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You people do understand that without immigrants the economy of western countries will just collapse, right?
based fuck the jewconomy
Yes and the economy is controlled by jews we want it to collapse.
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>the economy of western countries
oh noooo... anyway
If it mean I live on poverty with NO NIGGERS, I still choose no immigration
2nd generation immigrants wont do the shit jobs their parents did, so more new immigrants are needed. Perfect example of our debt based monetary system. There has to be infinite growth or the whole system collapses.
The best thing for all of us would be to suck it up and go through a great depression 2.0 - would fix a lot of problems we have now
Like it did during COVID?
Sounds like it’s worth it.
Our hatred for NIGGERS is stronger than our desire for material comfort.
And? Niggers are net negative on society, retard.
So you think with more niggers things will improve?
Look at south africa for a example.
Smooth brain.
>You people do understand that without
shouldnt have jewed the wests culture and crushed birth rates
kys nigger kike
>The best thing for all of us would be to suck it up and go through a great depression 2.0
This. I've been hearing about the dollar collapsing since like 2015, aren't we due for that by now?
No... and go back to swinging around in trees, monkey nigger
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Fuck off
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why would the economy collapse?
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Are you people really so petty that you would rather live in poverty than seeing people with a slightly different skin shade than yours sometimes?
What a stupid question.
dude the majority of immigrants literally doesnt work and about half of our GDP is spent on gibs
our economy would start mooning if all immigrants disappeared today
Maybe, maybe not, but I say let's find out.

No it won't. In fact, it would significantly improve for everyone.
this is a fucking fairytale
immigrants didnt build this country
immigrants are not a net positive for the economy
they are leeching us dry and as soon were done theyre going to leave to the next best place to leech off of
they destroyed our social net with their reckless abuse and they dont give a single fuck about our societies
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Yes. White Juche now. Macacos tongue my anus.
no. can I risk it instead?
I'd like to take the chance to be the test case that proves the maxum, if you're not offended or if you are.

Get Trained. Witty comments to (((trolls))) ain't solving shit. Mine neither.
Yeah but you’re german, so go back to making music with strings and also giantess poop fetish porn videos lel
whats it like slaving away delivering white people their food you br shitcunt ?
i was actually just about to make music with strings because i cant sleep yet lel
Provably false ,without immigration cities have to pay working wages to people with immigration city rich get voting blocks and dirty brown people that live 15 to a house working for cash in hand at half the normal rate.
My guess is they think the aging crisis will collapse the economy. What they don’t realize is this isn’t the first time we have had negative population growth in an industrial economy. Labor hungry markets don’t collapse. They force employers to pay more to entice labor. Which increases the tax income of nations. It’s great for the middle class, and lower class. It’s a nightmare for the C-suite. Which is why politicians are trying to flood their nations with unskilled labor via migration.
That is preferable.
who told you that lol
my mom
Ok post it when youre done lel
In white counties there is very few brown people outside of big cities.
Big cities are what make crime stats that allow governments overreach "for the good of the people"
Overpopulation is the main economic issue in my country, you dipshit.
Boohoo nigga. Wtf do I care about the fucking economy?
That means we should import masses of low iq niggers without any education and their only benefit is to subjugate women which is a bit too tasteful even for me.
Brazil is in the same boat as Canada and Australia as far as population problems they have endless free land that will never be built on because UNESCO land claims prevent new towns being made.
Why don’t you try one and see. You won’t because all the Goyim will see it improves their lives and that you’re a lying sack of shit.
You're wrong, but still it would be better to have the economy collapse than have your country invaded by foreigners.
The parts of Canada that are not developed aren't FOR VERY GOOD REASONS.
works for me
Yes, and?
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depends on which economic doctrine you follow

this board follows an economic doctrine where the amount of dark skinned people in the economy determines the health of the economy

where the amount of dark skinned people is represented by the letter N

N^2 = L(y)

N squared equals the long term yield of bonds where exponentially the yields lower by the percentage of dark skinned people in the economy

