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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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*mic drop*
and then?
Okay hear me out anon, I have this great idea how we can remove just 6% of the population and bring an end to more than 50% of gun violence. It will be way easier than confiscating guns, since you can even see which ones to remove just by how they look.
Which is why you fascist dems will never be elected.
Shooter was a correctional officer and neighbor of the deceased. Shooter was later killed by police.
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How retarded do you have to be to act like this? There a few situations worth behaving this way and I guarantee this was something as trivial as a noise complaint
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>deathchecking both of them with a final tap on the noggin
gets me ever time
I think we're seeing reason why we should be armed all the time.
Unironically after this event everybody really did clap.
Guns are a human right, just like food
another dead nig
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I think guns are good because they would cause more chaos in the case of societal collapse. Don’t be a faggot lolbert who fantasizes about getting in a self defense situation so they can kill someone. That’s really what these burgercell lolbert homo’s are thinking about when it comes to guns. Just admit you have a bloodlust and stop being a faggot lolbert homo with aids. Thank you.
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>loud nigger or nigger tier neighbors in a american quality apartment building (paper thin walls and ceilings)
many such cases. he went to far of course . shouldn't have held scissors to his neck twice though
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Looks like a nigger problem to me
Pretty sure we need to ban niggers, else the gun wouldn’t have fired
one of these days i’m gonna do this to the bitch next door if she keeps screaming when having sex with random dudes every day. these chinese walls are thin as paper and she doesn’t shut tf up. stupid fucking bitch.

shitskins and the ones who flooded our once stable societies with them should be banned, mosche
Ban niggers

Guns aren't the problem. Niggers are.
Why? It’s nigger population control.
Just don’t live around them
And He said to them, “When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?” So they said, “Nothing.” Then He said to them, “But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.
Ding ding ding! you're correct anon, it was a complaint about loud music and these neighbors had been beefing over it for some time. The shooter was eventually cornered and killed after he ran at cops with a knife.
You haven't seen the movie The Crow?
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The Babylonian talmud should be banned. Period
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Why? Not like anyone has the balls to use them in our snitch society. The govt knows this too. If they really ever thought that Americans were froggy enough to jump like that then they would have sent the cops out long ago to round them up and been done with it. Sure people would whine on faceberg for 24hrs but it would be memory holed just like everything else is and people would move on to the next outrage the jew tells them to pretend to care about and adopt a pre-packaged opinion on. Guns are a joke rather than a threat.
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People will never learn. When you decide to have a fight with another man, you’re literally trusting that man with your life. You’re trusting that he’s honorable and isn’t going to choke you to death, stomp your head in, or shoot you. If you’re not ready to go all the way, it’s not worth it. Because other men are ready to go all the way.
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no I haven't because I'm not a decrepit, ancient geriatric but thanks anon
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Son should've runback into the instead of trying attack the gun man. Video is poorly cropped up. You could tell that he was slowly trying to move up close to him when the dude pulled out his gun

You spelled Africans wrong
You spelled black people wrong.
They disproportionally make up 80% of all gun violence in the U.S
Fucking cowardly
white men getting lost in a world of niggers. white people are an angelic race sent from the heavenly realm. Humans are made in the divine image but depending on how black somebody is that demonstrates how much darkness they are made of. black people are human, but they don't have the spirit inside of them that is inside white people. they are hollow, they're just living bodies just like animals that's why they're so reckless. that's why beautiful people, specifically blonde people with blue eyes are angels sent from a heavenly realm of divine existence; paradise.
>world is overpopulated
>too many people are killed with guns

make up your mind faggot
did she shoot herself at the end? lol
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don't care
whats the story here? everyone involved here seemed like a retard
Are those guys OK?
why not niggers? the guns dont do any violence on their own, but even without guns the niggers do crimes and violence
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You do realize that guy was already banned from having a gun, right?
piss be upon you op
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Shouldn't have threatened him with a deadly weapon.
Because criminals are known for following the laws, right?
You're braindead.
It's worth a watch, even if you are a zoomer faggot.
Since you haven't seen it, that just makes you less based and faggy. It's a good movie though, dark but based.

Many such cases

Yeah, it was the first and last time a nigger thought more than 15 seconds into the future.
Agreed. You can start by going door to door and taking them from niggers first.
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You had one job.
Best webm, think this guy shot himself later too. To bad he didn't off the whole family, probably could have saved the town a few hundred thousand.
Tell me more!
disarm all non-Whites
You've never lived around nigs have you?
Banning black people would stop more violent crime than banning guns would.
women should be enslaved. a bitch can get you killed over nothing, over running her fucking mouth. always remember that.
Brandon Lee was killed with a live round while filming The Crow.
zoomernigger faggot
it was actually a blank round but there was a squib in the barrel
Stop pissing on the 2nd Amendment. Don't like the 2nd Amendment, leave the US and never come back.
Guns should be mandatory. Period.
>do I use gun to defuse situation?
>no it is the neighbour who needs BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM
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Niggers should be banned.
Mic Drop.
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why does nu/pol/ always reply to literal shill spam by jews with an agenda hiding behind a memeflag?

There must be some characteristic about these types of shootings that we can identify so we know who will commit them.
Fuck Off, Kike.
How about stop saying bullshit? You have absolutely zero chance of removing niggers from your country.
Guns? It would be hard, but doable.
Since there's no sound:


Night, and silence falls over the jungle.

