shut up retard, jew slave, die a painful death
The fool still doesn’t get it. It’s not a race war. It’s not an immigration war. It’s rich vs poor. Always has been. And he’s gonna go out and get smoked for a rich guy.
i hope so Id love to see the fedbois stack a few hundred of you. I may even enlist and join in.
On second thought you're right. We should definitely save poor whites, unintelligent whites, mixed whites, and traitorous SJw whites from rich liberal families. They will enrich our bloodline in the future. I don't know what I was thinking.
He's telling the truth there's nothing left to lose. Not even that, they're taking what we have left and redistributing it to the illegal invaders. Fuck everything.
Damn, niggers always get the ugliest white women
>ayo, look at my snowbunny whiteboi
I can see where he got shot. Caught him right below the top tip of the ear. He probably had plastic surgery. You can see the pink discolored circle of scar tissue. Just about the size a 5.56mm round would make as it went through his ear like a hot needle.
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I am thankful for this election actually. I'm so tired of watching how bitterly divided everyone is before/after every election, that I'm glad someone will "win" once and for all so I can either give up entirely and move to another country, or finally feel like the country is saved. And I really do believe this is the endgame for whoever wins, because their policies will be so deep they'll sink the losing party real fucking hard.

I do however have a prediction if Kamala wins. There won't be a civil war from white people, but they'll definitely be a revolt from black people. They are already getting angry about illegals getting free shit while they get nothing but jail sentences. They would burn the country down if she continues that. And this is all due to white liberals.
Checked and retardpilled
ANTIFA took shots at Trump....who has scores of millions of (heavily armed) supporters. Come SHTF, one of them is bound to meet up with *you*, eventually. It will be a coin flip if you continue breathing after that. Take your own advice ANTIFA.
white people are stupid
You are correct and people understand that. Don't listen to the shills and baiters
>not enjoying biden punishing "America."

Trump just gives you the illusion that there is someone good at the helm. I prefer the truth with sleepy Joe. Imo he's the best representative the federal government has ever had. Keep him up there I say.
This or if he does he gonna kill other whites lmaoooooooooooooooo
Lmao shameless self screenshot of a worthless post.
Good. Ive been ready for years. Latest project was becoming proficient with drone tactics and operations. I probably know more than any faggot in the military how to evade EW and fuck shit up with a relatively small drone. Those overpriced reapers are about fucking useless for whats coming.
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>fighting back just makes it worse
At some point you either defend yourself or succumb to evil.
Our Lord Jesus Christ did not command us to succumb to evil.
Nor did he command us to allow evil to harm our families.
Fighting evil, in the name of God, is for serious people only.
This is not for personal glory.
This is for the sake of doing what is right.
I have a passport but I don't plan to move. But if a major civil war begins I'll be on the first planes out to Europe.

Too fucking bad, I'm not going to live in a country if troons win in a civil war.
Imagine thinking Donald Trump is the leader of Team White when his whole family race mixes with Jews. White American Christians are retarded genetic trash.
I got your back in the field. you launch em and I got your 6
This, if he was actually going to do shit he wouldn't be announcing it on fucking twitter
You only need 3 - 10 percent of the population to start an insurrection or revolution.
No such thing as a mixed White, and your suggest that poor Whites be killed shows your nose more than anything else. You're also pretending leftists aren't deceived by the ju, and we know that they're just NPCs adhering to authority, and who will adhere to any authority.

