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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Look at that innocent black woman go!
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she voted for it.
What am I seeing here Marek? I can't tell what I'm supposed to be seething/laughing about
Why not taser her first?
The cop assumed she was going to dump a boiling pot of water on him, so he shot her in the face and killed her I think is the tl;dr.
I see thanks for the explanation anon
>tried to cause chaos
>nobody cared
why is the pig moving towards her if he felt he was in danger from boiling water?

Is she going to escape if he moves backwards towards the front door? Is she an important criminal that needs to be arrested at that precise moment?

Here's one of the many videos breaking it down I guess. I am only just starting to take interest. I haven't heard much about this case at all.

So far seems like that cop is fucked up.
there is clearly no boiling water leaving the pot.
He couldn't see her behind the counter. You always maintain visuals. For all he knows she's about to pop up with an AR15
Should have been. He had already came to the determination he was at risk of getting a pot of boiling water to the face even though she didn't do shit to make him think that.

Of course though, it's a catch 22. If you did have a reason and ability to kill a cop if they deserved it, you'd already be dead because by their nature they come prepared with the power to kill you first and most end up doing just that because (my peace of mind comes before everything, and I mean FUCKING EVERYTHING). So even if a cop is a murderer in uniform, it's designed so that in order to convict him if his malice, there must be a victim because the police for some reason can't seem to NOT hire maniacs.
Shut up spic
>Yas Kween used Splash
>It's not very effective...
No, I can't tell you why the nigger gets shot, but I can measure it, I can predict the next shooting. I have a very good understanding of it and that's good enough for me. I don't get distracted by the philosophy side of why the nigger gets shot.
not the heckin godly niggerino!
>cop enters womans house
>gets nervous about boiling water, wtf?
>tells her to turn off the stove
>tells her not to throw it at him
>she responds by saying shame on you (as in why would I do that)
>cop who doesnt understand her jive pulls a gun on her and tells her he is going to shoot her in the fucking face
>the woman coming under extreme stress gets on the ground and throws the pot gets close to her
>is executed in her home
Yes I'm sure the cop here should walk free and continue his job. Clearly he isnt a danger to society and should protect and server ordinary citizens.
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If a person intends to do harm you don't leave him or her there Paco. Say you leave and close the door, what makes you think she won't go grab a gun? Or hurt someone else in the meantime if she's crazy?
>there is clearly no boiling water leaving the pot.
You can see it spilled later on in a few frames.
>I can't tell you why the nigger gets shot
She gets shot because she tries to dump boiling water on a cop.
Nah, she threw the boiling water at them. You can see it spilling out and steaming on the floor in the other cop's camera.
You have low analytical skills. A cop felt something was off and backed off when she was handling the pot full of boiling water; to this she said "Why are you moving away?" and he replied "To get away from your hot water." She then said she rebukes him which the cops interpreted as a threat. She then crouches as they tell her to get down, and when they approach she picks up the pot and attempts to dump it on them, as seen in the webm.
This is political because too many browns on this board show support for the Negro woman on account of her having the name of Jesus on her lips.
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>Watch this (((YouTube))) video that explains why the black woman is wholesome and the cop le white and bad!
see ----> >>475788281
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police force should be dissolved and every jew shot
seethe kike
why police draw gun at 4:24 ???
He was a coward and a retard who thought it was fair to shoot a lady he sent in to fuck with a pot of boiling water he then claimed she was using as a weapon because he's retarded and most likely grew up being raised by the cancerous fucks on /pol/