Very satisfying to see these two get blasted. By all reports, it should have happened long ago.
>we can identify so we know who will commit them

Anon, there's a list somewhere.
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It keeps the population down.
The dead don't have to deal with the struggles that come with old age.
Also we need guns to keep the British from ruling us again
Wow that gun took care of 3 joggers??? I love guns

yeah okay. idiot.
You misspelled niggers*
It's the most comic-book like movie you will see from that era. It's a good watch if you like movies or comics. Not so good if you dislike the MC.
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Based he was going to try to take your upper hand away only pussies who cant own guns will call this cowardly or retarded

I would have shot his wife to
You both can take an express trip to hell
Castle law
Stand your ground law
Ban niggers
That’s not how that works retard

Enjoy rape in jail
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Then you would have to ban knives,
Then bats,
Then everything else.
But in the end, all you will be left with, is niggers. Congratulations
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Fuck off, queer.
He wasn't justified in shooting the unarmed negro nor was he justified in executing the scissors-wielding negro.
Lmao there is less of a chance of removing guns than niggers. You will never be able to take our guns.
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He used his problem solver to solve the problem.

The music.
This. Fucking non-gunners.
Dude threw the most effeminate punch, if you could even call it that, and that retard just empties the mag on him. Wow.
are you retarded? anyone can make a gun, not anyone can make a negro
>remove the solution instead of the problem
Euro cucks I fucking swear to God…
It’s not even a problem to begin with since
95% it’s blacks killing other blacks
Did the 13 year old's mom get in trouble for failure to secure her weapon?
Not illegal to leave your children a gun to protect themselves, gaylord.
I'm surprised in this society. I was just genuinely curious.

Mom said:
"I tell my kids that if anything ever happens to call 911, but I also tell them to protect themselves if they have to," the teen's mother said. "I never would have dreamed that this would have been a part of our day today."

>only cops,military,and mentally unstable lmnopqtrans should guns

OP was a Faggot today
All fields

>no I haven't because I'm not a decrepit, ancient geriatric but thanks anon
lmao so this is why my dad was an asshole to my snarky friends back in the day
brutal nigger. goes over to the other one and shoots im in the head to make sure he's dead
>NO, you goyim have NO chance of convincin us jews to remove niggers!
We know, chaim.
>now agree to let us disarm you, okay goyim?
No thanks, kike.
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>sends a patrol car full of zogbots wearing bullet proof vests with assault rifles and shotguns to kill your entire family
>takes your guns
fuck off donkey breath
I think it depends where you live. Rural America is probably more lenient than the city.
Also probably depends on the child. Is the child mature enough to follow the 4 rules of firearms gun safety
In many jewish-controlled areas it very much is. Then again, “legal” and “illegal” havent meant much beyond “did the jews end up bagging you or not?” for a very long time.
Lmfao. I want to go on safari now
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listen here, chud
we are only going to ban guns when we feel they aren't making us money anymore
up until then you can keep your useless paperweights (you won't do shit anyway)
imagine the socioeconomic factors
so you think ONLY the government should have guns? so your basically assuming that the government always will do the right thing with their guns and never ever do anyhting bad with them.
Probably the only example of a black person using a gun lawfully
My IRL baka desu reaction w/h no cap

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>There must be some characteristic about these types of shootings that we can identify so we know who will commit them.
Being someone who perpetuates an uncivil society and is dismissive of the effects his actions have on the neighbors who live right next to him. You can identify it easily by being an empathetic neighbor who turns the music down when the guy says it's a bit too loud. I guarantee he would never shoot you in that case :)
Remove anyone with an IQ below 130 (I'm being generous)
I hope the OP gets mauled by a deathclaw.
how about we just give people a reason to live and export all the colored people. crime rates would be non-existant.
i have never fired a gun and had to move from a state that put in a law saying my underpants could be pulled down to vaccinate me against my will.
>t. time crisis expert
thank you act blue campaign manager
very cool
>he thinks that bulletproof vests can withstand 308s
Noguns detected
>y-you wont do shit!
I shot my neighbor in 2020 and got prosecuted for it. I had to go to jail for 9 months
Nigger problems need nigger solutions
They’ll be outnumbered 100:1 kek. Again, you’ll never be able to take them. I genuinely wish you would try.
>You have absolutely zero chance of removing niggers from your country.
Because of the zogcucks who are armed to the teeth protecting them

Homeless people aren't White fuckin reterad
"Jim" better be a spic
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Oh no, those poor future doctors!
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Jim Eagle is most certainly White he names 'em and he talks often about anti-white bullshit we have to go thru
>253 relies
Fucking newfags
How about this...
You and your Jim Crowe
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Return to tradition
One post by this faggot
He could have avoided this by not attacking someone.
Sounds like Victoria. Was there a place in that country where the government wasn't trying to force or coerce you fellas into taking the jab?
it's maybe worth a shot.
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Damn One offa quads twice howsit feelta be a fuggin total Failure?
I think all guns, knifes, and bricks should be banned for everyone, including the government.

The only exception is every black male youth should get a Glock with a switch and 50rd drum mag loaned to them from 15 years of age until they are 20. All the ammo they need, free of charge.

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