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No panic in Moscow!
Israel shot Trump
this again is projection to take attention off Ukraine's and west's economic collapse
I think it's less about inflation and more about China cutting them off from dollar trade. They have to defense the ruble against the dollar or else it will crash hard.
>russian inflation in double digits and going up up up
>russia raises interest rates 6x in 2024
>US inflation down below 3%
>US stock markets continues to perform well
>US GDP higher than expected
>US job growth and unemployment good
Yeah, the WEST is collapsing and Russia is doing fine. I am COPING.
That's not panic tho?

If you have cash in a bank account in Russia you earn 20% interest.
Your thoughts are stupid and wrong

The problem in Russia is that a shit ton of investment is happening and the economy is "overheating." This is a relatively good problem to have. The main cause is all Russians ran their money back to Russia after the Westoids used their sanctions gun and this has flooded the Russian economy with a huge amount of cash normally not available for internal investment. Further, unemployment is extremely low and wages are rising as is consumer demand.

You raise interest rates (2% hike today) in order to slow down the loan issuance a bit.
This is it. China has a credit crisis internally, the only liquidity trusted there for large trades right now is USD.
You think banks get individual account holders 20% interest? Holy shit, you are a retard.
look up inflation in EU
You sound like the same retard who coped by saying their economy only rose by 1% after 20k sanctions, even though they've been saying it's 2 weeks from collapse for almost 3 years now
Can’t tell if you’re retarded or paid. You said “westoid” so you’re either a yellow/brown 5th column nigger or a yellow/brown shill nigger. Either way, I hope you get sent to the front and droned.
They just have to wait until Trump wins in November, then they win the war.
All the zigger lovers in this thread just answer me - is double digit inflation a good thing for Russia?
Yeah, we’re at 8% (at least) with the Fed rate at 5.25%. They’re going to have to raise rates again to keep inflation under control due to our completely out of control government spending.
US is below 3%. Deficit spending is lower under the current administration that the previous admin.
They do, in Russia
>posts from Thailand flag
kys, fag

>believes US figures
No, it’s 8% using the methodology the government used until 1991, when they started fucking with the accounting to hide how bad inflation actually was from the public. No one believes the government’s official numbers.
The Fed certainly knows what the real number is, and they’re going to do their best to keep it from breaking 10% again.
>The problem in Russia is that a shit ton of investment is happening
It's the government taking your hard earned tax rubles and plowing them into the armed forces and related war industries. The Russian government is going deep into debt to do this and their sources for cash flow are drying up fast. Plus payments for a lot of Russian exports are stuck as rupees and yuan in Indian and Chinese banks where Moscow is unable to cash them out.

Soon Moscow will be unable to sustain the frantic war spending it is doing today, even with super cheap North Korean shells and missiles.
And the us is doing the same thing fucking retard we are almost at 10%
All worth it when you conquer resource rich lands
Explain how interest rates fights inflation and when is the breaking point? I hear it’s bad in the context of many other nations’ monetary policies but I’m retarded and don’t know why
This sounds like cope.
Come home Anders
Higher interest rates cut down demand in the economy and cause prices to fall. Banks reduce lending, and fewer loans are in demand at higher rates, so the economy slows.
In the 80s the Fed raised the rate to almost 20% to fight an inflation rate around 15%. So to successfully fight a rate of 8%, it wouldn’t be surprising if the Fed rate went to 10%.
It is from what I hear from Russians themselves because the “money invested” is just going to military projects which doesn’t actually have a return on investment, if you spend money on a tank and it gets blown up that’s all investment lost. Even if the tank survives it’s a bottomless money pit of repairs and maintenance, it’s not like investing in making a truck, which will return money after being purchased and then return money again as it is used to transport goods that also return money when purchased. That’s the best explanation of why these ”good” numbers are meaningless.
Soviet Russia USSR why buy a house when you can live in a car?
Can't beat us
Actually they’re raising rates so their bonds become attractive.
it's about 6%

trump will pressure the fed to lower the rates kicking the inflation into the overdrive hold on to your buttholes
Jesus Christ that’s the funniest financially illiterate thing I’ve seen in weeks.
Who's going to rebuild Russia's economy after this? China. They will own Moscow.
Who's going to rebuild Ukraine? The west, and we won't tell them to bow down to us for doing so.
He’s right though, that’s what you get in Russia.

Here you can’t get shit, you lose money to inflation by leaving it in savings or being an idiot and buying a CD.
I think the guys at the Fed know that if they lower the rates and inflation jumps back to 10%+ again, the torches and pitchforks are coming out.
The thread on 4chan's /pol/ board discusses various topics related to Russia's economic situation, particularly focusing on the recent interest rate hikes. Here are some key points and rebuttals:
Key Points and Rebuttals

Russia's Interest Rate Hikes:
Claim: Russia has raised interest rates six times to combat inflation.
Rebuttal: This is accurate. Russia has been increasing interest rates to control inflation, which has been rising due to various economic pressures, including sanctions and internal economic dynamics.

Economic Comparison Between Russia and the West:
Claim: The West, particularly the US, is collapsing economically while Russia is doing fine.
Rebuttal: This claim is misleading. While Russia is facing significant inflation and has had to raise interest rates multiple times, the US has seen inflation decrease to below 3%, with strong stock market performance, higher-than-expected GDP growth, and good job growth and unemployment rates. The economic situations of the two regions are complex and cannot be boiled down to simple comparisons.

Impact of Sanctions and Internal Investment:
Claim: The Russian economy is "overheating" due to a flood of internal investment after Western sanctions.
Rebuttal: This is partially true. Sanctions have led to a repatriation of capital, which has increased internal investment. However, this has also contributed to inflationary pressures, necessitating interest rate hikes to prevent the economy from overheating.

