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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Do Jews really? How could one race of people be so vile and self centered. Almost as if their own god has forsaken them.
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Twitter yids are the most delusional, self centered, godless creatures imaginable. I'd bet 99% of them make Leo Frank look like superman.
Who's had it worse, though?
Any white person with a black neighbor.
>human race
That’s correct

The only question is why?
Trve. Being human is being made in God's image, after all.
The heart of true evil is resentment. Lucifer resented God. The synagogue of satan hates white christian culture.
Exactly. Just as Satan can only poorly mimic God and his wonders, Jews can only poorly mimic white society and it's perfection.
Why are they hated though?

It's like they consistently do something to be treated with disdain
Jews will spit in your face then be shocked when you retaliate at all. Egotistical to the very core of their wretched souls.
they are so oppressed that they always manage to get their spawns into prestigious schools and they control the media politics banks and insurance companies and if you dare to criticize them or point that out cohorts of their slaves come to their defense because they are so oppressed
Here's a really good question: who gives a shit who's been oppressed throughout history? Why is this supposed to mean anything? If anything, it probably means your people are weak and suck. Have we forgotten it's survival of the fittest? I'm not crazy here. Historical oppression literally means nothing. We all continually live in the present and present conditions are all that matter. But I ask again: who fucking cares? It seems like you're just highlighting what a shitty group of people you come from, which isn't really something you want to keep reminding people in the present since it may highlight why you were oppressed to begin with.
>Oy vey goy, stop talking about the USS Liberty and other things we've done, it's all in the past.
They're so oppressed than the entire system is rigged so you can go to jail for questioning their oppression. Truly the greatest victims ever.
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for no reason at all
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trips of truth brother
Never forget that one Jew is worth 6 skibidillion goyim.
The ADL is so funny. Being created to defend Leo Frank when he was so guilty that the KKK wouldn't believe him claiming it was a black man.
Ask him about what they did in Cyprus
meaningless buzzword
meaningless buzzword
>human race
meaningless buzzword
So tired of this Open Society garbage. Can't wait for this gay era of political history to be over.
Try to google proof of the holocaust. Every fucking result is how to spot holocaust deniers. This should be enough for anyone with an iq over 100 to realize something is afoot.
Jews are facing extinction. What if we went around saying that non-stop to overemphasize the vuctimhood.

"If you're under the age of 35, there's a 90% chance Jews will go extinct during your lifetime".

The pendulum is groaning to a slow halt, the momentum it's going to carry back the other way will be tremendous.
Pendulum theory is a cope to make you think reversal is inevitable. This wasn't the result of a "pendulum" - it was policies deliberately planned to create specifically these outcomes.
Nothing is inevitable. Things happen because of the actions people take in the world.
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>The ADL is so funny. Being created to defend Leo Frank when he was so guilty that the KKK wouldn't believe him claiming it was a black man.
Literally true
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The issue is the moral orientation of society.
From a practical political POV, the fundamental problem is democracy itself. Giving political power to the masses ensures that the resulting government will enforce a slave morality on society.
The majority of human beings are losers. This is not to be rude or mean, it is just a fact. The Pareto principle applies to human achievement and the reality is brutal. Slave morality appeals to this loser majority and they use their majority power under democracy to enforce their slave morality on the entire society. This slave morality is then baked into the very fabric of our world, it is the basis for enacting oppressive legislation and ruthlessly crammed into the minds of young children.
As long as those who believe in the virtues of slave morality have the franchise, they will be used by a psychopathic elite to make the rest of us miserable.
Because the idea behind claiming oppression is grievance politics - the idea that you and your group are "owed" something because of some historical "injustice" you can point to.
It's just another way to attack whites. The unstated goal behind all of this is the destruction of white societies, and the white race itself. That's the real reason you shouldn't have any empathy for these people, because they absolutely despise you and want you erased, your family humiliated and killed, and they think it's funny.
>why do they prosecute me so?
>cries out in pain as it strikes you.
>degenerate tranny jew is a degenerate jew
>jewish ships trading niggers
intellectually dishonest, i hate kikes so fucking much it's unreal
you cant make this shit up
>jews are the most oppressed
wow, what are the odds. becoming and remaining the most hated throughout all known history for no reason at all...
Yeah but it wasn't them personally and the groups they're claiming oppressed them also weren't those people now in present-day and now we all live in some dumb happy-crappy equality society so, again, who is this for? Who is this working on at this point? It seems like such a weird angle. Ohh, someone from your race or tangentially related to your race oppressed people of my race in the oast, so my present-day self cites this as if it means anything even though I was never personally oppressed and treat you, fellow present-day person that also had nothing personally to do with the past, as if you did have something to do with it. Which you didn't, and actually neither did I, but still. Oppression. Such a bizarre way to view and interpret present-day reality. It also seems super fucking racist.
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Victimhood is their schit, like a bum pretending to be a vet.
Ohh, 6 million of us were killed by Nazis.
There were not 6 million jews in Europe at the time.
Its not oppression to be punished for committing evil deeds.
They're all narcissists and sociopaths too. When you think a little about it, it makes complete sense.
What would a bunch of traumatized perpetual children think when they're told from birth God chose them to rule the earth and enslave its population? Of course that breeds narcissists and sociopaths.
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>constantly subvert/exploit/subjugate everybody around you
>sometimes people notice and respond appropriately
>"wtf we're so oppressed?!?!"
>35Thus shall ye say every one to his neighbour, and every one to his brother, What hath the LORD answered? and, What hath the LORD spoken? 36And the burden of the LORD shall ye mention no more: for every man's word shall be his burden; for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the LORD of hosts our God. 37Thus shalt thou say to the prophet, What hath the LORD answered thee? and, What hath the LORD spoken? 38But since ye say, The burden of the LORD; therefore thus saith the LORD; Because ye say this word, The burden of the LORD, and I have sent unto you, saying, Ye shall not say, The burden of the LORD; 39Therefore, behold, I, even I, will utterly forget you, and I will forsake you, and the city that I gave you and your fathers, and cast you out of my presence: 40And I will bring an everlasting reproach upon you, and a perpetual shame, which shall not be forgotten.
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There are some good jews. Our frenz the Black Hebrew Israelites for example.
Das right!
>8Now when she had weaned Loruhamah, she conceived, and bare a son. 9Then said God, Call his name Loammi: for ye are not my people, and I will not be your God.

