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DO NOT HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS! I was homeschooled and I’m a fucking pseudo-autistic retard as an adult. I can’t socialize with anyone and I spend all my time alone. I just can’t enjoy being around people. Luckily, I went to high school, but mostly stayed home through elementary school and middle school. A couple days of socializing per week isn’t enough for kids, they need to be around other kids everyday in order to develop in a healthy way. I get not wanting your kids to be indoctrinated with all the state propaganda, but do not homeschool them unless you want them to turn out like me.
Take back the cities
Israel shot Trump
>doesn't get first post
Are you an introvert or extrovert? It's a given you're a retard though.
skill issue
Your parents had not applied enough discipline into you, faggot
Typical loser bullshit; instead of taking responsibility you blame your insecurities and failures on someone else (your parents). THIS is why you are a loser fuck-up with no social skills, not because mommy and daddy taught you at home but because you (somehow) ended up believing everything is someone else's fault. Everyone like you, public or home schooled, is the same, locked in a loop of trying to find someone to pin your shitty life on instead of realizing you are the problem.
>I can’t socialize with anyone and I spend all my time alone. I just can’t enjoy being around people.
I suck at socializing too. I really don’t like 99% of people. I spend all of my time alone too, but I do like going to certain places to be alone in a crowd. Like a really crowded bar with sports, I’ll just sit there and watch random sports not knowing anything about the teams or caring, but also not talking to anyone. The other problem is that I’m not bad looking and women will see me sitting there alone and try to talk to me, which just ruins everything and its really fucking annoying, better than fags but still really annoying.
>don't homeschool your kid because he might be smart and introverted, and weird because he doesn't do active shooter drills or drag queen story hour
Your parents cared about you and protected you from nogs.

You could have grown up to be a stupid retard acting like a chimp with a stupid haircut, stupid clothes and a criminal record. But they spared you from that. Please respect them and their decision.
Interesting I was also homeschooled however all the way to age 18. This probably is an accurate statement. I certainly was not ever able to have a normal life. I am in my mid 40s and single and childless. How old are you? If you are still young you may be able to turn things around, however by the time you reach my age it will be too late.
>glownigger shilling
abolish government schools
all kids should be home schooled and learn to make friends in the wild.
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>I’m a fucking pseudo-autistic retard as an adult. I can’t socialize with anyone and I spend all my time alone. I just can’t enjoy being around people.
So? I went to public school and I'm exactly like this.
Guess what champ, we're spergs by nature.
Also, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Embrace it.
Maybe you're just retarded. I was homeschool and I easily get women and make friends when I decide to.. I just don't often care to because most people are losers that aren't worth knowing.
You're stupid and don't understand how the mind develops
You are an adult, it doesn't matter what you want to blame (now you are blaming "MY MIND DEVELOPED THIS WAY, I DIDN'T DO THIS!", holy shit) it is your responsibility to fix it. You will never have someone because you are pathetic by your own choices and actions, you should probably stop.
Thanks fren
This. Socializing is not that hard to learn. It requires you to face your demons and go through embarresment in order to learn. Your own responsibility as an adult.
having grown up in public school, moving around all the time, always being the kid who came after everyone else made their friends, i'm very happy i'm able to provide enough so my wife doesn't have to work and we can homeschool my son
that shit has always made me feel like there are "vip friends" that i'm never a part of
society and school has changed so much since i grew up anyway that it's borderline child abuse to send them to public school
it's a blessing to not have to
Conditioning is real, but it's not a magical prison that's inescapable. One can recognise why and how they were conditioned as a result of others in childhood, but still take total responsibility for the project of becoming who they would rather be - blame is a barrier, on such a quest. One can always choose to erect more barriers if they wish.
in my younger years I tried hard to be like them… I’m not them, and happy now that I’m me. I tried, didn’t fit in.
i remember being in high school and pretending to be dumb and not know something in order to fit in
This has nothing to do with homeschooling my fellow 'tistic nigga
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I went to private school and public school, and the people were all niggers. Niggers with white skin.

Those who weren’t niggers, were inexplicably faggots.