China's Role in Russia's Economic Situation:
Claim: China's internal credit crisis and its impact on dollar trade are influencing Russia's economic decisions.
Rebuttal: This is a plausible argument. China's economic issues can have ripple effects on global trade and finance, including Russia. The need to defend the ruble against the dollar is a significant factor in Russia's economic policy.

Interest Rates and Bank Accounts:
Claim: Russian banks offer 20% interest on individual accounts.
Rebuttal: This is incorrect. While interest rates have increased, it is unlikely that individual bank accounts would receive such high interest rates. The high rates are more likely applicable to specific financial instruments or loans.

Complimenting Intelligent Posters

Anonymous (ID: FN+e29h3): Provided a nuanced view on the impact of China's economic situation on Russia, highlighting the interconnectedness of global economies.
Anonymous (ID: U/oU3dZ6): Offered a detailed explanation of the internal investment dynamics in Russia and the reasons behind the interest rate hikes, showing a good understanding of economic principles.


The discussion on the thread reflects a mix of accurate observations and some misconceptions. It's important to critically evaluate such claims and consider the broader economic context when discussing complex issues like national economies and international trade.
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Its just under 8% using shadowstats, which measures a static standard of living rather than a falling standard (look up substitution as its used in the CPI)
>US inflation down below 3%
lying chink
you know the funny thing OP, check the thread, 0 russian flags, they know they are fucked and don't comment, it's timmies from Ohio oblast playing apologetics for the russians, vatniks are truly pathetic
Russia’s doing better than whatever shameful cuntry your meme flag’s covering up, you stupid brown woman.
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>vatniks are truly pathetic
never relax
Wise move considering everyone else is about to pivot and start a deflationary crisis.
>Explain how interest rates fights inflation
Underage, homeschooled, or a drop out...which one are you?
No one in Russia has cash.
And if they do, it sure as fuck isn't in Russian banks.
Or maybe because it's night time in Russia, retard.
t.Guy with insomnia
Just being honest
ignorant af
This is going to crash all the non-military sectors of the economy which were already suffering. Is Putin retarded or desperate?
it's the statistically true economic facts.
>US inflation down below 3%
This doesn't describe where prices went and are staying.
The vast majority of new spending on investments into production have nothing to do with military. Tank building is not driving the Russian economy to overheat - it's a relatively small portion of the spending right now - 6% iirc. Putin has spoken openly about this number and how they are careful to not go to far with it as that was an issue in the USSR in the 80's which everyone in Russia knows about.

Sanctions are the cause, not the Ukraine war. Sanctions created a ton of demand for locally produced goods and so Russia is dramatically boosting production of those goods.
My point is that it's taught in high school, typically in 12th grade.
How do you not know?
>everyone else
ironically thanks to YOU Russia doesn't even have to care what everyone else is doing. They've been having a good laugh about this recently. They were joking about the crowdstrike and azure outages last week not having any noticeable impact in Russia, for example.
You are wildly incorrect. Anyone in Russia who does have cash is keeping it in Russian banks now because it's obviously very dangerous to keep it in outside banks now that your governments are stealing Russian money stored in their banks.
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Spend the next wave
how the fuck is insomnia real, like just close your eyes
fighting inflation by crushing the necks of those struggling to survive, how beautiful.
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>Russia collapses every 50 years
>T-The West is collapsing guys
My generation is owed its kino Russia collapse.
>just close your eyes
classic Estonian tactic
>exports in Russia averaged 24,706 for the last 30 years
>April exports are 32,988

bary conderning!
> 18%

War is a horrifically expensive endeavour so the cracks were going to show eventually no matter how much they try to ignore it.
Hasn't america been doing the same thing? What?
Idk, it’s been many years I don’t remember everything and I had a really good GPA, just not bothered to have ever retained such information
lmao Bongs just mad that Russia won't loan them any money.
After WW2 the UK was basically bankrupt. Russia are not some magical land where the realities of money don't apply.
Russia doesn’t have a Rothschild central bank.
I repeat: Russia are not some magical land where the realities of money don't apply.
the fuck does WW2 have to do with anything? Ukraine is a minor military exercise compared to WW2 from Russia's perspective.

The war really has nothing to do with it - it's the sanctions that have boosted Russia's economy.
Yes, it is. They don’t have a Rothschild central bank. The rules of money do not apply.
meanwhile in the west they decrease rates to the point where we used to have negative interest because our economists think inflation is good for the economy
Russia are right now trying to compete in production with dozens of advanced economies totalling many times their GDP.
Honestly we should be doing that.
>Sanctions created a ton of demand for locally produced goods and so Russia is dramatically boosting production of those goods.
Exactly the situation Trump wants to create here with tariffs on Chinese goods. But no one wants to see that because Muh Evil Empire.
Hey stupid. We are living with about 3 decades of inflation that happened in 3 years. IDGAF because I saw what was coming and I got mine. fuck zoomers fuck milenials. Hope they love the bugs and pods.
If inflation is that high in Russia what's it in USA, 40% maybe?
OK how does money work in Russia then? inb4 magic money tree.
I agree and I think its foolish of the west and especially the UK to be getting involved but they need a reason to send us to be killed as we are the real threat.
this can't be true. every russian flag told me everything is fine in russia. they wouldn't lie on the internet. would they ?
Growth is massively outpacing inflation
>our economists think inflation is good for the economy
Checked. No, the economists know it’s good for the bankers and stock markets. They don’t give one single fuck about the economy.
They don’t need to borrow money from the Jews to print it. It’s very simple.
is this supposed to make me love jews and america?
So where does it come from? (magic money tree)
core products are at least 50%
Yah know the stuff you have to have. Look goy the inflation on water skis is only 4% this year
oh yeah i forgot about lying
The only reason child porn is considered Legal in Russia is because Russia has already made production of Porn Illegal, and makes no distinction.
>totalling many times their GDP.
Russia is the 4th largest economy in the world. There are not "dozens of advanced economies" larger than theirs. Further, if your idea of what constituted a real economy were accurate you wouldn't have been clowned so hard on the sanctions gambit. Why didn't that work, Nigel? kek.