You want White conflict, rabbi, and it stinks.
Orange nigger presidency will be the same as a Harris presidency, nigger.
As they all have the same donors.
I hope to god trump loses terribly just to hear the boomers cry. The right wont be anything but feminists for isreal until that generation dies out.
Your optimism is adorable, like a happy little bunny.
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Post nose kike
>If my Bibi faction kike lover loses my fake election, I'll self-deport
Great chat, mutt.
Yes sir. Resist their shitty half ass attempts at division
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Brain-dead to say that shit out loud, let alone on social media.
>sieg heiling for a kosher boomer reality tv star
It hasn't been a day since the guy called for war with Iran on behalf of Israel lol. Nobody takes NS larping from MIGA seriously and you're not going to do a revolution either. Why would you and who would lead it? MIGA is an establishment movement.
>patrols neighborhood
>gets sniped
>i have become an expert on electronic warfare by watching youtube
The delusions of American rightoids are hysterical
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>I have never known peace my entire life.
These glowies are so melodramatic, KEK.
DNC always handle the GOP with kid gloves and will koss their boo boos afterwards with concessions and supreme court nominees. Things arent allowed to be "saved" this has happened before and will happen again. Nothing will change. GOP narcissists will rally around some other loser while they still have money and conviction, and DNC will give the GOP aftercare after the elections, regardless if they win or lose, and let them rebuild themselves so they have an easy opponent who makes them look competent by comparison despite the fact both parties have huge corruption problems, one just has a better PR stance. You cant "good cop bad cop" the american people without the "bad cop" so to speak.
He falls into their trap by thinking leftist whites can be rehabilitated into being one of us. They can't. He's young and clueless. A traitor to the cause.
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>the cause
Of serving israel?
Race war or revolution. Civil war will see these zionist antiwhite raceless multiracialists rule over us if either side wins.

They are too stupid to understand two party politics is a false binary and the twi are one and the same.
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You are scheduled to be crushed. You will never be Americans.
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Like you fat fucks are going to fight the government which will drone you to death like the goat fuckers in Afghanistan.
Agreed most insane leftist will be the cannon fodder but don't let the infamous "them" divide us to the point that our power is diminished
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It's an interesting post but not sure if it totally makes sense. They want white guys to fight for Israel soon, right? Are they going to commit to a civil war against tax-paying whites? Is he sure that a civil war would destroy our country? How would it do so? Maybe by forcing our military out of foreign countries so they can post up on every major street intersection and look imposing? His statement about setting Cumala up for a fake win seems on point though.

>it takes a little extra push to be willing and ready to MURDER your fellow country men in mass
Very true. Me and all my friends are armed but it's not like we really want to hurt others, we're white and that's not something we gleefully look forward to.
inb4 "you won't do shit" yeah of course kike, you don't understand what it's like to not be a psychopath.

>But if a major civil war begins I'll be on the first planes out to Europe.
"Let me go from a country where I can arm myself against brownskins to a country where I am disarmed against brownskins" great take dumbass kek
>prevent it from doing its thing (creating effective memes while having fun)
>/pol/ exists to help the (((GOP))) electorally
But posters who bring up Trump being up to his neck in kikery are the shills lol. Election tourists are real and Neocon yid lovers like Roger Stone trying to use this place for gayops are real. Goddamn I wish 2015 had never happened, you people ruined this board.
Nobody who votes for trump a second time is going to do shit. They will always be useful idiots for the jews. Maybe the first time, it was worth finding out if he was dog whistling (unlikely) or if he was just another republican cuck. Now that we know he is, anyone still acting like he's a savior is a lost cause.
Completely rejection of the current system and a full reinstatement of the constitution

they will and shit like that quickly evolves from your building and equipment being lit on fire to a Hitler coming along and rising a standing army that takes the entire world to defeat because they are fighting for something they truthfully believe in - not a paycheck and israel.

it hasnt even been a century since the NSDAP and you're fast tracking your way to the Fourth Reich kike rat.
>What kind of American are you?
We're about to find out who are real White Americans, and who are just filth.
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It's truly a mystery.
Oh hello Ray Epps
ackshually we will sweatie
Mexicans and blacks will genocide you. The USA military is on our side and will arm us and we will slay you all
the thing I always find hilarious is that the same people that want to take away the 2nd amendment are the same that swear they'll be tyrannical when they hold the gun.
most of these types have never held a gun.
the reality is they wont do shit because they have it too good in life. none of them are starving or anything they all live comfy 9-5 jobs and go back to their comfy suburban home. ppl only start doing shit once their lives are really fucked up
We already did. It got memory holed, wasn't even reported by major outlets. Only for about 5 minutes. RIP Joe stack.