So it’s me, and a sea of niggers and faggots. Hell, even some of the faggots were also niggers, and vice versa. So the total percentage of niggerfaggotry actually adds up to over 100%

You’re lucky OP, my Holocaust teacher hated me, before I was based or knew what was going on, he seethed when on the last week, during a mock election vote, I won. Some tranny cunts mom tried to turn us all gay, my friends robbed me, trashed my house partied, did way more of my coke than I got back, and then said I was “weird for doing so much drugs”. Normies are literally retarded. Having an IQ of 100 means you’re retarded. I had a great time, and it wasn’t because of any of my vast amount of friends, it was in spite of them. Every girl I hooked up with was “uncool” but then they passed around the same whores, every beat project I wanted to do was “gay” but they wanted to commit petty crimes like niggers and go to court and jail. Every cool pagan drug fueled ritual I wanted to do was “weird” but the music and lifestyles they lived were demonic. Normies deserve an inferno, and as chance would have it, that exactly what they’ll get. Good riddance.

No, he's right. I went to public school and ended up the exact same as you. Only, I've managed to drag myself out of that pit and become healthier later in life because I took responsibility for myself and my future.

Yes and if it gives you hope, I was a very successful musician for 20 years and traveled all over the world. I fucked many beautiful women from every country. Now I have retreated from society but you can through enormous amounts of work move past your upbringing. Be sure and NEVER tell anyone you were homeschooled because they will lose all respect for you after that. As long as they don’t know you were homeschooled, you can work very very hard and make them believe you are just eccentric. Once they know you were homeschooled your entire existence will be a joke to them.
Go outside
Bro. Wtf. If your parents taught you real world shit, you had a good home school curriculum that was better than the government school one, you did more physical exercise than others, then you're blessed. I do feel that schools should have a voluntary classes component where you only attend the classes you need so that you can still socialize with others.
An efficient homeschool curriculum can be taught in half the total time kids spend attending school and doing homework. Homeschooling provides *much more* time for socialization and unstructured play. There are all sorts of groups in the U.S. for homeschool parents to network with each other so their children can get plenty of peer interaction. Furthermore, it's a much healthier form of peer interaction, since schools have a very artificial social dynamic that resembles a prison.
School is mostly shit anyways. My biggest regrets are not skipping classes and events more often. All the hours wasted doing busy body bullshit that was worthless
Well done. I hope you find what you need in time and the years to come. Interesting that you were so successful with women but don't have a wife yet, I'm sure it will happen - I know plenty of 40 year old dudes who are very successful with women, but I have noticed they are ALL in good physical shape, seems to be a big factor as age ticks up. I haven't often told people I was homeschooled, I will keep that in mind. But I have noticed that if on dating apps I write a bio that is genuinely reflective of what I think I won't get matches lol, but if I use a normie bio I'll get plenty. We might be weird but we have our own special type of freedom that I would never trade away
homeschool curriculum can look completely different from public, too
math is math, regardless of it's being taught in a boring way on a dry erase board or not
I'm actually autistic and public school was not only torturous but a complete waste of time. I spend all of my time alone by choice. Fuck you, fuck your schools, and fuck your sick degenerate society.
Thank you for sharing your wrong opinion, OP.
in my neighborhood, there are actually more homeschool homes than public
times are very different than when i grew up, and it looks like a lot of people agree
I was homeschooled entirely first through eighth grade and went to same-sex catholic high school, as did my 5 younger siblings
when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I said "a hermit"
every time I go out I'm reminded that 99% of people are insufferable and retarded
my younger siblings are all had the same experience, some are extroverts who enjoy going out, some are homebodies, homeschooling had nothing to do with it
>I was homeschooled and I’m a fucking pseudo-autistic retard as an adult.
If that's true why dont you fit in with us ?
My parents wanted me completely disconnected from society. They got what they wanted and now they complain.
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I was both home and public schooled, and holy fuck is public school bullshit.
I went from waking up at a normal time around 7 or 8 and finishing at a normal time of day, maybe 1-2 pm, 3 pm on days I struggled.. To waking up at 5 am, walking to the bus stop, being stuck in a class surrounded by strangers and people who hated me, teachers that barely taught, and having to come home around 3 but with an extra 5 hours of homework on top of that.
Completely gave the fuck up because the curriculum changed and my nigger dad had no idea how to teach without making everything take an additional 3 hours while yelling the whole time, so I decided that I just wasn't going to do the work.
I got off my ass in the middle of highschool and passed all my classes besides math (teachers were shit and didn't let me do my homework in class), so I just failed and crammed it in extra credit. Made a 3 month class into 2 weeks of work and 6 weeks of drawing because I didn't have anything else to do.
Public school is just a massive timesink to turn kids into hobbyless retards and keep niggers off of the streets.
I went to public school and I'm all those things.
Yes, and the potential of homeschooling is only growing with advancements in technology. There's a lot of excessive hype for "AI" right now, but in specific domains it can be quite useful. Tutoring kids by giving personalized advice on where they went wrong in an assignment and how to fix it is one of the things it's already good at. Of course the parent shouldn't abdicate this role entirely and should sanity-check any AI model outputs, but it's a potentially powerful tool in the homeschooling arsenal.
My next door neighbour homeschools their two kids. They’re all really smart but the kids are absolute autists socially. I doubt they have any friends l. Nice kids though.
>my behavior is excused by no fault of my own!
>when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I said "a hermit"
Same, I'm a neet now and I literally couldn't be happier. Get to use all my freetime for more productive things than flipping burgers or sitting in an office somewhere.
My sons are 2 years apart from each and always together, plus all but the 4 month old are in some kind of sports, and their mother finds playgroups for the on facebook so they’re out with other kids doing things every weekend - really my kids are far better off than the ones getting brainwashed and abused by niggers every day. Really you make it a lifestyle and it really is best for the whole family.
>Typical loser bullshit; instead of taking responsibility you blame your insecurities and failures on someone else (your parents). THIS is why you are a loser fuck-up with no social skills, not because mommy and daddy taught you at home but because you (somehow) ended up believing everything is someone else's fault. Everyone like you, public or home schooled, is the same, locked in a loop of trying to find someone to pin your shitty life on instead of realizing you are the problem.

