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>year 8
Hi anglin do a flip faget
So why does he cosy up to kikes who push for this shit?
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>Christianity has become toothless

Matthew 5:38
>“You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. ' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

Christianity was always toothless. Those Christians in the past who used Christianity as a casus belli weren't actually following the teachings of Christ (who was a pacifist that explicitly told his followers to acquiesce to violence against themselves if it came to that).

One of the downsides of letting such a limp wristed beta be your "Messiah" lol
because he got honeytrapped by mossad into sleeping with a 14yr old girl that looked like an 18yr old
time to vote
Based elon dunking on these zesty jew worshipers.
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>Even Elon is disappointed at the lack of violence and the right having zero balls despite constant antagonism and agitprop

My hypothesis is that even feds that try to get you to do something are depressed at the fact that all remaining whites are total faggots that never do shit.
Classic out of context scripture used by kikes and shabbos goyim.
Everyone involved in leading tech has always been a left hand path occultist. Why would musk be any different?
Because its a fake and gay twitter janitor ARG meant to make Christians look like loons
The context doesn't change the meaning of the verse. I've read the Bible cover to cover multiple times when I was in Seminary, which is where I finally gave up this trash cucked religion for good.
>"Christianity has become toothless"
where are muh baste and powerful intolerant Muslims? Israel is carpet bombing Gaza (and soon Lebanon, and Iran after that) while the ENTIRE islamic world does nothing.

An actual believer that walks with the Lord has no need for revenge because the Lord will fuck a shithead up far harder than we ever could. But, youd have to believe that He is precisely who He says He is, and very few people do.
It's turning the other cheek.

But more seriously: That is how they avoid the frequent cullings others suffer.
I mean by now even the muslims are noticing the approaching cull.
Whats the context?
Is it real? That’s rather out of left field considering he’s usually posting low brow conservative stuff.
Christianity isn't even wounded. It's a dying corpse.

Islam will be next, it'll take longer but it'll eventually fall
>u cant mock the last supper!
Context doesn't change the meaning here. Read Matthew for yourself.
I've read it, I know the context, its you who doesn't.

Be perfect therefor as your heavenly father is perfect.
If you've read Matthew and know the context why did you ask the other anon to expand on the context? >>475783872
>some shit TV show
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people burn refugee centers in Ireland I can't see why French people wouldn't do same with faggot places
>zero niggers or trannies
That's a tribute, not mocking
You dumb fucking nigger ape
That's such a bullshit mentality. God doesn't embroil himself in petty squabbles between men. The Bible was full of men of action. Your belief in prosperity gospel, that God is a genie who will grant wishes if you just close your eyes and think hard enough, is disgusting an un-Christian.
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Hello fren

Its because the French truly are lost...
remember the time Elon Musk cosplayed as an antichrist?
I do!
Yeah what was that all about?
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Because they've always been a bunch of niggerlovers.

So he wants us to take care of the Jewish problem now? Because I'm pretty sure if we attacked it on their behalf, his Jew pedophile loving ass would cry about how antisemitism is on the rise. Also I would love to see the kikes' reaction to his post
it's not resisting if you attack first and not tooth for tooth if villains burn and you don't
So he wore a spooky satanic costume? Who gives a shit? Elon's costume was not a major cultural product like the Olympic opening ceremony is.
You and Elon Musk are wrong. There's unimaginable power in not resisting evil. Do you understand that? We win and you fall forever in your aggression.
Because I like to hear other opinions, isn't this why we're here?
You're either an idiot or a bad-faith troll. Either way, kill yourself.
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He is a faithless, godless jude.
Mankind is judged, genocided and replaced in the Kingdom Come. So no more mockery then.
Not from any of you.
just two more weeks
>pls do terrorism!
>me? no, im more like an ideas guy
>who gives a shit if he pledges allegiance to Satan
>at least he doesn’t sacrifice children himself jeez
You are a hylic.
>pls do terrorism!

Ugh...fine, I'm going
>Christianity has become toothless
>Bans Christians from his social media platform when they flash their teeth

These men are liars, and Elon is an enemy of mankind. The Judaizer.
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>another no link random twitter thread
Wearing a costume on halloween is meaningless. Spending tens of millions of dollars on a massive performance is not even close to the same thing.