it's a bit complicated but we dont expect you to understand
Rather have a collapsed ecomony than a country filled with filthy fucking jeets. I'd rather be poor around whites than probably still poor around street shitting brownos.
Selling citizenship is Canada’s only growing industry. Maybe if you people produced some capital for your socialist, oligarchic hellscape, they wouldn’t resort to selling green cards to stay afloat.
>If you were better slaves we wouldn't try to replace you
This is what you sound like
OP doesn't understand that his country and france are only still around because of white people living on it, if there was none, guess what? Those countries are gone. See any african (((country))) for reference, including Ancient Egypt that technically in a mudslime country today.
All shitskin countries that are not complete failure were propel by white people and maintain that position because of it.
OP is just one of these mutts feed the kike narrative of the world where mutts are the winners and take as that. He thinks that we whites are the odd ones.
And that colonization was le bad and baseless victimhood is good, as is told on his brainwash (((education))) program.
Kek, my sides.
The definition of a golem.
OP probably doesn't understand the underlying problem of why brasil is always (((falling))) as a nation and never grow.
He probably goes with things like corruption and such, but it's the people and when I say people the non-white part of the population.
And that is the part of turning other countries that are function and developed into Brazil, you reach the critical mass of shitskins.
They are so retarded that they think they can replicate huezil situation.
They forget that despite all the degeneracy huezil is still a christgolem country. Is just a little confusing for outsiders to understand that multiculturalism is a middle ground for commies and christcucks.
And all shitskins in the world are always trying to take advantage of others or situation. Common trend.
The true is that laws in huezil were more rigid in the past so the average shitskin wouldn't fuck around, so turning them off made things the way they are.
See, you probably thought it was the laws but you didn't go beyond that OP, you didn't think of why or who.
Nah. It’ll be fine
I would call that edging, like slight movements that come from experience from certain stocks.
The delusion of you shitskins is quite funny.
If you decide to stay on the cotton farm, don’t bitch about the whip. Social services are ponzi schemes, and you aren’t paying enough into it to cover the cost of it. The public would throw a hissy fit if they took your medical care away, so their only option left is to sell green cards to import capital.
Tell me you've never needed medical care in Canada without telling me you've never needed medical care in Canada.

The wait list for a family doctor is >10 years and you can be normally expected to wait more than 24 hours for an actual emergency in your typical ER here.

Go fuck yourself. I'm only alive today because I learned the medical shit I needed FOR MYSELF and disregarded the incompetent fucks who were telling me the exact opposite of what I needed.
Well if there is a long draught the wise men would imagine the good things even fuller.
Ssshhhh you'll trigger the pinkoids

much like their jewish cousins - whites are a parasite race they can't exist without leeching from minorities
>just turn into a second Brazil, it’ll be fun
Wrong. It'll be a boom. Everyone's pay will go up 10x.
the economy depends on population growth to soak up the inflated money. mcdonalds cant survive without millions of subhumans living hand to mouth
I’m going hang and gut your monkey ass.
I agree, I think Brazil should diversify more by importing new workers from India! Let's say 500k new visas per year? :)
Too few, they need at least two million.
You mean housing costs will drop, and wages will increase ??? Noooooooo!
Lol all that happens is the Jews and Israel lose money. Immigrants thinking they’re the savior when in reality they are the primary cause of wealth gaps.
Yeah, the entire system is draining your country dry. They have been trying to cut costs with it for ten fucking years. It is why it is a nightmare. Keeping the shitshow you just explained running is still monstrously expensive. Canada’s entire revenue stream a year is $166 billion. With that small a revenue stream you can’t afford the social services the public demands remain in place.
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*yawn* go ahead and see if I care.

>>woah the jobs that don't exist for you won't exist if immigrants weren't flooding into your nations. Woah the economy that's shit for everyone will be even more shit, as though it matters to someone who's already on unemployment.
Is that what happened in Los Angeles after Cesar Chavez came around?
If you don't want immigrants, you'd better start breeding, Japan.
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we have two options: the economy collapses because of unchecked mass immigration (KNOWN FACT) or the economy collapses from lack of mass immigration (WILD UNLIKELY UNTESTED THEORY)
Canada’s situation isn’t a drought. It is someone who works at MacDonalds buying a Merćedes.
I like me some graphs.
Yes, and that's a good thing unless you are a literal faggot.
When are leafs going to explode?
everyone in power owns real estate
they have no interest in bringing down housing costs
they know indians will pack themselves several families into a home to pay rent or mortgage even though its illegal, even though it ruins the house with a permanent odor, BUT IT MAKES NUMBER GO UP on the price of the house. and they all own real estate, every last one of them, and they're almost all boomers who don't have to worry about the future because they don't care about their kids anyways, they're famously the most selfish generation in human history. line go up, thats all they care about.
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the first post is the best post

OP eats big bags of dicks

>Verification not required.

the leafs are falling now
>>A secret RCMP report is warning the federal government that Canada may descend into civil unrest once citizens realize the hopelessness of their economic situation.

>salaries go up
>government services improve
>housing costs become reasonable
but the GDP line goes down and we can't have that
all hail the GDP line
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Less people = more houses,
More houses = less house value

Less people = more demand for workers
More demand for workers = better pay

Also by wage increase or better I mean it in relative terms to now. For example wages could stay the same, but a decrease in housing cost and living expenses, would increase the value of stagnant wages.
thats funny

im trying to think of a name for the doctrine
>They force employers to pay more to entice labor.