OP I can confirm this. I'm stunted in my development. I don't really have any great advice but you could do food delivery and just practice introducing yourself.
DO NOT read incel threads! I did and now I'm a whitebincel loser and I’m a fucking pseudo-autistic retard as an adult. I can’t socialize with anyone and I spend all my time alone crying about indians, boomers and roasties. I just can’t enjoy being around people. Luckily, I went to high school, but mostly stayed home through elementary school and middle school. A couple of incel threads per week is too much for kids, they need to not be around white incel losers everyday in order to develop in a healthy way. I get not wanting your kids to be indoctrinated with incel propaganda, do not let them read incel threads them unless you want them to turn out like me.
Every homeschooled young person I've ever interacted with has had a spark of alacrity that this is missing from 90% of the others who seem peculiarly deadened by comparison. I have never met a homeschooled NPC.
Post proof of anything you just said.
Just fake long COVID and embrace a Sigma lifestyle
>I was homeschooled and I’m a fucking pseudo-autistic retard as an adult.
Have you considered that this has nothing to do with being homeschooled?
Maybe you're just a "pseudo-autistic retard" in spite of circumstances.
Being able to socialize isn't a skill. Nobody should be able to relate and empathize with the retarded consumer drones that are milling about uselessly in this society.
OP is onto something. I have never met or heard of someone that was homeschooled, that also wasn't a complete retard/sperg/autist.
I agree with this

OP, growing up "autistic" is infinitely better than being surrounded by niggers and faggots for years.
Just go to private or charter schools ya dingus
i wasn't homeschooled and still turned out like you
that's why you need 7 siblings
You would have just ended up a pseudo autistic faggot
I was home schooled and turned out great. Whatever is wrong with you is your parents fault and yours for not fixing it as an adult.
I was one of 8 that were homeschooled and all of us went on to get married, find great careers and have large loving families. OP is just a ln unlikable faggot
i've known a few females who were homeschooled and came out marvelous,
really intelligent and not socially retarded at all.
if i had a daughter i'd definitely homeschool.
OP https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeschoolRecovery/
What the fuck makes you think that's what made you a retard?
Maybe you'd have been a non-home schooled retarded, just the same except bullied for being a goddamn retard

