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Matthew 7:13-14. most people are satanic
I am crazy ?
>Matthew 7:13-14.
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
time to vote, niggers

Just in case we ever forget how bad it REALLY is, we always get some dose of European television to remind us.
What the fuck.......as usual.
Just another hit. Another freak show out of Europe this time the Olympics on TV!
No thanks. Stuff makes me actually think I live in literal hell.
I get that but why do the normies think this is art, what is wrong with them. it in front of their noses, at what point can they not see this is not even like trying to hide
Then again all of that shit comes directly from your country. In every superball event you'll have an ugly fat niggress sing the anthem with an ass flute while drag queens are dancing around.
French leftists are only mimicking American leftists.
I wonder if shitposting on pol is a sin?
Why the fuck are you acting as if it's not the USA which is the epicentre for all of this? You retards won the war, you could have made any future you wanted and yet you exported your very specific form of judaism to the world.
>A joos no
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(((They))) wouldn't dare make fun of Islam
It all comes from your country because the top bankers live there.
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>Mocking a painting of a bunch of mythical characters from a book written by ancient sand niggers hurts my feelings :(
There's no point in making fun of Islam. It's irrelevant. The reason they denigrate Christianity as much as they can is because it's real.
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>Why the fuck are you acting as if it's not the USA which is the epicentre for all of this?

Jews formed a global empire using their mafia hitmen and blackmail, they belong to no nation. USA was once a pure nation of good morals before kikes took it over.
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Yup, there are only two religions.

Paganism = Islam/Buddhism/satanism/Judaism/Hinduism/etc/etc

They form a nation within every nation they reside in.
Is more cringe than anything else they antagonizing it, when will new-europe kick out the vatican from the continent, and no is not welcome here either.
They can be in africa as they always wish to do.
it's not Satanism., It's just retardation personified.
Right, you're correct. They did the same thing to us, but you still had control enough to resist. Within Pax Brittanica during the Victorian era they controlled our empire too, and they used it to bend the world to their whims in the same way they do now, but we had a strong enough culture and a strong enough sense of our place within history that they were always forced to be careful, to be coy and to not be too forceful.
With your empire since the 2nd world war they just do whatever they want. The breaks are off. There's absolutely zero resistance of any sort.
The Israeli PM comes to your capital and gets a 20 minute standing ovation and treated as though he is the God Emperor.
Seeing shit like this makes me unironically wish I could travel back to the middle ages and live the rest of my life as a peasant.
That is impossible, mutt. The Vatican will be untouched. It has survived two world wars, several invasions of Rome, revolutions, and whatever else. It will prevail until Christ returns, it has been guaranteed to us.
Wise words.

Yet another proof that Christianity created globohomo and that Christianity is atheism.

Christianity = globohomo
Paganism = Europe
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Christianity is European culture. Cope
West is so guy it's not even funny.
Yeah but now it's the fourth beast of iron.
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its satanism bro
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Fucking dumb brown mutt bastard, do not talk about European affairs, go eat a monkey brain or whatever you "based" godless pagans do.
I cant find any Olympics Livestream w/ more than 1.3k viewers. So i cant see what normies are saying in chat. Don't matter to me. Scoffers, mockers, shills and normies can have hell. I will remain prayed up. Remain reading my Bible and remain close w/ God
They are being antisemitic, it’s a Hebrew word שָׂטָן (satan) and simply means "accuser", or, "adversary" or the other side. There is nothing crazy about calling the opposition the satanic retards. That’s what the word means.
they flaunt their cannibalism rituals
They don't you're a shill. People hate this.
define satanism
Matthew 12:30
Its the dead internet speaking, so is this thread.
Noone is watching those programs, and the entire "program" is to make you think this has any support in the general population.
99% of the population has not watched this and finds it an abomination that requires total death and annihilation.
i have met too many people that just go along with everything, to believe that, this 99% where are they ? here ? i dont think so, look at the covid mask and vax, i think 99% of people are npc,
You still don't get it do you. You are cattle. You are being shown this "satanic" shit so overtly because they know exactly how you will react. When you react how they want you to, you make them your shepherd. The only winning move is not to play the game. Stop consooming and envying and casting your focus beyond your immediate environment and community.
so do what the uk did, how is that working out
It's the classic British "stiff upper lip" mentality, it's why every town in UK is now an Islamic rape center.
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satanist or not it's pedo shit
the fact they only target christianity tells you everything
With COVID it was closer to only 25% of people playing along the first month, then dropped to 1% after 2 months where I live.
I work in a major corporation and involve in frequent regional travel.
Sure a majority of the population is terminally retarded and scheduled for genocide,
but when it comes to these TV programs, and media circus operations, noone is really watching anymore.
The "NEWS" still uses the internet and phones as a background force to flash images of a world that does not exist anymore.
But its a dead internet.
The people you are talking to here are mostly bots.
I hope you escape from the matrix soon.
Evening kikes. My community is nigger free and fine. I can't say the same for the idiots in Rotherham or elsewhere. By the way, Rotherham even when it was 100% white was a scumfilled shithole so it's fate isn't surprising. Let's hear you solution then lads, I suppose you think it's wise to ignore your own community to go out on a limb like a spastic over happenings hundreds or thousands of miles away huh? Let ZOG rile you up to go get fucked over for them. Fuck off. The best way people can reject Jewish influence and globohomo is at a local level.
Correction: There originally were no sandniggers in the middle east. At least not any who were able to write.