exactly. Construction and landscaping used to pay equal to $30/hr in todays money back 20-30 years ago before the beaner population exploded. Jews want beaners here because they don't have to pay as much, if there weren't beaners here these salaries would be rising to fill the gaps
Do you understand that immigration benefits only the wealthy? That it is a war on the working class? That without immigration (and women in the workplace) wages would increase?
Anything pol says is Opposite Day, remember that
why not build a city in the middle of the outback?
>no arable land and too hot
yeah no shit, why do you think we don't build on the canadian shield? the land, is not arable and too cold

lots of land in greenland, only 46 thousand people in greenland. or how about the sahara desert? why not plop some cities down in the middle of the fucking sahara?

also i don't know about unesco land claims but its all "crown land" that "belongs to the king of england" what a fucking joke that is. GIVE US BACK OUR LAND CHARLES not that we'd even be able to build anything on it anyways
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beaners take more from the average person than they give
Not my problem. Fuck off and stay there
Part of the reason we can afford groceries is because undocumented immigrants/migrant workers do a lot of farm work and don't have to be paid minimum wage, given insurance, overtime etc. and will work their asses off. Get rid of desperate, hard working exploitable workers, you have soft handed wagies demanding to be paid properly to do back breaking work, and have insurance, overtime, etc, and with that difference in pay/administrative bullshit, companies will have to hike prices to accommodate the change. This is why the border will never be closed, the economy would collapse without undocumented immigrants. Why else do you think nothing ever gets done regarding immigration reform drastically one way or the other? It's just an issue for politicians on either side of the aisle to run their mouths about. This is a symptom of a much, much larger problem with how the country's economy is organized.
>why do you think we don’t build on the Canadian Shield?
Because it’s in Canada.
>You people do understand that without immigrants the economy of western countries will just collapse
no, globalism which is a jewish invention will collapse kike.

Oh no! We need immigrants, in order to make more people but Jewish products and take Jewish loans. Or else our (((democracy))) will be in ruins!

If it isn't divided by population, I don't give a shit.
that's not true at all.
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The labor market has been artificially inflated for decades. You can’t afford to run a company the way they run everything today in a labor hungry market. And the idea the labor pool with contract is fucking horrifying to companies. They have gotten used to a disposable workforce, and having to pay good money plus benefit to stay afloat is where things are going. It will go back to what you just described in less than a generation, and they are having a tantrum about it.

none of these immigrants work

they only receive massive amounts of welfare and are therefore a massive burden

the only way to fix the entire mess we are in would be to boost native birth rates

unfortunately, our kike overlords have other plans
>they'll give you gdp per household knowing jeets are cramming several families into a small house against all known housing regulations
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farm work has had the capacity to be almost completely automated. Plus the wages go up because employers then need to pay a competitive wage after beaners leave so then groceries would be reasonable if you're making $30-40/hr
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The fertility of Brazil is below replacement at 1.6, Brazil will need mass immigration from Africa and India or it won’t survive.
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accidental greentext

also remember how during the coronavrius hissy fit the poor got poorer and somehow the rich got richer (how? lol) economies are a fucking scam
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>the economy has grown exponentially in my lifetime
>every single thing has gotten worse
Thanks subhuman immigrants, you guys are great!
Id be able to afford groceries if I could afford housing.
for the last two days i've been surviving off 1/10th of a jar of peanut butter and half a bag of werthers originals.

so what if the economy collapses? i'm already broke, i'm already there.
well put. saved
>You dont understand, you need 400k rapfugees a year with a 2nd grade reading level or the corporations wont hit their profit goals!
>oy vey if we don't have millions of illegal immigrants suppressing wage growth than jewish business owners might have to pay livable wages, closing the border is very anti-semitic.
Shalom :)
are you retarded?
Stupid Question you obviously are.
Australia has Country sized patches of A1 arable and forest that have never been used.
>down in the middle of the fucking sahara?
The sahara has a population twice that of manitoba...
>also i don't know about unesco land claims but its all "crown land" that "belongs to the king of england"
You are completly wrong and you don't even know it the crown land of Canada was given to the people of Canada for free use withing the commonwealth laws like the right to make use of and improve crown land.
Post ww2 Unesco and the wef bought all the land that was once considered crown and made it No use zones of enviromental beauty,
You are probably an Indian you lack white people critical thinking skills.
Do leafs notice any of this brewing in their daily lives? Are people actively thinking about this, talking about it?
Jesus, that is bleak. I just spent 125 bucks yesterday to groom my dog, and leafs are rationing a jar of peanut butter to survive. I would feel bad for you, but your Canadian.
Let's just bulldoze all natural ecosystems so we can grow more beans and corn!
I meet random strangers and they strike up a conversation about whether I support using rope or guillotines.

