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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Which Horseman of the Apocalypse is this one?
pestilence obviously, because of AIDS
Death rides a pale horse.
Miquella, god of Bussy
yes that is correct but horse in OP is white and the rider is wearing a crown it is the first horse which is the antichrist maybe he will appear soon gee I wonder who it could possibly be I have no clue whatsoever
>Revelation 6:8
>And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider's name was Death, and Hell followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.
yup, that's our guy
pestilence from all the STDs in yurop
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how do you live with yourself after telling lies on the computer?
The Horsemen were metaphors, not real beings.
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and there you have it, ladies and gentlemen
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Which 1/4th are they getting?
.... I don't feel so good.
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>Which Horseman of the Apocalypse is this one?

>metaphors are used in media constantly
unsure the point you think you are making here
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the jewish one
The blasphemy of the last supper and a rider on a pale horse? why are they so blatant with everything now?
Anyone who claims to understand the book of Revelation is a liar or insane. Which encompasses most Christians.
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you need to think in terms of their desire for retribution for cultural attitudes to le cancan years ago
French people are pure cringe now. Now backbone. Not even the Ultras in football. So Stfu.
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>why are they so blatant with everything now?
You don't have to hide it anymore when your plans come to fruition
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>winged white horse that galloped on water
>golden ox head on the tribune
The Minoans have returned.
new pandemic incoming
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tres chic more like tres shieet
Special needs.
I got a little more than a paper plan flyer that was called shirroco.
>You don't have to hide it anymore when your plans come to fruition
nowhere to run
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Also from tonight
Fitting for France
That’s a Pegasus and a woman
Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ_UYHqWfJk
Its also the 33d olympic games if that confirms your delusions.
why do satanists want to trigger Revelations

don't they know that's when Yeshu comes back and kicks their ass
The gay one
i wish the french were still cool and hot and shit, what a waste
Who is she?
I must eat her asshole.
I think somewhere down the line greta will not like that analogy.
I don't think it's that they're trying to trigger it but, that it was already prophesized to go down this way.
This is literally just another assassins creed reference like the torch bearer, ubisoft must have paid billions for participation and advertising.
>also the 33d olympic games
oh fuck
Inevitable thanks to bohemianism, tastefulness gets destroyed in the process. How are french 60s hipster attitudes functionally different from the bluehaired college equivalent?

>Who is she?
Françoise Hardy
The wings were not on the horse, they were attached to the Eiffeltower.
Yep, Combine that with the book of revelations and its gonna be carmageddon.
Françoise Hardy.
She died one month ago. Don't cry, she was a leftist, the king of bitch who gave birth to wole children, the kind of illiterate monstrosity who gave birth to what you saw today.
I don’t give a fuck about your stupid african cult. And the subhumans here are still using this:

The olympics used to be a family friendly event. I dont understand who their audience is now. Parents arent going to let their children watch this filth.
I literally have forgotten about the Olympics for 12 years
>Which 1/4th are they getting?
North America hasn't been properly looted in over 150 years
>who their audience is
Satanic globalists. They're watching on, rubbing their hands together and laughing.
satan, who the antichrist is an incarnation of is referred to as "the prince of the powers of the air" in the bible, while the phallic shaped eiffel tower represents so called knowledge and creation
That’s a Winged Hussar. France is signaling a return of Poland as a Great Power and a player on the world stage. Looks like the Hussar will ride again.
Pestilence is now Conquest, look it up
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Here is a link to the Codex Magica. Might be useful for decoding Baphomet Bingo while this is cabbalist ritual is going on. They are gonna summon / reveal the antichrist aren't they. This thing with the Israeli in Washington and everyone going to kiss the ring has already been giving me the chills. Not good.

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Cruel to ride horse on pavement
niggas sleepwalking
The thing with this magical books is that you dont learn real magick or anything usefull for that matter. Its filled with theories of which the sources are murky to say the least. Then you could go straight to the source but then you need to be initiated and I dont think you will want to end up in eternal damnation. Then you have religious sources which are also not always strong. So you are left with speculation for the most part. Do with that what you want.
What model bike is this?
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It fits the French setting.
are those angles and triangles ?!
I'm going insaaaaaaaaane!!!
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>the French being Avant Garde as usual
No they have always been fucking schizo/weird about their performance art
who cares about a little ritual some random monkeys do on a random planet?

go to /x/ and circle jerk this
pale in the original greek is Green.
this is obviously the white horse.
but fuck that, these are just motherfuckers mocking christianity.
It’s fun to troll 80 IQ peasants with allusions to the prophecies you wrote for them.
>The olympics used to be a family friendly event. I dont understand who their audience is now. Parents arent going to let their children watch this filth.
No this was a clear message to the world. I wonder when they are going to pull the trigger.
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Artaud was in a good position to know it too-he was a bigger bigot than anyone. He could claim all he liked that he couldn't care less about theJews, that he'd never setfoot in a synagogue, that he had no particular sympathy at all for the Jewish religion, that he didn't even know what the word 'jew" meant-in the same way that Simone Weil, moreover, had written to Xavier Vallat, commissionerfor Jewish Afairs, in October 1941, putting the decrees in contradiction with one another in an utterly Jewish, sophistical style. And even if we assume that both Antonin and Simone were Jews when it came to matters of race, they were the last to admit it.