The sandniggers are the children of the arabs who killed and raped the white people of the middle east during their countless invasions over history.

Yes there are falsehoods in it as it was rewritten over and over but the stories are much older and part of our ancient heritage.
so the reaction is to pretend its not happening. don't react to the knife coming for your throat, its just mind control, if you see something your a jew. wow that fuck stupid.
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The "Golden Age of Islam" those faggots love to clamor about was merely Arab sandniggers translating Greeks works from the Greeks/Italians they genocided during their conquests. Arabs have never produced an original idea in history.
>Whoever is not with me is against me,
george w bush tier nonsense

thanks, this makes sense, normally when people bitch about "satan" I just picture them screaming about pan and I roll my eyes and ignore them
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its fucking jew that made this, I am in shock,
You have completely missed the point.
But if your goal is to overthrow the cabal, and kill your local pedophile trannies, good for you.
>no the reaction is to pretend its not happening
No, the reaction is to make sure you're doing everything you can to galvanize your community against it. Are you even aware of everyone who sits on your local government council and what their political affiliation is? Do you even know what ballot initiatives are?
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It was about the past not the future this time
Starting with its host the assassin
Based on the trump assassination. World was supposed to watch while thinking wow it’s an assassin just like what happened to trump only it’s not happening because
It was a Failed assassination attempt
They had no idea the shooter would miss
They had already written the Olympics opening ceremony beforehand to match up to the event

Meaning the assassins creed spoof they did was planned to go hand in hand
But now it’s lame cause trump ruined their plan and it’s just a masked guy jumping around like a fairy
There’s many things in the Olympic ceremony that is meant to sum up the last few years
Even the fat jesus woman wears a covid crown
It’s supposed to symbolize all the old starting a new chapter
But trump lived and now everyone’s just focused on the trannies
That’s my hot take
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These bugmen NPC's will also spout the clotshot is "safe and effective", "man-made climate change" is real, "6 million jews died in the holocaust", "trans women are women" and any other ZOG talking point you can think of.

They're like the citizens of Airstrip One/Oceania in 1984 unironically believing that 2 and 2 equals give. Of course it's important to spread the truth everywhere, but you also cannot reason with or save with these bugmen in particular.

They've come to love (((Big Brother))) and they view you as their enemy for pointing out that 2 and 2 does not equal five.
>*equals five
Should've proofread that
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It's France. What else did you expected?!
Also thanks to poison us with Positivism you fuckers
I don't know if there away out, this is so fuck obious, it was made by a gay jew. the fact that the reaction is well its the french or this art, this is why I stopped watching the superball. how many time can you see the same shit over and over. I don't even look for this it was in my feed. I feel like the world is just gotten to a point I can't even understand how the hell an npc can think, that is just normal
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you think how bad does it have to get before normies starts saying "wtf". at this point I don't think normies will ever get it. I think they will walk straight in to a fema camp with smile, and cut they kids up to feed to a demon
>Then again all of that shit comes directly from your country.
sorry fag but last I checked the origins of troons was in g*rmany and origins of postmodern marxism was in fr*nce