No, you're a hylic and an NPC if you think you can let go of the reins of real life and magic daddy will reward you with cookies in the sky.
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Be not deceived; God is not mocked.
>Islam will be next, it'll take longer but it'll eventually fall

lolno. Jews tried for thousands of years. They can miss us with that shit and go to India and shit on the equally degenerate Hindus instead.
>it’s just a silly pagan holiday in defiance of God
>seriously don’t get all bent out of shape haha
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History is fake and gay.
I will survive to God Jesus Christ Kingdom Come and see mankind wiped out and live here only with my God Jesus Christ.
>The harlot dressed in red in the place of Christ
Matthew 5:39
>If a man hits your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well.
>wearing a Spirit Store rubber mask is the same thing as a unanimous, society-wide celebration of filth

I bet it will happen in two weeks
christianity was always toothless, it was a slave end times religion from the beginning
Hylic answer.
the bible was programming for destitute slaves that if they kept slaving for their material masters that they would be magically rewarded in another world
>he said it again
You're about as witty as a chat bot from 2012. Please consider suicide.
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>By letting our enemies defeat us, we win!
Christianity sure has done a number on you people, huh?
>wow who cares that powerful people are pledging allegiance to Satan instead of god
>there’s, like, bigger issues at hand with the circus that the powerful people put on for us
Elon is saying the same shit everyone on /pol/ is saying and you spic niggers type "kike" when faced with that hard truth. Christianity is weak. But that's to be expected when all your theology comes from books written by jewish rabbis that weren't even there during all the "miraculous" events described. Want to know why Islam is strong? One guy made it all up. Want to know why Judaism is strong? It's an ethno-religion. You cannot have a universalist "make it up as you go" religion like christianity and not have it turn into a trainwreck. What even is your theology these days?
>oh just be nice
Don't need religion for that.
lmao an american lecturing on wit, I pity you and I hope you can find god, I'm sorry your life is going like it is to be telling strangers on the internet to kill themselves.
wearing a costume depicting something you don't even believe in isn't pledging alegience. if i dressed up as ganesh for holloween, it doesn't mean i'm hindu. you're a fucking retard fucking kill yoruself you shit-brained niggerfaggot
Fucking feds can't take away what they never gave me.
My rights come from God.
But you've shown yourself to be a dimwit over the course of this conversation
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real christianity says jews are the descendants of satan through esau and canaan who mixed with kennites the descendants of cain
being canaanites the bible says to put them to the canaanites to death
the descendants of esau known as the amalek are to be waged war against until none remain
that means jews would be waged war against by christians if things weren't so subverted

I can prove all of this too fairly easily with historical sources going back thousands of years but no one ever reads it anyways

>Observe thou that which I command thee this day: behold, I drive out before thee the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.
>But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will give you trouble in all the lands you inhabit.
>But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves:
>For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
>Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice;
>And thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods.
>But shalt kill them with the edge of the sword, to wit, the Hethite, and the Amorrhite, and the Canaanite, the Pherezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee:
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also here's the prophecy on the jews (descendants of esau, called edomites due to esau mixing with canaanites in a place called edom)
>if I wear the garbs and affectations of a false deity on a day specifically put aside to practice false idolatry in an affront to god, it doesn’t actually mean anything!
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whoops forgot to post it

>In that day, declares the Lord, I will destroy the wise men of Edom, those of understanding hiding in the mountains of Esau will not be spared.
>And Esau's mighty men shall be dismayed and terrified, and everyone in Esau’s mountains will be cut down in the slaughter.
>Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever.
>On the day you stood aloof while strangers carried off his wealth and foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem, you were like one of them.
>You Edomites chose to gloat over your brother in the day of his misfortune, to rejoice over the people of Jacob in the day of their destruction, and would boast much in the day of their trouble.
>You Edomites chose to march through the gates of my people in the day of their disaster, to gloat over them in their calamity in the day of their disaster, to seize their wealth in the day of their disaster.
>You Edomites chose to wait at the crossroads to cut down their fugitives, hand over their survivors in the days of their trouble.