I'm partial to guillotines.
And what are people thinking about the PQ (pajeet question)?
That doesn't bother me. I'll just eat people if I have to.
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>we just need more cities to house more immigrants
Sounds like a brochure for White Replacement.
PQ here means the Quebec separatist party (at the provincial level).
Incidentally, the only province not about to go basically entirely conservative is Quebec, which is polling majority separatist.
yes, racism for example was once unheard of in canada and now racists are the majority
I think he recognizes that it's a problem anon.
lol, you're right
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Ah yes the all important economy of Uber eats and nursing homes.
no they don't understand
Biggest jew larp out there
it won't. plenty of people out here willing to work. mass immigration stifles their power
>will just collapse, right?
White Man's Burden, not just "like" poetry, right?
Oh no higher wages and lower property value! Sounds like hell on earth OP
They should be ground up into fertilizer
No one gives a single fuck if boomer markets fail
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Its actually the reason its collapsing now.
Please do collapse so we can get purging.
Maybe we should let that happen and then create an economy that doesn't depend on a slavery pyramid scheme.
hey, cool it with the casual anti-semitism
City dwelling faggot there is more 92% of canada is held including 85% of the great Canadian Prairies.
You could make a manhatton without cutting a single tree.
Disingenuous retard.
if everysingle urban area on earth was put together and moved into canada by magic it would cover less than a 10th of Canada in city.

You don't understand scale you dumb paki cunt.
Wheat is your best option. Corn land in Canada is just southeastern Ontario, around the great lakes. Most of Canada isn’t arable land. You don’t have enough arable land to dedicate large portions of it to national forests.
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No, sounds retarded.
Because our kikeonomy demands infinite growth or it will collapse (like a tumour) they spent generations peddling anti natalism and feminism and then blame you for not having children so they "have" to import foreign labor.
>I got some groceries, some peanut butter
But do you have speakers, headphones, or records to play?
You mean the places THAT GROW OUR FOOD?
they also post fake job listings to make employees not feel safe in their position and I bet boomers eat that up and vote against their self interests because they see all this apparent labor that needs to be filled but "our population is just too lazy to do it" so boomers are eager about more illegals
They make fake listings so that people send them information about who they are, what they do, where they studied, etc so they can sell that information to data brokers.
If you think you understand how scummy Boomers are, you don't know them well enough yet.
Shalom. Having some yummy macaque matzo ball soup for dinner?
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You see a boatload of sub-retard level feral apes... i see a Dr., a Lawyer...
also its "looksbusy" work for hr departments to read the resumes and do endless interviews for jobs that don't exist so they can pretend they're busy otherwise it becomes obvious they're not needed and that the first to be laid off should be half their department
This is false economic theory. You are a third worlders who is bias and will never listen so I won't bother explaining. I doubt you could understand if I did anyway. So sincerely, fuck off, we're full.
If it's a publicly traded company, they also say "look, we're always hiring! that means it's a healthy business!"
If the physically impossible infinite growth meme is not destroyed now, the earth, with the exception of Israel, will become just one huge economic zone, the culture and traditions you have inherited for centuries from your ancestors will become just another fashion statement, all plebs will lose their ligaments for unity, and all will be stuck in an invisible feudal bondage ruled by a few economic lords.
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429,355km2 of canadas area arable this makes number 6 on earth country wise for arable land...

For example if you took just Canadas arable and made it a country it would be number 55 on earth .
i swear canuck dont understand scale at all.
You don't even know your country mate bet iv seen more of it than you have and i was only there for 3 months.
expectation :
>higher wages and lower property value
>collapse of retirement pensions and no one left to work in blue-collar jobs
if an economy needs to import 3rd world workforce to pay them below minimum wage to keep the lights on, it's not an economy, it's a ponzi scheme.
I've lived in the largest cities, multiple suburbs and rural areas.

I know this country a lot better than you ever could.
And with immigrants the economy is crashing even harder than in your hypothetical scenario.
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>third world shitskin
>talking about economics
the arrogance of you human parasites is amazing. You aren't a benefit to any country you infest.
>Japanese flag
>beautifully written reflection on the economic zone
I feel like I see you here a lot, and have come to expect wise and piercing reflections of the state of the times.

we just kill every kike and take all their assets before they can flee and repatriate all their stolen money back into our own nations. pretty simple really. it's almost like there is other economic systems than FUCKING JUDAISM and be implemented RAPIDLY as seen with ADOLF HITLER'S solution TO FUCKING WEIMAR faggot.

fuck outta here with that shit kike.
Population growth will stop at some point, and even African niggers will have a TFR below the population replacement level of 2.07 in 100 years.
Demographics have proven that even immigrants who reproduce like rabbits will have a declining fertility rate after a few generations of migration in developed countries.
The practice of importing the Third World to compensate for the decline in the First World population will never work in the long run.
This has been pointed out time and time again by demographers, but conveniently ignored.
Why does no one question this, where everyone is worried about declining birth rates while at the same time calling for overpopulation control for the sake of the mhu environment?
The third world with its infinite population is one of the myths to support the endless growth meme.
Do you believe lawns never got cut or buildings never were constructed before hispanic were here? It was always lower or lower middle class white men. Majority of the cities built in the east coast were built by the Irish
That doesn’t surprise me, but I didn’t know that. Canada is fucking huge, but the mass majority of it is completely unusable for agriculture. I know it’s massively underutilized for agricultural production. I didn’t know it was that bad. One of the problems I have heard about is that the US produces so much agricultural products that it actually disincentives farming in certain sectors like diary.
So, why don't they let it? The immigrants can use it once the natives are long gone. It will just be a land of brilliant opportunities and resources once more, free for the taking.