It's not complicated to smart people.
Which you can clearly see from the comfort of your room, behind your Cheeto-dusted keyboard, after having the luxury of replaying the video as many times as you need in slow motion to verify. Not so easy to figure out when you are actually there and have to make a split second, life or death decision
I'm watching tis video now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6_1WtaSAAU
why police dont have "police" written on cloth ?
they look like some cartel killer commando
yeah. can we stop posting her she's dead already. let's move on.
see ---> >>475788281
>police force should be dissolved
I'm ok with that. It doesn't change the fact that the Negro woman threw boiling water at cops.
>why police draw gun at 4:24 ???
As I've said in a previous post, one cop felt something was off so he moved back (boiling water can be used as a weapon). She then commented "Why are you moving away?" and when he said it's because she's holding a pot full of boiling water she said she rebukes him, which the cops interpreted as a threat. Turns out they were right, she was planning on hurting, as evidenced in the webm by the fact that as they came near her she picked up the pot and attempted to dump its contents on them.
boiling water is a weapon. i watched video without sound.
did police ask her to step away from the boiling water before drawing gun and she didnt comply ?
Bbooooo hoooooo!!!
Because tasers don't solve problems. They just pass them down the line.
You clearly are not smart. Maybe if she didn't throw the boiling water at him she would not have been shot.
>I'm ok with that. It doesn't change the fact that the Negro woman threw boiling water at cops.
she didnt though stop lying jew
>life or death decision
Oh no I might get some slight burns
Totally justifies killing a person
I didn't follow this story and I have a question, why was the cop IN her house? why did he go in uninvited? had a warrant or something?

I rebuke you in the name of Jesus

Go ahead and submit a death threat to the authorities and see how fucking goddamn stupid you look.
Fuck off nigger lover. The only kike here is the one you worship.
seethe kike
I knew some faggot was going to post some retarded shit like this. No, faggot, the boiling water certainly wouldn't kill anyone, but it could certainly disarm them long enough for that woman to charge him with a knife or some other weapon.
Did she throw the water before or after she got shot?

You mean a couple droplets, kek. By the time that shit reached him it would be spread out. Not that you give a fuck about physics at all under this narrative.
Me? A kike? You might be right.
How would a pot full of water disperse into "a couple droplets" at such close range, faggot? She's not throwing this across a football field - they're only a few feet away in a kitchen. You're retarded.
whypipo don season dey police office-uhz
She was putting fresh water into the pot. It would be hot but not scalding peel off your skin hot
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>He couldn't see her behind the counter
How do you know
He moved closer to the boiling pot. If it was that dangerous a weapon as he thought, he wouldn't have moved closer.

Would you move closer to someone holding an ar-15?

He created the issue of close range literally. If he had half a brain at the range he was originally at, he would have been allright.

He was literally like teen or fifteen feet away when she grabbed the pot and his mindset of "she's holding a weapon" kicked in.

Again, the fact that he moved closer to this lady and her "weapon" goes to show he wasn't really scared or it. He wanted her to be holding a weapon so bad that when he stepped up to her he imagined that shit and tricked himself into believing it because he's fucking retarded.

Give him the chair for being so stupid.

Because she said she "rebukes him in the name of Jesus"
If it went down like this:
>Why are you moving away
>To get away from your boiling water
>Hahahaha alrighty then
you underestimate the damage that can be done with a pot of boilling water.
shooting someone to prevent getting attacked with boiling water is legit selfdefence.
Is this real?
wyte peepo dont seasen dey boilin water
>christian killer

disgusting. lock him up.
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uhm ackhually it was self defense
Cops need to start carrying boiling water instead of guns bro
she was just boiling nothing, bigot!
Send more boiling water to Ukraine
>drop the fucking pot

retarded police command.
nobody would just drop a pot of hot water from 1.6m height in front of themself.

hard to say if the cop just played "simon says" to shot her ...
kek, in that case literally every cop has a reason go just blow up every house because we all know damn well we all have stoves and pots and running water.

I'm gonna need a license to boil water soon.

Fuck around and get shot up just for holding a cup of coffee, kek.
>Which you can clearly see from the comfort of your room, behind your Cheeto-dusted keyboard, after having the luxury of replaying the video as many times as you need in slow motion to verify
This is exactly what you bootlickers always do. You never had a gun pointed at your face in the middle of a calm conversation with a complete nut job you thought was friendly, and yet you offer worthless opinions about how you'd be perfectly still as a statue and calmly comply without making any movements