>The day of the Lord is near for all nations.
>As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.
>Just as you drank on my holy hill, so all the nations will drink continually; they will drink and drink and be as if they had never been.
>But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess his inheritance.
>Jacob will be a fire and Joseph a flame; Esau will be stubble, and the house of Esau will devour themselves.
>There will be no survivors of the house of Esau.
>The Lord has spoken.
>christianity has become toothless
I got fucking banned for mentioning the synagogue of satan less than 2 months ago. Warned for mentioning it, then banned for doubling down and pointing out that the so-called church of satan was founded by a jew of Ukrainian descent.

Fuck that fat kike-loving faggot. I hope his tranny son kills him and then himself.
b-b-bbbbbut no you!!! Seriously though I hope you get the help you need, you should probably start by dropping this eliot rodger edgyness.
Finally, a real Christian. What do you say to people who claim Christians should be pacifist?

shut up retard, big boys are talking right now
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anways qrd is pic rel, jews are the amalek that christians should be waging war against
>Finally, a real Christian. What do you say to people who claim Christians should be pacifist?
I will just post the words of Jesus
>Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's foes will be members of one's own household
>so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
>But as for those my enemies, who would not have me reign over them, bring them hither, and kill them before me
>ur a hylic!
>ur american!
>u need help!
You're the most boring cucked snaggletoothed paki rape baby i've ever seen on 4chan
>stop calling out my satanic practices that go against God and his word
>just shut up right now!
What happened to picrel?
oops didn't mean to add the 2nd line
1st and 3rd are Jesus

also more cool lore
>All races (ethnos) will be assembled before him and he will separate people one from another as the shepherd separates sheep from goats.
>He replied, 'Any plant my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.
>The axe is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."

>For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
>I am with you and will save you,’ declares the Lord. ‘Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you, I will not completely destroy you. I will discipline you but only in due measure; I will not let you go entirely unpunished.’
>And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.
>And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God.

>For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise: and the prudence of the prudent I will reject.
>Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

>I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

>Men will faint from fear and anxiety over what is unleashed upon the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken, and at this time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things have come to pass, stand, lift up your heads, and look up for your redemption draws nigh.

>Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.
>not to bring peace, but a sword
That goes hard. Thanks Christbro
>But as for those my enemies, who would not have me reign over them, bring them hither, and kill them before me
is cooler
The point about bringing a sword was a metaphor for how Christianity would divide Jewish families. When Jesus told his followers to literally not resist evil / violence, he wasn't speaking in metaphor.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
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>it's metaphor when I want it to be

Yes the Jews are the Synagogue of Satan

Israel is called by Jesus Sodom and Egypt

You should never fall for your pastor retardedly supporting Israel
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well Jesus literally says jews are not descended from either jacob or judah
so jews from Jesus' own mouth were never chosen
>I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
>But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me

>Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Judahites and are not, but are lying — I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.
thats the advantage of an iconoclastic religion
no images to defile
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also as you said, he said they were descendants of satan (through cain, canaan, and esau)
[Jesus speaking to the jews]
>Ye are of your Father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
(John 8:44)
(Jesus is saying that they are from the seed of the Devil (Father) literally through Cain (father) and liars at their core)
(Cain was the first murderer, the first liar and the father of the first lie)
Notice their Father (Big F) is Satan and their father (Small f) is Cain

>in order that the blood of all the prophets spilled from the foundation of the Society should be required from this race [the jews], from the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias who was killed between the altar and the house. Yeah, I say to you, it shall be required from this race!
(Luke 11:50-51)
Zacharias was the father of John the Baptist and was murdered by Herod the Edomite (jew).
See the jewish race are the bloodline of Cain. And Cain is the son of Satan.
Jesus is saying that they are responsible for the blood of Abel; because they ARE the children of Cain.

Cain IS the son of Satan!
>and not be like Cain who WAS OF the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother's righteous.
(1 John 3:12)
Are we to think that Adam is the evil one ? I think not. the evil one is Satan. Cain is his son.