Maybe you were just born to be a retard
Ever thought about that you fucking retard?
you can't into social because your vaccined. blame them for that
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Boohoo nigger what you wanna be a fucking normie instead?
You're just a low IQ retard. Public school would have made you even stupider than you are now.
Homeschool is White cope. Always acting like it's voluntary and their lucky day when, in reality, Whites have been pushed out of their own societies.
I was homeschooled up until 8th grade and I do not have the same problems like you.
Trump spent the afternoon pledging his love to Israel, you dumb fuck. Another brain dead kid with delusional thoughts shot Trump.
Wow. Dude. Pick a girl and talk to her like she's your girlfriend. It's THAT easy.
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Woman like men who are less social.
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Sounds like you might have been autistic either way. Anxiety and social phobia is often connected to physical things inside your brain (heavy metals) or problems with the thyroid.
I'm experiencing it personally. What helps me is Cilantro, Chlorella, blackseed, ashwagandha (careful this can be heavy metal toxic in itself if the source is bad)

What you should be doing if you are a white chad is be part of the solution and fertilize 1000 women.

Here is your new mentor:
It's internet addiction. Some got it worse than others.
I hear you. you are far more articulate than the absolute horrible creature that was in my high school. his name is daniel. he was so unfathomably awkward and non verbal. and i would bet his grades werent good too
anyway, he apparently went to a school with 3 people per grade and then went to our 100per hs. i never saw him be sad with how he is. i think you are doing better and i have confidence in you. just learn to do nothing and call that bluff in your mind however much you can. call that bluff of anxiety or fear-dont do anything about em, radical acceptance
>I’m a fucking pseudo-autistic retard as an adult. I can’t socialize with anyone and I spend all my time alone.
I went to a public school and I'm like this too.
Fucking this
Most of your education in public school is, in fact, learning about human interaction and how to communicate with other people. Unless you plan to live off the grid, understanding the fundamental concepts of communication with others is necessary in a world that exists and is fueled by communication. Humans are naturally social beasts.
I've worked with a lot of home schoolers. There are a lot of resources parents can draw on, and most home schoolers I know are more socially adept than the usual high schooler, not less. This is because they spend their days not only around other retard teenagers, but around a mix of kids and adults, as is more natural, and as has always been the way in the past.

Home schooling does not turn anyone into an autistic retard, except maybe in the rarest most abusive situations. What does often happen, though, is that a kid is an autistic retard by nature, from birth, and for that reason parents choose to home school him, rather than sending him into the meatgrinder that is the American high school. You are probably one of these cases, OP.
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Silica powder can help prevent takeup of Aluminum, which will be exponentially more toxic when accompanied by mercury.
Both metals are known to be corellated in brains of people who died from dementia and in cancer cells.
When the body has silicium it will be less prone to using aluminum.
A powerful herb for dementia and also autism (anything brain related really, it literally repairs the brain) is sideritis scardica (greek mountain tea).
Make more northern white children you retarded dip shits.
I will keep posting these things until I get banned again by your 300lbs spic mods.
Sucks to suck. My kids are homeschooled and they socialize great with other kids that are strangers to them, they socialize great with adults, they're polite and well mannered in public, and they're ahead of where they should be in all areas.
>I’m a fucking pseudo-autistic retard as an adult