the good news is that you and we do not have enough weapons or the ability to make them for a war of any significance to happen. it's all hype and scare tactics by politicians terrified they'll have their heads on pikes as the economic ramifications of losing this war start to be felt for real next year.
Interest rates in Australia went up 12 times in 16 months retards.
Bullshit. Russia is comparable economically to the UK. They are not particularly rich.
GDP is pretty much irrelevant
3% huh?
You’re the dumbest nigger in existence..
russia right now is competing with the industrial production capabilities of the entire western world and they are winning
No, it really isn’t. The real economy got crushed during Covid and isn’t coming back. Half of the corporations and banks on the stock exchanges have been zombies since 2008 and only survived by borrowing endless money at ZIRP. We are one hiccup away from a biblical crash, and the housing market is teetering because of the hikes on interest rates - which are likely to go higher rather than lower if they don’t want inflation back up over 10%.
>comparable economically to the UK.
That's not what the World Bank thinks.
rare eurofag who is not braindead. this is exactly right.
Yeah and all that does not come free.
was that supposed to be an argument
hello kike

you bout ta die
do you work in the same office edward snowden used to work in when he was in switzerland?
They are producing massive amounts of materiel and this all costs money. Which they are probably funding with debt, which has a knock on effect on their money. Hence raising interest rates multiple times a year.
Meme flags told me in 2022 that Russian economy will collapse because of the sanctions in two weeks.
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>Russia is the 4th largest economy in the world.
It's now the 11th and falling fast.

>as the economic ramifications of losing this war start to be felt for real next year.
Russia is feeling the high of government injections of capital, funded by massive borrowing by Moscow. As Russia plunges deeper into dept and the military spending explodes as a percentage of GDP, other sectors of the economy will wither and start to fail. It's like the retarded version of Dutch Disease. It's getting worse fast.
you dont know how this works, just stop embarrassing yourself

Caveat is that they can't utilize most of those resources while the war is going on, and at home their oil refineries are getting bombed by drones and they can't expand their oil industry without europe/us help. This is why its not enough for Russia to just keep Ukraine from taking donbas/crimea, they actually need to neutralize them/kiev and get the west/europe to deal with them again


Yeah but the GDP goes up and jews told me that big gdp = good!
So how DOES it work then? Do not just say "not like you do" like the other faggot tried.
kek. what jew made this horse shit?
its 5 in the morning for me i cba sry
>Time to run away before your bullshit gets exposed
well that was pretty obviously bullshit. but to also say that nothing has changed and they're all doing fine is also bullshit.
t. hates both sides.
they have transitioned to a war economy, it won't last forever, and will lead to a spectacular collapse and devastating consequences for their citizens. but still, if i had to pick a side to win, i pick le russians. but i'd rather they wipe both of themselves out of existence. slavs don't deserve to live
>oil refineries are getting bombed by drones
Refining is not a huge business for Russia and drones haven't taken any of it out. The NATOfags send drones to start fires because it looks cool in pictures to their idiot audience. They do it for PR - for a photo op. Simple as.

Energy production and export is a far smaller percentage of Russia's economy than most people think. You should look at what's happening in their ship-building and civilian aerospace sectors, never mind IT which is exploding thanks to sanctions. Oh and their agricultural manufacturing is huge and they're a top food exporter in the entire world.
no thats not it, it would just require a lot of typing and then you would ask for source like a faggot and then i would have to find links or whatever

just cba sorry m8
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>US inflation down below 3%
...after rising by more than 500% in the span of 5 years... and wages stagnated. Splendid!
>they're all doing fine is also bullshit.
they're doing objectively and demonstrably better economically than they were before 2022. this is indisputable unless you're a lying moron or getting your stats from the Ukrainian government.

Sanctions were a catastrophe because the West miscalculated Russia's ability to adjust to them. They did this because they greatly underestimated the SIZE of Russia's real economy.
>Ugh like actually supporting my arguments is like so cringe and I am le tired so I'm just going to run away from the argument I started a few minutes ago

Another faggot. Any more takers?
according to the grocery bill I kept from 2020 I spend 60% more now to buy the same shit.

how much inflation has the (((mainstream media))) said we have?
with your level of understanding i would have to basically explain economics from scratch and exceed character limit on multiple posts

i already completely destroyed your argument and then you asked me to explain economics to you, do you think that constitutes winning an argument
>le massive inflation means they're doing better than they were before
topkek. i guess macroeconomics isn't your thing.
btw, when inflation drops back down to normal levels, do you think that means prices go back to what they were before? do you think line go up GDP in a war economy translates to better living standards for actual russians?
They sell bonds, same as any real country that can issue it’s own currency did for ages before the Rothschilds gained their monopolies.
You have now posted several times after apparently going to bed as the reason why you just cant even faggot. Pick a lane.
i didnt even destroy your argument really because you have no arguments, you just have a childish understanding of economics thats not based on anything at all
i didnt say i was going to bed i just said its 5 in the morning and i cba

im not gonna explain economics to you but im not gonna let you get away with some bullshit reasoning

your argument is basically:
>explain economics to me
>hah see i won
inflation is rising in large part due to massive spikes in wages, owing to high demand and low unemployment. Russia's economic management is very good and they're all over this - you can read about it in detail on their news sites. Their government is way more open about the economic data and strategy than the USA government is.
How does war bonds compete with simply a far larger tax base?
ok you're actually retarded
the few lines i have written would not even cover the opening paragraph of the wall of text i would have to write in order to explain economics to you
Russian government likes to copy many things from the west. Looks like they use the same monetary policies as the US to trick their goys.
Then why are you even speaking retard? You come to me trying to argue then immediately after be all like "ugh I just can't be bothered making any arguments".