[Jesus speaking to the Jews]
>He who is of God hears the words of God; the reason why you [the jews] do not hear them is that you are not of God."
(John 8:47)
because they are of Satan. All Jews.
Jesus explicitly told his followers to be pacifists. Any Christian who isn't doesn't actually believe in Christ's teachings and is merely LARPing.
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>Jesus explicitly told his followers to be pacifists.
Post scripture. And if you post the turn the other cheek scripture you're basically admitting defeat, as that one has been explained ad nauseum.

I counter your claim with Mathew 18:
>But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
>In Luke 22:36 Jesus says, "Let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one."
wow weird right
it's like you're wrong
Didn’t we learn from Dan Brown that the original was also a mockery?
Notice how Jesus immediately admonishes Peter for cutting off the high priest's servant's ear with a sword (Malchus) which immediately undercuts your argument about "buying a sword" lol
Matthew 18 doesn't contradict Jesus's pacifism. He's saying they'd be better off drowned, not that he'd drown them or that his followers should. You're grasping at straws and never ONCE in this thread refuted the "turn the other cheek" verse.
this is True
but just to Clarify there is a Chapter in the Qur'an titled after this Event
I'm just praying ISIS blow this shit up
why do fagan larpers always act this way?
Not going to happen
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these are the kind of redpills I was hoping for when I made this thread

Yeah. Pete was too kill him. He missed.
You're a retard.
"But as for those my enemies, who would not have me reign over them, bring them hither, and kill them before me" is a quote from a parable and not a teaching.
"Let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one." In this he's talking about self defence as he prepares his disciples for what is about to come.
they over-played their hand. And boy, is this going to backfire.
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Yes it will.

Christianity created this world and it is not 0000.1% autistic Christians who participate in pol who will do anything.

As long as Christianity exists, the white man will be doomed to failure.
>nooo it's not what he's saying it's something else because it just is okay?!?~!?!
good points made lol
The Balkans want to see them dead and they will likely be bombed by some rogue unit from the wars in the Balkans
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>"Live by the sword, die by the sword" (Matthew 26:52)
Conveniently ignoring Jesus told Peter that right after his failed murder attempt, huh? Fucking idiot "Christians" on /pol/ haven't even read their own Bible.
that's why I'm praying on it, I know they took pre-emptive measures after the Islamic State was Inciting this to happen
let a Man dream
Surah al Ma'idah (Chapter on The Heavenly Feast) For those interested.
yeah it's a warning not to LIVE BY THE SWORD
just have one not make it your life
The shitter cap isn't wrong. It's obvious that they take Christ seriously and that they believe in some kind of divinity.
Matthew 10:34 (King James Version) says, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

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kill that fat whore in middle i would in minecraft.,. id chop her an feed her to the minecraft fishes
Jesus clearly didn't want his followers to be soldiers. He explicitly told them to be pacifists. That verse doesn't change that, especially because Jesus is referring to a spiritual intra-Jewish schism he's actively causing and not an actual war.
Elon has become openly and boldly jewish
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I chose this pedophile
>Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto the wrath of God: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Please go and actually buy a bible and read it if you're going to be self righteous about your big brain takes. You won't do that however as you're an arrogant narcissist who won't be proven wrong, even by yourself.
Saw a nickel on the floor
you literally made no argument other than
>he's saying that but it's not that!
how about you go read it lmao
Do you know what a parable is?
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yes it's a way to teach people as Jesus was teaching his disciples
and he was using words which he meant, they weren't words which had secret hidden meanings

which is why you can't formulate an argument ever
it's pilpul like this every time