Dang you and a million other former public school kids, what's your point
>Socializing is not that hard to learn. It requires you to face your demons and go through embarresment in order to learn. Your own responsibility as an adult.
When you realize that you can be attractive to women without having the approval of dudes life gets easier. School teaches you that you need the approval of these chump ass normie fags in order to get ahead.
well, there's a surprise
>it's da homeschooling
you'd have been much worse off in the public school system anon. your parents did you a favour


filthy fucking liar
Yeah but public schooling is a socialist program so it will always be shit.
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Lifting also helps alot with social anxiety, pretty much instantly, too!
Sweating on its own can help detox, that and the test boost and metabolism activation and all makes a big difference.
>Woman like men who are less social.
I think this is actually true despite the shit red pillers say about needing social proof to be attractive. I mean women are attracted to inmates and they don't have social proof. Because being accepted and part of the group with male friends means connecting with guys who often don't understand women and don't understand how to seduce/satisfy them. So you risk picking up their beta energy. The only way to have male friends is you have to be established as the leader if you're red pilled.
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Another public school sperg reporting in. Nice radio set there fren.
>shills desperate to get children back in government indoctrination camps
I see my local schools having a hard time to even fulfil roles in the school, they are desperate for people, globohomo is losing.
This generation wont even know that the holohoax was, like most gen z.
The only home schooled kid I know is a self entited mega asshole who got everything he ever wanted.
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You're supposed to co-op with other homeschool parents and put the kids in sports.
Some homeschool kids are weirdos but they would have been weirdos either way.
Some homeschool kids are popular but they would have been either way.
People are surprised when I tell them I was homeschooled and I wasn't one of the popular types.
Were you an only child?
I went to public school and turned out to be a neurotic spaz with no social skills anyway. Sometimes you're just born like that. Anyway your kids are probably gonna be fucked even if they do avoid public school because unless you raise them with a full blown Amish way of life, their brains will be corrupted by the internet.
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Okay, hold up there pal. I went to public school in New York, surrounded by retarded lefties, and I still found my way to the correct opinions. Having said that there’s an anecdote I’d like to share:

I grew up around loads of people, moved around tons, and went to a high school with a 4000 person student body. I socialized and did my thing. I made good friends that I have to this day. But I never went to either prom, junior or senior, and I was definitely an outcast of sorts. Got suspended for not wearing shoes and threatening the dean.

Regardless, I was still voted “born in the wrong decade”, and the runner up for “most likely to take over the world” for our senior superlatives. Even though I wasn’t “popular” I still got around and was known. Still got laid too. But here I am a decade later, and because I’ve spent so much time alone and being an outsider, even when I’m at my girlfriend’s house I usually just do my own thing. Maybe we watch a movie or two and then fuck, but other than that I’m doing what I want and wanting to be alone while I do it. My girlfriend is an introvert herself so it doesn’t ruin our relationship, but she still gets mad at me over it. Most recently I found a decent gameboy emulator on my phone and basically just ignore her. I’m not trying to, but it’s hard for me to interact with people for an extended period.

I guess the point I’m getting at is that even though I wasn’t homeschooled and grew up surrounded by people I still elect to isolate, to sequester myself away from any interested parties.

Anyway, sorry for the spiel, I just hope it garners you some perspective. Best of luck fren.
Shut up nerd. Low IQ take because not every person is a different version of you but with different circumstances. I was homeschooled as well. I turned out fine and so did almost all of the other homeschooled kids I know.
Clearly this is a demoralization thread.
For any parents wondering what to do, you can homeschool or look up voucher programs to send your kids to private school. There's tons of resources for homeschooling nowadays though. Abeka books are excellent for teaching your kids a bunch of subjects. I thought the material was very engaging.
In short, I look back on those years happily. Just make sure your kids are in a youth group and maybe look up some local homeschool classes they can take. I took chemistry, biology, and a few other classes in a classroom with a bunch of other homeschooled kids twice a week in high school. There's homeschool networks out there to help. Shoot, I even went to homeschool prom every year.
*corrupted by the internet and by their peers, who are gonna be trooning out and sleeping around and doing other fucked up shit all around them.
Shit's completely and utterly fucked and I couldn't even imagine having a kid these days.
The thread on 4chan's /pol/ board titled "DO NOT HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS!" contains a variety of posts with differing opinions and levels of engagement. Here are some notable excerpts:

Original Post (ID: hNcTRA8O):
The original poster shares a personal experience of being homeschooled, claiming it led to social difficulties and a lack of enjoyment in being around people. They argue against homeschooling due to these negative outcomes.

