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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Democracy is the worst form of government humanity has come up with. It's all theater for the elites to give to the ignorant masses. No one cares about or understands policies they just care about "vibes" that the politician puts out or whatever "message" that resonates with their confirmation bias, in truth whoever controls the media establishment decides who leads the country, elections get reduced to popularity contests. In short Democracy is fake and gay.
Israel shot Trump
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Democracy is bad when the people are in intellectual castes. When there is universal education, it works. And again, when Kikes control the media, it works significantly less.
nope, its always bad because it doesnt exist and must larp as itself. democracy is just economic oligarchy in disguise. the idea that all the citizens in a nation have equal political power is a childs pipe dream, let alone physically impossible.
People forget thats its not democracy that strengthened Europe to the point it conquered the world, it was Christian theocracy.
Everything happens so slowly under demoncracy that one cannot tell just how bad things really are.
>democracy is fake and gay
>still believes votes matter
ngmi, short-stack
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>it's bad because it doesnt exist
Ok, but if it did exist.
The funniest part about OP’s post is that he is unintentionally agreeing with patriotic Americans. He’s 100% correct, democracy is fake and gay and that’s exactly why America is a constitutional republic, not a democratic nation.
>Democracy is fake and gay.
Until it kills you.
Get Trained, Militia is Your Right towards Out if the Mob gets after your blood for being minority.
We've got comms galore. All the writings of the ancients, and our own era. We've got polling and high math and theories, and computers to do the long problems.

We Lack Our Militia, yet it is a Power of The People, as the Constitution Explicitly reminds you.

>miliita, being necessary to the security of a free... the Right of the People.

Get Trained. Seek Jesus. Or Cry.
The Republic is chosen by Voting, therefore it is Democratic. They are not appointed or otherwise automaticallybgranted their positions by doing X or Y.
We are a Federal Republic, not a Demo-crap-cy
>inb4 "dey just be da same thing foo!"
You have a rather myopic understanding of the principles of government.
China is Democratic. Cope and seethe about that one.
thats representative democracy.
Again you demonstrate even a basic awareness of civics as it pertains to the founding of the United States, the constitution that defines our Republic, and the rights and responsibilities of its citizens. Keep hissing and sputtering like a woman though, nobody thinks it's cute.
Basically republics normally suck and are way more centralized than monarchies. The reality of monarchies is that they tended to be based on a complex web of relationships and local and customary law which the monarch was expected to rule within the bounds are (and if they didn't it could justify rebellion from many seperate powerful local forces who all had their own armed forces).

Republics were originally based on tribal war bands and they can have a short period where they can kick ass if they start out this way, they go off the rails quickly if the franchise goes beyond the service guarantees citizenship model.
We know.
Republics are oligarchies and fake and gay.
The Oligarchic Leviatian of the United States government just uses the cuckstitution as a skinsuit.
Great thanks for sharing with the class. You failed and had the most disappointing presentation all day
Nah. You're wrong.
The United States hold elections, therefore it is a Democratic Republic. You fucking midwits keep conflating a veey broad term, Democracy, with Direct Democracy.
democracy is good and works................ in a high trust society with ethnically similar people with common macro-scale goals for society.
democracy is a total shitshow in a kike-controlled dystopian forced-diversity police-state.
That is too fragile to last for very long especially if the state is too large. Might be stable for a tiny principality (whos existence is guaranteed by its more militarily powerful neighbors) or a city state but not any bigger state.

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