Why not let it happen, rather than just speed running to the same result anyway?
Why do you want to build more cities?
i asked on leftypol once how it makes sense, if you care about global warming (i don't, but for the sake of argument) to mass immigrate people from countries with low average carbon footprints to countries with high average carbon footprints. they banned me
That's why china manufactured the covid virus, we know now it was indeed manufactured in a lab, the only reasonable explanation is the technocratic government of china seeks to effectively cull the older portions of the chinese and global population in a covert way, they're always a step ahead.
They know the carbon scam is a load of bullshit and all of their policies/desires boil down to - kill all white people.
>Yes, by burning a bunch of wood all winter, which you banned in many jurisdictions...
i remember when they tried to claim it came from bat soup at a meat market. i found the meat market on google maps and then noticed across the river from the meat market a "wuhan institute of biotechnology" which when i looked into it was studying coronavirus before the pandemic. back then it was a wild conspiracy theory to claim it came from a lab but now everyone knows. i knew from day one because it was so incredibly obnoxiously obvious
No it wouldn't, there would be recessions and corporations would lose money, but life would be great for the average person

If the economy goes through a bad recession, politicians will get voted out. Therefore, they push mass immigration.

If the population stops growing, corpos will stop making more and more profits. So they lobby for mass immigration.
C19 is fake. It was the manufactured problem to stimulate demand for the intended solution, viz., the vax.
If my country turns into Mexico 2.0 is that really any worse than living in poverty?
Aren't Mexicans fleeing the country because of lawlessness and poverty?
yes, it was a manufactured problem, which started with manufacturing an actual virus that would spread quickly enough to cause a mass panic
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Yes, that is what we want so we can coup the government in a civil war you retard.
Not really, but for arguments sake... is Guatemala 2.0 or Brazil 2.0 any better?
>I know this country a lot better than you ever could.
Provably wrong see earlier posts.
To fix the overpopulation bullshit, in the second largest country on earth there is no shortage of good land it's an illusion to keep people paying through their nose for a 1 bedroom unit.
Australia could be fixed the same way by freeing up our commonwealth promised birthright of using our land as we see fit which had been robbed up us unconstitutionally at state level..
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It's collapsed because of them.
I don’t think you appreciate Chinese incompetence enough. I agree it came from the Wuhan lab, but I am not convinced it was on purpose. The china thinks way ahead thing is 100% bullshit. They can even plan for next quarter well, much less have a grand 10-year plan. Their entire culture is centered around half assing everything.
YOU go live in the permafrost then, you retard.
Prove the existence of C19, whose reputed genetic sequence terminates with 33 A's.
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As stated you don't know your country at all why would you settle permafrost when there is a near uninhabited area 4 times the size of California that averages under 1 cm of snow per year and has no permafrost??
Go grab a fucking atlas and start reading you moron.
the only thing that would collapse is the jewish ponzi that our economy is. and it'll fail by virtue of ponzis being untenable to continue, take in 10000000 beaners this year you must take in 100000000 niggers next year to keep our farcical usury-based debtslave system going
Seeing brown people=poverty, so yes we don't want leeches
>near uninhabited

The reason Saskatchewan has almost nobody living there (other than the weather being ASS even in the Southern edge of the province) is because all the land is being used to grow food.
We grow literally more lentils than every other country on Earth combined, you mouthbreathing retard.
Do you want your food prices to go up FURTHER?
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The poorest White people commit less than crime than the richest niggers.
>skilled immigrants invited by Companies
>FUGLY parasitic cunts that escape their shithole of a cuntry only to shit up our country

(You) are the the king of single-digit IQ monkes
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I'll gladly never eat a vegetable again if it means getting rid of all illegals
There's no reason not to have infinite growth, it's just a statistical reality... it's like PvP games ELO, there's no reason not to grow infinitely and unlike those games where people plateau due to skill mattering eventually in a real life economy there's no reason whatsoever to ever stop.

To think otherwise is to align with club of rome, with literal Satan, hence it's an evil thinking.