You are just flapping your gums uselessly in that case, so shut up.
thats not what i said you braindead hobbit

you asked me to explain economics to you and i said i cba

people pay tens of thousands of dollars for an economics education
i can recommend some books if you'd like
im interested.
but if you say the intelligent investor, i'm going to ignore you
You said "Russia doesn't work like that" I was then like "OK, so how DOES it work" and now you are running away rather than supporting your argument loser.
Now you’re inventing little scenarios to feel better for being so stupid. I pity you. JTRIG used to be OK. Apparently the “no whites” policy in the British military has done severe damage.
peter schiff
>inb4 jew
he wrote a few books but ive only read 2 of them, "how an economy grows and why it crashes" is meant for people who have no clue about economics, his other book crash proof is a little bit thicker and more complex

theres a lot of famous economists from the last few hundred years but reading those books sucks because its written in like shakespearian english or whatever
thats not what happened at all

just kill yourself you braindead hobbit manlet
>Deficit spending is lower under the current administration that the previous admin.
Thank god for the Democratic Party and their right wing austerity economic policies
What is invented about the dozens of countries aligned against Russia having a far larger combined tax base than Russia retard? Does Russia now have a magic taxpaxer tree too?
Why would businesses need credit and so on? They can just use the money they get from pillaging Ukraine.
None of this economic shit matters when Russia's war production is failing because to make shit like artillery (among dozens of other stuff) you need precise CNC machine tool parts that you can only get from a bunch of obscure companies mostly in Europe, and china and russia don't have the artisanal knowhow to copy. They can only get them through the black and grey market which isn't efficient enough which is why they have to buy high dud rate artillery from north korea. Artillery is just the tip of the iceberg too for industrial chokepoints.

They are also running out of retards who are willing to risk their lives for a never ending war in another country, they have to pay them literally tens of thousands of dollars but there is no real patriotism in Russia (unless its for ww2 vets) the army is for retards and if you have two brain cells you can dodge the draft. They are out of convicts (even female) and jeets and cubans to trick. There will be shortages of manpower and eventually Russia will have to do a huge mobilization which will be resisted because as I said Russians don't give a shit about this war, that's why it was called a special operation. The moment they got forced to fight instead of offered money there will be massive protests in Moscow and st petersburg
People can scroll up retard. Just fuck off.
well, if you spend money to blow shit up in your own currency and not get any meaningful profits from it back (like exports) you are just spending and not making money. sure the factory worker gets the money but how much does the state get back from the shell they just lobbed. income tax is only gonna a be a slight return
Russia only needs to spend eight cents for every dollar NATO spends to achieve weapon systems parity.

Boom, got anything else you dumb brown woman?
thanks anon. ill check that out.
They life solely from fermented potatoes anyway.
both of your points are true for nato as well

only difference is america makes missiles that cost 100,000 dollars but theyre not 100 times more effective than the missiles that russia makes for 1000 dollars
Impressive, very nice. Now let's see GDP growth statistics for Russia as well as all EU nations in 2023.
So why then does Russia not have 100s of F22 equivalents?
China is propping up their economy because they don't want Putin to adopt a gold standard, which would threaten current fiat systems which are currently benefiting the CCP.
Nobody knows how many SU-57s they have. But stealth is a meme. Microo-millimeter length radar sees the dust on the plane.

They probably don’t tell you this stuff. How will Britain re-coat all their rusty peeling F-35’s without the magic coating which is only available from the US?

You won’t. Also it’s real slick that, as you repeatedly get outdone itt,you just shamelessly move on to your next little shill point. God is watching liars like you.
They have around 20 including prototypes.
assertive declarative statements, very nice
i'd rather spend the 100k for a decent rocket than some hamas PVC pipe rocket
>Now the magic SU-57 tree
the problem with the heat seeking 100,000 dollar rockets is once you've fired one of them on a column of tanks, the one tank that you blew up has a higher heat signature than the other tanks you are trying to hit which is why the ukrainians dont even use the 100,000 dollar equipment we give them
Bullshit. A salvo of Brimstone can take out an entire armoured column.
also id rather have 1000 shitty derka derka bazookas than 1 magical american bazooka
>They are also running out of retards who are willing to risk their lives for a never ending war in another country, they have to pay them literally tens of thousands of dollars but there is no real patriotism in Russia (unless its for ww2 vets) the army is for retards and if you have two brain cells you can dodge the draft
This applies to every western nation
You have no idea how many they have, you’re just going on what the liars in NATO say. And we know they’re liars.