go ahead ask me some other random ass question thinking you're smart

here's some more reading material for you to educate yourself on
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Our demonic leaders are cowards who are scared of your Satanist leaders
Elon knows about being toothless, he can't do shit about his tranny son badmouthing him all over the place. back in a day a father would knock his teeth out and everyone would cheer him on for putting that freak in his proper place
That means you leave vengeance to the authorities and don't take it for yourself. You are to rely upon God rather than be autonomous from Him. This is not a prohibition on self-defense or fighting evildoers. This is about you personally being sinned against, and then you want to sin back in retaliation rather than leave it to God to avenge you.
Look at the Old Testament theocracy to see what government looks like when it is commissioned by God's revelation. There is punishment for various crimes, restitutions, and even restoration of criminals to normality following their punishment if they did not commit a capital offense.
Therein there is no prison system for mortal humans - there is punishment that is physical or financial, or both. Fornicators, adulterers, rapists, and trans-sexuals would all be dealt with according to the respective laws that they have broken. The problem is a lack of men, christian or not, organizing and fighting against these moral evils.
Christ is going to smite every person that has taken the mark of the beast when He returns in glory. There is nothing pacific about Christ; His first advent was that of the suffering servant and His second advent is that of the conquering king, consummating His kingdom.
Isn't there a legitimate historical reason to show a bunch of dudes in drag in Paris? I mean it was the birthplace of the whole Cabaret movement in the early 1800's. Help me here, I'm being serious.
Islam is already fucked. USA hates it, Europe hates it, China hates it, India hates it. The growth is only happening because of ultra poor shitholes where everybody has 10 kids.
Birthrate notwithstanding the level of atheism is rising as well since younger generations got tired of growing up in wartorn shit holes.
“Love your enemies”
“Bless them that curse you”
Is this not the fundamental core of Christianity?
>There is nothing pacifist* about Christ
Except for the fact he explicitly preached pacifism to the extent that he told his own followers they shouldn't fight back if physically attacked...
It is, but most Christians on /pol/ haven't actually read the Bible. This thread is just further proof of that.
How long will you wait for Him to come?
meanwhile, sodom and gemorrah is trending on twitter
>He offered himself a sacrifice for sin
Healed the soldiers ear that Peter cut with a sword.
Truly a bloodthirsty God anon.

not toothless

its dead, elon
you must kill with a sword everyone who lives in that city. Destroy the city completely and kill everyone in it, as well as the animals, with a sword. 16 Gather up everything those people owned, and put it in the middle of the city square. Then completely burn the city and everything they owned as a burnt offering to the Lord your God. That city should never be rebuilt; let it be ruined forever. 17 Don’t keep for yourselves any of the things found in that city, so the Lord will not be angry anymore. He will give you mercy and feel sorry for you, and he will make your nation grow larger, as he promised to your ancestors.
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they also included a pale horse, in case you weren't following along
> inb4: I wouldn't expect them to know that pale was really pale green
That's from the Old Testament. Jesus never advocated for genocide.
you guys realize that's in reference to a power structure trying to bait you into responding negatively so they can punish you for it right?
it's a way to avoid that outcome

also that single line even if it was meant the way you're trying to portray it, there's dozens of other lines that aren't pacifist

also a funny thing about the jews back then is if they slapped you, and you turned the other cheek and they slapped you again, if you didn't do anything then they'd be fined twice for each hit
imagine making a jew lose his money twice
Christcucks have always been useful idiots for the Jews. I mean, ffs we know Christ is a made up spiritual Roman emperor created to keep the stupid europlebs in check, we have the documents. Christcucks are a blight.
Elon the Fed
So your argument is that the Bible contradicts itself and letting another man slap you is actually a win in your book?
When they came to execute Jesus. Your based and redpilled God of Vengence
a) went peacefully and did nothing
b) resisted in a violent Struggle
c)overthrew the corrupt government
d) started a Holy War
It’s like you don’t even read your own scripture.
when they kill you, you win
Were we got after 2000 year
>da jooz did this
Prove it.
>Psh, stupid Christians not massacring children every time something offensive happens
I fucking hate that piece of shit
I'd gladly educate you on this specific verse. Jesus said that if someone strikes your right cheek, turn the other cheek so he may strike your left one as well. In roman culture, if a soldier considered you inferior or below him, he would back hand you with his right hand, thus striking your left cheek. So to turn your other cheek would be a sign of passive resistance, by either forcing the soldier to acknowledge your equal standing to him, or to cease his violence and back down.