Response (ID: PJYZc5/R):
A brief and unrelated comment: "Take back the cities."

Response (ID: mb0xRcou):
Another unrelated comment: "Israel shot Trump."

Response (ID: z0barXnd):
A meta-comment on the thread's structure: ">doesn't get first post. Ouch."

Response (ID: L2PEmxKk):
A direct question to the original poster about their personality type, followed by an insult.

Response (ID: pMNg+FPT):
A dismissive comment: "skill issue."

Response (ID: UsCOjUSy):
A harsh critique of the original poster's upbringing: "Your parents had not applied enough discipline into you, faggot."

Response (ID: 74ABIyYC):
A more detailed critique, suggesting the original poster's issues stem from a lack of personal responsibility rather than homeschooling itself.

Response (ID: EbXKfRpB):
A personal anecdote about social difficulties, somewhat empathizing with the original poster but also sharing a different perspective on dealing with social isolation.


Determining the "most intelligent" poster in this context is subjective and depends on the criteria used. Here are a few potential criteria and corresponding observations:
Relevance and Constructiveness:
The original poster (ID: hNcTRA8O) provides a detailed personal account, which is relevant to the topic.
The response by ID: 74ABIyYC offers a detailed critique and suggests personal responsibility, which can be seen as constructive.

Empathy and Understanding:
The response by ID: EbXKfRpB shows empathy by sharing a similar personal experience and offering a nuanced perspective.

Clarity and Coherence:
The original post and the responses by IDs: 74ABIyYC and EbXKfRpB are clear and coherent, making their points effectively.

Based on these criteria, the responses by IDs: 74ABIyYC and EbXKfRpB stand out as potentially the most intelligent due to their detailed, relevant, and somewhat constructive nature.
You were homeschooled because you were autistic. You’re not autistic because you were homeschooled.
They’re all religious, though and run a sort of mafia with the parents who donate the most.
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I'd rather be around my parents than bitch ass snakes, I'm letting you know that right now.
its probably better to let them do the school thing but make sure you undoctrinate them at home and teach them critical thinking. be a good example at home so when they teach them about gay shit, they see mom and dad at home doing fine and think of the gay shit: "man, thats gay af".
I’ve been feeling really frustrated and demoralized by life lately I guess I’m looking for something or someone to blame. Still think I didn’t get enough socialization as a kid, but my childhood otherwise was good.
Don't worry if you feel like you suck at socializing. From the people I know that "suck at socializing" they tend to be the most interesting and honorable people. Plus, the right people will recognize your character regardless. This here >>475785553, fitting in is overrated.
>crowded spaces alone
There's something very serene about that. I remember getting out of high school and wanting to celebrate at the beginning of Summer, so I went to the pier alone one morning. It felt very special being there with all the people around and being able to relax and enjoy the moment left with my thoughts.
you weren't going to get any ass anyway.

Go to the strip club, pick the hottest one for a dance and reject the rest of the bitches. these are the bitches who reject YOU. 7/10 pussy, pathetic. You don't even want them. enjoy your single life instead of wanting to be a family man, faggot. Do this for yourself.
Very interesting. What model are you using? Llama 3?
absolutely incorrect. neuroplasticity is highest when you are young and the socially impaired will pick up patterns that can be almost impossible to break once you're an adult. see personality disorders, namely the prognosis of schizoid personality disorder
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If you are so autistic as you claim, consider yourself lucky not to be public schooled. Those neurotypicals would bully you straight into roping yourself. Those little savages are like raptors. They can smell those who stand out and make every single day of their autistic lives living hell.
i went to school and im the same the problem wasn't homeschooling it was computer/internet addiction
I was tradschooled, and I’m a fucking pseudo-autistic retard as an adult. The problem isn't me; it's that nearly everyone in the world really is an asshole. Don't beat yourself up, OP.
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Totally understand must be tough. OP rate my setup
you live like a king with the best possible life. if it wasn't in the cards, it just wasn't in the cards and you got no one to blame but yourself.