Anyway stealth is a meme. You’ll learn this soon.
i thought i told you to kill yourself you inbred overweight sub human
>Wooo check out my smoke bomb technique making everything hazy so nothing can be nailed down
They have around 20 including prototypes.
Entire column. pop pop pop pop pop. Can even tell the difference between a car and a tank to avoid collateral damage.
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>burgerland hiked interest rate every month for over 3 years at 2-4% at a time
>nono, that's ok
>russia increased interest by 1%
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Elvira Nabulina is the head of their economic policy and the West gave her an award for being the best at it a few years back.
can you tell the difference between a salad and a plant you fat fuck
probably because the Russian Air Force is not a MIC scam and their military is actually defensive and not expeditionary. They do have zillions of air defense systems (with missiles!) that can shoot down 100s of F22's, tho.
Russia and China are in full and total alignment politically, economically, and militarily. They are as teamed up as two states can be.
So I see, it was a bot. That's why it can't give any meaningful answers.
heat seeking rockets for AT?
what retard juice have you been drinking
also if you want AT weapons then yes, the javs are fucking expensive for a reason.
but if you want a reusable launcher then (depending on the munition ofcourse) standard CG rounds are piss cheap in MIC terms
>Currently invading another country
According to NATO, which lies to their own member countries regularly.

Nobody knows how many they have. Especially not NATO.
According to Russians on here actually.
Nigel isn't wrong. He doesn't mention the other models of airplanes that Russia has. Also we do not know what production levels are like for SU-57 in the last year. I do not think they're dramatically higher because Russia doesn't need 100 of them, but if their tables say they do then you can be certain they are building them and no one in NATO would have to know since Russia builds everything in-house.
milk just went from 0,99€ to 1,05€ this month
im fucking dying of hunger with my measly wage of 2600€ after tax
god i hope winter isnt going to hit too hard this year
im gonna freeze
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see, it's a retarded schizophrenic hobbit
>country on their border that is according to them actually part of their country. according to everyone it was actually part of their country for centuries until 30 years ago. was invited in by the independent states to help them get rid of occupying hohol army

it's not anything like sending your jets to straffe Libya, friend.
Russia has other planes, sure, but the argument was that Russia can somehow achieve technological parity for a fraction of the price which is a complete joke considering 90% of the Russian military is ancient scrap.
it's just an example to showcase that setting a billion dollars on fire doesn't make your military more powerful

same reason mujahideen beat the british, the soviets and nato with pyjamas an ak47s
Literally all Russia had to do was exist. I don't understand why they started a meme war.

economics are complicated
Yandex is Europe's biggest IT company.
>90% of the Russian military is ancient scrap.
that's not true. it would be smart of them to use the ancient scrap in an attrition war against NATO's 1980's dogshit, however.

I don't think Russia wants to send more production to military jets - they seem to know better than NATO that jets are less important than they were 30 years ago. Russia is more concerned about producing enough civilian airliners over the next few years before their airbus fleet ages out. The staffing and production resources are similar and Russia's main constraint is in the labor force.
>But what about Gadhafi?!
Yandex is no longer a "European" company. They split off the Dutch-based portion and all of the important stuff is now fully Russian. The Dutch portion is not a lightweight and will probably end up as a big company, but it's just a handful of Yandex business columns.
Most of it is literally rolling out of scrap yards retard.
>90% of the Russian military is ancient scrap.
this was perhaps true 30 years ago

if everything you are saying is true how come we didnt beat the russians in 2 weeks like people assumed?
You can't help being a liar, which is sad and jewish but it's the true expression of who you are, so I will allow it. The idea of course that the UK has a functioning military at all is pretty funny tho.
30 years ago it was 100% now it is 90% with some wunderwaffe they never actually use thrown in.
theyre purposefully using their old equipment to get rid of it the same way we are
It is literally rolling out of their bone yards where they kept the vast tank army of the Soviet Union.
>attrition war
>using old shit
if you had thought of this maybe you wouldnt be losing? oh wait you did and demilitarized most of Europe in the process.
>it's just an example to showcase that setting a billion dollars on fire doesn't make your military more powerful
so how does this help russian economy?
>same reason mujahideen beat the british, the soviets and nato with pyjamas an ak47s
it was a waste of money and lives i agree, totally pointless to be there. americans should've pulled out of there once bin laden ''got killed'' but hindsight is 20/20
Nobody believes in your flag game and no Russian who is in a position to know would confirm such information you dumb brown woman.

That anon isn’t white, and certainly isn’t Christian. It feels nothing when it lies other than glee.
i never said any of this helps the economy, war is bad for both sides
>resource exporting country adopts high interest rates.
Really activates the almonds
Every other Russian border than Ukraine is bare of military. It's all in Ukraine. It's *ALL* in Ukraine.
>It feels nothing when it lies other than glee
that putrid stink that emanates from his sentences is the well-worn scent of a UK glownigger.
this is completely false. Not even the Ukrainians claim the entire Russian military is in Ukraine.
Get off of this website faggot
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>31 posts by this ID
This nafo troon is about to off xirself
are you actually this braindead or are you just really bad at lying
Yes it does, you just don’t understand how inflation works
I am claiming it due to there being nothing outside Finland or China right now.
Another L for Central Banking dirty worthless parasites.
the VDV base on our border is a fucking ghost town and russian bases on finnish border are being depleted of equipment.
i thought NATO was the big bad baddie here, not ukraine
Why would Russia need to beef up the Chinese border? They are doing concurrent military exercises with China's military.
Didn't they just reconstitute an old military grouping for Finland post-NATO entry? Sounds to me like they're getting it ready. Not as though Finland represents a real threat to Russia. I suspect you closing the border and the cut-off in relations is also relevant here.