In short, it's a clever form of non-violent subversion, not direction to allow yourself to be treated as a door mat as the kike shills would have people believe.
It's pacifist cuck mentality at its finest. "I'm still winning if I let the other guy beat the shit out of me so long as I retain my dignity about it!"
just spin it
>wwwOOOOoooowwww muslims in france we didnt know you were all tranny lovers
more like 100 years of atheism.
meant for insults not physical violence.
You are a simpleton if you can't understand this very basic concept of class based subversion. A back-handed slap is not "beating the shit" out of someone. It's a sign of disrespect. Turning the other cheek in that context is letting the soldier know that you don't accept your lower standing, without actually striking him back and getting yourself killed, which a retard like you would do.
>whites are total faggots
I would end your miserable 65 IQ subhuman shitskin animal existence with my bare hands and you'd not offer a mote of resistance towards your pathetic demise
>And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.
haha this is worse than the cheek one. good goyim LMAO. jesus christ
>Jews, pagans and atheists: Stop pushing ur religion on us!!!!!
>Jews, pagans, and atheists: Lol Christians are so weak, not killing us at every opportunity
What a bunch of psychos.
he is a fucking JEW
>if someone wishes to rape your wife, you should offer your butt first
>And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.
So it's cool if the soldier takes your clothing too, right? Jesus says you're supposed to let him. You don't want to be a bad Christian, do you? So strip and let this man humiliate you further, you docile cuck.
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Yes. I hope and pray he becomes Christian but I don’t trust him.
Yes nigga u right
Read their book.
Stop wasting your time arguing with these bots kikes you morons. Christianity created western civilization, under it it flourished and without it it will die. Muslim invasion? That has happened hundreds of times, and the vast majority we won.Jews? They were expelled hundreds of times.

The greatest empires in history have been Christian: the Holy Roman Empire, the Spanish, Portuguese, English, Russian, etc.....

All were discovered and conquered by Christians. There is no need to discuss falsehoods, anyone who is not a Christian is the enemy.
His mission has different objectives in each of the advents. His first advent was to be a sacrifice for sins to redeem any human that would be reconciled to God on His terms. The second advent is His buying back of the creation, culminating in His bodily return to the earth and establishing a physical kingdom. Rev.19:21 is clear what He will do before He establishes His earthly kingdom and reign for one thousand years. He is not bloodthirsty but He will punish the wicked. Revelation 10 explains God's patience towards sinners and why He hasn't wiped out the unrepentant at an earlier point in the history of creation.
He commanded them to abstain from combat because it would be futile with regards to God's redemptive plan, let alone realizing God's Kingdom. He told His followers to be armed on the night that He was arrested, telling them to sell their cloaks if they could not afford to purchase a sword. It is apparent from this that God does not oppose just self-preservation. With regards to persecution and martyrdom it is a matter of discernment if a believer should resist or submit, because the believer is concerned with what will bring God the most glory.
The duration of waiting is not the issue but rather if I will be faithful until I am removed from my body.
You're arguing in bad faith like all kikes do. No point in continuing this discussion.
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Because you've been BTFO. Also the implication that anyone who doesn't worship "the King of the Jews" is himself a Jew is just laughable. You're the one worshipping a magic Rabbi, guy.
What book?
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no one's reading that wall of text and no one is taking anything you say seriously because you've already exposed yourself as an intellectually dishonest kike shill. don't bother responding.
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>don't bother responding
If Jesus does turn out to be real I hope you know he's not gonna appreciate you calling his fellow Jews a "kike" lol.

John 4:22
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

His own followers referred to him as "Rabbi" for a reason.
entire show is about the 12 tribes of israel
>he is a fucking JEW
This segment always had me doing a double take. It's from a special meeting Netanyahu set up with Musk last year.

Juno to 5:35
sorry, forgot cap
You sound like a faggot. Seek help
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The guy dressed like Satan is taunting Christians...why does /pol/ like this guy so much, he is clearly a satanic glowing agent
BTW, there is no need to be upset, if a bunch of degenerates supported by the world governments and the fucking jews would not be mocking Jesus, I wouldn't be so sure that he is the Lord.
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Suing someone for their clothing is heinous. Offering your coat as well as your shirt exposes them to your nakedness, which at the time and in that culture, was considered to be more humiliating for the observer than the observed. The whole teaching about using the actions of your enemy to expose the injustice of their actions to others. There's more, but that's the basic sentiment.

