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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>”bad guy”
>even though he did literally nothing wrong
any other /pol/ approved characters?
What was his endgame?
literally just wanted wizards to stay pure-blooded. muggles and mudbloods had no place in the wizarding world
The Financial System in America is the most corrupt financial system in the entire world.

It's a big fake. It's a person accepting money and handing out grains of sand and calling it shares of a company or some shit and then pocketing the money and running off.

There's nothing remotely legal about any of it in any other context except the pinholed situation where such robbery is basically shrouded in 141 IQ legalese and made legal.

It's the same thing the Yemeni pirates are doing when they board a ship and take it Ransom. Just more people doing it, and more government ceremony. It's robbery.
If she writes a book where Harry realizes he's wrong because tons of mudbloods and Jews start to practice witchcraft I'll buy it.
Voldemort wanted to kill all the muggles, it wasn't enough they lived separately and barely had to interact with them at all. He didn't know how good he had it. You'd have some pity if the muggles were coming into the wizards space and taking over through sheer numbers.
I think there's like a total of three half bloods in the entire series.
show me one instance where voldemort killed an innocent muggle
I took a million dollar loan, loaded up my credit cards, and have a truck from the start of COVID and from the chaos and policies the encourage niggers to nigger I have none of it on my credit score 4 years later. I bought a latte every fucking day too. It's not over till it's over for sure but so far so good bros. How's taxes treating yall? Lmfao imagine funding the people shitting in your mouth. I can just fish in some tourist area and fuck sluts frankly. The American dream is absolutely to wage slave for a trophy wife you don't fuck much. I think it could be restored but I don't know how people didn't go nuclear in 2008 much less during COVID.
He would kill you nigger.
Goblet of Fire, first chapter, and fuck you for making me write this.
His mother and father?
Wasn't that the joke?
Harry potter isn't an original story, it's a mix between the WW2 narrative and the Bible.
>fuck you for making me write this.
Harry Potter is a ripoff of Akademia Pana Kleksa like Star Wars is a ripoff of Dune. The Masons pass this crap around in the lodges and keep releasing it until it takes.
>Murdering random people
>Murders wizards just because they fucked a Mudd blood or two
>Magic isn't even generic
>Both of Hermione's parents were mild bloods yet she is the smartest witch
>Thats like if a nigger and poojeet fucked and gave birth to Kirk Douglas.
He was a fucking loser who couldn't even shoot up his school because he was such a fucking loser. Supposed to be super magical yet couldn't even bring back his nose? Even Michael Jackson's surgeons gave him a little nose.
Anyone who still thinks about Harry Potter and compares it to irl is fucking retarded and anyone who sides with the even more retarded villains is even more stupid
>Star Wars is a ripoff of
The Bible again.
Why do the Jedi wear sackcloth?
>A wannabe school shooter who wanted to start a race war against people not defined by race
Total faggot. He's like a Jew. He thought he was smart but not really thinking far beyond the next initial move.
>Scared of and killed by a fucking kid
Just like Jews afraid of Palestinian children
The Riddler in the most recent batman movie, right up until he floods the city for no reason
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Reminder you've only watched HALF of harry potter.

Voldemort is the good guy in the other half of Harry Potter. We're only two months away from the Elden Ring lawsuit that will open the world.
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>daddy Dirlewanger is my favorite war criminal
i hope its as coherent as the recent star wars tv show
tried to murder a baby, sounds pretty jewish to me
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Harry Potter is a girl's franchise, nobody outside of tween girls gave a flying fuck about it.
One of the books opens with him killing an old gardener at his dad's house house he's squatting in. At the world cup the death eaters tortured and presumably planned to kill the muggle campsite owners. Those i remember off the top of my head from reading the original books 15+ years ago.
He was quite literally wizard Hitler (the mythologized jewish version, not the real version)
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i've never watched more than a few minutes total of these movies, but i will tell you right now he is the gnostic demurge. you literally can't say his name like orthodox jews won't pronounce YHVH
also jk rowling explicitly said that potter was based on jesus.
this pic is an allusion to jesus clearing the temple of the money changers. you can clearly see the jewish caricatures, as well as the prominent pillars of jachin and boaz which stood outside solomon's temple. this also resembles the high priestess tarot card
this is an allusion to fallen angels breeding with human females thus necessitating the flood. you see this in mad max fury road, immortals, and i'm sure a few other movies.
British guilt at it's best...

Donnie Darko, Harry potter, Pic Related. It is all me, I'm mixed raced, My father is Mixed raced, my mother is mixed raced, we're all mixed raced here.

Harry Potter (Hairy Shitter)
Donnie Darko (Turk Ass giver) [Most of it become only gay shit, like how "My way - Limpo Bizket" He says "I'm going to stay a bicha" or I'm going to stay gay).

Have no idea of what the conglomerate of writters that wrote Harry Potter has to say about my life, I read the three first books and saw the first movie...