Russia is a very large country and their military is quite large. There are many many hundreds of thousands of military staffed away from the Ukraine area. It's retarded to actually think what you are implying.
Never mind beefed up, there is nothing. Ghost town. It has all been shipped west to Ukraine.
>- they seem to know better than NATO that jets are less important than they were 30 years ago.
The Russian military machine seems very good at sniffing out cost effectiveness and going to the next technology when it means they can save a few bucks. The American military machine does not hesitate to spend money on an F-35 or an F-22 even if it seems like the technology is on the way out, while a Russian version will put much less effort into it.

Which seems downstream of the biggest difference; Russia's military production is state-owned. In America there is a tendency for wunderwaffen and infinite budgets for basically the same reason that college tuition is so high; a private entity gets to set its own price on the government's blank check, so it tends to write increasingly larger numbers. Since government money is infinite and poorly defended, it's easy to make absolute shittons of cash by just wasting time and charging huge fees on whatever contract you win. The F-22 and F-35 programs are a shitshow on purpose, the government in America is a deliberately stupid rube where the company's patsy on the inside always stamps approval on throwing more infinite money at the private contractor, who gets to keep the profits and turn it into private shit. Public debt magically transforms into private wealth via the contract, even if no product is ever delivered.

Russia's state-owned apparatus doesn't have this problem because the government can't cheat itself; there's no window to get the money outside of the government system. With no incentive to cheat the system, people just do what they're supposed to do.
It's almost as if there is an upside to making strong agreements and peace with your neighbor with a large border? Russia has no need to staff the Chinese border with anything but border guards checking for Westie glowniggers with fake media credentials.

If you think that means they have a shortage of fighting personal you ate too much spotted dick as a child.
China and Russia are not actually friends. Allies of convenience but that's it. If they are stripping the border bare then they are literally running out of equipment. Desperate.
good post.

I think most of Russia's recent increase in production is less about the current battles and more about meeting the colossal demand for their weapons from around the world after they demonstrated their effectiveness in Ukraine. They're going to get rich off of military exports again, in a big way. Countries don't want SU-57's they want air defense, missiles, artillery, etc.

I believe that if the USA had air force capable of beating Russian defenses in Ukraine they'd have used it long ago.
Yes, but the shill was desperate for a way to make it sound like it's bad for [enemy]. They'll grant any point as long as they can immediately spin it into some insult or equivalent. They're remarkably consistent once you know this trick.
>China and Russia are not actually friends
lol. lmao even.
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>The Ukraine will win aaaanyday now.
Best I can do is warcrime tribunals followed by executions, leftychuds.
Wow you are a huge faggot. That dude gave you more respect asking you to simply explain yourself and you run off because you realize you don’t even know what interest rates are.
A UK glownigger, perhaps. But never a Brit. Brits are White.
you can make all the groupings you want on paper. try actually manning them. sure russia has a conscript system and that can help levitate that, but those retards sent their instructors to die as well. and im unsure if conscripts (as in doing their service instead of sent to war) are accepted to VDV.
>There are many many hundreds of thousands of military staffed away from the Ukraine area
yes there are, theres the nuke troops, railroad troops (i seriously dont remember how that service was called) but russia is fucking wide and stretched, ffs they pulled of troops from vladivastok (naval troops) for ukraine
Checked by the faggot shill (your boyfriend perhaps?) can’t have a conversation anyway.
from your very own big black cock broadcasting network

what else am i gonna do with my time
Why? He's a Zionist.
>stealth is a meme
>you’ll find out! Any day now!

Okay. Until then you are coping
no, he made a retarded nonsensical point and i called him out for knowing absolutely nothing about economics and then he demanded i explain economics to him from scratch like a braindead hobbit
why did you guys stop using memeflags, its not gonna make you glow in the dark any less
Russia has conscription every year for 18/19 year olds - I think it's a million per year, around that. So each and every year, forever, they send a million or so guys to basic and train them up, before sending them back home to civilian life.

This means that they can potentially call up MANY MILLIONS of qualified soldiers able to be trained relatively quickly for use in a conflict should it be necessary. that is in addition to volunteers and their current professional army of something like 1.5 million, of which half is in Ukraine.

NATO couldn't dream of competing with this. It's comical to even suggest it. No one is going to attack Russia in a serious way unless they have decided they want to die and take their entire Nation with them. Remember that the Russians have missiles that no one in the world can stop, which can hit anywhere in the world. Kaja Kallas would be dead along with her entire family tree five minutes after giving an order to cross the border if the Russians so chose.

The best news for Europe is that Russia thinks you are all disgusting faggots and wants nothing to do with you - on the battlefield or otherwise. Once you stop interfering with their Ukrainian project and things are wrapped up they are happy to let you build a new Berlin wall around their border and proceed to ignore your existence for the next 50-100 years.
> that's not true. it would be smart of them to use the ancient scrap in an attrition war against NATO's 1980's dogshit, however.

Wait are you serious? You believe Russia is sending tens of thousands of men to their deaths in turtle tanks, golf carts, and dirtbikes because they’re actually saving the thousands of T-14’s for the REAL war??? I am astounded every single day at how fucking delusional people can get here, the same people that point out how absolutely fucked in the head trannies and liberals are.
The entire world is in bad economic shape.
Newsflash, bucko: a tiny drone grenade that hits a golf car damages the cart, but the people inside mostly get out and walk the rest of the way. since the purpose of these machines is to deliver troops and get blown up this is not really a problem.

Ukraine is almost out of weapons, equipment, and soldiers. It's a matter of months before they fold. When the final tally comes out you'll probably cry.
We could easily do the same thing here and have a population that's ready to go...but they'll never do it. Because our ruling class is more scared of us than they are of Russians or Chinese. Free infantry training for us would be simultaneously free insurgency training and they know they're far more likely to get attacked from within than without.