Human ingenuity is endless.
Genocide because of profits? I think the industries relying on immigrants just need all their companies shut down or be managed by white nationalists.
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Yes, what's your point besides the one on top of your head?
>I'll gladly never eat a vegetable again if it means getting rid of all illegals
You're gonna become a malnourished cockpup twink built for legal BBC.
not seeing the downside sweaty
>white women are deadlier at 30-34
what do they mean by this?
Hmm... so immigrants make the citizens of our country wealthy, but if they stay in their country, they make their country poor..... I see..... Makes perfect sense!
>There's no reason not to have infinite growth, it's just a statistical reality

Do you look at a statistical graph and see the end of a linear prediction line extending to the right end of the graph and think "the human race will continue to grow indefinitely"?
In the extreme case, if a huge meteorite strikes the earth and wipes out the human race, it will be the end of everything. Or if we cannot leave this cursed planet by the time the earth is swallowed by the sun, which has turned into a red giant star in 5 billion years, that will be the end. I don't think the human race can survive until then tho.
Again, infinite growth is a meme, face it.
We need to have them breed white women so we can be rich.
Mass immigration is just corporate welfare. Artificially increase the labor pool to decrease wages thereby increasing corporate profits, which are currently the highest they’ve ever been meanwhile wages have been stagnant for decades despite increased productivity. No, the savings are not passed on to consumers through lower prices. The ‘shareholders’ raise the prices anyway and pocket the cut throat profit margins to buy yachts. Trickle down was always a scam.

The economy would not collapse with lower immigration. On the contrary the average citizen’s quality of life would dramatically improve. Corporate profit margins would slightly fall though, so we can’t have that. You’re a sucker if you believe their infinite growth Ponzi scheme justification. It’s simple supply and demand at the end of the day.
Your reply is a meme.
You know what's not a meme? Flaccid microdick twinks are built for the BBC XD
You don't understand anything, statistical numbers are just an accumulation of previous data, and no one knows when a black swan will descend.
If you want to seek help from some spiritual entity, be my guest.
>It’s simple supply and demand at the end of the day.
We have a demand for big beefy penises but we are a bunch of flaccid twinks with erectile dysfunction. So we need strong masculine brown men to supply us with the goods.

The healthcare sector in my city is held together by immigrants unironically
I want to be held together by big strong hung immigrants DX
Japan is already collapsing and sinking I ot poverty. Can't wait to see the west fall down the same path.
Nobody was complaining when it was sometimes.
We complain because browns are becoming the majority in formerly white countries
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You forget the hidden liabilities in form of social security, pension pyramid schemes and the collateral everything depends on, concrete blocks and public debt. Human imports at this point are just modelized assumed future productivity that is used as collateral to keep the socialist pyramid schemes of the past roughly 110 years from collapsing and with every wet back the collapse is going to be a bit more catastrophic
Blah blah blah see the netherlands...
The doctor and lawyer are on the boat behind the raft?
I Literally only said to build a wall. That's all I said.
>You forget the hidden liabilities in form of social security, pension pyramid schemes and the collateral everything depends on, concrete blocks and public debt.
You're forgetting about the most important thing: BBC birthrate boners. Stupid pilpulling twink. XD
When 90 years of coudenhovian retardation showed something, starting with importing Shitalians, Hispanics and other sub med humans to northern Europe, than that of all things, ethnicity has nothing to do with reproduction rate - second gen, same birth rates - same phenomena for 75 years.

The collateral is worthless
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>second gen, same birth rates - same phenomena for 75 years.
You didn't get sufficiently blacked yet. The mulattos have the flaccid twink gene still and need more rounds of blackening.
If the economy can't survive without immigrants, then it deserves to collapse
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If you can't get a boner, you deserve to be replaced and go extinct.
It has been 10 years, 30 if one is real. For once the models were right, birthrates don't increase with imports, liabilities grow, same problem worsens exponentially.

The collateral is worthless, the end deterministic. The same game for millenia, brown gets genocided
What makes everyone think that's a bad thing?
Why does Canada take on refugees from the other side of the planet when everybody knows they'll only make us pay more in taxes? Nothing makes sense anymore.
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It's the same in Shartmerica.
You do realize you are saying if they stayed put their home country's economy would dominate the US then? Why come here?
>sorry for fucking your tired talking point up
All of south america should be a utopia if beaners are so hard working and great
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Based and real-solution-pilled.
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there's only one explanation: replacement
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diversity facilitates tyranny
>For once the models were right, birthrates don't increase with imports, liabilities grow, same problem worsens exponentially.
The population grew in the short term and once the infertile twink genes are sufficiently eliminated birthrates will rise to BBC levels.
>Why does Canada take on refugees from the other side of the planet when everybody knows they'll only make us pay more in taxes? Nothing makes sense anymore.
Why can't you get a boner and fuck your women yourself? Oh wait you're a gay goonslut twink XD
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They finally realize riding the cock carousel was a bad idea.
To be fair, this is just the end result of democracy
When every retard on the street has a say in how the government should be run, everything gets dragged down to the lowest common denominator which is "line go up" in the short term regardless of long-term costs
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Let's not deal with boring low IQ pajeets.
They don't understand anything and repeat nothing but the same things. They are subhuman, really literally.
I agree 100% with your opinion, Imports from the Third World are utter nonsense from a statistical point of view.
In the absence of an unlimited inflow, the ponzi scheme will surely collapse at some point.
The conclusion is repracement. This is their true purpose.
This person understands the importance. What I don't understand is why when you seek refuge and set foot on US soil declaring you can't go back why you aren't given a social security number and a bootstrap and told best of luck like the rest of us. Come here intending to be American add water instant tax payer off you go.
>I agree 100% with your opinion, Imports from the Third World are utter nonsense from a statistical point of view.
Flaccid twink waves his arms around and tries to rant about statistics when the reality is he's a timid infertile neuter with erectile dysfunction and no interest in women XD