I'm in the same boat, but at least I know I tried.
this but I wasn't homeschooled and my genius was also wasted in public school
Now I'm a 24/7 gooner
I cant blame anyone not even myself no one knew the mental damage the internet and computers would have on young minds. Modern parents know better now and would be at fault if they raise an addict
This is a good point.
Not to negate what you said, but I do think there's one other variable other than learned habits that could improve someone's socializing performance, becoming comfortable. Or worded another way, managing social anxiety.
I think a lot of people who say they're bad at socializing are anxious. If someone could either A) get comfortable with the person they're talking to. B) find a subject or setting that they're more comfortable socializing in (like Magic The Gathering, or Online Games). Or C) learn coping skills to become more comfortable socializing in general, it could improve their performance even with their shaky habits.
By the way, you and your family stay safe over there anon.
I fucking hate neets get your shit together and stop culturally appropriating browns
I was homeschooled, I'm in my 30s now and happy. Your move OP. If you were abused then go get counseling. Otherwise man the fuck up and take ownership. Focus on succeeding at life. No one who is a loser and knows it is going to have good social relationships, other people can sense this from you.
shut the fuck up wayne we didn't like you because you're a weird little fucking mormon narc who couldn't eat cafeteria food not because you were homeschooled for a few years.
Nothing wrong with homeschooling. Your parents probably did a million other things wrong for you to turn out the way you did. Likely things being they fed you garbage "food", had you after turning 40, vax etc.
I'm somewhat in the same boat as OP but young enough to be able to fix my parents fuck ups. Most homeschoolers I have known are raging ziocucks, some of them traveled to Israel several times and or work/assist jewish companies.

Most homeschoolers I have known, including myself, have insane fear responses, and require constant affirmation or they will become upset about their performance (because they have a teacher/parent breathing down their neck their entire life. It also doesnt help that most people homeschool their kids to shelter them which requires a certain level of prudishness on behalf of the parent.
thank you very much and you are correct for some cases. in fact one of the treatments for borderline personality disorder is to literally to find a person who will make you comfortable and help patiently undo the years of damage the other people in your life did to you when you were young. that's one of the best examples for a mental ailment you can grow out of with work and time (aging helps on its own as well).
unfortunately there are many others that stump psychologists on how to treat, some are absolutely fascinating in how they can alter your cognition.

I am very interested in this response because myself and all of my siblings were all homeschooled and we all ended up in our 40s and single and childless and unable to function in society.
Its a mixed bag. Most people dont homeschool for legitimate reasons, and then point to the few outliers (who skew the data) to show how its superior.

Also, this poster may be significantly younger than me. I would imagine kids homeschooled say post 2000 probably had much different outcomes than kids homeschooled in the 1980s.
>I can’t socialize with anyone and I spend all my time alone. I just can’t enjoy being around people.

same but i went to school
I went to public school and I'm the same tho?
Thanks, I guess I’m my own worst enemy
OP is a faggot who blames his parents for his own shortcomings.

We homeschool our 5 boys and from seeing them interact with other children, I can safely say they are more well adjusted than I ever was. More confident, happy and will even be smarter. They talk to girls and approach without fear