The system is sure to collapse because it can only survive by promoting slaves and weaklings that can't overthrow it but also can't perpetuate it.
I am almost positive this poster is Armchair Warlord. This level of cope is simply beyond belief
It is down. But the official metrics are fucked up and don't reflect the reality. The fact that stock market is trading with 3% better purchasing power per dollar than they did a year ago doesn't necessarily translate to average joe buying his food 3% cheaper.

At this point there's the real economy that has been dying for years, decades even.
yes i fucking know how a conscription system works, i've been trough it myself
>No one is going to attack Russia in a serious way
well why the butthurt about NATO then?
>Russia thinks you are all disgusting faggots
so far all the disgusting faggotry i've seen is on the russian side, seriously. at the start i felt kinda bad for the fuckers but as time moved on i just realized its their eastern globopidor culture
i know you americans make 300k a month and have like fuck all life worries so you make shit up to be mad about
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>US inflation down below 3%
>you don’t know economics
>what do you mean prove it? No, I don’t have to, y-you’re just wrong

You people have no morals at all. You larp about being knowledgeable but refuse to display any of it because it’s not there. You’ll shitpost all day because that’s all you know.
>They are also running out of retards who are willing to risk their lives for a never ending war in another country
Meanwhile Syrski is saying Russia's forces are growing
>We could easily do the same thing here
Easily? no. You make a decent point why the govt doesn't want to train Americans though.The main issue is cultural - Russians are raised in a very different environment regarding war and military in general, owing to their WW2 experience. If people there believe a war matters they sign up and go fight. None of the bullshit we have here where everyone knows it's a scam to fight for israel and guard poppy fields or steal oil or some shit. Russians have a long tradition and respect for military that is nothing like what we have here or could hope to reproduce without many devastating wars on our own territory. They're a thousand year old culture that exists because they beat the ass of anyone who tries to stop them from existing.

as one of those German war guys said - first rule of war is don't fight the Russians.
im not larping, did you read the entire thread?
>well why the butthurt about NATO then?
Russia does not want to have to inflict the horror and misery and suffering that a proper war with NATO ensures. This is called having a sense of decency and humanity. What sort of sick bastard wants NATO and Russia in a full, all-out war? Someone who has no idea what that means and is not a serious person.
lmao yeah refining isn't a big business for Russia and during wartime even... and then during that wartime no major damage has happened to this infrastructure.

absolute cope.
>dude it’s fine if the grenade lands in the golf cart and blows it up
>the vdv inside are of steel men, they will walk off to complete mission
The fuck does that mean? Is it legal or not?
You have responded like 2 dozen times instead of actually supplying any evidence of your stated knowledge of econ you’ve only shitposted. You don’t know anything at all or you would have said it. You’re fine with wasting time, you just don’t have an argument because you’re not knowledgeable on the subject of interest rates as related to inflation. If you were, you would have replied with substance instead of shitposting repeatedly. You can deny with your faggy shitposting but you know it’s true, and I know it’s true.
refining isn't that big of a business in Russia, no. they send a lot of crude to India where it is refined, for example. Agricultural manufacturing is probably exponentially more important to Russia's economy than refining.

The way Russia does war is to calculate such things. They see the size of the weapon used by their opponent and measure what it can blow up. Then they use whatever equipment is necessary to withstand that blast while preserving the soldiers inside. The soldiers are much more valuable than the transport vehicle because they take a lot longer to replace. Using math the Russians calculate how many grenades/etc the opponent has and how many golf carts they need to deliver however many soldiers they need at the location. The goal is to exhaust the resources of the other side, after all.

You are losing the war because you do not know how your enemy is fighting it.
see my first response to op
Literally who?
Russians get their shit pushed in all the time. They got raped so hard in ww1 they went Commie and they got raped so hard in ww2 Stalin himself admitted that without help from the Anglos they would have lost. Stop sucking Slavic monke cock they’re not bad but neither are they good
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>You have responded like 2 dozen times instead of actually supplying any evidence of your stated knowledge of econ you’ve only shitposted.
>You have to explain all of economics in 2000 characters or you're full of shit
Nobody buys this angle, not even you.
Just do some math. It worked with longer wavelengths. Micro-millimeter can see the oil from the fingerprints of the maintenance crew.
You should start learning Mandarin.
>and I know it’s true.
you dont know anything
>Russia does not want to have to inflict the horror and misery and suffering that a proper war with NATO ensures
so its just does it locally in another country that just dosent want to be their friend anymore
do i really have to explain the entire backstory of the 2014 maidan revolution

perhaps you are not old enough to remember, it's 10 years ago already, i feel so fucking old
>arf arf arf
US won’t nuke Russia, not ever. You’ll learn this some day.
You may actually believe that bullshit since you live in one of the Eurostan states where actual information is illegal to share.

The circumstances of the Ukraine conflict are easy to learn about. The short version is that there was a CIVIL WAR IN UKRAINE, between two factions of UKRAINIANS. Russia was asked to intervene and they tried for eight years to not do so. Europe chose to pretend to make a peace deal but secretly just arm their preferred half of the Ukrainian split. This is pretty big diplomatic faux-pas, fyi. The USA meanwhile is openly responsible for the civil war and the factions that emerged.