I suffered through reading all of your posts and just want to reiterate >>475796299--you are obviously a disingenuous shill leveraging your basic awareness of some scripture to discredit
Christ Jesus. I find it EXTREMELY interesting that you seem to be HIGHLY preoccupied and knowledgeable about Jesus as he relates to the Jewish faith as a reformer.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence, though!
>Jul 27 6:20AM
the bugs are here
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>isn't this why we're here?
no, we're here to call each other nigger and faggot, nigger.
I think it’s ok to object to elons costume. It was very overt and he can’t be trusted anyways. He got tricked into transing his son.
>I find it EXTREMELY interesting that you seem to be HIGHLY preoccupied and knowledgeable about Jesus as he relates to the Jewish faith as a reformer.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence, though!
Unlike most Christians on this board I've actually read the New Testament which is why it's so easy to immediately disprove your idiot takes.
You’ve read too much jew bastardizing if Christianity. You haven’t read enough about the crusades or the conquistadors.
>inb4 colonization
The Aztecs deserved to be wiped out as much as the Carthaginians. The scale of human sacrifice they were practicing brought on the wrath of God.
>You’ve read too much jew bastardizing if Christianity.
You mean the New Testament itself?
Post nose, kike
Keep coping & seething, you Jew worshipping morons.
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>you guys realize that's in reference to a power structure trying to bait you into responding negatively so they can punish you for it right? it's a way to avoid that outcome
how has that been working out for you?
Lepanto is one of my favorite stories.
Peter interfered with the will of the Father
buying a swords stands
No. Denounce the talmud
a show literally about Christianity hidden under sci-fi elements.
This webm is unironically based and shows the priest committed to Christ's teaching.
Think what would have happened if the priest used evil against this evil?

Because he didn't, he shows the humility and will inherit the Kingdom not of this world and the situation was not escalated. He has synthesized the evil to good.
if you are of this world, you would not understand, and that is the filter.

Those who see, know & by faith it is revealed to you.
sword as in division.
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It's just grossly obvious when you can correctly identify that Matthew 10 as an unequivocal metaphor about reforming Judaism, but the teaching about "turning the other cheek" makes you piss and shit all over yourself.

You're not fooling anyone anyone here who isn't already a fool themselves.
There are like 6 threads on this. This is the most supreme ragebait ever.

Think about all the other shit that globohomo is up to right now. How much money did they just steal from you to send to Ukraine or Israel? How much more they planning to steal right now? What other oppressive laws and regulations did they just pass? How's the plan to rig the elections again going?

But this is what's important to get all enraged about. A bunch of fools dressing up in clothes you don't like them wearing.

That is strange there are other "documents" that say Christianity started in Africa.
And it's a Friday night, when most people are busy doing something else. This story has legs, and will probably become pretty big by tomorrow night
>no one's reading that wall of text and no one is taking anything you say seriously
ironic coming from the bible thumper.
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>Muzzles outspoken Christians
>"Christianity is toothless!"
You are a real Jew.
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He should be a right hand path type, considering he is rallying with the golden luciferian Trump.
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

God will not be Mock
Hi Anon, i was reading your words as a fellow Christian and found them helpful
Because most leaders are either dealing with their own stuff or are propped up.

For example egypt's leader is in power due to a pro-west coup, the real winners of the election was islamic brotherhood, and they would have gone to war with Israel if they were in power.

Despite that the arabs did keep fighting with hamas, the houthis, and other groups fighting currently against israel and its allies.

So if what you said was true the USA wouldn't have had to take its battleship from the red sea.

Israel is basically doomed in the long run because the muslims will never stop and Israel can't be propped up forever.
How do i? as a young man prone to retaliation and desire to win.

I have fought and won fights. But i know this is the sin of wrath and born of Pride.
I found myself in a situation where i had to maintain composure or i would have, i spent the rest of the day shaking with rage because i could not fight the person without great social consequences to myself.

How can i control my ego, its one of my biggest weaknesses.
they ignited the olympic torch inside a church too
this was a genuine satanic ritual lmao
the formal inversion amd perversion of christian imagery
i hope the priest in that church didnt bless the flame. satanists are known to steal blessed wafers for their rituals im sure this is the same thing
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>how can i control my ego, its one of my biggest weaknesses
You're already past the difficult part, which is the dual act of identifying the matter as a problem and committing to redress it. Now simply work every day to be better, and the rest will come. Be patient and determined. Remember that a peaceful man and a harmless man are two extremely different types of individuals.
>all these seething replies
Really struck a nerve there lol
NTA but anyone who has read the Bible should know about both verses
>My rights come from God.
Your ideology is the one of the left, equalisms and degeneracy

> We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

>"All men are born equal!!!"
Wtf, proof?
>"it... it’s self evident!!!!"