It was in 1942, at the time of the roundup at Vel d'Hiv, that [Simone] Weil called the Hebrews exterminators for having massacred the inhabitants of the Promised Land two thousand years prior on orders from God . . . . And from London in 1943, without even blinking, she envisioned "preventing the contagion, " by absorbing the Jewish minority into the body of the nation by means of intermarriage; otherwise, she added, "preventive measures will have to be taken against those who would refuse. "

Artaud himself also lashed out, in discussing Kafka, against the "intolerable hike mentality. " Before departing for Ireland, he had even gone so far as to threaten Lise Deharme, born Lise Hirtz, his benefactor, that he'd "stick a red hot iron cross up her stinking Jew cunt" for having mocked the pagan gods he was into at the time.

When did they do that
War is coming.
... Anon who the fuck is it??? Fucking Elvis???
>Olympics attracts people from all over the world.
>Last day of closing ceremonies before everybody flies back to their respective countries a virus is released at the ceremony itself with a 72 hour incubation period.
>Cue the end of the world.
I think I read this plotline in a Jonathan Maeberry Book.
Because the majority of modern native population in the westare atheist or fake Christians and they don't care .
See also: the white horses of Camargue, Joan of Arc, the fairy horses of legend from Pas-De-Calais, Bertrand du Guesclin, etc.
A chapter about the (((protocols))) in the original printing of this book was removed in the second edition. pure coincidence
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Why have the Olympics been like this? Why can't anything ANYTHING just be normal.
Pale means "green" when referring to the pale horse.

The olympics horse was white.
Looks like a Honda Dream CB250.
Alright, imagine you're a multigenerational bloodline elite. Your plans to consolidate power have obviously pissed off everyone who isn't part of your clique. Well, what would you do to move forward without most people simply giving up on contributing to your obviously bankrupt system? You have to throw the masses a bone! Throw your useful idiots, now no longer protected, out to pasture and let them be devoured by the masses. While the masses think they're winning a big victory, lay low and turn down the knob on the burner, give some slack on the noose, air out the room, etc... chill out for a little bit (you and your partners in crime already own everything lmao what's the rush?) and start the consolidation cycle again in a decade or two. Shrimple as
Nice quads but wrong, death is the last horse.
This is a white horse, conquest, anti christ, sent out to rule over nations, carries a bow.
AIDS literally doesn't kill any more sodomites anymore. They invented a drug that can stop you from getting it. And apparently Gilead the company has an ouchie cure for it but is selling it for jew prices.

What's more likely is that Pestilence is the FUCKING OUCHIE for the fake Chinese flu.
Nvm, on closer inspection it could be a CB440. Hard to guess when you only have a taillight to go off of, but the exhaust doesn't match up with this CB250. Could still be a different year, model, or be modded.
First one
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unclear messages indeed
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Oh shit, it’s over.
Why does this amaze anyone? We all know this at this point, they are mocking god, forcing his hand soon etc.

Come to Jesus now before it's too late.
Frank Herbert shut up.
>they were given authority over a quarter of the Earth, to kill with sword, famine and plague, and by means of the beasts of the Earth

what does the quarter mean btw? don't get it

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>Which Horseman of the Apocalypse is this one?

what makes you assume it's a man?
dont know but probably that the start of the apocalypse begins in the quarter (so like Americas or Eurasia) and then the rest of Revelations spill over all of the world
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>horse in OP is white
At first the horse was a mechanical contraption, silverish in color, riding across the water. i hold that this counts as the pale horse.
i honestly saw some wide hipped fucked up titty bitch in the thumbnail.
>a literal white horse
What a subtle metaphor you got there.
I hate 4 horseman references. They are the laziest, “I’m 14 and deep” references ever.
Yeah. I felt that shit was masonic in nature.
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Oh, that horse? That’s the literally me horse.
Conquestis the fifth horseman in a white horse. He wields a bow, IIRC.
So...Are we getting closer for the fallen prince of darkness finally reveal himself? I think it will be 2033
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Goddamn. Poor girl looks so sad. The French were a mistake.
That horse was like "get me out of this satanic fag show now!"
I hat the antichrist
Based tf anticristo
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>Bro bro it's just art bro, calm down goyim xDD

We see you, jew

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