Russia for its part is interested in solving multiple problems via their intervention on behalf of one side of the Ukrainian civil war. They are well on their way to accomplishing those goals.
>do i really have to explain the entire backstory of the 2014 maidan revolution
yes, CIA backed militias with air rifles and suddenly local russians buying guns and ratnik gear from local hunting shops and capturing T72M3 from ukraine depots
last people im gonna hear shit about eastern europe affairs are fucking americans on /pol/
>yes, CIA backed militias with air rifles and suddenly local russians buying guns and ratnik gear from local hunting shops and capturing T72M3 from ukraine depots
i didnt expect schizophrenic rambling as a response
if you listened to americans on /pol/ more you might not be on your way to turning your glorified city-state into a glorified indian reservation.
we've gotten so far into this conflict that theyve admitted it
whats scitzo about it?
the maidaners were fucking poverty tier with at best air rifles and shield taken from OMON. the moment easterners ''rebelled'' they were sure as shit better equipped
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Project 2025 is more expensive
yes, because the eastern provinces were helped by russians, did you think i was going to deny that
if i listened to americans on /pol/ you would have been jade helmed a decade ago
Why would prices go down if inflation is 3%, stupid?
>jade helmed
we got something worse, as it turned out
post archive, not gonna give clicks
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so demanding, now i just provided them with another click on your behalf
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you seriously expect me to take all the information from a headline?

are you just trolling me
i know you grew up in a post apocalyptic radioactive wasteland but even you can't be this retarded, you are just being unreasonable
Sorry man, looks like you'll have to click the link if you want to find material to debunk the wegie with
NATO operatives aren’t allowed to click links.
it requires an account and i dont want one
You guys are retarded. He's saying 3% inflation, if for some reason anyone who's not a gov employee believes that number, is still 3% stacked on top of the fact that everything went 5X after 2019. It means that everything "only" got 3% more expensive on top of the pain everyone is and has been going through. So when anyone who took an econ 101 class hears that inflation is "cooling", it's blatantly USSR tier propaganda.
>Ok goys everything might already be insanely expensive, but we're making everything that's already inflated only 3% more inflated YoY
im reading the article now and it's very dickensian and i dont know which part of i can screenshot in order to convince you, you can login with google you dont need to create an account


this is probably more damning evidence either way
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9 11 was an outside job
>Need precise CNC machine tool parts to make artillery
CNC was invented in 1952. How did they make artillery before that time? Magic?
> CNC machine tool parts that you can only get from a bunch of obscure companies mostly in Europe, and china and russia don't have the artisanal knowhow to copy.
Mate. China started to make their own ballpoint pen tips since 2017. Previously only the Swiss and the Japanese knew how to make those. China currently dominates the machine tool market as pic rel.
im so fucking disappointed in you. should've just shown the screenshots from the article but fuck you're a lost cause
high interest rates are good, cash-chads keep winning
"for more than a decade, the united states has nurtured a secret intelligence partnership with ukraine" the screenshot i already showed you was more than enough

you're just being disingenuous but please keep making dogshit arguments to make it obvious for everyone reading this circus of a thread how much of a moron you are
Still better than JEW.S.A. Fed
Russian purchasing power DWARFS THE FIAT KIKE FED NOTE
Yeah most countries would go bankrupt on that rate, guess having below 20% debt to gdp ratio is paying off right now.
b-b-but i thought BRICS was going to crush the western economies and the US was going to collapse any second now???
what happened zigger sisters???
When you posted it was 4 AM in Euro part of Russia.
I have a degree from a reputable university and years of experience as a bioinformatics engineer. I can't find a job and it's been 4 months since the company I worked at closed due to being unable to raise enough funding. yeah the economy is doing fantastic.
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This, just finished my morning moka
I have savings in euro under my pillow so us and EU either both make it, or both go down
Economics since pandemic is heavily about masking the economic crisis that we're in at least since 2020. During mere months of it the FED pumped more money into the stock market than it did during the bank bailout, just think about this.
they're spending at least 8% of their budget paying for dead ivan family death benefits and salaries, no shit they're overheating
Ironically what destroyed the Song Dynasty and Byzantines
it is not that hard to find data science jobs my man have you not built some sort of network during uni and the years at your job?
Part of thecoof besides mass eugenics/experiments/looting was to save the financial system aka Jewish financial necromancy version 5.0. They do this every decade since savings and loans and it won't end until the Fed does a gold standard (lol...lmao) or is fixed to default. This war is about taking BRICS. before a real alternative currency to the dollar manifests (Euro is a vassal currency )
Russia is finished now, it is good there is no inflation in the west.
Possession of porn is legal because how are you going to enforce it without permanently monitoring download activities of every user?
Production and distribution are not legal. If it so wills it, the court can technically consider a flash drive or an external hard drive with porn on it as means of distribution
The Russians seem to be doing fine, I trust these two Greek diaspora dorks over the CIA and GCHQ diversity niggers telling us that niggers and shitskins are a strength.
>Either way, I hope you get sent to the front and droned.
Based, i got your back and an FPS drone with a 152mm HE fragmentation shell has your back.
Higher interest rates slow money creatio, which lowers inflation. But they also slow economic growth, so too much can cause a recession or depression.
Technically legal, but it's just covered by another random law. the same way bestiality is just considered abuse instead of needing to have a separate law dedicated to it.
Soo, you are gonna get arrested for it no matter how much your lawyers scream that it's technically legal.
Russians have a weird relationship with death. 10s of millions were killed in ww2. Do you imagine that thas has changed? Do you imagine that ukraine is anywhere close to the engineering and industrial might of total war germany? Ukraine couldnt win if every proxy enemy in this soft NATO war declared outright hositility.
>base interest rate 18%
Then the loan interest would be at least 25%, nobody could buy a property with that number, worse than the West.
He is paid.
There is no Russian money running back to Russia, the EU just sized them in Europe and transferred to Ukraine.

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