SJW shit is inherently European.
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They also put the little girl at Judas' place at the table.
I try reading books, or working on hobbies, but come on, its getting over top. before you could say its in the background, but holy fuck no one is even hiding it at all I am like normies do not see how in your face this is, and they say its just art, its just normal and ok.like wtf
There's a greater than zero percent chance that VP Harris will suffer politically for what happened in Paris. A few days ago, she did an announcement on a drag TV show; so at least a few people will see that an unspoken support for the intentions of what happened in Paris
If you're literally asking for an explanation of
>how do npc think
they answer is that they choose a team and the other team is always wrong. That is 100% it. For example, I've known several irl who roll their eyes at any "conservative" person mentioning antifa or communism, despite the fact that all of their most politically active friends are openly involved with both. So they know these things exist, but when rightwingers complain about them then suddenly
>lol that doesn't even exist you idiot
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i get that, I get the team think, but holy fuck, I can't process this one. God help us
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> And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him - Rev 6:8
The entire thing is an affront to God.

Islam doesn't idol worship like Christianity, so they have trouble using symbolism in their denigration toward it. In the eyes of Allah, their wicked ways are known.
when I think ok this bad the normies have to see it, and we down deeper, I am this clown world but is there a bottom ?
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The people who built the pyramids were white people, you think a bunch of subhumans like you could design that? Everywhere you scum go turns to shit, not better, nigger.
we are on the slippery slope, but fuck me this getting bad
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This is the power of ideological subversion. A demoralized person has lost the ability to ascertain basic facts, even if those facts are staring them directly in the face
I thought that was the white horse. But this also make sense.
>The people who built the pyramids were white people
>we wuz egyptians n shieeeet
hilarious cope lad, have a (You)
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Are you sure it's our brand of judaism and not Oliver Cromwell's who then exported it to us?
Can someone post the pic of all the Egyptian mummies with red hair?
It's not Satanic.
It's anti-Christian.
Why do you have to credit everything evil to Satan?
How much you think he lifted? The three bars and six plates is 405 lbs, but he has a bunch of random shit hanging everywhere. Minimum 500 is suspect.
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When butt fucking becomes an official sport of the Globohomo Gaymes, what will be a regulation size Stunning, Brave and Powerful™ feminine penis?
And the LORD said unto Satan: 'Whence comest thou?' Then Satan answered the LORD, and said: 'From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.'
The last supper + 4 horseman schizoposting are retarded but I died laughing when the fucking moloch statue showed up
The last supper + 4 horseman schizoposting is retarded but I died laughing when the fucking moloch statue showed up
>Stuff makes me actually think I live in literal hell.
We do
This is hell
We live in hell
The sooner you realise
The more sense it makes
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> mutt patriotards still delusionally think that muttmerica isn't the main pusher of anti-White and degeneracy insanity

Fuck off back to kneeling to your nigger kangz already you pathetic mutt boys.
i am america we have we are fucked, there is no hope, people are just too fuck stupid
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> yet another mudslime shilling muh pisslam

LOL pisslam is just another retarded semitic/abrahamic desert death cult. Don't believe me? Lets take a look at the blessed prophet

This islamic scholar site comes with a search bar... have fun with it.

Then he said, 'Where is the little one? Call the little one to me.' Hasan came running and jumped into his lap. Then he put his hand in his beard. Then the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, opened his mouth and put his mouth in his mouth. Then he said, O Allah, I love him, so love him and the one who loves him!'"

Here the prophets love of french kissing little boys is described... and the ride is just getting started.

"The Messenger of Allah saw me urinating while standing, and he said: 'O 'Umar, do not urinate standing up.' So I never urinated whilst standing after that."

Feminists want men to pee like a girl... so did muhammed.

"I used to scrape the Janabah." On another occasion she said: "The semen from the garment of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)."

I asked Sulaiman b. Yasar whether the semen that gets on to the garment of a person should be washed or not. He replied: A'isha told me: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) washed the semen, and then went out for prayer in that very garment and I saw the mark of washing on it.

