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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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/pol/ no longer hates Judaism or at the very least is ignorant of how far it has spread. Or alternatively /pol/ has become a Zionist Russia board that hates Europeans and love shitskins. Russia is controlled by Chabad kikes who also want to genocide Europeans and replace them with churkas this was common knowledge before 2022 but /pol/ for whatever reason suddenly pretended that Russia is the savior of the white race. Ukraine being a kiked shithole doesn’t negate Russia being one, supporting either or while claiming to be against kikes is as disingenuous as it is retarded. Both kikekraine and Russia need to have pogroms again to get rid of kikes. As for PISSrael and POOlestine, again it’s just shitskins who think kikes are white so they support other shitskins. More evidence of nu/pol/s change is supporting trump despite being kike cock sucker who in his last term pardoned niggers and kikes instead of his own supporters who he called them FBI on personally. Women hate threads that always end up talking about how interracial relationships are a good thing, but it’s not the PISSraeli shills who push it this time, nope it’s the /pol/tards who think somehow dating an Asian or Latina women will fix anything, while ignoring how that makes things worse. (Keep in mind that while kikes also push for interracial relationships it’s deliberately to make things worse for Europeans and not shown as a solution to nationalism). Finally every time a European gets attacked by PIGslamic dogs nu/pol/ makes excuses for the PIGslamic shitskin. /pol/ is extremely evidently not white or just completely compromised.
Didnt read.
Btw for all you FSBnigger and NAFOfaggot shills trying to destroy my argument both I don’t support Kikekraine or Russia seethe and hang yourselves
Check out this thread: >>475781966
It is all the Indian sacks of shit that invaded this board to suck Jew cock and push their own pathetic ethnic interests. The Indian diaspora needs to be liquidated.
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don't care, still pumping and dumping QT latinas
Both sides are Zionists America and Russia. You would have to be retarded to fight in this war or pick a side when both sides are ran by the same group.
OP doesn't understand we were mass invaded by Reddit tourists who took over in 2016.
4chan went mainstream, it was the downside of shilling so hard for Trump in 2015.
It’s hard to convince people that supporting inbred Hamas barbarians in their crusade to kill educated democratic Jews is somehow an epic win for the “””white race”””
DSA ruined my city
trump obviously knows what a danger jews are he's just pretending to cosy up to them waiting for the perfect moment to strike and bring them all down once and for all
An Islamic world is still 1000x better then a Judaic world where you are a slave for not being born a Jew.
One group wants you to convert,, the other group wants to take all your money, your land, your rights and then kill you once there is nothing left to take, while screaming they are victims.
What’s so bad about race mixing?
They don’t like boring ass office builds trying to act “mature” like that’s the new masculinity, pussy. you haven’t ever benched close to 300lbs like I benched it you have to eat thin crust and take trt to have normal testosterone levels.
Theres a shortage in dick size in comparison with the black race from the whites, so why shouldn’t your women go for black men instead if you support capitalistic society so much, superior white man!

That’s why your dicks seethe with rage confronted with superior black dick.

Funny that you talk traditional rolls, china rejected those and it didn’t turn into feminists turning men into little queers and trannies. That comes from bourgeois media retards. Fuckin hilarious when republicans kids transition just to make you seethe
It’d always “look how they could torture us, they’ll turn us into Iraq!” Republicucks
Spot on OP.

This board has gone to shit and I’ve only been here six months.
Yeah same
You are retarded and should kill yourself for assuming that we're not being brigaded hard right now.
Its literally common knowledge that /pol/ is infiltrated by Jews
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You missed kys nafo troons
How about you actually read the text. You literally just proved his point retard.
Also this is no longer 2016 why is his retard ass living in the old days?
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Just insufferable cope. People just don't want to face reality so they delude themselves into thinking that things haven't changed or trump isn't a shill or some shit like that
>or just completely compromised.
this but the old fags remain to salvage the pows
Zoom out. Take the 30k foot view.
tldr you freak.
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
Sure, let me know again in 6 minutes, bongbot.
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I agree. Death to all ZOGs everywhere.

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