The reality is, you've lived a comfortable, safe, sheltered, and uninspiring life, and I bet you'd be twitching the fuck all over the place when your tubby mixed-race ass would be staring down the barrel of a person you were calmly talking to 1 second prior and is now screaming promises to shoot you in the face.
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The best argument against is that if he thought boiling water was a weapon why did he send Sonya there ?
She sat on the couch next to him standing (picrel) and then he sends her across the room to go near the "weapon"
>They were positioned as in the picrel
>There was an ashtray with a cigarette burning in it with a pistol laid on top of it
>Hey why don't you go there and put out that cigarette
No cop would ever, not in a million years
A sensible person would have been like "hey, I'm going to go turn off that stove is that allright?" or "can you just turn off the stove right now, but don't touch the pot of water please" or something.
it's shopped
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>No cop would ever, not in a million years

i see more than one video where a cop ask politely to hand over a weapon and the moment you touch the gun they draw their gun and shout "drop the weapon" and going to shoot you.
The cop's own department found she acted in self defense.
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Still think it was fucked up.
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29 And they cried out, saying, “What business do You have with us, Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?” 30 Now there was a herd of many pigs feeding at a distance from them. 31 And the demons begged Him, saying, “If You are going to cast us out, send us into the herd of pigs.” 32 And He said to them, “I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG OFFICERS!” And they came out and went into the pigs; and behold, the whole herd rushed out to the nearest Krispy Kreme and shot a cashier who was bringing them the coffee they had ordered. 33 And the bootlickers ran away, and went to /pol and acted like we give a shit about zogbots who kill more whites than blacks every year.
Back to lefty pol. Do not collect $200.
these faggots failed by not instantly arresting her at the very beginning
maybe cop was saying
"dont throw that pot on me"
and she was hearing
"throw the pot on me"
I've seen videos where cops said the victim was "surrendering threateningly", because in order to put your hands on your head, you have to cross the horizontal axis, and cannot unfortunately teleport your hands up 180 degrees
>911 call about a burglary
>show up
>woman is a schizoid
cops are dumb
She even ducks down to try and avoid the bullet like in one of her video games so she can have a better chance of burning dey white devil.
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>zogbots who kill more whites than blacks every year.
Looks like per capita is something you only understand selectively kek.
Fuck your peace of mind you dumb ass nigger
The biggest blunder was him yelling like that to begin with.
Let's pretend it's all true what apologists say
>He was worried that the water might be a weapon
>He misunderstood the meaning of "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus"
>He connected that she's going to throw it at him
>He pulls out the gun and points at her
At that moment he has the massive advantage, she couldn't try with a gun let alone the pot
What is the standard procedure ?
>OK calmly step away from the pot" (or just "step away from the pot")
>"I'll fucking shoot you in your fucking face"
It's not that he was gonna provoke her to actually do it but that kind of conduct is guaranteed to scare the living shit out of anybody and most people under such stress can't think straight or comply reasonably.
American police might be retarded but their training has to take that into the account, how to properly instruct the citizen and they often do that
the cop's instincts knew the nigger was planning some crackhead shit. why is she boilling a huge pot of water and holding it as he approachs? she should be focusing on the prowler she called about. Cop knew right awayu nigger up to some niggery
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The factual one
cops shoots criminals
blacks are more criminal than whites
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>even though she didn't do shit to make him think that.
You've never met an actual nigger, have you? They're wild zoo animals.
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She violate the NAP. But I hope the pigs end up in jail, every pigs should get fucked by niggers, ACAB.
>drop the pot means pick p the pot

these shills are getting fucking hilarious. then again black person ,might be stupid enough to think that
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Aaaaaaallll these comments about boiling water and noone thinks that she might have been about to dump acid or some other vile shit. He didn't know and should have (and did) expect the worst. One crazy bitch is now gone.
Look at her white gown. It was completely white when she went down, he shot her and THEN she gets up and maybe tries to throw it at him in a literal last ditch effort self defense at worst, you know survival instinct, or acting out of shock at best.
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hot water vs American pussies
The thing is he is who he is. Anyone with a brain would have seen this coming from a mile away.

I get that boiling water could be a weapon, but it's a very limited weapon. All they had to do was move out of range to even test out whether she was even going to use it as a weapon until their suspicions were confirmed.

It doesn't have the range a gun has. He moved closer to it.