Bundy ranch snipers ftw
Drones are cheap and you can buy them anywhere...
So yeah, we got them too.
TIL the US army is controlled by Canada
Thanks, reddit!
You sound very level headed my fellow fucking patriot and to anybody else reading this don't let them push you around and try and sell and "enemy" to you. Use you brain, find the true enemies of this Republic
A new constitution for a new nation. 95% of Whites are judaized negrified garbage that should never have the rights outlined in the constitution. It was a mistake to extend rights to the average man, and akso mass literacy was a mistake. They stay average and simply have a better position from which to destroy themselves when educated and empowered with rights, leaving the exceptional leaders powerless to save their people and themselves.
LOL! You have NO idea how many guns are where I live.
"I would never invade America. There would be a gun behind every blade of grass" - Yamamoto.
based oldfag. 2016 was a meme and a dice roll but now were stuck with r/thedonald shitting up our board.
Shut up faggot
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>But if a major civil war begins I'll be on the first planes out to Europe.
Are you not paying attention?

Europe is always a few years ahead of whatever calamity is is about to befall the USA. Sorry, but unfortunately the answer is not a western democracy. It's got to be South America or southeast Asia.
Don't throw out the constitution it's the only thing we have. We don't have a mass shared culture or a long enough history yet as a nation to catalyze against. Belief in the constitution is the only thing that America has that unites us
Nothing ever happens until it does.
What a joke. Do you honestly think a bunch of dupes who buy into fake viruses and suffocate their own children on command and let niggers fuck their women and who will tell on you are even capable of this action movie like civil war???? It's laughable it really is. You clowns have been crying wolf about that silly shit since at least 2009 when I first started lurking here watching you fall for the jews tricks.
the streets will turn red with the blood of tyrants.
ill be waiting for you punk bitch
Yes, they get extremely mad when you won't do unpaid campaign work for the GOP. They can't meme on their own and they are very butthurt that /pol/ won't do it.
he’s an FBI agent so no
It isn't just this board pal. It's every single wn board and corner of the internet. This neo right ideology was created to co-opt wn rhetoric and deracinate it to subvert the rising sentiment of nationalism among Whites. These trump tards or civic nationalist race traitor politicos are to actual White Nationalists what the brown and black hoardes are to White nations. They were literally built up and brought into our territory to kill us.
You won't do shit
keep saying that until it loses every last bit of it's meaning.
Keep talking
Its like a certain group of tyrants (Republicans) need to have the 2nd amendment practiced on
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I prefer the Constitution without America over America without the Constitution.
That's a fake quote and you are retarded.
What you speak of is true with regards to Washington. But at the state and local level, absolutely not. Many states are becoming their own countries at this point, but they get amplified if the President is of the same party because of the narrative push. If Trump wins we'll have the Theocracy of Texas. If Kamala wins we'll get New Yorkistan.
Lmfao KYS faggot, you won't even be able to survive once the internet goes down.
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Stop venting your fanfic realities on social media you impotent faggots. Nobody gives a fuck about your Jew loving candidate.
> takes a little extra push…
Don’t worry about that extra push anon, we will beat that shit out of you and you will thank us for it. Comply and keep you pale ass of the street and watch madam president’s inauguration.
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America is dead and it is never returning. It was a White nation for White people - Christians and Jews killed it. If another is established, it will be free of democracy and constitutional rights for the average man, a major reason why we are here. You can see that they do not use their guns when needed for example, but would act as an army for the jews to kill you and any 'antisemitic' revolutionary if told to. They would never use them against a militarized police force, but will use them against revolutionaries fighting against police of directed. Therefore they don't need guns or arms, only exceptional White men and women do. No one else should come anywhere near one. Same with free speech and the rest. They don't ise their free speech for anything but degeneracy, limiting the speech of others under dubious pretexts loke hate speech and protecting minorities (i.e. they will ise their right to free speech to take free speech form others and themselves).
There there you just wrap your mouth around Israel's cock goyim
>larp-'preparing for civil war'
>on a CIA/NSA database network
>white people
i think you mean boomers
if boomers want to anhero tho theyd be doing everybody a huge favor
No they’re not. Germany is overrun with Muslims and nigs. Plus there aren’t many suburbs there to escape them. Germany changed a lot since 2012ish
she didn’t do shit. that cop was way overboard. discredits every cop that actually has to legitimately neutralize a threat.
> unite
White guys have the need for balance and order that's why we have laws that we follow, even when locked up you'll find that Whites have a structure unlike other races. The Politics of Whites is set up so there is a balance.