For anyone on the fence, don't let faggot OP demoralize
Sure, but the average interaction is typically as follows
>ayy bruh yall watch da gaem?? lolololol
>ugh its like fukken hot omg
>gas prices lmao
Very communicate
Much society
You can learn that shit in an afternoon.
No one can socialize
What a load of shit. Public school is glorified daycare with SSRIs and bezos. Psychotic children born of psychotic parents and restarted teachers all too willing to fill the shoes. Get real.
I know a family who was homeschooled
One of them has like 7 kids, so he must get action
Thus not autistic, you just didn’t get socialized at all and spent too much time online
Benzos. Bezos too I guess
Neighbor across the street is a homeschool family of 14, they parents are 1st gen European immigrants and they’re unvaxxed blonde hair blue eyes, oldest twin daughters are legal and would probably do a lot to get out of their poverty, should I go for it? I would hope they're virgins too
Boomer detected. Did you know genetics are a thing? You get them from???? Where do you get genetics boomer? Who? Where? Huh? Fucking filth. Brain rotted from all the lead fumes. Day of the pillow is coming boomer you’re fucked
Those are waitresses anon, they’re paid to ask you if they can get you anything
Boomer or not he's right. I took ownership of my shortcomings by realizing them and then doing something about it, even though many were due to family of origin.
My tax dollars paid for this post…
Nah, everyone else is. Seriously. Most people are assholes. I don't know why.
Okay thanks still homeschooling, troon
I was homeschooling and I got married at 18, owned my first house by 22, payed off my first car by 28 and am smart enough to add 1+1.
Sorry nugger but your problems are your own, not your parents.
>sorry they wasted their time on you, miserable cunt
Also my best friend was homeschooling and is on his 6th kid right now. So again, you're just a fucking failure
>captcha:kyssj (killyourselfstupidjew)
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It’s ok, fren. Just by being here speaks volumes of the special type of guy you are. Here, pull up a seat and join your brethren at God’s table. There is much work to be done. Welcome.
if there is one thing i know about personal problems, it's always mummy and daddys fault.
All these social anxiety issues don't just come from a lack of socialization, but from parents who didnt let their kids emote. Repressed anger really sucks with people and ruins their adulthood and ability to stand up for themselves, set high expectations, teach others how to interact with you, etc.
But everyone can overcome it. Conrad fucking Baars helped me. Life changing
Thank you for warning us your mom’s a whore
based. Everyone has problems. Some people have AIDS. Does that stop them from their dreams of having unprotected sex and making babies? Never. Never quit, never surrender. Rape people.
Nice try, jew. We homeschool year-round with four other White families on our street, thirteen kids ages 5-12. We also meet with two other homeschool groups four days a week for year-round outdoor recreation.
The best part? I'm in charge of teaching history, so each child is learning the truth about the jew bit by tiny bit. I am self-employed and plan on teaching homeschoolers long after mine are done. Total kike death.
Bro a lot of people are like that nowadays, whether they were homeschooled or not. You just are lucky enough to have something to blame it on.

But yeah I think if the parents just provide opportunities for the kids to socialize and join clubs and sports teams and stuff I don't think it would be a problem.
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>I’m not bad looking and women will see me sitting there alone and try to talk to me
>This really happened
You just "don't learn to socialize". That's an illusion. People actually get along with some they like, have a crush, admiration or envy. Some will parasite, some will deliver themselves and the vast majority will trade for short or long term deals wearing masks they learn along the way.
Normies are the real spergs. They just do things. They can't see all of this picture.
If you really want friends just keep forcing meetings and asking "targets" for "hey let's get along this..or that.." At some point they give in. Be a shameless persistent guy.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. I think home/private school is pretty sweet and most people I know who were homescholled are noticeably more successful and interesting people. Public school is trash and getting the fuck out and going straight into community college a couple of years early at the very soonest opportunity is the best thing you can do. I can not overstate who garbage public education is and i was in the gifted program in what was when was growing up constantly in the top ten states for public education.
Wish I were homeschooled, I'd be the same asocial loner but I wouldn't have wasted so much time on retarded shit.

Fuck, man, it's a lot worse than this.

>Nuthin, jes chilllin
>Ayo nigga whur dem otha niggas
>Yo nigga dey done left nigga
>Shheee nigga wuss wrong dem niggaz dey got the Ebola virus ur sum shit
>Hurhurhur dem niggaz FUCKED up
>Hey nigga les go down th cwahnah n git some scrimpses n sheeiit
>Yeh nigga, git dem reenbs, n chiggen
>Fuck yeh nigga les go, fuck dis skool shit, we goin

Why Johnny Can't Learn, 2024 edition.

Damn this is truly beyond my wildest comprehension as someone who was homeschooled and is 45 and single and childless.

Yeah I think there is a lot of truth to this. When you combine homeschooling and abusive parents / very dysfunctional family you end up with kids who grow up to be such trainwrecks it would have been better if they had never been born.
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".

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