>it’s also self evident that the goal of life is happiness aka trying to generate minute amounts of dopamine in your brain!!!!! THAT is the true meaning of life! Protecting THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS is a SELF EVIDENT supernatural right!!!!!!

You’re such a fucking freak you and your ilk
No why would someone trying to harm someone else be unsatisfied that they are making it easy? Nonsense
thank you, i will think on that
>Satanic outfit
>Christianity has become toothless
Huh? We already know you worship satan.
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I wouldn't call irritation at obvious misrepresentation "seething," but okay. We all know who comes here to post that kind of stuff.

Pierre, even Americans don't understand the DoI at this point, but I'd just like to point out that
>all men are created equal
was a refutation of the divine right of kings and the caste system of aristocracy, not a statement that all humans are somehow born equal. I know we've allowed the genius of the founders of my country to be denigrated at great expense, but please, they were not stupid.

I'm merely reiterating the wisdom of men much better than me who have come before, though perhaps the emphasis on patience and determination is something that was maybe assumed or too little implied. With patience and dedication will come true and honorable humility--with righteous humility, all things become so much less stressful and so much easier than living with its absence. Have you read "Meditations?" It is a wonderful gateway and I would recommend it if you are just starting out. I find it pairs incredibly well with the Gospels.
what book is this?
>not a statement that all humans are somehow born equal.
"All men are created equal is not a statement that all humans (male) are somehow born equal"


Either you or the founding fathers is completely retarded in this story, as the only way for what you said to be true is for the founding fathers to be completely illiterate and have no idea what the words they were writing meant

If they didn’t mean that they... like... shouldn’t have said it word for word black on white? Y’a know?
what is the direct line of correlation that says jews of today are of esau/edomites of yesteryear?
Post the full passage
Matthew 10:35-39
35 For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[c]
37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
Call me a fag, but I legit look forward to the Olympics every year (every 2/4 years). I was a little worried about Paris fucking it up but not overly worried. I just figured it would be moderately gay.
I did not foresee this horrific depressing dystopian obscene satanic faggot bullshit. Shocking, truly shocking.
Paris Opening Ceremonies made Rio look like Sochi.
I just feel sad now. The Olympics as I remember them are dead. The drug commercials and movie tie-in...just vile.
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There is a contingency protocol for this:

Matthew 16:19

>I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

To elaborate, upon closely examining a situation a christian can conclude an action must be taken, even if it means breaking with divine command in order to defeat a greater Evil. There is a good reason Jesus beat merchant jews out of the temple, christian patience is long and kind, but when it finally burns out, well, ask how well that went to non-christians.
Soviet indoctrination tier
Two more millennias
> Creates tranny, insulting, degenerate opening
> Results in carpet bombing the world with red pills

This reveals them, and opens eyes
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No, they assumed that anyone reading such a statement during an era of kings and landed gentry would understand. You're reading words written hundreds of years ago in the context of our modern world that has suffered the ignominy of decades and decades of subversion and then insisting the problem is somehow not your own inability to process such a manufactured contradiction.

>a divine declaration of hope for all
>Soviet indoctrination tier
Honestly, such things make me feel sad when I read them.
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wait, so if christianity is just hippie pacifism why dont all the jew and leftists who love to preach about loving eachother are not christians?
really makes me wonder, maybe because these kikes and leftoids worship satan
jesus is a kike
>You're reading words written hundreds of years ago in the context
I mean there’s basic rules in politics, don’t use sarcasm, don’t swear, speak clearly

If you don’t mean the exact meaning of a sentence you carefully chose to write down on an official paper maybe you should have worded It better

>all men are born equal
>just cuz
>the pursuit of happiness

Dopamine seeking egalitarian anti rationalists, this is their fundamental stance, it’s unavoidable

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