The prophets jizz is serious business

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The Prophet (ﷺ) took a child in his lap for Tahnik (i.e. he chewed a date in his mouth and put its juice in the mouth of the child). The child urinated on him, so he asked for water and poured it over the place of the urine.

Totally normal behaviour

"The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came out to us with a small leather shield in his hand. He put it down, then he sat behind it and urinated toward it. Some of the people said: 'Look, he is urinating like a woman.'

Jabir reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her.

Not a very moralistic person is he? He is like a dog in heat

He then said to her, "Do not hurt me regarding Aisha, as the Divine Inspirations do not come to me on any of the beds except that of Aisha."

Note beds is a false translation, it actually means clothing

the sentence in arabic clearly say “women garments”
( ثَوْبِ امْرَأَة --> Woman’s dress )

So he was also a cross-dresser

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jewish origins of islam

The Descent of Islam

Trannies are legal under Islam
>Iran's state subsidizes gender reassignment surgery

Homoerotic poetry in Islam: Reeling with desire

Muslim Preacher Says the Quran Allows Pedophilia
https://youtu.be/4qEzQKCDjzw?si=lvKAJrsfW_4h9S52 [Open]

The myth of anti-semitic Islam:

Islam denounces all forms of anti-Semitism and racism. The Prophet Muhammad taught his companions to respect people of all faith backgrounds and to care for everyone. He said, “Donate in charity to people of all faiths” (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah 3/177)
and he personally used to donate money regularly to sponsor a Jewish family in his community.
When the Prophet ﷺ saw the funeral procession of a Jew passing by, he stood up out of respect for human life and death.

"Following this example, throughout Islamic history the Jews flourished under Muslim rule in parts of North Africa, Jerusalem, Persia, and Spain."

Forging Islamic science
hmm.. you make a good point. But I wouldn't call that mimicking. It's the same thing we're doing but 3 times worse, at least
No more words, nuke France
Here you go.

Kill yourself christnigger/abrahamist aka jew slave or worshipper.
There are like 6 threads on this. This is the most supreme ragebait ever.

Think about all the other shit that globohomo is up to right now. How much money did they just steal from you to send to Ukraine or Israel? How much more they planning to steal right now? What other oppressive laws and regulations did they just pass? How's the plan to rig the elections again going?

But this is what's important to get all enraged about. A bunch of fools dressing up in clothes you don't like them wearing.

Yes there were many satans

There was Samael



And many more
Communists and kikes gaslight. It's just what they do. Try not to take it personally.
I get it, but wtf I don't feel rage, I am confused. I didnot, I know its bad but it just keeps going, you think someone is going be like that kind fucked up, nop everything is fine
I just hope russia nukes europe out of the map
And Rothschild pokes Charles in the chest like a fucking child. You have to be a kike.

Satanism is the inversion of values, so it would make sense they would try to make an ugly inverted caricature of the Holy Supper celebrating the major Sins.
Jews don't hate Islam....They hate Jesus, the know He is a threat for them
Based. My nephew hates faggotry
They indeed do light up with gas.
>retarded memeflaggot fails at reading comprehension
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Show them these
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You won the war too, Nigel. Where was your SS division?
Digits do confirm.
UK had food rationing until the 60s and had to rebuild entire cities and was poor as fuck until like the 80s.
The US was untouched by the war which is what allowed them to gain superpower status and become the undisputed world epicentre for everything.
you're calling other people NPCs while you're following the same outdated script as millions of others.
>attacking the Statue of Liberty
>lumping it in with this modern French shit
Get the fuck out of here, Canuck.
this, they're just leveraging your addiction to society and conformity against you

if you realize the truth, that society and the masses are going to die and nothing can stop it, then you are free
then you can position yourself to compete against the jew within that paradigm instead of eating their shit
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now you understand why they burned heretics and degenerates, because they are a cancer who spread and destroy everything
I hope Islam take over because Christianity has no balls anymore
Bro look at WHO donated the statue of liberty, it was freemasons.
Eastern Orthodoxy is the same as it's ever been
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>how do npc think, I am look at twitter and they are say you are crazy for seeing this as satanism
They don't like people calling a spade a nigger either, but here we are.
This would not ever happen in USA.

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