>10Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God.

>11Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel.
I posted on Jewish reddit and said that Vance isn't anti semitic for suggesting US tax dollars don't go to Israel (or Ukraine) and that we need to take care of Americans citizens. I said to serve a foreign country at the expense of your host nation is treason.

I got banned for antisemitism.
I'm Jewish btw.
pretty sure it's the blacks but ok
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Final redpill
>b4 being called a kike
>Black people shut up, sit down, listen and learn. A Jew is talking.
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From the river to the sea.
Good read. I agree with most of what he said. I believe Israel has to uphold its end of the benefit as well, there must be reciprocity. A country that cannot handle its own affairs is not much of a country. If Ukraine can't protect itself it should not exist.
>using fags to tarnish the support for palis.

Kikes are actual demons
And yet they control all das Geld?
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Twitter gold when posted from your sockpuppets
>How could one race of people be so vile and self centered. Almost as if their own god has forsaken them
If one wants to know the true nature of jews, just look at their "Ten Commandments." These are the things jews are SO likely to do their own god had to engrave them in stone to order for jews to maybe, just maybe, NOT do.

1. Kill
2. Cheat
3. Steal
4. Lie
5. Covet

And even as a direct order from their god jews just murder a chicken and pretend they're absolved.
God HAS forsaken them, the old covenant was broken and a new one formed when the jews killed Jesus.
It's even more comical because so many of their traditions come from believing they can somehow fool their god. Yeah sure kike mcbaumenwitz, brutally killing that chicken after magically transferring your sins onto it totally fools god. The word Scapegoat literally comes from jews trying to fool god. To believe in a god and still think you can fool him is heresy of the highest order.
Goy Christians are pathetic slave cattle. Jews are the smartest, strongest people on earth, and are the only literate humans left on the planet with a positive birth rate. This upsets the goy deeply, but because the goy is only alive because he is being subsidized by Jews, he cant really say anything about it publicly. Whining on an anonymous internet board is the next best thing I guess. Lol.

>the more you know
About 0.0000001% of Jews participate in the chicken allegory thing. It’s funny you Christians keep harping about this when the entire basis of your slave creed is that you take no responsibility for your pathetic behavior because your sins are transferred to a man on a stick that died 2000 years ago instead of a chicken. The main difference is that you actually believe thats how it works.
>Jews are the smartest, strongest people on earth
>About 0.0000001% of Jews participate in the chicken allegory thing
Whoa...that means all of them go to my temple!
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There are all forms of life on this planet.
Some choose to be parasites.

Seems some other living things don't like them.
Crazy right?
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Chickens are capable of love and affection. I only eat cage free eggs.
And a-ACK!
Naah breh you're totally just animals born to serve them, must be a (you) problem
Post the most based examples of your country oppressing kikes. Here's mine

>The Argentine Patriotic League (Spanish: Liga Patriótica Argentina) was a nationalist paramilitary group, officially created in Buenos Aires on January 16, 1919
>It quickly extended itself throughout Argentina on a nationalist, xenophobic, anti-Communist and anti-Semitic program. They attacked Jews, who were accused of being Bolsheviks.
>At its height in the early 1920s, the League's brigades contained as many as 300,000 members throughout the country.
A great AI-generated song about swingin' the chicken:

"Swing the Chicken"

Swing the chicken
Transfer your sins to the soul of a bird
God, I swear it was him
And I know that it must seem absurd
Yeah, it was totally him
We didn't eat that child
Oy vey, it wasn't us
We're being racially profiled
You won't, and never will, do shit.
The jew hate is well earned..you reap what you sow....
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Checked and true
Jews lack empathy and are evil deep inside.
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Correct. (((They))) have very high rates of ASPD & NPD
> ASPD = Antisocial Personality Disorder
>> Genetic = psychopath
>> Environmental = sociopath

> NPD = Narcississtic Personality Disorder
>> Hardcore Narcissists, way more severe than normal ones

If they have ASPD, they also have NPD, but not vice versa
> The talmud is unironically an operations manual for these psych disorders
>Jews lack empathy and are evil deep inside
To be fair, jews are evil on the surface as well.

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