You can't shoot a black person just because you happened to run into 500 bad ones before that. It's almost like this motherfuckers signed up to catch criminals or some shit.
How do you drop something you're not holding ?
It's a sub 75 IQ test
>You're standing next to a desk
>There's a pebble on the desk, you're not holding it or touching it
IQ test:
>You are tasked to drop that pebble on the floor.
How do you do it, describe your actions.
Remember, fail and you're sub 75 IQ
yeah boiling water is a weapon.
the cop could had just turned of the gas stove himself and nothing had happend.
Yup. I don't see what the big deal is. It's just a dead nigger. Another nigger would have deadniggered that nigger that day, and nobody really cares about deadniggers. It's always just another nigger excuse for more niggertry.
Based Cro-bro
>All they had to do was move out of range
They were out of range, but she went behind cover. They had to maintain visibility.
>Launching the pot over my head is the only way to get rid of it! I have to make sure he sees it!
>They had to maintain visibility

Too bad they don't need to maintain clear visibility of school shooters. It's almost like they run for cover or some shit.
>>Launching the pot over my head
She was on the floor
The pot was above her head to begin with
She had to reach up just to pick it up
You have a terribly low spatial IQ
Does anyone know where to get the full unedited bodycam footage? (both cops, ideally)
I'm sick of fucktard leftists denying that she threw the damn pot of water at them.
>OK calmly step away from the pot" (or just "step away from the pot")

yeah its normal cop

>"I'll fucking shoot you in your fucking face"

vs psycho cop
ghetto lobster
Canadian volunteers in the US armed forces performed notoriously poorly in Vietnam.
Iranians aren't nigger lovers like the fake racists on /pol/ who are on hour 96 of their kvetchfest over this dead sheboon kek.
It wasn't a task. It was a command at gunpoint. The non-retarded thing to do is to raise your hands and say "I already dropped it". It's hilarious that you're trying to paint picking it up again as intelligent.
She didn't even need to pick up the pot you retard. They asked her to turn the fire off.
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Your Pink Twink kop i GOING TO JAIL where they will skin him alive lol
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>but she went behind cover.
No, she ducked right whereshe was standing, she didn't "go behind cover" like a commando.
>They had to maintain visibility.
He could see her because camera is on his chest like a foot and a half below his eyes
If she grabbed the pot
You must vote not (guilty)
They really need some kind of like head strap with a tiny hd camera on it at eye level.
You must be 18 to post here.
yeah but she is a woman who have done boiling noodles/rice pouring hot water away a thousand times without thinking anything. she just doing what she allways did.

imagine making pizza in the oven. you dont turn the oven just off you also take the pizza out. its just a combined action.
>Couldn't answer the question
Based breakfast non skipper, 75 IQ confirmed
Sorry bro but discussing with monkeybrain shills like you is a waste of time
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bootlicker cope
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Why would anyone be mad? This faggot will spend the rest of his life in a tiny concrete box
>Canadian volunteers in the US armed forces performed notoriously poorly in Vietnam.
The last time Canada went to war with the US, we burned your whitehouse down and forced your surrender. I grew up near where we forced a mutt retreat being outnumbered 2:1
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>bootlicker cope
Canadians can't fight and you're clearly extremely pussy blasted over a dead nigress. You're all caps posting over it kek.

The fuck are you going on about?
She deserved to get her brains blown out.
She launched it at him from over her head. The starting position doesn't matter and you're just being pedantic.
Something that functions as cover doesn't stop functioning as cover just because she was standing there.
Compare my answer and yours; I refuted the very nature of your argument, you're just judging me against arbitrary standards you created and not addressing my argument in the slightest. You're the monkeybrain, sorry to break it to you.
Well Idk shit like this happens rarely but if they want to have a 100% accurate recording of what the cop could see then some protective glasses with cameras integrated in the rim, those things exist already it's not space tech.
>attempts to throw boiling water at a police officer
>gets shot

What did they mean by this?
TIL faucets in America produce boiling water.
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>Canadians can't fight
We won the last war against you, so moot comment lmao. America just lost to Talichads
You are a dumb angry nigger hahahaha I hope this was your grandma you stinky black nigger lmaoooo oopsie nana’s brains got splattered!
>leafnigger living vicariously through British colonists
Kek. Canada had the highest per capita casualties of all the countries in the ISAF coalition in Afghanistan you fucking moron. If that was a Canadian led war you guys would've lost even more embarrassingly.
We know she threw the pot, cocksucker. But was there even any water that hit the cop? Seems it all went on the ground. Either way she was out of water at that point and the threat was gone. He could have just said "You missed, harhar", do the usual bullshit and arrest her. Instead he choose do shoot.
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>>The police officer is in prison.
>>What more do you want?
>>You want us to put a bullet in his brain?