How are babies made, twink? XD

If you can't get it up don't cry when we bring in someone who can XD
You just need to learn how to tard wrangle as a man. That's it. That's the key to success. No one knows what the fuck is going on. Just be the guy that can direct people into a better productive state and you will win some sense of understanding of how immensely alright things are going to be. Like Zyzz said. Wgmi. Positive thinking leads to positive actions.
>Like Zyzz said. Wgmi. Positive thinking leads to positive actions.
>*dies at 20 snorting cocaine off of Ladyboy dicks*
>*goes to hell*
Omg literally making it
you stupid fuck, what democracy? ITS FAKE

He had a genetic heart disease, newfag. He was a pure soul that new his days were numbered and did more for the world than you will ever do. He is a symbol of positivity while you're just a smug bitch with no money and no bitches.
I want a nation not an economic zone.
same thing with war with china. we're kinda stuck with it due to bad policy choices.
He was a gay twink that took drugs but still couldnt get laid so he ran to twinkland to get topped by ladyboys XD

>le positive
I new dat doe XD
This is the first time the entire western world had a total collapse of fertility. The drop in fertility you’re referencing very rarely dropped below replacement levels, it simply dropped from a rate of like 6 to 2 or 2.5. Almost every single developed nation is well below replacement levels. It’s going to be an absolute fucking disaster in 30 years, you are dreaming dude.
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Liberalism is the transformation of man into cattle
Fuck the system
>I have to make shit up about zyzz to keep myself in a hole
Damn, kid. Let it go.
I realize that you are a homosexual.
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Without immigrants, employers would not be able to pay shitty wages. If workers were paid fair wages, it would accelerate the collapse of the Federal Reserve system.
not my problem
The NYFed has been insolvent for 50 years which should gave ended their charter.
>we have 32 tons of gold on our asset sheet
>we only value that at $42/Toz as to not make aware that the debt isn't actually as bad as we make it seem so we can take 76% of all income taxes as interest
Literal theives. They're insolvent playing victim and "but wait we own 26% of all trailer park communities so what are you going to do" and that's not hyperbole.
My thoughts exactly. We don't need ungrateful shitskins in our countries to enjoy the fruits of the societies built by our ancestors while hating and resenting us at the same time. The gall of these subhumans is unbelievable. TKD.
>the economy of western countries will just collapse
i'm not scared. i hold gme.
How much money will you accept to commit suicide tomorrow?
You do understand that with automation, we won't need these low-to-no skill illegals shitting up this country?
Its going to collapse anyway. You can't just fix problems by printing money and importing immigrants. Motherfucker. What you are suppose to do is allow it to collapse when its small. Several small collapses, which are allowed to rebound and the stronger survive and reproduce. What they did with this country is criminal, just the same way it was criminal in rome. The thing that pisses me off is that if they are politicians they have studied nations who have tried this in the past. They know it doesn't work...
>you do realize
So you don't know anything about automation. You're the lowskilled person you're talking about. Where the do you fit in when you're clueless about the system that's going to be propping you up?
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Yet you couldn’t bear to live your life apart from white people.
Same thing happened during the industrial revolutions. What was once a 100 person job could be done with a single machine. And they fucking forced it on everyone. Including other countries.
World IQ 82: https://www.unz.com/jthompson/world-iq-82/

No fan of Juden Peterstein, but he has a point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-Ur71ZnNVk
Anyone at 83 IQ or lower CANNOT BE TRAINED

Many of those forcing their way into America are in the upper 60's - lower 70's IQ. Goddam fucking retards, one step up from Downies. Totally useless inna high-tech environment, and more dangerous than any Downie could ever be. We don't need to take trash, we need to take it out.
The most disturbing part about IQ for most people is that it is linked directly to the amount of brain matter and active neural connections you have. IQ isn't learned its literally given at birth. Some people ( jews ) don't want this fact to be known because they are afraid of small brains getting upset about it. The reality is that the Chinese are the smartest people on earth. As far as IQ goes.
The leeching is done in the opposite direction; you fucking niggers can't survive without Whites. Just look at the niggers of Baton Rouge fighting tooth and nail to prevent the Whites from forming the city of St. George. They can't live without White tax dollars that they regularly squander.