I think there is a mutual agreement to follow such Politics because Civilizations thrive when there seems to be an equal opportunity for a person to make his life better, I feel this unbalance has a large proportion of White guys feeling disenfranchised and their individual opinions are being swept under the rug without a seconds thought.

White guys in general seem to need permission within their agreements on things even if they are against something at least they felt that their opinion has been heard.

The imbalance has me concerned because running off with something that hasn't been thought through rarely ends well or in favor for the White guys.
>but if Trump wins, that means good has prevailed
Why is /pol/ like this? Trump and Kamala are effectively the same, both are bought and kiked. It's already over and time to fight
tl dr everybody supports white genocide
>Trump is the only reason I'm still here
god what a fucking retarded faggot
Once the violence really does begin, kike worshipping twatter fags like him will be the ones who will beg for it to stop
nah we've ventured into everyone supports kike genocide territory and "whites" have been doing it longer and more consistently than everyone rat fuck.
people said this in 2016 and Trump was basically the same as any other American president only he said more stupid shit in public.

Economic collapse and war are inevitable. You will flee or perish like the niggers in Ukraine.

I've been a White Nationalist so long that by the time the 'average' White person begins to see things from a racial perspective, it will have taken so long as to convince me they deserve to be killed en mass. Any people that don't advocate their interests and live under multiracialism as if it were normal deserves to die. That's 80% of Whites. 2k years of Christianity made them submissive, service race traitors.
This is what it’s all about boys. My porn, my weed, my tendies- I am willing to sacrifice it all on the altar of freedom. Either in the woods with my camo, or in the office telling my girl boss that she is dumb. Any time, any place, I’m ready.

Lol. What a faggot. You wont do shit.
Abandon Democracy, embrace Dictatorships, Kings and Emperors.
The majority are non-participating characters who real view and say in any matter besides consensus just useless chatter and they are ill informed.
The glowniggers will do shit, they want a final war to kill ALL goyim Hans.
Not really. You will just learn to live like most of the world does, with no middle class. There wont be much violence, just the slow extinction of those who did nothing with decades of opulence and prosperity to advance their bloodlines.
>when we win we're going to patrol your surburb to make sure you chud fucks stay inside.
>make sure you chud fucks stay inside.
>Stay inside
>And build sniper nests
Good plan.
>or finally feel like the country is saved
With fucking Trump, whatever mega kike cabinet he chooses, and normie Republicans. This board is completely dead, unironically.
I'm gonna make this very fucking simple for everybody. If your believe in America, the constitution, being a decent and honest human being and Speak fucking english, than you are on one side. If you don't than you are on the other. As you fuckers say, simple as
The USA will continue arming Ukraine with better and better equipment striking deeper and deeper into Russia while stationing more and more soldiers in Taiwan.
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Peter Rex is a zoomercel
>American saying any other country is overrun with niggers
lmao you are utterly delusional
Every major city in Germany is over 90% White
Is there even one majority White city of over 500,000 in the US?
>I'm gonna make this very fucking simple for everybody. If your believe in America, the constitution, being a decent and honest human being and Speak fucking english, than you are on one side
This doesn't exist outside of whites, only very, very few exceptions. So why not just want the country white, like it always was?
americans have and will do shit though too many zoomers with shit memory already forgetting jan 6th
I am so ready to desert the civil war.
The people they send after me will be incompetent, and I will laugh as they get eaten by the terrain.
If that is what it ends up being so be it

You'll be second against the wall, faggot.

t. actual anarchist
Economic collapse and war are inevitable.

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