Condolences to the family.
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>IT d.... doesn't c... count!!!
>Please ignore the fact that you descend from the same people and only the flags changed
Key, hyper cope
>per capita
We sent a small handbasket of troops and our FOBs were in Kandahar, the most hostile province 159 leafs is nothing compared to your 5k dead mutts and 100k veteran suicides/yr
I don't throw the pizza at the cops when I'm done.
The woman was a basket case.
6k/yr, 100k+ total**
You get the point
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Cops are the house niggers of these united states, the only thing I'm sad about is the fact she DIDN'T hit him with boiling water
>nig gets splattered
>pigs eyes melt in his skull
would have been kino
/pol/pedos really do turn into straight up fucking niggers when you use per capita against them lmao. Holy shit, fucking Tyrone here just can't grasp such a simple concept. Look how long you were fucking crying after that last post kek. I thought you had pussied out like you guys did after getting shown the door by the Taliban 10 years ago.
The shooter didn't have his body cam on
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>Simon says you'd better not rebuke me in the name of Jesus or I'll shoot you in your face
>The shooter didn't have his body cam on
Yes he did.
So he just had to reach over to the stove (in the line of fire of whatever boiling liquid that was) and turn it off and the liquid would be instantly cooled. You are exquisitely retarded.
It's interesting how people like you feign virtue and religiosity. They didn't shoot her when she said that. They shot her when she threw the water at them. Just look at the webm in the OP, faggot. Your webm is unrelated.
All she had to do was step back and put her hands up after being confronted by a policeman pointing a pistol at her head. You're one of those weak, little chinks who take too much cock in the ass, aren't you?
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>you'd better FUCKING not rebuke me in the name of Jesus or I'll FUCKING shoot you in your FUCKING face
To be more accurate
>It's not complicated to smart people.

It's not complicated to non-Niggers ...
She acted like a dumb nigger, wandering around grabbing at stuff and ignoring commands from an Armed police officer, throws ( unknown substance ) boiling water at police and got shot in the face for her trouble

>>Stop being Trouble , There will be no trouble .

>>Be White.
>>Call police for a BnE at my mother's empty house.
>>Police arrive
>>Answer police questions
>>Show Police the broken window and tossed drawers
>>Police nod take notes and tell me very little chance to get what was stolen back.
>>Thank them for their time and they leave.
>>T. Not shot in the face for acting like a nigger
He did, they show it in the 2nd part of the "Police Activity" vid on YT
He didn't have it all the time on though
Nice virtue signal, but you're likely more compliant than average when dealing with cops and come here to LARP like you're not a "bootlicker" or whatever it is you manchildren say these days.
Look I don't like cops, but if you're going to call them to your own fucking house don't act like a retard fruitcake or you deserve to get shot in the face.
Yeah imagine a fucking Canuck thinking they're hard and rebellious when it comes to dealing with authority figures. Their entire nation is cucked.
they kept harassing her for ID, she got angry and combative, so he killed her.
Australians and Canadians got absolutely buttfucked during covid. I get not liking cops, but the ones who come here and act like spastics about it are just obnoxious. If you're always posting here about muh bootlickers there are really only two possibilities.
>you have had interactions with LE and complied instead of resisting to the point you killed or being incarcerated for killing the officer(s)
>you've never interacted with LE and therefore are incredibly sheltered or painfully law abiding
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Kek .. all I heard was..
>>I don't under stand, I had breakfast this morning...
Two viewpoints --- There is a public servant in my home, and if I act a certain way, I will get them to do what I want ( report the prowler )
Second one is -- There is an Armed man in my home, if I act a certain way. He will leave.

Niggers can't grasp that
Didn't the cop tell that woman not to touch that pot and she did anyway? Why are niggers like that?
The difference is cops NEVER get in trouble for murdering whites
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Free mah boi Grayson
he dindu nuffin

>scalder stopper
>scalder halter
>scalder mauler
>scalder? shot 'er!
>scalder? falter!
>scalder? oh bother
Why even fucking shoot after she threw the water. What the fuck she gonna do, reload her pot.
from ACAB to licking kamala's crusty 60 year old police asshole in 5 days, absolutely incredible.
You have to destroy the brain or else risk resuscitation. You ever play resident evil?

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