By the time I was 10, I could already narrate porn stories, Harry Potter suffers the same as Lord of the Ringers... It could just be more explicit in the term of less descriptive....
I could not feel any difference between reading a comic book or harry potter so I dropped it...
It is always the same shit: Mordor (Moore Door), Gondore (Goon Dor) Dumbledor (Dumb Le Door = Stupid like a door).
It is always midwit symbology done by 50 writters that have all the freetime in the world and resources...

I can also say about Game Of thornes is the same shit, it is always: Targaryan (Tar colored Aryan) Barateon (Cockroach teon) and other mixed raced things....

You can see that the world is actually really racist but are passive aggressive towards it.
Also you can see that "British guilt" and "British white nationalism" is just a tool used against the british as the same way as to ban socialism... The Birtish purity measurment is used against the british, that's why they cope with those tales with a lot of racist remakrs as if they are just not an Irish potato nigger.
>i've never watched more than a few minutes total of these movies
If you did, you'd realise it's all Jewish/Satanist propaganda, the books were pushed this fucking hard since the get go for that reason. They are laughing in front of our faces.
did nothing wrong? he couldn't kill a fucking baby lmao just toss the thing out the fucking window or drop it in the toilet or feed it to his snake. killing curse on a baby is some impotent lefty jew type shit
What I find really interesting is that because we were realitive wealth, we would spend all weekends at a tenis club and my father would look like a Turk/Indian man, so the CIA have the photos of him looking brown, same as my sister.

I think my father is Snape (Is ape) or something like that, like I said, I didn't dig much in it...
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a lot of samurai design influences too, like darth vader's helmet. in the scene where luke goes into jabba's palace to get han back, we see him holding his hands in a certain way, it's over the chakra called hara in zen. samurai would hold their hands there out of habit, and meditate "into the hara", mostly because this is the center of gravity of the human body.
he used a bunch of other movies too, but copied many scenes shot for shot and move for move from a japanese movie called hidden fortress

darth vader is basically the human form of the demurge, and the emperor is the father. one is all withered, one is very physical. he also has an approximation of the high priest's breastplate which had jewels on it. in hebrews they say jesus is the new high priest. but since he is a bad guy he is actually in the antichrist role. he also killed off an entire planet like God did, and saturn is known as the death star. the death star even looks like an all seeing eye.
luke is the gnostic version of jesus who is mixed with the egyptian horus. this is why he is on the millennium falcon - jesus will have a reign of 1000 years, and horus is a falcon.
>Oy vey We are the master race!
>Oy vey we should rule
>Oy vey everyone else should be our slaves

He was a pure kike.
Sauron cause he was just autistic and wanted order
Roose Bolton and Tywin Lannister
Hitler and Mussolini
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God did the same thing.
>One of the books opens with him killing an old gardener at his dad's house house he's squatting in
garden of eden allusion. adam is the man killed, and the demiurge is thought of as 2 parts, hence the fixation on jachin and boaz. this is also in the aramaic targums, where the WORD of God was seen as a physical manifestation of God, and where the author of john got the idea, as he said jesus was the word made flesh. it also says he co-created everything with the father. some gnostics thought that jesus rebelled against the father, look at sabaoth in on the origin of the world and hypostasis of the archons. vader does this when he throws the emperor in the hole.
check this out, father and son with checkerboard floors, aka solomon's temple. the son is "moving on the waters" like in genesis. look at the father's robe for jb, jachin and boaz. you can see this stuff in almost any movie.
just try it the next time you watch something, just for fun think that the bad guy represents God, and the good guy represents jesus. you will see throwaway lines in a whole new light.
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no, i took great pains to explain that this is gnosticism, not satanism. in gnosticism God is satan and jesus came to save us. not my worldview, but it is very relevant to just about anything going on today oddly enough.
>1. Although Christ appeared to be human, his humanity was merely an illusion.

>2. Christ appeared to die, but did not really die. The Crucifixion was really a crucifiction.

>3. Christ was not truly God, the second Person of the Trinity. He was merely a created being who was the lowest of the aeons, a group of semi-divine beings between God and man. Each lower aeon was given power by a higher aeon. Christ, the aeon furthest removed from God, created the world because God was too pure to dirty himself with matter.

>4. Matter is evil, so one can do anything one wants with one’s body, including killing it to release the soul from its imprisonment.

>5. The God of the Old Testament is evil, as evidenced by the fact that he created the material universe. He is not the same as the God of the New Testament, who is the God of Love, as Jesus and his apostles taught (1 Jn 4:8, 16).

>6. People are saved by acquiring secret knowledge (gnosis), which is imparted only to the initiated.
I was talking about Harry Potter being Satanic propaganda. You said you've only seen minutes of these movies, something tells me if you sat down to watch one you'd pick up on a lot more of the bad messages.
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Now more games.
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Sir this is a Wendy’s
you're mexican

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