We don't need you.
You can't live without us.
And you fucking know it.
id rather be poor and white than brown and rich
>You do understand that with automation, we won't need these low-to-no skill illegals shitting up this country?
You're never gonna automate baby-making, twink XD
better than being surrounded by niggers
The roasties enter their mid life crisis stage where they are ready to settle down but all of the chads and guys they ignored in highschool who have money dont want them.
let it collapse, if its require an infinite growth on limited resource and space then fuck them, the faster the better.
it will be painful but why does population has to 4x every year?
The industrial revolution was about making new products. Current automation is about eliminating the labor force.
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I want to explicitly clarify that that's the point you dumb motherfucker.
But you're missing an important distinction and that is what separates us from you.
Stop coming here and sustaining the most immoral businesses. Let them die.

Allow the moral businesses to flourish.

Fucking cocksucker immigrant niggers.
Really? As society becomes more technologically advanced, you have to have the IQ to keep up with it. Niggers simply don't have it. Period. They are increasingly left behind in a world that does not need them, and they are increasingly expensive to maintain. Inna word, niggers are OBSOLETE. And they cannot be allowed to destroy critical infrastructure we all need in their stupid, animalistic chimp-outs. They always were the barbarians within the gates, and were kept in check by White race-realists with all those 'oppressive' laws that prevented the barbarism seen in 2020.

We don't *need* to live with you.
We don't *want* to live with you.
But *you* can't live without *us*.
West is falling into poverty without that. West is falling into poverty cause Ukraine war.
>Human ingenuity is endless
I’m sure Suckdeep will find the cure for cancer anyday now.
Not sure what that has to do with immigration but I agree for whatever it's worth
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>responding to memeflags in earnest
the idea is that it is better to collapse than to allow foreigners in. allowing foreigners in IS a collapse. Its worse though because its a collapse that once it happens can never be rebuilt (deportation is highly unlikely).

It's like saying to someone: "you can either get the shit beat out of you and spend half a year in the hospital or you can not get the shit beat out of you, but u have to give a blowjob to a man everyday until u die". i would rather get the shit beaten out of me
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Op sucks jew cock
lol idiot. its not "seeing people with a slightly different skin shade than yours sometimes"
its the complete elimination and destruction of the idea of what a country is. a country is supposed to be a group of people of similar genetic stock, with a baseline agreement on social norms and mores and some sense of trust with one another. when u let in garbage from dumps all over the world u end up with a schizophrenic mess of a society. fucking monkey barfilians man
No. They want to remove the brains from those countries because they have resources. So they saddle us with depreciating assets and inflating currency to bring these fuckers to speed while they exploit their homeland. In 10p years we will again have to deal with the fuckers from these lands bitching about how "whitey promised me riches while they got rich from my dumb country and I'm owed something" and we will be taxed AGAIN!!!
Explain to me, how labour shortage will collapse the economy. That's right, you won't because this is a fucking humbug used by immigration advocates. The economy will adapt, because people have vested interest in keeping it afloat, no matter the amount of potential employees. As it always has. You sound like a fucking commie that has wet dreams about central economy.
Don't tempt me with a good time
shills in shambles
You do realize that if a population is shrinking they could just consolidate to a smaller area and maintain the same density right?
> without demographic displacement and the cold genocide of Whites, Europe and America will not survive
I swear, jews have made an art out of doublethink and paradoxical logic that should be laughed off into oblivion
It wouldn't collapse, it would correct itself. The economy right now is 100% fake, based on fiat monopoly money
they strengthen their own economy?

This has nothing to do with some made-up notion of petty dislike of people “because their skin color”
You need to do some reading you have some catching up - to start, multicultural societies are low Trust high crime societies.
Read Greg Johnson, the white nationalist manifesto. I think I speak for most people here, nobody has some weird superficial dislike of people who aren’t white - most people are not “ racist” whatever the fuck that means, this has to do with this systematic destruction of Whites by the international Jewish religious freaks trying to fulfill prophecy
having a constant amount of working age people is what causes economic stability.
this is most easily done by immigration, but immigration isn't needed.

if developed countries just spent more time socializing and fucking, we wouldn't need immigration at all.
With less people the value of human life will rise and value of workforce will rise. The jews can't abuse cheap nigger workforce and has to hire white people with higher salary. That would be a start of healing the economy and avoiding the "jewish elite and nigger slaves" future of mankind. I have no problem against slavery of niggers but it's the jewish elite i have no love for.
>Population growth must ALWAYS increase or the ECONOMY will DIE

I've never understood this. Seems fake and gay. If we need turd worlders to save us what's the fucking point. Let the economy die.
Big words from a gay twink bottom who can't even fuck his own women so he needs immigrants to do it XD
This will never happen in America because it requires long term planning lol.
? explain.
Is it that hard to make a developed country have a population replacement rate of greater than 1? I doubt it.
>Economically illiterate retard spews kike propaganda
Change, not collapse. Not remotely enough people waking up for this to happen.
The USA Imports poverty you retarded cock sucker.

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